Development of special qualities of a boxer. Characteristics of motor qualities and the specifics of their manifestations in boxing Productive Range of Movements

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Here you can refer to the experience of the USSR youth boxing team. The basis for improving functional readiness and its comprehensive assessment was the classification of exercises by working power and zones of their intensity (maximum, submaximal, high and moderate power). According to the authors Koptsev et al. (p. 16), to the zones:

maximum power includes physical activity (lasting up to 20 s) - running 60, 100 and 200 m;

submaximal - physical activity (up to 5 minutes) - running 400, 800, 1500 m;

large - physical activity (up to 30 minutes) - running 3000, 5000 m;

moderate power - stayer running (60 minutes or more).

At the early stages of sports improvement, the volume of general training means is significantly greater than the volume of special training means. As sports skill increases, this ratio changes towards an increase in the means of special training, and general training acquires an auxiliary character.

The ratio of general and special training means varies depending on many factors: age, qualifications, athletes’ own body weight, degree of training, stage of preparation for annual or semi-annual training cycles, etc.

The percentage and focus of general and special training depends on the listed factors and can vary within significant limits. The result of performance in specific competitions depends on how correctly the coach planned this relationship and felt the strength of the training impact of the training means he assigned. Often, experienced coaches at the beginning of the pre-competition stage of preparation reduce the volume of specialized means, preferring general exercises to them, but at the same time maintaining the desired (competitive) mode of work. It is known that changing the technical and tactical characteristics of a mature fighter at the pre-competition stage is a rather complex and problematic task. It is easier and more important to bring the athlete to the start “fresh” physically and mentally, avoiding a state of fatigue. For this purpose, general exercises are more suitable than special ones, which have a more acute effect on the athlete’s psyche. At the same time, there is no clear boundary between the general and special training under consideration. There are a large number of exercises that are intermediate in nature and are performed in conditions where it is difficult to determine what type of training they should be classified as. Often the same exercise can be effectively used at different stages and periods of training, which depends on the volume and intensity of the given load.

The main physical qualities of each athlete include: strength, speed, endurance, agility and coordination. These qualities are important in any sport, but in each sport they manifest themselves specifically, under the influence of the characteristics of its technique and tactics. Thus, the functional training of a boxer is very different from the functional training of, say, a skier or even a wrestler.

The level of physical fitness determines the boxer’s ability to adapt to high loads, contributes to the restoration of sports form in the shortest possible time, stable maintenance of training, reduction of the recovery period when performing individual exercises during training sessions and during training in general.

1.2 Basic physical qualities of boxers and methods of their development

Each sport has its own specialized functional structure that ensures muscle activity in one direction or another.

The activity of boxers in a competitive match is characterized by repeated manifestations of maximum efforts of an explosive nature to perform intense short-term work, which alternates with short intervals of not so intense work at a long distance, while maintaining the spatial accuracy of movements and their working efficiency.

For special physical training in various types of martial arts, you can select or compose exercises aimed at developing a particular quality.

1.2.1 Speed-strength abilities of boxers and ways of their development

Special strength in martial arts is understood as the ability to obtain an assessed result of an activity with the least muscle tension or the least total energy expenditure.

It is known that maximum strength in athletes can be increased in two ways:

a) due to an increase in muscle mass;

b) by improving intramuscular and intermuscular coordination.

Gained strength lasts longer if its increase is accompanied by a simultaneous increase in muscle mass, and conversely, strength is lost faster if muscle mass does not increase. If an athlete does not systematically use exercises that require significant muscle tension, a decrease in muscle strength occurs.

The physiological mechanism of increasing strength due to the growth of muscle mass is based on the intensive breakdown of proteins in working muscles during physical exercise. In this case, the weights used should be large enough, but not maximum (for example, a barbell weighing 60-75% of the maximum). The duration of a series of exercises should be 20-40 seconds, which allows movements to be carried out due to the anaerobic energy supply mechanism necessary in this case. A shorter duration of exercise is not recommended, since metabolic processes in the muscles do not have time to activate. In turn, 20-40 second exercises cause significant changes in the composition of proteins in working muscles. As a result, after the active breakdown of proteins during the rest period, their increased resynthesis occurs (restoration and super-recovery), which leads to an increase in muscle diameter.

Thus, to increase muscle mass, the most effective should be considered to be working with weights that can be lifted 5-10 times. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the training work for quite a long time (1.5-2 hours), performing 3-4 approaches to one weight or in each exercise. It is advisable that in each approach the exercise is performed “to failure” (rest intervals between approaches are small - 0.5-2 minutes) and each subsequent approach is carried out against the background of under-recovery.

Reducing the weight of the weight leads to the “switching on” of the aerobic mechanism of energy supply and a decrease in the intensity of the breakdown of muscle proteins. Therefore, such work does not contribute to the growth of muscle mass.

Another way to increase the level of maximum strength is based on improving coordination connections in the nervous system, which ensures improved intramuscular and intermuscular coordination. It has been established that usually only 30-60% of muscle fibers are involved in work (even with maximum effort). With the help of special training, you can significantly increase the ability to synchronize the activity of muscle fibers, which manifests itself in an increase in muscle strength without muscle hypertrophy (Degtyarev et al., p. 21).

Strength qualities. Human strength is defined as the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension.

Muscular strength is one of the most important physical qualities of a boxer. Muscle strength largely determines the speed of movement, as well as endurance and agility. Wide variety of boxer movements With certain tasks led to the need to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the strength component. A typical manifestation of strength in a boxer is instantaneous (impulsive) actions, often repeated over quite a long time. Therefore, they talk about the manifestation of “explosive” strength and strength endurance. Thus, boxers exhibit strength qualities combined with speed and endurance. The manifestation of these qualities depends on the activity of the central nervous system, the cross-section of muscle fibers, their elasticity, and the biochemical processes occurring in the muscles. An important role in the manifestation of muscle strength belongs to volitional efforts.

During training and fights, a boxer performs a large number of high-speed actions, so we can talk about the specifics of his strength readiness.

Boxer's quickness. Speed ​​is understood as the ability to carry out movements and actions at a certain speed due to the high mobility of neuromuscular processes.

The quality of speed in sports includes: the actual speed of movements, their frequency and the speed of motor reaction. An important role in the speed of movements and actions is played by the athlete’s volitional efforts and his psychological mood. A boxer's speed is characterized by his ability to effectively carry out simple and complex reactions.

A simple reaction in boxing is a response with a predetermined movement to a previously known, but suddenly appearing, action of the enemy. During a fight, a “pure” simple reaction almost never occurs, but only in the process of learning and training, when the boxers’ actions are conditioned. In combat, complex reactions of two types appear: the reaction to a moving object, i.e., the enemy, and the reaction of choice. In the first case, in a split second you need to act with blows on a moving enemy, and therefore, find the required distance, select certain technical means and at the same time continuously move. In the second case, the boxer reacts with his actions to the actions of the opponent, and, as a rule, success depends on the advantage in speed, and the complexity of the reaction of choice depends on the situations created by the actions of the boxers. In a fight environment, the demands for complex reactions are very high, as actions happen quickly and often with tangible results for the boxers. The advantage is given to the boxer who discovers his opponent’s plan earlier and reacts to his actions faster. The ability to perform movements and actions quickly is one of the most important qualities of a boxer.

A person receives information through receptors of the sense organs - vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, muscle sense receptors (proprioceptors) in the muscles, tendons and joint-ligamentous apparatus, receptors of the vestibular apparatus, which perceive changes in position and movement of the body in space. The sensory centripetal nerve transmits excitation from the receptor to the central nervous system. As a result of an impulse received from the central nervous system (response to irritation), a reflex activity specific to it occurs in the working organ, for example, a contraction of a particular muscle or group of muscles.

All actions of a boxer are a complex of reflex reactions alternating one after another. Let's say a boxer saw that his partner, when delivering a direct left blow to the head, lowers his right hand down for a moment and thereby opens the lower jaw - the most sensitive place. The boxer receives information through a visual analyzer, a “decision” arises in the cerebral cortex to strike a counter blow with the left straight into an open place, the “command” is received by the motor nerve, and the musculoskeletal system produces an action controlled by the central nervous system. The faster the closure of this reflex arc occurs, the faster the action is performed - advancing with a blow.

It may also be that information arrives at lightning speed, a decision is made quickly, and an action is performed slowly. This can be determined by the quality of the muscles, the contraction or relaxation of which depends on the course of biochemical reactions, the ATP content and the rate of its breakdown, the speed of transmission of the nerve impulse to the executive organs, etc. It should be borne in mind that the speed abilities of each person are specific. A boxer can do a very fast back-step and a delayed side-step, or a quick straight punch and much slower from the bottom, etc.

The accuracy of the reaction to a moving object is improved in parallel with the development of its speed.

In a combat situation, the demands on complex reactions of athletes are very high: the enemy delivers various blows with both his left and right hands in the most unexpected sequence. To achieve a high speed of complex reaction and training, one should adhere to the pedagogical rule: from simple to complex, gradually increasing the number of exercises. For example, they first teach defense in response to a predetermined blow, then the student is asked to react to one of two possible attacks, then three, etc.

