Why do you dream about a wedding? The magic of numbers Dance at a wedding dream book.

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A wedding, both in dreams and in reality, is an important and very emotional event. As in reality, a wedding seen in a dream suggests that changes are inevitable in life, but a dream may not always promise pleasant changes. New useful acquaintances may appear. When a bride dreams of a celebration on the eve of an event, even without consulting a dream book, it is clear why a wedding might be dreamed of: the reason is strong excitement during preparation for such an important event in life. If this is not your case, you need to analyze the dream in more detail.

Who dreamed of a wedding

A man dreams of marriage with his beloved for future prosperity and harmony in his personal life.

A girl dreams of a wedding - foretells troubling events, often related to health, or an imminent marriage proposal.

A dream about a wedding for a married woman is a harbinger of an expansion of the family, and both you and your immediate circle may have a baby.

Who did you dream about the wedding with?

Becoming the spouse of a real lover means disappointment, which will have to do with him.

A wedding with your own husband is a harbinger of an imminent serious quarrel or a symbol of the beginning of a new stage of family life.

Finding out in a dream about your lover’s wedding with another girl means that your relationship has exhausted itself, and their breakup is coming.

Dreaming about getting married to your ex-husband - be careful not to repeat the mistakes you once made in relationships.

Marrying a stranger in a dream means an impending crisis in your current relationship or its breakup due to lack of mutual understanding.

Seeing a wedding with a deceased person in a dream is a hint of deteriorating health or even a threat to life in reality. Try to listen to your body and reduce stressful situations.

Whose wedding did you dream about?

If in a dream your parents got married again, this is a good sign. Most often, such a dream means that good times are coming in the relationship between father and mother, love is being reborn.

To see a close friend’s wedding in a dream - expect the fulfillment of a cherished wish or good news.

I dreamed about the marriage of a former lover - a marriage proposal is just around the corner from that person from whom this was not expected at all.

If a girl dreams that her ex-lover is marrying her friend, this means that the characters in the dream or close friends are hiding something from you.

Seeing someone else's wedding in a dream, where you are an important guest, means that soon someone close to you will need your help and it is better not to refuse it.

If you dreamed about the marriage of people you know, it means an easy solution to the problem without spending a lot of money and emotions.

Witnessing the wedding of strangers is a sign that a quick meeting with an old friend or the fulfillment of an old dream is possible.

Love dream book

If you saw in a dream how you were getting married, and even secretly, this may mean that there is a lot of gossip around your personality. When in a dream you decide to get married, expect support for your intentions from not only close people, but also from your wider environment. If in a dream your choice of a betrothed is not to the liking of your parents, perhaps your loved ones will refuse their support.

Vanga's Dream Book

In the interpretation of the soothsayer, if you dream about your wedding celebration, there is a high probability that you will soon face a difficult choice; the decision made will affect the further development of your life.

How was the wedding

A rich wedding in a dream promises success in career matters, improved financial security and professional recognition.

Seeing a wedding in a dream from which the bride has run away means the need to deal with the issue that oppresses you in reality. Even if there is no way out in sight, try to act outside the box - the answer may lie on the surface.

If you see a failed marriage, be careful: you may be offered an unsafe or illegal way to make money.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

The dream book of psychologist Loff says that such a dream can be caused by a recently occurring or planned wedding in reality. However, if you have not recently participated in a wedding and do not intend to do so, there are other possible interpretations of the dream. Serious obligations that put moral pressure on you are why you dream about a wedding. If a wedding celebration in a dream is fun, this indicates your subconscious confidence in the right choice regarding such obligations. If the dreamed wedding takes place in gloomy tones, then it is worth once again thinking about the assigned responsibilities and reconsidering your degree of responsibility.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of a psychoanalyst, a wedding in a dream is a symbol of the fact that harmony reigns in your intimate life, when both partners equally give each other love and receive it. A wedding dreamed of by a still chaste person speaks of fear of the first sexual experience.

Other dream books

Why do you dream about your own wedding? IN Azar's Jewish dream book a dream about a wedding is interpreted as an anticipation of a pleasant acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer says that seeing someone else’s wedding in a dream means seeing the state of one’s affairs. Such a dream is interpreted depending on the details of the dream: whether there is a rich treat on the table, what the spouses look like, whether the holiday is going well.

