How to confess your love to a 15 year old girl. How to confess to a girl in love: options

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Finally, that long-awaited moment has come when you decide to confess your (or someone else's :)) girlfriend in love. If you are not a professional womanizer, and up to this point you have not had experience in such matters, then this article is simply created for you. Otherwise, it makes no sense for you to read it.

So, you have decided to confess your love to a girl. Where to start, how to do it - for now, let's put all these questions aside and ask ourselves another question: what, in fact, are you in a relationship with her? If you are completely unfamiliar or unfamiliar with her, then in this case it is better to postpone recognition until you have established at least some things with her. But, even if you are on friendly terms with her, do not rush to confess. The worst thing for a young man who is deeply in love is to get into the so-called. "friendship zone" I do not really like this term, but it is short and capacious.

Let me explain: if you are on friendly terms with the girl you like, if you feel good together, you go to different events together and just spend time with each other, then you become just her friend. And, as you know, friendship between a man and a woman in 99.9% is possible only if one of them counts on something more. Therefore, the worst thing you can do while in the “friendship zone” is to confess your love to your girlfriend. This is the same as your best friend, with whom you have been communicating for many years, would confess his love to you. Would you feel comfortable afterwards? Of course no. Your girlfriend will feel the same way. So, if you know each other and are in the "friendship zone" - I can only sympathize with you. Getting out of it is difficult, but possible. In this article, we will not consider this situation.

How to confess to a girl in love and when to do it - sooner or later every guy who starts to study the ABC of feelings asks himself these questions. What do you need to know in order to avoid serious mistakes in matters of love and not miss your happiness?

What needs to be done before a declaration of love

If you are wondering: “How to confess love to a girl?”, Then, most likely, you still have very little experience in communicating with the fair sex. Then, before answering this question, it will be useful for you to know the two most important secrets of success on the love front.

The first secret is that confessing your love to a girl you like before you have a certain relationship is a desperate and completely pointless act. The chance that your confession will be received favorably is negligible, less than 1%.

Therefore, before you make a confession, you need to have a relationship between you. It is best that these relationships develop in the process of some kind of joint business or hobby, so that your story develops as if by itself, and you have time to win her sympathy and understand if she likes you. A joint business brings together, helps to get to know each other better and understand how interesting you are to each other as individuals. Before a declaration of love, it is necessary that you have romantic dates, thanks to which you can find out if you are interesting to each other as sexual partners.

And the second secret is this: never make any confessions until you yourself understand what you need from a relationship with a girl. Tell yourself honestly why you want to make a confession:

  • If you are planning to start a family with her, and your confession is nothing more than a marriage proposal, then choose the right moment and be sure to tell her about your love. You don’t even suspect how important it is for a girl to hear these words from her chosen one, and not just the phrase: “Let's get married.”
  • The second option is that you yourself do not yet really know what you want, and you have no idea how your relationship will develop. It’s just that the girl is pretty, she has a lot of fans and with your confession you hope to attract her attention and stand out from the rest of the applicants. In this case, be honest and do not tell her about love, talk only about sympathy or a strong passion. After all, girls take declarations of love very seriously. Think about what you will do later if she believes you, and your love never grows into love, but quietly evaporates?
  • You want to confess your love to her in the hope of thus persuading her to have sex. Maybe you will succeed, but how do you plan to get rid of her later, if you don’t need anything other than sex from her?

Original declaration of love to a girl video

How to confess to a girl in love

So, it’s much more important not how to confess your love to a girl, but what you are going to do after this confession if she accepts it favorably. And she is very likely to take him favorably, if you developed the relationship correctly, and the girl showed you all the signs of sympathy.

Although in this case, everything can be spoiled if you choose the wrong words for confessions or the wrong time and place. Well, how to confess to a girl in love correctly? If you are really ready to tell your girlfriend the “key words”, then remember the principle of three P.: the right time, the right place and the right words.

