Dietary nutrition for ulcers. Nutrition for stomach ulcers during exacerbation

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Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers is an indispensable attribute of the correct therapeutic effect, a preventive measure aimed at counteracting the recurrence of ulcers.

A diet for stomach ulcers, compiled correctly and without violations, accepted by the patient as a guide, can speed up recovery and stimulate rapid healing of stomach ulcers. Below are the main principles that must be followed by a patient suffering from a stomach ulcer, with chronic gastritis, which can later develop into a chronic peptic ulcer.

If it comes to the duration of the diet, you will need to adhere to the menu for a year after the end of the exacerbation of the ulcerative process. The main purpose of dietary nutrition is to help the regeneration processes of epithelial tissues.

Prohibited Products

Below is a list of foods prohibited for consumption for peptic ulcers. It is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that have an irritating effect on the wall of the digestive tube, increase the formation of gases in the intestines, and are filled with an excess of sodium and chlorine ions.

Veins and cartilage will need to be removed from meat products. A nutritionist or gastroenterologist will provide other recommendations for proper nutrition for ulcers.

Authorized products

A list of dishes and products allowed for diet number 1 is provided. The list of products is extensive, the patient’s food will not seem limited and boring.

Weekly diet for an ulcer patient

Below is the patient's diet. The menu for the week is an approximate diagram.


In the morning, it is useful to boil oatmeal in water and wash it down with a glass of tea. Second breakfast can consist of baked apples and low-fat yogurt. For lunch, it’s good to eat vegetable broth soup with rolled oats. Meatball with a side dish of potatoes or veal are suitable as a second course. For dessert you are allowed to eat fruit jelly. Take with rosehip decoction.

For an afternoon snack, the diet after an ulcer consists of milk with crackers. For dinner, you can cook steamed pike perch with stewed cauliflower from a steamer. Drink with weak tea.


For breakfast, prepare dietary dishes - a mixture of 2 eggs, butter and milk. Wash it down with strawberry jelly, your diet will become complete, tasty and nutritious. The second breakfast for ulcers with high acidity is buckwheat porridge with milk, thoroughly mashed. Should be washed down with tea.

Zucchini soup is prepared for lunch. The main course is served with pate from any variety of lean fish, potato casserole in foil with beef. For dessert, offer the patient apple mousse. For an afternoon snack, a banana washed down with a glass of fresh kefir would not go amiss. Such a diet after removal of part of the stomach is considered to be as gentle as possible.

For dinner after the stomach is removed, chicken meatballs with vegetable puree are prepared. For dessert - sour cream and yesterday's bread. Wash it down with compote or tea. Before going to bed - a glass of milk. It is important to follow the rules prescribed by diet therapy.


Breakfast consists of pureed rice porridge cooked in milk and apple compote. A similar diet after gastric resection is timely. The second breakfast consists of cottage cheese and oatmeal jelly.

Lunch, if a diet is necessary for stomach ulcers, is presented on the menu with vermicelli soup in vegetable broth. The dish is served with boiled beets with vegetable oil. For the second course, serve the patient buckwheat porridge and pike perch. Washed down with a glass of tea.

For an afternoon snack, the patient can eat a glass of yogurt and crackers. The evening meal consists of rice pilaf with beef and jelly. Try adding vegetable risotto.


For breakfast, the diet after surgery includes a decoction of barley, boiled to a slimy state with milk, and milk jelly with carrots. A glass of tea with cookies is allowed for a snack after duodenal ulcer surgery.

The patient's lunch consists of rice soup with the addition of pumpkin; for the second, a meat soufflé of rabbit meat with boiled vermicelli is served. Dessert in the form of apples, pears and grape jelly.

Dinner – beetroot salad with potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini puree, jellied turkey. Wash it down with milk jelly. For an evening snack – curd pudding and fermented baked milk.


Breakfast – semolina porridge with jam and tea. Second breakfast – lazy dumplings and strawberry smoothie.

For lunch they offer a salad with vegetables and herbs with sour cream, soup with dumplings, and for the main course - zucchini stuffed with chicken, baked in the oven. An afternoon snack for peptic ulcer disease consists of fruit salad and strawberry jelly.

For dinner they serve tongue and potatoes. For dessert - oatmeal pudding with apple and tea. Evening meal – a glass of warm milk.


Breakfast – milk soup and warm tea. Second breakfast – a glass of fermented baked milk and boiled beet puree.

For lunch, prepare the patient soup from prunes and apples and herring soaked in water. Snack – protein biscuit. For an afternoon snack, kefir cocktail with strawberries.

Baked cod and barley porridge are allowed for dinner. For dessert - jelly and fruit. Such a menu will not increase stomach acidity.

In the evening before bed - milk with crackers. Replace with yogurt if necessary. An incorrect diet that increases acidity leads to deterioration.


The morning menu includes boiled macaroni and cheese and tea. For a snack – cottage cheese casserole, fruit and berry jelly.

Lunch consists of boiled meat and potatoes. For the first course - cauliflower soup, cheese mixture with carrots, plus compote.

Afternoon snack – baked apple with honey. Dinner – kefir, meatballs and vegetable puree and berry juice or compote. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink milk and eat a soft-boiled egg.

This diet can be changed for a week, improvements are made to the list taking into account the patient’s tastes. The diet for a week for stomach ulcers should be based on the principles described.

Today in the media and on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes on how to prepare tasty and nutritious meals for stomach ulcers. They determine proper nutrition and become the key to a healthy lifestyle. Dietary nutrition is an important condition for proper treatment.

About 12% of the population are familiar with stomach ulcers firsthand; it is a chronic form of the disease in which bleeding wounds (several or one) form on the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

A person with this diagnosis often experiences a feeling of pain, unpleasant belching, heaviness, bloating, nausea, loss of appetite; if you do not give due importance to these symptoms in time, you can soon end up on the operating table.

