Presentation on the physics of the giant planets. Presentation on the theme of the planet - giants

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The planet's rings are a system of flat concentric formations of dust and ice, rotating around the planet in the equatorial plane. Rings have been found on all the gas giants of the Solar System: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune.



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Presentation on astronomy Satellites and rings of giant planets

Rings of giant planets The rings of a planet are a system of flat concentric formations of dust and ice, rotating around the planet in the equatorial plane. Rings have been found on all the gas giants of the Solar System: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune.

The ring system of Saturn was discovered in the 17th century. The first to observe it was most likely Galileo Galilei in 1610, but due to the poor quality of optics, he did not see rings, but only “appendages” on both sides of Saturn. In 1655, Christiaan Huygens, using a telescope more advanced than Galileo’s, was the first to see the ring of Saturn and wrote: “The ring is surrounded by a thin, flat, not touching anywhere, inclined towards the ecliptic.” For more than 300 years, Saturn was considered the only planet surrounded by rings. Only in 1977, when observing the occultation of Uranus on a star, rings were discovered around the planet. Jupiter's faint and thin rings were discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Ten years later, in 1989, Voyager 2 discovered Neptune's rings.

Moons of Jupiter Moons of Jupiter are the natural satellites of the planet Jupiter. As of 2018, 79 satellites of Jupiter are known; this is the largest number of discovered satellites among all the planets in the solar system. The four largest are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Moons of Saturn Saturn has 62 known natural satellites with a confirmed orbit, 53 of which have their own names. Most satellites are small in size and made of rock and ice. The largest satellite of Saturn (and the second in the entire solar system after Ganymede) is Titan, whose diameter is 5152 km. This is the only satellite with a very dense atmosphere (1.5 times denser than Earth's). It consists of nitrogen (98%) with an admixture of methane. Scientists suggest that the conditions on this satellite are similar to those that existed on our planet 4 billion years ago, when life was just beginning on Earth.

Moons of Uranus Uranus has 27 discovered moons; the largest are Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. Miranda is considered the innermost and tiniest companion. Ariel is endowed with the brightest and youthful surface. Umbriel is the oldest and darkest of the five inner moons. It is endowed with a large number of old large craters and mysterious bright rings on one of the hemispheres. Oberon is the most distant, ancient and crater. There are hints of internal activity. Mysterious dark material is visible at the bottom of the craters. Cordelia and Ophelia are shepherd companions holding the narrow outer "Epsilon" ring.

Moons of uranium

Satellites of Neptune Currently, 14 satellites are known. Neptune's largest satellite is Triton. Its size is close to the size of the Moon, and its mass is 3.5 times less. This is the only large satellite of the solar system that revolves around its planet in the opposite direction of the rotation of the planet itself around its axis.

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The giant planets are the four planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune; located outside the ring of minor planets. The giant planets are the four planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune; located outside the ring of minor planets. These planets, which have a number of similar physical characteristics, are also called the outer planets. These planets, which have a number of similar physical characteristics, are also called the outer planets. Unlike the solid-state planets of the terrestrial group, they are all gas planets, have significantly larger sizes and masses (as a result of which the pressure in their depths is much higher), lower average density (close to the average solar one, 1.4 g/cm³), powerful atmospheres, rapid rotation, as well as rings (while terrestrial planets do not have those) and a large number of satellites. Almost all of these characteristics decrease from Jupiter to Neptune. Unlike the solid-state planets of the terrestrial group, they are all gas planets, have significantly larger sizes and masses (as a result of which the pressure in their depths is much higher), lower average density (close to the average solar one, 1.4 g/cm³), powerful atmospheres, rapid rotation, as well as rings (while terrestrial planets do not have those) and a large number of satellites. Almost all of these characteristics decrease from Jupiter to Neptune. In 2011, scientists proposed a model based on which, after the formation of the Solar System, a hypothetical fifth giant planet the size of Uranus existed for approximately another 600 million years. Subsequently, during the migration of major planets to their present position, that planet had to be ejected from the solar system so that the planets could occupy their present orbits without ejecting the existing Uranus or Neptune or causing a collision between the Earth and Venus or Mars. In 2011, scientists proposed a model based on which, after the formation of the Solar System, a hypothetical fifth giant planet the size of Uranus existed for approximately another 600 million years. Subsequently, during the migration of major planets to their present position, that planet had to be ejected from the solar system so that the planets could occupy their present orbits without ejecting the existing Uranus or Neptune or causing a collision between the Earth and Venus or Mars.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 11, and its mass is 318 times that of the Earth and three times the mass of all other planets combined. Judging by its size, Jupiter should be even heavier, so scientists have concluded that its outer layers are made of gas. Jupiter is 5 times farther from the Sun than Earth, so it gets really cold. Due to the distance from the Sun, the gases did not evaporate during its formation. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 11, and its mass is 318 times that of the Earth and three times the mass of all other planets combined. Judging by its size, Jupiter should be even heavier, so scientists have concluded that its outer layers are made of gas. Jupiter is 5 times farther from the Sun than Earth, so it gets really cold. Due to the distance from the Sun, the gases did not evaporate during its formation.

