How to brew earthen puer tea. How to brew pressed and tablet Pu-erh tea correctly

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A drink like pu-erh tea is becoming more and more popular every year. Connoisseurs and lovers never tire of extolling its unique healing properties and extraordinary taste and aroma.

In addition, this type of tea, if certain proportions and preparation technology are observed, can invigorate so noticeably that its effect is comparable to that of well-known energy drinks.

What is the secret of the drink and is it as healthy as they say?

What is Pu-erh?

Pu-erh is Chinese tea processed using a certain technology, which involves natural or forced fermentation. The production of traditional teas involves enzymatic oxidation.

Although there is a general belief that regular teas are fermented, and pu-erh teas are over-fermented.

Based on the type of fermentation, pu-erh is divided into Shu Pu'er is the result of forced fermentation And Shen Puer is the result of natural fermentation.

The duration of the fermentation process for shu pu'er is from 7 months to three years, and for shen pu'er - from 7 to 20 years, respectively, shu pu'er is for mass consumption, and shen pu'er is only for special occasions and very wealthy people.

Ingenuity is a quality with which the Chinese never cease to amaze the whole world. They invented pu-erh.

Such teas have no analogues, they cannot be described or compared with anything, in order to form your own opinion you definitely need to try one of these drinks, preferably of high quality and properly prepared.

Pu-erhs evoke admiring expressions even on the faces of seasoned critics.

Good tea cannot be made without good raw materials - pu-erh is no exception. For this type of tea, ideally, leaves are collected not from bushes, but from tea trees that are 50 years old or older.

Particularly valuable tea is obtained from raw materials of wild plants. Sometimes they produce blended pu-erh - flavored, prefabricated.

However, more important to the taste of pu'er than the tea leaf itself is the fermentation time it undergoes.

The longer, the more expensive - shu and shen, they use the same raw materials, but use different fermentation techniques, so their taste, color and aroma are not at all similar.

The longer the tea leaf is processed, the softer and richer its taste becomes, the bitterness disappears, and in its place a noble astringency appears.

Pu-erh fermentation technologies

First, for all pu-erh, selected tea leaves are dried in the sun for some time, and then moistened with steam and sent to special storage facilities with specified moisture and temperature parameters for about 30 days, during which the so-called internal fermentation of the raw materials occurs.

After this, the tea is dried, which stops the internal fermentation. General operations are completed, further processing is different for each type of pu-erh.

For shu, the leaves are collected in a heap, moistened and placed in special rooms, where, under the influence of artificially created conditions, their accelerated external fermentation occurs.

The raw materials are aged from 2 months to a year, during which time the tea acquires its specific characteristics. Then it is dried and sent for packaging - pressed or left loose.

For shen, the leaves are pressed immediately after the internal fermentation has stopped and stored in this form for many years, during which incomparable natural external fermentation occurs.

The main active element of the process is microorganisms that survive without the presence of air and oxygen - anaerobic, and under their influence this type of fermentation occurs. Tea matures slowly, and its value increases with age..

In China, it is forbidden to export pu-erh older than 30 years; it is already considered the property of the nation. According to experts, in our country it is possible to purchase shen pu-erh aged for a maximum of 10 years, no more.

Shu can be consumed immediately after packaging, but shen not earlier than after 3 years of special storage.

Chemical composition of puer tea

The composition of pu-erh tea is so rich that more than one scientific treatise could be written about it. Currently, there is a resource from the Puer Tea Institute, among its publications there is a lot of information about the unique properties of this type of tea.

It contains:
Saccharides – normalize blood sugar levels, anticoagulants.
Vitamins – A, C, E, R.
Alkaloids are antioxidants.
Aroma components.
Minerals – more than 30 types.
Amino acids, among them particularly valuable neurotransmitters.
Polyphenolic compounds - about 30 complex compounds - catechins, phenolic acids, anthocyanidins, flavonoids, which have antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumor effects.

A sugar-free drink is low in calories, like any other type of tea - only 2 kilocalories per 100 grams of drink.

Pu-erh tea - beneficial properties

For its high bioactivity, pu-erh tea in its homeland received the status of a remedy for a hundred ailments and the wise Chinese are right as always.

The drink is unique, healthy and has a lot of substances useful for the human body - the chemical composition is clear proof of this.

