Study and analysis of the activities of the teaching staff.

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Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; state educational standards for relevant programs of higher professional education; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; modern forms and methods of training and education; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices, including those intended for transmitting information; fundamentals of ecology, law, sociology; labor protection and fire safety rules.


Job responsibilities. Organizes and conducts educational and methodological work on all types of training sessions, with the exception of lecturing. Participates in the research work of the department or other division of the educational institution. Ensures the implementation of curricula and programs. Under the guidance of a professor, associate professor or senior teacher, develops or takes part in the development of teaching aids for the types of classes and academic work conducted, organizes and plans methodological and technical support for training sessions. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Takes part in educational work with students (students, listeners), in the organization of their research work, in the professional guidance of schoolchildren, in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen, develop, ensure and improve the material and technical base of the educational process, provide educational units and laboratory equipment. Monitors and checks the completion of homework by students (students, listeners). Monitors compliance by students (students, listeners) with labor protection and fire safety rules during training sessions, laboratory work and practical exercises. Participates in seminars, meetings and conferences, and other events of the educational institution organized within the framework of the department’s research areas.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; educational standards for relevant higher education programs; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; modern forms and methods of training and education; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices; fundamentals of ecology, law, sociology; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in an educational institution of at least 1 year, in the presence of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies, residency, postgraduate studies) or an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences - without presenting requirements for work experience.

Senior Lecturer

Job responsibilities. Organizes and conducts educational, educational and methodological work on the taught discipline or certain types of training sessions. Participates in the research work of the department or other division of the educational institution. Ensures the implementation of curricula, development and implementation of training programs. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Conducts all types of training sessions and educational work. Carries out quality control of training sessions conducted by assistants and teachers. Develops work programs for taught disciplines. Compiles and develops methodological support for taught disciplines or certain types of training sessions and academic work. Takes part in the research work of students (students, listeners), supervises their independent work in the taught discipline or certain types of studies and academic work, and participates in the professional guidance of schoolchildren. Provides methodological assistance to assistants and teachers in mastering pedagogical skills and professional skills. Takes part in the scientific and methodological work of the department as part of the methodological commission for the relevant specialty. Takes part in the development and improvement of the material and technical base of the department. Participates in the promotion of scientific, technical, social, humanitarian, economic and legal knowledge. Monitors and checks the completion of homework by students (students, listeners), their compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules during training sessions, laboratory work and practical exercises. Takes part in the educational work of students (students, listeners). Takes part in the preparation of textbooks, educational and teaching aids, development of work programs and other types of educational and methodological work of the department or other structural unit.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; educational standards for relevant higher education programs; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; modern forms and methods of training and education; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices, including those intended for transmitting information; fundamentals of ecology, law, sociology; basic methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for carrying out research activities; mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and at least 3 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience; if you have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, at least 1 year of scientific and pedagogical work experience.

Job responsibilities. Carries out planning, organization and control of educational, educational and educational work in the supervised disciplines. Organizes, manages and conducts research work in the profile of the department (faculty). Conducts all types of training sessions, manages coursework and diploma projects and research work of students (students, listeners), mainly masters and specialists. Manages, controls and directs the activities of the scientific student society. Carries out quality control of all types of training sessions in the supervised discipline by teachers of the department. Ensures the implementation of curricula, development and implementation of training programs. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Participates in the development of the educational program of an educational institution. Develops work programs for supervised courses. Takes part in the scientific and methodological work of the department (faculty) as part of the methodological commission for the relevant specialty. Participates in seminars, meetings and conferences, including international ones, organized within the department’s research areas. Develops methodological support for supervised disciplines. Takes part in improving the qualifications of beginning teachers, in mastering their teaching skills and professional qualities, provides them with methodological assistance, organizes and plans the independent work of students, mainly masters. Organizes and provides professional guidance to schoolchildren in the department's specialization. Participates in the promotion of scientific, technical, social, humanitarian, economic and legal knowledge. Takes part in the development of the material and technical base of the department, develops textbooks and teaching aids and descriptions of laboratory work and practical classes in the taught disciplines, in the educational work of students (students, listeners). Manages the work on training scientific and pedagogical personnel. Monitors compliance by students (students, listeners) and employees of the department with labor protection and fire safety rules.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; educational standards for relevant programs of higher professional education; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; modern forms and methods of training and education; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices; fundamentals of ecology, law, sociology; basic methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for carrying out research activities; mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education, an academic degree of candidate (doctor) of science and at least 3 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work or the academic title of associate professor (senior researcher).


Job responsibilities. Carries out planning, organization and control of educational, educational and educational work in the supervised disciplines. Conducts all types of training sessions, manages coursework and diploma projects and research work of masters (specialists). Manages research work in the scientific direction of the department (related specialties), organizes its activities. Involves the performance of research work in the prescribed manner by teachers, teaching and support staff of the department, graduate students and students (students, listeners) of the department and specialists from other structural divisions of the educational institution. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Develops working curricula for supervised disciplines and manages their development by other teachers. Present at all types of elective classes, as well as at exams and tests in supervised disciplines. Participates in the scientific and methodological work of the department on issues of vocational education, as well as as a member of the methodological commission in the specialty or the scientific and methodological council of the faculty of an educational institution. Controls the methodological support of supervised disciplines. Manages the preparation of textbooks, educational and teaching aids, lecture notes and other teaching materials in the supervised disciplines, directly participates in their development, and in preparing them for publication. Makes proposals for improving the educational and methodological work of the department (faculty). Participates in seminars, meetings and conferences, including international ones, organized within the department’s research areas. Organizes, plans and manages the independent work of students (students, listeners) in supervised disciplines, their research work, the student scientific society at the department (faculty), professional orientation work of schoolchildren in the department's specialties. Takes an active part in improving the qualifications of teachers of the department, providing them with the necessary methodological assistance in mastering pedagogical skills and professional skills. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (graduate students and applicants) at the department. Participates in the promotion of scientific, technical, social, humanitarian, economic and legal knowledge. Participates in the work of elected bodies or structural divisions of an educational institution on issues related to the activities of the department (faculty). Gives original courses in the area of ​​scientific research of the department (faculty).