Characteristics of Jupiter Macca: 1.9*10 27 kg. (318 times the mass of the Earth) Diameter: km. (11.2 times the diameter of the Earth) Density: 1.31 g/cm 3 Temperature of the upper clouds: -160 o C Length of the day: 9.93 hours Distance from the Sun (average): 5.203 AU, that is, 778 million .km.. Orbital period (year): 11.86 years Orbital rotation speed: 13.1 km/s Gravity acceleration: 25.8 m/s 2

Great Red Spot The Great Red Spot (GRS) is an atmospheric feature on Jupiter, the most prominent feature on the planet's disk, observed for almost 350 years. The Great Red Spot (GRS) is an atmospheric feature on Jupiter, the most prominent feature on the planet's disk, observed for almost 350 years. The BCP was discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1665. The feature noted in Robert Hooke's 1664 notes can also be identified as a BCP. Before the Voyager mission, many astronomers believed that the spot was of a solid nature. The BCP was discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1665. The feature noted in Robert Hooke's 1664 notes can also be identified as a BCP. Before the Voyager mission, many astronomers believed that the spot was of a solid nature. The BKP is a giant hurricane-anticyclone, measuring thousands of kilometers in length and thousand of kilometers in width (significantly larger than the Earth). The size of the spot is constantly changing, the general tendency is to decrease; 100 years ago, the BKP was approximately 2 times larger and much brighter (see the results of observations by A. A. Belopolsky in the 1880s). However, it is the largest atmospheric vortex in the Solar System. The BKP is a giant hurricane-anticyclone, measuring thousands of kilometers in length and thousand of kilometers in width (significantly larger than the Earth). The size of the spot is constantly changing, the general tendency is to decrease; 100 years ago, the BKP was approximately 2 times larger and much brighter (see the results of observations by A. A. Belopolsky in the 1880s). However, it is the largest atmospheric vortex in the Solar System. The spot is located at approximately 22° south latitude and moves parallel to the planet's equator. In addition, the gas in the BKP rotates counterclockwise with a rotation period of about 6 Earth days. The wind speed inside the spot exceeds 500 km/h. The spot is located at approximately 22° south latitude and moves parallel to the planet's equator. In addition, the gas in the BKP rotates counterclockwise with a rotation period of about 6 Earth days. The wind speed inside the spot exceeds 500 km/h. The BKP cloud top is approximately 8 km above the top of the surrounding clouds. The temperature of the spot is slightly lower than the adjacent areas. In this case, the central part of the spot is several degrees warmer than its peripheral parts. The BKP cloud top is approximately 8 km above the top of the surrounding clouds. The temperature of the spot is slightly lower than the adjacent areas. In this case, the central part of the spot is several degrees warmer than its peripheral parts. The red color of the BKP has not yet found a clear explanation. Perhaps this color is given to the stain by chemical compounds including phosphorus. The red color of the BKP has not yet found a clear explanation. Perhaps this color is given to the stain by chemical compounds including phosphorus.

Satellites of Jupiter Satellites of Jupiter Today, scientists know 67 satellites of Jupiter; this is the largest number of discovered satellites among all the planets in the solar system. To date, scientists know 67 satellites of Jupiter; this is the largest number of discovered satellites among all the planets in the solar system.

Important discoveries 1664At Oxford, Robert Hooke describes and sketches the Great Red Spot The first correct measurement of the speed of light, made by timing the eclipses of Jupiter's moons. 1932 Methane and ammonia were discovered in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It was suggested that hydrogen on Jupiter has the properties of a metal. 1955 Accidental discovery of radio waves emitted by Jupiter. 1973 The first space probe "Pioneer 11" flew near Jupiter Voyager's meeting with Jupiter. The rotation of the Great Red Spot was discovered, a small ring system was discovered, auroras were discovered, and magnificent photographs of Jupiter and all its moons were obtained. 1989 The Galileo space probe is launched. 1994 Comet collision with Jupiter.

Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, has an amazing ring system. Due to its rapid rotation around its axis, Saturn’s ball is, as it were, flattened at the poles and inflated along the equator. Wind speeds at the equator reach 1800 km/h, which is four times the speed of the fastest winds on Jupiter. The width of Saturn's rings is kilometers, but they are only a few tens of meters thick. Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, has an amazing system of rings. Due to its rapid rotation around its axis, Saturn’s ball is, as it were, flattened at the poles and inflated along the equator. Wind speeds at the equator reach 1800 km/h, which is four times the speed of the fastest winds on Jupiter. The width of Saturn's rings is kilometers, but they are only a few tens of meters thick.