Let's talk about the specifics of nutrition for ulcers, what the diet should consist of, and which food group is prohibited.

Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers

Important! Remember to pay due attention to what medications you are taking if you have a history of stomach ulcers. After all, with such a diagnosis, you need to be very vigilant in choosing a pill for a headache or, say, a toothache, since certain medicinal substances can greatly irritate and aggravate inflammation in the stomach, as a result of which internal bleeding may open, and everything will end in surgical treatment .

Nutrition for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

Exacerbations of chronic diseases always occur in the autumn and spring periods, when the body experiences the greatest stress, vitamin deficiency, and also if there have been repeated dietary violations and nutritional errors.

In order not to bring the condition to the extreme, during an exacerbation, the most stringent diet No. 1A is prescribed, it lasts from five to seven days and must be followed strictly, after which you should immediately switch to diet No. 1B, for another seven to ten days, and Only in this way can the resulting focus of inflammation be suppressed. Let’s take a closer look at what these diets are.

Diet No. 1A

The basis of the diet per day: up to two liters of liquid (water, tea, herbal infusions), 100 g of fat, 80 g of protein, 200 g of carbohydrates. The consistency of the food should be liquid, puree-like, only warm, preparation methods are as described above, feeding in fist-sized portions 5-6 times a day.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • vegetables, fruits;
  • any broths (meat, fish, mushrooms...);
  • spices;
  • bread and pasta;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol, soda;
  • chocolate and cocoa - containing products.

The diet includes:

  • porridge with water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina), larger varieties of porridge must be ground or blended with a blender, you can add a tablespoon of milk per serving of porridge or a small piece of butter or cream;
  • puree or soufflé from white meat, lean fish;
  • milk or low-fat cream for drinks or dishes, less often butter;
  • fresh cottage cheese, pudding or steam casserole;
  • cottage cheese with added milk and sugar;
  • soft-boiled egg or steamed omelet;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • puree from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, potatoes (1-3 times during the diet).

Diet No. 1B

It is a little more expanded than the first option, and requires increasing the amount of protein per day to 100 g, carbohydrates to 300, fats in the same amount as in the previous option.

The diet includes:

Such nutrition, taking into account both diets, is designed for 2-3 weeks, can help to more easily endure the period of exacerbation of the disease, as well as prevent the condition from worsening and will not give rise to the development of the disease further.

What foods can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

This disease worsens and aggravates the functioning of the entire digestive system, gives some kind of malfunction, the esophagus has to adapt to a certain diet and daily routine, so eating correctly it feels good and comfortable, but as soon as you eat a harmful product, the mucous walls of the organ are instantly irritated and begin to secrete Excess juice leads to a number of other problems and poor health.

For people with a disease such as a stomach ulcer, it is very important to adhere to a specific diet without violating the diet, so we will provide a list of products that your day and diet should consist of:

  1. Bread after 1-3 days of baking, crackers, unsweetened biscuits.
  2. Soups without fatty fat based on vegetables, chicken meat without skin and bones, cereals.
  3. Egg omelettes, soft-boiled eggs up to 4 times a week.
  4. Low-fat and non-acidic dairy products.
  5. Cottage cheese, butter.
  6. Dishes containing meat (chicken, rabbit, veal), without tendons, skins, veins and any fatty parts.
  7. Banana, sweet pear, avocado, baked apple (can be served with cottage cheese).
  8. Milk porridge with sugar or fruit, or with vegetable oil in small quantities.
  9. Rarely pasta.
  10. Olive, sunflower, flaxseed, butter.
  11. Jelly, mousse, jelly from fruits, berries, marshmallows, low-fat milk cream, marmalade, sweet jam.
  12. Pure and alkaline water, rosehip tea.
  13. Lean fish.
  14. Wheat bran.
  15. Hard, unsalted cheese.
  16. Berries and fruits are sweet, without peel, since it contains the most acid.
  17. Honey, in small quantities, about a teaspoon for daily use.
  18. Freshly prepared cauliflower juice every other day, diluted 1:1 with water, especially if there is a parallel presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  19. Warm milk two hours before bedtime will create a protective coating on the walls of the stomach, calm the general emotional state, and have a healing effect; you can drink it with the addition of honey.

What not to eat if you have a stomach ulcer

The list of prohibited foods is quite large, any of them negatively affects the epithelium of the stomach and esophagus, so it is better not to risk your health, thinking that nothing will happen from one serving of “harmful” food, in fact, at certain stages of the ulcer, every bite a fatty treat can make the difference.

Prohibited List:

  1. Unrefined sunflower oil.
  2. Lard, caviar, fatty meats, fish.
  3. Mushrooms (in any form).
  4. Smoked meats, sausages, meat, fish and other pates.
  5. Canned, pickled, pickled products.
  6. Primary broth from fish meat, immediately after boiling, that is, the first broth must be drained and the cooked product must be washed well, then cook the second broth from the same product.
  7. Fried egg, hard-boiled eggs.
  8. Rye bread, pastries, especially fresh ones.
  9. Barley, corn, muesli (foods that are difficult to digest).
  10. Condensed milk, homemade milk and other milks with a high percentage of fat.
  11. Peas, white cabbage, beans, apricot, radish.
  12. Fresh onions, sorrel, garlic, mustard, horseradish.
  13. Tomatoes, tomato sauces, pastes.
  14. Citruses, cranberries, pineapple, gooseberries, currants.
  15. Nuts, dried fruits, especially raisins, seeds, chips.
  16. Chocolate, fatty ice cream.
  17. Vinegar, salt, black pepper, spices.
  18. Coffee, cocoa, strong, black tea, carbonated drinks.
  19. Alcoholic drinks.

