Seafood delicacy name. Edible shells: clams, mussels, scallops, oysters and gastropods

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In addition to fish, there is a large list of seafood. Regular presence of non-fish delicacies in the diet is good for health. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis, have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, support male potency and have a calming effect on the nervous system. People suffering from sleep problems are advised to consume more seaweed and seafood.


They top the list of seafood eaten. They contain a large amount of protein, which allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger. They are rich in iodine, potassium, zinc and other vitamins and nutrients. They are considered a “feminine” product that has a positive effect on appearance. Regular consumption of shrimp has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails become stronger, and hair becomes thicker. Shrimp meat helps destroy cancer cells and normalize the functioning of the heart and vascular system. It is believed that this type of seafood does not cause allergies.

There are a large number of recipes for cooking shrimp. Most often they are eaten boiled, as this is the fastest cooking method. The main thing is not to overcook the shrimp, otherwise the meat will become tough. When they are ready, they will float to the surface. You can salt the water or add different spices and even beer.

In addition, shrimp are often fried in a pan. They are an excellent ingredient for making salads. One of the classic combinations is shrimp with avocado.


They have an interesting sweetish taste that cannot be confused with anything else. Rich in easily digestible protein, B vitamins and calcium. Scallop meat helps cleanse the blood, remove toxins and normalize stomach function. They are very popular in the cuisine of different countries.

Scallops are easy to prepare and can even be eaten raw. If heat treatment is necessary, they can be boiled, fried, in a frying pan, grilled, or baked. They are good in salads. The advantage is that they are quick to prepare. Just two minutes - and the delicacy can be served.


The composition of squid meat is unique. It contains many antioxidants that can rid the body of heavy metal salts. In addition to the protein component, they are rich in fatty acids and contain rare amino acids.

Squids live in almost all climatic zones. Northern seafood is smaller than those living in warm water. There are many types of them. Small representatives can be up to 25 cm, while giant ones reach 16 m.

Meat is often boiled, fried, canned, and dried. They go well with vegetables and other seafood.


The meat is valued for its taste and ease of preparation. Crab meat is a dietary product with many health benefits. Nutrients help strengthen the vascular and muscular systems, cleanse the blood, improve vision and skin condition, and also have a beneficial effect on men's health.

A variety of salads are often prepared from crabs. One of the simplest and most delicious is crab salad with seaweed. To prepare it you need 200 g of crab meat and seaweed, 4 boiled eggs, 1 cucumber and half a head of red onion. Crab meat, eggs and cucumber are cut into strips, onions - into half rings. All ingredients are placed in a bowl, seaweed and mayonnaise are added. Salt to taste.

Other seafood

Octopus, along with squid, is rich in fat with minimal water content. They contain vitamins B and C.

Mussels are on the list of seafood that people began to consume many centuries ago. They are low in calories and have a higher protein content than fish and beef. Rich in phosphorus, iron, mineral salts. Mussels are often found in salads and fish products. They are combined with vegetables or can be eaten as a separate dish.

Oysters contain iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Rich in vitamins and fat. They are superior in nutritional value to many types of fish. Most often they are eaten raw with the addition of lemon juice. They are considered a dangerous delicacy due to the high risk of poisoning. It can be eaten without heat treatment only immediately after catching. They contain bacteria that can have a negative effect on the body. People with liver disease should avoid raw oysters, as the bacteria can be fatal. Oysters are also eaten after heat treatment.

The list of seafood also includes echinoderms. For example, sea cucumber is much richer in iron, iodine, and copper than fish products. In Japan, sea cucumber meat is used to restore strength and as a means to combat fatigue. They serve as an ingredient for preparing soups, fish platters and appetizers.

One of the companies that supplies high-quality fish and seafood to stores is Northern Seafood.

It is known that the Japanese, whose life expectancy is longer than all other nations, eat fish and seafood every day. This diet allows them to constantly stay in good shape and maintain excellent immunity.

Seafood usually includes all invertebrate inhabitants of the seas and oceans - crabs, lobsters, shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus, oysters, etc.