Characteristics of Saturn Macca: 5.68*10 26 kg. (95 times the mass of the Earth) Diameter: km. (9.46 times the diameter of the Earth) Density: 0.71 g/cm 3 Temperature of the upper clouds: -150 o C Length of the day: 10.54 hours Distance from the Sun (average): 9.54 au, that is 1427 million km Orbital period (year): 29.46 years Orbital speed: 9.6 km/s Gravity acceleration: 11.3 m/s 2

The Rings of Saturn The rings of Saturn are a system of flat concentric formations of ice and dust located in the equatorial plane of Saturn. The nature of the rings The rings of Saturn are a system of flat concentric formations of ice and dust, located in the equatorial plane of Saturn. The nature of the rings The plane of revolution of the ring system coincides with the plane of Saturn's equator. The particle size of the material in the rings ranges from micrometers to centimeters and (less often) tens of meters. Composition of the main rings: water ice (about 99%) with admixtures of silicate dust. The thickness of the rings is extremely small compared to their width (from 7 to 80 thousand kilometers above Saturn's equator) and ranges from one kilometer to ten meters. The total mass of debris in the ring system is estimated at 3x1019 kilograms. The plane of revolution of the ring system coincides with the plane of Saturn's equator. The particle size of the material in the rings ranges from micrometers to centimeters and (less often) tens of meters. Composition of the main rings: water ice (about 99%) with admixtures of silicate dust. The thickness of the rings is extremely small compared to their width (from 7 to 80 thousand kilometers above Saturn's equator) and ranges from one kilometer to ten meters. The total mass of debris in the ring system is estimated at 3 x 1019 kilograms.

The origin of the rings The origin of the rings According to the new model, several successive absorptions by Saturn of its satellites, billions of years ago orbiting the young gas giant, are to blame. Kanup's calculations show that after Saturn formed about 4.5 billion years ago at the dawn of the solar system, it was orbited by several large satellites, each one and a half times the size of the Moon. Gradually, due to gravitational influence, these satellites, one after another, “fell” into the bowels of Saturn. Of the “primary” satellites, only Titan remains today. In the process of leaving their orbits and entering a spiral trajectory, these satellites were destroyed. At the same time, the light ice component remained in space, while the heavy mineral components of the celestial bodies were absorbed by the planet. Subsequently, the ice was captured by the gravity of the next satellite of Saturn, and the cycle repeated again. When Saturn captured the last of its “primary” satellites, becoming a giant ball of ice with a solid mineral core, a “cloud” of ice formed around the planet. Fragments of this “cloud” ranged from 1 to 50 kilometers in diameter and formed the primary ring of Saturn. The mass of this ring exceeded the modern ring system by 1 thousand times, but over the next 4.5 billion years, the collisions of the ice blocks forming the ring led to the crushing of the ice to the size of hailstones. At the same time, most of the matter was absorbed by the planet, and was also lost during interaction with asteroids and comets, many of which also became victims of Saturn’s gravity. According to the new model, the culprit is several successive absorptions by Saturn of its satellites, which billions of years ago orbited the young gas giant. Kanup's calculations show that after Saturn formed about 4.5 billion years ago at the dawn of the solar system, it was orbited by several large satellites, each one and a half times the size of the Moon. Gradually, due to gravitational influence, these satellites, one after another, “fell” into the bowels of Saturn. Of the “primary” satellites, only Titan remains today. In the process of leaving their orbits and entering a spiral trajectory, these satellites were destroyed. At the same time, the light ice component remained in space, while the heavy mineral components of the celestial bodies were absorbed by the planet. Subsequently, the ice was captured by the gravity of the next satellite of Saturn, and the cycle repeated again. When Saturn captured the last of its “primary” satellites, becoming a giant ball of ice with a solid mineral core, a “cloud” of ice formed around the planet. Fragments of this “cloud” ranged from 1 to 50 kilometers in diameter and formed the primary ring of Saturn. The mass of this ring exceeded the modern ring system by 1 thousand times, but over the next 4.5 billion years, the collisions of the ice blocks forming the ring led to the crushing of the ice to the size of hailstones. At the same time, most of the matter was absorbed by the planet, and was also lost during interaction with asteroids and comets, many of which also became victims of Saturn’s gravity.

