Abstract of classes on the development of speech in the middle. Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group on the topic “Autumn”

home / Love

Purpose of the lesson:

Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns and verbs.

Continue to teach children to answer the teacher's questions in simple sentences.

Learn to form new verb forms with the help of prefixes ras-; in: (run - run up, play - play).

Exercise in coordinating prepositions in, on, with nouns: (the toys are on the shelf).

Learn to make compound sentences with the union but (I don’t have a toy doll, but I have a car).

To educate preschoolers the ability to exchange toys, negotiate, listen to each other.

Equipment: ball, “Playing together” picture, toys according to the number of children.

The course of the lesson on the development of speech in kindergarten

1. Conversation - dialogue.

Children, what do you like to do most in kindergarten?

What do you dislike doing in kindergarten?

What do you enjoy playing?

What toys can you play alone? (Together).

I understand what you love to do the most. You like to play, you can also say to play. (repetition of a word). (I like to play).

2. Didactic game "Form a new word"

I suggest you play with words. We have to change the word so that it starts with the helper prefix po- and co-. Here, listen to how I start, and then you will continue: take; warm; bend; tear etc.

And now we will change the word with the help of the helper word - once, race

Draw - paint; laugh, beat, talk, wash, ask, seek, give, watch, load.

3. Finger gymnastics "The sun is shining"

With pronunciation by children of the text and imitation of movements.

The sun is shining

The pipe is playing

The fish is swimming.

The shuttle rows on the sea:

Rakes with the right oar,

Rakes with the left oar,

Like a bird soars into the sky.

4. - And now choose one toy for yourself, team up in pairs. (The teacher invites the children to sit in a circle, put toys in front of them).

5. - Now we will learn how to make sentences with the word but. (I don't have a toy ball, but I do have a doll.)

Children in pairs exchange toys.

6. Physical education "Let's turn into cars."

Each machine

We'll check the tires. (squats)

We rock, we rock

We inflate our tires. (forward bends)

We don't have accidents.

Because there are spare tires. (Turns left-right)

Knock - ding, knock - ding,

We go, we go all day.

Here are our garages

Let's go, hurry up. (sit down)

7. Educator. - It's time to put the toys away. Where do we put the cubes; dishes; dolls? (Each child puts away his toy and says: (I will put the doll in bed.)

8. Conversation with children on the drawing "Playing together."

What are the children doing? How can you replace the word "play"? What happens between boys and girls? What words are needed to ask another child for a toy? Anton, what should you say when someone wants to play with a toy that you play with? How to negotiate a toy exchange?

Now you can say: will I share toys with my friends? (Repeat with children “Now I will share toys”)

9. Game "Mice"

The purpose of the game. To develop the speech and motor activity of children, to develop a reaction to a verbal signal.

Game progress. The teacher becomes a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game: “Let's choose mice (choose 3-4 children), they will run in a circle, run away from the circle and run into it again. And we will be a mousetrap. Children with a teacher walk in a circle and say the following words:

Oh, how tired the mice are!

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Everywhere they climb - that's the attack!

Beware you cheaters!

We will get to you.

How to put mousetraps

Let's get everyone now!

Children and the teacher hold hands, raise them high, letting the mice pass.

When the teacher pronounces the word "clap", the children lower their hands, not missing mice from the circle. Whoever remains in the circle is considered to be caught and stands in the circle.

10. Reflection.

What new words did you memorize today? What surprised you? What do you remember the most? Who should be praised today?

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

Subject: "Short and Long Words".

Target: introduce the length of words and their division into parts. To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwords, words - friends. Develop thinking, imagination, speech. To develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the activity.

Equipment: toys - cat, rooster, fox; envelopes with tasks; audio recording of a rooster crowing; worksheets, felt-tip pens; two houses (large and smaller); pictures mouse, elephant, cat, bear, rhinoceros, monkey; heart chips.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group, greet those present and go to the window.

Educator: So late autumn has come, it has brought us different words. If we look out the window, everywhere is damp and dark. What words did late autumn bring us?

Children: clouds, rain, dampness, bad weather, sadness, puddles, slush, etc.

Suddenly, a rooster crows (audio recording).

Educator: Children, did you hear someone screaming? Who is this?

Children: Rooster.

Educator: That's right, children, this is a cockerel. He came to visit us, but not alone, but with friends. Let's sit back, I'll give you riddles, and you guess who came with the cockerel.

This red-haired cheat

Chicken steals very cleverly.

Gray wolf sister

And her name is (fox).

