Ways to solve the demographic problem in the presentation world. The demographic problem of mankind The demographic problem of mankind

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The content of the work The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem Causes Causes Causes Dynamics Dynamics Dynamics Current state Current state Current state Current state Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Ways of solution Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions

The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem of humanity lies in the continuous increase in the number of inhabitants of our planet. But this situation is more dangerous because a huge increase in the number of inhabitants falls on the share of economically backward or developing countries. The essence of the demographic problem of mankind lies in the continuous increase in the number of inhabitants of our planet. But this situation is more dangerous because a huge increase in the number of inhabitants falls on the share of economically backward or developing countries.

Causes of the demographic problem Large contrasts in population distribution and density Large contrasts in population distribution and density Failure of states to implement the necessary demographic and social policies Failure of states to implement the necessary demographic and social policies Economic and political instability in countries experiencing a population explosion Economic and political instability in countries where there is a demographic "explosion" Migration Migration

The current state of the demographic problem The rate of increase in world population growth is not declining, but rather increasing, and according to UN experts, by 2025 the world's population may reach 8.5 billion people. The rate of increase in world population growth is not declining, but rather increasing, and according to UN experts, by 2025 the world's population may reach 8.5 billion people.

Ways to solve the demographic problem Resting on a complex set of social and economic tasks Resting on a complex set of social and economic tasks Joint actions of all states of the world Joint actions of all states of the world Improving the living standards of the population (in developing countries) Improving the living standards of the population (in developing countries) State regulation birth rate State regulation of birth rate

Results of the work Demographic problem Environmental pollution Problem of lack of resources Fuel and energy problem The demographic problem is one of the global problems of mankind and is closely related to other global problems of our time. Urgent action is needed to remedy the situation.

References Geography textbook grade 10 V.P. Maksakovskiy Geography textbook grade 10 V.P. Maksakovskiy Modern demography A.Ya. Kvasha, V.A. Iontseva Modern demography A.Ya. Kvasha, V.A. Iontseva Encyclopedia "Science" Susan McIver Encyclopedia "Science" Susan McIver Network Internet Network Internet

(ancient Greek δῆμος - people, other Greek γράφω - I write) - a science that studies the population
and the laws of its development in the socio-historical conditionality.

Demographic processes
- population explosion;
- multidirectional demographic processes of different
regions of the world;
- the threat of depopulation of some peoples;
population aging in some countries;
- Increasing share of the poor population.

demographic problem
Natural population decline
- High level of socio-economic development
- High level of urbanization
- Changing the status of a woman, emancipation
- Consequences of wars and military conflicts,
- Industrial injuries;
man-made disasters
- Mortality due to diseases
- Natural disasters
Reducing the death rate
- Using the achievements of modern
medicine to fight epidemics
- improvement of sanitary culture
● Increasing the birth rate
Low level of urbanization
A peculiar social order
religious practices that encourage
having many children
- Servitude of women,
early marriages

Population explosion
- ultra-high population growth rates at a certain
will present
2.6 billion
4.1 billion
472 million
998 million
242 million
540 million

a lot of
more than quantity
economic growth.
scale that arise
resource depletion.

top five
countries of the world
China (1.3 billion people)
India (1.1 billion people)
USA (297 million)
Indonesia (223 million)
Brazil (181 million people)

Severity of the problem
a lack of
(including for
Low quality
medical services,
increase in diseases
lack of food

The importance and significance of the global demographic problem is recognized by all
countries that have realized the following:
- the world population is growing rapidly;
- the vast majority of this population is in developing countries;
- the backward economy and undeveloped social sphere of these countries cannot return
this growth for the benefit of its development;
- the spread of dangerous diseases leads to an increase in mortality;
- uncontrolled migration and urbanization are turning from positive phenomena into
- an increase in the number of armed conflicts and an arms race, cost huge
material costs.
Demographic policy, as a rule, includes a complex of various
- economic
- administrative and legal
- educational and promotional

In most developing countries, as well as in
China, population policy is aimed at
decline in natural population growth
Benefits are provided to families, knowingly
limit the number of children, is also being
promotion of small families in the mass media
information and other ways In China, for example,
families with more than two children pay a 10 percent payroll tax. Here
back in the 1950s, the state began
pursue an active demographic policy.
Its main slogan is "One family - one child"
Marriage is allowed for women only at the age of 23, and
men - at 25.
At the 3rd Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee in November 2013
the decision was made “One family - two children”,
that shook all of China. family, one of the spouses
who has no siblings, is allowed
give birth to a second child.

Two ways of natural growth
population: - encouragement of births
through the provision of various
benefits for families with children
- reduction in mortality due to
social welfare improvements and
medical care. How
usually in developed countries
both methods are used
natural increase, however
one-time investment in benefits for
increase in fertility have an effect
not earlier than in 15-20 years, and
because demographic policy
should be long term.
Japan and

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Types of population reproduction The first type of population reproduction. demographic crisis. The first type of population reproduction is characterized by low birth rates, mortality rates and, accordingly, natural increase. There is a "demographic crisis" It has spread primarily in economically developed countries, where the proportion of elderly and old people is growing all the time; this in itself lowers the birth rate and increases the death rate. The decline in the birth rate in industrialized countries is usually associated with the spread of an urban lifestyle, in which children are a "burden" for parents. In industrial production, the service sector requires highly qualified personnel. The consequence of this is the need for long-term studies, lasting up to 21-23 years. The decision to give birth to a second or third child is strongly influenced by a woman's high involvement in the labor process, her desire to make a career, to be financially independent. This type is observed in Europe, North. America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan. There is an "aging of the nation" and depopulation of the population.

