The guy does not confess his love what to do. Why is a man silent about his feelings

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At the mere thought of the guy you are in love with, your heart starts beating and your palms sweat. When you like someone - whether you've known each other for years or only talked a couple of times - you instinctively want to know how this person feels about you. Once it becomes clear to you yourself how you feel about this person, it is perfectly natural to want to know how he feels in return. In order not to guess too long, there are many ways to provoke a guy to confess his feelings. Once you understand that this is your person, use the right approach.


Make sure the guy is open and ready

    First of all, make sure he is not in a relationship with someone else. You should not cross someone's path, trying to wrest a confession from a guy who is already taken. Also, don't get your hopes up about a guy who spends a lot of time with another girl and might just be after her. In fact, in order to understand the situation, a lot of effort is not required. All you need to do is chat a little among his friends, look at his social media profile, or even just ask him a question directly. Here are examples of such questions:

    • If you're brave enough, ask during one of the conversations if he's seeing anyone. Ask a question as if by the way: “Do you have a girlfriend?” or “Have you already noticed someone?” Questions like this won't reveal your feelings.
    • If you cannot ask him directly due to natural shyness or the rarity of meetings, try to find out about it from his friends. Casually mention him in a conversation, and then ask: “By the way, do you know if he is dating anyone?”
    • If you have no one to ask about it, check his status on social networks.
  1. Clarify his position regarding relationships with girls. If it turns out that he is alone, it is worth asking how he generally relates to girls. So you can understand if he is potentially ready for a relationship as well as you. Be subtle, and try to ask such questions in private. Example relationship questions:

    • "When was the last time you dated a girl?"
    • "Would you like to date any of the girls?"
    • "Do you often go on dates?"
  2. Be with him light and cheerful. When you're interacting, try to bring in pleasant and funny notes to the conversation to see if he enjoys joking around you. You can even try giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder during a conversation to see how he reacts. If he laughs and makes some kind of reciprocal gesture, this is a good sign. Humor is a great way to open a heart that is inclined towards you, as this will show your interest and the guy will feel more comfortable.

    Watch for the chemistry between you. If it turns out that in the presence of each other you constantly laugh and find a lot in common with each other, then there is a great chance that you mutually like each other. Constant laughter and smiles are the main indicator that something is happening between two people. Guys in love also very often call their passion by name. Here are a couple more signs that reveal his true feelings:

    Lead him to confession

    1. Develop trusting relationships. Let him feel special because of your interest in his personality. Be interested in his hobbies and dreams for the future. React openly and positively to everything he talks about so that he feels comfortable sharing it with you. Don't be afraid to appear vulnerable by revealing something about yourself, as this will make him feel that you have special trust in him.

      • Talk about your biggest fears or share a story about how you got into an embarrassing situation.
      • If you demonstrate your trust, it will be easier for him to open up to you.
    2. Listen to him and avoid value judgments. Let him show himself for who he is. Let him know that you are not going to rate him and appreciate everything that makes him so unique. Your goal is to build trust and create a safe environment where you can talk about anything. Guys are reluctant to share their inner experiences. What holds him back most is the fear of rejection on your part. Let him know that you will not criticize him or reject his feelings.

      • In order to open up emotionally, a guy needs to feel free from judgment.
    3. Don't pressure him. Guys don't like to feel like they're trapped. And flattery and fawning, most likely, will completely push him away from you. Even if he has any feelings for you, he will not rush to confess if you are too intrusive.

      • Be patient. By rushing, you can scare him away and make him close even more.
      • Don't bombard him with text messages. You should not turn into a person whose messages he will read first in the morning and last in the evening. Make sure that communication is mutual, not one-sided.
      • At least from time to time, he should be the initiator of your meetings. If you invited him somewhere, but he refused, wait next time for an invitation from him.
    4. Don't chase him. If you chase a guy in the hope that he will confess his feelings to you, you will only achieve that he wants to run away from you. In addition, he may like your desire to achieve him - he does not need to achieve you! Pause and let him realize that he doesn't want to lose you. This will make him more inclined to confess his feelings to you.

      • Do not come to his home or work without an invitation.
      • If you cross paths at a party, don't follow him all evening. Chat with other friends and show that you're having a good time on your own.
      • There is only one courting in a pair, and it should not be you.
    5. Be sincere and humble. If you act confident and boastful while hiding your true feelings, the guy will feel awkward around you, because he will subtly feel that you are faking it. Be confident, but don't act haughty or boastful - it's off-putting.

    6. Flirt a little with his friend. If you focus your attention on one of his friends, he may be afraid that he has lost your interest and rush to explain his feelings to you. You don't have to go too far with flirting, just strike up an engaging conversation with one of his friends to spark a little jealousy and that will be enough. Here's what you can talk about with his friends:

      • "What do you like to do in your free time?"
      • "Where do you work?" or “What job do you want in the future?”
      • "What are your favorite films?"
    7. Don't let him guess how you feel too soon. Perhaps what keeps him from recognizing him is the certainty that you already have him, and nothing more needs to be done. Once you understand that you want him to confess his feelings, play a little touchy: do not always agree to a meeting and do not answer all his calls. This will spur him to speed up the confession of his true feelings.