I can wash clean

Not with water, but with a tongue. Meow!

And I often dream

Saucer with warm milk! (Cat).

Well done guys, you guessed the riddles. Let's invite our guests now!

Children call animals: “Pe-tu-shock!”, “Li-sa!”, “Cat!”. Hello.

Educator: The cockerel told me that he and his comrades visited the country of “Different words” and they learned that words are short and long. Do you want to play with the guests in words?

Children: We want.

Educator: Let's first call the guests our names with a short and long word Varya - Varenka, etc. (Roll-call is carried out with the help of the ball).

Each of the guests has prepared a task for you, and if you cope with them, a surprise awaits you at the end of the game.

And so, the first task was prepared by the Cockerel. "Step and clap the word." You can learn a long and a short word by steps and claps. The teacher pronounces the word "Cat", and then invites one child to walk this word, and invites another child to slam the same word. The next word "Fox" invites another child and asks to walk and slap through the syllables, we repeat the same task with the word "Cockerel" (it is not necessary to count the steps, the main thing is to pay attention to the duration of the sound of the word.)

Educator: Well done! Completed the first task. The second task was prepared for us by Lisa.

There are 2 houses on the board: "House" and a large "House". Children should find pictures with a short name of the word "mouse, elephant, cat" put these words in "house", and words with a long name "bear, rhinoceros, monkey" in "House")

Educator: And you coped with this task, well done!

And the Cat prepared the third task "Riddles". Guess the riddles and determine which word in the riddle is short and which is long.

They beat me and I jump

Kick, I'm happy to fly!

Kids playing football

And scores at the gate

Round like a globe

Don't get bored with me. (Ball)

colorful girlfriends

They hid in each other.

Small, small, less.


We can inflate it quickly.

We can let steam into it.

It won't fly very low.

His name is air ... (balloon!)

He puffs like a locomotive, importantly holding his nose up.

Make some noise, settle down - invite the seagull to drink. (Kettle)

It tastes very bitter

He has a pungent smell.

Well, who will cut him,

That one will have tears. (Onion)

Educator: And you coped with this task, well done! It remains to complete the last task. Our guests came up with it together. Task 4 "Trace the dots on the picture called with a short word with a red felt-tip pen, and the picture called with a long word with a blue felt-tip pen."

Educator: Well done! Petushka and his friends really enjoyed playing with you.


Children, did you like the game? What new did you learn? (Children's statement that words are short and long, that they can be walked, slapped, depicted with a picture.

Educator: Well done, you deserve a surprise. Gives a box with a surprise - chips in the form of a heart.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group

Program content:

Introduce children to the Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox";

Teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale and answer questions about its content;

Continue to develop in children the emotional perception of the text;

Continue to develop the ability to solve riddles;

Contribute to the formation of friendly relations and mutual assistance.

Tasks for integrable areas:

Social and communicative development

Exercise in the ability to dramatize small fairy tales. Encourage them to get involved in the game. To form the skills of cooperation, to promote the formation of a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Speech development

Form a dialogic speech. Continue to develop articulatory apparatus, work on diction, improve the distinct pronunciation of words and phrases, intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate a culture of speech, enrich and expand the vocabulary of children.

Cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development

To continue work on the formation of interest in Russian folk tales, in Russian folklore, to contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by reading and discussing literary works.

Physical development

Improve gross and fine motor skills using different materials.

Development environment:

Illustrations, recordings of the sounds of the forest, nature, split pictures

Preliminary work:

Telling Russian folk tales;

Looking at fairy illustrations. Looking at books in the book corner.

Riddles about animals.

Drawing favorite characters from fairy tales

Vocabulary work:

Cat, cat, cat-gray pubis, cat-Kotofeich; rooster, cockerel, Petenka, cockerel-golden comb; fox, fox, fox, Lisa-Patrikeevna, cheat, fox-sister, psaltery. Brave, kind, stupid, cunning.

Lesson progress:

Part I - introductory.

Guys, I wanted to go on a trip with you today. But first I want to ask you, do you like fairy tales?

Children's answers.

Fragments from fairy tales:

    "Grandfather planted ...

She grew up big and big ... ”(“ Turnip ”)

    “... The bear sat on the roof, and crushed him,

All the animals barely managed to jump out of it ... "("Teremok")

    “... Suddenly a fox met him“ Hello, my friend! How pretty you are "And he immediately sings a song to her ... "("Kolobok")

    “... The wolf overheard this, waited until the goat left,

    “… He treats small children. Heals birds and animals. He looks through his glasses.

