Congratulations to kindergarten staff at graduation. Poems for graduation in kindergarten

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It seems that a son or daughter was born quite recently - mom and dad still remember the time when their baby smiled at them for the first time, and now ... The first step into adulthood has already been overcome - graduation in kindergarten is coming! Today the scenario of this holiday is always original, unusual. A fun holiday awaits preschoolers, and educators - a response from parents at graduation in kindergarten. Dads and mothers, grandparents, of course, wish all nannies, educators, music worker, kindergarten nurse good and new good pupils in prose, alteration songs and verses. Some of the parents, together with their daughters and sons, show everyone interesting, funny scenes, show videos from events that were once held within the walls of their own kindergarten.

Graduation in kindergarten - An unusual response from parents

The response word of the parents at the graduation in kindergarten does not have to be a formal gratitude of the educators for the patience shown by them when working with the children. Since the long-awaited children's holiday consists of several stages, fathers and mothers should think over their performance in such a way that it becomes part of the celebration scenario. It is better to thank the kindergarten workers for their work and kindness after the first part of the graduation party - the matinee. To do this, all parents present can read out a small appeal to educators and children. The text of such a speech is better to write in advance and rehearse several times.

An unusual response from parents to graduation in kindergarten - Examples in prose and poetry

In order not to forget the text of the response word at the graduation in kindergarten, parents must say it several times at home. It is best if they have listeners and spectators - they will appreciate the unusual and creative performance of the future performance in front of kindergarten workers. Do not forget - dads and moms will be listened to not only by adults, but also by the future preschoolers themselves, so the text of the speech in prose or verse should be written in a beautiful, but simple language.

Dear Kindergarten Workers! Today, on behalf of all parents, we want to thank you for the calmness with which we left our children here, for the joy with which our children went to kindergarten, for all the good things they learned here. Today we are a little sad because it is time to part. Today we and our children say goodbye to those who have taken care of them for five years. So let's say goodbye to everyone a few grateful, kind words. Well, who do we start with? Of course, from Lyudmila Nikolaevna, from the head!

Nowadays, no, it's not easy
Lead the garden.
Every day a million questions
All of them need to be resolved.
Yes, work here is not honey,
Here, not everyone could.
The fact that our garden lives -
This is thanks to you!

And now words of gratitude in the form of ditties !!!

Let's sing ditties out loud
To make it more fun
We congratulate today
Our tutors!

I'm running to kindergarten in the morning,
I take my mother by the hand
In order for mommy
Congratulated everyone on the holiday!

Our teacher is good
We love you very much
Accept and you today
Our congratulations!

We love our babysitter
She loves us too.
And a perky ditty
Let's sing to her now!

Loud music plays
In the music room
It's a musician again
Plays the piano!

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,
They came to the music room
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do,
Sing the song well!

Something we are hungry
There is a great hunt
When you want to eat
Remember the chef!

Vitamins are good for everyone
This is what the doctor told us.
And the guys in our group
He gave everyone a vitamin!

And the head of the garden
No time to be bored
Because she needs
Manage a kindergarten!

Response word of parents at graduation in kindergarten - Song alteration for educators

Often, parents, preparing a response at the graduation in kindergarten, decide to present the audience with an original reworked song. The music of a popular song is taken as the basis, and the words are a self-written text dedicated to educators, nannies, a music worker, cooks, director and all other employees of the kindergarten.

Examples of rework songs for teachers at graduation in kindergarten - Response from parents

Saying goodbye to kindergarten is always a touching, exciting event. Everyone is going through - and dads with moms, and educators, and the children themselves. A cheerful song-alteration about the employees of your favorite kindergarten will defuse the situation, bring revival to the atmosphere of the celebration. Parents, thanks to the educators for the hard work done, after the performance of the children can take a response and congratulate everyone with a funny song. Examples of such "rework" can be found here.

Song alteration about kindergarten
Performed to the motive of the song "Communal Apartment" by the group "Dune"

1. What kind of building is this?
The world of mysteries and wonders!
Where else is such happiness?
Where else is there such progress?
Under one big roof
Only the morning comes
Hundreds of little kids
One hundred parents are leading.

This is the best kindergarten
He is always glad to meet you.
This is a kindergarten - "Rosinka"!
Childhood wonderful country!

2. Dishes rattle three times a day
So the lens froze.
Together kills porridge
Our preschool team
And then we pump muscles,
Or we can play
And sometimes we start a concert
So no time to be bored.

3. He teaches us sciences
Here we sit in front of the screen -
Informatics lesson.
We already know how to read
Draw, write, sculpt
And the road to the city
explain in english

The song is a remake for graduation in kindergarten from parents to educators. To the motive "Team of our youth". Edited by: L. Gurchenko

Thank you wonderful teachers
You were the second family for children,
And all mothers and fathers know
Sometimes it's hard with kids.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention

Here we have already trodden paths,
We went in summer and winter,
And you raised our children,
Always (Hearts) warmed them with kindness.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How hard it is to be an educator.