Moons of Saturn Saturn has 62 known natural satellites with a confirmed orbit, 53 of which have their own names. Most of the satellites are small in size and consist of rocks and ice, which is evident from their high reflectivity. 24 of Saturn's satellites are regular, the remaining 38 are irregular. Irregular satellites were divided according to the characteristics of their orbits into three groups: Inuit, Norwegian and Gallic. Their names are taken from their respective mythologies. Saturn has 62 known natural satellites with confirmed orbits, 53 of which have their own names. Most of the satellites are small in size and consist of rocks and ice, which is evident from their high reflectivity. 24 of Saturn's satellites are regular, the remaining 38 are irregular. Irregular satellites were divided according to the characteristics of their orbits into three groups: Inuit, Norwegian and Gallic. Their names are taken from their respective mythologies. The largest satellite of Saturn (and the second in the entire solar system after Ganymede) is Titan, whose diameter is 5152 km. This is the only satellite with a very dense atmosphere (1.5 times denser than Earth's). It consists of nitrogen (98%) with an admixture of methane. Scientists suggest that the conditions on this satellite are similar to those that existed on our planet 4 billion years ago, when life was just beginning on Earth. The largest satellite of Saturn (and the second in the entire solar system after Ganymede) is Titan, whose diameter is 5152 km. This is the only satellite with a very dense atmosphere (1.5 times denser than Earth's). It consists of nitrogen (98%) with an admixture of methane. Scientists suggest that the conditions on this satellite are similar to those that existed on our planet 4 billion years ago, when life was just beginning on Earth.

Important discoveries 1610 First observation of Saturn through a telescope by Galileo. His telescope was not powerful enough to see the rings, and Galileo recorded that Saturn was composed of three parts. 1633Earliest sketch of Saturn. 1655Christian Huygens discovers Titan. 1656Christian Huygens reports the presence of a ring on Saturn. 1675Cassini discovers a gap in the rings. 1837Opening of the Encke fissure. 1876Discovery of a noticeable white spot. 1932 Ammonia and methane are discovered in the atmosphere. 1979Pioneer 11's approach to Saturn. 1980 Voyager 1 takes images of Saturn and Titan. 1981 Voyager 2 flight to Saturn. 1990 Observation of Saturn using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It has a faint ring system consisting of very dark particles ranging in diameter from micrometers to fractions of a meter. At the moment, 13 rings are known to exist on Uranus. The rings of Uranus are probably quite young, as indicated by the gaps between them, as well as differences in their transparency. This suggests that the rings were not formed along with the planet. It is possible that previously the rings were one of the satellites of Uranus, which was destroyed either in a collision with a certain celestial body, or under the influence of tidal forces. Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It has a faint ring system consisting of very dark particles ranging in diameter from micrometers to fractions of a meter. At the moment, 13 rings are known to exist on Uranus. The rings of Uranus are probably quite young, as indicated by the gaps between them, as well as differences in their transparency. This suggests that the rings were not formed along with the planet. It is possible that previously the rings were one of the satellites of Uranus, which was destroyed either in a collision with a certain celestial body, or under the influence of tidal forces.

Characteristics of Uranus Macca: 8.7*10 25 kg. (14.5 times the mass of the Earth) Diameter: km. (4 times the diameter of the Earth) Density: 1.27 g/cm 3 Temperature: -220 o C Length of day: 17.23 hours Distance from the Sun (average): 19.2 AU, that is, 2.86 billion. km. Orbital period (year): 84 years Orbital rotation speed: 6.8 km/s Gravity acceleration: 9 m/s 2

Satellites of Uranus Satellites of Uranus are the natural satellites of the planet Uranus. As of the beginning of 2013, 27 satellites are known. All of them were named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. The moons of Uranus are the natural satellites of the planet Uranus. As of the beginning of 2013, 27 satellites are known. All of them were named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

“The Rape of the Lock” (poem by Alexander Pope): Ariel, Umbriel, Belinda “The Rape of the Lock” (poem by Alexander Pope): Ariel, Umbriel, Belinda Plays of William Shakespeare: Plays of William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Titania, Oberon, Puck "A Midsummer Night's Dream": Titania, Oberon, Puck "The Tempest": (Ariel), Miranda, Caliban, Sycoraxa, Prospero, Setebos, Stephano, Trinculo, Francisco, Ferdinand "The Tempest": (Ariel), Miranda, Caliban, Sycoraxa , Prospero, Setebos, Stefano, Trinculo, Francisco, Ferdinand “King Lear”: Cordelia “King Lear”: Cordelia “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”: Ophelia “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”: Ophelia “The Taming of the Shrew”: Bianca “The Taming of the Shrew” : Bianca "Troilus and Cressida": Cressida "Troilus and Cressida": Cressida "Othello": Desdemona "Othello": Desdemona "Romeo and Juliet": Juliet, Mab "Romeo and Juliet": Juliet, Mab "The Merchant of Venice": Portia "The Merchant of Venice": Portia "As You Like It": Rosalinda "As You Like It": Rosalinda "Much Ado About Nothing": Margarita "Much Ado About Nothing": Margarita "The Winter's Tale": Perdita "The Winter's Tale": Perdita "Timon of Athens": Cupid "Timon of Athens": Cupid

Important discoveries 1690 Uranus was first described, but as a star. March 13, 1781 William Herschel discovered Uranus as a planet. 1787 William Herschel discovered two moons of Uranus. 1977 The rings of Uranus are discovered Voyager 2's approach to Uranus. New moons have been discovered.

