Life without sex. How long can a woman be without a man What time is a woman without a man

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How long can a woman do without a man? and got the best answer

Answer from Olga[newbie]
Yes, a woman can manage for a long time ... only the question is whether it is useful !!?? and this is certainly harmful .. a regular sex life is necessary ... but for some reason many people have problems with this !! and it is not clear whether life has come so vain, or whether people do not need each other !!!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how long can a woman do without a man?

Answer from Beautician[guru]
as long as she doesn't make a tragedy out of it 🙂

Answer from Leyka[guru]
I've been waiting for my husband from the army for two years, and nothing, I endured somehow 🙂

Answer from Olga Sileykina[guru]
I have the same! I personally can't! and I'm tired of it! child, stove, cleaning, ironing, washing! And for this we are born into the world, as my husband says! I do not think so! and sometimes I can afford an unprepared breakfast, lunch or dinner! and I'm not going to jump into bed on his first "let's play"! The men are crazy!

Answer from Belena F[guru]
A woman can be without a man as much as she wants - and millions of stories confirm this. How young, healthy women were left without men after the war, raised children and survived to this day - lonely and happy in their own way: they raised their children, they lived to see democracy ...

Answer from Arseniy[guru]
There is a monasticism! I think the physical need for close people is much easier to curb than the emotional one.

Answer from Alyonka Martynyuk[guru]
We are all different. And the needs in the opposite sex are also individual for everyone.
I also have a boyfriend for months in another city, but if you love - you wait!

Answer from Galina Ketrar[guru]
nothing is normal, a normal woman always wants, such is nature

Answer from Maxim Kipnis[guru]
Well, different people are different, I have an example exactly the same. . people live..

How long can a man be without intimacy? This question must have been asked by every woman. The answer was sought by psychologists and sexologists. Let's figure out whether sex is a basic need, how long a man can refrain from intimacy and what consequences this can have.

Basic need

How much can a man do without intimacy? Sexologists say that intimacy is a basic need. But what is this most basic need? This is an incentive system that forces you to act in order to avoid death. Exhaustion or thirst, heat or cold, fatigue or malaise require the creation of a safe environment. The basic needs are food and water, sleep and air, in the absence of which the body dies.

So is sex a basic human need? And how long can a man go without intimacy? If intimacy were indeed one of the basic needs, a person could hardly last long without sexual intercourse, but after all, some people can do without sex for quite a long time and do not experience any discomfort. And there are people for whom a few days of abstinence is a big problem.

It turns out that there are both men who are absolutely indifferent to sexual intimacy, and women who cannot live a single day without sex. Hence, such a problem often arises as a mismatch of temperaments and intensity of desire with a partner. But back to the question of whether sex is a basic need. No. Rather, it is a reward system.

Types of excitation

Most men (about 75%) have a spontaneous type of arousal, that is, desire appears quite quickly as a result of exposure to some kind of stimulus. Only 15% of women have this type of arousal, and 30% are characterized by a reciprocal style, that is, a desire appears when a partner begins to take the initiative. Slightly more than half of women (55%) are able to experience both types of arousal, depending on the circumstances.

How desire is formed

To figure out how much a healthy man can do without intimacy, you need to understand how attraction arises. It is an unconscious desire that can be triggered by a visual stimulus or natural body odor. The main reason that forms addiction to a certain type of the opposite sex is the type of parents. So, if a man was brought up by a too emotional mother, then in adulthood he usually finds a partner who is inclined to sort things out, scandalous and capricious. It is almost impossible to build a strong relationship with such a woman, but it is for this man that this type of woman represents a sexually attractive object and arouses desire.

How long can a man be without intimacy? Exactly as long as it takes to see another sexually attractive object. As soon as this happens, a desire will appear, which (depending on the duration of the period of abstinence, temperament, state of health and age of the man) will sooner or later become obsessive. This leads either to the satisfaction of sexual hunger, or to sublimation - the redirection of energy to achieve an acceptable goal.

sexual activity

The activity of the stronger sex and attitude towards sex change significantly with age. How much a man can do without intimacy at 40, it will be difficult for a twenty-year-old to withstand so much. At 20, testosterone levels are very high. Psychologists say that self-affirmation is important at this time, quantity (of sexual contacts, sexual partners) is more important than quality. Young men cannot go long without sex.

At the age of 30, the representatives of the stronger sex are no longer so much fixated on sexual intimacy. Other values ​​and priorities appear: usually family and career. A man marries, has children, strives for financial well-being. This is very tiring, so sex often becomes just a means of relieving tension. During this period, sexologists note, diversity in sexual life will be most welcome.