And it's a pity that we part so soon,
But time can not be appeased and not restrained,
Team of the best teachers
You could always surprise us.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How hard it is to be an educator.

Talents are tested for loyalty
We have something to be thankful for
And if, what, then immediately to this kindergarten,
We will bring all the children to you.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How hard it is to be an educator.

Song for Kindergarten Staff
(to the motive "Ah, vernissage")

We many years ago
Came to kindergarten for the first time
How strange everything was here.
You can't count the kids around
And everyone should take a walk
Eat, sleep, well, as usual.
How can you do all this?
And how they start to roar,
Not everyone can, we know.
But the teacher is full of strength,
Sleepy kids bothered:
"Everyone charge, let's start!"

And so for many years in a row
We took the children to kindergarten.
In dog cold, summer heat,
And suddenly today - graduation.
Well, on this glorious day and hour
We are very happy to sing for you
And to their educators.
We say thank you for everything.
Thank you all very much,
Both cooks and doctors.
They helped us raise our children.
In the morning you will bring the children,
Then you'll be gone for the day
And they didn't have any problems.

Oh, the beauty of yesterday
But the children have grown, it's time
It's time to leave kindergarten.
How will we continue to live without you,
How do we take them to first grade?
Stay for a couple more years.

Oh, kindergarten, oh, kindergarten!
We've been here for many years
The children were taken day after day.
And everyone was comfortable in it.
The years fly fast
Well, ladies, gentlemen,
The hour has come for teachers
Raise a glass of champagne!

Scenes and videos for graduation in kindergarten - Response from parents

As a response to the graduation in kindergarten, after the performance of future first-graders, parents can show the audience a cool scene or show a video from kindergarten events that took place a couple of years ago. All guests and, first of all, the children, will be curious to look at themselves "from the outside", seeing on the monitor screen the events that seemed to have taken place so long ago.

Examples of scenes and videos for graduation in kindergarten as a response from parents

Today it is very easy to please the children and all the guests who came to the graduation in kindergarten by showing them a video of the events that happened to the guys a few years ago. It can be footage for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten, March 8, the arrival of a new pupil in the group or the birthday of one of the girls and boys. Kindergarten students always speak to those present at their graduation, and then the parents take a response - they delight them with humorous skits “based on” life at home and in kindergarten.

The response word of parents at the graduation in kindergarten in prose

After the speech of future schoolchildren at the graduation in kindergarten, parents can take a response, thanking teachers, doctors, cooks, nannies and other teachers for their long, painstaking, hard work. You can come up with the text of the speech yourself. Those who have difficulty writing a thank-you word in prose can use the examples presented here.

Graduation in kindergarten - Examples of the response of parents in prose

Speaking at the graduation in kindergarten, parents can diversify their speech, make it more lively, vibrant. To do this, their performance may also consist of several poems, interspersed with response words of gratitude to all kindergarten workers. When composing the text of the speech, moms and dads can mention employees by name in it or refer to the entire staff as a whole.

On this clear, May day, we gathered in the hall of our kindergarten for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate an important holiday - graduation. We, parents, sincerely want to thank you for your great work. You taught our children something beautiful: care, attention, respect for elders and for the world around. For all this short time, you managed to awaken love and tenderness in the kids, and even years later you will remain in their hearts. Special thanks, I want to say to our caring nannies. How much patience and work was invested in the children, how much effort was spent in order to make the tiny world of the kindergarten beautiful and loved.

From year to year, the teachers of our kindergarten gave their care, warmth and love to their little pupils. You opened up new horizons for them and developed their talents. Thanks to you, our children know what friendship, respect and responsiveness are. Under your strict guidance, they learned, made friends and grew. Thank you so much and low bow for your attentiveness, responsibility and care for our children.

Graduation poems in kindergarten as a response from parents

Taking a response after the speech of their sons and daughters at the graduation in kindergarten, parents can read poems dedicated to childhood, lines about the hard work of educators to the guests of the holiday. Of course, not all mothers and fathers successfully rhyme words and put them into harmonious lines and stanzas, so we have prepared some suitable poems for you.

Examples of poems for graduation in kindergarten - Response from parents

As a rule, mothers or fathers, chosen by all parents in advance, thank the kindergarten workers. By this time, the holiday has not yet ended - guests are waiting for a "sweet" table, presentation of gifts, certificates, surprises. That is why parents should not choose a too long, lyrical poem as a response word. A good option would be to congratulate all the kindergarten employees on the graduation of children briefly and cheerfully by reading a few cool lines to each of the dads and moms.

Thank you educators
For affection and love
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses
faded tears,
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and workouts.

Happy graduation today
Congratulations and cheers
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first class.

We wish you inspiration
And the strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The work of an educator is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books for kids
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
Digging in the sand outside
Run around in a tag, don't be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone
Don't even think about getting tired.
All cases, of course, do not count.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden
For your kindness, kindness.
We wish you inspiration
Creative success, patience,
Deserved big salaries.
Thanks for Kindergarten!