Nutrition for stomach ulcers menu for every day

First day

Breakfast: boiled rice, pureed with milk, 1 soft-boiled egg, tea.
Snack: apple puree baked in the oven, optional with sugar or honey.
Dinner: vegetable soup - puree, pureed buckwheat with steamed cutlet, rosehip decoction.
Snack: two biscuits with compote.
Dinner: semolina (in water) without salt, a small piece of fish baked in foil with egg and sour cream sauce.

Second day

Breakfast: milk, buckwheat porridge, two soft-boiled eggs, tea with milk.
Snack: baked apple with cottage cheese and sugar.
Dinner: soup - puree of rice, carrot milk, butter; mashed potatoes with steamed meatballs, compote.
Snack: crackers, jelly from fresh, non-acidic fruits.
Dinner: fish stewed with carrots, 70 grams of durum vermicelli, tea.

Third day

Breakfast: semolina with milk and water (1:1), 100 g of cottage cheese with honey, tea.
Snack: yogurt without dyes, crackers.
Dinner: soup with vegetables and semolina, pureed, jelly, a piece of yesterday's bread.
Snack: a glass of compote with three pieces of biscuits.
Dinner: pumpkin puree with the addition of olive oil and sugar (optional), a piece of boiled chicken breast, without salt.

Fourth day

Breakfast: oatmeal in water with butter, cottage cheese up to 5% fat, unsweetened tea.
Snack: hard cheese up to 30 grams, banana.
Dinner: soup with grated buckwheat, vegetables and meatballs, bread, compote.
Snack: baked sweet pear.
Dinner: zucchini and potato puree, steamed fish meatballs.

Fifth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.
Snack: fresh plum juice, dry gingerbread or cookies.
Lunch: boiled buckwheat, grated, veal cutlets.
Snack: fermented baked milk 2% 250 ml.
Dinner: pureed zucchini soup and pumpkin with sour cream, cream, bread, compote.

Sixth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese and oatmeal casserole, sweet tea.
Snack: compote, dry biscuit.
Dinner: boiled rice, steamed cutlets with sour cream sauce, cabbage juice.
Snack: two cheesecakes.
Dinner: pike perch baked with sour cream, cauliflower and carrot puree, tea with milk.

Seventh day

Breakfast: oatmeal with butter and milk, tea with cookies.
Snack: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar.
Dinner: soup with a spoon of cream, potatoes and dill, 150 g of boiled meat, bread, jelly.
Snack: compote, crackers.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat porridge, steamed fish fillet, bread.

Every day, an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk, if you are not overweight, milk with honey.

The products allow you to diversify your menu with different dishes, techniques and cooking methods. Such a diet is prescribed for a long time, or for life, adhering to general recommendations in terms of nutrition, you will forget that in your life there is a disease such as a stomach ulcer, since it will occur in a milder form, asymptomatic with noticeable progress.

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And stomach problems, as well as gastritis, have become very common. And the culprit of such problems is inattention to diet. And even understanding this, only a few listen to the recommendations of nutritionists, while proper nutrition for stomach ulcers can really help.

Description of the disease from a psychological point of view

Oddly enough, the above problems have their own psychological portrait. This disease often affects those people who are systematically exposed to stressful situations. Unfortunately, neither traditional healing recipes nor medications help such individuals. However, proper nutrition for stomach ulcers can alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Men are most susceptible to ulcerative formations. Smoking, drinking alcohol - all this often affects the health of the stronger half of humanity.

The most common cause of the above disease is stress. Being under constant emotional stress, the human stomach reflexively releases hydrochloric acid. Interacting with the walls of the digestive organ, it gradually corrodes them, causing the occurrence of ulcers.

Therapeutic diet

The first step in the fight against the problem is dietary nutrition for stomach ulcers. In this case, steamed, boiled and pureed food is recommended. This treatment will help reduce the load on the mucous membrane.

The patient's nutritional diet should be focused on restoring the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. It is required to adhere to a gentle diet. It is worth noting that an ulcer is an unhealed wound, and therefore a sharp change in temperature, chemical exposure, as well as fatty and rough foods can easily lead to pain in the stomach.

The basic rule for such a disease is split meals. This is a systematic meal every 3 hours in small portions. Such manipulations will not allow the level of gastric juice to increase.

The patient is strongly advised to chew food thoroughly, thereby facilitating the digestion process. Diet during exacerbation of a stomach ulcer should exclude some heavy foods - apples with peel, grapes, gooseberries, radishes and all types of legumes. This also includes sauerkraut and white cabbage.

The next point is control of the chemical composition of products. This means that the patient will need to significantly reduce the consumption of garlic, onions, salt, pepper, vinegar, etc. Experts say that such products can cause a significant increase in the secretion of gastric juice in the digestive system. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to include in the diet such food that would stimulate the release of splitting reagents. These are low-fat dairy products, vegetable soups, liquid water-based cereals, dried bread, etc.

Prohibited Products

It is important to properly balance your diet if you have a stomach ulcer. The menu should exclude horseradish, pancakes, fresh bread, strong broths, and pickled foods. In general, this group includes everything spicy, salty and fatty.

It is advisable to observe temperature conditions. For example, you should not eat very hot or cold foods, as they provoke pain in the stomach area.

Diet No. 1

The purpose of this diet:

  • creating an optimal environment for the healing of erosions and ulcers;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • regulation of motor-evacuation and secretory functions of the stomach;
  • stimulating the body’s physiological need for certain products in a hospital setting.

You need to eat frequently during the diet (5-6 times a day). Preferably only boiled food. Twice a week you are allowed to enjoy baked goods, boiled eggs and meat.