As already mentioned, among boxers, speed is associated with “explosive” actions, and they depend on strength qualities. These two qualities interact, the frequency of explosive actions is determined by speed endurance.

The rapid execution of actions is hampered by excessive tension that occurs at the beginning of the formation of skills; then, as they improve, the speed increases. When you get tired, unnecessary tension also arises, slowing down the execution of already memorized actions. To develop speed, it is advisable to alternate accelerated execution of the exercise with a smoother one (for example, delivering a series of blows with one or two accented ones).

Development and improvement of speed qualities is one of the primary tasks in the practice of training boxers.

Boxer endurance. Endurance is the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. The endurance of a boxer is evidenced by his activity from the beginning to the end of the fight, maintaining the frequency of effective actions, speed, accuracy both in striking and in the use of defenses, in maneuverability and high-quality execution of tactical plans.

Endurance can be defined as the ability to withstand fatigue. During training and especially fights, the boxer’s body experiences both physical and mental fatigue (as a result of intense activity of analyzers, for example visual ones). In a fight, a boxer solves tactical problems, his visual analyzers work very intensively, all the time recording the movements of the enemy, the boxer experiences a high emotional load (especially during long tournaments). During a fight, at least 2/3 of the muscles are involved in active work, which causes high energy consumption and places high demands on the respiratory and circulatory organs. It is known that the state and possibilities for developing endurance can be judged by the minute volume of respiration, maximum pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity of the lungs, minute and stroke volume of the heart, heart rate, blood flow speed, hemoglobin content in the blood.

The basis of boxers’ endurance is good general physical fitness, excellent breathing, the ability to relax muscles between active shock “explosive” actions and the improvement of technical techniques, since the more they are automated, the fewer muscle groups are involved in performing the movement.

Special endurance is based on general endurance and combines several physical qualities. For runners, this endurance will be different than for weightlifters, and the endurance of a boxer is different from that of a rower.

Endurance is largely determined by the strong-willed qualities of a boxer. In a fight, you should show great willpower in order to use all the endurance capabilities of your body. Only by willpower can you force yourself to maintain the required power of work, despite the onset of fatigue (here psychological preparation comes to the fore, the level of which determines the ability to manifest waves).

To acquire endurance, the high functional ability of organs and systems that ensure oxygen consumption and utilization with the greatest effect is extremely important. Therefore, as mentioned above, proper breathing of a boxer creates conditions for the development of endurance. Fast recovery allows you to reduce rest intervals between repetitions of work, increase their number and perform active actions throughout the fight.

The process of boxer fatigue is influenced by several factors: 1) intensity of action; 2) the frequency of their repetitions; 3) duration of actions; 4) the nature of the intervals between them; 5) style and manner of combat by the enemy; 6) the strength of the knocking factors, including the blows received.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that endurance is one of the main components of a boxer’s skill. Means for developing endurance in boxers are varied and include exercises that ensure the development of special endurance (alternating running, throwing a medicine ball while moving), coordination, speed, and accuracy. Exercises on a punching bag ensure the development of special endurance, frequent “explosive” actions in delivering a series of blows - this means speed, accuracy and strength, etc.

Boxer flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. Despite the fact that in boxing the range of movements is relatively small compared to other types (for example, gymnastics or athletics), flexibility exercises should be introduced into the physical training system of boxers, since, while developing flexibility, they simultaneously strengthen joints, ligaments and muscles, increase their elasticity (ability to stretch), which is an effective means of preventing muscle injuries. Flexibility also contributes to the speed of muscle contraction, and this is necessary for the timely execution of slopes, dives, body turns, etc. The better the muscles stretch, the greater the mobility in the joint, the less resistance the antagonist muscles provide. Pre-stretching the muscles increases their contractile force; in addition, exercises with a large amplitude quickly heat up the muscles and prepare them for the main work. Therefore, flexibility exercises should be included in boxers’ warm-up.

Flexibility improves with age, reaching its greatest development by the age of 15, after which it remains at the same level for some time and then gradually decreases.

Boxer's agility. Dexterity is the ability to choose and perform the necessary movements (actions) correctly, quickly, resourcefully (N.A. Bernstein), the ability to coordinate one’s movements, and accurately solve suddenly arising motor problems. Agility is based on fluid motor skills.

A deft boxer skillfully chooses the time and place for decisive striking actions, uses the defensive position for counterattacks, avoids the enemy's blows in a timely manner and remains invulnerable. The greater the arsenal of technical means a boxer has, the easier it is for him to master and apply new movements and actions in battle, the higher his dexterity. To demonstrate agility, a boxer must not only skillfully master technique and tactics, but also possess physical qualities such as speed, strength, coordination, endurance, and a keen sense of time and space.

The main way to develop agility is to master a variety of new technical and tactical skills and abilities in different combat situations. This leads to an increase in the stock of technical techniques and has a positive effect on the functional capabilities of improving sportsmanship.

To develop agility (the ability to quickly and expediently adjust during combat), exercises are used that require an instant reaction to a suddenly changing situation. For example, in a training fight, a partner changes a left-sided position to a right-sided one, or, fighting on counterattacks, suddenly attacks with a decisive offensive, etc. Carrying out complex reactions in suddenly changing situations greatly tires the boxer, so appropriate breaks for rest should be provided in the training process. The most suitable general physical exercises for a boxer are sports and outdoor games (handball, basketball, tennis), and relay races.

A boxer must be able to combine movement with attacking and defensive actions. In the absence of precise coordination, he will not be able to actively act from different positions, navigate in the face of constantly confusing factors, or quickly restore lost balance. There are many exercises for developing coordination. The most effective exercises are with a partner. When practicing in pairs, you should learn to act from all positions and strive to create a comfortable starting position for striking while defending. The level of coordination is also determined in deceptive actions, in quick approaches to the enemy during attacks and forestalling his actions with counterattacks.

The development of coordination should be given special attention in the initial form of training: mastering the mechanics of the movement of strikes, defenses, movement, and a combination of these actions.

Maintaining balance. The boxer constantly moves around the ring: at a long distance more energetically, when approaching - in small steps (for better stability). Movement is associated with the transfer of body weight from leg to leg, with the movement of the center of gravity. No matter what distance the boxer is at, no matter what means he fights with, he always tries to maintain balance, because the effectiveness of strikes and defensive actions depends on this. Each boxer develops the most comfortable position for his legs, the most advantageous way to balance his body weight, etc. If at a crucial moment of the fight the balance is disturbed, then even with a slight push the boxer may fall or, having missed the target while moving forward, “fail.” The more perfect the balance, the faster it is restored, the smaller the amplitude of oscillations.

When teaching and training, one must systematically pay attention to movement, actions in attacks and counterattacks while maintaining stable balance. When performing exercises, the main focus should be on improving the ability to restore lost balance. Such exercises include knocking down a support area (in pairs), walking and running on a log, etc.

Muscle relaxation. Any movement is the result of sequential contraction and relaxation of muscles. The source of muscle tension can be reasons of an emotional nature, if the boxer is not confident in himself, is afraid of the opponent, is afraid to reveal himself with his actions or is “chasing” after him, intending to achieve victory with one strong blow, or does not have enough technical means of fighting in one or another distances.

When the boxer’s actions are not perfect, are not automated and the boxer is not physically prepared for a long fight, then the rate of relaxation is insufficient, as a result of which the muscle does not have time to relax.

The greater the depth of relaxation, the better the muscle rests. Automaticity in alternating tension and relaxation during rapidly changing actions is fundamental for increasing speed in striking, applying defenses, increasing special endurance, improving the accuracy of movements, and, consequently, mastering the skills of more complex actions.

The teacher (coach) must find out the reason for the boxer’s stiffness in his actions and not reduce it only to technical shortcomings, look for them in psychological preparation and level of training in order to find appropriate means and methodological techniques for teaching the boxer to relax his muscles in the process of action. Along with relaxation, freedom of movement should be achieved.

Strength qualities. Human strength is defined as the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension.

Muscular strength is one of the most important physical qualities of a boxer. Muscle strength largely determines the speed of movement, as well as endurance and agility. Wide variety of boxer movements With certain tasks led to the need to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the strength component. A typical manifestation of strength in a boxer is instantaneous (impulsive) actions, often repeated over quite a long time. Therefore, they talk about the manifestation of “explosive” strength and strength endurance. Thus, boxers exhibit strength qualities combined with speed and endurance. The manifestation of these qualities depends on the activity of the central nervous system, the cross-section of muscle fibers, their elasticity, and the biochemical processes occurring in the muscles. An important role in the manifestation of muscle strength belongs to volitional efforts.

During training and fights, a boxer performs a large number of high-speed actions, so we can talk about the specifics of his strength readiness.

Boxer's quickness. Speed ​​is understood as the ability to carry out movements and actions at a certain speed due to the high mobility of neuromuscular processes.

The quality of speed in sports includes: the actual speed of movements, their frequency and the speed of motor reaction. An important role in the speed of movements and actions is played by the athlete’s volitional efforts and his psychological mood. A boxer's speed is characterized by his ability to effectively carry out simple and complex reactions.