Sea meat is a unique product. Seafood delicacies are distinguished by their high protein content with a fairly low calorie content (4-5 times lower than other meat). Thanks to this valuable property, seafood can be eaten in almost any quantity without fear of gaining weight. Protein that enters the body from fish or seafood is much easier to digest compared to protein from beef, pork or other land-based meat.

Our body digests sea meat much easier and faster, because it is very tender and soft.

Minerals and trace elements
All seafood saturates our body with useful minerals and trace elements. For example, crabs will give you iron and phosphorus, squid - potassium, shellfish - nickel and copper, mussels - cobalt. Sea fish contains a lot of vitamins A, group B and D. In addition, fish meat is rich in iodine, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese.

If you constantly include fish and seafood dishes in your menu, you can perfectly support your heart, because for its good functioning, the polyunsaturated acids contained in these amazing products are necessary.

Whichever seafood you prefer, you can be sure that you have received a sufficient dose of calcium and iodine, which are absolutely essential for the human body.

Caution doesn't hurt
Despite all its usefulness, seafood can cause considerable harm to health if you do not know the basic safety rules.

Marine fish, especially predatory ones, may contain mercury. As for shellfish and other seafood, they may contain heavy metals that are dangerous to humans.
Shrimp, squid and mussels sometimes become a real storehouse of arsenic, which can cause severe poisoning.

Some people are very sensitive to seafood - they develop allergies.

This is a very unpleasant disease, accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and rash. In especially severe cases, swelling of the larynx, severe headaches and even loss of consciousness are observed.

To avoid becoming a victim of such healthy and tasty seafood, you just need to follow simple rules.
First of all, freshness, freshness and freshness again! Don't forget that in Japan (and in other countries) seafood, including fish, is cooked almost immediately after it is caught.

For example, all over the world oysters It is customary to serve exclusively freshly caught fish. Moreover, this rule applies to any establishment - both fashionable restaurants and cheap eateries.

In our country, seafood comes into our kitchen mostly frozen. This means that you should never eat them raw, even if you really want to.

It is necessary that such products undergo high-quality heat treatment, only then can you be sure that all harmful components have been destroyed.

Experts advise refraining from eating large marine predators such as mackerel, swordfish, and shark. It is these types of fish that most often contain mercury.

It is better to eat no more than 400 g of various sea fish and seafood per week. Seafood is very important for pregnant women - they should consume at least 360 g of seafood per week. The beneficial substances contained in fish and “sea meat” provide the future baby with a high level of IQ, good visual, spatial and motor skills.

Shrimps capable of absorbing harmful radioactive substances. To prevent such shrimp from ending up on your table, be interested in the region in which they were caught. Whether they bring benefit or harm to your body depends entirely on what body of water they lived in before getting to the supermarket. You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the shrimp - if they have black heads, it means they have been stored unfrozen for a long time and are most likely spoiled.

Mussels are safe when caught during the cold season. It is believed that you can eat mussels only in those months whose name contains the letter “P” - that is, from September to April.

Squid, which are called “balm for the heart,” may contain mercury. Therefore, it is important to prepare them correctly. Squids should be defrosted in cold water - it will take the “brunt of the blow”, most of the mercury, if any, will remain in the water. Cook the squid by dipping it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then leave it in the water until it cools down.

Use caution when serving seafood to children. Until the age of 3, they should not be eaten at all, and for older children, eating such delicacies is undesirable.

A healthier product for children is fish, it is much safer.

The conclusion from all that has been said is very simple. Fish and seafood are an invaluable source of nutrients, and if properly prepared dishes from fresh seafood are present on your table, you will receive nothing but benefits.

This is the name given to food products obtained from the sea (this does not include fish, meat of marine mammals: whales, seals, etc.). Their advantages are low calorie content (50 kcal per 100 g), high nutritional value (they contain a lot of protein, which is absorbed 2 times faster than meat), and rich composition. Seafood contains a lot of B vitamins, omega fatty acids, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, etc. (more than 30 useful substances in total).

