New religion – “Fedor Dvinyatin”? The anger of Patriarch Guzman about the team of Fedor Dvinyatin.

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Note. The article was written for another publication and a wider audience, but for some reason it was published in KVNRU. The conflict described in the article is known to visitors to our site; there is interest in the dynamics of events and the positions of the parties involved in the conflict. If you are interested in this publication, write to the author directly in the comments.

The quality of humor in the KVN Major League will now be monitored very strictly. “Circus” and “sold out” will not work.

The quarterfinal game of the KVN Major League on Cosmonautics Day did not foretell any scandal until the last minutes. And only in the final words of jury member Yuliy Gusman allowed himself to openly criticize the Fedor Dvinyatin team. His tirade to the words of the team’s song sounded like this: “With such an IQ, it will not be possible to make a barbecue called “KVN” in the future... This game is not just a fun circus... This is a game... of citizens, not clowns...”. Gusman’s words were partially supported by Channel One General Director Konstantin Ernst: “Everything was fresh and cool... Next time you won’t fail at this level. Therefore, think...” Despite this, the team shared first place in the game with the team and advanced to the semifinals. All the team’s statements about this situation were correct, the guys did not hush up the incident and even joked about it at the KVN music festival in Jurmala (July 2008).

Yuliy Gusman
Gusman Yuliy Solomonovich was born on August 8, 1943 in Baku. Graduated from the medical faculty of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute named after. N. Narimanov (1966), postgraduate studies at the Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors named after A. Azizov (1970), Higher Courses for Film Directors and Scriptwriters of the State Cinema Committee (1976). He made seven films (including “One Fine Day” (1977), “Country House for One Family” (1978), “Don’t Be Afraid, I’m with You” (1981), “Park of the Soviet Period” (2006 )), staged many performances, including in America, Japan and China. From 1964 to 1971 - captain of the KVN team in Baku. For the first time he introduced “organization” into KVN - his team performed in the same uniform. Since 1986 - again in KVN as the former captain of the Baku team. Since 1988 – director of the House of Cinema. Since 1993 – State Duma deputy (Russia’s Choice faction), deputy. Chairman of the Geopolitics Committee. Honored Artist of Russia and Azerbaijan. Artistic director of the National Award of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts - the Nika Award (since 1988). Almost permanent member of the jury of the KVN Major League.

Within a week, the conflict became public knowledge, first in the KVnov community, and then in the general public. When the game aired, the whole country learned about the open confrontation between the jury member and the team. The audience instantly divided into two camps: some scolded Gusman for his outdated thoughts and outdated concepts about KVN, others supported our TV broadcaster and blamed “Fedora Dvinyatin” for clownery and idiocy. The Runet was simply overwhelmed with interest in the team, in particular, and in KVN in general. At some point, the topic of the conflict became the most discussed on Russian Internet blogs. The team could instantly feel scandalous: it gave a lot of interviews to the press and appeared on the air of several radio stations.
The conflict became the first openly controversial moment between a jury member and the KVN team in the most non-scandalous of all entertainment programs on TV and caused an unexpectedly great resonance in society.

KVN team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”
The team debuted at a serious KVN level in 2006: the KVN League of Moscow and the Moscow Region and the Northern KVN League. In 2007, she reached the final of the KVN Premier League. Since 2008 he has been playing in the KVN Major League, representing Moscow and Stupino. The team stands out from other teams with a style built on puns, the absurdity of what is happening on stage, and the flexibility and expressiveness of the acting. The symbol of the team is the connoisseur of the club “What? Where? When?" Fyodor Dvinyatin, after whom it was named.

The reason for the conflict can be fully attributed to the style of the performing team, which professes the now fashionable “cosmic” humor. Moreover, “Fedor Dvinyatin” performs at a very high level, enraging his own and other fans and causing toothless envy or mute rejection among staunch adherents of classic humor. Yuliy Solomonovich Gusman, who has been on the jury for decades, professes classical humor. And if at the first game of the season with the participation of “Fedor Dvinyatin” he allowed himself only a rather calm statement, then in the quarterfinals he gave it his all.

Quite classical, but non-standard reprises, for example, absurdity and puns, often fall under the heading “cosmic humor”. This is humor that does not fit the usual perception. “Space” is often conveyed by special speech accents, acting, and surroundings. Space can include both “stupid” and “stupid”, stupid or completely stupid humor.
The "grandmother" principle
One of the criteria for checking performances for the presence of “space” is the frivolous, but often working principle of “grandmother”. You sit your grandmother in front of the TV and turn on a suspicious game for her. If she laughs, then most likely there is no space in the game. The old-school viewer understands and accepts classic humor well, but “space” usually does not accept it. But there is an exception here too - grandmothers are different.

