Summary estimates of construction costs. Consolidated estimate calculation of construction costs Consolidated estimate calculation of construction costs composition and content example

home / Quarreling

Consolidated estimate of construction costs (SSRss) enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues is a document defining the estimated limit of funds necessary for the complete completion of the construction of all objects provided for by the project. The approved SSRSS is the basis for opening construction financing.

In the SSRss it is included in separate lines:

1. results for all object estimates (estimates) (excluding limited costs);

2. results of local estimates (estimates);

3. the results of estimated calculations for certain types of costs;

The positions of the consolidated estimate must have a link to the number of the specified estimate documents.

The estimated cost of each object provided for by the project is distributed according to the columns of the consolidated estimate calculation, indicating the estimated cost of construction:

Estimated cost of construction work;

Estimated cost of installation work;

Estimated cost of equipment, furniture, inventory;

Other costs

SSRs are compiled at the current price level. In the summary estimate of the cost of new construction, funds are distributed into the following 12 chapters:

1. Preparation of the construction area;

4. Energy facilities;

5. Transport and communication facilities;

6. External networks and structures, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply;

7. Improvement and landscaping of the territory;

8. Temporary buildings and structures;

9. Other work and costs;

11. Training of operational personnel;

For capital repair projects, it is recommended to distribute funds into the consolidated estimate calculation according to the following chapters:

1. Site preparation;

2. Main construction projects;

3. Objects for auxiliary and service purposes;

4. External networks and structures, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply;

5. Improvement and landscaping of the territory;

6. Temporary buildings and structures;

7. Other work and costs;

8. Technical supervision;

An explanatory note is drawn up for the summary estimate, which provides the following data:

1. location of construction;

2. list of catalogs of estimate standards adopted for the preparation of estimates;

3. name of gene. contractor (if known);

4. standard overhead costs;

5. estimated profit standard;

6. features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for a given construction project;

7. features of determining the estimated cost of equipment and its installation for a given construction site;

8. features of determining funds for a given construction project in chapters 8 - 12;

9. other information about the procedure for determining the cost for a given construction project;

The SSRSS provides (in columns 4 – 8) the following results:

1. objects of industrial and housing and civil purposes:

A). for each chapter;

b). according to the sum of chapters 1 – 7; 18; 19; 1 – 12;

V). total according to the summary estimate;

2. capital repair facilities:

A). for each chapter;

b). by the sum of chapters 1 – 5; 16; 1 – 7; 19;