You raised them like family
They were given care and affection.
Parents to you every moment
Thank you for them.

But the kids have grown up
We have already stepped into the school yard.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Huge, bright, pure love,
Good health on the way
Support from family and friends.

Scenario response of parents at graduation in kindergarten

In order for graduation in kindergarten not to turn from a fun holiday into a boring, overly solemn and protracted event, parents should think over the entire scenario of their speech with a response in advance. The easiest way is to choose a few creative moms and dads who are ready to plan the event and carry it out as intended. As a rule, parents give their speech and perform sketches after their daughters and sons have read wonderful poems to everyone and sang songs at the matinee. However, the funniest part of the holiday is still ahead - a sweet table and entertainment. That is why the parent speech should be built according to the following plan: "Introductory part - Main text - Final speech." The performance script can include short poems, small skits and a song.

Examples of scenarios for the response of parents to graduation in kindergarten

When composing a script for a speech with a response in a kindergarten for graduation, parents can come up with cool scenes together, write poems for educators, draw and sign “Certificates of Honor” for each employee of an educational institution. Examples of such ready-made performances can be found on this page.

The response word of the parents at the graduation in kindergarten can be the most unusual, original performance of dads and moms, if you are creative in writing its script. Thanks to the teachers and all the employees of the kindergarten, you can show your imagination and congratulate everyone on the release of not only poems and banal prose, but also funny scenes and alteration songs. At the end of the holiday, guests can show a cool video about the guys in advance.

I must say right away - the idea is "licked" from this site, but has already been finalized by me myself. These are playful graduation gifts for teachers and staff. All this was accompanied by comments in the style: "Given to the winner of the "Gratitude 2014" contest and the corresponding nomination. For example, the head of the kindergarten - the nomination" Queen Mother "according to her - a bee and honeycombs, where photographs of children are pasted. And, accordingly, from left to right from top to bottom - manager, nanny, methodologist, musical worker, art teacher, sportsman, speech therapist, carpenter.

from left to right from top to bottom - Medic, psychologist, choreographer, watchmen, cooks. The text of congratulations and links to inspirers are below.

Here are the actual texts of congratulations and my speech, so to speak. Well, links to the source.

Good evening)))

On behalf of all parents of graduates, I say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of the kindergarten. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you have invested a piece of your heart in the children, taught them to be kind, honest, and fair. I wish you to remain such wonderful teachers, loving mothers, wonderful women. Thank you for our children!

For children to develop
The teachers have tried.
There are no doubts here.
But, there is one more thing...
To be a normal life
The garden was always open
Let it be in the shade, out of sight,
But they worked in the garden:
Doctor, caretaker, accountant,
Watchman, laundress, cooks,
Also janitor, storekeeper
Helped us learn.
Yes, kindergarten staff
They worked as they should.
Thank you everyone
And we want to say to everyone:

And as a sign of gratitude for your work, we will hold a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the "Gratitude-2014!" contest. This competition was attended by specialists and staff of the "kindergarten No. 21" Zvezdochka, Nizhnevartovsk.

The honorary commission represented by children and their parents determined the winners in the following categories:
1. Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Queen Mother" for royal patience and maternal care is announced head kindergarten Galina Alexandrovna! (text)
Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work a small souvenir.

2. Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Golden Fund" for hard work is announced educators! You mold our future from children on a par with us, so accept small souvenirs with respect and gratitude (they gave plasticine to the teachers - well, it seems like they started from the word - they mold, and it will come in handy for them).

3 . For assistant teacher. Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Magic Wand" for help and support is announced to the teacher's assistant!

4 . Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Iron Lady" for the titanic work is announced methodologist Svetlana Vladimirovna. (text) Please accept flowers and a modest souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.

5 . For health workers. No less important!
Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" for the extraordinary resistance to ordinary and magical diseases is announced to the medical worker!
Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work - we wish you never had to use it in your work))

6 . For psychologist. Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Individual approach" for the formation of the emotional well-being of children is announced to the psychologist!
Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a memorable souvenir - in your work there are both smiles and sadness. We wish you more positive emotions!

7. For music worker.

Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Talents and Admirers" for the development of the creative potential of children is announced to the music director!
Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a memorable souvenir.

8 . For drawing teachers.

Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "You will find everything in the world in a box with pencils" for teaching children the magic of fine art is announced to the drawing teacher!

9 . For physical education teacher.

Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Physical culture-URA" for promoting a healthy lifestyle, not so much theoretically as practically, is declared to the head of physical education!
Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a souvenir

10 Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Dance while young" is announced to Lilia Raisovna, our choreographer

11. Watch Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Give mood" is announced to our watchmen. Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a memorable souvenir.

12 . For cooks. Gratitude to the winners in the nomination "Fighters of Hunger" for tasty and useful work is announced to the kitchen workers!
Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a memorable souvenir.