Neptune is the last planet in the solar system. Neptune was the first planet discovered through mathematical calculations rather than through regular observations. Neptune is not visible to the naked eye. Neptune is the last planet in the solar system. Neptune was the first planet discovered through mathematical calculations rather than through regular observations. Neptune is not visible to the naked eye. Neptune, like other giant planets, does not have a solid surface. There are five rings around the planet: two bright and narrow and three fainter ones. It completes a full revolution around the Sun in almost 165 Earth years, almost always remaining at a distance of 4.5 billion km from it. Neptune, like other giant planets, does not have a solid surface. There are five rings around the planet: two bright and narrow and three fainter ones. It completes a full revolution around the Sun in almost 165 Earth years, almost always remaining at a distance of 4.5 billion km from it.

Characteristics of Neptune Macca:1*10 26 kg. (17.2 times the mass of the Earth) Diameter: km. (3.9 times the diameter of the Earth) Density: 1.77 g/cm 3 Temperature: -213 o C Length of day: 17.87 hours Distance from the Sun (average): 30 AU, that is, 4.5 billion. km. Orbital period (year): 165 years Orbital rotation speed: 5.4 km/s Gravity acceleration: 11.6 m/s 2

Moons of Neptune Neptune currently has 14 known moons. Neptune's four innermost moons Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea are so close to Neptune that they lie within its rings. Neptune currently has 14 known moons. Neptune's four innermost moons Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea are so close to Neptune that they lie within its rings. Galatea Thalassa Naiad Triton Nereid Proteus Despina

Important discoveries September 23, 1846Discovery of Neptune by Johann Galle. August 24, 1989 Voyager 2 passes near Neptune and opens the rings.

Planets are giants
Astronomy – 11th grade

Planets are giants

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter is approximately 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with traces of methane, water, and ammonia. Jupiter may have a core of solid material that is about 10 to 15 times the mass of Earth. Above the core is the bulk of the planet in the form of liquid metallic hydrogen. The layer farthest from the core consists primarily of ordinary molecular hydrogen and helium.
The Great Red Spot was noticed by observers on Earth more than 300 years ago. It measures 12,000 by 25,000 km.
Jupiter emits more energy into space than it receives from the sun. Inside Jupiter is a hot core whose temperature is approximately 20,000 K. Jupiter has a huge magnetic field, much stronger than that of the earth. Jupiter has rings like Saturn, but much fainter. Jupiter has 16 known satellites: 4 large and 12 small.

Great red spot
The Great Red Spot is an oval formation
of varying sizes, located in the southern
tropical zone. Currently it has
dimensions 15x30 thousand km, and a hundred years ago observers
noted 2 times larger sizes. Sometimes it
may not be very clearly visible. The Great Red Spot is a long-lived free vortex (anticyclone) in the atmosphere of Jupiter, making a full revolution in 6 Earth days and, like the bright zones, is characterized by upward currents in the atmosphere. The clouds in it are located higher, and their temperature is lower than in neighboring areas of the belts.

Moons of Jupiter
Radius, km
Radius, km
And about

Io is the third largest and closest satellite of Jupiter. Io was discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610.
Io and Europa are similar in composition to the terrestrial planets, primarily due to the presence of silicate rocks.
Very few craters have been found on Io, which means its surface is very young. Instead of craters, hundreds of volcanoes were discovered. Some of them are active!
The landscapes of Io are surprisingly diverse: pits up to several kilometers deep, lakes of molten sulfur, mountains that are not volcanoes, streams of some kind of viscous liquid stretching for hundreds of kilometers, and volcanic vents.
Io, like the moon, always faces the same side towards Jupiter.
Io has a very thin atmosphere, consisting of sulfur dioxide and possibly some other gases.

Europa is the fourth largest moon of Jupiter.
Europa was discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610. Europa and Io are similar in composition to the terrestrial planets: they are also primarily composed of silicate rock.
Unlike Io, Europa is covered on top with a thin layer of ice. Recent data from Galileo indicates that Europa's interior is composed of layers with a small metallic core at the center.
Images of Europa's surface closely resemble images of sea ice on Earth. It is possible that beneath the surface of Europa's ice there is a level of liquid water as deep as 50 km.
Recent observations indicate that Europa has very little oxygen atmosphere. Galileo detected the presence of a weak magnetic field (possibly 4 times weaker than that of Ganymede).

