Tax on Aliexpress: what will happen now with purchases in foreign stores. How much can you buy on Aliexpress per month in Russia without customs duty? How much tax is paid on Aliexpress in Russia? What is the maximum order amount for Aliek

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Information has appeared on the Internet that, starting from July 1, the delivery rules in the most popular online stores Aliexpress and Amazon will change. This question has interested many Russians, since these stores are very popular. The stores attract with their low prices.

The Russian government has long taken up the issue of orders from Aliexpress and Amazon stores. They commented on their interest by the fact that Chinese and American sites are destroying the earnings of Russian manufacturers, thereby making Russia uncompetitive. And this hits the state budget quite hard.

What are the changes to the purchasing rules on Aliexpress and Amazon?

Innovations began to be launched last year, in December. New rules were introduced for the delivery of foreign goods, mainly changes affected the filling out of forms. You must provide your passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and also do not forget about the link to the ordered product. There have been talks about introducing a tax on goods ordered from Aliexpress and Amazon. Such changes will be in effect until July 1 of this year. According to the government, Aliexpress and Amazon will suffer significant collapses.

The government has received a proposal to abolish the threshold for duty-free import of foreign goods, and simply introduce a tax on all ordered goods. If the state approves the proposals, the innovations will come into force next year. Experts also believe that goods should have a 20% duty and a certain minimum weight (at least 1 kg).

When will the changes take effect?

Discussions regarding planned innovations are ongoing by the government to this day. Information has been received from the Minister of Finance that the threshold for duty-free import of goods from Aliexpress and Amazon stores may be reduced to 100 euros from July 1. Many people are unhappy with this information, because the fee is too high. The only positive is that the government will remove a limited number of parcels per month.

From reliable sources it became known that duty-free import, starting from July 1, 2018, will be up to 500 euros. If the amount exceeds 500 euros, the customer will have to pay a 20% fee.

Parcels will be monitored. All goods received from Aliexpress and Amazon, along with the customer’s TIN, will be entered into the database. Thus, the government wants to control these purchases. In the near future, they want to achieve the introduction of a tax on the ordered goods, which the customer will have to pay independently through his personal account. If you do not pay the tax, the customer will be left without his goods.

Before ordering a product on the Aliexpress online store website, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some rules, for example, duty-free shipping. So, as everyone knows, goods on the Aliexpress website are in most cases sent from China.

If you ordered something on an Aliexpress partner site called Mall, you will receive the package quite quickly, since it does not need to go through customs control. The fact is that the goods sold in the Mall section are located in special warehouses in Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. When you place an order on the Mall website, you do not need to register customs duties, since such a package does not go through the border. This site belongs to the aliexpress site, therefore, since in the aliexpress online store the prepayment is 100%, the shipping conditions are the same, only the shipping period is much shorter.

If you make a purchase on the Aliexpress website, the parcel will be sent across the border, so you need to know some rules so that you don’t have to pay taxes.

Each country will have its own rules for customs clearance; you should familiarize yourself with them. So that when ordering, you can know in advance for which goods you will have to pay taxes and for which you will not.

First, you need to know the general rules for all countries when sending purchases across borders. Customs in any country does not allow parcels containing any explosives, alcohol, drugs or any cultural property. Moreover, such parcels are confiscated, so you simply won’t find anything like it on the aliexpress website. The shipment of bladed weapons and firearms is prohibited. For example, you saw on the Aliexpress website a Japanese sword - a katana and wanted to buy it, unfortunately, you won’t be able to. Such a product will simply not be allowed through, and the parcel will be sent back to the seller. In this case, you will have to open a dispute on the Aliexpress website to get a refund. The money will naturally be returned, but you will only waste a lot of time. As for kitchen knives, according to the law they are structurally similar to edged weapons, therefore sending such products across the border is prohibited. But very often such goods are allowed through customs. Therefore, if you want to buy a high-quality branded knife at a low price on the aliexpress website, you can try to order it. A kitchen knife can be passed through, then there is no need for customs clearance. It happens that such goods are not allowed through, then the parcel will be returned back to the seller. In this case, you simply refuse the order and request a refund. In this case, you will not lose anything.