Doctors recommend regularly consuming seafood for people with thyroid diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as those who suffer from obesity or want to stay young longer: according to WHO, the most long-livers are among peoples who regularly consume seafood. 50–300 g per day is enough (the norm for an adult).


Order of decapod cephalopods. Typically measuring 0.25-0.5 m, giant squids of the genus Architeuthis can reach 20 meters (including tentacles) and are the largest invertebrates. Industrial squid weighing up to 800 grams is often found in supermarkets. The edible part of the squid is the mantle, under which all its vital organs, head and tentacles are hidden.


This is a representative of the class of cephalopods. It is often called the “sea chameleon” because it can change its color to match its surroundings. The color of the cuttlefish is heterogeneous: the tentacles are greenish, the fins have a purple tint, the dorsal part is brownish with stripes and spots, and the belly is lighter. Cuttlefish is found in subtropical and tropical seas, mainly in shallow water bodies.


Short-tailed crayfish (Brachyura), a suborder of invertebrate animals of the order of decapod crustaceans. The head is small; stalked eyes. The cephalothorax is wide, the width of the pectoral shield is from 2 to 20 cm, in the Japanese deep-sea crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) it is up to 60 cm. The first pair of walking legs is equipped with claws. The crab's abdomen is short, tucked under the cephalothorax; The abdominal limbs in males (2 pairs) are transformed into the copulatory apparatus; in females (4 pairs) they are used for bearing eggs. Crabs live in the seas, in fresh water bodies and on land. All crabs, except freshwater ones, breed in the sea.


Crustaceans from the order Decapoda. Shrimp are widely distributed in the seas of the whole world; many species have mastered fresh waters. The size of adult shrimp of different representatives varies from 2 to 30 cm. In the seas of the Russian Far East, the shrimp fauna includes more than 100 species. Many representatives of this group are objects of industrial fishing.


Langoustines are the closest relatives of spiny lobsters, but look more like lobsters. They belong to decapod crustaceans. These sea creatures have a strong, bright orange or pink hard shell, and their size ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters.

Lobster (lobster)

Belongs to the family of large marine decapod crustaceans. The lobster has a strong shell and ten legs, two of which have grown into claws. Although today they are considered a gourmet food, in the 19th century lobsters were used as fish bait and even as fertilizer for fields. Nmx have dense, rich meat under the shell, in the tails and legs. Lobster liver and caviar are also edible.


Belongs to the family of marine bivalve mollusks. In a narrower sense, only the type genus of the family, Mytilus, is called mussels. Representatives of this group live throughout the world's oceans. Some (the genera Mytilus, Perna, Crenomytilus) are important fisheries, along with representatives of another family of bivalve mollusks - oysters. Mussel shells are symmetrical and can close very tightly.

Sea kale

An edible algae belonging to the class of brown seaweeds. Since ancient times, humanity has consumed seaweed as a simple, easily obtained food product containing significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Previously, sea kale was mainly consumed by residents of coastal areas. Nowadays, knowledge about the healing properties of seaweed has made it very popular in different parts of our planet, remote from the seas and oceans.


They belong to the family of bivalve marine mollusks. Scallops are able to move through the water column due to the creation of jet thrust by the frequent flapping of the valves. These mollusks live in all oceans. The shell of scallops is unequal-shaped with ears - large areas behind and in front of the apex. Their size can vary, for example, Japanese ones are very large, while Galician and Scottish ones reach medium sizes. Chilean red scallops are very tasty and prized in the Western Hemisphere, even though they are small.


The most famous representative of cephalopods has a short, soft body, oval at the back. The mouth opening is located where its tentacles meet, and the anal opening opens under the mantle. The robe resembles a wrinkled leather bag. The octopus's mouth is equipped with two powerful jaws, similar to the beak of a parrot. There is a grater in the throat that helps to grind food. The head bears eight long tentacles - “arms”. In males, one tentacle is modified into a copulatory organ. The “hands” are connected to each other by a thin membrane and equipped with suction cups. There are about 2000 tentacles on all eight tentacles of an adult octopus, each of which has a holding force of about 100 g.