13 . Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "What does it cost us to build a house" is announced carpenter. Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a souvenir

14 . Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "For the victory over the sounds" is announced defectologist. Accept from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work, flowers and a souvenir

Once again, I want to say once again a HUGE THANK YOU to all the staff of the kindergarten!


for your patience and care.

Our most large,
Invigorating us in the morning
Sends greetings capricious, harmful
Team of fathers and mothers.

We often come to you for advice.

The children have finished their preschool path,

And today we want to wish you

So that your kindergarten can survive

In such a difficult time,

Enough patience you this burden

Carry through the years on women's shoulders!

Not to express all respect in words,

Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care,

Let only work be your joy,

Good luck and happiness to the kindergarten and you,

Bow to you today from dads and moms!


for patience and love.

Choreography is a delicate matter,
You are definitely up to it.
From clumsy kids skillfully
You made gentlemen and ladies.
Feel the scene and move smoothly
You taught your students
We want to tell you today about the main thing:
We are eternally grateful to you!


for delicious and useful work.

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Breakfast porridge is ready

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs.

They have been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and children

They say thank you

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...

We appreciate your work!


for help and support.

From clear dawn to dark

She is in our garden

Who will bring us lunch

And take away the dishes.

The children helped out:

All the tables were set

And learned not to crumble

And don't use sand.

Our group is not more beautiful,

Clean and light all around!

Maybe our nanny

And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now

For care and comfort.

And for what it's time

She dedicated her work to us!


Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
Thank you for raising our children!
Your profession is not needed in the world.

And the children are all used to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That your eyes will no longer see them,
Years go by, days add up in them,

And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, with you they were always in business,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught letters and numbers to children,

And now they will go to school,
And thank you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all with inspiration!


for hard work with heart.

Children are a special, radiant people,

Not everyone will find an approach to them at all,

Not everyone, whatever one may say,

The key to their hearts will be able to find!

Only to those who are both bright and pure,

Who, like a child, is open and radiant,

In whom kindness and cordiality live,

Children meet with love!

You, educators, are peculiar to these

Qualities that all children adore

Apparently, contrary to all clichés,

You are all children at heart!

So don't be sad and don't be discouraged

Warm everyone with your warmth,

You are a model, you are an example, a standard!

Be happy! Earth bow to you!


for titanic work.

Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids.

All sciences, no doubt

The Methodist needs to know.

Be a doctor in psychology

Physiology children,

Rhetoric and logic

Of course, pedagogy.

And to be a Methodist,

Children need to be loved.

bosses right hand,

It was difficult for you sometimes.

It's all educational process.

Had some significant progress.

Your merits are great:

You helped teachers

Raise and educate children.

Thank you from mothers.


for the development of creative potential.

"Fa" from "salt" is not distinguished,
Talent is not given to everyone
But it doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
At Christmas or New Year's
Even the furious prankster
Liho sings a song.

We are grateful for our children
You made friends with the world of beauty,
Gently introduced them into this wonderful world,
They taught beautiful songs to sing.


for an accurate calculation.

So that the balance always converges,
The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.
An accountant is working
Accounting since morning.

educators salary,
And parents pay,
We urgently need to calculate
And give receipts...

We say thank you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


for attention and disease resistance.

On time to get vaccinated
Spout check and chair,
Someone scratched today
Someone coughed yesterday.
How can we survive chickenpox?
And harden the body?
Only a doctor can help with this.
He can tell everything.
Give vitamins in the morning
And lift your spirits!
And protect from angina,
Children's sighs to understand.
Well, for this our doctor-
Low bow to the ground.
Our children's health
You took good care of it.


for teaching children the magic of the fine arts.

Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.
But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

Kids can create here
brush and pencils,
Is it plasticine on the lid
Or bright crayons.

Both portraits and landscapes
Learned to draw
You can even in opening days
Send their pictures.


for a healthy mind in a healthy body.

So that children do not get fat,

So that in a healthy children's body

The spirit has always been healthy,

The physical worker said:

"Before the kids wake up,

Bring to charge

Sports will help you become dexterous,

If necessary, surrender change

Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall

Kids should be friends.

Let them beat their knees a little

And tear their pants."

Which of them will become an athlete,

The whole world will glorify the country,

After a couple of years

We learn from the newspapers...

In the meantime, thank you

From the guys, their dads and moms!


for the acquisition, conservation and rational use

garden property.

Who's taking it seriously
All economy? Our caretaker!
In whose hands is always skillfully
Does any business argue?
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks,
Let the enthusiasm in the eyes sparkle
And you don't want to be sick.
Let's break up. The hour has struck.
Remember us often!


for his invaluable contribution to the common cause.

Clean towels for nose and cheeks

Dry sheets for sweet sleep

All this is the work of overworked hands.

Even if she is invisible.

Not super washer and not water

And our washerwoman all this time

Made sure it was clean.

For this, thank you, we will tell her together!

After all, it is important and necessary to be careful!


for the quality performance of their duties.

She leads responsibly
All our rubles accounting
The best castlemaid in the world
Respect and honor!
In her hands skillfully
Does any business argue?
For artists every year
She sews amazing costumes!

sweeps pillowcases,

Hems the curtains.