A little history
The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century brought several bright surprises to the KVN movement in the form of teams of non-classical humor: the St. Petersburg team, the Pyatigorsk team, Megapolis. Very alternative humor was often present in the performances of the absolute favorites of the KVN public - the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”. The final result of the games of these teams is as follows:
St. Petersburg team - vice-champion of the KVN Major League in the 1999 and 2002 seasons,
KVN teams “Ural dumplings”, the Pyatigorsk team and “Megapolis” are the champions of the KVN Major League, respectively, for the 2000, 2004 and 2005 seasons.
As we see, an alternative in humor is in demand. What will happen to “Fyodor Dvinyatin”? And is the confrontation expected to continue?

Space humor of space teams
- What should I bring for you, little one?
- Bring me an Alenkai flower.
- Alenkai? Should I bring you a blue sweater?
"Tears of a Hero", Moscow

We have one hobby in Zaporozhye - rosin. But don't be surprised. Pagan rosin. Now be surprised!
"Sun", Zaporozhye

– You have an exam tomorrow, why did you drink?
- There was a reason.
- Which?
- I was kicked out of the institute.
"Balamutki", Nikolaev

- Hello, is this a psychiatrist?
- No, this is a crematorium!
- Fuck it, I’m still playing around.
"Natural Disaster", Stupino

And as they say about the blood of a healthy person: “It’s time to clot.”
“Song of the Year”, St. Petersburg

So that the boy would not forget the intercom code, his mother applied it to his eyelid from the inside. Now everything is simple. Closed, opened.
"Fedor Dvinyatin", Moscow

- Come on, grunt!
- Don't want!
- Already grunted somewhere!
Pyatigorsk team

My brain refuses to serve me and wants to dominate.
Megapolis, Moscow

Continuation of a story
A few months after the conflict, in his anniversary interview (August 2008), Yu. Gusman spoke about many things, including KVN. And here it was not without another painful injection to the KVN team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”.
Let’s quote the hero of the day: “I believe that “Fedor Dvinyatin” is a dead-end branch in the evolution of KVN. In themselves, they are nice, young, perky, ironic and cheeky guys. Communication with them evokes a pleasant feeling. But KVN is not just fun, pranks, parodies. This abbreviation contains the important word “resourceful.” We cannot turn our club into a kind of youth “Full House.”
In a September interview on the website, Yuliy Solomonovich is more correct in relation to “Fyodor Dvinyatin” and words about a “dead-end branch” are no longer heard. What happened to the patriarch?

The last semi-final of the KVN Major League is just around the corner. This means that soon the two conflicting parties will meet. Who will take it: classics or space? And what will the confrontation be like? Or will it not exist at all? Wait and see.


Ilya Koslapov: - Tell me, why did Palych grow a mustache for the semifinals? FD:- I thought it would be funny that I looked like an Italian porn actor. Natasha and Sasha were categorically against mustaches, and so was my mother. And Marina and Zhenya are for it. Yes, it was just stupidity. At first I wanted to amuse everyone, but then it turned out that a mustache was suitable for the role.

Ruslan: - Guys, hello! After Putin’s last speech about Yushchenko and Saakashvili, are you going to invite him to your team? FD:- We cannot refuse Putin to play. It would be the same as refusing Medvedev.

By the way, Medvedev invited us on December 13 to a forum summing up the year of youth. They asked us if we took any other cups besides KVN... But we have nothing to say...


Yesterday there was KVN on TV. Were you rooting for yourself? How did you do it?

FD:- We didn’t see the broadcast because we went to the ProjectorParisHilton concert. The hall was full, fifteen hundred people, probably all of Yekaterinburg.

We rarely get to watch our own broadcasts.

Zhenya: And I like to watch to notice mistakes.

Roman: Hello. Tell me, are you familiar with the Ural KVN players - “Pelmeni”? FD:- Yes, we know each other, they support us. Seryozha Svetlakov came to our game. In addition to the Ural Dumplings, we also know the Sverdlovsk team, and we are friends with Nezlobin. In general, we are happy in your city...

Sasha: You speak as if you were just coming from a yoga class. From the massage. Legal massage. With oils.


- Do you have any children? If not, how will you explain to them in the future what you spent the best years of your life on?

FD:- A terrible question. But we haven’t spent it yet, we’re still in the process of spending.

Zhenya: I will tell the child this: my best years were when you appeared.

Sasha: And the fact that on TV is so, the yellow water hit my head - so I got stuck there.

Marina: I don't think we are doing nonsense.

Elena: - Tell me, do you plan to create any of your own projects after completing your journey in KVN? FD:- Marina’s future is to patronize an ensemble of one-year-old children. You can also make “Jumble”. Or "Wick". Oh, and the program Rhythmic Gymnastics has disappeared from the air. Let's revive! So you can see us in tight tights in the morning. There was also “Lego-Go”, “Call Kuza”, “Morning Star”... Where are they all? There are a lot of projects!