Esoteric dream book interprets a dream where you see a wedding from the outside as a harbinger of unpleasant events in the state.

IN old Russian dream book it is said that a wedding in a dream means the loss of a faithful friend or interference in an important matter.

Dancing with your loved ones in your home in a dream foretells prosperity and wealth in the home. If this is a wild dance, then dark times of discord, quarrels and mutual reproaches will come in your home. For patients, such a dream threatens death.

Dancing in public or seeing your loved ones dancing in a public place means that your family will be embroiled in some kind of scandal and your name will be mentioned at every corner.

If you dream that you are dancing alone, then success or money awaits you. Waltzing with a lover in a dream means early marriage for women. If you dream that you are dancing with a beautiful partner (partner), then others will envy your well-being.

Seeing children dancing in a dream is a harbinger of joy and fun.

Dancing on stage or in a circle of spectators, hearing applause or praise means that you will have success in society and its respect, but only as long as you try to please it.

Such a dream predicts that as soon as you stop pleasing the people around you, they will forget about you, which will put an end to your well-being.

If such a dream is dreamed by a person with a high position in society, then the dream foreshadows shame and humiliation to which he will be forced to stoop in order to protect his interests and reputation.

The nature of the dance in a dream determines the meaning of the dream. Dancing the cancan in a dream means that because of your frivolity you can do a lot of stupid things that you will regret in the future.

Dancing a square dance in a dream is a harbinger of pleasure and a pleasant pastime. Dancing Latin American dances in a dream means that you will face many difficulties and little gain. See interpretation: theater, music, lady, waltz, ball.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Wedding celebrations are seen in dreams not only by dreamy young ladies. Such a plot can become a frequent night visitor even for a man. The easiest way to figure out why you dream about your wedding is with the help of professional dream books.

To begin with, it should be noted that unmarried girls often dream about their own wedding, who dream about it and think a lot about this event. Of course, in this case the plot doesn't really matter. You can safely forget about it. But under other conditions, a wedding from a dream can turn out to be an important harbinger. And not always favorable.

In Miller’s dream book, a wedding means that in the near future a man or woman will be able to deal with circumstances that impede success. If things get stuck and you can’t move closer to your goal, you need to look for the reasons for this. The dream suggests that the sleeper will be able to detect and eliminate them very easily.

The Women's Dream Book notes that a wedding that did not take place in a dream due to disapproval of parents will fail in reality. The girl’s mom and dad are categorically against their daughter connecting her life with the chosen man. They will do everything they can to prevent this. Before categorically rejecting the advice of loved ones, you should carefully analyze and weigh their words. What if they turn out to be true?

Tsvetkov's dream book suggests that seeing yourself as a bride in a snow-white dress is not the most positive sign. It’s interesting that even a representative of the stronger sex can dream of such a plot. The dream suggests that a person has health problems. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Dreamed about an unmarried girl

If an unmarried young lady sees in her night dreams that she is getting married at the same time as her sister or friend, then it is with this woman that she may have a conflict in reality. The reason for it will be banal envy. If you don’t want to waste energy on a developing quarrel, it will be enough to simply temporarily distance yourself from the girl who is starting it. Over time, passions will subside on their own.

It happens that a representative of the fair sex sees her colleague or boss in the role of a spouse at a wedding celebration. This is a wonderful sign. You can soon expect a promotion up the career ladder or an increase in salary. True, the reason for such pleasant changes may be the management’s sympathy for the dreamer, and not her professional merits.

If a girl dreams of a very quiet, sad wedding, at which she appears as a bride, such a plot can be considered a reflection of her inner state. Surely the sleeping woman suffers from loneliness, feels abandoned by everyone and is not needed by anyone. While she has not yet met her soulmate, she should find an interesting hobby and generally stop spending evenings at home alone. Otherwise, you can drive yourself to depression.

A man saw his wedding in a dream - what does this mean?

In many dream books, a man’s own wedding from a dream turns out to be a sign that he has chosen the right life partner. This interpretation is especially relevant if the wedding in your night dreams turned out to be very magnificent, joyful and solemn. If your significant other has not yet become the spouse of the sleeping person, you should not delay in proposing marriage.

