Why do you dream of numbers in a dream - interpretations from various dream books. “What do you dream about three in a dream? If you see Three in a dream, what does it mean? What does the number 3 in a dream mean?

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    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Number 3 , but the necessary interpretation sleep dreaming Number 3 in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Three, but necessary interpretations sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Three in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I won several million in the lottery - for this I needed to draw number 3 consisting of several numbers - for example 1 and 2. Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    For what dreaming number 3 ? Small Velesov's dream book predicts a serious conversation, which in the future will bring fateful changes. From an esoteric point of view, this symbol is associated with sexual intimacy; it is possible that you will meet a pretty person of the opposite sex, but passion quickly flares up. That is why in dream is a kind of warning to expand your views on the world. if you dreamed number 8, then changes are currently happening to you that will affect both soul and body. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Number three V dream- is interpreted as a very favorable sign, promising a lot of happiness. The newest dream book of G. Ivanov. Seeing the number “three” is an energy sign: you will always have to obtain everything through painstaking and conscientious work. Dream Interpretation of Simon Canaanite. If you dreamed: Six See three sixes in dream- to destruction; one six - to ingratiation. Dream book of a gypsy. Number six - clarification; sociability.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    For what dreaming Number 3 in dream However in dream, having a sexual connotation, as has already become clear, number 3 will reflect conflict and certain difficulties in expressing one’s own sexual desires. Their reasons may lie both in the character and stereotypes of the dreamer, and in objective reality, which does not contribute or interferes with the realization of desire. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astro101"

    Number 0 in dream represents power. Zero itself can reflect the power that must be chosen if you want to do something. Open possibilities. In addition, zero can reflect nothing, or something that has no value. One in dream represents beginnings. When dreaming 1, this means that something new is starting the way you intended. In addition, the unit can represent your confrontation with a person or group of people. Number 2 / Two.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Number– See in dream numbers- means an uncertain state of your affairs, which will cause your anxiety and dissatisfaction. Dream book of Nostradamus. For what dream Numbers according to the dream book: NumberNumber Antichrist - three sixes. In a dream it can appear in the form of a date, a mark on a person’s forehead, or in any other way. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astrotarot"

    Dream Interpretation, what does it mean to see in dream number three, for what dreaming number three, dream book free online, interpretation dreams, meaning, what do they mean dreams, transcript sleep.What dreamed? Forecasts and fortune telling for today. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    To you dreamed about it Numbers what is this for - general meanings: 1 - beginning; loneliness; 2 - attempt to make a decision; internal conflict; 3 -creativity; satisfaction of spiritual needs; 4 - stability; material well-being;5 - marriage;6 - harmony;7 - human integrity;8What do they mean in dream Numbers 1. When in a dream they come to our attention numbers, they have either personal or symbolic meaning. Appear frequently numbers, having personal meaning, for example, a specific date or the number of the house in which we lived. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    You are here now: Home » online dream book » Dream books » Dream book three (number) in dream, for what dreaming...In our online dream book you can find out not only what it means three (number) in dream, but also look at the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning sleep « three (number)".Read completely

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Three, dream Three, dreamed Three. This number brings love and suffering into a person’s life; it is extremely unstable, just like human emotions. Number « 3 Read completely

    Dream book "dom-sonnik"

    Analyzing dream, there are many factors to consider. Then, and only then, can we say that in reality dreamed: past or future? Knowledge of numerology gives a general understanding of the magic of numbers and numbers. Understanding the general provisions, a person begins to understand the symbolism of the images that appear in consciousness during sleep. Numbers in dream are directly related to the sleeper. No one except him will understand what he is warning about. dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    Numbers in dream are as important as other images seen in dream. Often when interpreting dreams we ignore quantity objects or actions that happened to us. What a waste, after all numbers can provide an important clue for the dreamer. So, when should you pay attention to numbers in a dream? More precisely, which of numbers are significantRead more

    Dream book "snovid"

    To you dreamed about it number (three), and you want to know what this is for? Look at the interpretation sleep NUMBER (THREE) in several dream books at once! To me dreamed about it dream from 3 parts. I don't remember the first and the beginning of the second. I'm interested in the 2nd part. It took place in our city around early autumn ( in dream). Everything was recognizable. I was leaving...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "oracle-today"

    Numbers in dream, just like in reality, is primarily time, dates, etc. After all, dream always capable of literal execution and does not imply allegory at all and does not require decoding in this case. So, to one French lady on the night of February 12 dreamed that she would die on the 17th of that month. Number 3 , dreamed, can contain many meanings, but first of all, it is the number of luck and ease of success. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Three (number) in dream Three (number): Seeing - a lot of happiness. Seeing Three in dream This number brings love and suffering into a person’s life; it is extremely unstable, just like human emotions. Number « 3 “filled with feeling, but devoid of rationality: it forces a person to pay attention to the desires of the heart and forget about logic, stop controlling himself in everything and surrender to the will of the emotional wave. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Money with number three, dream Money with number three, dreamed Money withIf in dream you are giving someone a much larger amount of money (the digits of the number add up to especially do not get into arguments with a person whose date of birth falls on the 12th, and do not... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Transcription specialists dreams claim that after seeing in dream Numbers, You need to carefully save them in your memory, And write them down in the morning. Moreover, in some dreams, the symbolic role belongs to the Numbers themselves and those compiled on their basis. numbers, And in others dream attention should be paid to quantity(Number) of certain items, objects sleep.Had a dream that the typewriter printed some text and added four dots at the end. Tell me what it's about dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For example, my mother is six months before her 70th birthday dreamed that she is buying a size 70 dress. It hung on her like a robe, and she was very angry in dream on the seller that he forced her to take this huge dress. After listening to her dream, I reminded my mother about the upcoming anniversary.3 – number three very favorable for internal self-expression. Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    dreamed a lot of numbers printed on the board. they were all big...for example, 300300 or 10300, everything like that, and from them the light was shining for me 3 zero. in this sequence zo0з00. more in dream I thought I should look up the meaning on the Internet. Why? dreaming the birth of my child and my sister's Rebecca 3 numbers.(In dream we are very glad that this is it 3 numbers and list the advantages of this).Read in full

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Dream Number Number. See in dream numbers- means an uncertain state of your affairs, which will cause your anxiety and dissatisfaction. Why dreaming Numbers Numbers: in the case where it is explicitly called quantity, date: 1, 5, 8 2, 4: emotions 3 , 6: sex 7, 9: spiritual sphere 10 and tens negative, negative meaning 100 and hundreds positive meaning, luck 1000, thousands and more relate to society, state. Read more

    Dream book "dom-sonnik"

    Not every dream is prophetic. Quality sleep depends on numbers month when he dreamed about it. Study the list of calendar numbers to find the day when you dreamed about it especially bright dream. You will immediately understand whether you should believe him or not. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Modern combined dream book. See in dream different numbers- fortunately: you will be lucky in the game. Twelve Twelve - then number biblical. if you dreaming anything related to number twelve is the path to Golgotha: you will be in trouble. Distance Walk in dream distance equal to 1, 19, 28, 82 and so on (adding all the numbers numbers, you get 1) meters or kilometers - means...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed number 57 I don’t remember in detail what exactly happened in dream but I know for sure that when I woke up I had this number in my head, and even my son didn’t know my sleep I said this number in the morning. When I was already falling asleep, they started dream numbers 3 3 4 3 3 5 7. I thought it was a mobile phone number, but no one answered my call. How to interpret this dream and these numbers? Reply.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "horo.mail"