What diet is recommended for stomach ulcers? When it comes to soups, you should pay special attention to pureed cereal milk soups. The basis of such soups is milk; pureed vegetables are added to it. The exception is cabbage. You can also eat milk soup with homemade noodles or pasta. The next best option is pureed vegetable soup seasoned with refined sunflower oil or butter. Fish and meat without tendons and skin, chopped and steamed, is another dietary option for ulcers.

Potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets, and zucchini are perfect. In this case, all vegetables must be peeled.

Dishes made from eggs will also come in handy. This includes steam omelettes and soft-boiled eggs.

Among dairy products, you should highlight whole milk, fresh unleavened cottage cheese in casseroles and soufflés. This also includes calcined cottage cheese and non-acidic sour cream.

Sweets made from berries are recommended as a fruit addition to the diet. It is worth noting that the stomach perfectly digests ripe, juicy fruits in baked and mashed form. Juices must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with boiled water. Jams, honey, preserves made from sweet fruits and berries, as well as marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade can have a positive effect on the diseased organ.

The diet for stomach ulcers also includes fats. For example, butter can be added to prepared dishes, but frying foods with it is contraindicated.

Spices and sauces made from dairy products and fruits in small quantities are also beneficial for a sore stomach.

Tea with cream or milk is recommended as a drink. Juices should be beet or carrot. Liquids made from wheat bran and rose hips are suitable as decoctions.

Diet No. 1a

This diet is recommended for the treatment of stomach ulcers during an exacerbation of the disease with clearly defined irritation of the digestive organ. The diet is also great for preventing other diseases. Its main goals:

  • reduction of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulation of motor-evacuation and secretory functions of the stomach;
  • meeting food needs with a strict diet.

The described diet is characterized by mandatory limitation of chemical and mechanical irritants of the receptor apparatus and mucous membrane. In this case, the food consumed should be wiped or boiled. Porridge and liquid dishes can be considered an excellent food option here. There should be 5-6 snacks per day. The optimal food temperature is 15-65°C.

During the period of dietary restriction, you should not consume baked goods, spices and various sauces.

Steamed souffles are suitable for fish and meat lunches (no more than once a day). In this case, the products must be cleaned of skin and tendons. Among the permitted products are chicken, beef, pike perch, rabbit, cod and perch.

Pureed liquid porridge with cream and milk will not be superfluous (any cereal will do). You should eat this type of food once a day.

Ready-to-eat egg products include steamed omelettes and soft-boiled eggs (no more than three eggs per day).

Dairy products are also allowed (whole milk, steamed curd soufflé, cream).

You can supplement your diet with fats by adding butter to cooked foods.

Berries, fruits, and sweet jellies will be very useful ingredients when building a proper diet. Sugar and honey (in limited quantities) will not be superfluous.

Diet No. 1b

Such therapeutic nutrition for stomach ulcers is suitable at the time of exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. It can have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system, reducing pain.

The goal is to provide a healing effect on erosions and ulcers by optimizing the secretion of gastric juice, as well as regulating the motor-evacuation function of the digestive organ.

In this case, mechanical and chemical irritants of the internal walls of the gastrointestinal tract are prohibited. Without exception, all products must be consumed in liquid form. It is also acceptable to eat boiled food. The number of daily snacks is 5-6. The list of products completely repeats the previous diet. However, in this case, the consumption of approximately 100 g of dried white bread (exclusively from first grade flour) is allowed. Meatballs, dumplings and cutlets should be made from fish and meat. Dairy, cereal and pureed stews are suitable as soups. You shouldn’t give up milk porridge either.

Diet No. 1 surgical type

A similar diet for stomach ulcers is prescribed by a specialist on the 5th day after surgery. This includes dishes such as boiled and pureed chicken, meat, steam omelet, soft-boiled eggs, and light broths. During the recovery period of the patient, soups with a mucous consistency made from rolled oats, jelly diluted with water, jelly, white bread crackers, etc. are allowed.

Daily diet: stale white bread - approximately 400 g, butter - 20 g, sugar - 50 g. The volume of liquid drunk is 1.5 liters.

  • First breakfast. Soft-boiled eggs (2 pieces) can be replaced with a steamed omelet; rice or semolina porridge (300 g); tea with a small amount of milk added - 1 mug.
  • Lunch. Meat cutlets with mashed potatoes, to which olive oil has been added, pureed milk porridge, bread, a glass of milk.
  • Dinner. It should consist of a bowl of pureed oatmeal soup with milk, meatballs and mashed potatoes. For dessert you can eat 100 g of fruit jelly.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish - 100 g, mashed potatoes - 150 g, pureed rice porridge with milk - 300 g.

Before going to bed, it is best to drink 1 cup of whole milk.

Approximate diet of diet No. 1a

Let's look at the example of nutrition for stomach ulcers. The menu can be supplemented with stale white bread - 400 g, butter - 20 g, sugar - 50 g. The volume of liquid drunk is 1.5 liters.

  • Breakfast first: boiled meat - 60 g, crumbly buckwheat porridge from whole grains - 150 g, tea diluted with milk - 1 mug.
  • Second breakfast: steamed cutlets, rice milk porridge with added milk, bread and fruit jelly.
  • Dinner. Here you should give preference to rice or milk soup - 1 plate, boiled fish - 100 g, boiled potatoes with added vegetable oil - 150 g, and a glass of compote.
  • On dinner you can eat boiled meat - 60 g, crumbly rice porridge - 250 g, 1 glass of tea diluted with milk.

Meat broth with croutons

It is very important to properly prepare dishes on which nutrition for stomach ulcers is based. Recipes for some of them are given below.