Olga: - Yesterday I watched KVN - there Gusman said that “Fedor Dvinyatin” became a good team thanks to him. Isn't that true? Will you challenge him to a duel? FD:- Call him a doctor. Come on, let the person be happy. Well, he said and said. The main thing is to have fun. The main thing is that we are happy. He also called us “KVN disco”.

We don’t really have any kind of relationship with him, although he believes that we are friends - that he has the right to come up and tell us some nasty things. But we just don’t talk, we avoid...

Alexa: - Tell us what kind of doping you use to come up with jokes.

We use good mood and joy. And a legal massage with oils. Marina: Seriously, our team does not dope. I officially declare this to you.

Sasha: Yeah, he declares with dilated pupils.

Marina: In fact, we only drink when we have a holiday.

Zhenya: When there is a stupor.

Sasha: In general, we are doping-free.

Natasha: - Guys, what kind of girls do you like? What's the most romantic or unusual thing you've ever done for a girl?

Sasha: What an interesting question for Marina!

Zhenya: The most romantic thing I've ever done was when I killed a huge spider. I put the bag on my hand and threw the spider out the door.

Sasha: And he has a terrible fear of spiders.

Zhenya: Yes, yes, a white face, cold sweat flowing... He has gray furry legs...

Sasha: Like Dzhigurda. It was such a feat that Marina had to kiss him after that. And she just said “thank you” and turned to the wall.

Andrey: I have a romantic act - I got married recently. And after the wedding it was especially romantic.

Sasha: Yes, when I almost got into a fight with two girls there. They were wrong.

Lena: - Which city did you like best? Where are the hottest fans?

FD:- In Crimea . They are burned there, charred - the hottest. And also where people get the flu. In Norilsk...

Each city is unique in its own way.


- I myself really love humor and write various jokes and funny plays. Share your experience, how to move further in this direction? Where to contact?

FD:- We need to contact the patent office for the protection of jokes. Either enter the theater department, or the directing department. Organize your team. Who is asking this? Egor? Konchalovsky? Calm down already, everything is fine with you.

- Good afternoon! Tell me, please, why did you remember (like) our city so much that you consistently come to give performances every six months?

FD:- The organizers are great. People are good. We were driving a car and discussed how beautiful the city was. Svetlakov lived here. We have a lot of friends here. We love this city. So be patient.

The Condom: - Fedor, admit it, how much do jokes cost in KVN? Well, you come to the game - you have to get jokes somewhere, you take out your wallets to spend all the sponsorship money on jokes, so that Guzman will give you sixes. How much is in these wallets? How many jokes, for example, can you buy with Liberia's GDP? Thank you. Zhenya:- The person spent a lot of time writing a long question that is not true. If I were him, I would rather cut my nails at this time, or eat.

Marina: KVN is a fair game.

Zhenya: Oh, here's another person who wasted his vocabulary...

Sasha: We don't buy jokes.

Colombo: - What programs on TV do you watch yourself? Just don’t say it’s KVN.

FD:- That's really not true. We watch “Southern Butovo”, “Big City”, “Sex with Tequila”. Whenever possible, we watch everything - from football to... to hockey.

“Fashionable verdict” too. And there is also a program - “Test Purchase”, where Guzman is on staff, so we monitor what he eats there and when he gets poisoned.

In the morning we can only watch TV. Then we take care of business: we take out our wallets and buy jokes.

Fedor, do you have girls on your team? FD:- Wow... No. Only women.

Marina: Rumor has it that we still exist. But you know better.

Natasha: We were stumped.

Sasha: That is, you are not on the team.


- Where do you put unheard jokes?

FD:- The unjokeed go to the unjokeed league. Soon there will be a separate unheard channel.

There is a place where they go - this is our apartment, we talk to them. And here, at the concert in Yekaterinburg, the number of unheard jokes will be threatening.

- Who from yesterday's jury would you take to the team and why?

FD: - Makarevich. Vernika.

Marina: I would take Vernik and Makarevich. Wernick smiles. And Yarmolnik too, because he’s funny.

Sasha: They all have their own team. They will appear on TV soon.

Zhenya: I would take Guzman and then not give him roles.

Sasha: He would stand on stage in silence. Like decoration. Like a screen.

Family friend:

Tell me, how do you manage to stay so thin? Otherwise, I see you guys are using every free minute to eat. The video broadcast shows that everyone sitting at the table is doing nothing but eating. Some people still manage to pick their ears... Zhenya: It's me, my ear is itching a lot.

Sasha: You can use candy wrappers to calculate how much someone ate. Marina: To stay thin, you just need to live by our regime - that’s all. Unfortunately, we don’t look very good. Sometimes you get tired and only in the evening you remember that you haven’t eaten.


