Presentation - nuclear energy. Presentation on the topic "development of nuclear energy" Presentation on the development of nuclear energy

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* ATOMCON-2008 06/26/2008 Strategy for the development of nuclear energy in Russia until 2050 Rachkov V.I., Director of the Department of Scientific Policy of the State Corporation "Rosatom", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

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* World forecasts for the development of nuclear energy Equalization of specific energy consumption in developed and developing countries will require a threefold increase in demand for energy resources by 2050. A significant share of the increase in world demand for fuel and energy can be taken over by nuclear power, which meets the requirements of large-scale energy in terms of safety and economy. WETO - "World Energy Technology Outlook - 2050", European Commission, 2006 "The Future of Energy", Massachusetts Institute of Nuclear Technology, 2003

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* Status and immediate prospects for the development of the world's nuclear power industry 12 countries are building 30 nuclear power units with a total capacity of 23.4 GW(e). about 40 countries have officially announced their intention to create a nuclear sector in their national energy sector. By the end of 2007, 439 nuclear power reactors with a total installed capacity of 372.2 GW(el) were operating in 30 countries (where two-thirds of the world's population lives). The nuclear share in the electrical generation in the world amounted to 17%. Country Number of reactors, pcs. Power, MW Share of AE in prod. e/e, % France 59 63260 76.9 Lithuania 1 1185 64.4 Slovakia 5 2034 54.3 Belgium 7 5824 54.1 Ukraine 15 13107 48.1 Sweden 10 9014 46.1 Armenia 1 376 43.5 Slovenia 1 666 41.6 Switzerland 5 3220 40.0 Hungary 4 1829 36.8 Korea, South. 20 17451 35.3 Bulgaria 2 1906 32.3 Czech Republic 6 3619 30.3 Finland 4 2696 28.9 Japan 55 47587 27.5 Germany 17 20470 27.3 Country Number of reactors, pcs. Power, MW Share of AE in prod. e/e, % USA 104 100582 19.4 Taiwan (China) 6 4921 19.3 Spain 8 7450 17.4 Russia 31 21743 16.0 UK 19 10222 15.1 Canada 18 12589 14.7 Romania 2 1300 13.0 Argentina 2 935 6.2 South Africa 2 1800 5.5 Mexico 2 1360 4.6 Netherlands 1 482 4.1 Brazil 2 1795 2.8 India 17 3782 2.5 Pakistan 2 425 2.3 China 11 8572 1.9 Total 439 372202 17.0

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* Two-stage development of nuclear power engineering Power generation at thermal reactors and the accumulation of plutonium in them for the launch and parallel development of fast reactors. Development of a large-scale AE based on fast reactors, gradually replacing traditional power generation based on fossil fuels. The strategic goal of the development of nuclear power was to master the inexhaustible resources of cheap fuel - uranium and, possibly, thorium, on the basis of fast reactors. The tactical task of the development of AE was the use of thermal reactors on U-235 (mastered for the production of weapons-grade materials, plutonium and tritium, and for nuclear submarines) in order to produce energy and radioisotopes for the national economy and to accumulate power-grade plutonium for fast reactors.

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* Russian nuclear industry Currently, the industry includes: Nuclear weapons complex (NWC). Nuclear and Radiation Safety Complex (NRS). Nuclear Energy Complex (NEC): nuclear fuel cycle; nuclear power. Scientific and technical complex (NTC). The ROSATOM State Corporation is called upon to ensure the unity of the management system in order to synchronize the industry development programs with the system of external and internal priorities of Russia. The main objective of JSC Atomenergoprom is to form a global company that successfully competes in key markets.

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* In 2008, there are 10 nuclear power plants (31 power units) with a capacity of 23.2 GW. In 2007, nuclear power plants produced 158.3 billion kWh of electricity. The share of nuclear power plants: in the total electricity production - 15.9% (in the European part - 29.9%); in the total installed capacity - 11.0%. Russian NPPs in 2008

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* Disadvantages of modern nuclear power The open nuclear fuel cycle of thermal reactors is a limited fuel resource and the problem of SNF handling. Large capital costs for the construction of nuclear power plants. Orientation to power units of large unit capacity with reference to power grid nodes and large power consumers. Low ability of NPP to power maneuver. Currently, the world does not have a specific strategy for the management of SNF from thermal reactors (by 2010, more than 300,000 tons of SNF will be accumulated, with an annual increase of 11,000-12,000 tons of SNF). Russia has accumulated 14,000 tons of SNF with a total radioactivity of 4.6 billion Ci, with an annual increase of 850 tons of SNF. It is necessary to switch to a dry method of SNF storage. It is expedient to postpone the reprocessing of the bulk of the irradiated nuclear fuel until the start of serial construction of new generation fast reactors.