Pour washed tubular bones (200 g) with water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and continue cooking for 5 hours. Grind meat (100 g) in a meat grinder. Mix the resulting minced meat with egg white and cold water (50 g). The resulting ingredient is added to the broth, which should be cooked for another hour. Carrots and onions are chopped and fried until brown. Vegetables are added to the broth.

Steamed meatballs

This is one of the most delicious dishes included in the diet for stomach ulcers.

Meat (200 g), cleared of tendons and films, is passed through a meat grinder, preferably twice. The minced meat is thoroughly mixed with cooked rice (30 g) and garlic (2 cloves). Meatballs are formed from the mass. This dish is prepared exclusively by steaming. Meatballs are served with butter (20 g).


The main condition that you must observe when organizing nutrition for a stomach ulcer is a positive mood and an unshakable belief in recovery from the disease. Only the combination of all the above factors will help solve the problem.


Gastric ulcer is a chronic pathology, the main cause of which is infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, as well as an imbalance between the aggressive environment of the organ and the factors that protect it from damage. It manifests itself as damage to the mucous membrane and the underlying layers of the stomach.

Until recently, diet for stomach ulcers was the basis of therapy. Treatment with medications and folk remedies brought much less results. After finding out the exact cause of the disease, approaches to therapy changed. But until now, proper and rational nutrition has not lost its relevance, especially during exacerbations.

Basic principles

Nutrition for stomach ulcers spares the mucous membrane and promotes its regeneration. At the same time, its task is to provide all human needs without causing too much discomfort. The purpose of the diet during the recovery period is to transfer a person to regular food and adapt the gastrointestinal mucosa to it. Here are the basic principles of a diet for stomach ulcers:

  • Thermally gentle nutrition. The temperature of the food is 15-60°C (neither hot nor cold).
  • Mechanically gentle nutrition - liquid, pureed or crushed foods.
  • Chemically gentle diet - exclusion of foods that stimulate the production of juice in the stomach and irritate the mucous membrane.
  • Balance. The food must include all the necessary nutritional ingredients. Energy value - 2800-3000 kcal, carbohydrate content - 400-420 g, protein - 90-100 g, fat - 100 g (approximately a third is vegetable), liquid - 1.5-2 l.
  • Fractionality. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Ideally, food for one meal should fit in two palms.
  • When creating a diet, it is important to take into account the residence time of foods in the stomach. For water and liquids - 1.5 hours, for meat and vegetables - 3 hours, for fatty fish, legumes - 5 hours.
  • Cooking method: boiling, baking, stewing, steaming.
  • Limit salt to 6-10 g.
  • During the recovery period, the zigzag principle is used: for a short time the patient is allowed prohibited foods, then he returns to dietary nutrition. This helps you quickly adapt to regular food.
  • The diet for stomach ulcers must be selected individually, taking into account the stage, form of pathology, etc.

In case of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, the diet requires the most gentle regime, all food is pureed or served in the form of thin soups and porridges. Then they are crushed until the patient switches to standard nutrition. Following a diet during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer and rehabilitation helps to recover faster, relieves symptoms, significantly improves and consolidates the results of therapy, and prevents the occurrence of complications. Some patients even manage to lose a little weight.

Do's and Don'ts

Since the diet for gastric ulcers should be gentle on the mucous membrane, when choosing products, they take into account how they affect the mucous membrane and the secretion of the glands. Food cannot linger for a long time in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract; attention should also be paid to this. Foods that provoke intense production of juice in the stomach are excluded from the menu. List of prohibited products:

  • strong broths from meat, fish, mushrooms;
  • canned and smoked foods;
  • spicy seasonings, dishes and snacks, other spicy foods;
  • vegetables rich in fiber (turnips, radishes, cabbage);
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea.

The diet menu for stomach ulcers and recipes consist mainly of products that moderately stimulate secretion. These include:

  • soups with milk and vegetables;
  • pureed cereal porridge;
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • Lean meat and boiled fish;
  • milk and products made from it;
  • soft-boiled eggs and steam omelettes;
  • alkaline waters without gas;
  • weak tea.

The effect of food on the stomach largely depends on the method of preparation. Thus, boiled and pureed meat has a weak stimulating effect on secretory function, while fried and crusted meat has a strong stimulating effect. Immediately after entering the gastrointestinal tract, fats suppress the production of enzymes, but after breakdown in the intestines they provoke an increased secretion of gastric juice, therefore the diet for stomach ulcers does not recommend consuming fats in their pure form, but only as part of other dishes and products.

Diet options

Therapeutic nutrition for stages of gastric ulcer disease differs from each other. There are several options that accompany the treatment of peptic ulcer:

  • Diet No. 1
  • Diet No. 1 is surgical.
  • Diet No. 1a.
  • Diet No. 1b.

Each type of diet for stomach ulcers has its own characteristics and is used during different periods of the disease. It must be followed strictly and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Diet No. 1

Therapeutic diet 1 is prescribed for gastric ulcers in the acute stage, but without obvious signs of irritation of the mucous membrane. This diet is also indicated when the patient has gastritis or a pre-ulcerative condition. It promotes the healing of ulcers, regeneration of the mucous membrane, and regulates the excretory function of the stomach. It provides all energy needs and can be adjusted depending on the patient’s activity. Food is pureed or served liquid or highly crushed. This diet allows:

  • white bread and savory buns, yesterday's or dried out;
  • soups pureed from vegetables (except cabbage), cereals, with milk or water; olive oil, sunflower oil, and butter are added to soups;
  • boiled or steamed meat and fish, can be served pureed or in pieces;
  • pureed porridge with milk (except wheat), pasta, puddings;
  • Among vegetables, potatoes, pumpkin, and zucchini are recommended;
  • dairy products - any, but not very sour;
  • eggs in the form of a steam omelet or soft-boiled;
  • fruits and natural sweets;
  • sunflower oil, olive oil, butter (added to prepared dishes);
  • bechamel or cream sauce;
  • You are allowed to drink tea, rosehip infusion, and juices that are not too concentrated.

