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Singer and model Tatyana Tereshina, better known by her stage name Tanya Tereshina, started out as a model, then was able to become the lead singer of the Hi-Fi group.

Tanya Tereshina's childhood

Tatyana Tereshina was born in Hungary on May 3, 1979. Her father was a military man, so she moved around a lot as a child. In addition to Russia, she lived in Ukraine and Poland.

In 1992, Tereshina’s family settled in Smolensk, where the girl received her secondary education. In addition to school, she attended music, art and even ballet clubs.

In 1996, Tatyana Tereshina entered the Smolensk Institute of Arts at the Faculty of Painting. After graduating from university, she went to Moscow.

Career of Tanya Tereshina

In the capital, the girl began working as a model. Her track record includes collaborations with such modeling agencies as Modus Vivendis, Point and Fashion. Working as a model, she took part in shows held in many European countries. According to the girl, she really enjoyed walking on the catwalk.

Tereshina’s life changed radically at the end of 2002, when she took part in the selection of candidates for a place in the Hi-Fi group. The place became vacant after Oksana Oleshko left the team, deciding to quit show business.

Tanya Tereshina, participating in the casting, was not confident in her abilities. The girl doubted that she could win. However, it was she who was chosen from many applicants.

Tereshina's first performance with the group took place in February 2003. Even then she began to understand that within Hi-Fi there was little room for self-realization. She performed with Mitya Fomin and Timofey Pronkin until May 2005. Together with the group, she traveled half of Russia and took part in 500 concerts.

After the offer to pursue a solo career, the star decides to leave the group. In June 2005, the team became the winner of the Muz-TV 2005 Award as “Best Dance Group”. This recognition is ensured by the work of Tanya Tereshina.

Tanya Tereshina - Fragments of feelings

At the same time, as the singer says, after leaving she remained on friendly terms with her former bandmates. Although her departure was painted with scandalous colors. With Mitya Fomin, Tatyana Tereshina is sure, they can have some kind of joint project.

Solo career of Tanya Tereshina

Tereshina's first songs appeared in 2007. In the spring of this year, the song “It Will Be Hot” came into rotation, which began to be actively played on radio stations and television. The single was noticed by such giants as MTV and Russian Radio. In total, that year the singer recorded seven compositions for her first album. At the same time, the girl began performing at various solyanka concerts.

Tanya Tereshina and Zhanna Friske - Western

But the real breakthrough, according to the singer herself, is the song “Fragments of Feelings,” which the famous rapper Noise MC wrote especially for her in 2008. The single was presented on the Europa Plus radio station. As a result, the song was played on all speakers for several months.

For all her videos (the most notable, probably, was “Western”, in which Zhanna Friske starred) and live performances, Tanya Tereshina comes up with her own outfits. Her training as an artist allows the girl to create really good costumes.

Tanya Tereshina now

In 2010, the singer released a song and a video for it, “Radio Ga-ga-ga,” in which she tried on the image of the outrageous American singer Lady Gaga. The video sequence turned out to be ambiguous and was received controversially by the public. In 2011, with this song, the star was nominated for the RU.TV 2011 “Creative of the Year” Award.

Tanya Tereshina - Sorry

In the same year, Tanya Tereshina released her first album, “Open My Heart,” which included 20 tracks performed in the R&B and pop genres.

In the future, Tatiana hopes to star in a movie in the future. But she is not particularly keen on this, because now she is more interested in music, performances, and filming videos. Tatyana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin

In the summer of 2014, the parents baptized their daughter, and Tanya’s longtime friend Mitya Fomin, with whom they still continue to be friends, acted as godparent.

Account: tanya_tereshina

Occupation: singer, model, ex-lead singer of the Hi-Fi group

Tanya Tereshina Instagram has a huge number of publications and has about 200 thousand subscribers. Tereshina was once part of Hi-Fi, and is now pursuing a solo career. The girl was born in Hungary. The biography of Tanya Tereshina is very rich and interesting. Since her dad was a military man, little Tanya and her family often had to move from place to place. During her childhood she visited different cities and countries.

Tatyana Tereshina adds new photos very often. Sometimes she posts 8-10 pictures a day. By browsing the star's Instagram, fans can watch her life almost in real time. Now the girl is vacationing with friends in France and does not forget to post photos from the Cote d'Azur. She doesn't hide anything and doesn't try to seem like someone she's not.

Tanya Tereshina does not add photos from Instagram to other social networks, so you can only admire her here.

Tatyana is a very attractive woman. She knows this very well and takes advantage of it. Tanya Tereshina's Instagram is full of pictures of her in lingerie or swimsuits - the girl loves herself and is not shy about showing off her ideal figure.

Tatyana's daughter Aris often appears on her mother's Instagram. Fans love this brown-eyed girl very much and leave thousands of likes and dozens of comments under every photo with her.

Biography of Tanya Tereshina

Tanya Tereshina's biography interests all her followers. She has always been a creative girl. She attended creative clubs and was a soloist in a children's ensemble.

In the early 2000s she came to Moscow, since then her career began to actively develop:

  • work as a model at the Modus Vivendis agency (since 2001).
  • Member of the Hi-Fi music group (from 2003 to 2005)
  • The first solo video called “It will be hot” (2007).
  • A video for the song “Wrecks of Feelings” has been released. She becomes a hit (2008).
  • The video “Western” (2009) was released. In it she sang a duet with Zhanna Friske. It was played very often on music channels and on the radio.
  • The first album entitled “Open my heart” is released (2011). It includes 20 compositions.
  • Nomination for the RU TV award for the song “Radio Ga-ga-ga” (2011). This composition was received ambiguously by critics, but received a nomination for its courage and unusual presentation.
Tatyana Tereshina was born on May 3, 1979 in Budapest, where her father was serving at that time.