A simple reaction in boxing is a response with a predetermined movement to a previously known, but suddenly appearing, action of the enemy. During a fight, a “pure” simple reaction almost never occurs, but only in the process of learning and training, when the boxers’ actions are conditioned. In combat, complex reactions of two types appear: the reaction to a moving object, i.e., the enemy, and the reaction of choice. In the first case, in a split second you need to act with blows on a moving enemy, and therefore, find the required distance, select certain technical means and at the same time continuously move. In the second case, the boxer reacts with his actions to the actions of the opponent, and, as a rule, success depends on the advantage in speed, and the complexity of the reaction of choice depends on the situations created by the actions of the boxers. In a fight environment, the demands for complex reactions are very high, as actions happen quickly and often with tangible results for the boxers. The advantage is given to the boxer who discovers his opponent’s plan earlier and reacts to his actions faster. The ability to perform movements and actions quickly is one of the most important qualities of a boxer.

A person receives information through receptors of the sense organs - vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, muscle sense receptors (proprioceptors) in the muscles, tendons and joint-ligamentous apparatus, receptors of the vestibular apparatus, which perceive changes in position and movement of the body in space. The sensory centripetal nerve transmits excitation from the receptor to the central nervous system. As a result of an impulse received from the central nervous system (response to irritation), a reflex activity specific to it occurs in the working organ, for example, a contraction of a particular muscle or group of muscles.

All actions of a boxer are a complex of reflex reactions alternating one after another. Let's say a boxer saw that his partner, when delivering a direct left blow to the head, lowers his right hand down for a moment and thereby opens the lower jaw - the most sensitive place. The boxer receives information through a visual analyzer, a “decision” arises in the cerebral cortex to strike a counter blow with the left straight into an open place, the “command” is received by the motor nerve, and the musculoskeletal system produces an action controlled by the central nervous system. The faster the closure of this reflex arc occurs, the faster the action is performed - advancing with a blow.

It may also be that information arrives at lightning speed, a decision is made quickly, and an action is performed slowly. This can be determined by the quality of the muscles, the contraction or relaxation of which depends on the course of biochemical reactions, the ATP content and the rate of its breakdown, the speed of transmission of the nerve impulse to the executive organs, etc. It should be borne in mind that the speed abilities of each person are specific. A boxer can do a very fast back-step and a delayed side-step, or a quick straight punch and much slower from the bottom, etc.

The accuracy of the reaction to a moving object is improved in parallel with the development of its speed.

In a combat situation, the demands on complex reactions of athletes are very high: the enemy delivers various blows with both his left and right hands in the most unexpected sequence. To achieve a high speed of complex reaction and training, one should adhere to the pedagogical rule: from simple to complex, gradually increasing the number of exercises. For example, they first teach defense in response to a predetermined blow, then the student is asked to react to one of two possible attacks, then three, etc.

As already mentioned, among boxers, speed is associated with “explosive” actions, and they depend on strength qualities. These two qualities interact, the frequency of explosive actions is determined by speed endurance.

The rapid execution of actions is hampered by excessive tension that occurs at the beginning of the formation of skills; then, as they improve, the speed increases. When you get tired, unnecessary tension also arises, slowing down the execution of already memorized actions. To develop speed, it is advisable to alternate accelerated execution of the exercise with a smoother one (for example, delivering a series of blows with one or two accented ones).

Development and improvement of speed qualities is one of the primary tasks in the practice of training boxers.

Boxer endurance. Endurance is the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness. The endurance of a boxer is evidenced by his activity from the beginning to the end of the fight, maintaining the frequency of effective actions, speed, accuracy both in striking and in the use of defenses, in maneuverability and high-quality execution of tactical plans.

Endurance can be defined as the ability to withstand fatigue. During training and especially fights, the boxer’s body experiences both physical and mental fatigue (as a result of intense activity of analyzers, for example visual ones). In a fight, a boxer solves tactical problems, his visual analyzers work very intensively, all the time recording the movements of the enemy, the boxer experiences a high emotional load (especially during long tournaments). During a fight, at least 2/3 of the muscles are involved in active work, which causes high energy consumption and places high demands on the respiratory and circulatory organs. It is known that the state and possibilities for developing endurance can be judged by the minute volume of respiration, maximum pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity of the lungs, minute and stroke volume of the heart, heart rate, blood flow speed, hemoglobin content in the blood.

The basis of boxers’ endurance is good general physical fitness, excellent breathing, the ability to relax muscles between active shock “explosive” actions and the improvement of technical techniques, since the more they are automated, the fewer muscle groups are involved in performing the movement.

Special endurance is based on general endurance and combines several physical qualities. For runners, this endurance will be different than for weightlifters, and the endurance of a boxer is different from that of a rower.

Endurance is largely determined by the strong-willed qualities of a boxer. In a fight, you should show great willpower in order to use all the endurance capabilities of your body. Only by willpower can you force yourself to maintain the required power of work, despite the onset of fatigue (here psychological preparation comes to the fore, the level of which determines the ability to manifest waves).

To acquire endurance, the high functional ability of organs and systems that ensure oxygen consumption and utilization with the greatest effect is extremely important. Therefore, as mentioned above, proper breathing of a boxer creates conditions for the development of endurance. Fast recovery allows you to reduce rest intervals between repetitions of work, increase their number and perform active actions throughout the fight.

The process of boxer fatigue is influenced by several factors: 1) intensity of action; 2) the frequency of their repetitions; 3) duration of actions; 4) the nature of the intervals between them; 5) style and manner of combat by the enemy; 6) the strength of the knocking factors, including the blows received.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that endurance is one of the main components of a boxer’s skill. Means for developing endurance in boxers are varied and include exercises that ensure the development of special endurance (alternating running, throwing a medicine ball while moving), coordination, speed, and accuracy. Exercises on a punching bag ensure the development of special endurance, frequent “explosive” actions in delivering a series of blows - this means speed, accuracy and strength, etc.

Boxer flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. Despite the fact that in boxing the range of movements is relatively small compared to other types (for example, gymnastics or athletics), flexibility exercises should be introduced into the physical training system of boxers, since, while developing flexibility, they simultaneously strengthen joints, ligaments and muscles, increase their elasticity (ability to stretch), which is an effective means of preventing muscle injuries. Flexibility also contributes to the speed of muscle contraction, and this is necessary for the timely execution of slopes, dives, body turns, etc. The better the muscles stretch, the greater the mobility in the joint, the less resistance the antagonist muscles provide. Pre-stretching the muscles increases their contractile force; in addition, exercises with a large amplitude quickly heat up the muscles and prepare them for the main work. Therefore, flexibility exercises should be included in boxers’ warm-up.

Flexibility improves with age, reaching its greatest development by the age of 15, after which it remains at the same level for some time and then gradually decreases.

Boxer's agility. Dexterity is the ability to choose and perform the necessary movements (actions) correctly, quickly, resourcefully (N.A. Bernstein), the ability to coordinate one’s movements, and accurately solve suddenly arising motor problems. Agility is based on fluid motor skills.

A deft boxer skillfully chooses the time and place for decisive striking actions, uses the defensive position for counterattacks, avoids the enemy's blows in a timely manner and remains invulnerable. The greater the arsenal of technical means a boxer has, the easier it is for him to master and apply new movements and actions in battle, the higher his dexterity. To demonstrate agility, a boxer must not only skillfully master technique and tactics, but also possess physical qualities such as speed, strength, coordination, endurance, and a keen sense of time and space.

The main way to develop agility is to master a variety of new technical and tactical skills and abilities in different combat situations. This leads to an increase in the stock of technical techniques and has a positive effect on the functional capabilities of improving sportsmanship.

To develop agility (the ability to quickly and expediently adjust during combat), exercises are used that require an instant reaction to a suddenly changing situation. For example, in a training fight, a partner changes a left-sided position to a right-sided one, or, fighting on counterattacks, suddenly attacks with a decisive offensive, etc. Carrying out complex reactions in suddenly changing situations greatly tires the boxer, so appropriate breaks for rest should be provided in the training process. The most suitable general physical exercises for a boxer are sports and outdoor games (handball, basketball, tennis), and relay races.

A boxer must be able to combine movement with attacking and defensive actions. In the absence of precise coordination, he will not be able to actively act from different positions, navigate in the face of constantly confusing factors, or quickly restore lost balance. There are many exercises for developing coordination. The most effective exercises are with a partner. When practicing in pairs, you should learn to act from all positions and strive to create a comfortable starting position for striking while defending. The level of coordination is also determined in deceptive actions, in quick approaches to the enemy during attacks and forestalling his actions with counterattacks.

The development of coordination should be given special attention in the initial form of training: mastering the mechanics of the movement of strikes, defenses, movement, and a combination of these actions.

Maintaining balance. The boxer constantly moves around the ring: at a long distance more energetically, when approaching - in small steps (for better stability). Movement is associated with the transfer of body weight from leg to leg, with the movement of the center of gravity. No matter what distance the boxer is at, no matter what means he fights with, he always tries to maintain balance, because the effectiveness of strikes and defensive actions depends on this. Each boxer develops the most comfortable position for his legs, the most advantageous way to balance his body weight, etc. If at a crucial moment of the fight the balance is disturbed, then even with a slight push the boxer may fall or, having missed the target while moving forward, “fail.” The more perfect the balance, the faster it is restored, the smaller the amplitude of oscillations.