The same applies to precious stones, sports nutrition, radioactive substances - such goods will not pass control at customs.

You cannot send biological goods, such as live plants, animals, seeds, tobacco products, or perishable goods.

When purchasing various gadgets on the Aliexpress website, remember that customs will not allow your orders to pass if they contain spy gadgets, that is, listening devices, hidden videos, and the like. For example, a keychain, a pen with a video camera or a listening device. You should not create problems for yourself by making such an order, since the recipient may be prosecuted under Article 138.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or Article 359 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Sometimes there are cases that for unknown reasons, customs sent the goods back. In this case, you must immediately refuse the parcel and request a refund until your protection period on the Aliexpress website has expired.

Another rule is that an order of more than 5 items of one identical product is considered commercial, that is, goods for sale. For such goods, taxes are paid, but the appropriate documentation must be completed.

On the AliExpress website, they often sell goods in bulk, so you should not order identical items in quantities greater than 5 units, otherwise you will have to pay extra customs duty.

The product must be for personal use only, then you do not need to pay tax on it. As for mobile phones, you can order no more than 4 of them; 5 mobile phones can already be considered a commercial order and the product will not be missed.

Remember that when ordering any product, the duty payment will be on the shoulders of the buyer, not the seller, so be careful when choosing an order. If a problem occurs, it is better to immediately refuse the product and return the money back before the protection period has expired.

Conditions of customs duties on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you live in Russia and made an order on the aliexpress website. You need to know the rules that were established by Russian legislation. They differ from the rules in other countries, therefore, before ordering a product, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them:

  • first, you have the right to place an order once a month, to your address and in your name, for a total amount that does not exceed 1000 euros and provided that the total weight of all orders is not more than 31 kilograms;
  • second, you will have to pay 30% of the total price of all goods if they are more than the established price and weight. But the amount will be no more than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of the total weight of imported goods.

You can also familiarize yourself with all the rules on the Russian Post website. Tax registration takes place at the post office, where you will be issued a special declaration. If you wish not to pay tax, you have the right to refuse the parcel.

Conditions of customs duties on the territory of Ukraine.

The rules established by Ukrainian legislation differ from the rules established in Russia.

Here, if you ordered goods worth less than 150 euros in one day, and the weight of such parcels will not exceed 50 kilograms, in this case you do not pay customs duty. When the amount and weight per day exceeds the established data, then you will have to pay a fee of 30% of the total cost of the parcels. To do this, you will need to complete the appropriate documentation at the post office. You can always refuse the parcel.

Conditions of customs duties on the territory of Belarus.

Previously, customs clearance in Belarus was the same as in Russia, but on February 11, 2016, the President of Belarus signed a decree on new rules for customs work. According to the new rules, there is no need to pay customs duty if the cost of the parcel is no more than 22 euros and the weight is no more than 10 kilograms. These data are calculated for a month. That is, such an order can be made once a month.

Are there any restrictions on purchasing goods on Aliexpress? This question interests many avid shoppers, since this trading platform is a real shopping boon. To determine the answer to this question, we suggest understanding a little the basics of customs law. This will help you find out not only the restrictions on the monetary parameter, but also on the weight one, which is no less important.

If you refer to the rules of purchases on this trading platform, then there is no monetary limit for orders on Aliexpress. This means that you can safely order goods for any amount your heart desires. But there is one small “but”. Intrigued? The thing is that when purchasing goods in foreign online stores, you also need to take into account customs rules. Experienced buyers know that exceeding the limits established by the customs legislation of the country can affect the family budget. After all, if you exceed certain indicators, you will have to pay customs duties. But let's understand everything in order.

In 2010, uniform weight and monetary limits were established at the legislative level, within which the delivery of goods is carried out without the collection of customs duties. Moreover, such limits are the same for all organizations that process postal items, regardless of whether they are public or private legal entities.