You can’t eat anything cooked in strong broth. Any spicy seasonings, rye bread, smoked meats, pickled and salty dishes are excluded. Vegetables are served only pureed; you cannot eat turnips, cabbage, radishes, or sorrel. Too sour kefir is also not recommended. It is advisable to stick to this diet even after treatment is completed. New foods that are not on the approved list should be introduced with great caution.

Diets No. 1a and 1b

This diet is used for acute gastric ulcers with severe pain; it is more strict than the previous one. The goals include not only stimulating regeneration, but also relieving pain and irritation. Everything is served warm, pureed or runny. Diet 1a for stomach ulcers has more restrictions than table No. 1. Any sauces, juices, vegetables and fruits, and berries are completely excluded. You cannot eat snacks; drinks include rosehip broth and jelly. Recommended menu:

  • souffle of meat, fish and cottage cheese;
  • cream, fresh milk;
  • testicles are soft;
  • semi-liquid pureed porridge with milk, cream, water;
  • butter (added to prepared dishes).

The meat and fish are chosen to be low-fat, as is the cottage cheese. Porridge can be consumed of any variety except wheat. The diet for stomach ulcers and table No. 1a provide for a fractional frequency of meals, 5-6 times a day. With diet 1b, the list of products is the same as with 1a, only crackers are allowed. A special table and list of products helps you navigate the menu.

Diet for perforation of ulcers and bleeding

After gastric surgery to sew in a perforated ulcer or after resection, strict fasting is recommended in the first three days. At this time, the wound heals, the stomach gets used to the new condition. After 2 or 3 days, the patient is given a rosehip decoction or fruit jelly, slightly sweetened. The number of drinks is limited.

From the fifth or sixth day after removal of the perforation, perforated diet 1 surgical is introduced for stomach ulcers. First, the patient is given some pureed vegetable soup, rice porridge with water, and a soft-boiled egg. If you feel normal, over the next few days steamed cutlets from lean meat or fish, steamed omelettes, pureed soups in a weak meat broth are introduced. Then the patient is gradually transferred to diet 1a, 1b and 1 pureed. You should stick to this type of diet for at least one year.

Diet table No. 1 What is possible? What's not allowed?

Stomach Ulcer Diet Recipes

Bleeding from the antrum or other part of the stomach is another complication of an ulcer. Abdominal surgery for this pathology is now rarely performed; bleeding is stopped using an endoscopic procedure. After such an operation, a one-day fast is recommended. Then liquid drinks (jelly, bran and rose hip decoction) are gradually introduced. Then they give us pureed porridge and soup. It is very important that the food is mechanically gentle. With a bleeding ulcer, a lot of blood is lost, it is necessary to replenish the iron supply. Fish and meat, and sour apples are introduced into the diet as soon as possible.

The diet is adjusted if peptic ulcer disease is combined with inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystitis and other pathologies. For example, with pancreatitis, fresh milk is excluded. If there are problems with the liver, diet number is prescribed. It also matters whether the ulcer is open or closed, in the scarring stage. The diet during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer is more strict until the main symptoms pass.

Menu for the week

Diet for gastric ulcers can be varied. There are great recipes that allow you to prepare delicious food at home, because patients are allowed to eat quite a lot of foods. The menu for a stomach ulcer for a week allows you to change your diet daily.

Nutrition calendar


Morning In the morning - 2 soft-boiled eggs, semolina porridge, tea with sugar, not strong.

Lunch Lunch - baked apple, low-fat yogurt.

Lunch Lunch - pureed chicken soup with rice, veal meatballs, mashed potatoes, jelly, rosehip broth.

Afternoon snack Before dinner - a cracker of white bread, a glass of milk.

Dinner In the evening - steamed fish with cauliflower, tea. Before bed - a glass of warm milk.

Morning In the morning - pureed rice porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg.

Lunch Lunch - strawberry jelly, cracker.

Lunch Lunch - zucchini soup, fish pate, vegetables with beef, baked in foil, apple mousse.

Afternoon snack Afternoon snack - a decoction of wheat bran, cottage cheese.

Dinner In the evening - mashed potatoes with chicken meatballs, tea. Before bed - a glass of yogurt.

Morning Breakfast No. 1 - buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.

Lunch Breakfast No. 2 - oatmeal jelly, sweet grated apple.

Lunch Lunch - soup with pasta, baked pike perch, rice porridge, beet salad, rosehip broth.

Afternoon snack For an afternoon snack, you can eat a banana with yogurt.

Dinner In the evening - beef pilaf, salad of boiled vegetables, jelly. Before bed - fruit jelly, tea.

Morning In the morning - a decoction of pearl barley with milk and yolk, crackers, tea.

Lunch Second breakfast - cottage cheese with yogurt.

Lunch For lunch - rice soup, rabbit soufflé with vermicelli, pear in sweet syrup, jelly.

Afternoon snack Afternoon snack - rosehip tea, crackers.

Dinner In the evening - pumpkin puree with zucchini, beet salad, a piece of turkey in jelly, tea. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk.

Morning In the morning you can eat semolina porridge with any jam.

Lunch Snack before lunch - dumplings with cottage cheese, strawberry mousse.

Lunch Lunch - salad of green vegetables, zucchini with minced meat inside.

Afternoon snack Afternoon snack - jelly and fruit salad.

Dinner In the evening - boiled veal tongue, mashed potatoes, oatmeal and apple pudding. A glass of yogurt before bed.

Morning In the morning you can eat a steam omelette with tea.

Lunch Lunch - fermented baked milk, beet salad.