Kind Doctor….. (“Aibolit”)

“Apple tree, tell me, where did the geese fly to? " ("Swan geese")

Part II - main:

Well done guys, you know a lot of fairy tales. Let's go on a journey to the heroes of a fairy tale. In order for us to meet them, we will need to go along a forest path, through a stream, and over bumps through a swamp! (the sounds of the forest sound, birds sing, children walk along the path, jump over the tape, jump from hoop to hoop on 2 legs and stop near the hut).

Guys, we went to the forest glade to the hut. Do you want to know who lives in this hut?

Children sit on chairs.

You know fairy tales well, and to find out who lives in the hut, try to solve riddles!


    Striped coat, mustachioed muzzle

Often washed, but with water is not known. (Cat)

    He will knock on the ground with his nose,

He flaps his wings and screams.

He screams even sleepy,

Restless screamer (Rooster)

    Red head, cunning cheat.

Fluffy tail - beauty,

Who is this ... (Fox)

What good fellows you are, guessed all the riddles. All these animals are the heroes of one interesting Russian folk tale, which I will now tell you, and this is called the tale "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox." Reading fairy tales to children, using illustrations. The reading is followed by a conversation about the story.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Name the characters in this story?

Where did the cat go early in the morning?

What did the cat punish the cockerel when he went hunting?

How did the fox lure the cockerel?

What did the cockerel shout to the cat when the fox grabbed him

Why? (He was afraid of the fox).

How did the cat help the rooster?

How does the fairy tale end?

Fitness minute:

The fox woke up in the morning

Right paw stretched

Left paw stretched

The sun gently smiled

She clenched all her fingers into a fist,

And then she crushed them all.

Began to wipe with a paw

Arms, legs and sides

What a beauty!

The guys, the cat and the cockerel brought you gifts, funny pictures.

And the rogue fox waved its tail and mixed them all up.

I still have pictures, I need to collect according to the model and guess who is depicted in them.

Didactic game:"Collect a picture according to the model"

Part III - final:

Guys, tell me what kind of Russian folk tale did you meet today?

What does this story teach you?

That it is not safe to leave home with strangers, strangers. It also teaches us to be friends, like a cat and a rooster.

And what did you like the most?

What do you remember?

Well done guys, listened very carefully to the tale, answered all the questions. You were like real artists. Next time you tell me and show me this fairy tale. And now we will return from the fairy tale back to our group, and we will take the game with split pictures with us so that we can play it again in the group!

In the forest in a small hut there lived a cat and a rooster. The cat got up early in the morning, went hunting, and Petya the cockerel remained to guard the house. The cat will go hunting, and the cockerel will clean up everything in the hut, sweep the floor cleanly, jump on the perch, sing songs and wait for the cat.

Once a fox ran, heard a rooster singing songs, she wanted to try rooster meat. So she sat down under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel peeped out, and she - the tsap-scratch - grabbed it and carried it.

The cockerel was frightened, shouted:

The cat was not far away, heard, rushed after the fox with all his strength, took away the cockerel and brought him home.

The next day, the cat is going to hunt and says to the cockerel:

Look, Petya, don't look out the window, don't listen to the fox, otherwise it will carry you away, eat you and leave no bones.

The cat left, and Petya the cockerel cleaned up everything in the hut, swept the floor cleanly, jumped on the perch - he sits, sings songs, waits for the cat.

And the fox is right there. Again she sat down under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel listens and does not look out. The fox threw a handful of peas into the window. The cockerel pecked at the peas, but does not look out the window. Lisa and says:

What is it, Petya, how proud have you become? Look how many peas I have, where should I put them?

Petya looked out, and his fox - the scratch-scratch - grabbed and carried him away. The cockerel was frightened, shouted:

The fox carries me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains! Brother cat, help me out!

The cat was far away, but the cockerel heard. He chased the fox with all his might, caught up with her, took the cockerel away and brought him home.

On the third day, the cat is going to hunt and says:

Look, Petya, I'll go hunting far today, and if you scream, I won't hear you. Do not listen to the fox, do not look out the window, otherwise she will eat you and leave your bones.

The cat went hunting, and Petya the cockerel cleaned up everything in the hut, swept the floor clean, jumped up on the perch and sits, sings songs, waits for the cat.

And the fox is right there again. Sits under the window, sings a song. But Petya the cockerel doesn't peek out. Lisa and says:

Oh, Petya-cockerel, what do I want to tell you! That's what I was in a hurry for. I ran along the road and saw: the peasants were driving, they were carrying millet; one bag was thin, all the millet was scattered along the road, and there was no one to pick it up. Look out the window, take a look.