1. Tones and invigorates.

2. Clarifies thoughts, stimulates mental activity.

3. Gives a feeling of peace, satisfaction, joy.

4. Powerful antioxidant, removes toxins and radioactive compounds.

5. One of the best immunostimulants– mobilizes all the body’s defenses, promotes comprehensive healing.

6. Excellent effect on the stomach and internal organs, promotes digestion, relieves heaviness and pain.

7. Pronounced antispasmodic.

8. Natural antibacterial agent.

9. Has anti-cancer effect.

10. Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

11. Prevents stagnation of bile and inflammation.

12. Good for the kidneys and liver.

13. Anticoagulant.

14. Actively used for weight loss, accelerates metabolic processes.

15. Excellent for flushing out decay products from the gastrointestinal tract that are formed due to excessive consumption of meat foods.

16. Used to treat dysentery, diarrhea.

17. Reduces gas formation.

18. Slows down the aging process.

There are few contraindications to drinking the drink and they are traditional - pregnancy, lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

The art of preparing tea correctly takes years to learn, so we will give only the general principles of brewing pu-erh, which may not improve its taste, but certainly will not spoil it.

1. For brewing, you need to take only earthenware, and you will also need a thermos to maintain the water temperature if you do not have a kettle with an indicator.

2. Water – always of the highest quality, soft, heat to a maximum of 90 degrees, pour into a thermos.

3. Rinse the clay teapot with boiling water, put 4-5 grams of pu-erh (1 teaspoon) into it per serving.

4. Fill the teapot with hot water 1/3 - the stage of washing the pu-erh. The tea leaves are steamed and all the dust and debris comes off, immediately drain the first water.

5. Now fill the pu-erh with hot water from a thermos for tea drinking.

6. Leave for 1 to 3 minutes, pour into another jug ​​(so as not to overheat), from which you can fill tea bowls.

Puer tea can be brewed up to 10 times, each time steeping for a different time, the final taste will always be different.

They drink pu-erh not scalding, slightly cooled, in portions of 30-50 grams and, of course, without sugar. Be healthy.

  • How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication
  • How to brew pu-erh at home? Cooking secrets
  • How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine
  • What defines the concept of real Chinese tea? Of course, this is, first of all, one that, in addition to its amazing taste and rich aroma, can benefit the body. Many of us, for example, know that black tea is a great invigorator, and real green tea promotes weight loss and is a powerful antioxidant. Oolong teas normalize metabolism, and fruit teas strengthen the immune system, as they contain large amounts of vitamins and essential microelements. But few people know how beneficial pu-erh tea can be, but the Chinese know and it’s not for nothing that they call it a cure for all diseases. Why is Pu-erh similar in its characteristics to coffee, but much healthier? Why is this drink often compared to vintage wines? What is the effect of tea intoxication and, of course, how to brew and drink pu-erh correctly, we will talk about all this in this article.

    What is puer

    Chinese pu-erh is a post-fermented tea and is one of the most expensive varieties in the world. It is produced using a certain technology and not everywhere, but only in certain provinces, the most popular of which are Yunnan and Sichuan. Based on the degree of fermentation, there are two types of pu-erh.

    Shen- The technology for preparing this variety is as follows. First, the leaves are slightly withered in the fresh air, then dried and then pressed. After pressing, the tea continues to ripen; this product has no expiration date; the older it is, the more expensive it is. Therefore, it is often compared to good wines, which only get better over the years.

    Shu- withered and slightly dried tea leaves are placed in large piles and filled with water. Leave it in this form for several days, stirring from time to time. Thanks to this technology, an active fermentation process begins in the tea leaves. Fermentation is accelerated and the ripening process occurs much faster. After which the shu is also pressed. In this form it can be stored for more than twenty years. At the same time, the quality and taste of tea also improve with age. The bitterness and earthy aftertaste go away, and what remains is a refined and unique aftertaste, for which gourmets value it so much.

    There are several pressing methods:
    In the form of a flat cake or “tablet” - a round pancake, the weight varies.
    In the shape of a nest - most often it is shu pu-erh that is pressed into this shape.
    Brick is the most popular type of pressing.
    Like a square - weighing about two hundred grams.
    In the form of a mushroom - as a rule, this form is made for Tibetan consumers.
    Pumpkin - in this form, tea was presented only to emperors and it was made from the highest grade raw materials collected from Mount Yiwu.
    Lumpy - pressed in the form of lumps.

    Beneficial properties of pu-erh tea

    In addition to its outstanding taste, the drink has many beneficial properties. It is considered morning tea, since it invigorates no worse than coffee, and the benefits from it are much greater.