Also for men, the day of the week on which the wedding was seen is also important:

  • On Monday - large financial expenses that the sleeper did not expect in advance.
  • On Tuesday - to change jobs.
  • On Wednesday - to deception from debtors.
  • On Thursday - for a fleeting, but very bright romance.
  • On Friday - any story seen may turn out to be prophetic.
  • On weekends - to drastic changes in the relationship with your significant other.

The most negative version of the plot is the one in which a man got married to his chosen one. It promises the sleeping person a sharp deterioration in health.

Wedding with ex-fiance, husband

If a woman managed to remarry, but suddenly sees a marriage with an ex-man in a dream, such a plot promises her quarrels and misunderstandings in family life. Probably their main reason will be jealousy on the part of the last spouse. To avoid it, you will need to behave with dignity, refuse even the slightest flirtation and not react in any way to provocations from other men.

Sometimes a girl dreams of a wedding with her ex-husband or boyfriend as a sign that she will soon hear from him or learn some news. She might even have a chance to rekindle her relationship with a man from her past.

Dreaming of a failed wedding

It happens that in her dream a girl gets married, but the whole process does not go as expected. This is a clear sign that in reality the fair sex should reconsider her views on life. She often makes the same mistakes, which is why she cannot actively develop and quickly achieve her goals.

If in a dream a man or woman is married/forced, then this is a good sign. The plot promises a person a strong, real love in reality.

Did you have to look at your own celebration in photographs? This means that in real life you should keep your mouth shut. Excessive talkativeness can bring disaster upon oneself.

If in a dream the wedding did not take place because the groom simply did not come to it, in reality the relationship between the couple is not as flawless as the lovers try to imagine it to be. A woman is afraid of disappointing her relatives, that for the sake of their peace of mind she is ready to keep silent about existing problems and continues to idealize her other half, attributing non-existent virtues to her partner. The dream suggests that the time has come to become honest both with loved ones and with yourself.

Have you ever cried in your sleep at your own wedding? This is a great sign. Soon in reality there will be a reason for fun. In exoteric dream books it is noted that in this way the human soul is cleansed in a dream.

If you dream about a wedding for the third time in a month, then most likely you are engaged and are preparing to become a bride. Still would! Pre-wedding chores can drive you crazy; they haunt you even in your sleep. But what does it mean if you have been married for more than a year or, on the contrary, don’t even think about it, shouts of “bitter” and a crowd of relatives, and if you just close your eyes, dreams of a wedding come again and again? Relax.by found out what dreams of a wedding mean and what to prepare for after such dreams.

Why do we often dream about weddings?

A fact proven by scientists: dreams about a wedding are among the ten most common among modern girls. Of course, this is unlikely to be connected only with a banal zeal to get married, because all the girlfriends have already popped out. Although no, precisely with this. And if the dreams of young ladies can still be explained, then what about married women or avid careerists who are not thinking about getting married? Therefore, the dream books have provided for everything.

Before deciphering your next dream about a wedding, take into account some nuances: are you single or married, have you already found your soul mate or are still looking, are you dreaming of your own celebration or are you attending the wedding of a friend, relative or stranger.

If you dreamed of preparing for a wedding?

Wait for events that will push you to take drastic measures. Take your time and think about everything - a lot will depend on the right decision. If you are single, then dreams about preparing for a wedding will bring good news and bright surprises.

If the wedding in a dream failed

Think about it, have you recently received any tempting but slightly dubious offers? Be that as it may, canceling a wedding in a dream indicates that someone is dragging you into an unjustified adventure. There is no point in getting involved in dubious matters in the near future. For those who have separated from their other half, a failed celebration in a dream signals problems and worries, and also warns of difficulties on the way to their goal.

If marriage in a dream is unwanted

Do you dream that circumstances force you to wear a white dress against your will? This means that new responsibilities fall on your shoulders in life, but you are not at all ready for them. A dream can also be a harbinger of a resolution to a situation from which you have been trying to find a way out for a long time. For married women, such a dream can indicate disputes and quarrels with their husband.