      • Give him the opportunity to miss you or reflect on what you do. Let him be the first to call or send SMS.
      • If he asks what you do on the weekend, answer honestly, but always in a positive way. You can say, "I'm hanging out with friends or watching movies," or "I'm planning to spend some time with my family this week, but I haven't decided what I'm going to do."
      • Whatever you say, in no case give the impression that you will be bored and sit at home, not knowing what to do with yourself.
    8. Playfully ask him if he likes you. Nothing bad will happen if you ask him about it directly. If he's too shy to admit that he likes you, be honest that you like him. This can help him take a step towards revealing his secret feelings. If you have been friends for a long time, and suddenly you notice that he is smiling at you and constantly flirting, ask him a question directly. For example:

      • Sit next to him and say: “I like you, and I wonder if you like me?” or “I really enjoy spending time with you and I kind of want you to enjoy it too. Do you like me?"
      • If he doesn't know what to say, giggle and say, "Well, do you like me?" He will simply fall victim to your charm.
      • If he says yes, you have achieved the desire of your heart. If he says no, at least you'll know it now and won't waste your time on him. If he paused and didn't answer, don't worry, he might just be having a hard time articulating his thoughts.
      • If you subtly hint to him that you like him and you are open towards him, perhaps he will decide and admit that he likes you.
    • Give him the opportunity to be close to you himself.
    • If he enjoys playfully teasing you, that's a sign that he likes you.
    • Try not to flirt too much with other guys. Yes, this can provoke jealousy in him, but it can also make him lose hope and forever shut up about his feelings.
    • Smile at him, and if he smiles back and nods his head, then he has you in his field of vision!
    • A good sign that someone likes you is if the person constantly seeks to communicate with you, even to the point of ignoring everyone else.
    • Enjoy life whether he is around or not. Enjoy activities that have nothing to do with it. This is an indicator of your emotional stability, and it is this position that makes you want to be around.
    • Don't change for anyone, and don't expect them to change.
    • If his friends tease him in your presence, this may also be a sign that he likes you.

Every girl dreams that her lover will say three cherished words: "I love you." In some cases, this moment comes on time, and the missus confesses his feelings. But what if a man shows signs of attention, but is in no hurry to talk about love? Let's take a look at the current situation together.

Reasons for your Romeo's silence

If you believe in the theory of the American psychologist John Gray, which he described in his book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”, then the strong half of humanity for fragile ladies is a closed puzzle book. Men and women are so different and distant that they can be considered people from different planets. But even aliens can make contact, using love and mutual understanding as leverage.

According to Gray, women are more emotional, sensitive and sociable. It is important for them to talk about everything that happens in life. They expect the same from men. But the representatives of the stronger sex are more restrained, rational, firm and silent. Even if they love, it is difficult for them to express this feeling in words. Why, in a harmoniously developing relationship, some men do not talk about love? Consider a number of factors that influence their behavior.

  • The man believes that words do not make sense, actions are more important.
  • He is stopped by the negative experience of previous relationships.
  • He has not yet figured out his feelings and cannot say one hundred percent that he loves you.
  • From childhood, he was taught to restrain everything inside himself (supposedly, the manifestation of feelings is a female prerogative, and men do not cry!).

How to push a man to confess his love

What to do if a man does not say the long-awaited three words? The main thing is not to lose self-control and not to fall into depression. A common female mistake is psychological pressure on her partner and unreasonable tantrums. In this case, the man will be shocked by the new appearance of his beloved and back down.

If you really love this person, then you should be patient. Sooner or later, he will confess his feelings and explain his silence.

And if time passes, and the young man still plays silent? Don't rush to end the relationship. There are several ways to open the door to the soul of a shy boyfriend:

  1. Some women naively assume that their lovers know what they think and what they want. But men can't read minds! Sometimes you need to talk about your desires out loud. For example, if you want your young man to kiss you when you meet, then tell him about it. Surely he will take this into account, and during the next date he will certainly kiss you. If you want to hear words of love, then confess your feelings. Perhaps, after your words, he will dare and reciprocate.
  2. There is also a completely opposite approach - not to reveal your feelings and remain a tender and fragile woman. Do not take on the burden of responsibility, let him feel like a real man. After all, in the end, he is able to make independent decisions and bear responsibility for them. Your task is to support your loved one in a difficult situation. If you succeed, he will soon appreciate and love you.
  3. Remain a mystery to him, do not frighten him with importunity. You should not call him twenty times a day and ask for a date. A man should get bored himself and take the initiative.

Are you worried that your beloved has not yet told you those very cherished words? But you really want to find out the whole truth about his feelings? Do not be sad, because some people find it difficult to talk about their love, because of the panic fear of being rejected. Perhaps your man has simply never said these words before. Here is a list made up of several signs by which you can confidently judge that he loves you.

1. His kisses are long and passionate

Romantic solitude with endlessly long kisses is liked by many. But if your man is constantly initiating them, and his passion never seems to dry up, it means that he really has deep feelings. This behavior cannot be attributed to banal lust, and it is more than the excitement associated with your presence.

2. His friends love you

He talks so much about you to his friends that they involuntarily begin to trust you. They instantly accept you into their company and feel confident that you can make their friend happy.

3. Your partner tries to be as close to you as possible.

Sometimes people are nervous about someone's presence, and no one likes it if a stranger violates the limits of personal space. All this stops working when we fall in love with someone. From now on, we want to be as close to each other as possible, even if we interact in public.

4. After a kiss, a smile appears on his face

Of course, a kiss can bring a smile without deep feelings between partners. However, if a person is in love, then after a kiss he will simply shine with happiness. Watch him and you will find out for yourself.

5. He is ready to listen to you carefully.

Perhaps your partner is still laconic. But when you talk to him, he doesn't sit there with a neutral expression, just making his presence known. Your partner hungrily on your every word. Your words are really important to him. Sometimes he leans in closer to hear you better, nods in approval or asks again. This behavior is telling.