V). total according to the consolidated estimate

Name of chapters, costs and works The procedure for determining and justifying work and costs at the current price level
Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site”
1. Registration of a land plot and alignment work: Costs associated with obtaining initial data by the customer and the design organization; Determined based on calculation (column 7;8)
Costs for breaking down the main axes of a building and structure Determined on the basis of collections and reference books for survey work for construction (gr. 7; 8)
Payment for land when withdrawing a land plot for construction Determined on the basis of calculations taking into account rates for renting a land plot established by the local administration (columns 7 and 8)
Costs associated with obtaining by the customer and the design organization initial data, technical specifications for design and carrying out the necessary approvals for design solutions, as well as implementation at the request of authorities Determined on the basis of prices for these services (columns 7;8)
2. Development of the construction area: Costs associated with compensation for demolished buildings Determined on the basis of calculations based on the provisions given in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.03 No. 262 “On approval of the rules for compensation to owners of land plots, land users, ....”
Costs associated with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions of the construction area and the need to create detours for public transport Determined by estimate calculations based on the PIC (columns 4;5;7;8)
Chapter 2 “Main construction objects”
Estimated cost of main construction projects Costs are entered into the SSRSS based on the results of object estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 3 “Ancillary and service facilities”
Estimated cost of mechanized repair and tool shops, warehouses... Costs are entered from object, local estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 4 “Energy Facilities”
Costs for the construction of cable networks, power plants....
Chapter 5 “Transport and communication facilities”
Costs for the construction of automobile and railway roads Costs are recorded from object, local estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 6 “External networks and structures”
Estimated cost of treatment facilities, swimming pools... Costs are recorded from object, local estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 7 “Improvement and landscaping of the territory”
Cost of landscaping, installation of sidewalks…. Determined by estimate (columns 4 and 8)
Chapter 8 “Temporary buildings and structures”
Cost of temporary buildings and structures GSN 81-05-01-2001, the norm is determined as a percentage and is taken from the cost of construction and installation work (columns 4.5) based on the sum of chapters 1-7, costs are entered in (columns 4; 5; 8;) GSNr 81 -05-01-2001 for repair work
Chapter 9 “Other work and costs”
Additional costs when carrying out construction and installation works in winter. Snow removal costs
GSN 81-05-02-2001, the norm is determined as a percentage and is taken from the cost of construction and installation work (columns 4.5) based on the sum of chapters 1-7, costs are entered in (columns 4; 5; 8;) GSNr 81-05-02-2001 for repair work Costs of maintaining existing permanent highways and restoring them after completion of construction
Determined by local estimate calculation based on PIC in accordance with the project scope of work according to the prices of collection No. 27 “Highways” (columns 4 and 8) Costs of transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by road or compensation of expenses for organizing special routes of urban passenger transport.
Determined by calculations based on the PIC, taking into account the supporting data of transport enterprises (columns 7 and 8) Costs associated with carrying out work on a rotation basis (with the exception of the shift bonus to the tariff rate taken into account in local estimates)
Determined by calculations based on the PIC, which should take into account the costs of maintaining and operating rotational camps, transporting rotation workers to the shift site and paying daily allowance while on the road (columns 7 and 8)
Same Determined by calculations on the basis of the POS, based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.02 No. 729 (columns 7 and 8) If the transportation of workers is carried out by the construction organization’s own or leased transport, travel costs are not included in travel expenses, but clause 9 is taken into account, 3
Costs associated with the relocation of construction and installation organizations from one construction site to another
Costs associated with bonuses for commissioning constructed facilities Determined by calculation from the total in columns 4 and 5 of the consolidated estimate (columns 7 and 8)
Funds to cover the costs of construction organizations for voluntary insurance of workers and property, including construction risks Determined by calculation, in accordance with Articles 255.263 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but not more than 3% of the results of chapters 1-8 of the consolidated estimate calculation (columns 7 and 8)
Funds for organizing and conducting contract bidding (tenders) Determined on the basis of calculations by type of cost (columns 7 and 8)
Expenses. to carry out special measures to ensure normal working conditions (the fight against radioactivity, silicosis, malaria, encephalitis ticks, midges, etc.) Determined by calculations based on the PIC (columns 7 and 8)
Costs associated with the use of military construction units, student detachments and other contingents (organized recruitment of workers) Determined by calculations based on the PIC, which should take into account the costs of maintaining and operating rotational camps, transporting rotation workers to the shift site and paying daily allowance while on the road (columns 7 and 8)
Costs of maintaining a mine rescue service Adopted on the basis of standards approved in accordance with the established procedure (columns 7 and 8)
Commissioning costs The costs of carrying out commissioning work “idle” are included. The amount of funds is determined on the basis of estimates for commissioning work (columns 7 and 8)
Chapter 10 “Content of the directorate of an enterprise under construction”
Technical Supervision Determined according to established standards (columns 7 and 8)
Chapter 11 “Training of operational personnel”
Funds for training operating personnel for a newly built enterprise Determined by calculations based on costs (column 7; 8;)
Chapter 12 “Design and survey work”
Design work The cost is determined by calculations based on collections of basic prices for design work using cost change indices (columns 7 and 8)
Survey work The cost is determined by calculations based on the collection and reference books of basic prices for survey work for construction and cost change indices (columns 7 and 8)
Author's supervision The cost is determined by calculation (columns 7 and 8) within 0.2% of the total for chapters 1 - 9 of the consolidated construction cost estimate
Funds associated with the testing of piles carried out by the contractor during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer Funds are determined by estimates based on design data and collections of estimate standards and prices
Examination of pre-project and design documentation The cost is determined according to the standards, from the cost of design and survey work (columns 7 and 8)
Development of tender documentation The cost is determined by calculations in agreement with the customer (columns 7 and 8)
Following the results of the above chapters
Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expenses The reserve rate is determined in accordance with MDS 81-35.2004 and is calculated on the total of chapters from 1-12 gr. 4-8
Costs associated with paying value added tax (VAT) Accepted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (columns 4-8)
Refunds Determined by calculations that take into account the sale of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, demolished and transported buildings and structures, dismantled structures, etc. (columns 7 and 8)

The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is determined from the total of chapters 1-12 (1-9 for capital repair projects) and is shown as a separate line with distribution in columns 4-8 depending on the design stage.

The fund reserve can be determined in an amount of no more than 2% for social facilities and no more than 3% for industrial facilities.

For unique and particularly complex construction projects, the amount of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be set at up to 10% in agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When drawing up estimates for analogous objects and other enlarged standards at the pre-project stage, a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be taken in the amount of up to 10%.

The reserve for unforeseen work and expenses is intended to compensate for additional costs associated with:

Clarification of the scope of work according to working drawings developed after approval of the project (detailed design);

Errors in estimates, including arithmetic, identified after approval of project documentation;

Changes in design solutions in working documentation, etc.

Funds provided for the results of the consolidated estimate

Following the summary estimate of construction costs, it is recommended to indicate:

1. Refunds taking into account the cost:

· from the sale by the customer of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, determined by calculations at the prices of possible sales minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivering them to storage places;

· materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;

· furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel supervising installation of equipment;

· materials obtained through incidental mining.

The listed material and technical resources are at the disposal of the customer.

2. Based on the results of on-site and local estimates and estimates, the balance sheet (residual) value of equipment dismantled or rearranged within the existing reconstructed or technically re-equipped enterprise. In this case, the technical and economic indicators of the project are determined taking into account the full cost of construction, which also includes the cost of the rearranged equipment.

3. Amounts of value added tax (VAT).

The amount of funds for the payment of VAT is accepted in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from the final data on the consolidated estimate for construction and is shown in a separate line (in columns 4-8) under the name “Funds to cover the costs of paying VAT.”

Summary estimates of the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues are documents. determining the estimated limit of funds required to fully complete the construction of all facilities provided for by the project. A consolidated estimate of the cost of construction, approved in accordance with the established procedure, serves as the basis for determining the capital investment limit and opening construction financing. Consolidated construction cost estimates are compiled and approved separately for production and non-production construction.