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* Problems of RW and SNF management A thermal reactor with a capacity of 1 GW produces 800 tons of low- and medium-level radioactive waste and 30 tons of high-level SNF per year. High-level waste, occupying less than 1% by volume, occupies 99% by total activity. None of the countries has switched to the use of technologies that allow solving the problem of handling irradiated nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. A thermal reactor with an electric power of 1 GW produces 200 kg of plutonium annually. The rate of accumulation of plutonium in the world is ~70 t/year. The main international document regulating the use of plutonium is the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). To strengthen the nonproliferation regime, its technological support is needed.

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* Directions of the strategy in the field of nuclear engineering Completion of the production of critical elements of the nuclear power plant technology at Russian enterprises that are fully or partially included in the structure of the State Corporation "ROSATOM". Creation of alternative suppliers of basic equipment to the current monopolists. For each type of equipment, it is supposed to form at least two possible manufacturers. It is necessary to form tactical and strategic alliances between ROSATOM State Corporation and the main market participants.

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* Requirements for large-scale energy technologies Large-scale energy technology should not be subject to natural uncertainties associated with the extraction of fossil fuels. The process of "burning" fuel must be safe. The waste to be contained must be physically and chemically no more active than the original fuel feedstock. With a moderate increase in the installed nuclear power capacity, nuclear power will develop mainly on thermal reactors with an insignificant share of fast reactors. In the case of intensive development of nuclear power, fast reactors will play a decisive role in it.

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* Nuclear power and the risk of nuclear proliferation Elements of nuclear power that determine the risk of nuclear proliferation: New nuclear technology should not lead to the opening of new channels for obtaining weapons-grade materials and using it for such purposes. The development of nuclear energy based on fast reactors with an appropriately built fuel cycle creates conditions for a gradual reduction in the risk of nuclear proliferation. Separation of uranium isotopes (enrichment). Separation of plutonium and/or U-233 from irradiated fuel. Long-term storage of irradiated fuel. Storage of separated plutonium.

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* Development of nuclear power in Russia until 2020 Conclusion: 3.7 GW Kalinin 4 completion of NVNPP-2 1 Rostov 2 completion of NVNPP-2 2 Rostov 3 Rostov 4 LNPP-2 1 LNPP-2 2 LNPP-2 3 Beloyarka 4 BN-800 Kola 2 NVNPP 3 LNPP-2 4 Kola 1 LNPP 2 LNPP 1 NVNPP 4 Severskaya 1 Nizhny Novgorod 1 Nizhny Novgorod 2 Kola-2 1 Kola-2 2 mandatory additional program program Commissioning: 32.1 GW (mandatory program) Plus 6.9 GW (additional program) the red line limits the number of power units with guaranteed (FTP) financing the blue line indicates the mandatory program for the commissioning of power units Note 1 Note 2 Kursk 5 NVNPP-2 3 Central 4 Nizhny Novgorod 4 NVNPP-2 4 Central 2 Central 3 Operating units - 58 Stopped units - 10 person/MW.

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* Transition to a new technological platform A key element of the scientific and technical progress is the development of the NSPP technology with a fast neutron reactor. The BEST concept with nitride fuel, equilibrium HF, and heavy metal coolant is the most promising choice for creating the basis of a new nuclear power technology. The insuring project is a commercially developed sodium-cooled fast reactor (BN). Due to problems with scaling, this project is less promising than BEST, it is supposed to develop new types of fuel and elements of a closed nuclear fuel cycle on its basis. The principle of inherent safety: deterministic exclusion of severe reactor accidents and accidents at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises; transmutation closed nuclear fuel cycle with fractionation of SNF processing products; technological support for the nonproliferation regime.