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; state educational standards for relevant programs of higher professional education; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; technology for organizing methodological, scientific-methodological, research work; modern forms and methods of training and education; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; basic methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for carrying out research activities; mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices; fundamentals of ecology, law, sociology; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education, an academic degree of Doctor of Science and at least 5 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work or the academic title of professor.

Head of the department

Job responsibilities. Develops a strategy for the development of the department’s activities in areas of training, strengthens and develops external relations with employers and educational authorities. Carries out an analysis of the market for educational services and the labor market in the areas of training specialists at the department. Forms proposals for improving the conduct of the educational process in the department's profile. Organizes interfaculty, interuniversity, international interaction of teachers of the department. Ensures compliance with the state educational standard. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Develops a quality system for training specialists at the department. Determines pedagogical methods and teaching aids in order to ensure high quality of the educational process. Organizes and monitors the implementation of all types of training sessions in all forms of education. Attends training sessions, as well as elective exams and tests. Regularly holds department meetings to discuss planned and current issues of educational, scientific, methodological activities of department employees and educational work. Prepares conclusions on the curricula and disciplines of the department, on the curricula of other departments of the faculty and educational institution. Creates and teaches original courses on disciplines taught at the department in the manner and scope established by the educational institution. Submits work plans for the department and individual work plans for teachers of the department for approval to the dean of the faculty (director of the institute). Distributes the teaching load and functional responsibilities between department employees and monitors the timeliness and quality of their execution. Selects modern technical teaching aids during training sessions and provides opportunities for their use. Organizes and monitors introductory, educational, industrial and other types of internships for students (students, listeners), coursework and diploma works. Ensures the conduct of course exams and tests, as well as intermediate tests of students (students, listeners) in individual subjects; analyzes their results and reports on them at department meetings. Organizes, on behalf of the faculty leadership, the conduct of research work at the department, reviews dissertations submitted for defense by employees of the department or applicants for an academic degree. Supervises the research work of students (students, listeners). Organizes a discussion of completed research projects and the results of the possibility of their implementation. Provides the opportunity to publish information about achieved scientific results. Provides the preparation of opinions on textbooks, educational and teaching aids. Organizes work and takes direct part in the preparation of textbooks, visual aids and teaching materials for the department. Monitors the quality and implementation of individual plans of department teachers and other employees. Conducts teaching and research work at the department. Studies, generalizes and disseminates the work experience of teachers of the department, provides educational and methodological assistance to beginning teachers of the department. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Plans to improve the qualifications of teachers of the department. Participates in the work of educational and methodological commissions of educational institutions in areas of training, establishes connections with other educational institutions and other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance. Takes part in the international activities of the department, faculty of educational institutions, establishes and maintains international cooperation in the department’s profile with domestic and foreign higher educational institutions, research organizations, enterprises and institutions. Participates in the development of the staffing table of the department of an educational institution. Ensures the preparation and storage of all types of documentation and reporting on the results of the department’s activities. Monitors compliance by students (students, listeners) and employees of the department with labor protection and fire safety rules.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; theory and methods of managing educational systems; state educational standards of higher professional education; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; basic methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for carrying out research activities; mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights; technology for organizing methodological, scientific-methodological, research work; modern forms and methods of training and education; rules and procedure for nominating students (students) for state and personal scholarships; regulatory documents regulating the status of scientific, pedagogical and managerial workers of educational institutions of higher professional education, features of the regulation of their work; basics of personnel management; fundamentals of ecology, economics, law, sociology; financial and economic activities of the educational institution; basics of administrative and labor legislation; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education, availability of an academic degree and academic title, experience in scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the field of professional activity corresponding to the activities of the department, at least 5 years.

Dean of the Faculty (Director of the Institute)