In addition, you have to adapt to the rhythm of life. It is possible to make love with a partner only when the children are still / already sleeping or are out of the house. A person can easily redirect sexual energy to the professional sphere, so it seems that intimacy at this age is already needed much less.

Age features

The most difficult thing to do without regular and high-quality intimacy is for men under the age of twenty-five and women after twenty-seven to thirty-two. The peak of male sexuality occurs during puberty and continues until about twenty-five. At this time, a long absence of sex can lead to physical malaise and even serious depression, psychological problems.

This condition can be quite painful, but usually all problems are effectively solved by masturbation. Physiologically, an orgasm experienced on your own and an orgasm experienced with a partner are no different. But the lack of sex in the presence of sexual desire leads to a decrease in the quality of life. There is no question of survival, but emotionally a person can suffer quite a lot.

male masturbation

How long can a man be without intimacy? Given the lack of differences in orgasm obtained as a result of masturbation and sexual contact with a partner, such a question does not arise at all. Usually men do not think about how much they can do without sex, when a partner can be replaced by “handmade”.

For a man, achieving orgasm is a way to release, and for a woman, it is a way to get closer, to feel the love and tenderness of a partner, her attractiveness. According to statistics, 80% of men masturbate regularly. Moreover, these are adults, most of whom have beloved women and strong families. Fighting masturbation is pointless and, in principle, not necessary.

Middle age crisis

How long can a man be without intimacy at 40? At this age, many are faced with the problem of "midlife crisis". According to sexologists, there is no significant difference between the representatives of the stronger sex at 30 and 40 years old, but from a psychological point of view, the differences are obvious. Hormone levels decrease, so that attraction does not occur as often. Often fears are added, which also drive away thoughts about sex.

A man at this age usually begins to take more care of his health, devote time to physical fitness. The main fears are sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. But in fact, the situation is not catastrophic. After forty, men become sensual lovers who focus not on the number of sexual victories, but on the quality of the relationship with a permanent partner.

The opinion of sexologists

How long can a man be without intimacy? Experts agree that this is almost impossible to determine. Much depends on the age and personal temperament of a man, the presence and temperament of a permanent partner, visual and other stimuli that excite sexual desire. Sexologists say that a man can do without sex as much as he wants and sees fit.

However, in most cases, patience is enough for a maximum of three weeks. Further, due to abstinence, dissatisfaction appears, the quality of life deteriorates noticeably, and physical and psychological disorders occur. There is an opinion that the male body without regular sex ages much faster and wastes physical health. The psyche of the stronger sex suffers especially. The brain eventually blocks the production of spermatozoa, which in the most difficult case can lead to infertility.

Feminine features

How many days a man can be without intimacy, of course - about 21 days. What about women? After all, the “laws of attraction” of the sexes are very different. Experts say that women can do without intimacy for two months without negative consequences for psychological and physical health. Women, for example, often refuse sex during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes and fear for the preservation of the fetus.

At the same time, closeness as such is by no means alien to the weaker sex. Everyone, for various reasons, has breaks in their intimate life. Usually women find the same way out as male bachelors - for those who do not accept casual relationships, masturbation helps quite effectively and quickly. Some sublimate libido, live a physically active life, explore their sexuality on their own, or simply analyze their own sexual past. A visit to a sexologist or psychologist who specializes in such problems will help to establish a sexual life.

What is frigidity

There are (albeit rare) and quite serious cases - a woman does not desire a sensual environment, during sexual intercourse there are no pleasant sensations, it is not possible to experience an orgasm, there is fear and disgust for sex. In this case, sexologists talk about frigidity, which is a pathological abnormality.

All the reasons that lead to frigidity are usually divided into several groups: symptomatic frigidity occurs during various types of painful conditions, retardation is associated with the maturation of sensuality (the ability to experience an orgasm in some women is formed only by the age of 23-25), constitutional involves complete or almost complete lack of libido.

Male frigidity also happens - and this is not impotence at all. In this case, a man may not want sex for quite some time, up to several years. Sexual desire usually reappears when the causes of frigidity (illness, stress, or fatigue) are removed. It is a little more difficult with age, with the artificial suppression of sexuality (when a man is in a same-sex environment for a long time), with the development of homosexuality.

The Consequences of Abstinence

Prolonged abstinence threatens health problems. During sexual contact, hormones are released that improve mood and restore psychological balance. Without them, the risk of developing depression with its consequences increases.

According to sexologists, the rejection of sexual life leads to unreasonable aggression and loss of control over emotions. The other side of the issue is physical health. After abstinence for more than one year, potency may not be restored. In some cases, the intervention of doctors helps, but not always.