Lunch It is recommended to have a fruit soup of apples and prunes for lunch, for the main course - soaked herring, mashed potatoes, for dessert - a piece of protein biscuit.

Afternoon snack For afternoon tea, a pear and a glass of jelly.

Dinner In the evening - boiled cod, barley porridge, jelly. Before bed - a glass of milk.


Morning Morning - tea, vermicelli with cheese.

Lunch Lunch - cottage cheese and potato casserole, jelly.

Lunch Lunch - cauliflower soup with potatoes and carrots, potatoes with boiled meat, apple compote.

Afternoon snack Before dinner - baked apple with honey.

Dinner In the evening - fish with bechamel sauce, carrot roll, tea with milk. To end the day - a soft-boiled egg, a glass of milk.

It is worth understanding that the weekly menu for stomach ulcers is not some kind of weight loss diet. The patient should not feel hungry, otherwise he will develop heartburn in the esophagus area, and the ulcer will not heal well. But you shouldn’t overeat: it’s hard for the stomach to cope with large amounts of food.


Diet for patients with stomach ulcers should not be torture. You can prepare many delicious dishes at home. The main thing is to have a list of approved products in front of you and use only them. As already mentioned, during an exacerbation of ulcers, all dishes need to be cooked boiled, stewed or baked, pureed or thoroughly chopped. We will provide some recipes for a diet for stomach ulcers with delicious dishes here.

This dish is suitable for patients at the very beginning of treatment, when their condition is quite serious.

Slimy oatmeal soup with milk

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 35 min.


  1. 1. Oatmeal
  2. 2. Milk
  3. 3. Water
  4. 4. Chicken egg
  5. 5. Sunflower or olive oil
  6. 6. Salt

Treatment of erosive processes in the stomach and duodenum consists not only of medications, but also involves strict correction of the diet. The main goal of proper nutrition is not to irritate the mucous membranes of injured organs, but to support and restore them. Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers is an integral part of successful treatment of the disease and prevention of further relapses.

The goal of a diet for ulcers is not to irritate the walls of diseased organs

Principles of diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Patients suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcers, gastritis), during an exacerbation, need to adhere to a strict diet No. 1. For remissions, you can use table 5 (more advanced menu).

Therapeutic nutrition for patients with ulcers consists of several important principles:

  1. Cooking. Products can be baked (without golden crust), boiled, or steamed. Forget about frying.
  2. Nutritional value. Despite many restrictions, the foods consumed must be selected so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  3. Fractional meals. Increase the number of meals to 5-6 times a day, and reduce the portions so that they do not get used to 200-300 g.
  4. Minimum salt intake.
  5. Refusal of alcoholic beverages, as well as any liquids with gas.
  6. Drink more water. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

A diet for ulcers involves stimulating the enzyme system and promoting the restoration of injured tissue. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to eat food with a temperature below 17 and above 36 degrees. Only warm food cannot harm the irritated organ.

Table “List of useful and harmful foods for gastric and duodenal ulcers”

Product List
Allowed food What to give up
Turkey, chicken, beef, rabbit. Lenten fish Fatty meat and fish. Smoking
Soft-boiled eggs, steam omelet Canned food, marinades, spices, seasonings
Secondary meat broths, lean soups with cereals Spicy seasonings and sauces (mustard, ketchup, vinegar sauces)
Day old wheat bread Fresh flour buns, baked goods with yeast
Low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, lean cheeses Fatty dairy and fermented milk products, as well as those with a high acid content (kefir, ayran)
Potatoes, cabbage inflorescences, greens, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beans Radishes, garlic, onions, cabbage (white), peppers, tomatoes, radishes
Baked pears, apples (use pureed and without peel). During periods of remission you can eat raspberries and cherries Sour berries and fruits - currants, lemon, orange, grapes, pineapple, apricots. Dried fruits and any types of nuts
Rosehip decoction, herbal infusions (sage, chamomile), compote of apples, pears, weak tea Strong coffee, tea, carbonated and alcoholic drinks
Cereals – rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina. Pasta Porridge – corn, pearl barley,
Refined vegetable oils, butter (a little) Unrefined vegetable oil
Unsweetened cookies, crackers, sponge cake, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, honey Ice cream, chocolate, flour pastries, condensed milk
During the period of acute illness, it is better to take only grated, steamed food. It is important to minimize salt intake.

Diet for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease requires strict adherence to a special diet. Food should envelop the injured organ membrane and help the wounds heal.

To do this, you need to adhere to the basic rules in food:

  • give preference to steam cooking;
  • consume all dishes in pureed form;
  • cook soups only with lean vegetable broths;
  • Take food in small portions, increasing the number of meals per day.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you need to steam your food.

In the first 4–7 days of an exacerbation, it is important to remain calm and strictly adhere to the diet, which at this time looks like this:

  1. At the beginning of the acute period, you need to eat a steamed omelet for breakfast and drink 150–200 ml of boiled warm milk. After 2 hours, you can use jelly from berries (non-acidic). For lunch - liquid rice puree, chicken soufflé and fruit jelly. The afternoon snack is weak herbal tea, and dinner is raspberry jelly, fish puree and oatmeal (grated).
  2. On days 3 and 4, you can add to the listed dishes 1-2 slices of yesterday’s wheat bread, fresh vegetables and fruits (non-acidic types), crushed to a paste, and a little sour cream sauce.
  3. On the 5th day and the next week of the diet, you are allowed to eat cottage cheese with banana, milk jelly and soups with buckwheat, semolina, steamed cutlets from dietary meat, porridge with added butter (butter or lean).

It is important to remember that you should eat food that has been ground into a paste for another 2–3 weeks after an exacerbation of ulcerative processes. This will help the wounds heal faster.