Job responsibilities. Develops a development strategy for the faculty (institute), ensures systematic interaction with employers, state and executive authorities, educational authorities, organizations, institutions, and enterprises. Studies the market for educational services and the labor market in the areas (specialties) of specialist training at the faculty (institute), ensures that the requirements of the labor market are taken into account in the educational process at the faculty (institute). Manages educational, methodological, educational and scientific work at the faculty (at the institute). Heads the work on the creation and implementation of professional educational programs, curricula, and training course programs. Organizes work to create scientific, methodological and educational support for the educational process. Participates in the development of a quality system for training specialists. Coordinates the activities of heads of departments of an educational institution, students (students, listeners) and graduate students of the faculty (institute). Ensures compliance with the state educational standard. Creates conditions for the formation in students (students, listeners) of the main components of competence, ensuring the success of future professional activities of graduates. Creates and teaches original courses on disciplines taught at the faculty (institute), in the manner and volume established by the educational institution. Submits curricula and training programs for students (students, listeners), course programs at the faculty (at the institute) for approval to the management of the educational institution; topics and programs of elective disciplines and elective subjects. Approves individual training plans for students (students, listeners), topics of diploma and dissertation works. Participates in the development of the staffing table of the faculty (institute), taking into account the volume and forms of pedagogical, educational and other types of work performed at the faculty (institute). Organizes and conducts vocational guidance work and ensures the admission of students (students, listeners) to the faculty (institute), supervises their professional training. Manages the work on scheduling training sessions, taking exams, tests, monitors and summarizes their results. Controls and regulates the organization of the educational process, educational workshops and other types of practices; coordinates the activities of educational and scientific units that are part of the faculty (institute). Organizes control and analysis of independent work of students (students, listeners), implementation of individual educational professional programs. Transfers students (students) from course to course, as well as admits them to examination sessions. Gives permission to take and retake course exams early. Makes a decision on the admission of students to take state exams and defend their final qualifying (diploma) thesis. Works as part of the commission for the final state certification of graduates of the faculty, the selection committee of the faculty (institute). Represents students (students, listeners) for enrollment, expulsion and reinstatement. Appoints scholarships to students (students) of the faculty (institute) in accordance with the regulations on scholarship provision for students (students). Provides general management and coordination of research work of students (students, listeners) carried out in departments, laboratories, scientific student circles, scientific student societies. Organizes communication with graduates, studying the quality of training of specialists graduated from the faculty (institute). Manages the employment of graduates of the faculty (institute). Ensures the introduction of new technologies for teaching and monitoring the knowledge of students (students, listeners), ensures the introduction of differentiated and individual training in the process of their learning. Heads the work on the formation of personnel policy at the faculty (at the institute), carries out, together with the heads of departments, the selection of teaching staff, educational support, administrative and economic personnel, and organizes the improvement of their qualifications. Organizes and conducts educational and methodological interdepartmental meetings, seminars, scientific and scientific-methodological meetings and conferences. Organizes, controls and takes part in the international educational and scientific activities of the faculty (institute) in accordance with the charter of the educational institution. Manages the work of the faculty (institute) council, develops work plans for the faculty (institute), coordinates them with the work plans of the educational institution, and is responsible for their implementation. Manages the preparation of meetings of the academic council of the faculty (institute). Carries out general management of the preparation of textbooks, educational and teaching aids on the subjects of the departments that are part of the faculty (institute), coordinates their review, organizes the publication of educational and methodological literature. Participates in the educational and research work of the faculty (institute), ensures the implementation of scientific work and the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, reports on its work to the academic council of the faculty (institute) of the educational institution on the main issues of teaching, research, scientific methodological activities of the faculty (institute). Organizes work and exercises control over scientific and methodological cooperation of departments and other departments of the faculty (institute) with educational institutions, enterprises and organizations. Provides communication with single-profile educational institutions in order to improve the content, technology and forms of organization of training for students (students, listeners). Organizes the preparation and submission by the faculty (institute) of current and reporting documentation to the management of the educational institution and to the educational authorities. Carries out work to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the faculty (institute). Present at elective classes, as well as during examinations and tests. Monitors compliance by students (students, listeners) and faculty (institute) employees with labor protection and fire safety rules.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education; local regulations of the educational institution; state educational standards of higher professional education; theory and methods of managing educational systems; procedure for drawing up curriculum; rules for maintaining documentation on educational work; fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology; vocational training methodology; methods and methods of using educational technologies, including distance learning; basic methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for carrying out research activities; mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights; technology for organizing methodological, scientific-methodological, research work; modern forms and methods of training and education; rules and procedure for nominating students (students) for state and personal scholarships; regulatory documents regulating the status of scientists, teaching and management employees of educational institutions; features of labor regulation of teaching staff; basics of personnel and project management; fundamentals of ecology, economics, law, sociology; financial and economic activities of educational institutions; basics of administrative and labor legislation; requirements for working on personal computers and other electronic digital devices; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education, at least 5 years of experience in scientific or scientific-pedagogical work, an academic degree or academic title.

The teaching staff is the calling card of any higher-level educational institution. In order for innovative technologies to be introduced at a university, teachers must not only have a high intellectual level, but also a desire to develop and improve their practical skills and abilities. That is why the Ministry of Education decided to modernize Russian higher education.

Demands of the time

The teaching staff of the university must develop educational and methodological materials, taking into account modern realities. Manuals, textbooks, tests, various teaching materials on which they will give lectures to students and conduct practical classes are approved by the rector of the higher educational institution. The teaching staff must have their own publications in scientific journals and newspapers. The material can be the results of scientific research, diagnostics, and analytical experiments.

Composition of the department

The structure of the teaching staff of any classical department at a university must have a head (direct head of the department), as well as his deputies for scientific and educational work. In addition, a certain teaching staff is expected, and the head of the educational and methodological office is appointed. The department must provide teaching of those scientific disciplines that are considered core for it. Full-time, part-time, and part-time training must be organized, in full and shortened training programs that fully comply with the basic educational levels of specialties within the framework of the new federal educational standards created for higher education.

Features of modern teaching

In connection with the development and implementation of federal educational standards in higher education, the structure of the educational process has changed significantly. If previously the teaching staff acted as the main lecturer, conducting a monologue during classes, then according to the new requirements, training should be based on a dialogue between the student and the teacher.

Tutor training

The teaching staff now acts in higher education as tutors who accompany students developing individual educational technologies. Particular attention is currently paid to project and research work with students. In addition to delivering lectures, professors also conduct laboratory workshops, identifying talented and gifted students with whom they work individually.

Modern technologies used in domestic higher education pose new tasks for faculty members, and in addition, they place additional demands on them.

For example, professors conduct distance classes and give lectures to students who, for various reasons, cannot attend regular daytime classes. Prompt individual communication between student and teacher using innovative computer technologies is the basis for successful training within the framework of DET.

Methodology for determining the effectiveness of a university

The teaching staff of the university undergoes special qualification tests, the results of which confirm the high level of professionalism of each teacher. In addition, there is currently a special methodology developed within the framework of new standards for testing the level of knowledge of higher school graduates. It is these results that are considered reliable and adequately reflect the quality of training and the level of professionalism of the teaching staff. In educational institutions there is time allocated for the study of certain disciplines. Regardless of what pedagogical technology the professor uses in his work, this indicator is used to calculate the main workload of teachers.

Position options

What is the faculty like? Positions classified as teaching staff in each higher education institution are determined depending on the Charter and internal regulations. But in any case, every department at a prestigious university is taught by professors of specialized or related sciences, candidates, and associate professors.

The percentage depends on the prestige of the educational institution and its material resources. Replacement of teaching staff is carried out only by order of the rector of the educational institution, if there are compelling reasons for this. The number of teachers is determined by the number of groups and hours allocated to study the academic discipline.