    • Actively stimulates digestion, promoting proper weight loss
    • Reduces cholesterol
    • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins
    • Tones
    • Helps you concentrate
    • Increases mental and physical activity
    • Stabilizes blood pressure
    • Improves the condition of the body, saturating it with useful microelements
    • It has proven itself well as a means of helping to recover faster the next day after a feast.

    How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication

    In order to get that very drink when brewing pu-erh, the taste characteristics of which are legendary, and to be able to enjoy the effect of tea intoxication, or as they sometimes write, “to get it in,” you need to know what you should pay attention to when purchasing this product. We want to say right away that the effect of tea intoxication has nothing to do with alcoholic intoxication. First of all, we are talking about the fact that the drink gives a colossal boost of energy, tones, lifts the mood and improves brain activity. With him you are capable of any achievement!

    So, the main characteristics of real pu-erh:

    • It cannot be cheap; first of all, the high price is associated with production costs.
    • Even though it is pressed, whole leaves should be clearly visible in the molds.
    • Color. Shu - noticeably darker, shen - have a light brown and greenish tint.
    • The presence of foreign additives and impurities is not allowed.
    • The aroma should have distinct notes of wood, tobacco and nuts.
    • If you notice a strong smell of dampness, this indicates a violation of storage conditions. This tea is not worth taking.

    Pu-erh is rarely recommended to people who are just beginning their acquaintance with elite varieties of tea. If you still dare to start with it, then it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the rules for brewing this drink, since the taste, aroma, strength and effect that properly brewed tea gives depends on this process.

    How to brew pu-erh at home? Cooking secrets

    To prepare this drink, it is recommended to use good quality water; it is best to use spring water for this purpose. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to buy bottled.

    To brew elite varieties, which undoubtedly include Chinese pu-erh, it is advisable to use special containers, namely:
    Porcelain or glass teapot.
    Gaiwan is a special cup with a lid and saucer.
    Chahai is a cup where brewed tea is poured before pouring it into bowls.

    Tea quantity:
    Ten grams of pu-erh is usually enough for one hundred grams of water; cut off the required amount of tea leaves with a knife or break off with your fingers and you can start cooking.

    The process of brewing a noble drink:
    First, pu-erh should be rinsed. To do this, put the required amount of tea in a gaiwan, fill it with cold water and leave it like that for five minutes, then drain the water.
    Place the kettle on the fire and heat the water. Remember, to brew shu pu-erh the temperature should be 95 degrees, for shen - 75-80 degrees.
    Pour hot water over the tea and drain it immediately, then cover the pu-erh with a lid and leave it like that for thirty seconds. During this time, pour hot water over the tea and bowls. Then fill the pu-erh with hot water again and pour the drink into the chahai, and then pour into bowls. That's it, you can start drinking tea!

    Pressed pu-erh tablets

    Place the tablet in the gaiwan after running hot water over the bowl in advance. Gently mash it with a spoon and pour boiling water over it. After a couple of seconds, drain the first water, then fill it with new water and let it sit for two minutes. And then act according to your own taste preferences; if the drink turns out to be rather weak, increase the infusion time; if, on the contrary, it is strong, then reduce it. Wild pu-erh is brewed in the same way.

    How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine

    Recently, this method of cooking has become very popular. There are no special secrets here. For half a liter of water, take about five grams of tea. Shu pu-erh is usually sold in loose form, so the optimal water temperature is 95 degrees. The only peculiarity is that along with the tea leaves, dried tangerine peel is added to the teapot. The infusion time is about 5 minutes, the result is a drink with a wonderful citrus taste and rich aroma.

    How many times can you brew

    High-quality real pu-erh can withstand from five to fifteen brews. It has an amazing feature: with each brew, the drink will reveal new facets, you will feel a whole palette of aromas and feel a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

    Video: How to brew pu-erh

    Where to buy quality pu-erh tea?

    We tried to reveal all the secrets of this wonderful drink. There is a wide variety of varieties of this tea. You can always get acquainted with each of them and which you liked on our website. We wish you easy shopping and pleasant tea drinking!

    Question: " How to brew pu-erh?" - appears more and more often in search engines, as recently it has been gaining great popularity among consumers. What is it about this tea and how does it differ from other varieties? Let's find out!

    There are two types of Pu'er: Shen Pu'er and Shu Pu'er. They differ from each other in that the first variety is raw and has a greenish color. It is quite rare and has a noticeably sour taste. But Shu Puer is a little more common and tastes like dark chocolate. In addition to the fact that this tea is divided into two types, it can also be in two states: compressed and loose. Compressed pu-erh is more common due to its ease of storage and transportation. It is given various shapes, such as a ball, square and other geometric shapes.