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* Possible structure of power generation by 2050 The share of nuclear power in the fuel and energy complex in terms of generation - 40% The share of nuclear power in the fuel and energy complex in terms of generation - 35%

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* Periods of development of nuclear technologies in the 21st century Mobilization period: modernization and increase in the efficiency of using installed capacities, completion of power units, evolutionary development of reactors and fuel cycle technologies with their introduction into commercial operation, development and pilot operation of innovative technologies for nuclear power plants and the fuel cycle. Transitional period: expanding the scale of nuclear energy and mastering innovative reactor and fuel cycle technologies (fast reactors, high-temperature reactors, reactors for regional energy, closed uranium-plutonium and thorium-uranium cycles, use of useful and burning hazardous radionuclides, long-term geological isolation of waste, hydrogen production, water desalination). Period of development: deployment of innovative nuclear technologies, formation of multicomponent nuclear and atomic hydrogen energy.

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* Short-term tasks (2009-2015) Formation of a technical base for solving the problem of energy supply to the country on the basis of mastered reactor technologies with the unconditional development of innovative technologies: Increasing efficiency, upgrading, extending the service life of existing reactors, completing construction of power units. Substantiation of the operation of reactors in the maneuverability mode and development of systems for maintaining the operation of nuclear power plants in the base mode. Construction of next generation power units, including NPP with BN-800 with simultaneous creation of pilot production of MOX fuel. Development of programs for regional nuclear power supply based on NPPs of small and medium power. Deployment of a work program to close the nuclear fuel cycle for uranium and plutonium to solve the problem of unlimited fuel supply and management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Deployment of a program for the use of nuclear energy sources to expand sales markets (cogeneration, heat supply, energy production, seawater desalination). Construction of power units in accordance with the General Scheme.

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* Medium-term objectives (2015-2030) Expansion of the scale of nuclear energy and development of innovative reactor and fuel cycle technologies: Construction of power units in accordance with the General Scheme. Development and implementation of an innovative project of the third generation VVER. Decommissioning and disposal of power units of the first and second generations and their replacement with third generation units. Formation of the technological base for the transition to large-scale nuclear power. Development of radiochemical production for fuel processing. Pilot operation of a demonstration block of a nuclear power plant with a fast reactor and fuel cycle facilities with inherent safety. Trial operation of the GT-MGR prototype unit and production of fuel for it (within the framework of an international project). Construction of small-scale energy facilities, including stationary and floating power and desalination stations. Development of high-temperature reactors for the production of hydrogen from water.

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* Long-term tasks (2030-2050) Deployment of innovative nuclear technologies, formation of multicomponent nuclear and atomic hydrogen energy: Creation of infrastructure for large-scale nuclear energy on a new technological platform. Construction of a demonstration block of a nuclear power plant with a thermal reactor with a thorium-uranium cycle and its pilot operation. The transition to large-scale nuclear power requires broad international cooperation at the state level. There is a need for joint developments focused on the needs of both national and world energy.

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Nuclear energy MOU gymnasium No. 1 - the city of Galich, Kostroma region © Naneva Yulia Vladimirovna - teacher of physics

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People have long thought about how to make rivers work. Already in ancient times - in Egypt, China, India - water mills for grinding grain appeared long before windmills - in the state of Urartu (on the territory of present-day Armenia), but were known as early as the 13th century. BC e. One of the first power plants were "Hydroelectric power plants". These power plants were built on mountain rivers where there is a fairly strong current. The construction of the hydroelectric power station made it possible to make many rivers navigable, since the construction of the dams raised the water level and flooded the river rapids, which prevented the free passage of river vessels. hydroelectric power plants

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A dam is needed to create water pressure. However, hydroelectric dams worsen the habitat conditions for aquatic fauna. Damped rivers, having slowed down, bloom, vast areas of arable land go under water. Settlements (in the case of the construction of a dam) will be flooded, the damage that will be inflicted is incomparable with the benefits of building a hydroelectric power station. In addition, a system of locks is needed for the passage of ships and fish passage or water intake structures for irrigating fields and water supply. And although hydroelectric power plants have considerable advantages over thermal and nuclear power plants, since they do not need fuel and therefore generate cheaper electricity. Conclusions:

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Thermal power plants At thermal power plants, the source of energy is fuel: coal, gas, oil, fuel oil, oil shale. The efficiency of TPP reaches 40%. Most of the energy is lost along with hot steam emissions. From an environmental point of view, thermal power plants are the most polluting. The activity of thermal power plants is inherently associated with the combustion of a huge amount of oxygen and the formation of carbon dioxide and oxides of other chemical elements. In combination with water molecules, they form acids, which fall on our heads in the form of acid rain. Let's not forget about the "greenhouse effect" - its impact on climate change is already being observed!