When teaching and training, one must systematically pay attention to movement, actions in attacks and counterattacks while maintaining stable balance. When performing exercises, the main focus should be on improving the ability to restore lost balance. Such exercises include knocking down a support area (in pairs), walking and running on a log, etc.

Muscle relaxation. Any movement is the result of sequential contraction and relaxation of muscles. The source of muscle tension can be reasons of an emotional nature, if the boxer is not confident in himself, is afraid of the opponent, is afraid to reveal himself with his actions or is “chasing” after him, intending to achieve victory with one strong blow, or does not have enough technical means of fighting in one or another distances.

When the boxer’s actions are not perfect, are not automated and the boxer is not physically prepared for a long fight, then the rate of relaxation is insufficient, as a result of which the muscle does not have time to relax.

The greater the depth of relaxation, the better the muscle rests. Automaticity in alternating tension and relaxation during rapidly changing actions is fundamental for increasing speed in striking, applying defenses, increasing special endurance, improving the accuracy of movements, and, consequently, mastering the skills of more complex actions.

The teacher (coach) must find out the reason for the boxer’s stiffness in his actions and not reduce it only to technical shortcomings, look for them in psychological preparation and level of training in order to find appropriate means and methodological techniques for teaching the boxer to relax his muscles in the process of action. Along with relaxation, freedom of movement should be achieved.


Exercises for general physical training, their purpose

For general physical training, you should choose from other sports the exercises that best suit the nature of the boxer’s actions and contribute to the development of physical qualities. Some types of physical exercise, which generally have a positive effect on a boxer, at the same time can negatively affect the formation of necessary skills and the development of necessary qualities. So, for example, fencing, in terms of speed of movement, is a complex motor reaction, but a straight back, splayed feet, legs strongly bent at the knees, limited directions of movement do not contribute, and perhaps harm, the development of coordination and dexterity of a boxer; exercises in the bench press of a large mass can develop the strength of the upper extremities and at the same time limit the speed of striking, etc.

Therefore, it is important to select types of exercises that would help improve body functions in the direction the boxer needs and at the same time have a positive effect on the formation of the necessary skills (or, in extreme cases, do not interfere with their formation). As a rule, each exercise has a main focus (for example, develops speed), but at the same time helps the formation of other qualities.

Walking fast. With prolonged and rhythmic walking, most muscle groups of the body are involved in work, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems is enhanced, metabolism is increased, internal organs are strengthened, and their functions are improved. Walking has a positive effect on the development of endurance and develops strong-willed qualities.

Running is the most common type of physical exercise, an integral part of many sports. When running, greater demands are placed on the body's performance than when walking, since the intensity of the work of muscle groups is much higher, and, accordingly, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems increases, and metabolism increases significantly. By changing the length of the distance and running speed, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed and other qualities necessary for a boxer. Long, slow running, especially in a forest or park, has great hygienic and psychological significance. Fast running has a positive effect on the development of endurance and speed. While running, strong-willed qualities and the ability to calculate one’s strength are also developed. Running plays a significant role in a boxer's training.

Mixed movement - alternating running with walking for 3-10 km (depending on age, fitness and training period). This type of exercise has a significant load in volume, but less intensity than running. Boxers often use it on days reserved for general physical training. The running pace can be average or variable with spurts of 60, 100 and 200 m, after which light running again, turning into walking. You can perform exercises while walking (Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Exercises while walking.

Steeplechase. In the 500-1000 m race, a boxer overcomes obstacles in order to increase agility, strength and speed, balance, the ability to briefly strain most muscle groups and develop general endurance. As obstacles you can use barriers (jump over), a fence (climb over), a log (run through), obstacles for climbing; carry a load in one of the sections, etc. If running is carried out in natural conditions, for example in a forest, you can use ditches, stumps, hummocks, logs for jumping over them, branches for pulling up, etc. as obstacles. Running relay races with obstacles between individual small teams.

Skating and skiing They develop all muscle groups well, have a positive effect on the systems and organs of the body, and develop general endurance (speed and strength). Of particular note is cross-country skiing, during which all muscle groups actively work with a rational alternation of tension and relaxation. Skiing has a positive effect on the mental state of an athlete and is an excellent means of active recreation.

Sports and outdoor games are an integral part of boxers' training. Games (especially handball, basketball, tennis, hockey, speed and agility relay races) are largely similar to boxing in terms of the nature of the actions, speed and endurance (fast movements, stops, turns, active resistance from the enemy). Games develop speed, agility, and endurance. A variety of natural movements, in most cases in the fresh air, helps strengthen the nervous system, motor system, improve metabolism, and increase the activity of all organs and systems of the body. Sports and outdoor games also serve as a good means of active recreation.

Depending on the intensity of gaming activity, oxygen consumption by tissues increases sharply (about eight times compared to the resting state). Major changes also occur in the musculoskeletal system: muscles are strengthened, their strength and elasticity increase, joints become more mobile.

Struggle. This type of martial arts is characterized by short-term maximum tension, breath holding, and sometimes prolonged effort. The value of exercises in wrestling is that they increase the speed of movements, as well as the strength of the muscles of the upper limb girdle. Joints are strengthened, movements become elastic. During wrestling, positive psychological qualities are developed for a martial artist.

Fighting in a standing position resembles actions in close combat (struggle for stability, for an advantageous position of the arms and head, dives, tilts back and to the sides when a partner tries to grab the neck, etc.). This type of exercise is used during specialized training at the beginning of classes (during warm-up) or at the end, depending on the focus of the lesson.

Rowing, As a rule, it is used in the transition period or at the beginning of the preparatory period for active recreation. Well develops strength and flexibility of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities and torso. By the nature of the movements, it is not similar to boxing movements, so you should not get carried away with it.

Gymnastics without apparatus, on apparatus and acrobatics. Exercises aimed primarily at improving the motor abilities of those involved, developing strength, balance, and the ability to exert stress include exercises on gymnastic apparatus, acrobatic floor exercises, and jumping. Exercises for coordination, flexibility, strength, speed and courage are mandatory for boxers in all activities (Fig. 48, 49, 50). Gymnastic exercises, for example, are used in warm-up, as well as in the second half of specialized classes to develop strength or flexibility of individual muscle groups.

Pulleys or resistance bands are typical equipment for developing mouse strength (Fig. 51). Exercises using blocks, rubber bands or expanders are widespread in many sports. They, like no other, develop strength qualities and increase muscle mass. But you can’t get carried away with them, as they tighten the muscles and movements become constrained. Therefore, after a set of exercises on blocks, with rubber bands or an expander, you should perform speed exercises with large amplitudes without tension (with a jump rope, simulating blows to relax muscles, etc.).

Rice. 51. Exercises with expanders and rubber bands.

Fencing develops speed, sense of time and distance, accuracy and high coordination; it can find a place in the general physical training system of a boxer, especially in the transition period.

Cycling develops the muscles and joints of the lower extremities, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increases gas exchange and metabolism. Riding over rough terrain helps develop endurance.

Swimming different styles for boxers is extremely necessary. Smooth movements and rhythmic breathing form the ability to consistently relax and tense, develop the chest, and develop freedom of movement. In addition, swimming has great hygienic and health benefits and has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is advisable to practice free swimming after specialized training or general physical training as a means of restoring the body after heavy loads in all periods.

Jumping into the water from a low height, with a parachute, ski jumping from a springboard develops courage, determination, and coordination. These exercises are recommended during the transition period; they are also active recreation.

Exercises with weights(barbell, dumbbells and objects - (Fig. 52, 53) occupy a large place in the physical training of boxers. Practice and scientific research have proven that all kinds of exercises with small weights for individual muscle groups are an effective means of developing strength endurance and speed. These exercises are necessary combine with exercises to develop speed without weights (for example, bending, squatting or turning the body is performed first without weights, then with weights and again without weights). In terms of number, exercises with weights make up a third of the exercises without weights.

Exercises with weights are used in all periods of boxers’ training, depending on the tasks of the period and each lesson separately. Exercises with small dumbbells (0.5-2 kg) should be highlighted as special preparatory exercises that contribute to the development of strength and speed endurance in boxers. They perform shadow boxing with dumbbells, practice actions related to defenses and a number of exercises - in swings, flexion and extension of the upper limbs. After 2-3 minutes of active exercises with dumbbells, you should perform the same exercises without dumbbells for 3-5 minutes. This alternation can be repeated two or three times. As a rule, these exercises are used during morning exercises and at specially designated times for general physical training in the transitional and even preparatory periods.

Exercises with clubs and a gymnastic stick(Fig. 54) can be classified as a group of exercises with weights; they can be purely swing or shock. A weighted stick is used to hit an object that somewhat absorbs the shock (for example, a car tire). The blows are applied from the side, above and below, holding the stick in one or both hands. The exercise develops the strength and speed of contraction of the muscles involved in striking, i.e. speed-strength qualities.