    See in dream numbers- means an uncertain state of your affairs, which will cause your anxiety and dissatisfaction. Saw in dream your phone number, who knows what this means? Just dreamed about it to me numbers one by one, I perfectly remembered that this was my number. Other circumstances sleep I don’t remember, but there was some kind of anxiety and fear, I remember this well. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Dream Interpretation Number, for what dreaming Number, in dream Number.In dream see Number. Numbers, numbers - do not often carry specific information, but are a mechanical repetition of some calculations, worries, confusion in the head of the sleeper and indicate overwork. Occasionally they can represent different meanings and quantitative measures: the date of an event, the serial number of something, quantity money, people, the completeness of what is happening. Read more

    Dream book "UniSonnik"

    Number This is what Nostradamus said about dream And numbers: Number Antichrist - ... 4 – number"four" Number“4” is a symbol of stability and strength, material wealth and... Year and number"nine" If in dream You add up the numbers that make up this or that...Find another interpretation: What dreamed?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream have you heard any numbers or numbers are a sign of upcoming significant changes, good or bad. It's important to pay attention to the context sleep. What was the atmosphere in the dream, for example, weather, light, room, nature of events. Dreams By numbers month. Calendar of prophetic affirmations dreams. If dream dreamed about it in the morning. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astromeridian"

    Dream Interpretation Numbers meaning of dreams, dreamed about it numbers in dream?, find out the interpretation dreams Numbers in our dream book, popular interpretations Dream Interpretation Numbers, dream books for what dreaming Number. Dream book Numbers, interpretation numbers in dream books. Numbers Seeing a lot of numbers promises concern if dreamed about it one number portends difficulty. For what dreaming Numbers - Numbers dream tends to preoccupation in life through work.

The most detailed description: “3 eyes dream book” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Dream Interpretation Eye - To dream in the mirror that you have huge attractive eyes is fortunate in children; dull, sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children; seeing yourself with your eyes closed - to strong love; rapid movements of the eyes - to well-being. Create a lot of men's eyes - until you receive jewelry or profit. It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of damage; the eye follows in a dream - to the pangs of conscience; to go blind in a dream - to problems, betrayal. Gouging out someone's eyes means that by your actions you are scaring away or turning the inhabitants of our planet against you. For a lady to dream that she is blindfolded is a warning: you should be more attentive, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to trouble.

Movies eyes - Seeing 2 burning eyes aimed at you in absolute darkness means that in real life you have a powerful enemy, you don’t understand anything yet. In the event that the eyes come close to you in a dream, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy; if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your own enemy and will not give him a chance to get victory over you. Creating a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that difficulties will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your husband or let your parents down. Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, - in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the usual as opposed to the new and lose. To see that there are more than 2 eyes on your face - in life you are facing a problem related to funds: it is likely that in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on your face, creditors will come to you and demand that you repay the loan you took in in full, or the housing department will steal your checkbook and all your cash.

Eye Films - In the Case If someone sees an eye on his hand in a dream, in reality he will receive some amount of money that will greatly please him. The poor man, who dreamed that he was blind, would become free in reality from all the painful hardships of poverty that tormented him. Every person who occupies a high position, especially if in his own dream he was traveling and saw himself blind at the same time, he must take into account that it is very important for him to categorically refuse all previously regulated trips and trips. In the event that he ignores this instruction and nevertheless decides to go on the road, he will probably never return from this trip. When a person around you on a journey sees one extra eye in your dream - this restless symbol must be regarded as a responsible warning - he may simply get lost! In the event that a person had a similar dream and did not even think about any travel, then he should take great precautions to preserve his own property.

Movies Through the Eyes -To look motorically in a dream means prosperity; seeing poorly with the eyes means a defect in money or some kind of damage; Getting rid of 1 eye or both means illness and death of children; having unhealthy eyes means an offense that will soon be repented of; also foreshadows the death of parents, children and friends; seeing slanted eyes in oneself does not promise anything, but for others it foretells a stop in their affairs, a disorder in their condition and leaving them as friends; a mother with many eyes in a dream foreshadows happiness and triumph in any enterprise; seeing eyes out of place is a symbol of disgusting and foreshadows blindness in this dream.

Hello! I had a terrible dream, I got some hair in my right eye, I tried to pull it out, tore off part of the hair, and the other got stuck behind it. I went up to the mirror and saw that the eye was swollen and the pupil was moving towards the nose, and then disappeared completely, on the other side of the eye. I open my eyes with my hands and try to reach the pupil, pull it out, it works, and as soon as I release it, the pupil disappears again. I look in the mirror at myself with my own eyes, without one pupil. My mother appears and calls the doctor, talks to him for a long time, and I have hope. I ask my mom to ask some questions, but she doesn't ask them and hangs up. Without letting me talk to the doctor. I woke up in tears. And it still seems like everything is real and emotional.

I had an unpleasant dream about a man with scary dull eyes without pupils. They - his eyes - looked like mucus, or jelly-like. I dreamed that for some reason I spent the night at work, slept on the table, woke up at 5 in the morning, and at 5:20 this strange man arrived. He brought with him a sense of danger. As soon as I sent him out, I locked the door, and it became so calm.

Hello! I recently had a dream. It’s as if my beloved person, with whom we broke up 3 months ago, brought me my eye in a container, to which I answered him in a dream that I already have two eyes, why do I need a third, but he told me “the third won’t hurt anyone,” it must be preserved and protected.” In reality, I have two children, I myself have been divorced for a long time. I interpreted this dream that I would soon give birth to a child from this man who brought me the eye in a dream. Is it so? Thank you in advance!

Hello Dina! Kissing in a dream with someone you like most often means separation. Overall, if you think about this guy often, then these dreams don't mean anything. You want to meet him, and your subconscious arranges these meetings for you in a dream. As I understand it, you haven’t even met him in reality, so it’s better to get him out of your head! If the guy doesn’t make a date himself, the girl should never ask for a meeting. He will understand that you are very interested in him and may begin to manipulate and mock. And also, as the men themselves say: “If you need a girl, then no obstacles will prevent you from being with her.” He was just fooling you, there are a lot of guys on the Internet for whom virtual relationships are entertainment.

I dreamed of a man whom I love very much. It also seems to me that he has strong feelings for me. I noticed. Yes, and I heard several times how interested he was in me. Briefly speaking. I see him in my dreams. the eyes are so bright, unusual, expressive, very beautiful, in a dream I just can’t take my eyes off them, he also looked without taking his eyes off. What is it for? Please tell me))

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - with more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the RuNet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by different authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but However, the authors are talented and deserve attention.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:

Excellent vision signifies happiness, success and prosperity. To have poor control over your eyes means to soon feel poverty and damage. If the sleeper sees himself as short-sighted, then serious trouble awaits him. Losing one eye means labor that will be very active, but completely useless. According to the dream book, becoming blind in a dream means unexpected betrayal by loved ones. To see very beautiful and large eyes in a mirror reflection in a dream means to experience joy from your own children, and sick dull eyes mean worry and anxiety for them. Seeing with your own eyes, which suddenly fell out, predicts the children’s wedding and their independent life. And if you also carefully examine your eyes, then you should reconsider your views on the world and relationships. Feeling the evil gaze of someone’s eyes in a dream means suffering from deception and the collapse of hopes associated with a loved one.