Diet after surgery for perforated gastric ulcer

The fundamental factor in recovery after surgery for a perforated gastric ulcer is a special diet. It consists of minimal consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

At the beginning of the recovery period (the first 3 days) after surgery, doctors recommend fasting. The stomach needs to be given time to adapt to the new state. On the 4th day and for 1–2 days, you are allowed to drink a slightly sweetened rosehip decoction and berry jelly (in small quantities).

After surgery it is useful to drink rosehip decoction

You can diversify your strict diet on the 5th or 6th day after surgery. At this time, you can already eat lean vegetable soups, grated rice porridge, and steamed cutlets (from fish or meat). At this time, it is important to completely eliminate the use of oil (vegetable and butter) and salt.

Over time, the list of permitted products will expand (within 1–2 weeks). You can eat baked or raw pears, apples, avocados, bananas, meat soups, low-calorie cottage cheese, and it is useful to drink milk before bed.

Sample menu for the week

So that the patient understands how to eat properly, specialists can create, individually for each person, a menu for each day or for a week.

Table “Sample menu for 7 days”

Days in order Description of diet
1 day 1. Breakfast: steamed eggs, grated rice porridge with milk and tea drink (weak)

2. 2nd breakfast: low-calorie yogurt and baked fruit (apple or pear to choose from)

3. Lunch: chicken soup in secondary broth with boiled cereals (rice or buckwheat), mashed potatoes, steamed rabbit cutlets, weak tea and fruit jelly

4. Afternoon snack: biscuits or crackers, warm milk (no more than 200 ml)

5. Dinner: boiled fish (pike perch), steamed cauliflower, rosehip broth

Day 2 1. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (well chopped), dried apple compote

2. 2 breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese and oatmeal jelly

3. Lunch: vegetable broth, rice porridge, steamed fish, chamomile infusion

4. Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, crackers or cookies

5. Dinner: rice with pieces of turkey, beet salad with vegetable oil, apple jelly and tea

Day 3 1. Breakfast: steam omelette, strawberry jelly

2. 2 breakfast: cottage cheese casserole and tea

3. Lunch: noodle soup with recycled turkey (chicken) broth, buckwheat with steamed beef meatballs

4. Afternoon snack: glasses of low-fat kefir (ryazhenka)

5. Dinner: vegetable puree, chicken meatballs, tea

4 day 1. Breakfast: oatmeal with pumpkin, rose hip decoction

2. 2nd breakfast: banana, fermented baked milk

3. Lunch: soup with rice and rabbit, pasta with boiled turkey, beet and pea salad, apple compote

4. Afternoon snack: biscuit crackers, strawberry jelly

5. Dinner: potato and beef casserole, baked pear, tea

5 day 1. Breakfast: pearl barley porridge, soft-boiled egg, wheat flake jelly

2. 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese soufflé

3. Lunch: noodle soup with chicken, buckwheat, baked pumpkin, rosehip broth

4. Afternoon snack: biscuits, banana, low-fat yogurt

5. Dinner: mashed potatoes, cauliflower and beet salad, warm milk with crackers

Day 6 1. Breakfast: semolina porridge, tea with honey, cookies

2. 2 breakfast: crackers, jam, tea

3. Lunch: soup with dumplings and herbs, vegetable stew with zucchini, baked pumpkin, herbal infusion

4. Afternoon snack: applesauce, fruit jelly

5. Dinner: mashed potatoes, chicken soufflé, apple jelly, tea with honey

Day 7 1. Breakfast: milk soup with pasta or rice, tea

2. 2 breakfast: crackers, tea with jam

3. Lunch: chicken soup with zucchini and broccoli, mashed potatoes, soaked herring, chamomile infusion

4. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with banana and prunes, kefir

5. Dinner: barley porridge, boiled cod, milk and crackers

A properly composed menu allows you to eat varied, tasty, and most importantly, beneficial for the digestive system and the body as a whole.

Recipes for stomach ulcers

To diversify the patient's diet, experts recommend using simple recipes that are easy to prepare at home.


  • meat (100 g);
  • rice cereal (2 tbsp.);
  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • butter (1/2 tbsp.);
  • milk (1/3 cup);
  • vegetable broth (350 ml).

Soup with rice and rabbit is good for stomach ulcers

Boil rice and meat well (separately). Pass the rabbit through a meat grinder several times, and rice through a sieve. Mix everything, dilute with vegetable broth and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour the liquid from the yolk, milk and butter into the prepared slightly warm soup.

Using a grater, grind the pumpkin to obtain 1 cup of raw material, add water and boil for 20–25 minutes. Drain the water, pour in 2 cups of milk, boil and add 1 cup of cereal. Boil for 5–7 minutes, sweeten (25 g of sugar) and add a little salt.

Oatmeal with pumpkin - a tasty and healthy dish

Boil 200 g of pulp without veins until tender and grind in a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat with rice (boiled) and mince again. Add a little salt to the mushy mass, beat in the egg white, mix and make small balls. The dish needs to be steamed for 15 minutes.

The meat for the meatballs needs to be turned in a meat grinder several times.

Boil 200 g of beets, cool under cold water, peel and chop on a grater (fine). Add 70 g of washed canned peas, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, mix.

Beet and pea salad is a simple and delicious dish

Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l. honey. You need to drink healthy liquid an hour before meals (breakfast and lunch) and 2.5–3 hours after dinner. The main thing is not to exceed the daily dose (4 tbsp).

Honey drink should be drunk an hour before meals

A large list of permitted products allows you to prepare tasty and healthy dishes that can be alternated.

A strict diet for ulcerative processes in the digestive tract is an important part of complex treatment. Eating right and strictly adhering to the basic principles of cooking helps not only to alleviate the patient’s general condition, but also to quickly restore damaged organs and achieve long-term remissions.

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