Ganymede is the seventh and largest moon of Jupiter.
Ganymede was discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System.
Ganymede is divided into three structural levels: a small core of molten iron or iron and sulfur, surrounded by a rocky silicate mantle with an icy shell on the surface.
The surface of Ganymede consists mainly of two types of terrain: very old, heavily cratered, dark areas, and somewhat younger, lighter areas with extensive rows of ditches and mountain ridges.
Ganymede's thin atmosphere contains oxygen like Europa. This satellite has its own magnetospheric field, extending into the interior of the huge Jupiter.

Callisto is the eighth known moon of Jupiter and the second largest
Callisto was discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610.
Callisto is primarily composed of approximately 40% ice and 60% rock/iron, similar to Titan and Triton.
The surface of Callisto is completely covered with craters. Its age is estimated at 4 billion years.
Callisto has very little atmosphere consisting of carbon dioxide.

Saturn is the sixth from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System.
Saturn is clearly oblate; its equatorial and polar diameters differ by almost 10%. This is the result of its rapid rotation and liquid state. Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets, its specific gravity is only 0.7 - less than that of water.
Like Jupiter, Saturn is composed of approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, with traces of water, methane, ammonia and rock.
Saturn's rings are unusually thin: although they are 250,000 km or more in diameter, they are 1.5 km thick. They consist mainly of ice and rock particles covered with an ice crust.
Like other planets of the Jupiter group, Saturn has a significant magnetic field.
Saturn has 18 moons.

Rings of Saturn.

Rings of Saturn.
There are three main rings, named A, B and C. They are visible without much trouble from Earth. There are also names for weaker rings - D, E, F.
Upon closer inspection, there are a great many rings.
There are gaps between the rings where there are no particles. The one of the gaps that can be seen with an average telescope from Earth (between rings A and B) is called the Cassini gap.

Saturn's moons
Radius or dimensions. km
Radius or dimensions. km

Mimas was discovered in 1789 by Herschel.
Mimas is unusual in that one huge crater was discovered on it, which is the size of a third of the satellite. It is covered with cracks, which is probably caused by the tidal influence of Saturn: Mimas is the closest large moon to the planet.
In the photo you can see the same huge meteorite crater, called Herschel. Its size is 130 kilometers. Herschel is 10 kilometers deep into the surface, with a central hill almost as high as Everest.

Enceladus was discovered in 1789 by Herschel.
Enceladus has the most active surface of all the moons in the system. It shows traces of flows that destroyed the previous topography, so it is assumed that the bowels of this satellite may still be active.
Additionally, although craters can be seen everywhere there, the paucity of them in some areas implies that these areas are only a few hundred million years old. This would mean that parts of the surface on Enceladus are still subject to change.
It is believed that its activity lies in the influence of the tidal forces of Saturn, heating Enceladus

Tethys was discovered in 1684 by J. Cassini.
Tethys is famous for its huge crack-fault, 2000 km long - three quarters of the length of the satellite's equator!
Photos of Tethys returned by Voyager 2 showed a large, smooth crater about a third the diameter of the moon itself, called Odysseus. He's bigger than Herschel on Mimas. Unfortunately, in the presented image these details are poorly distinguishable.
There are several hypotheses about the origin of the crevice, including one suggesting a period in the history of Tethys when it was liquid. When frozen, a crevice could form.
The surface temperature of Tethys is 86 K.

Dione was discovered in 1684 by J. Cassini.
On the surface of Dione there are traces of the release of light material in the form of frost, many craters and a winding valley.

Rhea was discovered in 1672 by J. Cassini.
Rhea - has an old, completely strewn with craters, surface

Titan was discovered by Huygens in 1655.
Titan is approximately half frozen water and half rocky material. It is possible that its structure is differentiated into separate levels, with a rocky central area surrounded by separate levels consisting of different crystalline forms of ice. It may still be hot inside.
Titan is the only one of all the moons in the solar system that has a significant atmosphere. The pressure on its surface is more than 1.5 bar (50% higher than on Earth). The atmosphere consists primarily of molecular nitrogen (as on Earth) with argon making up no more than 6%, and a few percent methane. Traces of at least a dozen other organic substances (ethane, hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide) and water were also found.