If in a dream someone's eyes seem incredibly large, then in two days you will let your family down or cheat on them. To see a dream in which only one eye looks normal, and the other has a defect, means a complete unwillingness to take risks in any business and subsequent loss. Seeing a creature with more than two eyes in a dream denotes material trouble in about two weeks. You should beware of theft of large sums of money.

Dreams are treated differently. Some believe that this is a reflection of reality in the human brain as a result of a busy day at work. Some believe that dreams can foresee and warn of dangers and important events. Be that as it may, almost everyone has dreams. They are completely different and contain not only events, but also objects, natural phenomena and body parts. For example, in a dream you can see eyes.

A persistent gaze denotes a business proposal that promises positive changes in the future. Slanting eyes promise the sleeping person profit and good luck, attractive eyes promise a faithful love relationship, and too large eyes promise a rich, unexpected inheritance. If you dreamed about the eyes of an animal, then you cannot do without jealousy and envy. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of animal you dream about.

Today I dreamed about my third eye. The feeling is strange. It seems that it’s not easy, but on the other hand there’s something unusual and new. And apparently it arose for some reason. The eye appeared with wrinkles. they opened and under the folds there was a cutout in the shape of an eye. In my dream I thought, well, this is how to live now with such an expression. It's not pretty))

Who knows? What does the dream mean: “I look at myself in the mirror, an eye opens between my eyebrows, and something like childbirth begins to happen from this eye, something incomprehensible, slippery like a child was born, only black, and around people’s voices, everyone is whispering,” She gave birth to Shiva “. PS I have never been interested in Buddhism or films on similar topics, and suddenly I had this dream.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Why do you dream about eyes in Miller’s dream book?

Eyes in a dream indicate the secret sides of the human soul, and are also a sign of control and observation.

If you dream of eyes that stare at you, this is a reminder of your enemies who do not sleep. Any mistake you make in reality can be used against you.

A dream in which you look eye to eye to a stranger or someone with whom you do not have friendly relations has the same meaning.

Looking eye to eye with a loved one means that a rival will appear on the horizon, who will act quietly and expectantly, but it is precisely this calm behavior, leaving you in calm ignorance, that can hit the target.

Looking into the eyes of your loved one with reproach, expressed dissatisfaction - to his betrayal.

If a guy's eyes look at you reproachfully, give him a reason for jealousy, and it will not be harmless.

Brown eyes in a dream indicate the cunning and treachery of a person if in real life he has a different eye color. These features will be even more pronounced in someone whose eyes you see are yellow.

A dream about your own blue eyes (if you have a different eye color in life) carries a hint of your indecision, timidity, because of which you will fail.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a man with blue eyes, her beloved will secretly cheat.

Green eyes indicate an insidious and flattering person who, with cunning and slander, can harm the sleeping person.

If a person appears in your dream without eyes or with eyes without pupils, this may portend big troubles.

Alarming events and troubled times are also predicted by a dream in which you saw cloudy or white eyes.

If you dream about different eyes, or your eyes change color as you sleep, this is a warning: something vague, bad, unkind may happen, and it will happen through the fault of someone from your close circle.

The dream about different colored eyes on the eve of the fast day is trying to warn you about a scam that you may suffer from. It is especially dangerous to come into contact with gypsies.

Red eyes dream of hatred.

Losing an eye in a dream means missing something important, not noticing the obvious.

If you dreamed about eyes according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Looking into the eyes in a dream and not seeing the rest of the face means changes that will be of a good nature, especially if they were beautiful eyes. In particular, you may receive a business proposal that will change the course of your life.

If the color of the eyes you saw in a dream was unusual (for example, purple eyes), something unexpected and out of the ordinary will happen. How good this event will be can be determined by how beautiful these eyes seem to you.

Look into the eyes and see that one eye is squinting - you will successfully manage a financial issue.

Seeing a stranger without an eye in a dream means trouble.

If the person sleeping in a dream does not have an eye, someone will very easily deceive him and abuse his trust.

Losing an eye on Friday means that you will trust someone with great fear and risk, and he will not let you down.

Big eyes dream of receiving an inheritance.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the eyes of a loved one - he will be devoted and faithful to you to the end.

Myopic, diseased eyes portend miscalculations in business endeavors and errors in calculations.

Painting your eyes in a dream is a sign of selfishness on the part of the sleeping person. The people around him may get tired of the dreamer's inflated self-esteem. Needless to say that the results of this will be negative for him?

Someone else's red eye, staring at you, portends evil intentions that can greatly harm you. Beware of unqualified specialists.

Meaning of eye sleep - Hasse's dream book

Healthy eyes dream of good events.

If you see unhealthy, diseased eyes in a dream (for example, a stye on the eye or inflamed, red eyes), you will face failure in all matters in the next three days. You'd better rest if you can.

Seeing in the mirror that you have yellow eyes is a hint that you are more and more driven by animal instincts; try not to completely lose that humanity that was given to you from your mother’s womb.

If you had a chance to paint your eyes with eye shadow in a dream, you were breaking the law.

I dream of seeing other people's painted eyes to great surprise.

If you looked in a mirror in a dream and saw red eyes, you will be overcome by remorse for something.

Seeing four eyes on one face in a dream means there is a danger of losing vision.

Drawing eyes means a pleasant, long-awaited meeting.

The big blue eyes of a child are dreamed of as an indication of excessive suspicion, excessive distrust of the sleeper. People are not as bad as you think, look at the world in reality through children's eyes.

Why do you dream about eyes - esoteric dream book

Seeing light-colored eyes in a dream, for example blue eyes, is a sign of good luck; higher powers will help you.

The dream in which you see a third eye on someone’s face has the same meaning.

Dark brown or black eyes encourage you to be more careful about your behavior. Frivolity can lead you down a dangerous path.

If you dream that someone's eyes glow purple - you have the opportunity to get help from an extraordinary, brilliant person, do not miss it.

If you dreamed that you received a blow to the eye and blood flowed from the eye, something will happen that in reality will knock you out of the saddle for a long time, depriving you of vital support.

An eye injury that occurs on a fast day promises a shorter recovery period after a blow of fate than on other days.

If in a dream you get a speck in your eye, some person will disturb you very much, and it will be very difficult to get rid of him.

Dreaming of someone else's eyes covered in blood means that you will witness some kind of tragedy.

What does the eye mean in dreams, Meneghetti’s dream book

Your eyes in the mirror are the personification of rational internal analysis.

Looking into the eyes of a stranger is a sign of a powerful unconscious influence, which carries more negativity the closer the contact. This is a complete control reflective deviation monitor.

Why do you dream about eyes, Longo's dream book

Seeing your eyes in the mirror is a sign of disturbing events.

If you see sore eyes in a dream or your eyes hurt, such a dream can be considered a warning that they are plotting evil against you, they are watching you in order to take advantage of any miscalculation.

If your eyes fester, your efforts will be useless, you will waste your energy.

Dreaming of children's eyes promises happiness in children.

If in a dream you were bothered by a speck in your eye, your old mistake will come up, a sin that you have already forgotten. You will be quite nervous about this.

I dreamed that you couldn’t open your eyes - to strong, reliable love.

Three eyes on one face dream of making a profit.

But if the three-eyed man laughed, fate will laugh at you, using your greed as a weapon.

If you dream of blue eyes, in reality you will doubt someone’s honesty. And you will do it completely in vain.