Innovation in Higher Education

After the introduction of distance technologies in higher education, problems began to arise related to staffing the teaching staff. The professionalism and competence of the teaching staff has a serious impact on students in higher education. When assessing the effectiveness of teaching activities, it is possible to ensure the full operation of the system for monitoring and managing the quality of education, control human resources, analyze the effectiveness of load distribution, identify and develop new pedagogical methods in the activities of teaching staff.

New trends in higher education

In order to modernize Russian higher education and effectively implement new federal educational standards at this stage, the situation in the teaching staff was analyzed and the requirements that should be presented to employees of higher educational institutions were determined.

The quality of training of masters, bachelors, and specialists affects the state of the country’s economy, so it was introduced in higher education. Currently, spatial formulations are used that characterize a teacher at the highest level of education.

Among the most important tasks assigned to university rectors, we note the requirement to make management decisions regarding personnel, financial, and organizational policies.

Monitoring of teaching staff

An automated rating system is currently being developed that will analyze the level of teaching staff. Some universities already use its elements, allowing the rector to conduct personnel and financial policies. What should be taken into account when determining the professionalism of professors and candidates of science giving lectures to future masters and bachelors?

Among the many parameters, we first note:

  • academic title (scientific degree);
  • membership in various scientific academies;
  • industry awards;
  • bonuses;
  • presence on the faculty academic council, dissertation committee;
  • membership in foreign societies, editorial boards of specialized journals.

Indicators for determining the quality of a teacher’s work are determined based on the results of examination sessions, the results of student internships, the defense of coursework, the number of student publications, and methodological work.

Taking into account the large number of criteria, multi-level nature, and different significance of indicators, each individual higher educational institution in the Russian Federation forms its own regulations, by which the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching staff is determined.


In connection with the transition to new standards, serious reforms are taking place in Russian higher education. They concern not only the transfer of students to two options of study: bachelor's and master's degrees. Significant changes are also observed in the teaching staff. The introduction will lead to the inevitable renewal (rejuvenation) of teachers in higher educational institutions. At the moment, about 75 percent of professors teaching at Russian universities are over 60 years old. Of course, changes are needed, but each department carefully preserves traditions and tries to make the most of the creative potential of high-quality specialists who are “old-school.”

Standard 5 “Faculty and teaching staff

and teaching effectiveness"

Teachers are the main resource of the educational process available to most students. It is important that they have complete knowledge and understanding of the subject being taught, the necessary skills and experience to effectively transfer knowledge to students as part of the educational process.

The university must show that it has a teaching staff in accordance with the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities, and ensure that teachers have full knowledge and master modern teaching methods, the necessary skills and experience for the effective transfer of knowledge to students within the framework of the educational process, and also for organizing feedback.

During the assessment, documents defining rights and responsibilities, teaching load, criteria for appointment and promotion of teaching staff, and a general assessment of their activities are analyzed.

The staff of the teaching staff can be supplemented with personnel employed part-time, temporarily on a contract basis.

The university must guarantee the qualification level of the teaching staff in accordance with the position held and the direction of scientific training in the relevant field of knowledge.

The assessment of faculty and teaching effectiveness in the self-assessment report is carried out according to the following criteria

ü indicators on the quality composition of teaching staff, categories of teaching staff for the last 5 years (full-time teaching staff, foreign teachers, part-time teaching staff, specialists in relevant sectors of the economy);

ü mechanisms and criteria for systematic assessment of the competence of teachers by the university administration, assessment of the effectiveness of teaching quality (open classes, mutual visits to classes, student surveys, etc.);

ü availability of requirements for teaching staff for developing courses and curricula, teaching and conducting scientific work;

ü individual work plans for teaching staff (the work of the teaching staff, including teaching, methodological, research, educational work, educational supervision, consulting and social activities consistent with the mission, goals and objectives of the university);

ü reports of teaching staff on the implementation of individual plans over the past five years, including a list of scientific, educational and methodological works and publications;

ü availability of a system of advanced training and professional development;

ü the presence of policies and procedures for maintaining professional standards and ethics, ensuring the quality of teaching;

ü the presence of appropriate motivation for teaching staff and staff, stimulating the effective achievement of goals;

ü the presence of a system of incentives for teachers and staff for high teaching skills, scientific results and dedication;

ü cultivation and development of a corporate quality culture;

ü participation of teaching staff in the life of society (the role of teaching staff in the education system, in the development of science, the region, the creation of a cultural environment, participation in exhibitions, creative competitions, charity programs, etc.).

When preparing a report for standard 5, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of human resources based on the coordination of personnel policies with the strategy and goals of the university, with policies and plans in the field of ensuring the quality of training of specialists. The self-assessment report should reflect the following:

1) The results of the analysis of changes in personnel composition over the past 3 years by the number of teaching staff with whom individual employment agreements and contracts have been concluded, indicating working conditions and employment, individually by departments, faculties and the university as a whole. Fill out table 1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of teaching staff.

Supporting documents: personal cards of teaching staff in the HR department, individual employment contracts, materials of competition commissions, etc.

2) Demonstrate the presence at the university of an institutional management policy and procedure in relation to teaching staff and staff: describe the hiring procedure (by competition, by contract); promotions, incentives, reductions, dismissals, familiarization of personnel with rights and responsibilities, including job descriptions. Staff turnover, reasons. Awareness of teaching staff and staff with institutional management policies and procedures in relation to teaching staff.

Supporting documents: Regulations on teaching staff, Regulations on incentives

(bonuses and promotions), hiring process for teaching staff or management

Supporting documents: teaching staff reports, individual teacher work plans. Resumes of teachers indicating the education and qualifications received, academic degrees and titles, a list of scientific publications, educational and methodological developments, methodological and teaching aids for the last 5 years). In addition, the resume must include a list of advanced training courses and participation in scientific and methodological conferences.

7) Demonstrate the existence of a system for advanced training and professional development of teaching staff and university staff. Availability of a structural unit for advanced training and retraining of personnel. Present a plan and program of work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff and university staff, including on quality management issues. Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of advanced training, its impact on the competence of teachers and the quality of the educational process (last 5 years). Advanced training abroad, in leading republican centers for advanced training. Organizing training seminars at the university, developing the abilities of teachers and staff, the ability to work in a group of employees from various departments; ensuring continuity of training for teachers and staff; teaching pedagogical innovations, methods of psychological interaction in a professional group.