Why don't you tell the joke you sent to each other last night?

FD:- Leaving the big sex, come to our table.

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The KVN team "Fedor Dvinyatin" is waiting for letters from fans. Shooting of Oksana PONOMAREVA. Oksana PONOMAREVA

Read with this article:

Many KVN fans call the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team, which represented Moscow in general and the Stupino district in particular, scandalous.

There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is their humor - provocative, unusual and even strange.

The guys had a lot of puns, numbers based on plasticity and wordplay. Very often they were criticized by the old-timers of the Merry and Resourceful Club, who considered their humor primitive and absurd.

Old-timer Yuli Gusman spoke especially harshly about “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Once, even in a humorous manner, he practically insulted the captain, calling him “either a boy or a girl.” But how did the guys come to this? What is the history of the creation of the team and what exactly did the KVN jury dislike or, on the contrary, like too much about them?

“Fedor Dvinyatin” first appeared on the big stage of the Club in 2007 as one of the participants in the Gala concert of the famous Sochi Festival.

The guys didn’t choose the name for long, they just decided to name themselves in honor of one of the experts of another famous television club ChKG -.

Few people know that the guys first took part in KVN earlier - in 2006. First they performed in the Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region, a little later in the Northern KVN League. It should be noted that here they reached the final without any problems and lost only to the Surgutneftegaz team.

Thanks to the Sochi Festival, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” were able to get into the Premier League, but as they themselves believe, they did not achieve success in the first season. Although this statement is controversial - in 2007, although the guys were eliminated in ¼, they were then selected by the jury to participate in the final.

True, the last 4th place awaited them here, but not all teams manage to achieve this! And “Fedor Dvinyatin” still had a lot of time ahead!

For the next season 2008 the team gets promoted to the Major League. True, in the very first game of the 1/8 finals the guys took third place, but even here the jury came to their aid, who exercised their right and promoted them further.

But the behavior of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” at the next game, their frivolous attitude towards the rules of the competitions led to a scandal - Yuliy Gusman spoke out that the team was playing incorrectly and had absolutely no respect for their opponents, the jury, or the audience.

The audience was quite critical of this and even allowed themselves to boo the eminent judge!

Both Konstantin Ernst spoke negatively about the team (he even called them “”, deliberately using the name of another expert from the well-known club “What? Where? When?”), and KVN President Alexander Maslyakov. In the next game, “Fedor Dvinyatin” took last place and did not qualify for the finals.

True, thanks to the Music Festival “KiViN-2009” the team again gets the opportunity to play in the Major League. Only now it is called “Fedor Dvinyatin and SK ROSTRA” and performs with a slightly changed lineup (Natalia Medvedeva left the team, and Andrei Stetsyuk was added).

Based on the results of the games, the guys did not reach the finals, but... the jury again saved them. It’s hard to say what explains this paradox, but you can’t erase the words from the song and the events developed exactly like this. In the final game of the year, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” earns third place!

In 2010, the team again participates in the music festival, but no longer goes to the Major League. From that moment on, “Fedor Dvinyatin” officially ceased to exist. True, fans of the team can still see its members on television.

Frontman, captain and the most flexible participant Alexander Gudkov became a regular actor in such shows as “Yesterday LIVE”, “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, as well as one of the hosts of “Nezlobin and Gudkov” on MTV.

In addition, Sasha can be seen quite often in the TNT project “”.

The team that had left a little earlier and collapsed also flashed on the screen. She became a permanent resident of Comedy Woman, and another representative of the fair half of the team, Marina Bochkareva, was seen in one of the episodes of the series How I Met Your Mother.

As it has already become clear from the history of the team, the guys in KVN have not conquered any special peaks, except for third place in the Major League in 2009, but at the same time they still have titles!

So in 2008 and 2009, Natalya Medvedeva was twice recognized as the best KVN performer according to TV viewers.

Alexander Gudkov in 2008 took second place in the fight for a similar title, and in 2009 he received first place!

At the same time, the team “Fedor Dvinyatin” itself was recognized as the discovery of the year in 2008, which is very flattering.

It is impossible not to tell about other interesting facts that are associated with this team:

  • Alexander Gudkov and Natalya Gudkova are not spouses, not namesakes, but brother and sister;
  • Evgeny Shevchenko and Marina Bochkareva are just husband and wife; they legalized their relationship in 2012.