If you dreamed of unusually bright blue eyes, you, on the contrary, will believe a person who will flatteringly lie to you.

Green eyes in a dream warn of deception.

The animal's yellow eyes portend injury.

The dream in which you saw glowing eyes in the dark has the same meaning.

Why do you dream about eyes, French dream book

If in a dream you see eyes in the sky and nothing else around them, this means help from above in difficult times.

Your eyes of different colors dream of sudden wealth.

A dream in which you happened to gouge out your eyes also promises unexpected profits.

If you dreamed of worms in your eyes, be prepared for betrayal.

An eyeball seen separately from the face symbolizes an eye disease.

Why do you dream about the eye - a modern dream book

Blue eyes portend pure, naive feelings that even an adult, experienced person in love relationships can experience.

Green eyes in a dream are a sign of witchcraft, hex, and damage.

If you dreamed of a worm in your eye, your conscience will torment you.

If you dream of red eyes, the sleeper needs peace for a while, otherwise he will become seriously ill.

Painting your eyes, lining your eyeliner, applying thick eye shadow - all this betrays your intention to deceive someone in reality, to show off your eyes. You shouldn’t do this, if only because all this props will very soon be revealed, and reality will appear in its natural form, and you will be ashamed of the deception.

A bloody eye and blood protruding from the eyes signify significant financial losses, which may be followed by a deterioration in well-being and a general crisis.

Seeing the eyes of a dead person in a dream means you will receive wealth through blind chance, but not through a lottery or other gambling game.

Eyes in a dream can be a symbol of looking at an event or situation ; symbol of observation of a person or situation.
An eye that looks at you in a dream - probably someone is watching you, analyzing your actions, and is interested in you. You most likely don't notice this in real life.

Looking at yourself in a dream is likely to conduct self-assessment ; analyze your actions and thoughts.
In a dream, the eyes fall inward - probably the person thinks only about himself, shows selfishness in his outlook on life.

Giving an eye in a dream, inserting eyes into someone - trying to influence his worldview, trying to push him to accept a certain opinion or thoughts.

Putting your eyes on yourself means you will probably understand and sort out some situation. ; see something you didn't notice before.

Someone touches your eyes, paints your eyes, straightens your eyes in your sleep - probably someone wants to influence your views, your opinion.

It is impossible to open your eyes in a dream - most often: it is not possible to see the fullness of the current life situation ; it is not possible to correctly understand the intended task, the result will probably not be what was expected; worldview, principles and current approach to life do not allow us to move forward both spiritually and in material matters.

To be without an eye, without both eyes in a dream - probably to be mistaken in your views on life in general ; to be mistaken in opinion regarding a specific important matter; not seeing the real state of things.

Blindness in a dream may mean the impossibility at this stage for some reason to see the further direction of development of some business ; the inability at this stage to correctly assess the state of one’s life situation.

Eyes in a dream fall out and grow again - may mean a reassessment of the view on some important situation.

Painting your eyes in a dream means probably changing your opinion, your view of some event or situation.

Crying in a dream means being upset, upset, offended.

Crying tears of blood in a dream means most often worrying and getting very upset about the behavior or worldview of relatives and dear people ; become very upset about problems in a vital situation.

Putting drops in your eyes in a dream, treating your eyes - probably changing your views to more correct ones; soon understand your mistakes; understand how to improve the situation; “improve” your views on the world around you, or important matters.

You can see what eye colors mean here.

Seeing the eye is a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every step in order to ruin your business.

For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning.

The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity.

Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you lose an eye, expect disturbing events in reality.

An unfavorable dream where a one-eyed man appears to you - it promises misfortune.

If you dream of cross-eyed people, it means that you will soon be irritated by the company of unpleasant people.

If a man dreams that his lover or friend is looking sideways at him, this means that his excessive passion for women threatens him with loss.

If a girl has a similar dream about men, she will be in danger of losing her virtuous reputation.

Eyes without a face or strange - significant changes for the better, an unexpected business proposal.
Squinting eyes - good luck with money.
Beautiful eyes - fidelity.
Very large - inheritance.
Eyes watching you - to rivalry.
animal eyes - envy, jealousy.

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his spiritual life, the dreamer’s children, their health, illnesses, the dreamer’s love organs, his energy.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.
Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.
To gouge out someone's eyes is to scare away and turn people against you, and you will suffer severely from jealousy.

The dream “Numbers” is one of the most difficult and interesting dreams to interpret. Everyone knows that numbers play a huge role in a person’s life and it is simply impossible not to pay attention to them. It is not for nothing that man invented a whole science that studies numbers - the science of Numerology. Dream interpretation experts say that the numbers seen in a dream carry a very deep meaning and cannot be ignored. After waking up, write down the numbers on a piece of paper if there were a lot of them (for example, digits from a car license plate, digits from a phone number, or the time on a watch). Having learned the interpretation of the “Numbers” dream, you can correct possible mistakes, avoid doing a bad thing, or make the right decision. Among gamblers, numbers that come in a dream are considered winning; there is even a mysticism about Numbers among professional card players or casino visitors. Your task: after waking up, remember the numbers that you saw in your night visions.
Below are standard and complete interpretations of the “Numbers” dreams, a collection of all known dream interpreters who in one way or another interpret the “Numbers” dream, and also answers to questions that may arise after a dream about numbers.

Standard meaning of numbers in a dream:

In a dream, draw out an exam card with the following numbers in the number: “1”, “10”, “19”, “28”, “37”, “46”, “55”, “64”, “73”, “82” , “91” or “100” is a very favorable dream - in a little over three months, your life will no longer be boring, you will be wrapped in a whirlpool of happy and joyful events (work abroad, the birth of a child, buying a car or house, etc.) .

Seeing the number 666 in a dream

Why do you dream about the number 666? Dream Interpretation: the number 666 in a dream is one of the most frightening numbers - the “number of the devil”, which is mentioned in the Gospel: “Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man, his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Revelation of John the Theologian, XIII, v. 18).

Consider this number in more detail: 6+6+6=18, then we bring it to a single-digit number 1+8=9, we get the number of humanity, which is both progress and its obstacle (since a person very often prevents himself from progressing in life and live a full life). If you dreamed about the number 666, it means your life at this moment in time is balanced and under the triune perfection (numbers 3, since 6 = 3+3). But... there is one big “but” that distinguishes the number 3 from 666 - it is something or someone that brings you out of this peaceful state. Although you yourself may be this someone. In other words: the number 666 or the number of the devil dreams of regression or reversal.

Another interpretation of the dream “Number 666” is that a person always strives for perfection, but having achieved it, our life becomes boring and uninteresting, since the goal has been achieved and there is nowhere else to strive. This may concern work, career, building a house, raising children, etc. Therefore, if you saw a dream “number 666”, it means that a moment has come in your life when, enjoying the results achieved, you turn your life into a “swamp” and can lead it to an irreparable dead end. The number 666 in a dream represents the highest harmony, which is static and signifies the end of progress (the end).

If you saw the number 666 in a dream, then you should immediately find your next goal before you lead your life into a dead end. You need to get involved in the situation before someone else does, because changing your life on your own initiative is much better than having it begin to change under the influence of something or someone from the outside. You must control the course of your life yourself and not allow someone else to take control, otherwise you will cease to be the owner of your own destiny, and the number 666 seen in a dream speaks precisely of this.