Supporting documents: regulations on advanced training, plan, program for advanced training of teaching staff and personnel. Copies of orders, reports of teachers and staff who have undergone advanced training. Place the results in table 3. Advanced training of teaching staff and personnel

8) Demonstrate the existence of policies and procedures to ensure professional standards and ethics, ensuring the quality of teaching. What measures are taken at the university to ensure compliance with professional standards and teacher ethics? Which public body of the university carries out the functions of monitoring compliance with norms and ethics (conflict resolution commission, etc.). Identify the level of compliance with professional standards and ethics by teachers. Supporting documents: policy or procedure for ensuring professional standards and ethics, regulations on the university’s public commission for crime prevention, results of a survey of students to identify the level of professional standards and ethics of teachers (Questionnaire 1).

9) Demonstrate the existence at the university of a system of incentives for teachers and staff for high teaching skills, scientific results, dedication to work: describe the methods and forms of encouragement (holding competitions for the title of “Best Teacher of the Year”, “Best Curator”, etc.), their reflection in documents; objectivity, consistency, transparency, openness. Supporting documents: regulations or procedure for the incentive system for teachers and staff, incentive orders, extracts of minutes (departments, faculties, Academic Council) on recommendations for nominations for the title “Best University Teacher”, certificate of award of the state grant “Best University Teacher”.

10. Describe the process of cultivating and developing a corporate quality culture in your university: criteria, levels, factors, indicators, traditions that unite the people of your university, including students. How is the “spirit of corporatism in a university” achieved - involvement in a common cause, interest, dedication of an employee to a university? How does a university build its reputation, create an image (professionalism of management and teaching staff, prospects for the development of the university, demand for graduates, attitudes of university staff towards students, external and internal design of the university, work with the media), etc. Supporting documents: results of a survey of students, employees of educational structures, potential clients and employers, evidence of student involvement in the university’s self-government system, etc.

12. Describe the participation of the teaching staff in the life of society: the role of the teaching staff of your university in the education system, the development of science, the creation of the cultural environment of the region, region, republic, etc. Demonstrate participation in exhibitions, creative competitions, charity programs, promoting social and cultural activity of teachers , employees and trainees. Analyze how intense and varied are the contacts of teachers?

Supporting documents: university reports, certificates, diplomas, reviews about the educational, scientific and social functions of the university in the media, etc.

Appendix to standard 5 “Faculty and teaching effectiveness”

Table 1

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff

200_-200_ academic G.

Specialty code

Name of specialty

Total teaching staff / of which full-time

Accepted to the university

Doctors of Science, professors/of them full-time

Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors/of whom are full-time

% with scientist degrees and titles/of which staff.


Hourly workers

Members of the national Academy of Sciences

Teaching staff with basic education

Full staffing of teaching staff. disp. V %

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work

Average age of teaching staff

by competition

on a contract basis

with academic degrees and titles

Over 15 years

Over 50 years/including pension

Total for the university:

Note. Fill out the tables for the last 5 years by academic year.

table 2

/by type of occupation/

Department name

200-200_ academic. G.

200-200_ academic. G.

200-200_ academic. G.

200-200_ academic. G.

200-200_ academic. G.

Including auditorium.

Including auditorium.

Including auditorium.

Total, cha.

Including auditorium.

Including auditorium.

Total for the university:

Note: the data provided is for the average annual load on

1 teacher of the department

Table 3

Advanced training for teaching staff and staff

Academic years

Number of people who underwent advanced training, people

Total teaching staff

Total staff

Those who have undergone advanced training at leading universities, enterprises, and organizations


Sample survey scheme

Questionnaire 1

A teacher through the eyes of a student

Dear student. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of teaching staff and the effectiveness of teaching at your university, as well as to identify the level of professional standards and ethics of teachers.

You are kindly requested to answer all questions objectively, since your answers will serve as an empirical basis for improving the education quality management system.

The questionnaire is intended to study the quality and effectiveness of teaching and the level of professional standards and ethics of a particular teacher

1. Full name teacher

2. Discipline taught

3. What course are you taking?

1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) Fourth 5) Fifth

4 Your gender :

1) Male 2) Female

5. Faculty/Specialty

6. What is the quality of writing work programs, Syllabuses, UMKD, methodological recommendations for SRS, etc.

1) Excellent, everything is very clear

2) Good

3) Not everything is completely clear

4) Many errors or typos

6) You can’t figure it out on your own

7. What, in your opinion, is the level of competence of the teacher in the academic subject, in the relevant theoretical disciplines, and areas of professional activity.

1) very high

2) high

3) average

1) excellent

2) good

3) average

5) very low

9. What is the degree of dependence of the teacher on notes and notes?

1) used throughout the lesson

2) uses only when familiarizing yourself with the questions of the topic

3) does not use

10. Indicate the level of the teacher’s communication abilities (pedagogical tact, ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, empathy, emotionality, etc.).

1) tactful, always listens to the end

2) tactful, but does not always listen to the student’s opinion

3) tactless, may shout

5) lack of tact

11. How diverse are the methods and means of teaching he uses, the use of techniques to enhance the cognitive activity of students. The teacher’s ability to restructure material for different types of perception, manage learning activities and the working mood of students.

1) all classes are monotonous

2) classes are varied

3) conducts classes in a very interesting way

4) I attend the teacher’s classes with pleasure

5) I attend classes for the sake of attending

12. Use of visual aids and technical means. The quality of the notes on the board.

1) If necessary, IT technologies, interactive tools, and visual aids are used

2) Not used

13. What is the level of student involvement in the teacher’s classes?

1) high (active). Inclusion of students in the discussion of questions posed by the teacher, their display of initiative (posing questions to the teacher, etc.);

2) average (performing). Taking notes, answering questions of a reproductive nature;

3) low (passive). Lack of educational activities, lack of involvement in work.