Thank you from everyone -

For work, for success.


for the development of children's emotional well-being.

And you can improve your health not only by exercising.

If the nerves are not in order, then the psychologist will help here.

So that the psyche of the child does not inspire fear in adults,

They need a subtle psychologist - to tell when and how,

Explain this and that, personal test.

Give parents answers - why their son does not eat.

Slowly slowly into a big, complex life

You carefully introduced the babies by the hand.

In the classroom you taught to communicate and make friends

After all, with such preparation it will be easier to live in school.


for speech development.

We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.
The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom doesn't blush at school.


for great staff.

Working with different staff
You always choose the best.
And without statements with orders
You know everything about workers.

Your mission is:
Accept people into the team
And we know - any commission
Rate the work at five!

We are on this warm and clear day
We wish you love and kindness
And so that with a wonderful mood
Your day starts in the morning.


for kindness and good humor.

On this festive day, we want to celebrate
Those people who greet us with a smile in the morning,
Those who take up their post in the morning and afternoon,
And good wishes to all moms and dads.

Their watchmen call - this is so, by the way,
Maybe someone did not know, we are very grateful to them.
And so on this spring day of ours,
We are not too lazy to wish them a good word.

We wish them health, good luck,
May happiness always accompany them everywhere and always.
In gratitude for their work, we send them a bow,
Thank you family for taking care of our home!


for timely repaired furniture.

You have done a lot for our group,
You have a chisel, screws,
Nails, planer, hacksaw, saw,
This makes my head spin.
Set up a shelf and a soft sofa,
Thank you very much, we will tell you!

Along with souvenirs, they gave flowers and thanks.

So the time has come for children to part with kindergarten. Over the years of visiting this preschool, a lot has been experienced, both good and bad, but most often the time spent here is remembered with a smile, as the most carefree and fun.

Once upon a time, parents entrusted their most precious treasure to the kindergarten workers, and all these years they were always there. For the most part, it was these people who took on the responsibility of raising kids, and therefore they do not prepare letters of thanks for kindergarten employees. It is important not to forget a single person from the staff of this preschool institution, because thanks to joint efforts, the children's stay in the kindergarten was safe.

Graduation letters of thanks are given by children to kindergarten workers during the solemn part of the matinee. The teacher reads out a poetic text, and the graduates, to the solemn music, present bouquets and beautiful thank-you notes to the entire team in turn, starting with the most important ones.


The letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten contains lines about how, thanks to her skillful leadership, the work of the entire team is smoothly running for the benefit of the kids. The text often mentions her positive character traits and words of gratitude from her parents.


Who, if not the educator, knows all the joys and sorrows of the kids and knows how to give the right advice in time or prevent the conflict that has arisen between the children. This person practically replaces the child's mother while he is in the walls of the children's institution.

The knowledge acquired by a child depends to a greater extent on the person who has devoted his life to educating the younger generation. Therefore, a letter of thanks to a kindergarten teacher at graduation is presented to thunderous applause, and often tears of joy on the part of the presenter and recipient.


Do not underestimate the work of a nanny taking care of babies. After all, it is she who makes sure that each panty is dressed correctly, and cleanliness and order reign in the group. Of course, the assistant teacher, as the nanny is now called, also receives a letter of thanks at the graduation in kindergarten.

health worker

Not a single preschool institution can do without a nurse who carefully observes all the norms for nutrition and child care and controls the correct performance of their duties by the rest of the staff. To provide, if necessary, first aid on time, to vaccinate and monitor the health of babies is her direct task. And although the health worker is not a full-time unit of the children's institution, all the same, she deserves her congratulations.

kitchen workers

Letters of thanks to the staff of the kindergarten at graduation are also received by those people who tasty fed the kids during their stay within the walls of the institution. These are catering workers, and traditionally, along with congratulations, they are presented with bouquets of flowers and a birthday cake.

Here are some more examples of thank you letters for other equally important kindergarten workers:

The main thing is not to miss anyone at the presentation of thanks, and then graduation

Here we have collected texts (short and “full-length”) with words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents. They will come in handy to include them in the text of congratulations on graduation (or anniversary) and other holidays in kindergarten. You can also sign a postcard, a card for a bouquet, a gift, express personal gratitude to your favorite teacher (and other employees of the preschool institution) with them.

All texts are written in prose, for those who want to express gratitude in their own words.

All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. To shorten or lengthen any text, the recommendations for use will help you, they are located at the end of the page.

If you wish to express your gratitude in writing, they are waiting for you on a separate page.

These will help you add more wishes to the text (just select the appropriate ones from it and add the text you like to the final part).

Our dear, beloved helpers!

We love you very much and for the time that you devoted to our children, we began to consider you members of our family. After all, you occupy a huge place in the lives of our children and us parents. Together with us you create a happy childhood for our children... Together with us you overcome the difficulties of educating the younger generation, exercise your ingenuity when you need to solve a new pedagogical problem. Together with us you find a way out of any situation regarding the development of children ... You are not just employees of a children's institution, you are our support, support, friends and loved ones.