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Nuclear power plant Reserves of energy sources are limited. According to various estimates, coal deposits in Russia, at the current level of its production, remain for 400-500 years, and even less gas - for 30-60. This is where nuclear energy comes into play. Nuclear power plants are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the energy sector. Currently, nuclear power plants in our country provide about 15.7% of electricity. A nuclear power plant is the basis of the energy industry using nuclear energy for the purposes of electrification and heating.

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Nuclear energy is based on the fission of heavy nuclei by neutrons with the formation of two nuclei from each - fragments and several neutrons. In this case, enormous energy is released, which is subsequently spent on heating the steam. The operation of any plant or machine, in general, any human activity is associated with the possibility of a risk to human health and the environment. As a rule, people are more wary of new technologies, especially if they have heard about possible accidents. And nuclear power plants are no exception. Conclusions:

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For a very long time, seeing what destruction storms and hurricanes can bring, a person thought about whether it was possible to use wind energy. Wind energy is very high. This energy can be obtained without polluting the environment. But the wind has two significant drawbacks: the energy is highly dispersed in space and the wind is unpredictable - it often changes direction, suddenly calms down even in the windiest regions of the globe, and sometimes reaches such strength that it breaks windmills. To obtain wind energy, a variety of designs are used: from multi-blade "chamomile" and propellers like aircraft propellers with three, two, and even one blade to vertical rotors. Vertical structures are good because they catch the wind of any direction; the rest have to turn with the wind. wind farms

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The construction, maintenance and repair of wind turbines operating around the clock in the open air in any weather are not cheap. Wind farms of the same capacity as a hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant or nuclear power plant, in comparison, must occupy a very large area in order to somehow compensate for the variability of the wind. Windmills are placed so that they do not block each other. Therefore, huge "wind farms" are being built, in which wind turbines stand in rows over a vast area and work for a single network. In calm weather, such a power plant can use water collected at night. The placement of windmills and reservoirs require large areas that are used for plowing. In addition, wind farms are not harmless: they interfere with the flights of birds and insects, make noise, reflect radio waves with rotating blades, interfering with TV reception in nearby settlements. Conclusions:

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In the heat balance of the Earth, solar radiation plays a decisive role. The power of the radiation incident on the Earth determines the maximum power that can be generated on the Earth without a significant violation of the heat balance. The intensity of solar radiation and the duration of sunshine in the southern regions of the country make it possible with the help of solar panels to obtain a sufficiently high temperature of the working fluid for its use in thermal installations. Solar power plants

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The large dispersion of energy and the instability of its supply are the disadvantages of solar energy. These shortcomings are partially offset by the use of storage devices, but still the Earth's atmosphere prevents the receipt and use of "clean" solar energy. To increase the power of the solar power plant, it is necessary to install a large number of mirrors and solar batteries - heliostats, which must be equipped with an automatic tracking system for the position of the sun. The transformation of one type of energy into another is inevitably accompanied by the release of heat, which leads to overheating of the earth's atmosphere. Conclusions:

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Geothermal energy About 4% of all water reserves on our planet are concentrated underground - in the rock masses. Waters whose temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius are called thermal. Groundwater is heated as a result of radioactive processes occurring in the bowels of the earth. People have learned to use the deep heat of the Earth for economic purposes. In countries where thermal waters come close to the surface of the earth, geothermal power plants (geoTPPs) are being built. Geothermal power plants are relatively simple: there is no boiler room, fuel supply equipment, ash collectors and many other devices necessary for thermal power plants. Since the fuel at such power plants is free, the cost of electricity generated is low.

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Nuclear power The branch of energy that uses nuclear energy for electrification and heating; The field of science and technology that develops methods and means for converting nuclear energy into electrical and thermal energy. The basis of nuclear energy is nuclear power plants. The first nuclear power plant (5 MW), which marked the beginning of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, was launched in the USSR in 1954. By the beginning of the 90s. more than 430 nuclear power reactors with a total capacity of about 340 GW were operating in 27 countries of the world. According to experts' forecasts, the share of nuclear energy in the overall structure of electricity generation in the world will continuously increase, provided that the basic principles of the concept of safety of nuclear power plants are implemented.