KVN team composition Fedor Dvinyatin:

  • Natalia Medvedeva
  • Evgeny Shevchenko
  • Marina Bochkareva
  • Natalia Gudkova
  • Alexander Idiatullin
  • Andrey Stetsyuk
  • as well as other authors

The Russian radio station "Echo of Moscow" conducted a listener survey in early November 2009, in which 2,400 people took part. Radio listeners were asked the following question: “Is it fair to punish homophobia?” The results were distributed as follows:

● yes: 802 (35.8%)
● no: 1304 (58.1%)
● difficult to answer: 137 (6.1%)

● yes: 44 (27.8%)
● no: 114 (72.2%)

The voting was carried out as part of the “Case” program, in which host Irina Vorobyova took part live on November 12, 2009, as well as guests: artistic director of the Russian Academy of Film Arts Yuliy Gusman and managing director for corporate relations of the X5 Retail Group company (owner of the stores "Perekrestok", "Pyaterochka") Yuri Kobaladze.

The final part of the program was devoted to a story that had previously been reported by "LGBT_Grani": Polish goalkeeper Arkadiusz Onyszko was expelled from the Danish football club Midtjylland for homophobic statements he made in his autobiography. In the book, called Fucking Polak, Onyshko said that he hates gays, admitted that he is disgusted by hearing gays talk to each other, and noted that he gets sick when he sees men kissing. At the end of this, the goalkeeper summed it up: homosexuality is unacceptable. The management of the Midtjylland club responded by stating that homophobia is unacceptable and decided to terminate the contract with the 35-year-old goalkeeper.

I. VOROBYOVA: So, a case about football. We have such a controversial goalkeeper with such statements. What do our experts think? The one who doesn’t see us, Yuri Kobaladze and Yuli Gusman, leaned back in their chairs and crossed their arms over their chests.

Y. KOBALADZE: Drive them out! I mean, don't drive. He has no right to tell a person. No, wait...

Y. GUSMAN: Calm down, friends! We have a case. We have an emergency. The brain activity of one of the presenters stopped on air.

I. VOROBYOVA: This happens.

Y. GUSMAN: I ask you to call Venediktov and hospitalize our...

Y. KOBALADZE: Onyshko is right, but Onopko is wrong. Yes! He is right.

I. VOROBYOVA: Is he right in his homophobia?

Y. KOBALADZE: Yes. Blues shouldn't play football. He got hurt...

Y. GUSMAN: Can Georgians play football? Can Jews do it?

Y. KOBALADZE: They insult me ​​again. Football is the privilege of Georgians.

Y. GUSMAN: Come on! You can, at home with your wife on a chair, not like Georgians, Jews, birds, fish and gays.

Y. KOBALADZE: Vorobyov and...

Y. GUSMAN: But when you publish something, you must be politically correct, and keep your thoughts, hatred on religious, national, gender and other grounds, in check. Because the published word, as Petya said, is...

Y. KOBALADZE: Don’t say words that cause homeric laughter from our presenter! Keep yourself not in check, but keep yourself... in control.

I. VOROBYOVA: Yuri Georgievich, how poorly you think about me. I didn't react to that.

Y. GUSMAN: When all of you are fired from your jobs, I will proudly lead Case alone, with a guitar. What it is! You may not like men who kiss. First of all, everyone kisses today. What a deal!

Y. KOBALADZE: This is about football.

I. VOROBYOVA: What does football have to do with it! He said that homosexuality is not acceptable at all!

Y. GUSMAN: In general!

Y. KOBALADZE: I didn’t understand that. At the football! In general - for God's sake.

I. VOROBYOVA: Homophobes are unacceptable on the football field.

Y. KOBALADZE: Ah! I decided that it was unacceptable at football.

I. VOROBYOVA: Let's talk about this too.

Y. GUSMAN: They are already serving in the army. This is not a disease, this is not a misfortune, this is a person.

Y. KOBALADZE: He shouldn't play football.

Y. GUSMAN: There are Papuans, there are Georgians, there are Jews, Kazakhs, there are gays. And nothing...

Y. KOBALADZE: Wait! What does it mean – there are Georgians and there are gays?

Y. GUZMAN: Let's ask on the street, who do they like more, blacks or gays?

Y. KOBALADZE: Gruzinov?

Y. GUSMAN: Well, khachey, Jews. It turns out that hatred in the absence of tolerance leads to the fact that a woman cannot yell, a homophobe cannot walk, a gay cannot dance.

I. VOROBYOVA: Play football.

Y. GUSMAN: This is hostility towards someone, something.

Y. KOBALADZE: Are homophobia and autobiography the same root words?

I. VOROBYOVA: No, phobia and biography are somehow not...

Y. GUSMAN: I'm at a dead end because I can't kill him in front of everyone. I can’t do it physically, he’s a trained person.

I. VOROBYOVA: I won’t allow you either.

Y. GUSMAN: Young man, what are you talking about?

Y. KOBALADZE: Arcadio... No, Arkady!

I. VOROBYOVA: But he will listen to our “Case” and for this...

Y. GUSMAN: This is a question...

I. VOROBYOVA: Yuliy Solomonovich, I already understood your position on homophobia. Should he have been kicked out of this football club or simply ignored?