Another feature of such limits is that they are provided for a period of one month.

Thus, the maximum monetary value for parcels from abroad is 1000 euros per month. As for the weight, it reaches 31 kg.

Taking these indicators into account, the buyer can adjust his orders and try to stay within the allowed limits. Otherwise, customs duties cannot be avoided, but is it really so high now that you need to carefully count your parcels during the month?

Duty on orders on Aliexpress

Many people know that exceeding the norm and cost of the order will lead to the obligation to pay customs duties. But only a few understand the essence of this concept. Simply put, this is a certain amount of money that will need to be paid if the limits are exceeded. Turning to the legislative framework and the theory of jurisprudence, we can highlight the following characteristic features of customs duties, answering the following questions:

  • What is a duty? - This is a mandatory payment.
  • In what cases is it charged? — When moving goods across the customs border.
  • Which public authorities are authorized to collect it? - Customs.
  • What ensures the fulfillment of the obligation to pay it? — Measures of state coercion, including legal liability, both administrative and criminal.

As you can see, it is not for nothing that this payment is called mandatory, because the consequences for non-payment can be dire. To prevent this from happening, remember two main indicators - 1000 euros and 31 kg. The slightest excess and you will have to pay.

If the value of goods in IPO (international mail) does not exceed the limit established by the state, and their total weight does not exceed the maximum permitted, then the parcel is sent to the recipient.

If customs officers detect an “overload” or find out that the price of goods exceeds the duty-free limit, then the parcel is sent to the recipient at the post office in the same way. The only difference is that a customs notification will be attached to the shipment, which will indicate the amount to be paid for exceeding the standards.

The cost of the parcel is indicated by the seller when sending the MPO in the “Declared Value” column. Practice shows that sellers most often indicate a slightly lower cost of the product (especially when it comes to expensive products, for example, phones, laptops, etc.). However, the customs officer can check whether the price of the goods corresponds to the truth. And if he sees too big a difference in the estimated cost of the parcel and the price of the product in one of the catalogs (well, on the same Chinese sites), then the customs officer can revalue the product at his own discretion.

If an item was purchased at an AliExpress sale or sale or won in some promotion, you should ask the seller to include a sales receipt or some other documents in the shipment that can confirm the suspiciously low cost of the items.

Sometimes on forums people advise asking the seller to indicate the word “Gift” in the “Cost” column. Practice shows that customs officers will still evaluate all the goods packed in the parcel at their discretion - it may turn out to be more expensive than if the seller indicated their real price. Moreover, misunderstandings with the assessment will specifically delay the MPO at customs.

It happens that customs finds it difficult to estimate the value of the goods, then the recipient is called to account, forcing him to fill out a customs declaration for customs clearance of the IPO or payment of customs duties (if required). The buyer is informed of the need to report to customs via regular mail.

Russian customs regulations

The Russian Federation is part of the Customs Union, therefore the following rules apply to it:

An individual to whom an international postal item is sent has the right, within one calendar month receive duty-free goods intended for for personal use for an amount not exceeding 1000 euros in equivalent, while the total weight of goods should not exceed 31 kg. The quota is updated (reset to zero) every month, but the customs value and customs weight of all parcels for the month are summed up.

If these limits are exceeded, then a duty in the amount of 30% of the difference in the cost of the goods and the allowed 1000 euros is charged on the IPO. In case of overload, a fee of at least 4 euros per 1 kg of weight will be charged for the difference between the actual weight of the parcel and the permitted weight of 31 kg. It can be difficult to comprehend the information, so let's use an example:

If the cost of the goods is 1300 euros and the weight of the parcel is 15 kg (there is only an excess in price, but not in weight), the buyer will pay:

(1300-1000)*30% = 90 euros.

With a product cost of 800 euros and an overload of 45 kg (excess in weight, but not in value):

(45-31)*4 = 56 euros.

If both the weight and the cost of the goods are exceeded, both indicators are calculated, but the duty is taken only on one of them, the maximum.

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