Detailed interpretation of the dream “Numbers”

  • Why do you dream about the number zero in a dream? Dream Interpretation: the number zero in a dream symbolizes spiritual and intellectual emptiness. The “Number Zero” dream speaks of your strong fear of losing your physical health. However, a zero seen in a dream is also a vaginal symbol and may hint at your desire to have sex; the dreamer has a particularly strong desire if he saw the dream “Number 10.”

  • Why do you dream about the number one? Dream Interpretation: the number one in a dream symbolizes beginning, leadership, dominance and loneliness. Also, a unit in a dream is a phallic symbol and speaks of your desire to have sexual intercourse. This figure is a companion of people who are strong in spirit, people who are willing to take risks for the sake of their intended goal, who are often left alone in their leadership. In a dream, one can appear not only in the form of a number, but also as one rose, one orange, and in general any object that was alone in your dream and you paid attention to this fact. The dream “number one” says that you will be left alone in the face of difficulties, but you will resolutely overcome them.
  • Why do you dream about the number two? Dream Interpretation: the number two in a dream symbolizes completeness, cohesion, peace and the combination of two opposites. In a dream, the number two is feminine and therefore carries humility and gentleness. If you dreamed about the number two, it means that peace and idyll reign in your family, because this number unites masculine and feminine, feeling and reason, north and south. That is why you can live together under one roof in complete harmony and understanding. If you don’t have harmony in your family at a given moment in time, then right now you need to learn how to combine the incongruous and get along with different people with different characters under one roof.
  • Why do you dream about the number three? Dream Interpretation: the number three in a dream symbolizes the Biblical Triad and is a symbol of unity. If you dreamed about the number three, then everything will be fine with you, because the dream “Number Three” is favorable in all respects and brings good luck to all areas of your life.
  • Why do you dream about the number four? Dream Interpretation: the number four in a dream symbolizes stability, integrity and stability. This is a very powerful sign, and most importantly, a positive one. Also, the dream “Number four” symbolizes Water, Earth, Air and Fire, i.e. four forces. If you dreamed about the number four, it means that peace, confidence in the future and a consistently good position will appear in your life.
  • Why do you dream about the number five? Dream Interpretation: the number five in a dream symbolizes the “golden mean” and good luck. Five stands between one and nine exactly in the middle and therefore in a dream it is considered the apogee or equidistant from the end and the beginning. If you dreamed of the number five, it means you know how to look forward, set goals and move forward, but at the same time do not forget past mistakes and, when looking back, do not ignore past experience.
  • Why do you dream about the number six? Dream Interpretation: the number six in a dream symbolizes intuition and is associated with the “sixth sense.” If you dreamed about the number six, then you can safely trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice, they will not let you down.

  • Why do you dream about the number seven? Dream Interpretation: the number seven in a dream symbolizes magic, mystery and riddles - it is a difficult sign for the interpretation of dreams. On the one hand, the dream “Number Seven” warns its dreamer that otherworldly forces may interfere in real life. On the other hand, if you dreamed about the number seven, it means that you are completing a certain cycle of life, or you will be summing up at work. After all, it took God exactly seven days to create the World. There is another interpretation of the dream “Number seven”: if you dream about the number seven, it means in reality you will put “equal” between what you were able to accomplish and what you had in mind, i.e. what they wanted and what they got. You will also be able to accurately assess your real capabilities.
  • Why do you dream about the number eight? Dream Interpretation: the number eight in a dream symbolizes infinity, cyclicality and harmony. The number 8 placed horizontally means the sign “infinity” in mathematics. Also, the figure eight has no sharp corners and has neither a beginning nor an end. If you dreamed about the number eight, it means that in your real life everything is going as usual, events are developing correctly and each one is in the order of its turn. The dream “Number Eight” speaks of the harmony that is in your soul at a given moment in time.
  • Why do you dream about the number nine? Dream Interpretation: the number nine in a dream is the most powerful sign of all numbers. Here is the three times repeated Biblical Triad (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) 3x3=9 and 6+3=9. The “Number Nine” dream is a concentration of internal and external forces, emotions and feelings that move in the same direction and do not conflict with each other. Also, the number 9 is an inverted number 6, which is a symbol of intuition. If you dreamed about the number nine, know: you are at the peak of your vital energy, and luck will not leave you for a long time.
  • Why do you dream about the number ten? Dream Interpretation: the number ten in a dream is a component of the numbers 1 and 0, and therefore the dream “Number Ten” must be interpreted based on these two symbols.

The meaning of the numbers included in the car license plate in a dream(See or)

Why do you dream of numbers on a car license plate? Dream Interpretation: a car number in a dream is interpreted as follows: if you had to see a car number in a dream, you can consider each digit separately, or you can get a common one, which is obtained by adding up all the numbers you saw.
For example, you dreamed of car license plates “24-36” or “003458”. We take the number and add up all the numbers: 2 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 15, then arrange the number 15 as follows: 1 + 5 = 6, so we are already looking for the number 6 in the interpretation. You should also do the same with the following number: 0+0+3+4+5+8=20, look at the number 2. So, let's get started:

A number with the number 1 (or the sum of 1) - to see a car license plate with a 1 in a dream is a lucky sign that brings recognition in society, easy work, minor difficulties. If the number consisted of only ones, i.e. 1111, then such a dream speaks of the anxiety that you will experience in the next month;

The number 1000 on the car number means unexpected big money, unexpected material injections.

A number with the number 2 (or the sum of 2) - if you saw a car in a dream, added up the digits of the number and got the number 2 or remembered only a 2 from the number, then you just need to urgently take care of your documents, within 2 weeks you must bring them in order, otherwise you will be in big trouble with law enforcement agencies. If in a dream you were driving a car with this number, it means in reality you can safely count on the support of your superiors even for your craziest and most absurd plans. However, within 11 months (1+1=2) you must achieve success in this matter, otherwise you will say goodbye to your career forever;

A number with the number 3 (or the sum of 3) - receive news from a person living 3 hours away from you. Whether this news will be sad or joyful depends on what emotions you felt while driving in this car in the dream;

A number with the number 4 (or the sum of 4) - the number 4 seen in a dream, as well as the sum of the numbers from the car license plate, speaks of tenderness and affection towards a loved one. The next 4 weeks will be full of harmony and mutual happiness;

Number with the number 5 (or the sum of 5) - in May of this year your life will become measured and calm, your problems will finally end. If you are planning a meeting with a person where you will solve a problem that is very important to you, schedule it for May 5th. If you are expecting betrayal or are afraid of lies, do not do anything until May 23 (2+3=5), by this date everything will become clear by itself;

Number with the number 6 (or the sum of 6) - in reality you will have to commit one crazy act that will either make you a happy person, or put you in an awkward position and cause everyone’s pity. This act will be performed for the sake of a loved one who lives at an address that contains the number 6: the number of a district, block, house, apartment or floor;

Number with the number 7 (or the sum of 7) - in reality a favorable period is coming in your life, the birth of a child (grandchild) is possible, you will plunge headlong into the problems of raising a child (grandchild); if in a dream the car left without you, it means that your superiors will suddenly show interest in you; if in the dream you were very offended that the car left without you, you will receive a promotion in 7 days, weeks, months; if in a dream you caught up with a car and jumped into it while it was moving, it means that in 16 days (1+6=7) you will receive an answer to what has been tormenting you for a long time;

Number with the number 8 (or the sum of 8) - in reality you will be visited by annoying guests who will not give you peace for a long and painful 35 days (3+5=8);

A car number with the numbers 8888 means that everything in your life is stable: neither good nor bad;

A number with the number 9 (or the sum of 9) is a wonderful sign that says that in 9 days, weeks or months you will be able to take revenge on the offender;

Car number with the numbers 9999 - you will win big in a risky business or gambling.