Hyperion was discovered in 1848 by Lascelles.
The irregular shape of the satellite causes an unusual phenomenon: Every time the giant Titan and Hyperion approach each other, Titan changes Hyperion's orientation through gravitational forces.
The irregular shape of Hyperion and traces of long-ago bombardment by meteorites make it possible to call Hyperion the oldest in the Saturn system

Iapetus was discovered in 1671 by J. Cassini.
Iapetus' orbit is located almost 4 million kilometers from Saturn.
One side of Iapetus is heavily cratered, while the other side is almost smooth.
Iapetus is known for its heterogeneous surface brightness. The satellite, like the Moon and the Earth, is always turned with one side towards Saturn, so that in its orbit it moves only with one side forward, which is 10 times darker than the opposite side. There is a version that in its movement the satellite “sweeps up” dust and small particles that also orbit Saturn. On the other hand, perhaps this dark matter is generated by the bowels of the satellite.

Phoebe rotates around the planet in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of all other satellites and Saturn around its axis. It is roughly spherical in shape and reflects about 6 percent of sunlight.
Besides Hyperion, this is the only satellite that does not always face Saturn with one side.
All these features very reasonably allow us to say that Phoebe is an asteroid captured in gravitational networks.

Uranus is the first planet discovered in modern times by William Herschel during his systematic survey of the sky with a telescope on March 13, 1781.
The axis of rotation of most planets is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, and the axis of Uranus is almost parallel to the ecliptic.
Uranium consists primarily of rock and various ices. Apparently, Uranus does not have a rocky core like Jupiter and Saturn.
The atmosphere of Uranus consists of 83% hydrogen, 15% helium and 2% methane. Like other gas planets, Uranus has rings. Like Jupiter, they are very dark and, like Saturn, in addition to fine dust, they include quite large particles up to 10 meters in diameter. There are 11 known rings.
Uranus has 15 known and named moons and 5 recently discovered ones.

Radius. km
Radius. km

Was discovered in 1948 by Kuiper
. Miranda's surface is a mixed bag: cratered terrain interspersed with areas with uncanny grooves, valleys interspersed with cliffs more than 5 kilometers high.
Miranda's small size and low temperature (-187 Celsius) and, at the same time, the intensity and diversity of tectonic activity on this satellite surprised scientists. It is likely that tidal forces from Uranus, constantly striving to deform the satellite, served as an additional source of energy for such activity.

It was discovered in 1851 by Lascelles.
Ariel's surface is a mixture of cratered terrain and interconnected valley systems hundreds of kilometers long and more than 10 kilometers deep.
Ariel has the brightest and perhaps geologically youngest surface in the Uranus satellite system.

It was discovered in 1851 by Lascelles
Umbriel's surface is ancient and dark, having apparently been subject to few geological processes.
The dark tones of Umbriel's surface may be the result of dust and small debris that was once in the vicinity of the moon's orbit.

DefinitionGiant planets are planets
which are outside
rings of minor planets have
large size and weight, more
low density, powerful
atmospheres, as well as great
number of satellites and rings (in
There are no terrestrial planets). All
Giant planets are gas planets.


Jupiter is the most
big planet in
solar system. Weight
of this planet 318 times
more than the earth's and 2.5
more massive than all the others
planets. Jupiter has
most of all satellites - their
67. One of his companions
Ganymede is superior
the size of Mercury and
is the largest
satellite in solar System.
Jupiter also has the most
strong magnetic field in
solar system - it is in
14 times more than

Jupiter against the background of the Earth. Many times superior


Despite its mass,
Jupiter is the most
fast planet
Solar system. For
full rotation of the planet
10 hours is enough. However
in order to completely
fly around the Sun Jupiter
takes 12 years. Fast
rotation of Jupiter
occurs due to magnetic
fields, as well as radiation
around the planet.

Jupiter's magnetic field


Saturn -
sixth planet from the Sun
tsa and second in
planet size
in Solnechnaya
system after Jupiter
. Least dense
solar planet
system (its average
density is less
density of water).


In 1609-1610 for the first time
this planet was discovered through
your Galileo telescope
Galileo. Saturn is different
a bright ring open in
1655 Dutch
physicist H. Huygens.
Saturn has 62 satellites -
slightly less than Jupiter.
They still don't know how much
the day lasts on this planet,
since the planet does not have
hard surface.
Flat ring system
encircles the planet
equator and nowhere
comes into contact with

Is life possible on Saturn?

No, it is not possible
because the planet is too
hostile to life:
surface temperature
-150 degrees and speed
winds can reach up to
500 km/h. Physically
survive human
the body just doesn't
capable. Moreover, the year
Saturn lasts almost 30
earth years, as well as the planet
does not have a hard

Facts about Saturn

1. A day on this planet lasts only a little
more than 10 earth hours
2. In astrology, Saturn is considered the most
problematic planet and source
harmful effects on humans.
The location of the planet affects -
Astrologers think so.
Saturn could very well float if
there was such a huge ocean in
which could launch it
Saturn cannot support life
in the form in which we know it. Them
no less, some of the satellites
Saturn have conditions that
can support life.
The atmosphere of a gas giant consists of
mainly from hydrogen and helium, as well as
Saturn's mass is 95 times that of Earth.
The rings of Saturn are considered among
astronomers the most unusual and
beautiful among other gas planets