14. What is the discipline and attendance of students in the teacher’s classes?

1) good discipline and attendance

2) often good

4) often bad

15. Does the teacher involve students in research work?

16. Is it possible to express dissatisfaction with the quality of teaching, what will be the reaction from the teacher?

1) yes, normal

2) no, there may be problems later

17. How do you think the teacher evaluates students’ knowledge?

1) objectively

2) biased

Questionnaire 2

Satisfaction of teaching staff with the university

Dear teacher! We ask you to fill out this form. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of satisfaction of teaching staff with working conditions, features of the advanced training system, information services, etc. This indicator in its content is not so much quantitative as qualitative in nature and should reflect both the material and financial security of teachers’ professional activities, occupational safety and health , as well as the psychological aspects of the teaching staff’s activities (motivation of teachers, their attitudes, moral and psychological climate in the university and its departments, etc.).

You are kindly requested to answer all questions objectively, since your answers will serve as an empirical basis for improving the management system of your university.

9. How objective are the results of teacher certification? Do you trust the university certification commission?

1) no special complaints

2) yes, absolutely objective

3) don’t trust, not objective

4) they are not objective towards everyone, I trust 50-60%

5) another opinion (what exactly?)______________________

10. Are you satisfied with the distribution of teaching load at the department by type of occupation?

1) yes 2) no 3) not always

11. Are you involved in drawing up educational work programs for your specialty? Do you think this is necessary?

1) yes, I think it is very useful for improving the quality of the educational process

2) no, I think there is no need

3) in some cases it is necessary

4) another opinion (what exactly?)______________________

12.How often do you improve your qualifications with the participation of the university?

1) at my discretion 2) once every 3 years 3) once every 5 years

4) at the discretion of the university administration

13. Do you think the university adequately appreciates your contribution to raising the image of the university?

1) yes 2) no 3) not always

14. Are you satisfied with the social support of teachers at the university?

1) yes 2) no 3) not always

15. Is there a concept of “team” or “corporate spirit” in the university staff?

1) yes 2) no

16. Are you satisfied with the participation of the university in the issue of research work of teaching staff (when defending degrees, publishing textbooks, methodological developments)?

1) yes 2) no 3) university participation is not for everyone

17. How does the university administration evaluate the initiative of a teacher’s participation in the life of society: region, city, region, republic (in the education system, creating a cultural environment, participation in creative competitions and exhibitions, charity programs)

1) positive, taken into account for incentives

2) negative

3) not evaluated at all

18. How does the administration treat teachers’ complaints regarding working conditions and wages?

1) Explains everything normally, without nervousness

2) Irritable

3) Doesn't matter

19. How do you assess the psychological climate in the staff of your university?

20. If you had the opportunity to change your job, would you choose this university again?

1) Yes 2) No 3) I don’t know.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

In relation to education management systems, two main approaches are being developed: the first is based on constructing a hierarchy of system functions and presenting the main results in the form of a “quality pyramid”; the second is based on the use of the group of standards GOST R ISO 9000, 9001, 9004. The implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” of 1992, the development of the National system for assessing the quality of education in Russia, the certification and accreditation of educational institutions, the introduction of State educational standards actualizes the problem of assessment quality of teaching in higher education institutions. In accordance with the Regulations on the intra-university quality management system for training specialists, it is necessary to monitor both the general competence of teaching staff and the level of their implementation of the competency-based approach in teaching students, as an indicator of the quality of education.

The role of university teaching staff in ensuring the quality of education

An analysis of existing approaches has shown that the term “quality of education” primarily refers to the degree (measure) of compliance with a certain set of characteristics of education (as a system, process and result) with established, expected or mandatory needs (expectations). On this basis, education quality management is an impact on it as a system (process, result) with the aim of transferring a certain set of characteristics from a known initial state to the required final state. There are two aspects of quality in education that can be considered. The first characterizes the competencies of university graduates in accordance with the requests of customers and the requirements of state standards. The second reflects the systemic capabilities of ensuring the qualification characteristics of graduates and implies that the quality of results is determined by the quality of the processes and resources of the university. And if earlier the first aspect prevailed, now the role of the second is rapidly increasing.

The education system implemented in a separate university, being inertial and having delayed consequences from impacts, must strive to adequately forecast its development and prevent the occurrence of processes that reduce the quality of its functioning. In the structure of the education system, a triad can be distinguished: subject-tool-object. The subject is the heads of the educational institution, as decision makers. We will consider the teaching staff as an instrument, and students studying at the university as an object. The main tasks of ensuring the quality of higher education include compliance of the teaching staff (teaching staff) of universities with modern requirements for teaching activities. Whatever reforms are carried out in the educational environment, they are focused on the teacher as a performer. The quality of a university’s activities is judged by the level of pedagogical personnel potential; at the same time, it is one of the main objects of management in the context of modernization of higher education.

According to the university structure that has developed in Russia, teachers are distributed among departments with the assignment of disciplines and educational assignments corresponding to their qualifications, and they have the opportunity to periodically take advanced training courses and improve themselves. The university also guarantees that if new employees are hired, they will have a high level of professional knowledge and the necessary range of competencies. Of course, most teachers have complete knowledge in the subject area, the necessary skills and experience to effectively transfer knowledge to students as part of the educational process. However, the success of the professional activity of a higher school teacher is determined not only by subject knowledge, but also by a certain level of general cultural competencies, the correlation of personal psychological factors that act as components of a unified system of his activity. From the point of view of V.I. Slobodchikova, a professional is able not only to implement an activity, but also “to reflect on its foundations and means in the entirety of its normative structure.” Professional self-realization is associated with the social life of a teacher, which is largely determined by his qualifications and professional experience. Among the reasons influencing the decline in the level of personal and professional development are the following:

  • lack of ability to predict one's own behavior;
  • low self-responsibility;
  • inability to make decisions adequate to the situation;
  • disinterest in the results of their activities.