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The development of nuclear energy 1942 in the USA under the leadership of Enrico Fermi, the first nuclear reactor was built FERMI (Fermi) Enrico (1901-54), Italian physicist, one of the founders of nuclear and neutron physics, founder of scientific schools in Italy and the USA, foreign member correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 1938 he emigrated to the USA. Developed quantum statistics (Fermi-Dirac statistics; 1925), the theory of beta decay (1934). Opened (with collaborators) artificial radioactivity caused by neutrons, moderation of neutrons in matter (1934). He built the first nuclear reactor and was the first to carry out a nuclear chain reaction in it (12/2/1942). Nobel Prize (1938).

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1946 in the Soviet Union, under the leadership of Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov, the first European reactor was created. Development of nuclear power Igor Vasilievich KURCHATOV (1902/03-1960), Russian physicist, organizer and leader of work on atomic science and technology in the USSR, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1951, 1954). Researched ferroelectrics. Together with his collaborators, he discovered nuclear isomerism. Under the leadership of Kurchatov, the first domestic cyclotron was built (1939), spontaneous fission of uranium nuclei was discovered (1940), mine protection for ships was developed, the first nuclear reactor in Europe (1946), the first atomic bomb in the USSR (1949), the world's first thermonuclear bomb ( 1953) and NPP (1954). Founder and first director of the Institute of Atomic Energy (since 1943, since 1960 - named after Kurchatov).

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significant modernization of modern nuclear reactors strengthening measures to protect the population and the environment from harmful man-made impact training of highly qualified personnel for nuclear power plants development of reliable storage facilities for radioactive waste, etc. The main principles of the concept of safety of nuclear power plants:

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Problems of nuclear energy Promoting the proliferation of nuclear weapons; radioactive waste; The possibility of an accident.

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Ozersk Ozersk, a city in the Chelyabinsk region The date of foundation of Ozersk is November 9, 1945, when it was decided to begin construction of a plant for the production of weapons-grade plutonium between the cities of Kasli and Kyshtym. The new enterprise received the code name Base-10, later it became known as the Mayak plant. B.G. was appointed director of Base-10. Muzrukov, chief engineer - E.P. Slavsky. Supervised the construction of the plant B.L. Vannikov and A.P. Zavenyagin. The scientific management of the nuclear project was carried out by I.V. Kurchatov. In connection with the construction of the plant on the banks of the Irtyash, a working settlement with the code name Chelyabinsk-40 was founded. On June 19, 1948, the first industrial nuclear reactor in the USSR was built. In 1949, Baza-10 began shipping weapons-grade plutonium. In 1950-1952, five new reactors were put into operation.

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In 1957, a container with radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak plant, resulting in the formation of the East Ural radioactive trail 5-10 km wide and 300 km long with a population of 270 thousand people. Production at the Mayak association: weapons-grade plutonium radioactive isotopes Application: in medicine (radiation therapy), in industry (defectoscopy and monitoring of technological processes), in space research (for the manufacture of atomic sources of thermal and electrical energy), in radiation technologies ( labeled atoms). Chelyabinsk-40

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Nuclear power in Russia Nuclear power, which accounts for 16% of electricity generation, is a relatively young branch of the Russian industry. What is 6 decades in terms of history? But this short and eventful period of time played an important role in the development of the electric power industry.

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History The date of August 20, 1945 can be considered the official start of the "atomic project" of the Soviet Union. On this day, a resolution of the State Defense Committee of the USSR was signed. In 1954, the very first nuclear power plant was launched in Obninsk - the first not only in our country, but throughout the world. The station had a capacity of only 5 MW, worked for 50 years in an accident-free mode and was closed only in 2002.

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Within the framework of the federal target program "Development of the Russian nuclear power industry complex for 2007-2010 and for the period up to 2015", it is planned to build three power units at the Balakovo, Volgodonsk and Kalinin nuclear power plants. In general, 40 power units should be built before 2030. At the same time, the capacity of Russian nuclear power plants should increase annually by 2 GW from 2012, and by 3 GW from 2014, and the total capacity of Russian nuclear power plants by 2020 should reach 40 GW.

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Beloyarsk NPP Located in the city of Zarechny, in the Sverdlovsk region, the second industrial nuclear power plant in the country (after the Siberian one). Three power units were built at the station: two with thermal neutron reactors and one with a fast neutron reactor. At present, the only operating power unit is the 3rd power unit with a BN-600 reactor with an electric power of 600 MW, put into operation in April 1980 - the world's first industrial-scale power unit with a fast neutron reactor. It is also the largest fast neutron reactor in the world.