“Every woman, for various reasons, has breaks in her intimate life. For some, they last two or three days, for others two or three weeks, and there are those who have not experienced the delights of a sexual life for months or even years. One of my friends, by the way, a beautiful girl, beautiful, smart and incredibly sexy, had no intimacy with a man for almost two years. And it's not because there's something wrong with her. It's like that! At first, she simply loved one scoundrel unrequitedly, and could not imagine anyone else next to her, and then for a long time she could not meet a worthy one. And she won’t lie in bed with anyone, her principle is this.

Looking at her, I thought, how can a woman do without sex? My friend always said: "Yes, easily!". But I don't believe her, even if you kill me. No matter how our beautiful ladies swear and swear that sex is not the main thing for them and that they can live without it for a very long time, I am deeply convinced that they are cunning. And I'm ready to prove it.

First, lack of intimacy is detrimental to health, both emotionally and physically. And women are not stupid, they understand this very well. If a person does not satisfy his sexual needs, he suffers from mood swings, nervousness, and may become depressed. In addition, living without physical contact with a man, a woman begins to feel inferior. Like, since men don’t want her, it means that something is wrong with her.

And the lack of sex affects the reproductive system in the most unfavorable way. It is not for nothing that mastopathy, breast cancer, etc. are considered sores of nuns. And gynecologists, as far as I know, always ask their patients if they are sexually active. Not for nothing!

If a woman has not had intimacy for a long time, then, as far as I know, she generally ceases to enjoy this process. So, let's say, she unlearns how to have sex and becomes frigid. And if she suddenly unexpectedly meets her prince, then how will she continue to live with him with this frigidity?

Finally, the absence of sex most directly affects the character of a woman. The most benevolent and peaceful beauty without sex turns into an evil grimza, an old maid and an unsatisfied bitch, offended by the whole world. After that, it’s not like going to bed with her, it’s scary to talk, and that’s about to bite!

In a word, no matter how our lovely ladies brag, no matter how they prove that sex does not play a big role in a woman's life, I am deeply convinced that this is not so. And if she doesn’t have intimacy with a man for months, then this happens not because she doesn’t want to, but because they don’t want her. However, maybe someone will argue with me?

Regards, Alexey.

How long can a normal healthy man live without sex before he goes left? Week, month, year?

Before you is an amazing example of male logic from the category "we can, but you can't." While the girlfriend went to her mother, the man “played up” a little, and now he doesn’t understand why he was abandoned. After all, for three weeks he was forced to endure without a warm hole next to him. And he was ready to be flattered even by a pensioner ...

"Hello! I recently broke up with my girlfriend, and not calmly, but with a scandal - she accused me of treason and threw a concert. The fact is that she went to rest with her relatives: she was not with me for three weeks. But as you know, no one has canceled the physiological needs. I'm used to regular sex: at least 3-4 times a week, and of course, while she was gone, I intimately communicated with "duty" friends. One of her friends noticed me in a club with girls and snitched. Dismantling began, accusations of infidelity. The fact that sex is just a physiological need, she does not understand. Guys! How much are you willing to endure without sex? I - a maximum of a week. And after a two-week abstinence, I’m ready to fall in love with at least a retired neighbor ... "

In this letter from, I was struck by several points at once.

The first is that a man has "on-duty" friends in principle. What are these "guards"? In our time, the attendants washed the board according to the schedule, and did not run to other people's men. As I understand it, we are talking about "ambulance" - girls who can be called once every couple of months with such a question, and they are only happy. Therefore, we are not talking about a crime by negligence, but about a planned atrocity. With accomplices, as part of a group. Such a betrayal, unlike an accidental drunken fall into sin, is very unpleasant to forgive.

The second is the absence of any remorse for their actions. The guy doesn't even know what he did wrong. He talks about sex the same way he talks about food. I love you dearly, but you were gone for 3 days and you didn't have to eat salads from the supermarket instead of your pancakes. I'm sorry.

Everything seems to be logical, but the question arises - what did his girlfriend “eat” on vacation? It would be fair if she then had a bite of hot chebureks. And when one endures and the other eats, is it fair?

In addition, no one deprived the hero of detente in principle. No one put a chastity belt on him, no one stood over him with a gun, forbidding him to masturbate. Please go to your pornhub and rejoice all three weeks if the need is purely physiological. But he didn’t go to pornhub, he didn’t buy a rubber doll. Maybe the need was not detente, but treason?