An invertebrate animal of the echinoderm type. The skeleton is greatly reduced. The body of the sea cucumber is elongated in cross-section, almost trapezoidal, somewhat flattened, especially in the lower part, worm-shaped; the mouth is located at one end, the anus at the other. The mouth is surrounded by a corolla of 18-20 tentacles that serve to capture food and leads into a long tubular intestine. The skin of the sea cucumber is dense, elastic, and contains numerous calcareous formations called spicules. A thick leathery sac contains all the internal organs. The dorsal side of the sea cucumber bears soft conical outgrowths - dorsal papillae, collected in 4 rows.


An edible bivalve marine mollusk, many species of which are edible. They live mainly in tropical seas. Connoisseurs consider oysters to be the greatest delicacy in general. Oysters prefer seawater with a low salt content, so they live only in the tidal zone near river mouths.

Scientists have long proven the indisputable benefits of seafood. Seafood is a valuable storehouse of nutrients. In addition, they have very tasty and tender meat, which many will like. The uniqueness of seafood lies in the fact that the protein in their composition is easily absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about meat and vegetable proteins. Seafood protein contains relatively few calories and is of high nutritional value. In addition to the above, we can add that marine inhabitants live in an environment replete with minerals, which, when ingested in food, form organic compounds - the ideal form for obtaining maximum benefits.

Modern people often lack minerals in their bodies. This problem is worth taking seriously because it will become increasingly difficult to fix over time. Due to environmental problems, abuse of nitrates, and depleted soil, fruits and vegetables have fewer nutrients than the human body requires for normal functioning. J. Wallack wrote about this beautifully in his bestseller “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.”

Seafood is useful because it replenishes the loss of minerals in our body, which are not enough in ordinary food. Seafood in most cases is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and copper. We have compiled a list of the healthiest seafood, now we will look at it in detail.

Rating of the healthiest seafood

      • 1. Scallops. They are of great benefit to the human body. Their meat has a slightly sweet, but very pleasant taste. Sea scallops are used to prepare delicious dishes in different cuisines around the world. The meat of these delicacies contains protein, which the body absorbs well. They are champions in the possession of B vitamins. They also contain a lot of calcium, which the body absorbs without problems, which cannot be said about many calcified vitamin supplements. Asians eat scallops daily and add them to many dishes. The substances contained in scallops remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the stomach and help cleanse the blood.

      • 2. Mussels. This delicacy has a truly unique taste that cannot be confused with anything else. A large number of mussel shells proves that our ancient ancestors ate them. Mussels are rich in protein and minerals. Mussels are especially beneficial for women because they help slow down the aging process of the skin. Vitamin E, which is contained in mussels in sufficient quantities, copes with this task. By eating a few mussels every day, you will protect yourself from problems with the stomach, immunity, and also maintain a beautiful, fresh complexion. Scientists believe that mussels help in the fight against cancer. The disadvantage of mussels is their ability to accumulate toxins and harmful substances. Therefore, you need to purchase them only in a trusted place that has reliably proven itself.

      • 3. Shrimp. Shrimp meat is considered dietary. It perfectly satisfies hunger thanks to the proteins in its composition. Thanks to shrimp meat, you can quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in human blood. They are also very useful for maintaining the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Shrimp are a real storehouse of beauty vitamins. Thanks to useful substances (potassium, zinc, iodine, etc.) your appearance will become better. After all, shrimp reduce hair loss, improve skin condition and strengthen the nail plate. If you choose between a variety of seafood, then shrimp meat is best suited for baby food, as it does not cause allergic reactions in the body. Shrimp is known for its ability to kill cancer cells in the body. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

      • 4. Squid. Squid dishes have been prepared since antiquity. They were highly valued in Italy; in the capital they received the nickname “fish with wings.” This nickname was given to squids for a reason. The fact is that they can jump out of a reservoir and cover a distance of several tens of meters. Squids are great for the stomach. In addition to its unique taste and the content of a large number of useful substances, squid is also known for its medicinal properties. Their meat is famous for its high protein content and a unique system of fatty acids. Squids are rich in antioxidants. They have the ability to remove harmful substances and heavy metal salts from the body. Squid contains large quantities of arginine (unique amino acids), so it is advisable to include this product in the menu for children.