6. He straightens up at the sight of you.

People slouch their backs so often. As if they are not able to bear the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. But when someone wants to impress the lady of his heart, when he sees her, he will certainly put on airs.

7. He squeezes your hand

Your hand was in his hand. Now you feel how the lover involuntarily squeezed her. Know that his feelings for you are deep.

8. He calls or texts for no reason.

Your partner does not want to leave you even in moments of separation. That is why he always calls you or writes cute SMS messages. This means that he thinks about you during the day and feels comfortable with you in any setting.

9. Your partner is always nearby

What is the difference between casual sexual relationships and true romantic affection? Real feelings are not based on carnal pleasures. People want to spend time with each other and do all sorts of things. Does he enjoy going shopping with you and choosing food for dinner? Do you prefer to cook together? It means he is genuinely interested in you.

10. He often looks into your eyes.

Are you at a bar with friends or are you in different parts of the room where each of you is busy with your own business? At the same time, you often catch a gaze or a fleeting smile on yourself. Eye contact between people indicates a strong emotional attachment. Even if you are doing different things now, he still shows concern for you.

11. He pulls his hair

When people are nervous, they have no control over their fingers and often run them through their hair. In close proximity to each other, it may look too romantic. Or your partner is planning to say something important, but just can not decide on it.

12. He copies your behavior.

Your partner is happy to follow you for lunch or coffee. And when you go for a run in the park, he immediately puts on his sneakers. Displaying your behavior as if in a mirror, he involuntarily demonstrates to you that you have become much closer to each other.

13. He buys you meaningful gifts.

When we mention meaning, we do not mean the high cost of gifts. It's just that your lover is really thinking about things that could improve your existence. For example, he can fill you with socks, knowing how often you rub your feet to calluses.

14. Your partner laughs a lot in your presence.

He so often finds you funny and giggles when you do something stupid. It may seem strange, but the more often he laughs, the more serious his level of interest in you.

15. His touch is spontaneous

When you are in a public place, your partner may suddenly touch you. He can touch your hand, put his arm around your shoulders, or draw a sign on your back with his finger. This casual, spontaneous intimacy shows you that your lover wants to keep in touch with you even outside the bedroom.

At work and in everyday life, we repeatedly encounter married men. And among them there are many who are ready to start a romantic relationship with a married or free woman. Some ladies, closing their eyes, rush into the arms of the person they like. Others meticulously evaluate the object of passion, weighing all the pros and cons. Most often, married men are interested in the representatives of the weaker sex, who are satisfied with the status of a mistress. But sometimes young girls also fall into love networks. Especially if a man is good-looking, gallant and wealthy.

Falling in love with a married man: the main signs and pitfalls

Married men who are ready to start relationships on the side can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • Womanizers: they need female society like air, and the meaning of life lies in long or short-term intrigues.
  • Those who are really unhappy in marriage and find an outlet in a romance on the side.
  • Regardless of the type of married man, the signs of falling in love are often the same:

  • Eye contact: during a conversation, the man does not look away.
  • Tactile contact: he tries to sit closer, straightens a strand of hair, takes his hand.
  • Gallantry: the lover not only opens the door and offers his hand, but also shows increased attention - he throws his jacket over the woman's shoulders, if it's cool, he brings his favorite cakes, gives flowers for no reason. We will not consider signs such as “friendly” spanking below the waist, a frank call to have sex, because they speak, rather, not about falling in love, but about poor education.
  • So, what to do if a married man confesses his love? First, you need to decide how much you need this person. And to make the right decision will help the knowledge of several "traps" that gullible women fall into.

  • Hope for a quick marriage and a serious relationship: this scenario is more likely to work only if the lover is a very young guy who got married early and did not figure out how much his wife is dear to him. In all other cases (if the marriage lasts a long time, there are children, or there were extramarital affairs before), the romance ends quickly and has no continuation.
  • Confidence that you (according to the man) are better than his wife.
  • Refusal to meet only because it is considered immoral in society to break up a family: if you are one hundred percent sure that you have an ideal in front of you and want to be with him more than anything in the world, it is foolish to give up your happiness. If the marriage is strong, you will not destroy it. If the union has already cracked, then the reason for this is not you.

How to build a relationship with a married man?

Since you want a romance with a “married man” and want it to grow into something more, you will have to follow some rules:

  • Do not bother: since the man went to the left, he was used to quarrels and scandals at home. Communication with a sweet, understanding woman is an outlet that is terrible to lose.
  • Do not be jealous: when the romance began, you knew that the man was married. Does it make sense now to throw tantrums about this? The more intense the relationship, the higher the likelihood that they will be interrupted not on your initiative.
  • Know your worth: an all-forgiving and demanding woman is the dream of any womanizer. An option that is convenient and for which you should not change anything in your life.
  • If you don't know how to communicate with a married man, be yourself: in the end, he liked you exactly the way you are.
  • Many representatives of the weaker sex are interested in the question of how durable relationships with married men are. Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. According to statistics, such unions cannot be called long-term. And if the relationship lasts a long time, the woman in it is assigned the role of a mistress.

    Remain calm if a married man confesses his love. Only a clear head and a loving heart will help you make the right decision.

    The man confesses his love. Believe it or not?

    Probably, every woman at least once heard a declaration of love from the lips of her admirer. It is impossible to resist sweet speeches, accompanied, as a rule, by a gleam in the eyes, a gentle voice and warm hugs... And now, you already completely believed him, but you were deceived. Once again. How not to "fall for the bait" again?