A summary estimate of the cost of a project for the construction of an enterprise, building, structure or its phase is drawn up according to the form. It includes in separate lines the totals for all object estimates (estimates) without amounts to cover limited costs, as well as estimates for individual types of costs. Items of the consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings, structures must have a link to the source of information (estimate documents). The estimated cost of each object provided for by the project is distributed according to columns indicating the estimated cost of construction work, installation work, equipment, furniture and inventory, other costs and the total estimated cost.

The summary estimate for construction is drawn up at the current price level.

In the consolidated estimates of the cost of industrial and housing and civil construction, funds are distributed across the following chapters.

1. “Preparation of the construction site.”

2. “Main construction projects.”

4. “Energy facilities.”

5. “Transport and communication facilities).

6. “External networks and structures of water supply, sewerage,

heat supply and gas supply."

7. “Improvement and landscaping of the territory.”

8. “Temporary buildings and structures.”

9. “Other work and costs.”


11. “Training of operational personnel.”

The distribution of objects, work and costs within the chapters is carried out according to the nomenclature of the consolidated estimate for the cost of construction established for the relevant sector of the national economy. If there are several types of completed productions or complexes, each of which has several objects, grouping within the chapter can be carried out into sections, the name of which corresponds to the name of the productions (complexes).

For certain sectors of the national economy, industry and types of construction, on the basis of regulatory documents on design approved by ministries and other federal executive authorities, the name and nomenclature of the chapters of the consolidated estimate may be changed.

For capital repair projects of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities, as part of the consolidated estimate, it is recommended to distribute funds according to the following chapters.

1. “Preparation of sites (territories) for major repairs.”

2. “Main objects.”

Z. “Objects for auxiliary and service purposes.”

4. “External networks and structures (water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, etc.”).

5. “Improvement and landscaping of the territory.”

6. “Temporary buildings and structures.”

7. “Other work and costs.”

8. "Technical supervision".

The estimated cost of work and expenses to be carried out by each general contracting organization is drawn up in a separate statement, compiled in relation to the form of the consolidated estimate.

An explanatory note is drawn up for the summary estimate submitted for approval as part of the project, which contains:

Location of construction, list of catalogs of estimate standards adopted for drawing up construction estimates;

Name of the general contractor (if known);

Overhead cost standards (for a specific contractor or by type of construction, type of construction and installation work);

Estimated profit standard (for a specific contractor or by type of construction, type of construction and installation work);

Features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for a given construction project;

Features of determining the estimated cost of equipment and installation for a given construction site;

Features of determining funds for a given construction project according to chapters 8-12 of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction;

Calculation of the distribution of funds in areas of capital investment (for housing and civil construction);

Other information about the procedure for determining the cost, the nature of a given construction project, as well as links to relevant decisions of government and other public authorities on issues related to pricing and benefits for specific construction.

The methodology for filling out the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction is such that it involves summing up in columns 4-8 for each chapter (if there are sections in the chapter - for each

for the sum of chapters 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-12, after accrual of the amount of the reserve for unforeseen work and expenses, as well as after accrual of VAT. Similarly, in the summary estimate for capital repairs, the final data for each chapter is given, for the sum of chapters 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-9. after accrual of the amount of reserve funds for unforeseen work and expenses, after accrual of VAT.

Chapter 1 includes funds for work and costs associated with the allocation and development of the developed territory. These works and costs include:

a) allotment of a land plot, issuance of architectural and planning assignments and identification of red building lines;

b) laying out the main axes of buildings and structures and securing them with points and signs;

c) clearing the construction area from existing buildings, forest plantations, industrial dumps and other obstructive objects, relocating residents from demolished houses, rebuilding utility networks, communications, structures, paths and roads, removing and storing fertile soil, etc. ;

d) compensation for the cost of demolished (moved) buildings and plantings belonging to state, public, cooperative organizations and individuals (owners on private property rights); drainage of the construction site, carrying out other activities on it related to the cessation or change of water use conditions, as well as the protection of the environment and the elimination of unfavorable construction conditions;

e) bringing land plots provided for temporary use for the construction period into a condition suitable for use in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, or for other purposes in accordance with the restoration (reclamation) project of disturbed lands;

f) payment for land when withdrawing (buying out) a land plot for construction, as well as payment of land tax (rent) during the construction period;

g) costs associated with payment for work (services) performed by utility and operating organizations that are fully financed (except for those financed by the budget), with the issuance of initial design data, technical conditions and requirements for connecting the designed facilities to utility networks and public communications, as well as carrying out the necessary approvals of design solutions;

h) compensation for losses caused to land users by the withdrawal or temporary occupation of land plots, restriction of their rights or deterioration in the quality of land (the cost of buildings and structures subject to demolition or relocation; the cost of fruit and berry, protective and other perennial plantings, work in progress (plowing, fertilization , sowing and other work); costs necessary to restore the deteriorated quality of land; losses in the form of lost profits caused by the cessation of receiving annual income by land users from the confiscated lands for the coming period necessary to restore the damaged production;

i) compensation for losses of agricultural production caused by withdrawal or restriction of use, deterioration of the quality of agricultural land;

j) other costs associated with the development of the developed territory and compensation for compensation due under current legislation.

The cost of work included in Chapter 1 is determined on the basis of project volumes and current prices. The provisions for determining the size of individual types of costs taken into account in Chapter 1 of the consolidated construction cost estimates are given in Appendix 7.

The amount of funds should also take into account the cost of work necessary to place temporary buildings and structures on the prepared territory.