Thank you for being you. Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for your much-needed work and the positive that you bring to the lives of our families.

Dear teachers, you are people with a capital letter. We are happy that in our life there are such helpers like you and we thank fate for the fact that you are involved in the upbringing of our child. From the bottom of my heart, thank you:

  • for your indifference to children and to us, parents;
  • for the fact that your friendly team creates a cozy, comfortable atmosphere for development and creativity in kindergarten;
  • for the fact that you are filled with positive and always smile when you meet children in the morning;
  • for the fact that you are patient and find the strength in yourself to do such difficult and responsible work every day;
  • for helping our children discover their talents and believe in themselves;
  • for the fact that do not skimp on the praise and affectionate words to our kids;
  • for the preparation and holding of cheerful, bright holidays.

But, most importantly: we love and respect you for choosing this troublesome path for yourself and remaining faithful to it to this day. May life return multiply multiplied all the good that you create with your own hands every day. And we promise not to stand aside and do everything possible to make your work easier for you.

Dear friends, our beloved educators and everyone who contributes to the education of future generations! We always admire your labor prowess, professional skills and pedagogical talents... But today we want to express our endless gratitude for the fact that:

  • You take on a large part of our parental burden and make a significant contribution to the upbringing of our children. This makes our life easier and helps relieve our daily routine from a lot of trouble.
  • You are attentive, responsible and responsive to children. This reduces our worries and we are not afraid to leave children with you.
  • You skillfully and painstakingly create an environment for our children to develop their musical, artistic, creative, mathematical abilities and sports opportunities in it. Thanks to this, we are endlessly surprised at how much our children can and know.
  • You teach our children to respect each other, respect the rules of interaction with each other, constructively communicate and argue, fantasize and make friends. These are vital skills and we fully understand the importance of what you instill in them. They will help our children (and ourselves) to be effective in later life.
  • With your own hands you create a fairy tale for children that will stay with them forever. Thanks to this, we are calm for their childhood - warm, joyful and comfortable.
  • You take care of warm clothes on walks, hygiene before breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea ... You monitor the regimen of our children and strictly follow all the rules for preserving life and health. Such care cannot be overestimated. Thanks to this care, we are all healthier and more resilient than we could be without you.
  • You show by example the ability to communicate effectively. It is always easy for us to agree with you. Your attentiveness to us, parents, is no less important to us than your sensitivity to children.
  • You are serious, strict and disciplined. Yes Yes! We are happy about this... Because with such teachers we are not afraid!

We can endlessly praise you, enumerate your virtues and admire the fruits of your labor ... The most important thing that I want to bow to you for is your contribution to our peace, and therefore to our health, as well as the health of our entire family. Thank you for this, our invaluable teachers!

Dear educators! On behalf of the entire team of parents, we thank you for your hard work every day. For helping us raise our children, develop them and educate them. Thank you so much for helping us parents... for your support, valuable advice and observations, for sharing with us your many years of experience working with children. Without you, we would be much less efficient in our parenting responsibilities. May your life and professional path be easy, grateful and happy.

Thank you for making our children sociable and kind, creative and happy. For the fact that you put a piece of yourself into each child. Because you are not just people, you are wonderful people and the first teachers in the life of every child. Thank you for returning from kindergarten our children share with us the positive energy that you charged them with.

Dear teachers! Thank you for becoming for us and our children not only wise mentors, but also good friends. Thank you for your teaching skills, for your talent in raising children and for constantly improving your skills and your talent. You are the best teachers in the world and getting to know you is our personal, great success.

Dear teachers! The fruits of your labors endlessly surprise and delight us. You have discovered in our children such talents that we did not suspect. You were able to create such an atmosphere in the kindergarten that the child runs to the kindergarten every morning, looking forward to each new meeting with you with joy and impatience. Of course, this proves that in our garden there are unique, talented and amazing teachers. The best possible! Thank you for this and for being with us.

Dear Maria Petrovna and Svetlana Ivanovna!

From the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for choosing your profession - raising children, and for giving our children care, warmth and your smile for so many years. We are very lucky that our children from a very young age met a wise, careful and respectful attitude towards themselves from their first teachers. For your patience, inexhaustible vivacity and positive, responsiveness and pedagogical skills - a separate thank you, parent, thank you. May all your dreams come true, and in life there are only kind, understanding and respectful people.

Dear teachers!

Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your many years of caring for our children. We are proud to communicate with such purposeful, caring, competent and interested people like you. Any educational institution can dream of such specialists, because you are real diamonds. You have no equal in raising children and your contribution to their development is enormous. And your help to us parents is priceless. Warmth to you, your families, and may a worthy reward for your labors always find you, and be what you wish.