    Much depends on the situation in which a man decides to confess his feelings. Often a declaration of love is a kind of apology for some unpleasant misconduct. And here it is no longer important how passionately a man speaks about his feelings, but how serious the offense he committed. For example, in the case of treason, you need to understand what caused this treason. This is a momentary insanity on the basis of a quarrel with you, or it is a strong attraction based not only on physiology. Or maybe it's a way of life? In the first case, it is quite possible to forgive a man and believe that he loves you, he just stumbled. But in the second two, before you believe, you should think ...

    Much easier said than done. Therefore, a declaration of love does not always correspond to the truth. A man can deceive you, forget about your requests and show the height of selfishness, but at the same time swear every day that he loves you. Or vice versa, he very rarely talks about feelings, but every day he proves them in practice: he carefully puts a blouse on your shoulders, buys something tasty, washes the dishes after dinner, and is ready to spend half of his salary on shoes that you have looked after yourself.

    It is important to understand what goal he pursues with his confession. For example, he wants to have sex, but you are in doubt. If you caught this, it is better to give up intimacy. You will be able to agree. When a man really values ​​​​his relationship with a woman, he will not “get his way” in every way or rush her. He will wait, if only for a few weeks or days. And it is unlikely that he confesses his love already on the first date ... He will not say this so quickly.

    Sometimes a man tries to manipulate a woman by confessing his love to her. After all, then she is ready for a lot for him - breakfast in bed, a new tie, and so on.

    Conclusion: before believing the words, try to somehow check them, or at least analyze how true they are. Of course, being in love, this is very difficult to do, but then you will not have to shed tears later because you were deceived. Before believing the words, try to somehow check them or at least analyze how true they are. Of course, being in love, this is very difficult to do, but then you will not have to shed tears later because you were deceived.

    Regular blog about self-development

    Men and women are built differently. It is much easier for women to pronounce words of love than for men. For a man, such a confession is a very serious act. A man who openly admits this, tries on the role of a dependent person in advance. If a woman can calmly accept her addiction, then a man begins to panic. The more persistent the pressure of the partner on him, the greater the feeling of panic he has. Just because of this, even a man who is very much in love will not rush to confess his love, but will remain silent. To determine the love of a man, just take a closer look at him.

    There are several behavioral indicators of a man in love. For example, trembling in the body when meeting with your object of adoration. This tremor is irresistible. In addition, a lover can give out "sparks" in the eyes. It is the light in the eyes that is evidence that a person is currently experiencing the happiest moments in his life. In some cases, the actions and behavior of a person in love are distinguished by a lowered and shifty look, which is explained by the suffering of a man from unrequited love.

    A man in love literally from the inside has an explosion of the most incredible feelings. Some even awaken a real creative pathos. If in the past they could never be observed writing poetry or singing songs, now they literally gush with love odes or play the guitar daily for their beloved. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that the verses most often do not rhyme or the performance of the song leaves much to be desired. At the forefront is that a man does everything with soul and diligence.

    In addition to behavior, a man in love radically changes his actions. He begins to imitate his beloved in everything. If the girl of the day cannot live without the series, then the guy sits down and watches these films with the girl. If she is a lover of cosmetics and devotes a lot of time to her makeup, then a man, in order to receive the favor of his beloved, gives her various cosmetic things.

    What can be the behavior of a man in love? Dreaming of his beloved and reciprocity, he may not sleep at night. Falling in love is, of course, a sweet feeling, but as a result of constant insomnia, a sleepy state and fatigue during the day appear.

    For his beloved, a man in love will do everything. He spends a lot of time with his girlfriend, and then his friends begin to sneer at him. A man in love calls all women only one name - the name of his object of adoration.

    Of course, girls and women will certainly be angry with him, but he does not care about that. In the morning he can be seen "flying" on the wings of love to study or work. He is happy with every little thing and smiles at everyone. To surprise his beloved, he demonstrates all his positive qualities and shows his abilities. A man in love begins to do the most incredible things, for example, he writes the name of his girlfriend and a declaration of love on the pavement in huge letters. If financial resources allow, a man in love can easily present an amazing trip to Bali or the most expensive car as a gift to his girlfriend. Can make a tattoo on the chest with the name of a loved one.

    Signs indicating a man's love.

    At first, a man only demonstrates sympathy, and then love follows. In addition to sympathy, a man in love has a feeling of intimacy with a partner. He wants to spend more time with his girlfriend, he loves to talk to her and touch her. He begins to show tender feelings and makes no secret of his personal life. Such signs are evidence that he does not perceive this girl as a lover, she is a very dear person for a man in love.

    For the sake of the woman he loves, a man is able to give up his established habits, for example, playing poker with friends or reveling on Fridays.

    Another sign of a man's love can be called his manifestation of tender feelings and desire to take care of his beloved. However, a man needs to be prepared for the fact that he may not receive reciprocity for his care and tenderness.

    If a man is truly in love with a woman, he will never allow his beloved to suffer and cry because of his deeds and actions. A lover will never offend his girlfriend intentionally, although minor conflicts in the relationship of two are not ruled out. A woman needs to be careful if a man suddenly commits a betrayal or begins to show rudeness in a relationship. In such cases, she should think about building a joint future, such relationships cannot promise anything good.

    It is important to understand that a man in love cannot be evaluated in the first days of a relationship. A man in love reacts to women's tears only at the very beginning of the relationship. Over time, frequent tantrums will begin to tire him, and then he will most likely end this relationship on his own.