Chapter 2 includes the estimated cost of buildings, structures and types of work for primary production purposes, determined on the basis of site estimates and calculations.

Chapter 3 includes the estimated cost of auxiliary and service facilities, which include:

For industrial construction - buildings of repair and technical workshops, factory offices, overpasses, galleries, warehouses, etc.;

For housing and civil construction - utility buildings, entrances, greenhouses in hospital and scientific campuses, garbage dumps, etc., as well as the cost of buildings and structures for cultural and social purposes intended to serve workers (free-standing clinics, canteens, shops, public service facilities , other objects) located within the territory allocated for the construction of enterprises.

In the case when a separate project is being developed with a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of such facilities as a boiler room, power supply line, heating networks, landscaping, roads and others, which are usually indicated in Chapters 3-7 of the consolidated estimate for a complex project, the estimated cost of these objects should be included in Chapter 2 as main objects.

Chapters 4-7 include objects, the list of which corresponds to the titles of the chapters.

Chapter 8 includes funds for the construction and dismantling of titular temporary buildings and structures, which include production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures that are specially erected or adapted for the construction period and are necessary for carrying out construction and installation work and servicing construction workers.

The amount of funds intended for the construction of title buildings and structures can be determined:

According to calculations based on PIC data in accordance with the required set of title temporary buildings and structures;

According to the standards given in the Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate.

Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

The amount of funds determined by one of the above methods is included in columns 4, 5 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

Refunds from the sale of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are determined by calculations at the prices of possible sales minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivering them to storage areas.

Chapter 9 includes funds for the main types of other work and costs at the current price level.

For specific construction conditions, in agreement with the customer and with appropriate justification in Chapter 9, other types of other costs may be taken into account.

In Chapter 10, columns 7 and 8 include funds for the maintenance of the apparatus of the customer-developer (single customer, directorate of the enterprise under construction) and technical supervision.

Chapter 11 includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for training operational personnel for newly constructed and reconstructed enterprises, determined by calculations taking into account:

The number and qualification composition of workers whose training is planned to be carried out in training centers, training centers, technical schools, training grounds, directly at enterprises with similar production, etc.;

Duration of training;

Expenses for theoretical and industrial training of workers;

Wages (scholarships) of workers studying with accruals to it;

Cost of travel for trainees to the place of training (internship) and back;

Other expenses associated with the training of these personnel.

Chapter 12, in the order specified in Appendix 7, includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for:

a) performance of design and survey work (services) - separately into design and survey work;

c) conducting an examination of pre-project and design documentation;

d) testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;

e) preparation of tender documentation.

The consolidated estimate of the cost of construction includes a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, intended to reimburse the cost of work and expenses, the need for which arises in the process of developing working documentation or during construction as a result of clarifying design decisions or construction conditions for objects (types of work), provided for in the approved project.

The reserve is determined from the total of chapters 1-12 in the amount of no more than 2% for social facilities and no more than 3% for industrial facilities.

For unique and particularly complex construction projects, the amount of funds for unforeseen work and costs may be increased in each specific case.

The specified funds are shown in a separate line with distribution according to columns 4-8 of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction.

Part of the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs provided for in the consolidated estimate, in the amount agreed upon by the customer and the contractor, may be included in the fixed contract price for construction products. When making payments between the customer and the contractor for the actual volumes of work performed, this part of the reserve is not transferred to the contractor, but remains at the disposal of the customer.

Additional funds for reimbursement of costs that emerged after approval of the project documentation in connection with the introduction of new legislative and regulatory acts should be included in the consolidated estimate calculation as a separate line (in the relevant chapters) with a subsequent change in the final construction cost indicators and approval of the clarifications made by the authority that approved design documentation, and for construction projects financed from the federal budget - in the manner established by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

Following the summary estimate of construction costs, the following is indicated:

1) refundable amounts taking into account the cost of:

Materials and parts obtained from dismantling temporary buildings and structures in the amount of 15% of the estimated cost of temporary buildings and structures (with a depreciable part of the cost) regardless of the construction period;

Materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;

Furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel supervising installation of equipment;

Materials obtained through associated mining;

2) the total, based on the results of on-site and local estimates and estimates, the balance sheet (residual) value of equipment dismantled or rearranged within the existing reconstructed or technically re-equipped enterprise;

3) amounts of funds for the share participation of enterprises and organizations in the construction of public facilities or general facilities.

4) final data on the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction of a microdistrict or a complex of residential and public buildings by areas of capital investment in the case when this construction includes built-in, attached or free-standing buildings and structures related to various areas of capital investment.

The estimated cost of buildings and works common to all objects included in the microdistrict or complex is distributed:

For intra-apartment (yard) water supply, sewerage, heat and energy supply networks - in proportion to the area of ​​the plots;

For landscaping and landscaping of the territory - in proportion to the area of ​​the plots;

In other cases - in proportion to the total area of ​​buildings (structures);

5) the amount of value added tax is taken from the final data for the consolidated estimate for construction and is shown in a separate line (in columns 4-8). At the same time, in order to avoid double counting, the accrual of VAT on the cost of materials, as well as on transport and other types of services, should not be taken into account in the compiled local and object estimates (estimates).

Consolidated estimate of construction costs (SSRss) enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues is a document defining the estimated limit of funds necessary for the complete completion of the construction of all objects provided for by the project. The approved SSRSS is the basis for opening construction financing.