The meaning of the numbers of a bus number in a dream(Cm. )

Why do you dream about numbers on a bus? – Dream Interpretation: numbers of a bus number in a dream – this dream should be considered separately only if you clearly remember the numbers of the number on the bus. Attention: the number must be in the bus number itself, or it will be obtained by adding up all the numbers seen. So let's begin:

Number with the number 1 (or sum 1) - trying to get on the bus - 1 person will prevent you from realizing your idea; the bus has left - 1 enemy is very strong and will cause you serious trouble; get on the bus - you can defeat 1 enemy;

Number with the number 2 (or the sum of 2) – get off the bus – 2 people will be at the destination before you; the bus has left - your competitors will be ahead of you in what you have been working towards for 2 months;

Number with number 3 (or sum 3) - you will find out the secret in 3 days; fall behind the bus - you will put yourself in a delicate position and ultimately achieve nothing; to fall behind the bus, but then caught up and sat down - this secret secret information will help you when you talk with an influential person;

Number 4 (or sum 4) - not catching the bus - indicates your recklessness, after 13, 23 or 33 days you will be convinced that you hastened to draw some conclusions; ride the bus - a new family member, the birth of a child;

A number with the number 5 (or the sum of 5) - the bus has left - a danger signal, you have succumbed to the influence of a person whom you consider a friend, but in fact he is not. You will find out in 5 days; ride on a bus - good luck will accompany you for 5 months;

Number with the number 6 (or the sum of 6) - the bus has left - luck will pass you by, because you are under the strong influence of a certain person who does not understand your business, but manages you and thereby ruins everything. If after 6 days you do not get out of his control, then luck will leave you for a long 6 months; to see a bus leaving in a dream and run after it - because of love, you will commit a crazy act;

Number with the number 7 (or the sum of 7) - get on the bus - a favorable period is coming in your life, the birth of a child (grandchild) is possible, you will plunge headlong into the problems of raising a child (grandchild); leaving bus - your boss will suddenly show interest in you, if in a dream you were very offended that the bus left without you - you will receive a promotion in 7 days, weeks, months; catch the bus you were running after - in 16 days (1+6=7) you will receive an answer to what has been tormenting you for a long time;

Number with the number 8 (or the sum of 8) - ride the bus - hard and painstaking work will be paid in 8 days, weeks, months; a departing bus - you will greatly regret the prank that you allow yourself in the company of 8 people;

Number with the number 9 (or the sum of 9) – the bus leaves – complete disappointment for 36 days (3+6=9); run from the chase into the bus - you will be surrounded by friends or, on the contrary, by enemies, depending on how the bus passengers received you, but you will emerge victorious in any case.

The meaning of numbers on a calendar in a dream(Cm. )

The meaning of the digits of a phone number in a dream (see)

Why do you dream about phone numbers? Dream Interpretation: Phone numbers in a dream can say a lot: about your relationship with a loved one, with a work colleague, with a product supplier, or about concluding a deal. To find out what the numbers in a phone number mean in a dream, you need to either look at each digit separately, or add up all the digits of the number and look at the sum, bringing it to a single digit. This is done as follows: for example, you dreamed about the numbers of the phone number 234-56-78, add all the numbers 2+3+4+5+6+7+8 and get the number 35, add 3+5 further and get 8, which means we are looking for the number in the interpretation 8. So, let's get started:

If you dreamed of a phone number with the number 1 (or the sum of 1) - in reality you will have to experience all the hardships of love, perhaps they will cheat on you within the next month. If you added up the numbers of a telephone number in a dream and got one, in reality you will be able to open your own business this year, buy a house or apartment. If you were helped in a dream to add up the numbers of a phone number, remember who did it, because it is with this person that something will connect you in reality: perhaps he will help you in business, or maybe he will help you in matters of the heart;

In a dream, a phone number with the number 2 (or the sum of 2) means in reality your life will change, but in what direction it is not known. Here you need to remember the details of the dream, your emotions and the general mood of the dream in which you saw the number 2 in the phone number in the dream. If in a dream you added up the numbers from a phone number and got a two, then in real life you will be very lucky in 11 days or in 2 days, weeks or months you will be borrowed a large sum of money;

The number 3 in a phone number in a dream (or the sum of 3) - in reality, trouble may await you; it is likely that you will lose your job due to the fact that you are dishonest about the business that will be offered to you in 3 days, weeks, months. If you dreamed of adding up the numbers in a phone number - if it was difficult for you to do this in a dream, the numbers got confused and you always had to start all over again, then in reality losing your job would be a blow. If you had a dream “Add the digits of a phone number together” and you managed to do it without difficulty, then in reality you will quickly find yourself another job. The dream “Number 3 in a telephone number” tells students and schoolchildren: do not shirk your studies, in 3 months and 3 weeks you will take an important step for your life;

The number 4 in a phone number in a dream (or the sum of 4) - in reality, love awaits you, from which you will “fly” on wings. If it was difficult to count phone numbers in a dream, it means in reality your love will encounter obstacles or there will be problems on the way to your happiness with your chosen one. If counting the digits of a phone number in a dream was easy, it means you will be able to overcome everything and will be together with your loved one. Also, the dream “Number 4 in a phone number” says that you will meet this person in 4 days, weeks or months. If you are a poet or artist, four in a dream guarantees inspiration;

The number 5 in the phone number (or the sum of 5) - in reality you cannot tell where is good and where is evil, where is the wheat and where is the weed, or as they say: “You cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.” Most likely you are now in a stressful state, which began a long time ago. You will be brought out of this state by an event that will occur exactly 32 days after the dream. If adding up phone numbers in a dream was difficult, then in 5 days your husband/or your wife will cheat on you, or you will have a rival;

A telephone number with the number 6 in a dream (or the sum of 6) means in reality you have said too much, and now enemies can take advantage of your talkativeness and use this information against you. If you remember the entire phone number that contained the number 5, then the person whose number in real life will be a good assistant or a good ally for you. If you dreamed of counting the sum of the digits of a telephone number in a dream, it means in reality there will be a person who can neutralize your talkativeness and correct the mistakes you have made. If the phone number had three 6s, i.e. the number was 666 - a bad sign - you are trying to knock out a person who has done a lot for you and now has every right to count on your sincerity and honesty;

A telephone number with the number 7 (or the sum of 7) - emotional experiences, new impressions, bright hopes associated with a person whom you have known for 7 years, but only recently have you begun to communicate with him more closely. If in a dream you wrote the number 7 in the phone number on the wall, and there were a lot of people on the street at that time, it means you will be the center of attention at the party. If there were few people, then you will organize the party yourself and will be very pleased with the role of the host;

A phone number with the number 8 (or the sum of 8) means you will envy a person who will achieve great success. If you called this number and got through, it means in reality you will have difficulty restraining your envy, which will gradually degenerate into hatred. If you didn't get through to a number that had a lot of 8s, then this envy will develop into a feeling of competition, and you will take on work with increased energy, and after 8 days, weeks or months you will achieve even greater results. If in a dream you knew that your friend’s phone number (even if in reality he has a completely different number) and there were many eights in it, then this person will help you if you turn to him for help, and this will happen in 17 days after this dream;

The number 9 in the phone number (or the sum of 9) - if in a dream you dialed a phone number and could not dial the number 9 (your finger got stuck in the rotary phone, the button on the push-button phone was not pressed, or the screen on the touch screen did not work in this exact place), then you will be deceived or you will remain a fool. Perhaps behind your back they are weaving intrigues against you. The first person who speaks to you on the phone on the 9th or 18th of this month will help you defeat the schemers. In a dream, out of the entire telephone number, remember only the number 9 or there were too many of them in the number and therefore you turned your attention to this particular number, which means in reality you will need the help of a person who will surpass you in intelligence and knowledge. You will be able to meet this person on the 9th or 27th of this month, or in real life his phone number ends with the number 18.