    Love is a feeling completely unpredictable and not regulated by any rules, and the actions and behavior of a person in love, all the more, are very difficult to explain.

    Love relationships have several stages of development. Day after day, lovers get to know each other, “grind” and get used to changes. But it is worth remembering that love relationships are not only associated with romance.

    Why do men confess their love? How is a man's love manifested?

    How does a man show love? A man confesses his love to a woman. For what? Why?

    Men know how to love! And not only in the physical sense, as women think. And they show their love in a special way.

    Why do men confess their love? In general, a man's love is easy to read in his eyes. Men's views are divided by "shades". Shades are very subtle "look" differences that only a woman can catch.

    How is a man's love manifested? How does a man show his love?

    If a man loves, he will do anything for a woman. And even more. For what seems impossible:

  1. He will give a thousand roses, sparing no expense. When a man is in love, he does not think about how much money was spent on a surprise or gift for his beloved.
  2. He will wait for his beloved, at the entrance, even for twelve hours, despite the cold and bewilderment of the neighbors.
  3. He will shower his beloved woman with affectionate "sms". And he will compose and look for them in books, newspapers and the Internet. A message on a mobile phone is not only fashionable, but also very beautiful, pleasant and romantic. But, for a man, it is very difficult that many girls and women “nitpick” about spelling and grammatical errors. Some men in love write messages with dictionaries to impress their beloved with their language knowledge.
  4. He will cover with roses (or other flowers) all the steps of the landing, from top to bottom, in the entrance in which his beloved lives. He won't worry about what the people next door will (or might say).
  5. If a man loves, he will give gifts to his beloved. He will give both what his beloved likes and what he considers worthy of her. What do men give? Souvenirs, underwear, clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, CDs, sweets, postcards, apartments, cars…. In general, everything that can be given. True, each person has his own financial capabilities and preferences.
  6. A man will try to fulfill any and any whim of the one he loves madly. He, to some extent, acts as a goldfish. But desires fulfills not three, but much more.
  7. A man takes very nice care of the one that he cares about: he gives his hand when they get off public transport, escorts them to the very door of the apartment (if they do not live together), meets them from work (if possible), helps in absolutely everything.
  8. He reverently and sincerely speaks words of love. He quotes poets, writers, philosophers. He confesses his love with lines from poems, words from songs. The main thing is beautiful and without deception.
  9. He can do dangerous tricks in front of his beloved. Can write on the pavement or on the wall about how he needs it, and how hard it is for him without her.
  10. He will bring her breakfast in bed. And, if she asks, then lunch, and dinner, and dessert.

Why do men confess their love? A man confesses his love to a woman. For what? Why?

Many are interested in the answer to the question: why do men generally confess their love? There can be many reasons. Now we will talk about “causal multiplicity”, answering an exciting question for those for whom it is really exciting:

  • He confesses because he really loves. He wants to talk about his love often and constantly, in order to please his beloved, and to remind him that he needs her. True love can also live in men's hearts. And to think that they are “instinctive”…. More than cruel and dishonest!
  • She confesses because she often talks to him about feelings. In response to the "beauty" of such words, it is somehow uncomfortable to remain silent. She will say: "I love you" and he will answer. He can even repeat the intonation of "words for lovers." And a woman believes in words, because she wants to believe in them and not doubt.
  • He confesses because he is afraid of losing. Perhaps she is just nice to him, he respects her, but speaks of love in order to keep her. He knows how women love beautiful words. But after all, not every woman can be “buyed” with words of love. And not everyone believes confessions, by the way.
  • He confesses because he wants to sleep with her. He considers a declaration of love to be a weapon for "conquering" a woman in an intimate way. And many ladies are "smitten on the spot" with such weapons. Naivete…..
  • He admits because he wants to “recapture” a woman from her husband or from a man. He met a girl, she liked him and turned out to be married. So he got angry: how is it that she is not mine? adventurous move. It is not known how the woman will react to the confession.
  • He admits because he is a romantic. And the words of love are attributes of romance. He is a "collector" of something that is somehow connected with romance.
  • Confesses, using confession as a synonym for "how beautiful you are" or something like that. After all, "I love you" and various compliments "light" the lights in the eyes of any girl.
  • He confesses because he wants to thank and say, in these words, about how he appreciates her and how he values ​​her. And the woman melts like snow from the beauty of words.
  • She confesses because she thinks that she has lost all feelings for him. Check: if she answers “and I love you”, then the feelings remained and did not go out.
  • A man confesses his love to a woman. Women, to the words of love, are taken very seriously: "he confessed his love to me, which means that I have every chance of becoming his wife." All women are very eager to get married. If a woman is not married at the age of thirty, this is bad. Such stereotypes. And the men... They are not in a hurry to get married. They would take a walk, deal with a career. Living with your beloved, without a stamp in your passport - it's more convenient, or something.

    And women, such conveniences, are satisfied for the time being - for the time being. If a man, being next to a woman, does not make a marriage proposal for a very long time, the woman gets the impression that he does not love her, but simply uses her.

    By the way, in some ways the woman is right. A man who loves, and he himself does not want to delay the wedding. He will say: "Let's sign at least tomorrow." One caveat: men do not really like all these wedding celebrations and festivities. It's more like what a woman needs.

    But, if a man is in love, he will make any concessions related to the wedding and wedding preparations. And he will spare no money for this event.

    The same applies to the honeymoon trip. A man will give the right to choose to his beloved in order to make her even happier.