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Smolensk NPP Smolensk NPP is the largest enterprise in the North-West region of Russia. The nuclear power plant generates eight times more electricity than other power plants in the region combined. Commissioned in 1976

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Smolensk NPP It is located near the city of Desnogorsk, Smolensk Region. The station consists of three power units, with RBMK-1000 type reactors, which were put into operation in 1982, 1985 and 1990. Each power unit includes: one reactor with a thermal power of 3200 MW and two turbogenerators with an electric power of 500 MW each.

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Novovoronezh NPP Novovoronezh NPP is located on the banks of the Don, 5 km from Novovoronezh, a city of power engineers, and 45 km south of Voronezh. The station provides 85% of the needs of the Voronezh region in electricity, and also provides heat for half of Novovoronezh. Commissioned in 1957.

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Leningrad NPP Leningrad NPP is located 80 km west of St. Petersburg. On the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, it supplies electricity to about half of the Leningrad region. Commissioned in 1967.

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NPPs under construction 1 Baltic NPP 2 Beloyarsk NPP-2 3 Leningrad NPP-2 4 Novovoronezh NPP-2 5 Rostov NPP 6 Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP 7 Other

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Bashkir Nuclear Power Plant Bashkir Nuclear Power Plant is an unfinished nuclear power plant located near the town of Agidel in Bashkortostan at the confluence of the Belaya and Kama rivers. In 1990, under public pressure, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the construction of the Bashkir nuclear power plant was stopped. She repeated the fate of the unfinished Tatar and Crimean nuclear power plants of the same type.

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History At the end of 1991, there were 28 power units operating in the Russian Federation with a total nominal capacity of 20,242 MW. Since 1991, 5 new power units with a total nominal capacity of 5,000 MW have been connected to the grid. As of the end of 2012, 8 more power units are under construction, not counting the units of the Low Power Floating Nuclear Power Plant. In 2007, the federal authorities initiated the creation of a single state holding Atomenergoprom, which would unite the companies Rosenergoatom, TVEL, Techsnabexport and Atomstroyexport. 100% of JSC Atomenergoprom's shares were transferred to the simultaneously established State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

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Electricity generation In 2012, Russian nuclear power plants generated 177.3 billion kWh, which accounted for 17.1% of the total generation in the Unified Energy System of Russia. The volume of supplied electricity amounted to 165.727 billion kWh. The share of nuclear generation in the total energy balance of Russia is about 18%. Nuclear energy is of high importance in the European part of Russia and especially in the north-west, where the output at nuclear power plants reaches 42%. After the launch of the second power unit of the Volgodonsk NPP in 2010, Prime Minister of Russia V.V. Putin announced plans to increase nuclear generation in the total energy balance of Russia from 16% to 20-30% electricity at nuclear power plants by 4 times.

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Nuclear power in the world In today's rapidly developing world, the issue of energy consumption is very acute. The non-renewability of such resources as oil, gas, coal makes us think about alternative sources of electricity, the most realistic of which today is nuclear energy. Its share in world electricity generation is 16%. More than half of these 16% are in the USA (103 power units), France and Japan (59 and 54 power units, respectively). In total (as of the end of 2006) there are 439 nuclear power units in the world, 29 more are in various stages of construction.

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Nuclear power in the world According to TsNIATOMINFORM, by the end of 2030, about 570 GW of nuclear power plants will be put into operation in the world (in the first months of 2007, this figure was about 367 GW). At the moment, the leader in the construction of new units is China, which is building 6 power units. It is followed by India with 5 new blocks. Russia closes the top three - 3 blocks. Intentions to build new power units are also expressed by other countries, including those from the former USSR and the socialist bloc: Ukraine, Poland, Belarus. This is understandable, because one nuclear power unit will save such an amount of gas in a year, the cost of which is equivalent to 350 million US dollars.

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Lessons from Chernobyl What happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 20 years ago? Due to the actions of the employees of the nuclear power plant, the reactor of the 4th power unit got out of control. His power increased dramatically. The graphite masonry was white-hot and deformed. The rods of the control and protection system could not enter the reactor and stop the temperature rise. The cooling channels collapsed, water pouring out of them onto the red-hot graphite. The pressure in the reactor increased and led to the destruction of the reactor and the building of the power unit. Upon contact with air, hundreds of tons of red-hot graphite caught fire. The rods, which contained fuel and radioactive waste, melted, and radioactive substances poured into the atmosphere.