The cockerel believed, looked out, and she grabbed him - the scratch-scratch - and carried him. No matter how the cockerel cried, no matter how he screamed, the cat did not hear him, and the fox took the cockerel to his home.

The cat comes home, but the cockerel doesn't. The cat grieved, the cat grieved - there was nothing to do. We must go to rescue a comrade - probably, the fox dragged him away.

The cat first went to the market, where he bought himself boots, a blue caftan, a hat with a feather and music - a psaltery. A real musician has become.

A cat walks through the forest, plays guselki and sings:

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

golden strings,

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

The animals in the forest wonder - where did such a musician come from? And the cat walks, sings, and he looks out for the fox house.

And he saw a hut, looked in the window, and there the fox was heating the stove. Here the cat-to-tok stood on the porch, struck the strings and sang:

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is the fox at home?

Come out, fox!

The fox hears someone calling her, but there is no time to go out to look - she bakes pancakes. She sends her daughter Scarecrow:

Go, Scarecrow, look who's calling me there.

The scarecrow came out, and the cat-cat knocked her in the pubis and behind her back into the boxes. And he plays and sings again:

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is the fox at home?

Come out, fox!

The fox hears, someone calls her, but she can’t move away from the stove - the pancakes will burn. Sends another daughter - Podchuchelka:

Go, Podchuchelka, look who's calling me there.

The puppet came out, and the cat-cat knocked on her pubis and behind her back in the box, and he sang again:

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is the fox at home?

Come out, fox!

The fox herself cannot leave the stove and send someone - one cock remained. She was going to pinch and fry him. And the fox says to the cockerel:

Go, Petya, look who is calling me there, but come back soon!

Petya the cockerel jumped out onto the porch, and the cat threw the box, grabbed the cockerel and rushed home with all his might.

Since then, again, the cat and the rooster live together, and the fox no longer shows up to them.

Winner of the All-Russian competition "The most demanded article of the month" DECEMBER 2017

Age of children: 4 - 5 years

Technologies are used in OD: health escaping technologies, modeling


  • Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms
  • Develop speech by compiling descriptive stories using graphic diagrams



  • Teach children to write a descriptive, coherent and consistent story about toys using a diagram.
  • To consolidate the ability to examine an object from perceiving it as a whole to highlighting essential features.
  • In the description - to define an object, to consistently describe parts, properties (color, shape, size, qualities, actions with it, at the end to express a value judgment.
  • Use in speech the names of objects, their parts, parts, materials from which they are made.

Development tasks:

  • Strengthen your pronunciation skills
  • Develop phonemic perception and sound analysis skills
  • Develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Educational tasks:

  • Cultivate respect for toys
  • Cultivate mutual help.

Demo material:

Bear soft toy, toy description graphic diagram, pictures of various toys, animal pictures, toys for description: doll, car, ball.

Handout: green and red signal cards (per child).

Vocabulary work:

Expand your active vocabulary with quality adjectives.

Course progress.

Organizing time.


All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, a guest has come to us, but who is this guest, you need to guess.

This animal lives in the forest.

He has a brown, warm and thick fur coat.

This animal has large, thick, clubfoot paws.

This beast loves honey and berries.

In winter, he sleeps in a den and sucks his paw.

Children: Bear.

Educator: That's right, children, this is a bear. He hid somewhere, let's call him, only quietly so that he is not frightened.

"bear" quiet (whispers).

Educator: He does not hear us. Let's call the bear a little louder.

Children: Children call the bear by saying the word "bear" louder.

Educator: All the same, he does not hear us. Let's call the bear loudly.

Children: Children call the bear by saying the word "bear" loud.

A bear appears.

Bear: Hello guys. I've been looking at your toys. Do you like to play with these toys? Do you have any favorite toys?

Main part:

Educator: Bear, of course we love to play with the toys that we have in the group. And we will tell you about our favorite toys. Misha, sit down next to us and listen to how the guys will describe their favorite toys. And our scheme will help us describe the toys.

But before we start, let's take a break.

And blueberries grow in the forest
And blueberries grow in the forest,
Strawberries, blueberries.
To pick a berry

You have to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I took a walk in the forest.

I carry a basket with berries. (Walking in place.)

Drawing up descriptive stories according to graphic schemes.


How can you play?

Educator: And also, Mishka, we have a fun toy "Roly-Vstanka" , guys, let's show how we play with Vanka-Vstanka.