Throwing a medicine ball(Figs. 55 and 56) is an integral part of a boxer's training. The ball is thrown from different positions (standing, sitting, lying) with one or two hands; The most effective exercises are throwing the ball back, forward, sideways and in a circle. These exercises develop speed-strength qualities (including speed endurance), orientation, and the ability for short-term large force tensions and muscle relaxation.

Exercises with tennis balls(Fig. 57) develop speed, accuracy, and coordination. They can be performed alone or with a partner (throwing and catching). They are used in all types of classes, most often at the end of a class as a distraction.

Exercises from the athletics cycle such as shot put, grenade throwing, long and high jumps from a running start, develop speed, strength of individual muscle groups and speed. These exercises are popular among boxers and are included in the general physical training system and GTO standards.

After the tournament, the boxer takes a break from specialized exercises; if this occurs during a transition period, then the best active recreation would be a tourist trip, staying in the middle mountains, walking and climbing accessible mountains.

Physical training exercises are necessary in the general training system for boxers and, in total, occupy at least half of its volume. When selecting exercises, it should be taken into account that the highest performance in one of the physical qualities can be achieved only with a sufficient level of development of the others.

Strength endurance in boxing

Strength endurance in boxing and exercises for developing endurance

Physical endurance

Recent studies conducted at the molecular and ultrastructural levels have provided information about the physiological mechanisms of endurance localized in the depths of muscle cells. It follows from them that strength endurance training, first of all, leads to specific primary changes in skeletal muscles at the cellular level, which are then supplemented by secondary adaptive changes in the blood, cardiovascular and other systems.

The body's ability to maintain high levels of performance results from the development of the ability of muscle cells and their mitochondria to extract a higher percentage of oxygen from the incoming skeletal muscle chondria. Their internal membranes are the last resort in the cascade of oxidative metabolism, which determines the efficiency of the body's ability to use oxygen under conditions of intense muscle activity. It only remains to add that a high level of endurance in sports can only be achieved if the ability to use oxygen is well developed and balanced at all levels of the oxygen cascade, and none of them limits the efficiency of the entire system.

Strength endurance

In boxing, developing an athlete's strength endurance, along with technical training, is one of the most important factors in achieving victory. The development of a boxer is considered to be his ability to effectively withstand power and psycho-emotional stress for a long time, while the intensity of the fight he conducts should remain at the original level for as long as possible.

Muscle strength and endurance

For many years, scientists around the world have been conducting research, the most important conclusions of which have created methods for developing endurance in a boxer. They have developed specialized sets of exercises aimed at improving both strength and psychological qualities. In boxing, the development of endurance is shown by the force of the blow, the duration of combat activity, the speed of reaction, the ability to correctly and quickly respond to the actions of the enemy, as well as the time spent by the boxer on recovery. A boxer must have sufficient general physical training, developed fighting technique and well-trained breathing, which will give him good endurance.

Endurance in sports

Before you begin exercises that develop endurance, you need to find out what areas of endurance exist and how to strengthen the performance of each of them. Based on the methods developed by specialists, several areas of endurance can be distinguished:

Endurance of its manifestation and development

Special endurance (anaerobic)

Special endurance (anaerobic) - is based on preparing the boxer’s nervous system for sudden changes in battle, on concentration, reaction speed, accuracy of a blow, the ability to withstand fatigue for a long time, maintain emotional stability and quickly replenish energy. The formation of endurance of this type involves, along with the physical abilities of the boxer, work with psychological ones. Anaerobic endurance, in turn, also has several areas, the main one of which is strength endurance training.

When improving the anaerobic mechanism, the nature of physical activity is as follows: the duration of work intervals is 10-15 s; intensity - maximum (explosive work); 5--6 repetitions; rest intervals between repetitions - 2 minutes; during rest between repetitions - calm walking or shadowboxing.

Anaerobic endurance training also consists of working with a partner in freestyle and conditional fights, setting up a strike, reducing training time with a gradual increase in loads, preparing the nervous system for increased work, etc., but first of all - in the development of general physical strength. The most effective for this are interval (changing the intensity of the load over a short period of time) and repeated (working with a constant load and degree of intensity for a given time) methods of developing endurance.

General endurance (aerobic)

Improving general endurance (aerobic) is the ability of the athlete’s body, and especially the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to be in a state of increased performance for a long time.

The development of general - “aerobic” endurance - the development of physical endurance is stimulated by exercises designed to strengthen the muscular system, increase motor activity, develop the chest, correct breathing, work on balance, with mandatory monitoring of the athlete’s pulse.

If the goal is to develop general physical endurance, uniform (performing a light load for a long time) and variable (changing the intensity of exercise over a long time) methods of developing endurance are used.

Training the aerobic component of energy production also involves the use of interval work with decreasing rest intervals according to the following scheme:

load intensity is close to maximum; duration of work intervals - 2 minutes;
three repetitions;
intervals between repetitions - 2 minutes between the first and second, 1 minute between the second and third.

While resting between repetitions, do shadow boxing.
Exercises are performed in series every 3 minutes (3-6 series).

For the effective development and implementation of aerobic capabilities in any type of muscle activity, training must correspond to the latter in terms of the mode of operation and the composition of the muscles involved. When improving the aerobic component of endurance, the load is selected in such a way that its intensity does not exceed 70-80% of the maximum value. Heart rate should not exceed 180 beats min-1; operating time 1.5 minutes; 8-10 repetitions; rest intervals - 2 minutes; During rest, heart rate should not fall below 150.

Endurance exercises

The development of boxing strength endurance is characterized by the athlete’s performance under conditions of increased physical and psycho-emotional stress and the ability to resist fatigue. Also, the development of strength endurance is the achievement by a boxer of specified goals under conditions of a gradual increase in force pressure in a compressed period of time, compared to conventional training. Such training is carried out with a certain frequency so that the athlete’s body has the opportunity to fully restore strength, and under the supervision of a competent specialist.

The development of strength endurance involves the use of various weights (cuffs, belts, dumbbells, barbells, etc.), this allows you to increase the usual physical expenditure of the boxer in this exercise. The training continues until the boxer gets tired, then he is given 2 - 3 minutes of rest, during which it is necessary to monitor the pulse; when its value is 100 - 120 beats per minute, it is necessary to resume work again.

How to develop breathing and endurance

  • working with a partner in freestyle or conditional combat
  • practicing strong precision strikes and boxing movements on a bag or bag
  • running with changing distance and running speed; with weights
  • press, pull-ups and leg raises
  • push-ups from the floor, push-ups with clapping, push-ups with transitions from left to right and back, push-ups on one hand
  • jerks, clean and jerks, swings with weights and barbells
  • running up the steps, jumping on your toes as high as possible; with weights
  • alternate change of loads, their frequency and strength

Special exercises performed in difficult conditions with various weights, or, as they are also called, “brakes,” have become widespread. Here the athlete is simply forced to significantly increase the efforts made, while at the same time not deviating from the conditions of the combat exercise.

This also entails a positive psychological effect: when going to competitions after difficult training conditions, the athlete works in a lighter mode compared to training and achieves maximum results.

The main condition in training strength endurance is the maximum volume of loads at a higher resistance than in competition conditions.

Analysis of means for developing anaerobic strength endurance over long distances shows that cross-country running, swimming, rowing (i.e., everything that is usually used to develop aerobic endurance) is NOT suitable for increasing special strength endurance in boxing! The reason is low compared to the combat load.

Apparently, running, like other physical exercises, simply does not have much effect on the boxer’s nervous system, while even a not very intense fight in the ring puts a lot of stress on it.
Freestyle combat is the best means for developing special strength endurance? Perhaps, if fights are carried out in complicated conditions with strong blows at least three times a week, 3-4 rounds per session, which, as is known, is not practiced in the interests of the health of athletes.

So how, and by what means, can one simulate a load that meets the requirements of a fight in the ring?

We tried to develop strength endurance on the bag.

The boxers were given the task to deliver a series of 5-7 very strong blows with pauses of 5-6 seconds throughout the round.
The boxer should try to prepare himself for a fight with a real opponent and, during the 5-second pause between series of blows, perform movements defending himself from imaginary blows.

This is what gives the most noticeable effect in developing anaerobic strength endurance!

The work should be continued until the boxer becomes tired.

As soon as his movements become technically incorrect, take a 1-2 minute break and then continue the exercise.

Loads when working on apparatus are increased gradually, based on the individual characteristics of the athlete: age, level of preparedness, etc.

The work time on the apparatus and the rest time in these experiments were regulated based on pulsometry data. The next exercises on the apparatus began only after the heart rate was restored to 100 beats per minute.

As a rule, classes to develop special strength endurance are held no more than 3 times a week. It is not recommended to conduct more intensive classes - nevertheless, they place very high demands not only on the athlete’s body, but also on his nervous system.

Auxiliary means of developing special strength endurance are usually working with medicine balls, hitting a tire with a hammer, push-ups, jumping with weights, pulling up on a bar, etc.