If in a dream a friend gets married or a friend gets married

Such a dream only signifies good news and positive changes. Unmarried people have bright impressions, entertainment, and possibly travel ahead. Married girls and women are foreshadowed by a charge of emotions or new purchases.

If in a dream you yourself get married

Little things and details are important here. If you have a loved one next to you in a dream and if your fiancé is next to you, it means something good will happen in life. Having a wedding with an old man means health problems. You were proposed to in a dream and you agreed - to universal recognition and respect. Married people dream of marriage as a sign of discord in the family; only such a quarrel will help strengthen the relationship (if you draw the right conclusions from it). Unpleasant news will be brought by a dream in which the wedding guests are not sad.

If in a dream your loved one gets married

And he will not marry you. So, stop being jealous of him in life. Another interpretation of such a dream speaks of disappointment and even breakup. If in a dream you are trying with all your might to prevent this marriage, it means that you will have great difficulties on the way to your goal and will have to make a lot of effort to achieve it.

If a mother dreams of her daughter's wedding

Such a night's sleep signifies good changes in life, opportunities to relieve the burden from your shoulders. The color of the dress is also important: a bride in white is for good, but a bride’s outfit in red or blue indicates that the girl has envious people in her life, and not at all harmless, but spreading rumors about her.

If your mother gets married in a dream

Mom's marriage warns of illnesses or experiences that can develop into depression. The dream warns: moral support for the mother will not be superfluous.

If you dreamed about the wedding of a brother or sister

Such a dream signifies the appearance of a person in life - among friends or colleagues - who will irritate you and terribly enrage you. The marriage of a brother, if he is already married, speaks of changes at work, a possible change or promotion. If your brother is already married, you should wait for a new addition to his family - the birth of your nephew.

If you dreamed of a wedding of complete strangers

Expect a wish to come true or a chance meeting with a friend you haven’t seen for a long time. For single girls and women (including divorced women), this is a sign that a soul mate will appear in their lives or a passionate romance will break out. In this case, married ladies will have a family celebration, perhaps unplanned.

In your dream, a friend is getting married

For single people, the marriages of acquaintances foretell love, for families and newlyweds - the birth of a baby, but married husbands and wives should beware of danger for a long time.

Everyone interprets dreams about a wedding in their own way. How to come to a common opinion, even if dream books give different interpretations of such a dream - each in its own way.

  • Miller's Dream Book: wedding in a dream
    Miller writes that if you dream of a wedding, then a person will soon find a solution to a problem that has been haunting him for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation according to Vaenga
    The famous seer prophesied that if a person sees himself at a wedding as a guest, then fate will give him a meeting with his soulmate, with whom he will go through life hand in hand.
  • Dream about a wedding according to Freud
    Freud believes that a wedding in a dream is associated with the sex life of two people. This means, according to the scientist, that in bed the husband and wife have a harmony that can only be envied. But if virgins had such a dream, then this is a projection of their fears before starting sexual activity.
  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse
    An early marriage, according to this dream book, awaited those unencumbered by the bonds of Hymen, and a new addition to the family was foreshadowed by married couples.

The dream book associates interpretations of what a wedding means in dreams with changes and moral readiness for them. Signs in a dream warn against unnecessary worries, at the same time, they encourage you to listen more often to the call of your heart, to understand and know yourself.

Marriage in a dream

Explaining why a wedding is dreamed of, the dream book reminds that marriage not only marks the beginning of a new era in life, but also brings additional obligations. Some meanings emphasize precisely this quality.

An exaggerated sense of responsibility manifests itself in various circumstances: from fear of a serious relationship or fear of a promotion at work to debilitating perfectionism.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book offers various explanations for why the wedding was seen in a dream. Triumph in a dream represents unreasonable worries that will have to be dispelled.

Miller pays attention to the colors of the clothes of the newlyweds and guests. Dark shades reflect a gloomy mood. Dislike for the groom reminds the dreamer that it is time to slow down. Fussiness threatens to harm your well-being.

Vanga's forecast

One of the interpretations of the clairvoyant Vanga about what a wedding means in dreams sounds almost literally: a fun party is planned. The roles of future spouses in a dream are puzzling: a fateful decision has to be made.

Dream interpreter Vanga promises a significant meeting, especially lucky for single people. The mission of the guest of honor gives the opportunity to provide a service to a loved one and in return receive gratitude and moral satisfaction.