      • 5. Crabs. Crab meat is a valuable delicacy that is loved by gourmets all over the world. They are very easy to prepare, and the crab meat is healthy and incredibly tasty. It is recommended for dietary nutrition because it does not have a high percentage of fat content. Strengthens human blood vessels and the muscular system. The delicacy is famous for its cleansing properties; it removes harmful substances from the blood. Including crabs in your diet daily will help you get rid of many health problems. It will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, keep facial skin in excellent condition, and improve vision. This delicacy effectively improves male potency, so men should definitely treat themselves to this tasty and healthy delicacy more often.

Useful and harmful properties of seafood

Use seafood brings benefit, but can cause harm. If you have noticed problems with blood clotting, then doctors do not recommend including mussels in your diet. If there is excess calcium in the body, then harm may occur from eating scallops. But this does not happen very often in the body.

Some seafood contributes to allergies, which are accompanied by skin rashes and unpleasant itching. Less common are more serious symptoms of illness, such as loss of consciousness, swelling of the throat and high blood pressure.

Seafood has a short shelf life and quickly disappears, especially under inappropriate storage conditions.

Seafood tends to accumulate harmful substances for the human body. But perhaps the most terrible danger is microbes that can cause severe poisoning. But still, these “pitfalls” cannot overshadow the benefits of seafood in human nutrition.

Fish seafood

Thousands of species of fish live in the vast expanses of the sea. There are generally small ones (just a few millimeters), and sometimes there are real giants (20 meters long).

Sea fish is very tasty and can be prepared easily and quickly.

Let's find out which benefit bring fish seafood:

      • Cod. There are practically no bones in this fish. It is rich in valuable protein, a real storehouse of protein. It contains a lot of healthy fish oil. The liver and caviar of this fish can also rightfully be called valuable delicacies.

      • Hake. This fish is also one of the representatives of the cod genus. It is often used to create menus for children and diabetics. This fish has no small bones, and the meat is easy to fillet. Hake helps cope with thyroid diseases. It has a lot of protein. There are dozens of varieties of hake. The most popular of them are blue and milky. There are practically no contraindications for eating this fish. Hake is a wonderful natural antioxidant.

      • Pollock. Fish meat has many positive qualities for the health of the human body. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is advisable to consume pollock regularly, but not in excess, because you can get an allergic reaction. Pollock is rich in cobalt. It is this element that improves blood composition and helps absorb iron. Eat pollock more often to prevent anemia. Pollock contains sufficient amounts of calcium and fluoride compounds. Pollock liver is also eaten and is very useful.

      • Herring. A frequently consumed fish that is very tasty and healthy. Herring contains healthy proteins, as well as fats and acids. Herring fats are very easily and easily absorbed by the human body. This fish can be eaten salted, fried and boiled. This fish is especially useful for consumption by expectant mothers. It improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps prevent heart disease. It is not advisable to consume this fish in salted form for those who suffer from kidney and bladder diseases.

      • Saira. This tasty fish contains a range of beneficial minerals and fats. It is effective in the fight against anemia, as it contains a lot of iron. Helps prevent diseases
        thyroid gland because it has enough iodine in its chemical composition. But the fat from this delicious fish is most beneficial for the human body. Saury contains a unique amino acid – taurine. It improves the composition of human blood and helps in digestion processes. Eating fish even serves as a preventive measure against caries and oral diseases. Saury fat is widely used in cosmetology. It is present in many skin care products. Daily consumption of saury prevents arthritis and atherosclerosis. Despite the fact that saury contains a lot of healthy fats, it is recommended to include it in the diet of diabetics and people who want to lose weight. Fish is included in many diets to maintain figure.

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