    If he does not confess his love

    Anya met Vitalik at a friends birthday party. On the second date they had sex, and on the third they decided to move in together. Two weeks later, Anya and Vitalik were already living together and it seemed that their happiness would never end.

    They really were an extremely harmonious couple and almost did not quarrel. Romance and rough sex were attached to the kit. This went on until Anya said: "I love you. Do you love me?" He was embarrassed and did not answer, Anya began to suspect something was wrong. After a while, Vitalik said that he would be glad to reciprocate Anya, but for the three months of their life together, he is not yet ready to talk about love. Vitalik also said that he really likes Anya, and he does not want to break off relations with her.

    It would seem that the issue is resolved. But since then, Anya began to take offense at little things more and more often, suspect Vitalik of all mortal sins, ruffle his nerves and cry at night. A month later, Vitalik could not stand it and invited Anya to leave.

    At what point did it all go wrong? Of course, Anya was offended in the best of feelings and began to suspect that Vitalik was considering her solely as a temporary option. At the same time, Vitalik did not want to offend Anya at all and did not rule out the possibility that someday they would get married.

    The fact is that men are not as well versed in feelings as women. And, if you dump a declaration of love on a man, he can get scared and confused. You need to give him time to decide everything, and not demand stormy reciprocal confessions.

    If a man is in no hurry to confess his love, do not sound the alarm. He waits, looks closely and understands himself. Moreover, too quick a declaration of love speaks not so much about his feelings for you, but about irresponsibility. Agree, because it is much better to wait than to listen to a confession a week after the start of a relationship, and a month later to be abandoned.

    The main thing is to pay attention to the current attitude of a man towards you. If he is caring and considerate, you can relax and enjoy the situation. You will appreciate his love much more if you give your feelings time to mature.

    Do you know why men confess their love?

    Since ancient times, a man was considered a conqueror, a lot depended on his firm word. In the time of the knights, a woman was achieved by fighting with each other. However, the opinion of women of the 21st century about men is rather skeptical: "Men do not know how to love, they only need one thing."

    Psychologists say that a man simply has his own concept of love, or rather, about that unusual feeling that he has for a woman. This can be read in his eyes, because the look of a man in love cannot be confused with anything else. Why men confess their love - the most common reasons include: because he really loves and cannot be silent about it, because a woman speaks of love so often that his conscience wakes up - it's time to tell me something.

    Some confess their love because they are afraid to lose, because she may still be “useful” to him, they can talk about love in order to sleep with her, because the words of love strike a woman on the spot or to recapture her from another man and thereby raise their self-esteem.

    Not all men can correctly and beautifully confess their love, and not because they do not love, but because, for various reasons, they do not want to do this. However, if a man is in love and wants his chosen one to know about it, he is ready to do even impossible things. You can consider the most frequently performed romantic acts.

    These include: a bunch of roses, consisting of a thousand flowers, waiting for a beloved at the entrance, even if she comes in 10 hours, while he will not be afraid of either severe frost or heavy rain. Some are showered with affectionate messages, because it's so nice to read warm words addressed to you in the midst of a working day. It doesn’t matter if he wrote the words himself or prepared with the help of the Internet. The most important thing is not to pay attention to mistakes in words. Part of the male population is strewn with rose petals on the steps of her entrance, and it does not matter that someone still needs to clean it.

    Some learn the confession in several languages ​​and then try to reproduce it. The most common surprises are gifts for women. How a man shows love depends on his financial capabilities.

    They give different gifts, ranging from souvenirs and postcards, ending with apartments and cars. The main thing is that the beloved is appreciated and happy. Men try to fulfill any whim of their beloved, to solve her problems if possible. After all, nothing is impossible for a man. Coming out first of the transport, he gives the woman a hand. Men with a romantic nature confess their love, quoting lines of poems by famous poets, or explain themselves in their own words, the main thing is that it should be from the heart.

    Less poetic men prefer to perform various tricks in front of a woman, or write about their feelings on the pavement under her balcony or on the wall of a building. On the website of a well-known radio station, a poll of women was held, which confession, in their opinion, is considered the most romantic? It turned out that most women like serenades under the balcony, confessions heard on the radio or written on city posters. The next most original were the inscriptions under the window and love letters in verse sent by mail.

    How does a man's love manifest itself if there is not enough courage to express his feelings directly in the face? Sometimes shyness prevents men from taking the first step, and they are ready to walk around the woman they like for years in order to finally dare to do it.

    A man confesses his love to a woman with a very scrupulous approach, so that everything looks original, beautiful, and the woman likes it. According to statistics, almost 90% of the female want to be not only often confessed in love, but also to do it quite unusually.

    After all, each of them deep down has a romantic nature. It's one thing if it's at the table, sitting opposite each other, it's another thing if the declaration of love happens during a slow dance, holding the woman tightly to him, or somewhere on the sea, admiring the sunset. For a successful confession, you must first determine the woman's preferences regarding her favorite pastime - it will be a noisy disco, a historical museum, an expensive restaurant, a seashore, mountains, or she likes to spend time at home.

    You should also choose the time when a woman is in the most pleasant mood. After all, if the meeting is scheduled for a later time, and she is a lark in rhythm and tomorrow a quarterly report awaits her at work, then she is unlikely to fully enjoy the uniqueness of the evening.

    Why, during the pronunciation of the main words, you should not laugh and, as if jokingly, make a speech? A woman may not understand the depth of words and not appreciate a love confession. In addition, if a woman has been waiting for this recognition for a long time and, seeing an ironic attitude to this, she may be offended and leave.