  • Right time. You should know that love should be confessed only when you are absolutely sure of your feelings, have a deep attachment to the girl and know exactly what future you want for your relationship. Only then. Why? Yes, because an insincere confession of a smart girl will immediately “bite through”, and if you in a hurry confess to a “near-minded” beauty, then you will not end up with problems.
  • Right place. For girls, the words of love spoken by her chosen one for the first time are of great importance. She will remember this event for the rest of her life. Therefore, approach the choice of a place where you will say the most cherished words to your one and only, seriously. This place should correspond to the nature of your girlfriend: one girl will be delighted with the words of love spoken on the beautiful coast, golden from the rays of the sunset, the other will feel happy from the confession made publicly in some public place. Or maybe you should "draw on the blue sky" I love you! "? Well, if not in the sky, then at least rose petals in the snow.
  • Correct words. Here it will be easier to explain which words in a declaration of love will be wrong. Don't tell a girl: "I love you, you are the most beautiful." With these words, you actually tell her that you love not her, but her external data, and even in comparison with others - such a confession is unlikely to be liked by anyone. You should also not say: "I love you, I can't live without you." This is no longer love, but addiction, and what smart girl wants to deal with a dependent man? And the third unsuccessful option: “I love you, I will do anything for you, whatever you want. I will carry it in my arms, I will get a star from the sky, if necessary. Are you, as a man, responsible for your words? Then do not promise a star from the sky, just promise to be with her "both in sorrow and in joy" as long as you love each other.

If you have That Girl in your life and you are ready to confess your love to her, congratulations! Although it’s not easy to say the cherished three words, they will show her how deep your love is and will help take your relationship to the next level.


Part 1

Preparing for a declaration of love

    Rehearse. Confessing love is not easy, especially for the first time. If you are very worried, think ahead about what you will say to her, and this will give you confidence. Decide exactly what you want to say to her and rehearse your confession. Instead of a simple "I love you", you can go a little further. For example:

    • Tell the girl why you love her.
    • Tell her when you fell in love with her.
    • Let her know how much she means to you.
    • Decide if you just want to express your feelings or make a dramatic romantic gesture.
  1. Choose a time and place. Agree, confessing your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You will certainly strive to ensure that everything goes well. Choose a place where no one will stop you from expressing your feelings. Perhaps it will be associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose the right time.

    Don't be too sure that she loves you too. Get ready not only to confess your love, but also to hear her answer. Ideally, she will say, “I love you too!” However, the truth of life is that we do not always hear in response what we want.

    Part 2

    Declaration of love
    1. Tell:"I love you". When you are alone with her and you feel that the right moment has come, gather your courage and say: "I love you." Look into her eyes, smile and say these words. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or stage your confession spectacularly - just being sincere is enough.

      Show her that you love her. In addition to declaring your love, show the girl that you care about her. After all, actions speak louder than words! Support her: go to competitions she participates in, write her notes with words of support, help her achieve her goals. Here are some more ways to show your love:

      • Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust.
      • Do your best to please her. For example, if she's had a hard day, give her flowers or encourage her in some other way.
      • Don't hurt her. If someone hurts your girlfriend, stand up for her.
    2. Write her a love letter. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying "I love you", others find it easier to put them on paper. Write a beautiful love letter. When the moment is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift or put it in her hand at the end of the date.

      • You can write a simple short note, a heartfelt love letter, or a touching poem.
      • You should not send SMS or a message in the messenger with the words "I love you", "I<3 тебя» или «ЯТЛ».
    3. Let her answer. After the girl has heard or read these three short words, give her time to think and respond to them correctly. When she is ready to give you an answer, all your attention should belong only to her. Listen carefully and respond appropriately. Let's hope she says, "I love you too!"

      • Don't demand an immediate response from her.
      • Don't tell her how you expected her to react or feel.

    Part 3

    And is it love?
    1. Are you trying to impress her? If you like a girl, you will do everything possible to make her pay attention to you. Perhaps you are trying to impress her by taking risks or helping others. Or maybe you are trying to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing musical instruments or sports achievements.

      • If now your actions are dictated by a hidden desire to please a girl, most likely you love her.
    2. Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. Do you notice that during the day your thoughts keep returning to her? Do you want to know if she thinks of you too?

      • If your thoughts are only about her alone, then most likely you love this girl.
    3. Do your feelings for this girl make you feel better? If you are in love, you will struggle to become the person who is worthy of this girl. You may try to improve your grades or behavior, start working or go to church.

