Singer Evgeny Osin is in serious condition in the hospital. Doctors are fighting for the life of Evgeniy Osin How Evgeniy Osin lives

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Russian songwriter, singer and musician, whose fame came from songs in the genre of courtyard romantic music with pop rhythms and rock and roll “A girl is crying in the machine gun”, “Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Kachka”, “Portrait” works by Pablo Picasso”, “The Fellow Traveler” and others.

Evgeny Osin. Biography

Evgeny Osin was born on October 4, 1964 in Moscow. He began to get involved in music at the age of 14: as a teenager, he performed as a drummer in a school ensemble. He studied at a music school for a short time, but dropped out. As a result, Osin only had a certificate from the institute for advanced training of cultural workers, which gave Evgeniy the opportunity to take the position of leader of any amateur ensemble at the level of a district cultural center.

When Osin was 19 years old, he decided to become a vegetarian.

In 1986, Evgeny Osin organized a group called “ Nightcap", which was then renamed to " Cupcake" Osin was not only a vocalist, but also a guitarist. Later, the musician performed in such groups as “ Nicolaus Copernicus" And " Alliance", created under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory.

In 1988, Evgeny Osin led the group “ Father Frost"(at the Stas Namin Center), where he also performed as a vocalist and showman. After leaving the group " Bravo" by Zhanna Aguzarova Osin began touring with a popular group, starred in their video, and also took part in the recording of the album " Let's say to each other “Bravo!"(the album was not officially released due to Osin leaving the group). After leaving Bravo, Osin created the group “ Avalon", in which he sang, composed music and poetry, and played the guitar.

Evgeny Osin turned to the style of the 1970s in 1991, and in 1992 he released the album “70th Latitude”, performing songs where romantic courtyard music was mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of rock and roll of the 1960s.

All the instruments on the album were live, and most of the musicians were girls. The album was a huge success, and most of the tracks became hits.

“I sang romantic songs by non-professional authors that no one wanted to release. All my compositions can be compared to home songs with a guitar. These are things that touch because they are written from the heart. Nowadays there are a lot of corrupt authors who write to order. All their writings are about nothing, just rhyming phrases. My songs may not be very literate, but they are real,” Evgeny Osin said in an interview.

The author of the lyrics of the song " Girl crying in the vending machine", which became the main hit of the album, was Andrey Voznesensky, and the composer of the song " Portrait by Pablo Picasso" - Polish pianist and composer Vladislav Shpilman(It was about him that Roman Polanski made the film “The Pianist”).

In the 1990s, the artist actively toured the country and abroad, starred in television programs, and released more than ten video clips.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, Evgeny Osin began collaborating with young performers, including rappers, and starred in music videos, as well as in television projects (for example, in the show “Old Songs about the Main Thing” on Channel One). However, the albums Osin recorded during this period (“ Golden collection», « Bagel and loaf" And " Still the same girls") were not successful. In 2003, two collections by Evgeniy Osin were published - “ In the mood for love" And " Star series».

In 2009, the second album of children's songs, “Bagel, Loaf and Bagel,” was released, which included songs performed not only by Osin, but also by other artists. The song “Alphabet” was performed by Evgeny Osin’s daughter Agnia.

In the summer of 2016, Evgeny Osin was admitted to the hospital, but he categorically stated that he was in a hospital bed due to cirrhosis of the liver, which a number of media outlets wrote about. Earlier, in 2015, the singer himself told reporters that his health left much to be desired: he was diagnosed with pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas.

In July 2017, Osin told the media that his legs had failed due to problems with his spine and that he had no money for treatment.

“I feel like I’m crawling on sharp knives,” Evgeny Osin described his condition and complained: “I need to go to the hospital. But the wallet is empty. The last savings were taken by television people who promised to film a story about me and assured me that they would send me abroad for treatment. I let them into the apartment. I fed me for several weeks, spent my time, but they deceived me... In trouble, no one supports me, I do everything myself.”

Evgeny Osin died on November 17, 2018 in his apartment from cardiac arrest. The artist was 54 years old.

Evgeny Osin. Personal life

In 2000, Evgeny Osin married a bank employee, Natalya. The singer said that he met his future wife by chance and invited the girl he liked to his concert, not knowing that she was not free at that time. After meeting Evgeny, Natalya left her husband and began to live with the artist. In 2002, the couple had a daughter, who was named Agnia. However, due to Osin's alcohol addiction, the marriage broke up.