The meaning of the dream “Numbers on the clock”(Cm. )

Why do you dream of numbers on a clock? Dream Interpretation: numbers on a clock in a dream - a clock in a dream is a symbol associated with time, age, inevitability, transience of life, deadlines, fear of being late, inability or, conversely, the ability to calculate time and spend it profitably or, conversely, stupidly. Let's explain what the numbers on the clock seen in a dream mean:

Dream Interpretation: number 1 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 1 on the clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means that in exactly 1 month you will win the attention of the person you have been pursuing for a long time or whom you really like, or you will win some important business. If you dreamed of the number 1 on the clock, which was the only number on the entire dial, it means you are a narcissistic and selfish person. If in a dream the clock pointed to the number 1, it means it’s time for you to start acting, as they say: “The time has come.” In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 00:01 or 01:00 - in reality, enter into an argument and win it, or they will slander you;

Dream Interpretation: the number 2 on the clock in a dream - if in the dream the number 2 on the clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means you will be invited to an event. If it takes place 2 weeks after the dream, you will receive very interesting offers from which you will choose. In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 00:02 or 02:00 - you will end up in an institution where you have long wanted;

Dream Interpretation: the number 3 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 3 on the clock clearly stood out from the rest - it means you will unite with someone (family reunion, joining common efforts against a common enemy, merging departments, groups or entire corporations, etc. .);

Dream Interpretation: the number 4 on a clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 4 on a clock clearly stood out from the rest - such a dream says that you have become too important and arrogant, you have stopped perceiving information correctly. Perhaps you are so correct and pedantic that being with you is boring and uninteresting. In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 04:00 - in reality there will be a substantial purchase (computer, car, apartment, etc.). If you dreamed about the numbers 00:04 on your digital watch, in reality in 40 days you will get two jobs at once and you will be like a “squirrel in a wheel.” The dream “There is a number 4 on the clock face” says that you are pure and righteous, but it seems that you are deliberately throwing dust in the eyes to be considered as such. There is no need to do this, especially since you have already made 4 mistakes and this may be the last one before major troubles;

Dream Interpretation: the number 5 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 5 on the clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means you want to look different from who you really are. To please others, you are ready to bend over backwards and hide your true feelings, emotions and desires. Become yourself, there is no need to live under the mask of another person. In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 00:05 - which means in reality you are entering a period of stagnation and lack of money, and you just need to get through it. Dreaming of “05:00 on the clock” - in 14 days you will have to borrow a fairly large amount of money. However, this is quite dangerous, because there is a high probability that you will not be able to give them back on time;

Dream Interpretation: the number 6 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 6 on the clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means you did the right thing and stop doubting and tormenting. I dreamed of a lot of numbers 6 on the clock - if there were a lot of 6s on the dial - this is a sign from above - you made a mistake in the documents, because of which there will be huge troubles. Double-check all documentation immediately. If you dreamed that the clock's hands point to the number 6, it means in reality, 6 days after the dream, you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you find out what has been tormenting you for quite a long time. In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 00:06 - which means in reality you made a mistake in a love relationship and this could lead to a break in the relationship. If you dreamed about 06:00 on the clock - in reality, in 51 days, you will accomplish a feat that you will be proud of for many years to come. The main thing is not to be arrogant;

Dream Interpretation: the number 7 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 7 on the clock clearly stood out from the rest - it means your creative nature wants to break out and declare itself publicly. If you dreamed “the hands of the wall clock pointed to the number 7 in a dream,” this means that in reality, in 7 days, weeks or months, an important conversation will take place, after which you will decide to undergo surgery or move to live in another place. In a dream, the digital clock had the numbers 00:07 - in reality, one person hates you, to whom you do not pay any attention, which is why you will easily fall into his trap. This will happen on the 7th, 16th or 25th of the next month. If you dreamed about the numbers 07:00 on the clock - within 7 days you will be able to show off your talent and conquer the stage;

Dream Interpretation: the number 8 on a clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 8 on a clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means you are at risk of illness. You will be sick for a long time and seriously if there were no other numbers on the clock besides the number 8. In the dream, the digital clock had the numbers 00:08 - one of your relatives will go to prison, don’t lose heart, but try to help him morally and support him in a difficult period of his life. If the clock shows 00:17, there is a 17-year-old teenager in your circle who has serious problems, try to help him before it’s too late;

Dream Interpretation: the number 9 on the clock in a dream - if in a dream the number 9 on the clock clearly stood out among the rest, it means in reality you will take a risky step that no one expected to see from you. If you dreamed that the clock hands point to the number 9 in a dream, in reality guests will come in 9 weeks, or you will get such trump cards in your hands that you will leave your competitors with their noses. In a dream, the numbers on the electronic clock were 00:09 or 09:00 - in reality there is an anxious expectation, but under no circumstances start doing anything until you receive a command to act. The dream “the cuckoo crowed 9 times on the clock” warns: you will fall out of the common cause for a long time. Then you will return, but you will not be able to catch up.

Russian dream book

Why do you dream about numbers and figures? Russian dream book: numbers, numbers in a dream indicate in real life the date of events that are very important for your life, and can also talk about the number of days, weeks or months before this important event that can turn your life around or make significant changes to it .

New family dream book

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about numbers - to the extreme mental fatigue that the dreamer is experiencing at a given moment in time. In addition, seeing numbers in a dream means that in reality you must be more careful in your speeches and actions, otherwise you will fail the whole business.

Eastern women's dream book

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “Numbers” comes down to the following - it is extremely important not only to see numbers in a dream, but also to remember them, since they can be an important date, the number of a winning card, ball or other attribute of a gambling game, or some deadline.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing numbers in a dream - Miller’s dream book says that this means the dreamer is very tired. They can also mean an approaching illness from extreme mental fatigue.
Miller's Dream Book: the numbers seen in a dream also say that if you do not watch your speeches and carefully consider your actions, then a very important business will be doomed to failure.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of even numbers, a lucky coincidence of circumstances will be in your favor.
  • I dreamed of odd numbers - failed business, unfulfilled plans.
  • If you dreamed about the number 5, 8 or 1, it means successful thoughts and ideas.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Hass

Dream Interpretation: seeing numbers in a dream or writing them means good things will happen in reality. If you remember them, then use these numbers in a game of chance, they will bring you winnings.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what do numbers mean in a dream - changes in fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: writing a number in a dream means you have parapsychological abilities.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing numbers in a dream, but not remembering them after waking up - in reality a financial disaster will await you.