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Lessons from Chernobyl. Putting out the reactor itself was not at all easy. This could not be done by conventional means. Due to high radiation and terrible destruction, it was impossible to even get close to the reactor. A multi-ton graphite masonry was burning. The nuclear fuel continued to release heat, and the cooling system was completely destroyed by the explosion. The temperature of the fuel after the explosion reached 1500 degrees or more. The materials from which the reactor was made were sintered with concrete and nuclear fuel at this temperature, forming previously unknown minerals. It was necessary to stop the nuclear reaction, lower the temperature of the debris and stop the release of radioactive substances into the environment. To do this, the reactor shaft was bombarded with heat-removing and filtering materials from helicopters. This began to be done on the second day after the explosion, April 27th. Only 10 days later, on May 6, it was possible to significantly reduce, but not completely stop radioactive emissions.

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Lessons from Chernobyl During this time, a huge amount of radioactive substances ejected from the reactor was carried by winds many hundreds and thousands of kilometers from Chernobyl. Where radioactive substances fell to the surface of the earth, zones of radioactive contamination were formed. People received large doses of radiation, got sick and died. Firefighters were the first to die from acute radiation sickness. Helicopters suffered and died. Residents of neighboring villages and even remote areas, where the wind brought radiation, were forced to leave their homes and become refugees. Vast areas became unsuitable for habitation and agriculture. The forest, the river, the field, everything became radioactive, everything hid an invisible danger.

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Hydroelectric power stationsPeople have long thought about how to make rivers work. Already in ancient times - in Egypt, China, India - water mills for grinding grain appeared long before windmills - in the state of Urartu (on the territory of present-day Armenia), but were known as early as the 13th century. BC e. One of the first power plants were "Hydroelectric". These power plants were built on mountain rivers where there is a fairly strong current. The construction of the hydroelectric power station made it possible to make many rivers navigable, since the construction of the dams raised the water level and flooded the river rapids, which prevented the free passage of river vessels.

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Conclusions: To create a pressure of water, a dam is needed. However, hydroelectric dams worsen the habitat conditions for aquatic fauna. Damped rivers, having slowed down, bloom, vast areas of arable land go under water. Settlements (in the case of the construction of a dam) will be flooded, the damage that will be inflicted is incomparable with the benefits of building a hydroelectric power station. In addition, a system of locks is needed for the passage of ships and fish passage or water intake structures for irrigating fields and water supply. And although hydroelectric power plants have considerable advantages over thermal and nuclear power plants, since they do not need fuel and therefore generate cheaper electricity

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Thermal power plants At thermal power plants, the source of energy is fuel: coal, gas, oil, fuel oil, oil shale. The efficiency of TPP reaches 40%. Most of the energy is lost along with hot steam emissions. From an environmental point of view, thermal power plants are the most polluting. The activity of thermal power plants is inherently associated with the combustion of a huge amount of oxygen and the formation of carbon dioxide and oxides of other chemical elements. In combination with water molecules, they form acids, which fall on our heads in the form of acid rain. Let's not forget about the "greenhouse effect" - its impact on climate change is already being observed!

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Nuclear power plantReserves of energy sources are limited. According to various estimates, coal deposits in Russia, at the current level of its production, remain for 400-500 years, and even less gas - for 30-60. This is where nuclear energy comes into play. Nuclear power plants are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the energy sector. Currently, nuclear power plants in our country provide about 15.7% of electricity. A nuclear power plant is the basis of the energy industry using nuclear energy for the purposes of electrification and heating.

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Conclusions: Nuclear energy is based on the fission of heavy nuclei by neutrons with the formation of two nuclei from each - fragments and several neutrons. In this case, enormous energy is released, which is subsequently spent on heating the steam. The operation of any plant or machine, in general, any human activity is associated with the possibility of a risk to human health and the environment. As a rule, people are more wary of new technologies, especially if they have heard about possible accidents. And nuclear power plants are no exception.

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Wind farms For a very long time, seeing what destruction storms and hurricanes can bring, people thought about whether it was possible to use wind energy. Wind energy is very high. This energy can be obtained without polluting the environment. But the wind has two significant drawbacks: the energy is highly dispersed in space and the wind is unpredictable - it often changes direction, suddenly calms down even in the windiest regions of the globe, and sometimes reaches such strength that it breaks windmills. To obtain wind energy, a variety of designs are used: from multi-blade "chamomile" and propellers like aircraft propellers with three, two, and even one blade to vertical rotors. Vertical structures are good because they catch the wind of any direction; the rest have to turn with the wind.