    During the love confession itself, a man needs to be as serious as possible, every word should come from the heart and be filled with meaning. Even if the confession itself turns out to be not entirely coherent, but sincere words will be said, and the woman will definitely appreciate it. Why drag out a speech using all the known epithets and pronouncing a speech memorized from the Internet?

    Recognition should not be monotonous and built only on the admiration of a woman. In order to add seriousness to words and set a woman on a romantic wave, you need to use bodily contact. During the pronunciation of the confession itself, you can gently take the woman’s hand and, without taking your eyes off, say the speech that you have prepared before.

    In parallel with this, you can lightly touch her cheek with your palm, stroke her hair, or, if you want, you can casually hug her shoulders or waist, whispering in her ear about your feelings. The main thing is to buy a bouquet of her favorite flowers, because they help to melt the heart of any woman.

    You can confess your love not only to those women with whom you would like to build close relationships. Mothers, sisters, aunts, godparents, grandmothers and many more of our relatives need such confessions, even if not so romantic, because a woman always wants to hear that she is loved and needed. And how men will do this, in principle, is not important, the main thing is to do everything in your life from the heart and with great love for your neighbor. Positive emotions are what everyone needs.

    Confessed his love and disappeared!

    I dated a man for half a year. Courtship, romance, love. Super man and good person and I was in love. And so I was going on vacation at sea with my mother. He did not want to let me go, confessed his love, said that for 10 days not to see me is an eternity. And now I’m coming back, but not a call from him, although I knew when I would arrive, I called only after 3 days, but I didn’t hear, I couldn’t pick up the phone. I then called him back a couple of times, he did not pick up. It's been 11 days since he went missing. After all, all the same, a declaration of love and a bunch of beautiful words about how beautiful I am. What are your guesses about him? Has anyone had a similar situation?

    don't believe the words. real feelings in actions, not in noodles on the ears

    YES! as you guessed. do they do that?

    If you knew how bad it is from these men, now I have completely sworn off, I will not love anyone else, that's for sure! Girls, this is some kind of anomaly, they are not human. as he sincerely told me. said that without me his life is gray, that he is ready for the whole world at my feet aaaaa I HATE

    Or maybe there are some important things, problems. so want to believe it.

    Well, since it's important to you, let's talk about it. .1 such a personal question - did you have sex?

    Yes, sure. half a year together. everything is great in this regard.

    He is older than me by 15 years.

    I apologize, I didn’t carefully read the account of half a year of relations (it’s already falling asleep). It’s clear that he was, So, maybe he has some problems, try to contact him and find out what happened, if he was already honest, and after half a year of relationship, why lie about love, then take off something wrong , or he, like a woman, was offended that you did not answer him (well, you already know whether he is touchy or not)

    No, it often happened that she didn’t answer, and he never took offense at all, never at all, the relationship is perfect, not a single quarrel, not a single insult. Only love, care. Tell him to call, and if he doesn't take it again. I'll just humiliate myself. I'll think about it. He could have problems, one very important thing was being prepared that would change everything in his life. Okay thank you. For some reason it made me feel better.

    I somehow don’t understand, you’ve been together for half a year and such mansy called and called? I thought you'd been dating for a couple of weeks, according to the text. Have you contacted him while on holiday? Strange relationship, I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like a serious one. And if you consider them serious and at the same time he allows himself to disappear, then my advice to you is not to waste time. Better instead of suffering, look for another candidate for boyfriends. Don't cling to neo, there are so many men. You need to treat it easier, your soul mate will not disappear, I’m telling you for sure.

    is it not on social media? if he doesn't pick up the phone. and one more thing, don’t think about your pride yet, if he has serious problems, then you won’t forgive yourself for your pride and he, too (it happened to me), and only then when you talk it out it turns out that there was nothing serious, he just naughty, then. let's take revenge on him in short 😉 well, good night, good luck.

    Well, it doesn’t really change the character, but I’m more inclined to the option that he has some problems, call his best friend, some thread of a mutual friend, even if he was offended, you have to leave the impression that you were bored, madly worried and etc. Well, as we usually do with you, something like this. Play along with him 😉

    I know it's strange, but I can't leave yet, but apparently. Although I certainly don't care about him. During the holidays called up too. Everything was great.

    Thanks and good luck to you, honey. pleasant dreams. I will think about what you wrote and what to do in general

    it is on the web, but. does not come in and after I left did not check the mail even once

    No, not offended, I think for sure. Yes, and he called later than he should for 3 days, which already speaks of something, about what, that is the question.

    summer. it seems that there should not be a load at work if he is still on vacation. means switched to something or someone. Find out if uncertainty is the most unpleasant thing that can be, then we'll see, everything just ran. Sweet dreams ladies

    Well, it finally becomes clear - since you need to believe in deeds and not words - then the guy finally understood that you spun them as you wanted.

    Did he confess his love to you? And you to him? - Most likely no. And instead of taking any action, they began to create topics on the Internet from the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"I'm so good and I feel so bad."

    If it's gone, then it's up to you. What did you say to him?? It's because of people like you - and also because of the tech that shits in comments in support of you - and faith in normal women falls.

    I didn’t say anything bad to him, I just said that I would be bored and didn’t want to leave. Everything was perfect, you know? And at the expense of love, he himself knows that I am in love with him, although I didn’t say it directly (you never know, you’re fucking hunters), but he himself said this several times that they say I’m in love and I didn’t deny it. It's funny to read about the poor guy who was twirled, he is twice as old as me, I'm 18. So who twirled whom is another big question.

