Two-layer jelly with strawberries. Two-layer jelly How to prepare a two-color jelly recipe

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Three jellies at once! Cherry, orange, sour cream. The process of preparing multi-layer jelly, although longer, is not at all labor-intensive.

So, the recipe for multi-layer jelly. 4-5 servings.


  • cherry jelly – 1 sachet
  • orange jelly – 1 sachet
  • sour cream – 150 ml
  • sugar – 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • instant gelatin – 2 teaspoons

For frost decoration

  • sugar – 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • ready-made jelly or water – 1-2 tbsp. spoons


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    In a bowl, according to the instructions, dissolve the cherry jelly. In another bowl, do the same with orange jelly. Advice. It is advisable to use 50 ml less water when preparing jelly.

    While they are freezing, you can decorate the glasses and make “frost” along the edges.

    Preparation of "frost" . To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of light jelly or water into a shallow plate. Dip the neck of the glass into the jelly to wet the edges. Pour sugar into another bowl and dip the wet edge of the glass into it.

    While the jelly cools to room temperature, the edge of the glasses will dry out a little.

    Now place the prepared glasses in a container or other suitable container, at an angle.

    Carefully pour some cherry jelly into the glasses. Place them in the same reclining form in the refrigerator so that the jelly hardens.

    Dissolve instant gelatin in 40-50 ml of water. Separately, combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar.

    Beat the mixture with a mixer until fluffy (it should stick to the mixer beaters).

    If the gelatin has not completely dissolved, bring it until smooth in a water bath. Pour the gelatin into the whipped sour cream mixture and mix thoroughly.

    Pour some sour cream jelly into glasses on top of the cooled cherry jelly to form a small layer. Place back in the refrigerator until set. When the jelly hardens again, pour in the next layer - orange jelly, and finally sour cream again.

    Advice : To prevent the layers from mixing, it is advisable to pour the next layer only after the previous one has completely hardened.

    To create a beautiful pattern, you need to fill the glasses on the opposite side. To do this, place the glasses in the container so that the unfilled part is at the bottom. Repeat layers, alternating cherry, then sour cream.

    A V-shaped depression is formed in the center of the glass; fill it to the rim of the glass with orange jelly. All that remains is to place the glasses in the refrigerator until they cool completely. Multilayer jelly is ready and can be served.

Jelly is a delicacy that has been a favorite since childhood. I remember when I was 11 years old I first tried two-color jelly in a children's cafe. It was a miracle for me. I haven’t tasted anything tastier at that time. Memories burned into my memory like a bright spot.

Now, of course, jelly of any color and any layering can be prepared independently, which is what I propose to do. The white layer of jelly is made from milk or cream (my recipe uses full-fat milk), and the bright layer is made from any compote. I took frozen cherries. The richer the compote, the brighter the taste of the jelly. Hardens quickly. 3 hours after preparation you can eat.

How to prepare two-color jelly recipe:

2) Pour 250 ml of filtered water into a mug, add a generous handful of cherries and a tablespoon of sugar. I'm making compote. If there is not enough sweetness, you can always add more. To make the cherries release their juice better, you can crush them directly in the compote with a mortar. The compote should be tasty and rich.

5) Pour 2 tbsp into the bottom of the molds. spoons of warm cherry jelly. I put the molds in the refrigerator. It hardens in half an hour. Next I pour 3 tbsp. spoons of milk jelly and put it in the refrigerator again. As soon as the white layer hardens, I pour in a layer of cherry jelly and so on.

Skillfully prepared milk jelly can brighten up any holiday or simply lift your spirits on a weekday. After all, this magnificent dessert (photo) is prepared with milk - an incredibly tasty and healthy product, and its recipe is not difficult at all.

Milk is a product that accompanies a person throughout his life. We have become accustomed to it since childhood and often don’t even think about how useful and necessary it is.

Here are just a few facts:

  • one liter of traditional cow's milk is comparable in nutritional value to half a kilogram of meat;
  • the same liter satisfies a person’s daily need for calcium;
  • the composition of milk is unique - it contains more than a hundred components that are absolutely necessary for the normal growth and development of the body;
  • milk is used to treat many diseases, quickly restores strength, strengthens the immune system, and has a calming effect.

And finally, a lot of tasty and healthy things are prepared from milk: cream and sour cream, cheeses and cottage cheese, fermented milk products and even condensed milk, a favorite from childhood.

And, since we are talking about desserts, it should be noted that the creation of confectionery products is generally unthinkable without the participation of milk. Almost every baking recipe is based on the use of this wonderful product. And how delicious are all kinds of milkshakes, soufflés, jellies and mousses! By the way, the famous “Bird's milk” is also a type of milk dessert.

Today we propose to talk about how to make milk jelly - tasty, light and healthy. The recipe for this wonderful delicacy is so simple that even cooks who are just taking their first steps can do it.