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Conclusions: The construction, maintenance and repair of wind turbines operating around the clock in the open air in any weather are not cheap. Wind farms of the same capacity as a hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant or nuclear power plant, in comparison, must occupy a very large area in order to somehow compensate for the variability of the wind. Windmills are placed so that they do not block each other. Therefore, huge "wind farms" are being built, in which wind turbines stand in rows over a vast area and work for a single network. In calm weather, such a power plant can use water collected at night. The placement of windmills and reservoirs require large areas that are used for plowing. In addition, wind farms are not harmless: they interfere with the flights of birds and insects, make noise, reflect radio waves with rotating blades, interfering with TV reception in nearby settlements.

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Solar power plants In the heat balance of the Earth, solar radiation plays a decisive role. The power of the radiation incident on the Earth determines the maximum power that can be generated on the Earth without a significant violation of the heat balance. The intensity of solar radiation and the duration of sunshine in the southern regions of the country make it possible with the help of solar panels to obtain a sufficiently high temperature of the working fluid for its use in thermal installations.

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Conclusions: Large dispersion of energy and instability of its receipt are the disadvantages of solar energy. These shortcomings are partially offset by the use of storage devices, but still the Earth's atmosphere prevents the receipt and use of "clean" solar energy. To increase the power of the solar power plant, it is necessary to install a large number of mirrors and solar batteries - heliostats, which must be equipped with an automatic tracking system for the position of the sun. The transformation of one type of energy into another is inevitably accompanied by the release of heat, which leads to overheating of the earth's atmosphere.

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Geothermal energy About 4% of all water reserves on our planet are concentrated underground - in the rock masses. Waters whose temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius are called thermal. Groundwater is heated as a result of radioactive processes occurring in the bowels of the earth. People have learned to use the deep heat of the Earth for economic purposes. In countries where thermal waters come close to the surface of the earth, geothermal power plants (geoTPPs) are being built. Geothermal power plants are relatively simple: there is no boiler room, fuel supply equipment, ash collectors and many other devices necessary for thermal power plants. Since the fuel at such power plants is free, the cost of electricity generated is low.

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Nuclear power The branch of energy that uses nuclear energy for electrification and heating; The field of science and technology that develops methods and means for converting nuclear energy into electrical and thermal energy. The basis of nuclear energy is nuclear power plants. The first nuclear power plant (5 MW), which marked the beginning of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, was launched in the USSR in 1954. By the beginning of the 90s. more than 430 nuclear power reactors with a total capacity of about 340 GW were operating in 27 countries of the world. According to experts' forecasts, the share of nuclear energy in the overall structure of electricity generation in the world will continuously increase, provided that the basic principles of the concept of safety of nuclear power plants are implemented.

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Development of nuclear energy 1942 in the USA under the leadership of Enrico Fermi, the first nuclear reactor was built FERMI (Fermi) Enrico (1901-54), Italian physicist, one of the founders of nuclear and neutron physics, founder of scientific schools in Italy and the USA, foreign corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). In 1938 he emigrated to the USA. Developed quantum statistics (Fermi-Dirac statistics; 1925), the theory of beta decay (1934). Opened (with collaborators) artificial radioactivity caused by neutrons, moderation of neutrons in matter (1934). He built the first nuclear reactor and was the first to carry out a nuclear chain reaction in it (12/2/1942). Nobel Prize (1938).

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Development of Nuclear Energy In 1946, the first European reactor was created in the Soviet Union under the leadership of Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov. KURCHATOV Igor Vasilievich (1902/03-1960), Russian physicist, organizer and leader of work on atomic science and technology in the USSR, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1951, 1954). Investigated ferroelectrics. Together with his collaborators, he discovered nuclear isomerism. Under the leadership of Kurchatov, the first domestic cyclotron was built (1939), spontaneous fission of uranium nuclei was discovered (1940), mine protection for ships was developed, the first nuclear reactor in Europe (1946), the first atomic bomb in the USSR (1949), the world's first thermonuclear bomb ( 1953) and NPP (1954). Founder and first director of the Institute of Atomic Energy (since 1943, since 1960 - named after Kurchatov).

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