In the SSRss it is included in separate lines:

1. results for all object estimates (estimates) (excluding limited costs);

2. results of local estimates (estimates);

3. the results of estimated calculations for certain types of costs;

The positions of the consolidated estimate must have a link to the number of the specified estimate documents.

The estimated cost of each object provided for by the project is distributed according to the columns of the consolidated estimate calculation, indicating the estimated cost of construction:

Estimated cost of equipment, furniture, inventory;

Other costs

SSRs are compiled at the current price level. In the summary estimate of the cost of new construction, funds are distributed into the following 12 chapters:

1. Preparation of the construction area;

4. Energy facilities;

5. Transport and communication facilities;

6. External networks and structures, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply;

7. Improvement and landscaping of the territory;

8. Temporary buildings and structures;

9. Other work and costs;

11. Training of operational personnel;

For capital repair projects, it is recommended to distribute funds into the consolidated estimate calculation according to the following chapters:

1. Site preparation;

2. Main construction projects;

3. Objects for auxiliary and service purposes;

4. External networks and structures, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply;

5. Improvement and landscaping of the territory;

6. Temporary buildings and structures;

7. Other work and costs;

8. Technical supervision;

An explanatory note is drawn up for the summary estimate, which provides the following data:

1. location of construction;

2. list of catalogs of estimate standards adopted for the preparation of estimates;

3. name of gene. contractor (if known);

4. standard overhead costs;

5. estimated profit standard;

6. features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for a given construction project;

7. features of determining the estimated cost of equipment and its installation for a given construction site;

8. features of determining funds for a given construction project in chapters 8 - 12;

9. other information about the procedure for determining the cost for a given construction project;

The SSRSS provides (in columns 4 – 8) the following results:

1. objects of industrial and housing and civil purposes:

A). for each chapter;

b). according to the sum of chapters 1 – 7; 18; 19; 1 – 12;

V). total according to the summary estimate;

2. capital repair facilities:

A). for each chapter;

b). by the sum of chapters 1 – 5; 16; 1 – 7; 19;

V). total according to the consolidated estimate

Name of chapters, costs and works The procedure for determining and justifying work and costs at the current price level
Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site”
1. Registration of a land plot and alignment work: Costs associated with obtaining initial data by the customer and the design organization; Determined based on calculation (column 7;8)
Costs for breaking down the main axes of a building and structure Determined on the basis of collections and reference books for survey work for construction (gr. 7; 8)
Payment for land when withdrawing a land plot for construction Determined on the basis of calculations taking into account rates for renting a land plot established by the local administration (columns 7 and 8)
Costs associated with obtaining by the customer and the design organization initial data, technical specifications for design and carrying out the necessary approvals for design solutions, as well as implementation at the request of authorities Determined on the basis of prices for these services (columns 7;8)
2. Development of the construction area: Costs associated with compensation for demolished buildings Determined on the basis of calculations based on the provisions given in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.03 No. 262 “On approval of the rules for compensation to owners of land plots, land users, ....”
Costs associated with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions of the construction area and the need to create detours for public transport Determined by estimate calculations based on the PIC (columns 4;5;7;8)
Chapter 2 “Main construction objects”
Estimated cost of main construction projects Costs are entered into the SSRSS based on the results of object estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 3 “Ancillary and service facilities”
Estimated cost of mechanized repair and tool shops, warehouses... Costs are entered from object, local estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 4 “Energy Facilities”
Costs for the construction of cable networks, power plants....
Chapter 5 “Transport and communication facilities”
Costs for the construction of automobile and railway roads
Chapter 6 “External networks and structures”
Estimated cost of treatment facilities, swimming pools... Costs are recorded from object, local estimates without taking into account limited costs (columns 4 – 8)
Chapter 7 “Improvement and landscaping of the territory”
Cost of landscaping, installation of sidewalks…. Determined by estimate (columns 4 and 8)
Chapter 8 “Temporary buildings and structures”
Cost of temporary buildings and structures GSN 81-05-01-2001, the norm is determined as a percentage and is taken from the cost of construction and installation work (columns 4.5) based on the sum of chapters 1-7, costs are entered in (columns 4; 5; 8;) GSNr 81 -05-01-2001 for repair work
Chapter 9 “Other work and costs”
Additional costs when carrying out construction and installation works in winter. Snow removal costs
GSN 81-05-02-2001, the norm is determined as a percentage and is taken from the cost of construction and installation work (columns 4.5) based on the sum of chapters 1-7, costs are entered in (columns 4; 5; 8;) GSNr 81-05-02-2001 for repair work Costs of maintaining existing permanent highways and restoring them after completion of construction
Determined by local estimate calculation based on PIC in accordance with the project scope of work according to the prices of collection No. 27 “Highways” (columns 4 and 8) Costs of transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by road or compensation of expenses for organizing special routes of urban passenger transport.
Determined by calculations based on the PIC, taking into account the supporting data of transport enterprises (columns 7 and 8) Costs associated with carrying out work on a rotation basis (with the exception of the shift bonus to the tariff rate taken into account in local estimates)
Determined by calculations based on the PIC, which should take into account the costs of maintaining and operating rotational camps, transporting rotation workers to the shift site and paying daily allowance while on the road (columns 7 and 8)
Same Determined by calculations on the basis of the POS, based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.02 No. 729 (columns 7 and 8) If the transportation of workers is carried out by the construction organization’s own or leased transport, travel costs are not included in travel expenses, but clause 9 is taken into account, 3
Costs associated with the relocation of construction and installation organizations from one construction site to another
Costs associated with bonuses for commissioning constructed facilities Determined by calculation from the total in columns 4 and 5 of the consolidated estimate (columns 7 and 8)
Funds to cover the costs of construction organizations for voluntary insurance of workers and property, including construction risks Determined by calculation, in accordance with Articles 255.263 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but not more than 3% of the results of chapters 1-8 of the consolidated estimate calculation (columns 7 and 8)
Funds for organizing and conducting contract bidding (tenders) Determined on the basis of calculations by type of cost (columns 7 and 8)
Expenses. to carry out special measures to ensure normal working conditions (the fight against radioactivity, silicosis, malaria, encephalitis ticks, midges, etc.) Determined by calculations based on the PIC (columns 7 and 8)
Costs associated with the use of military construction units, student detachments and other contingents (organized recruitment of workers) Determined by calculations based on the PIC, which should take into account the costs of maintaining and operating rotational camps, transporting rotation workers to the shift site and paying daily allowance while on the road (columns 7 and 8)
Costs of maintaining a mine rescue service Adopted on the basis of standards approved in accordance with the established procedure (columns 7 and 8)
Commissioning costs The costs of carrying out commissioning work “idle” are included. The amount of funds is determined on the basis of estimates for commissioning work (columns 7 and 8)
Chapter 10 “Content of the directorate of an enterprise under construction”
Technical Supervision Determined according to established standards (columns 7 and 8)
Chapter 11 “Training of operational personnel”
Funds for training operating personnel for a newly built enterprise Determined by calculations based on costs (column 7; 8;)
Chapter 12 “Design and survey work”
Design work The cost is determined by calculations based on collections of basic prices for design work using cost change indices (columns 7 and 8)
Survey work The cost is determined by calculations based on the collection and reference books of basic prices for survey work for construction and cost change indices (columns 7 and 8)
Author's supervision The cost is determined by calculation (columns 7 and 8) within 0.2% of the total for chapters 1 - 9 of the consolidated construction cost estimate
Funds associated with the testing of piles carried out by the contractor during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer Funds are determined by estimates based on design data and collections of estimate standards and prices
Examination of pre-project and design documentation The cost is determined according to the standards, from the cost of design and survey work (columns 7 and 8)
Development of tender documentation The cost is determined by calculations in agreement with the customer (columns 7 and 8)
Following the results of the above chapters
Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expenses The reserve rate is determined in accordance with MDS 81-35.2004 and is calculated on the total of chapters from 1-12 gr. 4-8
Costs associated with paying value added tax (VAT) Accepted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (columns 4-8)
Refunds Determined by calculations that take into account the sale of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, demolished and transported buildings and structures, dismantled structures, etc. (columns 7 and 8)