Basic recipe

There are countless variations of milk jelly. But, before you let your imagination run wild and create your own version of this most delicate delicacy, you should study the main, so to speak basic, recipe for the famous milk dessert. Minimum products needed:

  • half a liter of milk (necessarily high fat content - 3.2%);
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • cinnamon or vanilla (1 stick);
  • half a glass of water.

Recipe for making milk jelly:

  1. Gelatin is poured with cold boiled water and set aside for a while. It should swell.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl (preferably with a non-stick coating), place a cinnamon (or vanilla) stick on top, pour in milk and bring it almost to a boil. This is important - you cannot boil the milk, so as not to spoil the taste of the dessert.
  3. So, the hot milk is removed from the heat in time, now it needs to be allowed to cool a little. A quarter of an hour is enough, says the recipe. During this time, the spices will have time to impart their delicious aroma to the milk.
  4. After 15 minutes, the cinnamon should be removed and the gelatin should be dissolved in a water bath. You cannot boil it (just like milk) - just dissolve it. All that remains is to combine the milk and gelatin (which is best poured in while straining), mix well and pour the finished jelly into the molds. After this, place them in the refrigerator to allow the gelatin to do its work.

Completely hardened milk jelly can be served directly in the molds in which it hardened, and topped with berries or grated chocolate (photo). But you can do it differently (although this requires some skill): lower the molds into hot water for a couple of seconds, then turn them over, placing a serving plate under the contents.

We increase appetite

After the basics have been mastered, it’s time to slightly complicate the dessert, making it even more beautiful and appetizing. Any berries or fruits are suitable for this: seedless grapes, raspberries, strawberries or cherries, banana slices, and so on. You just need to keep in mind that with kiwi and pineapple the jelly will take longer to harden.

The recipe for this delicacy is extremely simple: before pouring the milk jelly into molds, place several pieces of fruit on the bottom. That's all the wisdom.

You can make the dessert taste milky chocolate - then you need to add a chocolate bar to the basic composition of the products. You just need to grate it and dissolve it in the milk while it heats up.

Two-layer jelly - aerobatics

First, let's look at a recipe where the second - bright - layer will be berries. To create it, in addition to the ingredients present in the basic version, you will need to stock up on:

  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) – 300 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled water.

Milk jelly is prepared according to the basic recipe. With the difference that you will need to separate 1 tablespoon from the swollen gelatin - it will be needed for the berries.

The recipe does not recommend rushing to pour the prepared milk-gelatin mixture into molds. Just let him stand aside for a while.

In the meantime, you need to take care of the berries: put them in a saucepan, add water, add sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Then rub the strawberries through a strainer and dissolve the remaining gelatin in this puree.

Now it’s time to fill the molds: pour berry jelly into them halfway and put them in the freezer (for faster hardening) for 5 minutes. Only now the recipe allows you to finish forming the dessert with the milk mass waiting in the wings.

After this, the two-layer delicacy must be placed in the refrigerator again and wait for it to completely harden. This jelly looks more impressive without molds (photo), which means that it must be removed onto plates before serving, as described in the basic recipe.

Milk coffee jelly

This is an example of another color and flavor combination: milk and coffee. To implement it you will need:

  • 2 glasses of high fat milk;
  • 2 glasses of freshly brewed coffee;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • ½ cup of cold boiled water;
  • a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. First, the gelatin is soaked. While it swells, brew coffee with 1 spoon of sugar. Then it cools a little, “seasoned” with cinnamon and half of the swollen gelatin.
  2. The milk is brought to a boil with 3 tablespoons of sugar, cooled slightly, flavored with vanilla and combined with the remaining gelatin.
  3. You need to form the dessert the same way as a berry dessert - in two layers: first the coffee mixture, and after it hardens, the milk mixture. Or alternate white and dark layers.

Based on the presented recipes, you can create your own, completely unusual variations of the dairy delicacy, combining various ingredients. After all, this dessert provides endless scope for imagination.

Video recipe for making milk jelly

Jelly is a delicacy that has been a favorite since childhood. I remember when I was 11 years old I first tried two-color jelly in a children's cafe. It was a miracle for me. I haven’t tasted anything tastier at that time. Memories burned into my memory like a bright spot.

Now, of course, you can make jelly of any color and any layering yourself, which is what I propose to do. The white layer of jelly is made from milk or cream (my recipe uses full-fat milk), and the bright layer is made from any. I took frozen cherries. The richer the compote, the brighter the taste of the jelly. Hardens quickly. 3 hours after preparation you can eat.

Cooking steps:

5) Pour 2 tbsp into the bottom of the molds. spoons of warm cherry jelly. I put the molds in the refrigerator. It hardens in half an hour. Next I pour 3 tbsp. spoons of milk jelly and put it in the refrigerator again. As soon as the white layer hardens, I pour in a layer of cherry jelly and so on.


250 ml milk, 250 ml cherry compote, 20 g gelatin, sugar to taste.

For compote: 250 ml water, a handful of cherries, 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of sugar.

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