Typically, all of these exercises use circuit training. After a general developmental warm-up, the boxers take their place at the “stations” arranged in advance in a circle. At the coach’s signal, athletes begin to perform exercises at a given pace. Rest is the transition from one projectile to another. The coach only gives commands to start work and to finish it. This continues for 30-40 minutes. No explanations during work, no pauses - everything is explained before the start of classes.

The basis of circuit training for strength endurance is the maximum number of repetitions. You can increase the load of exercisers by reducing the time it takes to complete a circle or increasing the number of repetitions of each exercise.

As already noted, physical exercises to develop strength endurance place a very large load on the athlete’s body and nervous system.
Therefore, each subsequent lesson should be carried out only under the condition that the athlete’s strength is fully restored, so that residual doses of fatigue are not layered on top of each other.

Boxing Endurance Exercises - Anaerobic Strength Endurance Training

Special boxing exercises of a predominantly anaerobic nature include the following:

  • work in pairs at a variable pace to improve technical and tactical skills (STTM) lasting 10-12 rounds
  • work on heavy boxing equipment (bags, wall pillow), performed at an average pace, lasting 10-12 rounds
  • work on light boxing equipment (bulk, liquid, pneumatic bags, point balls), performed at an average pace, lasting 3-6 rounds
  • work on “paws” according to STTM

The authors of the study identified training exercises that cause anaerobic shifts, similar in depth to competitive ones. Such exercises turned out to be work on a boxing wall and a boxing bag, which is fixed by one of the partners in a vertical position. In this case, the following operating mode should be maintained:

  • pace of execution - maximum
  • operating time - 1 min
  • intervals between repetitions - 1 minute or 30 s
  • number of repetitions in a series - 3
  • number of episodes - 3-5
  • interval between series - 10-15 minutes

The criterion for special endurance is the time it takes to maintain the critical power level of the load being performed. The capabilities of the energy supply system and its effective use when performing motor activity, which constitutes the main content of the training and competitive work of athletes, become crucial for achieving high levels of endurance.

In connection with the above, when developing special endurance, the following should be taken into account:

  • a variety of means and methods for improving technical and tactical actions and developing special endurance
  • close relationship between the processes of technical and tactical improvement and the development of special endurance
  • modeling in conditions of training activity the entire spectrum of states and reactions of functional systems characteristic of competitive activity
  • variability of environmental conditions both during the development of special endurance and in the process of technical and tactical improvement

Let's summarize some results:

— special strength endurance should be developed only after mastering the basics of boxing technique;
— a lesson on developing special strength endurance should be carried out only after classes on developing speed and agility;
— it is necessary to observe the principle of gradually increasing loads, conducting classes only during the period of immediate preparation for competitions.

To achieve significant success, an athlete needs to develop not only physical qualities, but also willpower, stamina, and focus on results. Improving physical endurance is a long and painstaking process that requires significant energy expenditure and internal effort, which subsequently provides the fighter with a decent result!

Special physical training of a fighter

From this film - Special physical training of a fighter, you can learn a lot of useful information about how to train and develop strength endurance, develop the speed and strength of a striker, as well as develop the coordination and reaction of a fighter.

In boxing theory, it is conventional to distinguish four main physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance and agility (K.V. Gradopolov, 1965, etc.).

Methods for developing speed.

Speed ​​is a complex of human functional properties that directly and primarily determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as the time of motor reaction (L.P. Matveev, A.D. Novikov, 1976).

When assessing the manifestations of speed, the following are distinguished:

  • 1. Latent time of motor reaction.
  • 2. Single movement speed.
  • 3. Frequency of movements.

The speed of motor reaction is estimated by latent time /0.14 - 0.26 sec/. There are simple and complex reactions. A simple reaction is a response with a predetermined movement to a predetermined but suddenly appearing signal / for example, a known defense in response to a known blow from a partner /. The visual-motor reaction time for athletes ranges from 0.10 seconds to 0.25 seconds.

A.P. Rudik (1967) notes the presence of three types of simple reactions, depending on what the boxer’s attention is focused on. The first type (sensory) - when the boxer focuses his attention on the appearance of a signal (for example, an attack with some blow), he tensely waits for him, mobilizing all his attention (while the motor centers of his cerebral cortex are in an inhibited state). In this case, the athlete is unnecessarily constrained, his movements are sluggish, and are delayed in response to the signal. Most often this happens in cases where a boxer, fearing, waits for a strong blow from the opponent (V.M. Klevenko, 1968). On average, boxers have a latent period of sensory type reactions of 0.16 -0.22 seconds.

The second type of reaction is motor. In this case, the boxer focuses all his attention on preparing the start of the movement. At the same time, the motor centers of the cerebral cortex are excited and are in the starting state. Excitation reaches the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex and meets there already prepared neural formulas for response movement, and the corresponding motor impulses instantly rush to the organs of movement. As a result of this, the executive signal of the enemy’s action is reduced to a simple “trigger signal”, to which a ready-made response is triggered. The features of training the speed of a complex reaction can be considered using examples of two types: the reaction to a moving object (RMO) and the choice reaction.

The reaction to a moving object is of great importance in boxing, since the target (the opponent) is always in motion, changes distance and location, performs body movements, strikes, and defenses. This type of reaction develops in exercises with a partner, as well as on such boxing equipment that receive large oscillatory movements (pneumatic bags, stretch balls, point balls, etc.).

The choice reaction is associated with the selection of the desired motor response from a number of possible ones in accordance with changes in the partner’s behavior. For example, the opponent can attack with any blow, and the boxer chooses depending on this. The necessary defense or counter strike.

The prediction reaction is based on the athlete’s ability to probabilistically predict the opponent’s actions. For example, at close and medium distances it takes less time to strike than to defend. Therefore, the attention of a young boxer should be directed to the perception not of the action itself, but of the movements preparing it. Exercises that can be performed at maximum speed are used as a means of developing speed of movement. They must meet the following requirements:

  • -The technique must be such that they can be performed at maximum speeds;
  • -They must be mastered by those practicing so well that during the movement, volitional efforts are directed not at the method, but at the speed of execution;
  • -Their duration should be such that by the end of the execution the speed does not decrease due to fatigue. Speed ​​exercises refer to work of maximum power, the duration of which does not exceed 10 - 15 seconds.

To develop the frequency of movement (the number of movements per unit of time), it is recommended to set the pace of performing the exercise with your voice (saying “ta-ta-ta”, “one-two-three”, etc.) the faster the athlete can speak, the faster will complete

Speed ​​in boxing is manifested when performing single strikes in attack and counterattack, performing defenses, series of strikes, connecting strikes and defenses, preparatory and false actions, movements and movements, switching from one action to another.

Methods for developing strength

Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of power abilities:

  • 1. Actually power (in static and slow modes). In boxing, this can be gripping an opponent in close combat, releasing grips, tensing the abdominal muscles when hitting the body, pressure from the opponent, etc.
  • 2. Speed-strength abilities. When developing the ability to demonstrate great strength in conditions of rapid movements, the method of repeated progressive exercise is widely used. In this case, the maximum force tension is created by moving some unsaturated weight at the highest speed. An important type is “explosive strength” - the ability to exert large amounts of force in the shortest amount of time (for example, a punch in boxing). Thus, the strength qualities of boxers are closely related to speed and endurance. Strength qualities depend on the activity of the central nervous system, the cross-section of muscle fibers, their elasticity, and the biochemical processes occurring in the muscles. A significant role in the manifestation of muscle strength belongs to volitional efforts.

The means of developing strength are exercises with increased resistance - strength exercises. Depending on the nature of the resistance, strength exercises are divided into two groups (L.P. Matveev, 1976).

  • 1. External resistance exercises are usually used:
    • a) the weight of objects;
    • b) partner’s opposition;
    • c) resistance of elastic objects;
    • d) resistance of the external environment;

Exercises weighted with your own body weight.

Exercises with weights are convenient due to their versatility: with their help you can influence both the smallest and largest muscle groups; These exercises are easy to dose.

Along with the above classification of strength exercises, it is necessary to take into account their division according to the degree of selectivity of the impact, as well as according to the mode of muscle functioning - static and dynamic, actual strength and speed-strength, overcoming and yielding. Maximum power stress can be created in various ways:

  • 1. Overcoming non-limiting weights with a maximum number of repetitions.
  • 2. Maximum increase in external resistance.
  • 3. Overcoming resistance with maximum speed.

In the first direction - the use of unlimited weights with a maximum number of repetitions, the work is performed “to failure”. As coaches jokingly say, “the athlete performs such exercises as much as he can and then three more times.”

The amount of burden (resistance) can be dosed according to the following criteria:

As a percentage of maximum weight;

by the difference from the maximum weight (for example, 10 kg less than the maximum weight);

by the number of possible repetitions in one approach / weight that can be lifted a maximum of 10 times, etc.) (Table 1).

technical skill boxer strength

Table 1. Amount and dosage of weights (resistance) in strength exercises

It is important, finally, that at first the effectiveness of developing strength almost does not depend on the value of resistance, as long as this value exceeds a certain minimum (40% of the maximum). With increasing duration of training, the advantage of maximum weights is reflected more and more clearly. In the training of highly qualified athletes, non-maximum weights are used as additional methods. For example: the resistance value is set within the limits of “large” and “moderately large”. As strength develops, the amount of resistance changes accordingly; if a student does push-ups while lying down with support on a gymnastic bench and his strength increases so much that he performs the exercise 10-12 times, then the exercise must be complicated so that it can be performed only 4-7 times times (say, do flexion-extension of the arms while lying on the floor, then also with the legs resting on a gymnastic bench, etc.).