    Basically, I think he's dead.

    Well, at least for you.

    if you are hinting that some new person has appeared, and this is just in 10 days and after such strong love, then there was no love at all, the guy was purely worried that he would be left without sex for 10 days, how is it (do you think it’s easy? ), and that means I found a replacement, that's all, And since he is like that, think for yourself the author, do you need one? then, so as not to waste, nerves and tears, time for ordinary conversations, that all men are animals, etc.

    I agree, if that's the case then I don't need it. But he is such a person who, if he wants to leave, he will definitely tell me this himself 100 times. He is a very good person, not mean, not rotten. I will decide something. While I think, but it's hard, the brains are not logical. And here's another. He was preparing a very important matter, because of which he had to fly to Israel for 2 months, they must look for him. He told me that everything would start within 2 months. So I thought maybe it started a little earlier. but he said that he would be here for another 20 days. And if it started, then he should not call and write, because they are watching. He promised that when everything was over he would come and be together "to the grave" Funny men.

    He works as a spy. And if you seriously could contact him? what news?

    I have a similar situation. And he is also a scorpio. Like this. He confessed his interest in me, pursued me, courted me, and when I was ready to reciprocate, he backed down. Now I see such a picture - similar courtship and manifestations of interest in another woman, our mutual friend. And all this - without embarrassment, in front of my eyes. This is weird, I don't understand why this is happening.

    This is some kind of breeeeeeeee. I'm sorry, but the person I love did the same. HE IS SCORPIO. That's a coincidence. AAA. Help ((What is confessing and disappearing. This is such a joke. Then tell me where they laugh. ;(((((((((((((

    I confessed for the first time at 25. And I realized that in vain! And disappeared 😀

    Every woman wants her man to confess his feelings for her. But time passes, and he is still silent ... Do not be upset. After all, everyone knows that it is harder for the stronger sex to express their attitude in words, it is easier for them to show it with their actions or expensive gifts. However, if a woman is more attentive to her soulmate and pays attention to his gestures, facial expressions or demeanor, she will be able to understand that she is madly in love. This is how men confess their love without saying a word.

    How men confess their love without words

    Here are 10 typically masculine strategies to tell you he loves without saying a word.

    1. Gifts with meaning

    Of course, every woman is pleased to receive a precious ring and bracelet from a loved one as a gift, but men can make such gifts just like that, especially if financial opportunities allow them. However, a gift book that you talked about so much, or a few pots of orchids to a lover of these flowers, can say a lot. Firstly, that they listen and hear you attentively, and secondly, they love you very much.

    2. Passionate kisses

    If at the beginning of a relationship passionate kisses are a natural instinct to show one's intimate desire, then over the years they become a rarity. Therefore, if a man continues to kiss you passionately and for a long time for a long time, then this is a sign that he truly feels real feelings for you. His behavior cannot be attributed to sexual attraction, rather, it is awe at the sight of you.

    3. Constant hugs

    We all have our own comfort zone into which they rarely let anyone in, except when they love this person very much and want to feel his presence. Therefore, if your man constantly hugs you - at home, when you watch a movie, lie in bed or just talk, especially in public, then this is a sign - he is madly in love with you!

    4. You are part of his circle of friends.

    Friends are something valuable and individual, which you usually do not want to share with your soulmate in order to avoid conflicts. But you are always there for your man when he meets his friends. In addition, you feel that everyone is comfortable with each other, because the comrades of your loved one treat you with confidence and friendliness. Friends feel that their friend is happy with you, which means they are happy.

    5. He often laughs in front of you

    A loved one laughs a lot in your presence, because he considers you funny and witty. Maybe you will initially be offended by his such behavior, thinking that you are a fool for him, over which you only need to scoff. But in fact, this is not so: frequent laughter at the sight of you indicates that he takes you very seriously.

    6. Smiling after a kiss or intimacy

    Have you noticed that after you kiss him, he directly glows with happiness? Or smiles at you with messy hair after sex or when you just woke up with a puffy face? Be sure he adores you because you are the only woman who makes him lucky!

    7. He is always there

    Think about the difference between a casual relationship and romance? Real relationships are not based on intimacy: people go to the movies together, visit, go shopping, cook dinner together and think about spending time together. He arranges joint dinners, and also runs in the mornings if you do it. You become one. This is true love.

    8. Compromise

    He refuses to smoke if the smell of tobacco irritates you. Goes with you to buy trendy jeans or a shirt, thereby changing his style at your request. In addition, he spends less time with friends and more with you, constantly calls you to see how you are doing. All these facts indicate that he has real feelings for you. But do not be surprised if he asks you to give up constant phone calls to girlfriends or flashy outfits. After all, for him, love is concessions in everything.

    9. He constantly looks at you

    Have you woken up to the fact that your loved one is looking at you? When visiting, do you constantly catch his eye? In the cinema, he admires you more often than what is happening on the screen? Rest assured, these looks say one thing, at this moment he thinks that his choice was right - you are the best woman in the world.

    10. He listens to you

    Have you noticed that many men only pretend to listen to you carefully, in fact, at this moment they are studying something on the phone, watching football, or thinking about a breakdown in the car? You can verify this by asking a question about what you said. So the one who can answer it, is listening to you, and therefore loves you. Although you should not blame him for indifference if he does not always listen to you, because each of us has a difficult period when we need to think. Perhaps he does not want to burden you with his problems, wanting to solve them on his own. Which also speaks of his love for you.

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