The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is determined from the total of chapters 1-12 (1-9 for capital repair projects) and is shown as a separate line with distribution in columns 4-8 depending on the design stage.

The fund reserve can be determined in an amount of no more than 2% for social facilities and no more than 3% for industrial facilities.

For unique and particularly complex construction projects, the amount of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be set at up to 10% in agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When drawing up estimates for analogous objects and other enlarged standards at the pre-project stage, a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be taken in the amount of up to 10%.

The reserve for unforeseen work and expenses is intended to compensate for additional costs associated with:

Clarification of the scope of work according to working drawings developed after approval of the project (detailed design);

Errors in estimates, including arithmetic, identified after approval of project documentation;

Changes in design solutions in working documentation, etc.

Funds provided for the results of the consolidated estimate

Following the summary estimate of construction costs, it is recommended to indicate:

1. Refunds taking into account the cost:

· from the sale by the customer of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, determined by calculations at the prices of possible sales minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivering them to storage places;

· materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;

· furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel supervising installation of equipment;

· materials obtained through incidental mining.

The listed material and technical resources are at the disposal of the customer.

2. Based on the results of on-site and local estimates and estimates, the balance sheet (residual) value of equipment dismantled or rearranged within the existing reconstructed or technically re-equipped enterprise. In this case, the technical and economic indicators of the project are determined taking into account the full cost of construction, which also includes the cost of the rearranged equipment.

3. Amounts of value added tax (VAT).

The amount of funds for the payment of VAT is accepted in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from the final data on the consolidated estimate for construction and is shown in a separate line (in columns 4-8) under the name “Funds to cover the costs of paying VAT.”

The funds required to create construction products represent the cost of construction. To calculate this cost, special documents are developed - construction estimates, in which the calculated documentation reveals in detail all construction costs. On its basis, a contract is concluded.

The preparation of construction estimates takes place, one might say, in 3 stages:

  1. Preparation of local estimates.
  2. Drawing up object estimates.
  3. Summary estimate of construction costs.

A local estimate is the initial estimate document, which provides information for performing a specific type of work. Based on this type of document, a consolidated estimate is ultimately formed. To compile this business paper, so-called TERs (territorial unit prices) are used, as well as estimated standards (enlarged), which allow everything to be calculated as accurately as possible in a specific construction region.

Local estimates can be compiled using two different methods: resource and base-index. Using the resource method, construction costs are calculated at current prices. In the base-index approach, cost is calculated using specially designed indices created in order to recalculate the estimated cost from the base price to current prices. The indices change every year, so the cost is calculated as accurately as possible.