The second direction is the use of maximum and near-limit weights. The maximum training weight is the highest weight that can be lifted without significant emotional arousal (this weight is usually 10-15% less than the maximum).

The technique of developing endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue and maintain high performance throughout the entire boxing match. One of the criteria for endurance is the time during which a person is able to maintain a given intensity of activity. Using this criterion, endurance is measured in direct and indirect ways. In the direct method, the subject is asked to fight at a high pace for all five rounds. To maintain a high density of the fight, partners box one round at a time (each round is a “fresh” partner). But this method is almost not always convenient. To measure endurance in competitive conditions, indirect methods are used. To do this, calculate the endurance coefficient:

Endurance coefficient = CABI for the 3rd round / CABI for the entire fight

(Combat effectiveness coefficient)


Attack efficiency coefficient (EA) = Number of hits reaching the target/Total number of blows

Defense Efficiency Factor (DEC) = Number of parried strikes/Total number of strikes.

In the process of developing endurance, it is necessary to solve a number of problems for the comprehensive development of the functional properties of the body, which determine general endurance and special types of endurance. Solving these problems is unthinkable without voluminous, rather monotonous and hard work, during which it is necessary to continue the exercise, despite the onset of fatigue. In this regard, special requirements arise for the volitional qualities of those involved. The education of endurance is carried out in unity with the education of hard work, readiness to endure heavy loads and very severe feelings of fatigue. In a fight, a boxer experiences a high emotional load (especially in long tournaments); he has to solve tactical problems, all the time recording the movements of the enemy. During a fight, at least 2/3 of the mouse works actively, which causes high energy consumption and places high demands on the respiratory and circulatory organs. The state and possibility of developing endurance can be determined by the following indicators: minute volume of respiration, maximum pulmonary ventilation, vital capacity of the lungs, minute and stroke volume of the heart, heart rate, blood flow speed, hemoglobin content in the blood.

The basis of boxers' endurance is good general physical preparation, excellent breathing, the ability to relax muscles between active shock "explosive" actions and the improvement of technical techniques, because the more automated they are, the fewer muscle groups are involved in performing the movement.

Several factors influence the process of boxer fatigue:

  • 1) Intensity of action;
  • 2) The frequency of their repetitions;
  • 3) Duration of actions;
  • 4) The nature of the intervals between them;
  • 5) Style and manner of fighting by the enemy;
  • 6) The effect of twisting factors, including received blows.

Dexterity is a complex, complex quality that does not have a single criterion for evaluation. The criteria for dexterity can be the coordination complexity of motor actions and the accuracy of movements. In boxing, agility is manifested in the speed of transformation (restructuring) of movements in accordance with the requirements of the changed conditions of the fight. As sports specialization deepens, the leading line of the methodology for developing coordination abilities becomes the introduction of the factor of unusualness when performing familiar actions in order to ensure increasing demands for coordination of movements.

In recent years, the results of an analysis of the reasons for the weak technical training of boxers show that most of them at the initial training stage limited themselves to studying and improving only light technical actions, due to which each of these boxers developed a kind of “ceiling” of his technical and tactical capabilities. Therefore, at the stage of sports improvement, they have to study new, more complex technical means for a long time, while simultaneously improving the techniques that they mastered earlier. Classes for such boxers should be conducted individually by a trainer. Mastering unusual, new and more complex technical actions requires special physical and mental qualities; for this, the trainer uses a system of special exercises. With the help of these exercises, a boxer masters the art of avoiding blows and boxing from any position quickly and easily. Already in the first lessons, a beginner must master a certain range of varied movements that contribute to quick and accurate actions both in attacks and in active defenses. You should start with simple forms of movements, gradually moving on to more complex ones. The better the boxer’s movements are coordinated, the faster he can perform complex movements, the faster his skill will grow.

Table 2 - Methodology for mastering unusual new and more complex technical actions

Introduction of unusual starting positions.

"Mirror" exercises.

Fighting in different stances: high, low, left-right-sided. Fighting out of your stance.

Changing the speed or tempo of movements.

Performing combat operations at different speeds and at different tempos.

Changing the spatial boundaries in which the exercise is performed.

Conducting training indoors and outdoors. Conducting sparring in a reduced (separated by ropes) ring. Sports games on a reduced area

Changing the way you perform the exercise.

Performing strikes, defenses, movements in various ways.

Complicating exercises with additional movements

Performing a series of strikes: in a jump, after a jump with a 360 turn; after several somersaults over the head; after a series of turns, etc., etc.

Changing the resistance of those involved in paired or group exercises.

Conducting a fight with partners of different styles (weight, height, etc.). Conducting a fight with two partners; “wall to wall.” The use of different tactical combinations.

Performing familiar movements in previously unknown combinations.

Performing combat operations in various combinations previously unknown

Increasing the complexity of coordination of movements with the help of tasks such as juggling.

Tennis ball juggling:

c - dribbling a tennis ball on the floor;

  • - throwing and catching against the wall:
  • - catching a tennis ball released with the other hand

Varying tactical conditions.

Fighting with various sparring partners.

Introduction of additional objects of action and special stimuli that require an urgent change in action.

Fight with partners using "wall to wall"; game exercises with an increased number of balls; conducting training sessions in front of spectators

Directed variation of external weights.

Working with hammers, dumbbells, gloves of various weights, weights, shock absorbers

The use of various material, technical and natural environmental conditions of classes to expand the range of variability of motor skills.

Performing exercises on various equipment (pneumatic and bulk bags, bags, alternating training places) in the fresh air and in the hall, at different sports facilities)

Methods for developing dexterity.

Exercises aimed at developing dexterity quickly lead to fatigue. At the same time, their implementation requires great clarity of muscle sensations and gives little effect when fatigue sets in. Therefore, when developing agility, rest intervals sufficient for relatively complete recovery are used, and the exercises themselves should be performed when there are no significant signs of fatigue from the previous load.

The manifestation of agility largely depends on the athlete’s ability to relax the muscles. Tension and stiffness of movements negatively affect the result. Muscle tension manifests itself in three forms: 1. increased tension in the muscles under resting conditions /tonic tension/; 2. insufficient speed of relaxation / speed tension /; 3. in the relaxation phase, the muscle remains excited due to imperfect motor coordination /coordination tension/.

To combat tonic tension, relaxation exercises are used in the form of free movements of the limbs and torso (such as shaking, free swings, etc.), stretching exercises, swimming, and massage. To increase the speed of muscle relaxation, exercises are used, such as: throwing, throwing and catching medicine balls, jerking, pushing the barbell, strong impacts on equipment.

Coordination tension is gradually overcome in the following ways: 1. Explaining the need to perform movements more intensely, easily, freely. 2.. The use of special relaxation exercises: /According to I.V.Levitskaya/ a/ exercises during which the muscles move from a tense state to a relaxed one; b/ exercises in which relaxation of some muscles is combined with tension of others; c/ exercises in which it is necessary to maintain the inertial movement of a relaxed part of the body due to the movement of other parts; d/ exercises during which participants are asked to determine their own moments of rest and during this time relax their muscles as much as possible. When performing relaxation exercises, muscle tension should be combined with inhalation and breath-holding, relaxation with active inhalation. In order for the movement to be free and not tense, it is recommended to sing, smile, close your eyes for a moment, and watch your facial expressions (tension is clearly expressed in facial expressions). When performing movements, you need to tense the muscles of the whole body /holding your breath/, then sharply relax /with a forced exhalation/ and immediately start moving. It is useful to perform the exercise in a state of fatigue, because... Fatigue forces one to concentrate efforts only at the necessary moments. The manifestation of agility is also determined by the boxer’s ability to maintain balance.

For systematic monitoring of work to improve the physical qualities of leading boxers, mandatory control standards for general physical training were developed and implemented: 1) cross-country 3 km; 2) run 1 km; 3) run 100 m - 13.4 seconds; 4) barbell (jerk) --55, 60, 70, 75, 85 kg twice (depending on the boxers’ own weight: one weight for two adjacent weight categories. For example, for boxers weighing 48--51 and 51--54 kg, the weight of the barbell is 55 kg, for the following two weight categories - 60 kg, etc.); 5) barbell (snatch) --45, 50, 55, 60, 70 kg twice; 6) pull-ups on the bar - 15 times; 7) rope climbing (angle) - 2 times; 8) running long jump - 5 m; 9) running high jump - 140 cm; 10) shot put (7 kg): for a boxer weighing 51--60 kg--8 m, 60--71 kg--9 m, 71 kg and above--10 m; I) throws a basketball into the basket 77 (out of 15 shots for 12 hits they give the grade “excellent”); 12) exercises with a skipping rope - 15 min.