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Types of population reproduction The second type of population reproduction. "Population explosion". The second type of population reproduction is characterized by high and very high birth rates (25-50 people) and natural increase and relatively low mortality rates. It is typical primarily for the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Lat.America, Oceania After gaining independence, these countries were able to make greater use of the achievements of modern medicine, sanitation and hygiene - primarily to combat epidemic diseases. This led to a rather sharp reduction in mortality. The birth rate, for the most part, remained at a high level. Of course, this is largely due to the persistence of millennial traditions of early marriages and large families. The average family size is now 6 people. In addition, it remains the main means of maintaining a living wage, and children continue to serve as the main support of parents in old age. Yes, and infant mortality in these countries is still significant. Factors such as the predominance of the rural population, the insufficient level of education, and the weak involvement of women in production continue to affect. For Muslim countries, it is also the dominant religion, according to which family planning is unacceptable. Such a phenomenon of rapid population growth in countries of the second type of reproduction in the middle of the 20th century. received in the literature the figurative name of the population explosion. Today, these countries (together with China) account for almost 4/5 of the entire population of the planet and 90% of its annual growth. Including the population of Asia annually increases by about 45 million people, Africa - by almost 20 million, Latin America -. more than 6 million

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The work was done by a student of grade 11A Victoria Kulikova Global demographic problem of the world.

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Increasing growth in the population of the Earth Every year, the population of the Earth is increasing, especially in the most populated territory of the world - South Asia, where both demographic superpowers are located: China and India - an increase per year is 27 ppm.

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Reasons (developing countries): Traditions of early marriages; Influence of religion; Traditions of large families; Prohibition on abortion; Reasons for the Increase in Population Growth

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The current demographic situation is a global problem, primarily because the rapid growth of the population occurs in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Thus, the world population increased daily in 1992 by 254 thousand people. Less than 13,000 of this number were in industrialized countries, the remaining 241,000 were in developing countries. Population explosion.

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If this growth continues for at least another couple of centuries, the entire earth's surface will be filled with inhabitants with the population density of today's Moscow. And after six centuries, for every inhabitant of the planet there will be only 1 square. m. of land. According to UN experts, by 2025 the world population will reach 8.3 billion people. At present, more than 130 million people are born annually on the globe, 50 million die; thus, the population growth is approximately 80 million people. Population explosion.

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No less relevant is the direct connection between the growth of the world population and such global problems as the provision of mankind with natural resources and environmental pollution. The rapid growth of the rural population has already led in many of the developing countries to such a "pressure" on natural resources (soil, vegetation, wildlife, fresh water, etc.), which in a number of areas has undermined their ability to naturally renew themselves. The filling of space is going on very quickly, and the waste is also multiplying, which makes its shortage even more threatening. The problem of living space is not new. Lack of resources and space.

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The earth is inhabited not only by its inhabitants, but also by cars, motorcycles, airplanes. The 250 million cars in the world require as much oxygen as the entire population of the Earth. And after 2 centuries, according to some scientists, oxygen will completely disappear from the atmosphere. There is not even enough underground space. Entire cities are formed underground: sewers, conductive systems, subways, shelters. The impact of technology on the earth

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- Diseases - Climate - Food - Predators Causes of the fall in the population of the Earth

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Air pollution. Authorities in all European countries are trying to fight for clean air. But despite all the measures, residents of many cities have to inhale a huge amount of harmful substances for health. Among the most common: Carbon monoxide (exhaust gases, solid fuels, tobacco smoke). Lead (gasoline with lead additives). Nitrogen oxides (power plants, transport, thermal installations). Sulfur dioxide (formed when coal and oil are burned). Diseases. Environmental pollution.

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Stress can be caused by very different life situations, from everyday incidents to life-changing events (loss of a job, death of a loved one). If, due to stress, you lose your sense of joy in life, your relationships with other people are disrupted, your sleep is disturbed, your appetite changes, if you stop feeling healthy, this means that your body is sending you signals that the stress was excessive. Nervous overload and stress.

Mortality and life expectancy. In 2005, the number of deaths in Russia reached 2303 thousand and, thus, exceeded the number of births by 1.6 times (in 2004 - by 1.5 times), and in 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation this excess amounted to 2.0-2 .8 times. Despite the decisive role of the decline in the birth rate in the causes of Russian depopulation, it is worth noting the extremely unfavorable dynamics in relation to mortality. The losses of the Russian population at the moment are largely due to the phenomenal mortality rate by European standards. At the beginning of the 21st century, Russia is characterized by extremely low life expectancy and lags behind in this indicator from the ten most developed countries in the world for men (58.8 years) and women (72 years). Up to 80% of deaths in Russia are due to cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, alcohol poisoning and injuries. A special place in the structure of Russian mortality is occupied by unnatural causes. Last year alone, about 40,000 people died as a result of traffic injuries, 36,000 people were victims of alcohol poisoning, 35,500 died from homicides and 46,000 from suicides.

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