Uranium with a mass 14 times
more than the Earth's
is the easiest
from the outer planets. He
has much more
cold core than
other gas giants
and radiates into space
very little heat.
Uranus has 27 open


Discovered Uranus English
scientist William Herschel
(11/15/1738 – 08/25/1822) 13
March 1781 in Bath
In Great Britain. He led
another observation of
weak stars
constellation Gemini. Late
in the evening he noticed that one
of them are clearly larger than their neighbors.
At first Herschel accepted
open celestial body
a comet, and the absence of a tail
of this comet he explained it
movement towards the Earth.

William Herschel

However, a few months later
it turned out that this was not a comet, but earlier
unknown solar planet
systems located from the Sun
seventh in a row. Size: new
the planet was the third after
Jupiter and Saturn. Reopened
Herschel called the celestial body a planet
George in honor of the ruler at that time
England King George III. However this name
didn’t catch on, but became generally accepted
a more appropriate name is Uranus.
The planet received a new name in
honor of the sky god - the son of the Earth goddess Gaia
and father of Saturn.
For his discovery Herschel in the same year
was elected a member of the London
Royal Society and received
Oxford doctorate
university, and King George III for it
the opening granted Herschel an annual
pension of 200 pounds.


Neptune is the eighth and most
distant planet of the Solar
systems. Neptune's mass
17.2 times, and the diameter
the equator is 3.9 times larger
Earth. The planet is named in
honor of the Roman god of the seas.
Neptune although a little
less than Uranus, but more
massive (17 Earth masses) and
therefore more dense. He
emits more
internal heat, but not like that
much like Jupiter or

History of the planet Neptune

Neptune is the first planet
which was not opened with the help
observations, and thanks
mathematical calculations. Was open
in Germany in Berlin at the observatory 23
September 1846 by three scientists at once.
It is believed that Galileo Galilei twice
observed Neptune, but in both
cases he considered the planet to be motionless
star in conjunction with Jupiter, so
the discovery is not his.
To find a new planet there were two
possible ways:
1.By apparent movement
relative to the stars (in this case
every star in the area of ​​the supposed
it was necessary to find a new planet
observe twice with an interval of
several days, recording its exact
2.According to the visible disk (the size of which is
as one of the discoverers pointed out,
should have been about 3").

Facts about Neptune

Neptune has 14 satellites. Most
the largest of them is Triton.
Despite the long distance
from the Sun, meaning Neptune
receives very little sunlight
to manage it
atmosphere, Neptune's winds can
reach 2400 kilometers per hour. This
the fastest winds in Solnechnaya
Neptune, like Uranus, is icy
giant. Here the temperature reaches
-224 degrees. The planet mainly consists
from a very thick and cold combination
water, ammonia and methane, and the atmosphere
consists of hydrogen, helium and methane.
Due to strong winds and icy
Neptune cannot have an atmosphere
maintain life as usual for us
Neptune has six rings and rotates
around the sun

Nimi (for Saturn it’s the other way around). Neptune the Fourth planet, belonging to planets - giants, This planet Neptune, named after the Roman god of the seas. ... ! What conclusions can be drawn by studying the topic “ Planets-giants and little Pluto"? CONCLUSIONS Planets-giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. By...

Planets - giants Astronomy – 11th grade Planets - giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth from the sun and the largest in size planet... in the opposite direction to the direction of rotation of most others planets. Like Uranus, Pluto's equatorial plane is located almost...

Everyone has planets-giants? Which planet largest in the solar system? Which one planets most satellites? Which planet has the most... gas forms the basis of the atmosphere planets-giants? Which planet was discovered first by calculation? Which planet the smallest in the solar system...

And the structural features of the rings. I. Introduction II. General planets-giants III. Planets-giants 1. Jupiter 2. Saturn 3. Uranus 4. Neptune IV ... similar to representatives of the first four... Size comparison planets-giants And planets Earth group All planets-giants very massive: they account for 99,...


planets earthly group. All planets-giants planets belong to the group planets-giants? 2. What do we all have in common? planets-giants? 3. Which one planet the largest in Solnechnaya...

... Planetsgiants and little Pluto. Goals and objectives: Repeat characteristics planets terrestrial group Study characteristics planets - giants Repeat characteristics planets... 4 Mars 1 Mercury 2 Venus Planets terrestrial group: Planets- giants: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn...

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And they don’t have hard surfaces like planets earthly group. All planets-giants surrounded by an atmosphere of hydrogen. They have large... rings. 1. What planets belong to the group planets-giants? 2. What do we all have in common? planets-giants? 3. Which one planet the largest in Solnechnaya...

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