Physical education: Dynamic pause "Vanka - Stand up" .

Roly-Vstanka, Roly-Vstanka,

Stop swinging. Hands on the belt, torso to the right / left

Sit down for a while. Squats

Walk along the path. Walking

Put on a shirt. Trunk twists

Meet the Tumbler. Forward bends, arms to the sides

Educator: Well done guys. We sit down a little.

Educator: And now I invite you, Mishka, to play with us. Children, take signal cards, if you hear the wrong name of the toy that is shown in the picture, you must raise a red card, if the correct one is green.






Bear: And I also know a very interesting game "call me nice" . I will show pictures of animals and you guys have to name them affectionately.

Cat, dog, goat, chickens, duck, horse, squirrel, hare.

Children: Kitty, goat, chickens, horse, squirrel, bunny.

Educator: Well done, guys, they did a good job with the Mishka game.

Bear: Guys, I really liked visiting you. You are very interesting about your toys. I will also draw such a diagram and describe the toys to my forest friends. Thank you. Goodbye.


Educator: Guys, today we not only played with Mishka, but also remembered how to describe toys, played interesting games, you are all great today.

details: Nikitina Olga Alexandrovna

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type kindergarten No. 10 of the municipality Ust-Labinsky district

The presented summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the middle group of the kindergarten will help the teacher to conduct a lesson on the topic "Autumn".


This lesson on the development of speech in the middle group includes several tasks:

  • Consolidate knowledge of the signs of autumn
  • Develop an active vocabulary of children, enriching it with new concepts
  • To form in students of the middle group the ability to describe an object using a symbolic scheme
  • Train
  • Improve cognitive processes and communication skills

This summary can be used for an open lesson on the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten.

Materials and equipment

  1. flannelograph with a set of "signs of autumn";
  2. diagram with symbols to describe the subject;
  3. a disc with the musical theme "autumn";
  4. small squares of yellow paper;
  5. toy rabbit.

Lesson progress


The teacher turns on the music, everyone listens to it, then the teacher says:

- Guys, what time of the year do you think could compose such a melody? (Autumn) Let's remember what we see on the street in autumn.

The children answer, and the teacher puts the corresponding images on the flannelgraph: rain, clouds, and others.

Look carefully and say what is shown in these pictures.

Students list:

  • it's raining;
  • leaves fall;
  • the sun hides;
  • the birds fly away.

If this outline is used for an open lesson, then it is important to choose large pictures. They must be clearly visible to all guests.

Making up a story

Pupils come out and name the main signs of autumn (flanegraph with pictures serves as a support).

The hare thanks everyone. He repeats the story, using the sounded statements, supplementing it with new ones.

Examples of such narrative stories can be found in the abstracts of the GCD on the development of speech in children of the middle group (4 years old).


Children follow the movements of the teacher, repeating them:

The wind blows and sings (we puff out our cheeks, swing our arms);
He will pluck all the leaves. (with palms we depict the flight of leaves);
They fly like birds. (we wave our arms like wings);
That's how autumn is fun! (jumping in place).

A dynamic pause in the lesson is necessarily present in all GEF abstracts, this is a prerequisite.

Symbolic description

The teacher says that the bunny does not see what is in her hands (a maple leaf). Children are invited to help the little animal guess what it is. You can’t name an object, you need to talk about it.

Each, based on the drawings-symbols of properties, describes the sheet:

  1. What is our subject color? (yellow, lemon)
  2. What shape is it, what does it look like? (On the palm, on the star)
  3. What size is it? (large, wide)

The hare guesses, correctly names the hidden object (leaf), thanks for the help.

Examples of symbolic schemes can be found in the abstracts of complex classes on the development of speech for the middle group by Zotulina, as well as other authors.

The game "In my hands ..."

The teacher is holding a yellow piece of paper. Children are invited to pass it on to each other, naming the properties. The teacher draws attention to the diagram with symbols, which lies in the middle of the circle. Children pass the sheet to each other, naming its color, size, other properties (yellow, large, bright) The teacher praises everyone, completes the answers.

"Let's arrange a leaf fall!"

The teacher distributes squares of paper, offering to fold triangles out of them. Everyone folds the “leaves”, then begins to blow them off the palm of their hand. The game ends, the teacher says: “The leaves are spinning, flying, so this is ......!” (leaf fall).


The bunny says goodbye to everyone, asks to give him leaflets. If you are holding an open class, then you should also say goodbye to the guests.

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