Osin’s wife took Agnia and forbade the singer to communicate with her daughter. For the artist this was a real blow. Since then, he could not imagine his life without alcohol.

In 2010, in order to see his daughter, Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher (additional education teacher) at school No. 1287, where under his leadership the group “Fishki” was created, in which his daughter performed. Osin worked at the music school for five years.

“Terrible things are happening to Zhenya,” said Andrei Razin, producer of the “Tender May” group. “The arm that he injured in the accident is rotting. His kidneys are failing. His legs are failing. He had problems with his legs before. The doctors told him: “No under no circumstances should you drink."


“We are simply losing him,” quotes Razin. “The body, weakened due to drunkenness, began to collapse. The same decay as Osin’s on his hand was once experienced by the songwriter of “Tender May” Sergei Kuznetsov. pulled out. If measures are not taken urgently, Zhenya may begin an irreversible process. And this means no more than 10-15 days, and it’s over.”

Earlier, in an interview with a website about Osin’s serious condition, TV presenter Dana Borisova: “At the end of December last year, he sold the garage for three million, one of which he spent on buying a motorcycle, and he can’t remember what he did with the other two. By the way, this motorcycle was the cause of the misfortune - Osin fell from it and broke his arm. But he didn’t go to the doctors in time. As a result, something terrible is happening to his arm, we brought an expensive doctor to Osin to do an x-ray right at home, but Zhenya refused. said that they could even amputate the arm if treatment is not started.”

Osin himself blames the doctors of the 67th Moscow Hospital, where he ended up, for his troubles. “There the patients lie in dirty diapers, they can’t stand the ducks, the food is disgusting,” Osin cries. “I had an Ilizarov apparatus installed (used in orthopedics for long-term fastening of bone tissue fragments. - Ed.) to return the displaced bones to their place, however More than two weeks have passed and nothing is happening!

1964. He is not only a Russian singer, but also a musician and songwriter. The musician's father, Osin Victor, was a simple trolleybus driver. The singer has a younger sister Albina. Evgeniy's parents divorced when the boy was nine years old. The singer's uncle was a drummer in the famous ensemble of Leonid Utesov.

How did the life of the once famous singer Evgeny Osin turn out? Does he have a family, children? What is Evgeny Osin doing now? Why doesn’t he perform at concerts and please his fans? This will be discussed in the article.

Childhood and youth of Evgeniy Osin

Before we find out how Evgeny Osin lives now, let's talk about how his life developed from his earliest years. Unfortunately, there is very little information about Evgeniy’s childhood.

The singer's parents separated when he was only nine. The reason for the divorce was the father's religion. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist sect. After the divorce, his mother received a two-room apartment, and his father went to live in Cherepovets to work as the head of a motorcade, where he began to lead the Adventist sect.

Zhenya Osin began studying music from early childhood. By the age of twelve, he was able to master the drums perfectly, and two years later he began playing in the school ensemble on the drum set. As Evgeniy himself says, he often saved on school lunches, invented excursions and asked his mother for money for them, and also handed over bottles. This is how he was able to save up money for his first drum set.

But the singer had problems obtaining a professional musical education. The young and ambitious guy quickly got tired of boring classical music classes.

Evgeny Osin taught himself to play the guitar. In addition, the musician was involved in breeding pigeons. He kept them on the balcony, and then bought a dovecote, which can be seen in the video for the song “The Girl is Crying.” But later, when the singer’s popularity began to gain momentum, he had to sell the dovecote. He did this because he had little free time.

Start of a career

Osin has only one official document on musical education, which gives him the right to work in schools or cultural centers as a director of musical ensembles.

Despite the lack of specialized education, Evgeniy successfully performed on stage. In 1983 (at the age of 19) he switched to vegetarian food. Three years later, Evgeniy creates his first musical group, “Night Cap”. After a while, the group changes its name to “Cupcake”. In this group, Osin was the vocalist and guitarist.

Osin in search of himself

Before starting his solo career, the singer played in several musical groups. So, in 1986-1987 he was part of the Nicolaus Copernicus group, and in the Alliance group he was a drummer. Participation in groups took place under the auspices of the Moscow rock laboratory.

In the late 80s, namely in 1988, he became the leader of the “Santa Claus” group. It belonged to the Stas Namin center. Here Osin was the main showman and vocalist in the group.

In the same year, Osin was invited to the Bravo group to replace the departed Zhanna Aguzarova. Together with the band, the singer took part in tours and also starred in a music video. However, the performer did not last long in the group. In 1989, group leader Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and gave him Osin’s place.