Y. GUSMAN: It depends on the subtext and concept. If he wrote rudely, harshly, offensively, he should be driven out of normal society. To put it simply: “I don’t like it when Dolce and Gabanna and Versace kiss, dear…”

I. VOROBYOVA: He wrote that homosexuality is unacceptable.

Y. GUSMAN: Well, let him sit at home with his skinheads and mow the grass.

Y. KOBALADZE: As a Catholic, as a deeply religious, moral person.

Y. GUSMAN: It’s as if there weren’t any Catholics...


Y. GUSMAN: Read the history.

Y. KOBALADZE: Senkevich?

Y. GUSMAN: And others.

I. VOROBYOVA: Let's take the risk of involving our jurors. Somehow after Petya it’s scary.

Y. GUSMAN: I personally would abstain.

I. VOROBYOVA: Let's take a risk. I hope that this experience will be positive, because otherwise I will simply stop taking calls on the Case program. I really warn everyone who calls us. If you call, so that there are no calls - please. Punish all listeners. Hello.

CALLER (on phone): Good evening. Andrey from the Moscow region.

I. VOROBYOVA: Is the court’s decision fair?

CALLER (on phone): I think that's unfair. The question here is not what he supports or not, but that the person was fired for his beliefs. There is a law that allows you to fire a person for being a homophobe - then they may be right. If there is no such law, then they are wrong.

I. VOROBYOVA: Do you really think that homophobia is a belief?

CALLER (on phone): Why not? Or behavior.

I. VOROBYOVA: Intolerance cannot be a belief.

Y. GUSMAN: Tell me, can pedophilia be a belief? Why not? I am a confirmed gay pedophile, raised in Italy. And fascism! I want to kill people. I have a conviction.

Y. KOBALADZE: I am a cheerful pedophile, I grew up in Italy.

Y. GUSMAN: This is simply an assessment by the club of a person who is essentially a fascist. He's a sexy fascist.

Y. KOBALADZE: Nevermind.

I. VOROBYOVA: Thank you very much for the call, thank you for being a successful call. Anya writes to us: “Do you remember how Brezhnev kissed?” A!

Y. KOBALADZE: This is it... We don’t need falsifiers of history in the program.

I. VOROBYOVA: Indeed. The commission is not enough for us.

Y. KOBALADZE: Moreover, Leonid Ilyich is no longer alive...

I. VOROBYOVA: What does this have to do with it!

Y. GUSMAN: And what about kissing policemen?

I. VOROBYOVA: It was a wonderful picture.

Y. GUSMAN: No, in general, guys... This is all some... some...

Y. KOBALADZE: No, for cleanliness!

Y. GUSMAN: Don't get involved in business. Let them live.

Y. KOBALADZE: He’s offended.

I. VOROBYOVA: Why is he offended?

Y. KOBALADZE: An athlete, healthy, fashionable, enters the field! And they're running around...

Y. GUSMAN: And there are Georgians with tangerines standing there with flowers.

I. VOROBYOVA: Do you know that homophobes are latent homosexuals? Statistics show this, doctors talk about it.

Y. GUZMAN: Ha ha ha! I’ve been thinking this way about you for a long time, my latent friend!

Y. KOBALADZE: What does the word “latent” mean?

I. VOROBYOVA: Hidden. Let's vote. We have already said enough about this case. Yuri Georgievich especially distinguished himself with his eloquence. I must say that in every case there are your followers. So, if you think that the decision of the club management is fair - 660-06-64, if you think that the club management acted unfairly - 660-06-65.

I. VOROBYOVA: Let me remind our listeners that this football player wrote in his autobiography that he does not like gays and homosexuality is unacceptable for him. For this he was expelled. Dan writes: “Ban him from gay clubs. Football has nothing to do with it.” Anya: “Homophobes and football are incompatible things. Let everyone watch football.”

Y. KOBALADZE: Correct.

I. VOROBYOVA: What is correct? You just stood up for a homophobe!

Y. KOBALADZE: That means it’s wrong.

Y. GUSMAN: What a system! The authorities, in the form of a presenter, will order it - he will say whatever you want and sign it. Be strong and proud!

I. VOROBYOVA: Alexey sent us a very provocative message: “Maybe the club’s main fans are gay. So they fired him.” Yuri Georgievich fell silent suspiciously.

Y. KOBALADZE: I don’t understand...

I. VOROBYOVA: What is this! I’m trying to somehow provoke Yuri Georgievich into a discussion, but it’s not working.

Y. KOBALADZE: I am now writing a very wise thought.

I. VOROBYOVA: Come on, when will you write? Read.

Y. KOBALADZE: No, no, that’s me later.

I. VOROBYOVA: We still have...

Y. GUSMAN: Social tragedy. Male menopause. This is a monstrous story! It seems to me that we are witnessing a breakdown of consciousness, because the bright, cheerful screamer in bed, the man who adored all peoples and nations, hates gays, homophobes, screaming women and Christians. What's wrong with you!