Well, the last nuance. Let's say that you are really a male, and emotionally it is very important for you to feel your demand from women, to shoot more and more heifers for the night. But why can't you at least arrange everything in a human way, without rocking out in public and not burning in clubs? Well, negotiate with someone quietly, satisfy your vanity, and then carefully process the wealth with miramistin. You look, the wife or the girlfriend and does not learn anything. So no, it's not even about embarrassment. It's like, in the absence of a wife, to poop on the matrimonial bed, and not even bother to wash it for the arrival of his wife.

But something we digress from the topic. How long do you think a man can live without sex? Not without sexual release, namely without sex with a living woman? Who has what versions?

It is necessary not only for procreation, but also for keeping the body young and healthy. If we talk about women, then prolonged abstinence can lead to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area. Sometimes this can negatively affect the health of the genitals. But do not worry if for some time you do not have a sexual partner, sometimes it is not as scary as it seems.

Sometimes the reason is prolonged absence of a sexual partner because of travel, because men often go on business trips, go to the army or are actively engaged in work until late to provide for their families. Sometimes the presence of a mistress can also be the reason, because then he will want sex with his wife less. Often the lack of a sexual life is due to the fact that a woman does not have a partner. It doesn’t matter what caused it, it’s worth figuring out how to live with it.

A couple of months of abstinence won't hurt. What is fraught with prolonged abstinence? Doctors have already proved the fact that 2-3 months without sex is not a threat to women's health. That's why do something else and don't worry. You can do health promotion by using vitamins. Additionally, go through an examination so that, while you do not have a rich sex life, determine the state of your health and strengthen it. Do not be afraid of unexpected consequences, most often these are unnecessary experiences that are not supported by anything.

How to live with it? Unfortunately, many women live for years without sex, which is certainly not the norm. But in this case, everything depends solely on your perception of this issue and the ability to put up with the current situation. If at the moment you cannot change anything, then you should not be upset and nervous. So you will look worse, grow old faster and become an unhappy woman. If you radiate happiness and joy, then men will perceive you as an attractive person. You can learn to live without sex, the main thing is to want to.

Someone prefers put up, and someone is actively looking for a partner to brighten up their lonely evening. In principle, changing partners can also be a way out, if this is acceptable to you, just try to achieve inner harmony.

First of all, stop focus on it. There are many areas of activity in the world in which a woman can realize herself. You should not think only about the fact that you do not have sex and how this can be solved. Believe me, sooner or later the one who will give you a lot of pleasure and can provide you with a rich sex life will appear in your life, but if you bother and think only about this, then you will only scare away men, or vice versa - only those will reach out to you. who only wants sex from you and nothing more.

Prepare yourself for meeting your future partner. If you have already come to terms with the fact that you do not have sex, then do not exclude the possibility that soon you will still have a partner. That is why you must be ready for intimacy. Start taking care of yourself, and soon you will not even notice how this process draws you in. Update your wardrobe to let go of the past and tune in to a new relationship. So you will feel like a completely different person and you can even try on the role of a fatal temptress.

Buy a few kits sexy lingerie, because even psychologists have proven that a woman in beautiful lingerie feels more confident. Start exercising and adjust your diet to get rid of excess weight and become even more attractive.

Following these recommendations, many women who live for a long time without sex, unexpectedly find themselves in strong male hands and hear the words of a declaration of love. Often this even leads to a marriage proposal. The secret is that self-confidence and an attractive appearance are a real magnet for men, although not all women understand this. If you have been without sex long enough, then the "love me for who I am" attitude is not applicable to you. It means you are doing something wrong.

Don't Forget About Self Satisfaction. Something that many are ashamed to talk about, but what almost everyone does is masturbation. In fact, in many cases, this is a great solution for single people who have not had sex in a long time. A universal option, because you do not need to make any effort. So you can improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, you will fall asleep better and stop thinking only about sex. Of course, this will not replace a living person for you, but it will distract you for a while. Masturbation is considered to be something indecent, shameful and not natural, but for a single woman it may well be the only acceptable way out.

Maybe it's time to change something? Like it or not, a woman needs not only sex, but also love, affection and attention. A man can make her happy and give her the care that every woman needs. If the years go by and you still can't find that one and only, then maybe it's time to change something. Tell your friends and acquaintances that you are actively searching, start talking more and wear a short skirt and high heels more often, because it is so feminine. It is foolish to count on sex if you are constantly grooming without makeup, in wide trousers and with a ridiculous bun on your head.

Learn to radiate femininity, become more graceful, look at men with different eyes. You shouldn't be too frank in your outfits, it's enough to hint and, who knows, maybe this unexpected meeting will end with a wedding and a happy family with kids.

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