Evgeniy does not fall into despair and creates his next group, Avalon. In the group, he not only sang and played, but also independently composed poems and music for songs. The group's repertoire was very diverse. They performed both jazz and rock music.

This is how popularity came

In 1991, Evgeniy begins to build his solo career. He returns in his performance to the musical style of the 70s. And already in 1992, his first solo record, entitled “70th Latitude,” was released. In it, the musician performs songs in which the romance of city courtyards is mixed with the rhythms of pop music and rock and roll of the 60s. The main part of the musicians of this group were girls, and all the music was performed live.

This album was a dizzying success, and many songs from it became hits.

The most famous songs

The most popular song in the album was the song “The Girl is Crying in the Machine Gun.” True, Osin was only its performer. The words to the song were written by Andrei Voznesensky. Next, Evgeny Osin has a new song that sounds from all windows - “Tanya plus Volodya.” And in 1996, in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the first president Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin himself danced to his song “Yalta”.

Another of Evgeniy’s most famous songs is “Kachka”.

Personal life of Evgeny Osin

What is happening to Evgeniy Osin now? Does he have a family? What does he do? Despite his creative successes, the singer’s personal life was not very successful. Of course, the singer was married.

His chosen one was called Natalya. They met completely by chance, in a bank. After meeting, Evgeniy invited the girl to his concert. That's how he found out that she was married.

But this did not stop Natasha and Evgeniy from becoming a couple. She left her husband and went to the singer. The girl's mother was categorically against their union, but the lovers were still together. In 2000 they got married. And after two years of married life, their daughter Agnia is born.

Where is Evgeny Osin now? The singer, much to his disappointment, began to get involved in alcohol. This greatly spoiled his relationship with his wife, and his creative career came to naught. Natalya could not stand it and decided to file for divorce from Evgeniy. She took her daughter Agnia with her, and forbade her husband to communicate with her.

This was a strong blow for the singer. In order to be able to see his daughter, in 2010 the musician got a job at school No. 1287 in Moscow as a music director. He worked there until 2014. His daughter Agnia studied there.

After breaking up with his wife, Evgeniy lives with another girl in a civil marriage for five years. But this relationship does not work out either. She also leaves him due to his addiction to alcohol.

Calm period

In the period from the early 2000s to 2010, the singer released several albums, which included only songs from previous years. So his popularity begins to quickly fall, and the performer himself moves into the “retro” category.

In 2009, singer Evgeny Osin released his second album of children's songs entitled “Bagel, loaf and bagel.” One of the songs included in the album is performed by his daughter Agnia. The composition is called "Alphabet".

In 2011, Evgeny Osin tries to return to touring, but his repertoire includes only songs from previous years.

Osin Evgeniy: what’s wrong with him now?

After a long period of calm in musical activity, Evgeny Osin returns to his pop career again. In 2016, he released his new album “Separation”. But the record does not receive the same popularity.

According to the singer himself, he is working on musical works now, but he simply does not want to appear on TV channels.

The musician also spends a lot of time on legal proceedings with his ex-wife. All of them are connected with their common daughter Agnia, whom the singer loves madly.

Alcohol addiction

What does Evgeny Osin look like now? It is no secret to many that he has been suffering from alcohol addiction for a long time. This is what caused the collapse of his career and personal life. After his wife Natalya left with their daughter, he began to drink even more. Osin himself does not hide his alcoholism. He repeatedly tried to overcome this addiction, but to no avail.

The musician tried several times to start a new life, without drinking alcohol, but after a while he broke down again and went on a long binge.

Osin cites his loneliness as the reason for his alcoholic breakdowns.

Alcohol in the artist’s life had a negative impact not only on his musical career and personal life, in addition, it made him a figure in crime reports. So, in the spring of 2017, the singer’s drinking companions robbed his apartment. He filed a statement with the police, which stated that immediately after three of his acquaintances, a man and two women, left the apartment, he discovered that personal belongings were missing.

What has changed in the life of Evgeny Osin? What's wrong with him now? There were rumors about the singer’s liver cirrhosis, but he himself denied this information. But in July 2017, singer Evgeny Osin reported health problems. What's wrong with him now? He stated that he had problems with his spine, because of which his legs began to fail, but he had no money for treatment. Osin also spoke about problems with his shoulder. It was dislocated and later healed incorrectly. Surgery required. But the most offensive thing for the singer is that it is the shoulder on which the guitar hangs that hurts.