Y. KOBALADZE: Maybe there really is something wrong with me?

Y. GUSMAN: Should I give him seduxene? By the way, seduxen!

I. VOROBYOVA: Yuliy Solomonovich, I beg you, stop! I'll tell you this thing, you'll probably be very surprised.


I. VOROBYOVA: But this person, who is slowing down the entire program, won the third case. Yes Yes!

Y. KOBALADZE: Sing, I can’t even sing!

I. VOROBYOVA: 27% believe that he was expelled fairly, and 73% believe that it was unfair. This means Yuri Georgievich is right.

Y. KOBALADZE: Yes! Yes! Yes! Tara-ra-rai-param!

I. VOROBYOVA: You won’t sing “Sunny Circle”.

Y. KOBALADZE: That's what your bullshit is all about.

Y. GUSMAN: Petya! Wait! Come to me, Petya! My dear old Petya.

I. VOROBYOVA: Yuliy Solomonovich! His name is Petya!

Y. KOBALADZE: I once again ask you to announce who won, despite all the attacks, humiliations, and insults to my national dignity.

I. VOROBYOVA: This is the pity of our listeners.

Y. KOBALADZE: No pity! I won two cases in spite of myself! They shut their mouths and laughed.

I. VOROBYOVA: Now I will shut everyone’s mouth, including myself. Our program is coming to an end. Many thanks to Yuli Gusman and Yuri Kobaladze, to all those who called us, except Petya. It was Irina Vorobyova, Case program. See you in a week.

Prepared based on materials from the radio station's website

Alexander Gudkov is a comedian whose personal life today interests the general public no less than high-profile scandals involving show business celebrities. His rapid career and popularity cause envy and some misunderstanding among his colleagues. And it’s not surprising, because Alexander has a very atypical appearance and manner of performance.

Today little is known about the personal life of Alexander Gudkov. The showman and screenwriter only says that he simply does not have time to start a family due to his constant workload. And I simply haven’t found my other half, to whom I would devote my whole life. These statements only fuel the public’s interest, because evil tongues and gossip lovers are increasingly talking about Alexander Gudkov’s unconventional orientation.

It's no secret that workaholics find it difficult to arrange a family and live happily ever after in marriage. Alexander himself says that constant dedication to work prevents him from even simply communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, which is why serious relationships in his life are not yet planned.

He considers his sister to be his best friend. He treats the Gudkov family with great respect, and, unlike many modern representatives of show business, believes that marriage is an incredibly serious step that should be taken with the utmost responsibility.

In Alexander Gudkov’s personal life, as he himself claims, there is no permanent partner or girl with whom he has dated for quite a long time. Media representatives are trying to make this fact a reason to convict the comedian of belonging to sexual minorities. They refer to Alexander’s somewhat effeminate image on stage and the roles of gays, which he was given very successfully.

The comedian himself says that it is still too early for him to get married, there is enough time ahead, which for now he prefers to devote to his work. In addition to the stage and writing scripts for comedy programs, the showman also runs his own business.

Gudkov's career: plays, in spite of critics

Alexander Gudkov was born in the Moscow region, his homeland is the small town of Stupino. Alexander's parents are simple workers working at a local factory. They believed that their son should follow in their footsteps, but it didn’t work out.

Even in high school, Sasha was distinguished by his wit and constantly came up with jokes. In 11th grade, he began participating in KVN at his native school. In the tournament he represented his own class. But, fortunately, the head of the city KVN team gets to attend this performance as a jury. He notices the young man's talent and appreciates it. Later, Alexander performs in the KVN team of the city of Stupino.

Gudkov on the TV show “Improvisation”

The future star begins to spend a lot of time coming up with new jokes with his teammates. However, he decides to listen to his parents and get a higher education and enters a technological university in Moscow. There he studies materials science. But in four years of study. Alexander never managed to fall in love with this serious, but boring profession for him.

Now Alexander Gudkov, whose personal life interests many of his fans today, admits that he entered the university only for the sake of his parents, who, after his son graduated from the university, could be calm about his future. Since then, he has not worked a single day in his specialty.

But performing in KVN teams was easy and successful for him; he wrote jokes together with his sister Natalya, and often performed with her. At that time, Alexandra was noted in such teams as “Natural Disaster” and “Family-5”.

But truly successful, and even scandalous, for the young comedian was participation in the KVN team - “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Here real success awaited him. Playing in the national team influenced the future career of Alexander Gudkov, whose personal life and photos are now being actively discussed in the press and social networks. The team successfully performed in several Moscow competitions, and then at the Sochi KVN festivals. The concert was then broadcast on Channel One.