The resolution of these crises lies in the mobilization abilities of the teacher, his strong-willed qualities, value orientations, competent response to situations in teaching activities, and the ability to make adjustments to everyday practice. The effectiveness of teaching activities depends on the psychological characteristics of the teacher, his values ​​and value priorities that determine the axiological and acmeological aspects of his professionalism.

Management system for the development of professionalism of university teaching staff

In this regard, it is necessary to build a consistent control system. Firstly, to provide the ability to flexibly, proactively respond to existing and future educational needs. Secondly, increasing the role of university science in fundamental and applied research in close connection with improving the qualifications of teaching staff. Third, to match the level of teaching staff with the content of educational standards of new generations that require adaptation to the modern specifics of graduate training.

In modern psychology and pedagogy, research is being conducted to study the characteristics of a teacher as a subject of professional activity. According to L.M. Mitina’s low level of self-awareness determines the teacher’s situational type of behavior, in which material values ​​predominate, and motives function in a singular manner and do not create a unified direction in actions. This predetermines a passive, dependent, adaptive professional position. A high level of self-awareness ensures such a personal type of behavior in which the teacher consciously relates to his internal and external motivations, accepts and rejects them as his own motives for behavior and activity. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problems associated with defining and justifying ways to develop and support the professionalization of a teacher, as the most important component of teaching activity, have not been sufficiently studied. Scientific research is primarily focused on training future teachers or developing professional competencies for working with certain categories of students. At the same time, the results of sociological surveys have established that a significant number of teachers have a unclear idea of ​​trends in pedagogy and do not know the technologies for creating and applying modern methods to ensure educational results in the format of competencies.

The implementation of the results of pedagogical research presupposes: adequate formulation and conduct of pedagogical experiments, special familiarization of practical workers with the data obtained, and the development on this basis of the need to apply scientific results in practice. This is possible subject to specially organized training in ways and techniques for implementing scientific recommendations with prompt, methodological, and advisory assistance from specialists. The introduction of new forms, methods, and pedagogical technologies requires a clear understanding of how to master and support them. Taking into account the fact that a significant part of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions (especially non-pedagogical ones) do not have special pedagogical education, forming, developing and updating their activities to the fullest is an important task of managing a modern university.

Failures and shortcomings in the activities of teachers are often associated with lack of preparation. This is largely due to the lack of awareness of the importance of pedagogical competence among the majority of teaching staff. But the development of a teacher’s professional competence can be considered as one of the important conditions for education. A teacher’s readiness for modern educational activities includes the development of the necessary personal qualities, such as greater efficiency, the ability to withstand strong stimuli, high emotional status, readiness for creativity, as well as special ones - knowledge of new technologies, mastery of new teaching methods, the ability to develop and analyze them. and identify shortcomings. However, more often than not, daily work activities are formal in nature. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • habitual formation of the environment of one’s activities in a traditional mode with at the same time a low degree of readiness for change;
  • lack of motivation;
  • the inability to determine a priority direction (“spraying” in different directions), which means the lack of tangible results.

A rational choice of pedagogical interaction with students requires not only an assessment of the possible usefulness, but also an analysis of the internal conditions for implementation, as well as a forecast of how the innovation will fit into the pedagogical system of the university. For many teachers, improving their teaching qualifications causes incomplete understanding, difficulties and, as a result, denial. Some people need psychological support; some teachers would not refuse individual consultations with practicing teachers or participation in seminars; many are ready to undergo advanced training in this area. A positive meaning may be the desire to avoid negative evaluation during certification, election to a position, as well as some other moral and material incentives. Without denying the dominant role of internal motives, the role of motives associated with external incentives cannot be underestimated. Among them, we note the approval of colleagues and the interest of the heads of the university and its departments.

Monitoring the teaching activities of university teaching staff

Teaching staff by representatives of the quality management service of a university can be focused on two groups of indicators: the qualification characteristics of each teacher and the quality of their teaching sessions. In order to obtain the qualification characteristics of a teacher, informative characteristics for different categories of teachers, reflecting their levels of professionalism, have been identified and systematized. These characteristics form the basis for calculating the rating, which allows one to objectively substantiate the individual choice of a professional development program. The rating assessment is a generalized conclusion about the results of a teacher’s activities based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. The term “rating” refers to the place of an object in a classification based on any attribute. Methodologically, there are two main approaches to constructing comprehensive rating assessments: basic statistical and expert. When constructing the assessment system, both methods were used at its different stages. To determine the rating of the professionalism of teaching staff, the “ordered rating” type was chosen, the class was expert, and the “reference object” or “distance method” method was used, since it is based on the idea of ​​​​determining the distance from each object of the population under study to the “reference” one.

  1. The source data is represented by a matrix, where the numbers of indicators are written in rows ( i= 1,…, n), and in the columns - numbers of teaching staff personal objects ( j= 1, .., t).
  2. A “reference object” is formed. For example, for each of P selected indicators, the maximum value is found.
  3. Matrix input data ( a ij) are standardized in relation to the corresponding indicator of the “reference object”.
  4. For each analyzed object, the rating value is determined by the formula:

Where (i) — numbers of private indicators , (j) number of the object being assessed , Xij- standardized i-e condition indicators jth object.

  1. The object with the minimum value has the best rating ρ (i.e. the object whose indicators are closest to the selected standard).

Preparation for ordered ranking involves a set of indicators (or groups of indicators) subject to expert assessment. Particular indicators that determine the professionalism of teaching staff are:

  • scientific publications on education issues, published in peer-reviewed collections, according to the list of RSCI and Higher Attestation Commission;
  • practice-oriented publications on educational methods, methods and technologies, funds of assessment tools, as well as methods of their implementation in the educational process;
  • participation in scientific, practical and methodological seminars, conferences, etc. different levels;
  • knowledge of the innovative component in pedagogy I know "Z"
  • practical application of modern teaching methods I use "P"(source: examination of developed teaching materials for the corresponding selected sections and positions);
  • scientifically based author's pedagogical developments of techniques, methods and technologies, assessment tools I am developing “R” myself(source: examination of developed teaching materials for the corresponding selected sections and positions);
  • results of pedagogical experiments on the introduction of innovations into the educational process implementing "B" » (source: reports and acts of conducting pedagogical experiments within the department);
  • replication and popularization of proven effective author's developments among teachers both within the department and among other departments and faculties I'm replicating (spreading) “T » (source: reports and implementation acts).