Freud's interpretation

Freud's dream book states that someone else's wedding promises unexpected news, while your own wedding promises an event, the significance of which will become clear later.

Sigmund Freud interprets a wedding for love as a truce between warring parties. The symbol encourages lovers not to force the development of relationships. The mature age of those sleeping suggests uncertainty about masculinity or attractiveness, nostalgia for bygone days.

If you are invited to the ceremony

It’s interesting to find out why you dream about an invitation card to a wedding celebration. The female dream interpreter believes that someone trusts you with their innermost thoughts.

Esotericist Tsvetkov considers the wedding a warning sign. A cheerful celebration foreshadows mourning, melancholy, and unexpected problems. Troubles can affect the newlyweds in a dream, and the dreamer faces illness.

Songs, dances, and flirting symbolize difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. The bride's appearance will help predict future events: if she is good-looking, things will go smoothly; if she is ugly, she promises obstacles.

If in a dream you managed to invite your family and friends to a wedding, in reality you will not end up in trouble due to the fault of the invited persons. A sincere congratulation foreshadows a warm welcome; it’s time to make a request to the boss.

Was the ceremony beautiful?

If in a dream you were lucky enough to be at a beautiful event, the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima recommends being active. Initiative in business will bring financial success or encouragement from management.

The deliberately chic action promises the man useful acquaintances. A rich wedding warns a woman about the appearance of a dangerous rival; it is advisable to meet her fully armed.

The universal dream book explains why organizers are unlucky in dreams. A poor wedding foreshadows the futility of efforts; excessive initiative will result in undesirable consequences.

Tears in the night dreams of lovers indicate a hasty decision to throw in their lot with the chosen one. Boring gatherings promise a dull marriage. A strange scenario warns against rash actions.

Why do you dream about wedding dresses?

Pay attention to the mood with which the newlywed dresses up. Dissatisfaction promises disappointment in the chosen one, narcissism means the right choice. The veil represents social demand and interesting acquaintances.

If a man dresses in a woman’s wedding dress in a dream, the Eastern interpreter urges you to reconsider your priorities and not worry about trifles.

Gypsies at a wedding are a sure sign of the success of risky enterprises, bold ideas, and adventures. The Jewish rite symbolizes a full house and well-being.

An Indian wedding promises a favorable set of circumstances, a surprisingly simple way out of a problematic situation. If you dreamed of an Armenian wedding, valuable information will help you reach a new material level.

I dreamed about the wedding of relatives

The Enigma dream book will tell you why you dreamed about relatives at the altar. The interpretation of an ambiguous symbol concerns relationships with relatives, social and financial status. A qualified transcript reveals the causes of difficulties in organizing your personal life.

Predictions of what newlywed relatives dream of indicate impending changes. Participants and details will help predict the nature of innovations.

Father marries mother

If you dreamed about the wedding of mother and father, which previously took place in reality, or the anniversary of a significant date, Pastor Loff promises the parents a period of stable peace and prosperity. When a stranger is next to your mother in a dream, her health is in danger.

Attending a parent's wedding happens on the eve of a quarrel with your significant other. The difficult reality of the relationship with the father reflects the precarious position of the sleeping person.

Daughter and granddaughter in a veil

According to the forecast of the Jewish Dream Book, why you dream about your granddaughter’s marriage, a problem that the girl tried to hide will come to light. An elderly groom symbolizes health problems. A daughter at the altar promises a meeting that will sweep away the usual way of life.

If you dream about the image on the eve of an important task, the dream interpreter recommends holding off. Now is an unfavorable period for the implementation of plans; there is a high probability of failure.

Aunt and niece

In the Modern Dream Book there is an explanation of why you dream about your niece getting married. The vision reflects dissatisfaction in the business sphere or relationships with the opposite sex.

A sign in a dream encourages you to carefully analyze the information received: a single fact can completely change your life. When an aunt dreams of her young chosen one, outright misalliance speaks of stubbornness.

What do pre-wedding preparations mean?

Dream books explain what this or that method of transportation on the way to a wedding means in a dream. The wedding train you meet will tell you about the current state of affairs and some hidden aspects.