      • If you are doing everything possible to become better for this extraordinary girl, then most likely you are in love with her.
    4. Do you want this girl to be happy? If you are in love, you will do everything possible to make the girl you like happy. If she has difficult exams ahead of her, you can offer to help her study, check her answers, or do some household chores. If a girl gets sick, you will take care of her and bring what she needs. If she has had a hard day, you will try to cheer her up and help her relax, laugh and forget about her problems.

      • If you spend your time and energy on making her happy, chances are you love her.
    5. Be confident before talking about your feelings. Three short words "I love you" mean a lot in our lives. After you talk about your feelings, the relationship with the girl will change radically, for better or worse. Before confessing to a girl in love, answer the following questions:

    • Try not to be too nervous and just be yourself.
    • When you say "I love you", you must be sure of your feelings.
    • Practice in front of a mirror many times.
    • Do not be distructed. Let all your attention be on her.
    • If she doesn't say "I love you" back, don't worry. She may just not be ready to confess her feelings to you.
    • Tell her how you feel and wait for her to respond.
    • Don't rush her to answer. The girl needs time, so be patient.
    • Be confident and control yourself.
    • When you see her, take a deep breath and smile. This way you will show her in advance that you like her, and perhaps calm your own nerves.
    • Don't be upset if she says she doesn't feel the same way.


    • Do not overuse the phrase "I love you." This deprives it of significance and makes it banal.
    • Never lie
    • Understand the difference between love and lust.
    • Be prepared for the fact that her reaction to your confession can be anything.

    Article Information

    This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers who reviewed it for accuracy and completeness.

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How to confess to a girl in love with beautiful words, in a letter and offer to meet so that she does not refuse, with a note

Every girl dreams of hearing the words of a declaration of love. The phrase "I love you" is pronounced in all corners of the planet, in different languages, by people of different ages. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel” and dress these simple and understandable words in other verbal tinsel, because you can’t say more beautiful than “I love you”.

You can decorate a confession of your feelings in a letter or note by writing these 3 words against the background of flowers, hearts or monograms from your names, prompted by fantasy and love.

How to properly confess your love to a girl in class and not be rejected

I love you - this confession sounds short and concise, but how difficult it is to pronounce it. And not only because you open your soul to the person you love, but also because if he refuses, all dreams and dreams of happiness will be destroyed.

If you really want to continue the relationship, then you need to find the strength to say these three words, even if you hear “No” in response. No matter how painful it is, you need to hold back such a blow of fate, thereby showing your loved one that you respect his feelings and the right to choose as well as your rights and feelings.

What is the best way to confess to a girl in love, what to say if she does not love you

If there is a firm belief that a girl does not love you, then there is no point in confessing your love to her. Respect not only your own, but also her feelings - “you won’t be forced to be nice.”

How to confess to a girl in love on Valentine's Day, birthday

In order to confess to a girl in love, you do not need to wait for Valentine's Day or the birthday of your beloved. It is better to do this in advance, because, unfortunately, feelings are not always reciprocal, which means you can put the chosen one of your heart in an awkward position and spoil the mood of the holiday for yourself and her.

If you are confident in the reciprocity of feelings, then valentines and other pleasant surprises will help you confess your love.

Are you completely fascinated by a beautiful girl who can't get out of your head? And you don’t just like it - do you clearly observe in yourself? Are you not sure what to do because you don't know exactly how to confess your love to a girl?

The first thing that is important to establish for yourself is: at what stage of the relationship are you? Are you already dating a girl or not yet?

Second - why do you, in fact, confess to a girl in love? Is it really difficult for you to eat or breathe without these words?

Undoubtedly, the main problem with love confession is the fear of rejection. But what if you experience quivering feelings, and the girl doesn’t need them at all. Her cold reaction instead of reciprocal recognition can hit the male hard.

Walking away in a drooping state and with his head down, perhaps having lost the girl forever, is not the best scenario. That's why…

If you have not yet started dating a girl, you don’t need to confess your love to a girl at all. Just in case, we remind you that the starting point for the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman is sex, which they first engaged in.

If the relationship between you has already begun and is clearly developing, you should answer the above question for yourself: why confess to a girl in love?

Your confessions won't change anything. Do not forget that the less we love a woman, the more.