Dear our educators! During the time of communication and cooperation with you, you have become a guiding star for us on the path of development and education of our children. Together with us, you make childhood colorful and bright, decorate our days with fun holidays and constantly invent, invent, improve the environment in which our children grow up. Oddly enough, together with our children, with your help, we ourselves, parents, are improving. We learn a lot of new things, we observe wonderful reincarnations happening with our guys, we learn a lot and change a lot in ourselves. And all this is thanks to you. Thank you for your participation, for being in the lives of our families and for the fact that we become better next to you.

Dear teachers! We sincerely thank you for the time you spent with us and our children. This period is one of the brightest, most memorable and joyful in the life of our families. It became like this because you put a lot of effort and your pedagogical talent into it. You not only made the childhood of our children happier and more fruitful, but you give joy to us ourselves. And along with joy, you give us peace and confidence in the bright future of our children. After all, so much attention, love and care has been invested in them.

They leave the garden socialized, familiar with the basics of etiquette, they know the initial laws of communication and the rules of behavior in the environment in which they will live and work. You, your friendly team and the results of your activities have exceeded all our wildest expectations. Special thanks to you for not deceiving our faith in you and for giving more than we expect.

We wish you all that life gives only the best and its gifts exceed your expectations, justify your hopes and give only joy.

Dear teachers! We sincerely thank you for the fact that our children have a high-quality, solid base for their subsequent personal development. Thank you for being a reliable support to us parents and always providing feedback throughout the years of visiting our beautiful kindergarten. Thank you also for providing unfailing support when we needed it and answering any questions that arose without delay.

Many thanks to you for vigilant control over our children, for a strong nervous system, inexhaustible patience and dedication in work. May health, longevity and happiness pursue you.

Dear and respected! You are not simple educators, but real guides to the world of discoveries, new knowledge, skills and miracles. Thank you for making the educational process for our children exciting, active and fruitful. Thank you for the fact that as a result of this process you tirelessly monitored the health and safety of young discoverers and inventors. A deep bow to you for the persistence with which you realize yourself in a difficult pedagogical field, as well as:

  • for trying not to get sick;
  • for smiling when you are deadly tired;
  • for keeping calm even when there is no reason for calmness;
  • for the fact that somewhere you are looking for energy to cope with restless fidgets;
  • for generating warmth and good mood to give them to children and us, parents;
  • for a creative approach to any business, and inexhaustible resourcefulness in solving any issues.

Special thanks to you for your generosity and huge hearts. We wish warmth, stability, well-being and prosperity to your families.

Dear teachers! Accept sincere parental gratitude, first of all, for giving children faith in themselves, lighting a spark of curiosity in their eyes. Thank you for being creators, for not destroying the wonderful world of childhood and creating a solid foundation for the subsequent development of children as individuals.

We also thank you for working tirelessly for the development of not only children, but also us - parents. For always benevolent, balanced and find an individual approach to each child and parent. In our hearts, you will forever occupy a strong place where the warmest memories and gratitude live. We wish you to receive only pleasure from work, may all your plans come true, dreams come true and hopes come true.

Dear teachers! You have no equal in pedagogical skill just because you have turned a preschool institution into a second home for children.

The guys are not afraid to come here, they do not whimper, getting ready to meet you in the morning. They are cheerful, joyful, full of new ideas and ready to implement all of them, confident in your support and that all ideas will come true. All these miraculous transformations that we see every day in our children ... all these are the fruits of your labor. We are not only delighted with the results of your activities, but also infinitely grateful to you. A low bow to you for choosing pedagogical activity for yourself and God forbid that your life be as brightly colored as the drawings with which our children decorate our home and our lives.

Dear our teachers! Thank you for the fact that in certain periods of your life you replace mothers for children, comfort them in moments of despondency and share moments of joy with them. Let the warmth and care of your loved ones surround you. May good luck and inspiration accompany you all your life.

Dear teachers, friends! Each kindergarten employee always faces the main task - to educate the best human qualities in a growing person. After many years of communicating with you and observing the results of your work, we can confidently say that you are doing an excellent job with your mission. Thank you very much for this!

Preschool age is the most important in a child's life. At this age, health is laid, and the foundations of the future personality are formed. A prosperous childhood and the further fate of each child depends on the wisdom of teachers, their patience, attention to the inner world of the child. With the help of their educators, preschoolers learn to love and take care of their families, make friends, learn the secrets of the world around them ... From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, teachers, for generously sharing your knowledge and skills with children, and that you are fully teachers for them , guides to the big world in which they have to live.

Dear friends! We all come from childhood ... Everything that is in our children and in ourselves, we inherited from there, from a distant childhood. And we all bring up some kind of children: some of our own, some of strangers ... But there are people for whom upbringing is a vocation. And these are not people who have a diploma of relevant education ... these are people who have tremendous patience, unlimited talent and a deep understanding of children.

We really want, dear teachers, that the potential that is in you never dries up, just as a spring does not dry up. So that your little pupils can always, looking into this source, receive the most important thing - love, care, fidelity.