On August 15 of the same year, Evgeny Osin leaves home and does not return. Nobody knows where to look for him. After three days, his sister Albina writes a statement to the police about the disappearance of Evgeniy Osin. What's wrong with him now? Fortunately, he was found on the same day, August 18, 2017, in one of the drug treatment centers. The musician came there at the insistence of his friends to once again try to get rid of alcohol addiction. Of course, he won’t be able to return to his old life, but it’s still worth trying to extend his life for several years. After all, the most important thing is the desire of the person himself to change something.

The performer of the hits “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine” Evgeniy Osin is urgently rescued at a rehabilitation clinic for alcohol and drug addicts in Thailand. The details of his stay were reported by TV presenter Dana Borisova, who herself was treated at this center.


“I was told that Zhenya had barricaded himself in the apartment, had been drinking for five days, and wasn’t letting anyone in,” recalls Dana. “I called him and began to convince him to go to the center where I was being treated. Like, now a person will come to him from me and take him away. Zhenya was drunk at that time, he only mumbled in response."

“Zhenya found himself in a very serious condition,” continues Borisova. “He could not walk, but only crawled. He was white, some kind of green. Osin refused food, complained of numbness in his limbs. He has the 3rd - last - stage of alcoholism .

Now Borisova intends to send several star colleagues to a clinic on Koh Samui. And she even hinted who she meant. “I threw out a cry in our show business that we need to save two blondes - a famous TV presenter who is insane and whose hair has come out, and a dancer-ballerina,” Dana said in an interview with the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel.

According to him, the cost of 6 months of stay in the rehabilitation center is 700 thousand rubles. But Dana assures that finding money is not a problem. The main thing is to save sick colleagues.

In the early 90s, the song “The girl in the machine gun is crying” was heard from almost every window in Russia and beyond. This was the time of popularity of the singer, composer and songwriter Evgeny Osin. We will get acquainted with his biography in this article. Let's find out the reason from the stage and what is happening to him today.


The biography of Evgeny Osin began in Moscow on October 4, 1964. He grew up as a restless and curious boy. Since childhood, he was fond of playing various musical instruments. He was especially attracted to drums. He mastered them well by the age of 12. And at the age of 14 he successfully performed in the school ensemble.

Education was necessary for the further development of the musical biography of Evgeny Osin. His parents understood this and sent the teenager to study musical notation in one of the best Moscow schools. However, the energetic Zhenya soon became bored with traditional lessons, and he dropped out of school.

After 10th grade, the young musician made a second attempt to get an education and entered the Institute of Culture. The Faculty of Amateur Directing warmly welcomed the talented Evgeniy Osin, but the guy again did not like his studies. And he left the institute with a certificate. In fact, this was permission to work as the leader of a regional amateur ensemble.

In addition to music, Evgeny Osin was engaged in breeding pigeons. He kept the birds on the balcony. And he dreamed of building a big house with a dovecote. This hobby pushed Osin to the decision to become a vegetarian.

First projects

Evgeny Osin's musical biography as a singer began in the Nightcap group, which he created at the age of 22. Later it became known as "Cupcake". This was the musician's first serious project. In it, he was simultaneously a songwriter, guitarist and vocalist.

After the collapse of “Keks”, the artist changed many bands. The first on this list was “Nicolaus Copernicus”. Participation in this group allowed Osin to master percussion (percussion instruments). In the next group - "Alliance" - the musician is already sitting at the drum kit.

Two years later, the energetic Osin was noticed by a producer and musician and invited him to work in the “Father Frost” team at his center. He collaborated with this group for about a year, but did not gain much popularity.


An important stage in the creative biography of Evgeny Osin was participation in the Bravo team. Everything happened quickly and unexpectedly for the young musician. Zhanna Aguzarova suddenly left the group before the tour. And so that the plans would not be disrupted, an urgent casting was announced for the place of the vocalist. Among the contenders were Penkin. But for some reason the band’s composer, Evgeniy Khavtan, delayed the decision on choosing a frontman.

And then Evgeniy Osin came to the casting. The musician did not hope for anything, but they took him. During the year of cooperation with the legendary group, he recorded several songs from the album “Let’s say “Bravo!” to each other,” starred in a video and took part in a tour. Osin was replaced in the group. Then his candidacy was more suitable for the producers.

Solo creativity

Working at Bravo allowed the musician to gain invaluable experience and achieve professionalism in his career. Now the musical biography of singer Evgeny Osin is moving to a new level. He creates his own group, Avalon. Her repertoire included compositions of various styles: from jazz to “heavy”.