Analysis of the spectrum of rating values ​​allows for additional classification and identification of three categories of teaching staff to determine level advanced training programs. Category 1 - introductory level can be recommended to teachers with a rating of “6-7”, category 2 - a basic level of for rating values ​​from “3 to 5”, category 3- advanced, with a rating of "2 or 1". Indicators of the development of professionalism are the increase in the level of individual rating over a number of years after completing advanced training, which is reflected in the specialized database of the personnel department. Advanced training programs for teaching staff should be adapted to different levels of professionalization of teachers (according to ratings), which will provide the opportunity for variability both for students in advanced training programs and for teachers leading these classes.

The experience of a number of universities has shown that surveying students is a fairly effective way to assess the quality of teaching. This method includes a survey algorithm; procedure for validating questionnaires using group expert assessments; mathematical and statistical processing of survey results; a set of ethical requirements for procedures for assessing a teacher’s performance. The survey methodology makes it possible to identify the increasing attention of students to establishing teacher-student relationships, as well as to track the dynamics of trends (increase, decrease) in each subsequent course in the number of students satisfied (dissatisfied) with the teacher’s activities in promoting the growth of educational achievements. One of the questions in the questionnaire characterizes the student’s desire to work with this teacher in the future. The authors of this methodology note that, despite the high assessment of the teacher’s pedagogical activity, many of the students surveyed rated further cooperation with a score of 0, that is, while highly appreciating the professional qualities, the personal qualities of the teacher do not fully satisfy them. Of course, every student can think whatever he wants and answer questions as he sees fit, but if certain sentiments are visible when analyzing questionnaires, then this can already characterize the quality of teaching activity. Teachers who received a low score do not always agree with this conclusion. They try to blame the students (they don’t want to study, they do extraneous things, they’re not well-educated enough...) and the conditions in which they sometimes have to work (crowded classrooms, low salaries, no opportunity to use TSO).

The use of student survey methods should take into account the academic activity and personal viability of students. Those who have a large number of absences from school cannot be objective in their assessments, and, therefore, must either be excluded from the number of respondents, or their assessments must be taken into account with a reduced weighting coefficient. It is also necessary to take into account that students, being a single object in the educational system, differ significantly in their basic knowledge, career aspirations, and life experience. Each of them creates “filters” through which they perceive education as a whole.

Is the resulting assessment objective? Does it reflect the true state of affairs? There are no clear answers to these questions. Each higher education institution, implementing its own quality management programs, uses its own assessment methods. Bearing in mind that, after all, it is the student who is the main link in the educational process, the object towards which the activities of the education system are directed, it is advisable to conduct more widespread surveys in order to identify their opinions about the quality of teaching and educational activities of teachers using methods such as “The teacher through the eyes of a student.” But it is extremely important to understand that when using such technologies in assessing the professional activities of teaching staff, it is necessary to be guided by a number of rules.

  1. The student should not just evaluate the teacher’s activities, but consider the teacher in interaction with himself, as a participant in an indivisible educational process.
  2. An expert can be a competent, correct, restrained person with high moral and ethical qualities, capable of conducting a conversation and persuading.
  3. Psychological preparation of the teacher for the survey is necessary so that he understands that he is being assessed not just as an individual, but as an element of the education system, despite the fact that there cannot be a teacher without individual, special, personal qualities. One is superimposed on the other and a certain type of professional appearance is formed.
  4. To provide assistance in the desire of each teacher for self-assessment, assessment of colleagues and students (this is not a task for one day). To create in teaching staff a desire for positive changes in their activities (I compare myself today with myself yesterday and evaluate my achievements).
  5. Transformation of information obtained as a result of the survey:
    • the head of the department should know the existing trends, but it is not at all necessary to acquaint him with all the results obtained;
    • The teacher is presented with positive directions of his work and, in a conversation, in a reasonable form, offers to discuss issues related to the problems that have arisen, only indirectly speaking about them.

In the education quality management system at a university, the designated procedures (rating assessment and questioning) reveal the compliance of the university’s functioning mode and the development of the processes occurring in it with the adopted management decisions. Control provides systematic information and shows the discrepancy between the goal and the achieved result. Let us note the main control tasks:

  • expert analytical assessment of the achieved results and formulation of appropriate conclusions for carrying out work to regulate the process of educational activity;
  • assessment of all participants in the educational process, their specific results and formulation of recommendations for correcting the activities of the team;
  • formation of direct and feedback channels to inform and stimulate participants in the educational process.

The system for advanced training of teaching staff, aimed at developing the potential of the university’s teaching staff, should include:

  • continuity of development of professional qualities of teaching staff, implementation of training in various forms (master class, pedagogical workshop, open seminar, individual and group forms of creative dialogue, participation in scientific and practical conferences);
  • organizational and methodological support for pedagogical innovations;
  • the use of a decentralized decision-making structure, the transfer of a significant part of decisions regarding teaching activities to departments with proper division of rights and responsibilities;
  • development and consistent implementation of adequate forms and methods of stimulating the scientific and pedagogical growth of teaching staff.


Essential conditions for effective quality management at a university are systematic monitoring and analysis of objective data at all hierarchical levels, since the management process can only be effective if there is stable feedback that provides reliable information about the state of all subsystems and processes. The functioning of the educational process management system at the university level will ensure a transition from the analysis of specific problems to a broader view of the quality of education, which expands the possibilities of forecasting and allows timely implementation of preventive measures. This will make it possible to transfer the management process in education from the operational to the strategic level.