The most faithful admirers of your talent are your little pupils and we, their parents. Children respond to you with the same boundless love that you give them. And we, the parents, have found allies in you, whose experience you can rely on, whose professional opinion you can trust.

Beloved teachers, may the light that you carry with dignity and give to our children forever keep warmth, comfort and happiness in this world.

Dear and beloved staff of the kindergarten! Throughout a person's life, the seeds that you have sown grow and develop in him. Thank you for sowing only seeds of kindness, care, responsibility, sincerity, tenderness and friendship on this fertile soil. We sincerely wish you new pedagogical victories, longevity and material well-being.

Dear Kindergarten Staff! All of you, without exception, have become our second family! So much is required of you:

  • replace the children of their parents while they (adults) are at work;
  • be professional and empathetic with both children and parents;
  • be healthy, active, energetic and attentive;
  • organize and arrange an environment for the development of children;
  • maintain a healthy climate and a warm atmosphere in the institution;
  • comply with the requirements of the administration, WHO, and regulatory authorities;
  • communicate successfully with each other and create a strong team of professionals.

And with all this, it is necessary to pay attention to your own family ... This is a colossal daily work, and people who manage to do all this cannot but admire. Thank you for being you and for the fact that children from a very young age are lucky to communicate with people like you. Because all the best that is in a person can only be taught by you.

May only grateful pupils and their parents meet in your life. Let your work bring you only benefit, health, joy and replenish your vitality.

Thank you, our dear, all kindergarten staff!

We are happy to have spent the past few years with you. We are very lucky that in the matter of raising children we had such assistants as you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts:

  • for not letting our children be lazy and for not letting them suffer;
  • for wiping away our kids' tears and snot;
  • for not giving concessions and forcing them to think and work;
  • for not letting me freeze and overheat;
  • for not allowing them to become ignorant, ill-mannered and uncultured;
  • for not hiding their experience and pedagogical wisdom from us parents;
  • for not allowing children to become closed and closed "loners", involving them in interaction with the group;
  • for the fact that none of the guys left you without friends;
  • for the fact that you did not ignore a single bad deed and did not leave it without blame;
  • for the fact that you didn’t let any of the guys go without valuable life experience, without the skills of drawing, singing, sculpting, dancing ... you can’t list everything from what they now have in store for further development.

Many thanks for all the brightest, real, truthful and kind that you have invested in our children, and most importantly - that not one of us leaves your garden with an empty soul, empty heart and empty eyes. All of us, with your help, bring many happy memories out of this realm of childhood that will warm us for the rest of our lives. We hope that you will not be left with nothing. May your life be full of joy and love, laughter and kindness. Well, you already have our eternal gratitude.

Our precious, all employees of the beloved garden!

Today you are sending another portion of new graduates to the big world... We congratulate you on the completion of the next educational and developmental process and the beginning of a new one. Accept the words of deep gratitude for all the good you have done. For all that we will forever keep in our hearts and in our memory. Thank you for all these years you have always been there and helped us grow, gain new knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything received here will remain forever in us and our children and, therefore, we will never be able to forget you.

We are sorry that the preschool years flew by so quickly. I do not want to part with such talented teachers who have become our family and friends. We believe that your pupils will later become your pride and glorify you and your educational institution. And we wish you the realization of new creative ideas, inspiration in life and work, good health, happiness and stable prosperity.

The texts on this page are written in a special way. You can shorten or lengthen each of them (turning it into a full-fledged solemn speech) without losing the meaning.

  • To shorten the text you like, leave only its first and last sentence. Next, select 1-2 points from the bulleted list (take them from texts where such a list is available) and insert between the initial and final phrase. You will get your own unique text (shortened version).
  • If you need to express gratitude in just one phrase, then proceed as follows: say the words "Thank you for ..." and then say a phrase from any bulleted list on the page. In this way, you will briefly express appreciation for something specific that you most appreciate in an educator (or in a preschool).
  • To increase the volume of the text you like and make it a full-length solemn speech, add to it any paragraphs from any texts with bulleted lists (keeping its initial part unchanged). In the final part of such text, you can insert any last sentence taken from any text on the page.
  • The gratitude speeches given on the page are just an example, they can be used in the version in which they are, but you can also transform, modify to your liking (the above are ways to do this). All these texts are easy to convert. To do this, "play" with phrases, rearranging them, moving sentences from one text to another.
  • All these texts are universal and suitable for any event in kindergarten. If you certainly want to indicate in honor of which event you pronounce these heartfelt words, then in one of the first sentences of the text used, simply insert the words of congratulations (on the graduation of pupils or on a professional holiday, on the birthday of a preschool employee, on the anniversary of a preschool institution, etc.). d.).
  • Remember: in order for the words to become touching, memorable, and the speech bright, it is not enough just to complete the formality by saying beautiful phrases. The intonation and inner attitude towards those present also matter ... Even better, sincerely experience real gratitude for the people to whom you address your words. Color your speech with lively emotions, facial expressions, gestures, and your words can truly touch the souls of those present.

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