Gudkov participated in KVN

After this success, the team was invited to the KVN Major League, which was led by Alexander himself. Despite the huge number of talented and vibrant teams in the league, FD stood out for its absurdity and unusual style. Critics reacted ambiguously to it, but among the audience “Fedor Dvinyatin” enjoyed great success. Alexander was the brightest member of the young KVN team.

Already then, Alexander Gudkov came up with the image of the “Feminine Macho” for himself, thanks to which both he and the entire team in which the talented actor played became famous. In this image, he performed most of his roles, and soon became a real celebrity among millions of viewers. It became a calling card for him, and also the reason why journalists, condemning the personal life of Alexander Gudkov, have been attributing a non-standard orientation to the star for many years. Of course, these rumors only increase the popularity of the actor and screenwriter.

The image of “Fedor Dvinyatin” in one of the performances of the national team created a real sensation. The audience was then completely delighted with Gudkov’s performance, but the jury members were practically indignant at this format of the team’s jokes and Alexander’s performance itself. Yuli Gusman and Konstantin Ernst expressed particular dissatisfaction.

For his height, Alexander indeed looks quite thin, this applies to both his face and figure. But his unusual appearance perfectly complements his image, which is unlike any other artist performing in the modern humorous genre. Gudkov simultaneously resembles the American movie hero and the Russian Ivanushka the Fool. It is not surprising that the personal life of Alexander Gudkov and his photos often become a reason for ridicule from journalists and critics.

But the public likes him, and his stage colleagues claim that working with Sasha is easy and pleasant, he is easy to communicate and does not suffer from star fever, like many artists who have achieved such popularity.

Alexander Gudkov from Comedy Vumen: beginning to careers on television

Not everyone knows that Alexander Gudkov began his television career as a screenwriter. His first project was the women's comedy show “Comedy Woman”. He then created scripts for light, somewhat unusual miniatures. Soon, his former colleague and good friend, Natalya Medvedeva, with whom she took part in the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team, came to work on the show. Today she is one of the brightest participants in the Women's Comedy. As a screenwriter, Alexander felt quite comfortable; here one could not forget about the strict framework and formats that one constantly had to face while playing in KVN.

Soon she and Medvedeva began performing in shows together, creating some of the most striking and memorable miniatures. Gudkov can be seen on the same stage with other participants in the project. Atypical manners and appearance are a special highlight of “Comedy Woman”, despite the fact that it is mainly girls who perform in the show.

Then in the artist’s career there was the project “Laughter in the Big City,” where Alexander acted as the host. And after him - another humorous program, which he hosted together with another famous comedian - Alexander Nezlobin. It was a project - “Nezlobin and Gudkov”. But after some time, the artist became the host of another popular show, “Yesterday Live,” in which Alexander was approved for the role of host immediately after he read the first test text. This was in 2010.

In 2012, Gudkov decided to try himself in a new profession - dubbing actor. Here he also succeeds, he voices one of the roles in the cartoon “Wreck-It Ralph” and the film “Angela’s School Chronicles.”

By that time, the presenter, artist and screenwriter was already working full-time on Channel One. Photos, personal life and orientation of Alexander Gudkov even then haunted journalists and viewers. He constantly appeared on the screens of one or another high-profile project, and the personality of the star simply could not go unnoticed.

Does Alexander Gudkov have a wife in his personal life? This question was also of interest to many of the showman’s fans, because his bright and charismatic appearance sets him apart from other comedy stars who can be seen on TV screens. “Evening Urgant” is another of the projects in which Alexander is a screenwriter, voiceover and presenter. Today, Sasha Gudkov continues to star in this show, and also works in the “Comedy Woman” project.

Gudkov himself admits that, despite the large number of beautiful women who constantly surround him at work, he has not yet met the one with whom he could start a family. Although he has long dreamed of family relationships and home comfort. He blames the fact that at his age Alexander is still single, he blames work that requires a lot of time and effort. And also - permanent employment.

Businessman vein

Today it is known that in addition to the talents of a screenwriter, comedian, artist and presenter, Alexander Gudkov runs a successful business. A few years ago he opened a men's hairdressing salon. In fact, he calls his hair salon "Boy Cut" as a joke. Both fans of the star and ordinary people who want to spend time in style and profitably come here. The salon is purely for men. This is probably another reason to discuss and come up with piquant moments in the personal life of Alexander Gudkov in 2017. It is known that the salon brings good profit to Gudkov.

Despite the fact that Sasha has achieved great success on stage, television and in business, his parents are still unhappy with him. They believe that the son should have worked in his specialty, gone to the factory and gained experience. Then - get a good pension and raise grandchildren. But Gudkov himself chose his fate, and today he does not regret it one bit.

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