Psychotherapeutic sonny

I dreamed about a lot of numbers - in reality I was very worried.
If you dreamed about one number, but after waking up you didn’t remember it, there will be difficulties in reality.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy
Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of Numbers - the dream promises troubles and difficulties.

Erotic dream book

What does it mean if you dream about numbers? The numbers seen in a dream characterize your life and your needs. If numbers were repeated in a dream or you had a dream about numbers several nights in a row, this is the code for your condition. This code will tell you how you are feeling and what to do next, and can also help you decide on a life goal if you don't have one. The general meaning of the numbers seen in a dream:

In a dream, the number 1 means loneliness, uncertainty about a sexual partner;
- in a dream, the number 2 means suspicions of cheating on your sex partner;
- in a dream the number 3 - you dream of getting married to your current partner;
- in a dream the number 4 means you are bored, you are tired of everything;
- in a dream the number 5 – the desire to achieve new sexual victories;
- in a dream the number 6 - you are happy in love, everything is calm and prosperous;
- in a dream the number 7 - you are interested in an unfamiliar person who is a secret to you;
- in a dream the number 8 - you are not satisfied with life or sex and therefore are aggressive and angry. This threatens a quarrel with a loved one and conflicts with others;
- in a dream the number 9 - you want to live in harmony with your sexual partner, because you sincerely love him.

Spring dream book

Seeing numbers in a dream - the interpretation is as follows: difficulties in the job, problems at work, sorting out relationships with colleagues.

Autumn dream book

Numbers in dreams speak of stomach illness.

Summer dream book

If you dreamed about numbers in a dream, it means that in reality you will be concerned about work.

Dream book of psychologist Meneghetti

  • The interpretation of a dream about numbers is very complex. Dreamed numbers can indicate problematic situations, indicate the date of very important events for the dreamer and other events, and also show frustrating turning points in the development of the dreamer. The numbers seen in a dream carry symbolism that is quite specific.
  • In a dream, the number 1 (one, one, count) is a symbol of the phallus, and it reflects your strong desire to engage in sexual contact. Based on the details of the dream, one can interpret the characters of the characters who were present in this dream.
  • In a dream, the number 0 (zero, zero) is a symbol of the female genital organs (vagina) and it reflects your desire to have sexual intercourse. But since the number zero in a dream also means emptiness or “nothingness,” it may also speak of your spiritual emptiness, intellectual insignificance, regression of your development, destructive tendencies, as well as a strong fear of losing your health.
  • In a dream, the number 10 (ten, ten, chervonets) is a symbol of the union of the phallus and vagina, and speaks of the dreamer’s passionate desire to have sex.

Intelligent dream book

What do numbers in a dream mean? Dream Interpretation: numbers in a dream indicate your anxiety, and one number in a dream indicates difficulty.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about numbers? Seeing the number 1 in a dream is a symbol of society; number 2 – gossip; number 3 – business conversation; number 4 – futile, useless work; number 5 – strong dispute; number 6 and above is a lie and deception. Numbers said in a dream mean boredom and annoyance.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why see a number in a dream? Dream Interpretation: seeing a number in a dream means there will be troubles in reality.
Why write numbers in a dream? Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of writing numbers in a dream, good things will happen in reality.
If you remember the numbers you saw in a dream, then use them in the game and you will get a solid win.


In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the dream “Numbers” is a very difficult dream to interpret, but also very useful. He can tell his dreamer a lot: indicate an important date, indicate a deadline, or warn about impending danger. So, under no circumstances ignore a dream in which you saw, much less remembered, numbers after waking up.

Dream interpretation number 3

Why do you dream about the number 3? Dream interpreters often write that the dreamed symbol has a favorable connotation. As a rule, the plot reflects internal harmony and the implementation of its serious plans. However, some dreams try to warn the sleeper about the beginning of an internal conflict, which is not so easy to resolve.

Let's get into the details

If you want to find out the true reason for the dream, you will have to spend a little time on the details.

The three you see reflects the unity and harmony in your soul. The dream interpreter believes that you managed to choose the right direction in life.

I dreamed about three

The number 3 pushes the dreamer to take decisive action. It’s high time for him to cast aside his fears and begin to realize his cherished dreams. Your own intuition will definitely tell you something, ensuring long-awaited success. But you cannot blindly trust your intuition, as it can cloud the voice of reason.

Professional opinion

According to the popular dream book, the number three represents the creative beginning of the sleeper. In simple terms, he is able to satisfy his own needs without resorting to the help of other people.

Freud's opinion

The dreamed number symbolizes a love triangle, which sooner or later will lead to a break in the relationship. Freud advises against such intrigues, since they will only bring unhappiness and disappointment.

Miller's opinion

According to the dream book, the number 3 is a reflection of divine providence. Gustav Miller believes that the sleeper will be able to receive timely support, allowing him to carry out his plans. However, the savior will appear only if the thoughts are truly pure.

Seeing three on banknotes in a dream

Attention to detail

Decoding a dream often depends on the details:

  • the big three - to achieve large turnover in business;
  • small - to pay off debt;
  • identical - to receive a gift from a loved one;
  • on banknotes - to make a purchase that was kept secret for a long time;
  • a large quantity means a successful and useful acquisition.

In what context?

As one could understand from what was written, the symbol seen is not so simple, and therefore one will also have to remember the context of the night’s plot.


You dreamed of triplets - the beginning of close cooperation. Dream interpreters believe that you were able to choose the right people who can cope with the assigned task. However, you cannot relax; at the end you will have to check the quality of the work.

A plot involving a trio will be a harbinger of an interesting relationship.

Dreaming of the reflection of the troika in the water


Dreaming of numbers reflected in water or in the sky is a positive sign, but it will have to be detailed. If the situation in the dream seemed comfortable, then the dreamer manages to live every day to the fullest, absorbing only good emotions. Interpreters write that we must not forget about caution associated with love experiences. A romantic affair can turn your head, leading to big problems.

The accuracy of decoding will be affected by color:

  • restrained - to positive changes;
  • bright - to trouble.

Fulfillment of desires

Three often appears in night visions - signifying the receipt of a complicated matter or a complex assignment. But do not panic ahead of time, since a quick resolution of the situation is expected.

The dreamed symbol often visits people who decide to connect their lives with creativity. The time has come for the sleeper to start implementing his ideas, without postponing them for later. The wait for inspiration may drag on indefinitely, so it’s better to start organizing yourself.

The night plot often predicts the achievement of cherished desires, but only when it does not harm someone else. The dreamer must be careful when setting certain goals for himself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Shereminskaya

What do Three dreams mean?

The first number assigned to the word "all".

One gave rise to two, two gave rise to three, three gave rise to all numbers.

According to Aristotle, the triad of three is a sign of multiplicity, creative force, growth and synthesis, since through its connection with the trinity it embodies productive male sexual energy and powerful spiritual creative force.

The number three is universal and personifies the threefold nature of man - body, soul and spirit.

These are past, present and future.

Three often means family and expresses the number of luck.

In magic, “3” is used for the purpose of mastering a powerful creative force and is very effectively used in love spells.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Shereminskaya

Dream about Three

Seeing the number “three” is an energy sign: you will always have to obtain everything through painstaking and conscientious work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does Three mean in a dream?

The number three is very favorable for internal self-expression.

The planet Jupiter corresponds to it.

Being attuned to this planet makes it possible to realize your plans.

Especially in the field of art and creativity.

It is also a sign of family affections.

Mother father, child.

In a dream, he draws attention to family problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

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