Therefore, a girl should be confessed in love only after a confession on her part, or when you are absolutely sure that such a confession will follow after yours.

You can generally say that you love a girl, as if in jest, and look at her reaction.

It is very important that you remember that the man should be the leader in the relationship. And only when you are sure that this is the case, you should start making any confessions, otherwise you can only spoil everything.

What is the difference between a leader and a follower in a relationship? The leader acts as if the relationship is less important to him than to the follower.

In addition, the leader invests less in the relationship than the follower. The leader does not run after a partner, does not shower him with bunches of flowers, trying to buy attention, does not bombard the follower's phone with calls and messages.

The leader always maintains a healthy distance, and for the follower, he is always a little short. This is the behavior you need to create.

Instead of confessing your love to a girl, you can let her know how you feel without using this sacred three-word mantra.

1. Say what you love about a girl

“I love it when you smile.”

“I love it when you look so happy.”

“I love it when you wear that dress.”

“I love hugging you so much.”

“I love looking at you so much.”

2. Tell her how you feel around her.

“You know, next to you, my heart is beating fast.”

“Beside you, time flies by unnoticed.”

“I feel so good with you.”

“Next to you, I forget about everything, even my favorite football team.”

“I haven’t felt as good as I do now in a long time.”

3. Tell her she's beautiful

Let the girl feel like the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, even if at this moment she is without makeup and evening dress.

If a girl feels that you are intimidated by her, that in her presence you experience shyness instead, she will unconsciously identify you in where you are unlikely to get out.

3. Flirt with her

Before confessing to a girl in love, apply in communication :

  • Smile, but not the widest smile.
  • Be positive and cheerful.
  • Engage in eye contact.
  • Charge the girl for flirting with you: “Yes, you just eat me with your eyes.”
  • Make sexual innuendos, and when your friend starts laughing, accuse her of thinking about sex all the time.
  • Give her a compliment.
  • Be sincere, charming and casual.
4. Show yourself as a leader

Show the girl that you and the initiative are synonymous words:

  • Choose the date, time and place of your meeting.
  • Choose a movie to watch.
  • Take the girl by the hand and guide her through the crowd.
  • Say things like “Let's go here”, “Let's do it”, “Come here”, “We have to go”, “I heard this is a great place, let's eat here”, “I don't feel like going there”, “ I like doing it” and so on.
  • Do not use the following words in your speech: “Where do you want to go?”, “I want to take you to your favorite restaurant (bar, cinema)”, “Is it okay if I take your hand?”.

Most girls prefer you, but not vice versa. Women love it when you lead the way and they just follow you.

5. Physical contact

Do not be afraid to take the girl by the hand, or touch her.

Touch is the most effective way to add comfort and understanding to a relationship.

Touch connects two people faster than talking or body language.

6. Don't make the mistakes most guys make

Show a girl that you like her without making the same predictable mistakes that other guys make when trying to get her attention.

A girl doesn't need you to:

  • Tried to buy her attention with flowers and.
  • Sending love messages.
  • They begged.
  • We spent the night under her window in the pouring rain.

Do things that are the opposite of most guys, stand out from the crowd, grab her attention.

7. Consider Feedback

You have been dating for a long time, but are you the only one in your relationship who calls first and offers to see you, or is the girl also trying to take the initiative?

Such female behavior is an important indicator of interest in you.

If your friend never calls you first or doesn't want to see you as often as you do, start ignoring her for a few days or cut down on the number of calls she makes.

As a result of the weakening of your control, if the relationship is generally inclined to develop, the girl will begin to think about you and how passionate she is about you.

8. Late night conversation

If you want to confess your love to a girl, then a late night conversation can work wonders.

Find an excuse to talk to a girl when she is in bed.

The relaxed pace of a long late-night conversation almost always leads to something more personal and intimate, even if you told funny stories or had pillow fights in the beginning.

7. Writing love notes

In ancient times, when there were no mobile phones, the Internet, and even cars, love letters delivered over a long period of time using horse-drawn carts really contained a spark of romance.

But these days, a girl is more likely to think, “A letter? What the heck?"


To confess to a girl in love is actually very simple. It is much more difficult to gain confidence that your confession will have a positive effect.

So take your time, get ready, and you are unlikely to go wrong.

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