In 1992, after numerous moves, the Tereshin family settled in Smolensk, where the future singer graduated from high school. In 1996 she graduated from the Smolensk Institute of Arts at the Faculty of Painting. During these years, the future star actively attended music, art and ballet clubs.

After graduating from university, Tatyana moved to Moscow, where she got a job at the Modus Vivendis modeling agency. Having become one of the most prominent models, she constantly went to shows in Europe.

In 2002, Tereshina successfully passed the casting for the Hi-Fi group to replace Oksana Oleshko, who had left the team. From February 2003 to May 2005, Tanya took part in more than five hundred Hi-Fi concerts.

In 2007, the singer made her debut with a solo video “It will be hot”, and in 2008 two more of her videos were released - “Wreckage of Feelings” and “Dot the i’s”. Then the artist recorded videos: “Western” (feat. Zhanna Friske, 2009), “Radio Ga-ga-ga” (2010), “Understand” (2011), “This Morning” (2012), “Life in One Night” (2012), “War” (feat. Johnyboy, 2013), “Meeting” (feat. Dzhigan, 2013) and “Sorry” (2014).

In 2011, Tatyana Tereshina’s first album, “Open My Heart,” was released, which included 20 tracks.

On December 27, 2013, Tereshina gave birth to a daughter, Aris, from her common-law husband, TV presenter Vyacheslav Nikitin. 4th of july parents

Tatyana Viktorovna Tereshina, better known as Tanya Tereshina. Born on May 3, 1979 in Budapest (Hungary). Russian singer and fashion model.

Tanya Tereshina was born in Budapest into a military family.

Since her father constantly moved from place to place due to his duties, she visited not only Hungary, but also Poland and Ukraine.

In 1992, the family finally settled in Smolensk. There she graduated from high school, and in 1996 she entered the Smolensk Institute of Arts at the Faculty of Painting.

During her school years, she attended music, art and ballet clubs. She was a soloist in a children's ensemble.

She didn’t work in her specialty and decided to pursue a career as a model. She moved to Moscow and was accepted into the Modus Vivendis modeling agency. She was a leading model for Point and Fashion and traveled a lot for shows in Europe.

Then she was invited to perform on stage as a singer.

In 2002 - after the departure of Oksana Oleshko - in the group Hi-Fi a vacancy appeared, and Tereshina was chosen as a new participant in the casting. She performed as a member of the group from February 2003 to May 2005, taking part in more than 500 concerts. Together with her, the team recorded the hit “Trouble.”

The group was nominated for the Muz-TV 2005 “Best Dance Project” Award, which they received after Tatyana left, in June 2005.

The first solo compositions of the singer Tanya and the debut video “It will be hot” were released in 2007. The very next year, the song “Fragments of Feelings,” written by Noize MC, became a hit. A year later, the “Western” video was released, together with.

In 2011, Tatyana’s first solo album, “Open My Heart,” was released, which included 20 tracks.

Tanya's composition styles are R&B and pop. Her videos are shot by Estonian film director Hindrek Maasik, who also worked with Noize MC and the group “Disco Accident”.

Tanya Tereshina - Understand

In 2010, Tanya recorded a video "Radio Ga-ga-ga", which exploits the image of a shocking American singer. The video met with sharply mixed reviews: devastating criticism (as a weak attempt at parody and de facto imitation of a world star), recognition of it as a successful PR move and a desire to learn from experience (inspired by the international version of Radio Ga-ga-ga, French DJs announced their intention to shoot a similar clip where Carla Bruni will be played out).

With this composition, Tanya was nominated for the RU.TV 2011 “Creative of the Year” Award, but lost in the competition to the Quest Pistols group.

Tanya Tereshina also participated more than once in candid photo shoots in magazines for men. In her interviews, the performer stated that her body has not undergone plastic surgery and is one hundred percent her own.

Tanya Tereshina - Sorry

Tanya Tereshina's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Tanya Tereshina:

She had a short affair with a 90s star, in whose video she starred.

During the singer’s performance in the Hi-Fi group, she had a relationship with Mitya Fomin. The artist also had affairs with businessmen - she did not hide in an interview that she preferred to deal with rich men. In particular, she had an affair with millionaire Arseny Sharov.

She was in a civil marriage with TV presenter Slava Nikitin.

In September 2015, Tereshina announced that she had left Nikitin. Despite the TV presenter’s attempts to restore the relationship, the couple broke up completely.

Subsequently, he does not help his daughter with money.

In May 2016 it became known that. The latter is known for working on the project of fellow artist Mitya Fomin.

The ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group and Ruslan Goy arrived together at the RU.TV awards party at the Moscow Nobu restaurant, where they were photographed kissing by the paparazzi.

Since the end of 2016, the singer began an affair with Vadim Bukharov, who is 13 years younger than her. At first, the couple was constantly condemned for their age difference, but they did not pay attention to it. Vadim became friends with Tanya's daughter Iris. But then the couple broke up.

Then businessman Oleg Kurbatov appeared in Tanya’s life. He is 16 years younger than the singer. She reasoned about this like this: “Life, of course, will tell. And about our beautiful age difference, once a few months ago we sat and talked about a long life together and at some point Oleg said that he had found me and was afraid of losing me and doesn’t want to lose and it sounded so desperate. At first I didn’t understand what he meant, but then it dawned on me and I asked with my characteristic dark humor: Are you afraid that I’ll throw my skates away before you? To which he nodded affirmatively) And I smiled with emotion and said: God, according to statistics, men live less than women, so we are perfect for each other)).” Here’s your answer about my age and his! Not everything revolves around just sex.”

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