The object estimate consists of local estimates grouped by the following work and costs:

Construction works;


Equipment, furniture, inventory;

Other works.

The calculation of the object estimate is made by summing up local prices in current or basic prices and is compiled for the entire object. To calculate it, aggregated standards and indicators of analogue objects in value terms are used. Contractual prices for an object are formed on the basis of this type of documentation.

A consolidated estimate is a document that establishes the estimated cost of construction for all objects included in the project. Based on it, a decision is made on financing construction.

The summary estimate determines the effectiveness of the design solution under consideration. When calculating the cost of housing, civil or industrial construction, it is divided into chapters, at the end of which, starting from the eighth, the total calculation amounts are given. Data grouped by the same works is entered into it from all object estimates.

You should also know that the summary estimate must be drawn up for the entire construction, regardless of the number of contractors involved. It is accompanied by an explanatory note with all the information about the construction: where it will take place, the standards adopted for the preparation of documentation, the expected profit.

The preparation of all these documents can be carried out both on paper (handwritten) and electronically (in Excel or special software products). For example, Grand Estimate or Wizard Estimate is a completely worthy solution.

Estimate documentation must be drawn up in the prescribed manner, regardless of how the construction is carried out - under a contract or in an economic way.

Consolidated estimate calculation is the final stage of the process of developing estimate documentation, which determines the cost of construction, including all costs for the construction or reconstruction of objects. After approval, the estimate is the basis for financing construction work.

The summary estimate consists of twelve columns. These columns reflect: temporary, winter or unexpected limited costs; survey and design work; control of work process and compliance with the project; customer service check. An explanatory note is attached to the estimate submitted for approval.

The summary construction estimate reflects the entire list of costs for customers or investors during the construction of the facility. It is better to calculate the cost of construction and approve it personally for non-industrial and industrial types of development.

The estimate is drawn up in the form MDS-8135.2004. Having an example of a summary estimate, you can quickly make your own calculation. Almost all programs for calculating estimates have the ability to calculate a summary estimate. But it is also possible to calculate the data in Microsoft Office Excel, since the main workflow is carried out with local estimates, and not much time is needed to calculate the summary estimate.

Sample summary estimates can be viewed in the book “Fundamentals of Estimating in Construction” by the writer N.I. Baranovskaya. This book also provides data from regulatory and legislative documents that give the right to take into account many costs in the consolidated construction estimate. Comments and explanations are provided on the use of individual standards and legislative documents. Our website provides examples of summary estimates.

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Determining the amount of funds for maintaining the service of the customer-developer (single customer, directorate of the enterprise under construction) and technical supervision

In Chapter 10 “Maintenance of the customer-developer service (technical supervision) of an enterprise under construction”, columns 7 and 8 include funds for the maintenance of the apparatus of the customer-developer (single customer, directorate of the enterprise under construction) and technical supervision both for construction and during repair and restoration work. In some cases, with appropriate calculation justifications, it is possible to establish individual standards for a specific construction site or service of the customer-developer, agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Determining the amount of funds for training operational personnel for enterprises under construction

Chapter 11 “Training of operational personnel” includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for the training of operational personnel for newly built and reconstructed enterprises, determined by calculations based on:

  • the number and qualification composition of workers whose training is planned to be carried out in training centers, training centers, technical schools, training grounds, directly at enterprises with similar production, etc.;
  • terms of study;
  • expenses for theoretical and industrial training of workers;
  • wages (scholarships) of workers studying with accruals to it;
  • the cost of travel for trainees to the place of training (internship) and back;
  • other expenses associated with the training of these personnel.

Determining the amount of funds for design and survey work, designer supervision

Chapter 12 “Design and survey work, designer’s supervision” includes (in columns 7 and 8) funds for:

  • performance of design and survey work (services) - divided into design and survey work;
  • carrying out designer's supervision of design organizations during construction;
  • conducting an examination of pre-project and design documentation;
  • testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;
  • preparation of tender documentation.

The cost of design and survey work for construction is determined on the basis of reference price reference books using indexes of changes in the cost of design and survey work (approved in the prescribed manner) and is included in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

It is recommended to determine funds for designer supervision of design organizations during construction (repairs) by calculation at the current (forecast) price level, but not more than 0.2% of the total estimated cost, taken into account in chapters 1-9 of the consolidated estimate, and are included in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

SNiP 01/12/2004 construction organization
3.8 During the construction of hazardous production facilities, the developer of project documentation, under an agreement with the developer, in accordance with current legislation, carries out supervision over compliance with the requirements ensuring the safety of the facility.
Design supervision in other cases may be carried out at the discretion of the developer (customer).
Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ.

The cost of examination of pre-project and design documentation is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

Funds associated with the testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer (purchase of piles, their transportation and immersion into the base, installation of load devices, testing of piles in the ground with dynamic and static loads, implementation of technical manuals and observations during the testing period, processing of test data and other related costs at the current (forecast) price level), determined by the estimate based on design data and collections of estimate standards and prices for building structures and work with the accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit . These funds are included in columns 4 and 8 of the consolidated construction estimate.

Funds associated with the development of tender documentation are determined by calculation and are taken into account in columns 7 and 8 of the consolidated estimate.

Samples of drawing up estimate documentation for design (survey) work are given in Appendix No. 2 (samples 1ps, 2p, 3p) MDS 81-35.2004 .

Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expenses

The consolidated estimate of the cost of construction includes a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses, intended to reimburse the cost of work and expenses, the need for which arises in the process of developing working documentation or during construction as a result of clarifying design decisions or construction conditions for objects (types of work) provided for in the approved project.

The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is determined from the total of chapters 1-12 (1-9 for capital repair projects) and is shown as a separate line with distribution in columns 4-8 depending on the design stage.

The fund reserve can be determined in an amount of no more than 2% for social facilities and no more than 3% for industrial facilities.
For unique and particularly complex construction projects, the amount of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be set at up to 10% in agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.
When drawing up estimates for analogous objects and other enlarged standards at the pre-project stage, a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs can be taken in the amount of up to 10%.

The reserve for unforeseen work and expenses is intended to compensate for additional costs associated with:

  • clarification of the scope of work according to working drawings developed after approval of the project (detailed design);
  • errors in estimates, including arithmetic, identified after approval of project documentation;
  • changes in design solutions in working documentation, etc.

When making payments for work performed under contracts with an established fixed contract price, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs in the acceptance certificates for work performed is not deciphered and is paid by the customer at the rate agreed upon when forming the contract price.

clause 4.33 of MDS 81-35.2004: “When making payments between the customer and the contractor for the volume of work actually completed, this part of the reserve is not transferred to the contractor, but remains at the disposal of the customer.” However, further in paragraph 4.96 of the Methodology it is said: “When making payments for work performed under contracts with an established fixed contract price, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs in the acceptance certificates for work performed is not deciphered and is paid by the customer at the rate agreed upon when forming the contract price.”

Funds for reimbursement of costs arising in connection with the introduction of new regulations

It is recommended to include additional funds for reimbursement of costs that emerged after the approval of project documentation in connection with the introduction of new regulations into the consolidated estimate as a separate line (in the appropriate chapters) with a subsequent change in the final construction cost indicators.

When drawing up estimates for additional work identified during the construction (repair) process, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs is not taken into account.

Funds provided for the results of the consolidated estimate

Following the summary estimate of construction costs, it is recommended to indicate:

Refunds taking into account the cost:
  • from the sale by the customer of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, determined by calculations at the prices of possible sales minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivering them to storage places;
  • materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;
  • furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel supervising installation of equipment;
  • materials obtained through associated mining.
The listed material and technical resources are at the disposal of the customer.
The refundable amounts given after the results of the consolidated estimate calculation are composed of the totals of the refundable amounts shown for reference in the object and local estimate calculations (estimates).
  • The total balance sheet (residual) value of equipment dismantled or rearranged within the existing reconstructed or technically re-equipped enterprise based on the results of on-site and local estimates and estimates. In this case, the technical and economic indicators of the project are determined taking into account the full cost of construction, which also includes the cost of the rearranged equipment.
  • Amounts of funds for the share participation of enterprises and organizations in the construction of public facilities or general facilities.
  • Final data on the distribution of the total estimated cost of construction of a microdistrict or a complex of residential and public buildings by areas of capital investment in the case when this construction includes built-in, attached or free-standing buildings and structures related to various areas of capital investment.

The estimated cost of structures, devices and individual works common to all objects included in the microdistrict or complex is distributed:

  • for intra-apartment (yard) networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and energy supply, etc. - in proportion to the needs of the facilities;
  • for landscaping and landscaping - in proportion to the area of ​​the plots;
  • in other cases - in proportion to the total area of ​​buildings (structures).

It is recommended to provide a calculation of the distribution of funds in areas of capital investment as part of an explanatory note to the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction.

Value added tax (VAT) amounts.
The amount of funds for the payment of VAT is accepted in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from the final data on the consolidated estimate for construction and is shown in a separate line (in columns 4-8) under the name “Funds to cover the costs of paying VAT.”
In cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes benefits for the payment of VAT for certain types of construction projects, this line includes only the funds necessary to reimburse the costs of contract construction and installation organizations for paying VAT to suppliers of material resources and other organizations for the provision of services (including including design and survey work). The amount of these funds is determined by calculation depending on the structure of construction and installation work.

  • GSNr-81-05-01-2001 (Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work)
  • Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the State Construction Committee dated October 10, 1991 No. 1336-VK/1-D “On the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production facilities and construction projects.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.05.00 No. 420, letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 10.03.98 No. VB-20-82/12 “On payment of expenses for voluntary insurance of construction risks.”

  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1998 No. VB-20-98/12 “On accounting for leasing payments in estimate documentation.”
  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2003 No. NK-6848/10 “On the procedure for allocating costs for commissioning work.”

  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2003 No. 17 “On standard costs for maintaining the customer-developer service during the construction of facilities for state needs at the expense of federal budget funds for 2003-2004.”
  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1997 No. 18-44 “The procedure for determining the cost of work to carry out the examination of pre-project and design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

  • MDS 81-7.2000 Methodological manual for calculating costs for the service of the customer-developer
  • A practical guide edited by P.V. Goryachkina “Drawing up estimates in construction based on the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001.”
  • Collection of answers to questions of pricing and estimated standardization
  • Demonstrative video on saving and importing external local estimates in the Grand Estimate PC program
  • Unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording work in capital construction and repair and construction work
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation as amended on July 21, 2011.
  • ORDER No. 551-RZP dated 06/06/1996 (About the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses)
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