In the early 90s, Osin turned to the style of the 70s. His solo project became successful almost immediately. The courtyard aesthetics appealed to millions of listeners. The approach was absolutely unsophisticated. Osin took compositions that were unpopular in professional circles, sincere and written in simple language, added rock and roll rhythms - the result was hits. And after the video “The girl is crying in the machine gun,” the singer woke up as a real star.

By the way, the author of the text of this hit was Andrei Voznesensky. And the music for another popular song, “Portrait of Pablo Picasso,” was written by a Polish composer (the film “The Pianist” was filmed about him). The composition itself was first performed by the Polish singer Irena Santor and in translation was called “No one will return these years.”

Aspen was spurred on by success. He worked actively in the studio, recording song after song, toured the country, and performed at the same venues with other pop stars. The singer also took part in B. Yeltsin’s election campaign in 1996. The concert in Rostov-on-Don was memorable when Osin and the president danced on the same stage.

Decline of creativity

In 2000, the musician still works a lot, actively appearing on television and taking part in various creative projects. But the former glory is gone. Critics explain the decline of his work for two reasons. Firstly, the singer’s songs and performance style have ceased to be relevant. After all, the period of post-Soviet romance is long behind us. In addition, Osin’s compositions were broadcast on radio and television with the label “retro”.

The second reason was the musician’s addiction to alcohol. Attempts to cope with the problem led him to church. Osin visited monasteries and even lived and worked in them. This gave him peace of mind for a while.

However, it was precisely in those years that Evgeniy Osin’s musical biography as an artist ended. He no longer acts or records songs. In order to somehow live, Osin gets a job as a music teacher at an English school in Moscow.

In 2005, the film “Popsa” was released on Russian screens. The singing of one of the characters, Lev Malinovsky (performed by Valery Garkalin), was voiced by Evgeny Osin.

Personal life

In the 90s, being famous, the musician met a girl, Natalya. She worked in a bank and was married at that time. But this did not stop the artist. Soon, dramatic changes took place in Evgeniy Osin’s personal biography. Natalya divorced her first husband and reciprocated the musician’s feelings. They got married, although the girl's mother was against it, calling this marriage a mistake and a rash step.

In 2002, the couple had a daughter, Agnia. This event increased family happiness, but not for long. Osin loved his daughter very much, spoiled her and developed her creatively. For her, he recorded an entire album of children's songs, “Bagel and Loaf,” and composed many poems. But alcohol addiction turned out to be stronger and destroyed the family idyll. Natalya filed for divorce and took her daughter, limiting any contact with Osin. To see his daughter, the musician got a job as a teacher at her school. There, in 2010, he created the children’s group “Fishki,” of which young Agnia became a member. The team even shot several videos. However, Natalya prevented this too. She managed to turn her daughter against her father and transfer her to another school.


Currently, all that is known about the biography and personal life of Evgeniy Osin is that he continues to struggle with alcohol addiction. The musician lives alone in his Moscow apartment. Sometimes his sister and friends visit him.

A couple of years ago, Osin was diagnosed with a serious problem with his spine. The musician's legs sometimes give out. There is no money for quality treatment, although the artist turned to Tibetan specialists, and they managed to help him for some time.

In August 2017, the singer left home. Three days later, his sister filed a missing person report with the police. Aspen was found in one of the special centers for combating alcoholism. According to the artist, the offer of treatment came from friends.


Throughout his creative biography, Evgeny Osin has released 15 albums. The first three are “Man from the Star” (1988), “Let us say to each other “Bravo!” (1989) and “The Shining Path of Fire” (1991) - recorded as part of the groups “Father Frost”, “Bravo” and “Avalon”, respectively. Also in the singer’s discography there are two albums of children’s songs, which are dedicated to Osin’s daughter. These are “Bagel and Loaf” (2001) and “Bagel, Loaf and Bagel” (2009). The second included songs by other artists. The composition “Alphabet” was performed by Agnia herself.

Osin's latest collection of songs is called “Separation”. It was recorded in memory of his close friend and stage colleague, Alexander Alekseev, who passed away in 2010. The singer worked on the album material for a very long time. The year of release was only 2016. Before this, Osin attempted a tour of Russia. His performances were crowned with success. Despite the fact that fans of the artist’s work had aged, the halls were full, and the atmosphere was the same as in the fiery 90s.

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