If you come across an endless string of decorated cars, there will be no surprises. Obstacles on the path of the motorcade indicate the presence of ill-wishers. An aesthetically pleasing sight represents someone's crush.

Have you forgotten anything?

In dream interpreters there are explanations that trouble promises:

  • Anxiety communicates the likelihood of something going wrong;
  • Were you properly prepared? Turmoil is approaching;
  • If you happen to plan, you will have to be flexible;
  • Waiting means hurrying;
  • A spontaneous wedding promises triumph;
  • If you prepared the decorations, failure is ahead.

I had to walk

Traveling on your own portends significant changes. To predict their character, pay attention to the mood in which you happened to be walking. The anticipation of pleasure promises positive changes. Joyful excitement warns of minor fear.

Serious doubts and fears for the fate of the young reveal the dreamer’s uncertainty about the future. There may indeed be cause for concern.

Checkers or go?

The walking route involves innovations by chance, and if you happen to go, you have to steer the course of events yourself. It is the sleeper who will be the initiator of grandiose changes that affect not only him, but also those close to him.

Courage and determination are required, any activity is welcome. It is undesirable to try to hinder progress by clinging to the established rut.

Those present at the ceremony

Solemn weddings can be crowded. Explaining why a cheerful crowd is dreamed of, dream books focus on the emotional background, memorable characters, and the behavior of the newlyweds and others present.

The feeling of being alone in a crowd reflects an independent spirit. An honorable mission speaks of an active position, a willingness to take responsibility in reality. Unusual situations reveal confusion.

You will be a guest

If you happened to be present as one of the many unremarkable guests, the fortune teller for summer birthday people believes that in real life there is a lack of fame.

You are driven by the desire to be at the epicenter of events, gnawing at the feeling of injustice: all the nuts have been taken by the toothless. If you kiss the bride in a dream, the chances of increasing popularity are high.


To find out why you dream that you were lucky enough to be a witness or witness, the dream book clarifies who entered into the marriage:

  1. If your girlfriend got married, you will meet love;
  2. Widower - the guy will cause trouble;
  3. Classmate - a long-standing plan will come true;
  4. Stranger - good news is coming to you;
  5. Neighbor - it will not be easy to resist the circumstances.

See bright moments

When you see a toastmaster in a dream, in reality unfinished business cannot be delayed. Seeing artists or playing at a wedding occurs during periods of disorder and disorder in reality.

Did you dance, take part in competitions, make sparkling jokes, make toasts? On the love front, you will suffer temporary defeat. If you happen to catch a bouquet, there is a struggle for success ahead.

Photographers and models

Convinced monogamous people have to photograph the bride or pose in wedding attire. The Wanderer's dream book warns lonely people about forced isolation. The vision makes it known that someone intends to disrupt an important event.

Group photos represent a lack of communication skills in reality. If this is a family photo, devote more time to relatives. The youth group indicates a lack of communication with peers.

What does canceling a celebration mean?

Forecasting what a failed wedding means in a dream means a warning against rash actions and calls for decisive action.

  • Failure of the ceremony promises bitter regret;
  • A quarrel means a pressing, intractable issue;
  • Refused to get married? Your views will change;
  • If you are refused, circumstances are on your side;
  • If someone else's wedding is disrupted, an important conversation awaits.

Running away from the crown

Dream books offer interesting explanations of why you dream of escaping from the wedding. Running away from their own wedding in a dream happens to family dreamers who find the union unsuccessful.

If you are lucky enough to run away with someone else's bride, wonderful opportunities will open up. If a real girl runs away with someone else, it is dangerous to trust her. If a lady saw the groom running away, he is unfaithful in reality.

Found out about cheating

One hears news of betrayal in night dreams shortly before a significant incident. Psychologist Meneghetti presents an original explanation of why he found out that his betrothed had a lover and filed for divorce.

A wedding is identified with two contradictory factors: a new beginning and enslavement. Ambiguity gives rise to mysterious images.

Let's put it off until later

Why did the wedding have to be postponed until tomorrow in the dream? If this happened due to the lateness of the other half, disappointment in the relationship is coming.

If the wedding was upset due to a natural disaster or bad weather, this is a sign of self-sufficiency.

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