Methodological features of education of physical qualities:

The specifics of boxing also require that the selection and use of all these means take into account the characteristics of this sport: the age characteristics of boxers 15-16, 17-18, 19-20 years and older; the specifics of the boxer’s motor skills (acyclic nature of individual techniques and actions in general, a wide variety of techniques and actions combined with a high tempo); the need for precise coordination of maximum efforts and accelerations;

Boxing, like no other sport, requires the active use of speed-strength exercises, during which the strength reaches its maximum value with high acceleration. In each striking and defensive movement and maneuver, various muscle groups take an active part, ranging from the muscles of the legs, torso and ending with a powerful group of muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. Each of these large muscle groups performs work of a different nature and therefore requires a certain methodological approach to the content of the exercises. It is necessary to practically separate the means and, most importantly, methods for developing speed-strength qualities for various muscle groups: arms, shoulder girdle, torso, legs. So, for example, for the development of muscle groups of the shoulder girdle and arms, the following are required exercises and methods,

For example, when exercising with dumbbells, you need to perform not general developmental gymnastic exercises, but special shock-type exercises. In this case, the hand free from the striking movement is in a protective position and without a dumbbell. Special exercises with medicine balls of different weights (from 1 to 5 kg) are very useful. These exercises should be practiced in every training session, with a pneumatic bag, paws, jump ropes, dumbbells, a lightweight barbell, kettlebells, etc. In all of the above exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities, it is necessary to adhere to the facilitated method of performing the same exercises. For example, after exercises with weights, move on to the same exercises without weights with the maximum possible speed of movement, using the force aftereffect, or using blocks with weights, expanders and rubber bands (attached to a wall, tree, pole). In this case, the traction force of these projectiles should be used in the opposite direction ( in the direction of impact). To do this, you need to stand facing the place where the projectile is attached; after using “heavy” gloves, use light ones; after heavy equipment (bag, wall pillow), move on to lighter ones (hanging bag, pneumatic bag), and then to shadowboxing, etc. Taking into account the specifics of boxing as a sport, it is necessary to consider the features of the use of speed-strength training of boxers in adolescence, since The use of these exercises for teenage boxers (15-16 years old) and boys (17-18 years old) requires a careful approach for at least two reasons. Firstly, because speed-strength exercises are still used very one-sidedly - all of them are aimed at improving only the striking movement and developing a strong blow, which is unacceptable for youth boxing. Secondly, because, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, teenagers and young men independently and quite actively use exercises to develop strength, in as a result, it can be difficult for a coach to take into account this additional power load. Teenage and youth boxers, trying to show their independence, as well as maintain the proportional development of their body, which during this period of age grows especially intensively, mainly in length - sometimes unsystematically and one-sidedly in a large volume and - use strength exercises with weights (dumbbells, weights, rubber, springs, etc.). Boy boxers differ in many ways from teenage boxers in their interests and practical manifestations in the process of training sessions. But they, like teenagers, often copy famous boxing masters, although they already approach the training process more logically and critically. Having more advanced motor activity and feeling a natural increase in physical strength, young boxers consider themselves to be quite “adults.” "and physically developed. Therefore, in practice, there are often cases when they are dissatisfied with the “small”, in their opinion, loads that they receive in classes, and with those requirements that prohibit them from conducting training and competitive fights using strong blows, and physical training with heavy weights .

Being very active, they independently and often use strength training to a large extent. All this, as a rule, leads to one-sided physical development of individual muscle groups, the usual muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms and the rectus abdominal muscles, which often leads to sudden overloads of the cardiovascular system, and from the technical side to a limitation of tactical and technical skill and to the power orientation of boxing. Since it is impossible to exclude this natural interest of young men and adolescents in the manifestation of strength, the main attention in practical work should be focused on the correct pedagogical guidance of this process and on monitoring the applied loads. Therefore, systematic medical and pedagogical control should be carried out throughout the entire educational and training process in the same way as as well as long-term planning of means and methods of versatile training of young boxers. One should immediately warn against excessive enthusiasm for large volumes of speed-strength exercises, large weights of weights or a rapid increase in the weight of weights. This leads to a distortion of the structure of technical techniques, a decrease in endurance, or more precisely, the stability of speed and strength indicators when these techniques and actions are performed multiple times.

In this case, instead of the free and “explosive” nature of the boxer’s movements, a forceful, pushing movement appears; the speed and accuracy of the movement (reception) decreases, especially when the technique or action is repeated many times, although the force of the striking movement noticeably increases (Table 2).Exercises with medicine balls are very effective and specific for the exercises of young boxers. These exercises comprehensively develop the speed-strength qualities of the “explosive” nature of the main muscle groups of the boxer: arms, shoulder girdle, torso and legs. When preparing a young boxer, medicine balls of different weights should be included in the main boxing exercises, like a punching bag and a bag, paws and a jump rope. As observations have shown, in the practice of training youth boxers (as well as among the leading boxers of the country), exercises with a barbell are very rarely used. Exercises from classical triathlon are usually used: bench press, clean and jerk, snatch. Naturally, such exercises (especially the bench press) will not bring much benefit to young boxers, and may even have a negative effect - loss of stability of speed-strength indicators and accuracy with repeated repetitions of movements (techniques). It is possible. recommend tempo push exercises with a barbell (forward, up, down), barbell pushes (barbell weight 25-50% of the boxer’s own weight), short tempo half-squats with a barbell on the shoulders (barbell weight 25-50% of the boxer’s weight) , jumping in place and walking with jumps, rotations, bending the body forward and to the sides with a barbell on the shoulders - all these exercises provide an excellent and stable physiological adjustment of the neuromuscular system of the young boxer to speed-strength (“explosive”) work.

All exercises with a barbell, like other exercises with weights, should be carried out using a complex method: first perform an exercise with weights, and then exercises for relaxation and active stretching of working muscles, an exercise for maximum speed of the same movements. Then this entire complex is repeated (Table 3). In any case, you need to start using speed-strength exercises with a barbell with a smaller weight of weights, performing a minimum number of series. In a weekly cycle for speed-strength training of male boxers 17-18 years old You can allocate one training day dedicated to complex speed-strength training. In each current lesson, at the end of the main part of the lesson, it is recommended to do separate speed-strength exercises with a minimum number of series and repetitions of exercises in them and with minimal weights.

For teenage boxers 15-16 years old, only individual speed-strength exercises with minimal weight and number of repetitions should be used in current classes. For boxers of different weight categories, the weight of the weight should be differentiated accordingly to the weight of the boxer.

No matter how well and versatile the basic physical qualities of a young boxer are developed, they are all lost if his general and special endurance is not sufficiently developed. To prevent this from happening, the young boxer needs to systematically use outdoor running exercises (short-distance running 50--100--400 m, medium-distance running up to 800 m, cross-country running 500--800 m), games of basketball, football, running skiing and speed-strength exercises for the leg muscles. Jumping exercises with a skipping rope and weights weighing 3-5 kg ​​should be added to jumping, walking with hops, tempo half-squats, etc. Moreover, all running exercises should be of a sharply variable nature: a sprint run of 25-50 m should be alternated with walking for 5-10-15 seconds, cross-country running. In total, walking and running should not exceed 500-1000 m. Methodologically correct application speed-strength exercises in the training of boxers can contribute to: the development of special motor skills with a highly organized structure of movements; more effective overcoming of a kind of “speed barrier”; more active development of muscle senses, which allows you to effectively use the inertial forces of moving parts of the body and, in certain phases of movement, produce concentrated neuromuscular efforts (the so-called “muscle explosion”); development of skills for concentrating maximum forces at maximum accelerations Thus, the development of speed is not an isolated, narrowly focused process, but a complex process of improving a high-class boxer. It depends, first of all, on the condition and characteristics of the athlete’s central nervous system, his neuromuscular system, on the strength, elasticity and speed of muscle contraction. Repeated repetition of special and combat exercises of a boxer from day to day, from year to year with a constant structure, rhythm, tempo, speed and strength efforts inevitably leads to the development of a complex dynamic stereotype, a strong assimilation of the basic striking, defensive movements and actions of the boxer. To develop and then the speed of movements, a lot of work is required to assimilate a new rhythm, a new tempo, new speed qualities and sensations. In this case, such methods and means of training are needed that would help him destroy this “speed barrier” (N.G. Ozolin), would help him get out of the “habitual circle” of sensations and master new sensations with higher rates of speed and pace , efforts and a new rhythm of movements. The most effective methods for developing speed include: the method of exercises in difficult conditions (weights, isometric, isotonic and other modes of muscle work); the method of exercises in easier conditions; a complex method that combines two methods based on the effect of force aftereffect, when after exercises with weights or heavy equipment, the same exercises are used, but in lighter conditions or with weights that make it easier to perform exercises at a faster pace and with greater speed; a method of coupled influences, when with the help of special exercises and weights both technique and speed of movements are simultaneously improved.

  • 1. A high degree of energy expenditure can be beneficial if classes are conducted with a health-improving focus;
  • 2. Exercises with unlimited loads provide greater opportunities to control technique;
  • 3. Allows you to avoid injuries;

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