    It's no secret that Pu-erh tea, like any other types of tea, has many positive properties that have a beneficial effect on our body. Undoubtedly, such tea can be of great benefit, but it can also cause harm if consumed inappropriately or excessively. In this case, let's take a closer look at its miraculous properties?

    • Properly brewed at home, pu-erh can give a huge boost of energy that even coffee cannot compare to. At the same time, this tea contains a minimal amount of caffeine, which distinguishes it from other types of tea.
    • For those who want to lose excess weight, pu-erh tea will be especially useful, as it speeds up metabolism and helps the body better absorb nutrients. Thanks to this, regular consumption of pu-erh promotes rapid weight loss, especially if combined with physical activity.

    It is strictly forbidden to consume pu-erh on an empty stomach, as it can lead to pain, colic and heartburn.

    In addition, properly brewed pu-erh cannot do any harm. Therefore, it is very important to be able to brew it, which we will tell you about in our article.

    How to brew correctly at home?

    Before you learn how to properly brew pu-erh tea at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations for its use.

    • Never drink tea from earthenware. This applies not only to pu-erh, but also to all other types of tea.
    • Never use a teapot or other container in which you will brew pu-erh. do not wash with detergents. You can use soda, salt, or mustard, but it is better to avoid household chemicals, since the subtle aroma of pu-erh can be overwhelmed by lemon “Gala”.
    • Before you brew pu-erh at home, take some time pour boiling water over the tea leaves several times to wash away excess dust and dirt. The water in which the tea will be brewed should under no circumstances be well boiled.

    Let's move on to brewing. You can brew pressed pu-erh in tablets at home in the following way:

      Heat the water to a temperature of 90 degrees.

      Rinse the vessel in which you will brew pu-erh with hot water, then pour in the pre-washed tea leaves at the rate of one spoon of tea leaves per person.

      Fill the kettle with water a little less than halfway and pour it out immediately.

      Fill with water again, only this time the amount you need.

      Wait about a minute, after which you can pour the delicious homemade pu-erh into preheated and prepared cups.

    You can brew loose pu-erh in exactly the same way as pressed pu-erh. You will learn more from the video attached to this article.

    Puerh resin

    Besides the tea itself, gourmets also brew pu-erh resin at home. This is done very simply: pour one gram of resin with boiling water and wait for it to completely dissolve. A gram of this resin is enough for a whole teapot. If you don't like very strong pu-erh, then keep the resin in the teapot for as long as you need to get a tasty drink.

    Julia Vern 49 472 4

    It so happens that people are closer to the familiar classics, established canons, the unchangeable order of well-known things. This conservatism often extends to culinary preferences. A morning cup of coffee, a mug of black or green tea between lunch and dinner. Variety relates to the order rather than the type of drinks consumed.

    Meanwhile, in the homeland of tea, China, hundreds of varieties and processing methods are known. Painstaking people use all stages of tea leaf growth, record all degrees of fermentation, use natural processes and microorganisms, turn to ancient technologies and invent new ones. The result is the same tea, but each time with unique properties and taste.

    Pu-erh is one of the varieties of long-fermented tea.

    Chinese Pu'er tea is a post-fermented tea produced in limited regions of China. It is made using a specific technology, when ripening during the fermentation procedure does not occur in the generally accepted way (with the help of natural tea leaf enzymes), but as a result of complex factors, including the work of microorganisms.

    A distinctive feature of Pu-erh is also the final stage of production - pressing. This makes it easier to store, transport, and also affects the taste of the brewed tea.

    There are two types of Pu-erh:

    • Raw (Shu). This refers to fermentation technology. The dried and rolled tea leaves are piled up and filled with water. This allows you to increase the temperature inside and speed up the fermentation process. It has special characteristics. The taste of “earth” tea only improves over the years, bitterness and heaviness disappear, and nobility appears. Tea can be stored for 20 years or more.
    • Cooked (Shen). Speeding up the fermentation process with water is not used. The fermentation process occurs naturally up to a certain level, this is carefully monitored. Fermentation is stopped by the next step - drying.

    The last stage of manufacturing is pressing. Several pressing methods are used, the main ones being the following:

    How to choose the best Pu-erh for brewing

    To brew pressed Pu-erh tea and enjoy it, you need to know its features, be able to listen to your own feelings, and not chase cheapness. You can preliminary assess the quality of tea using only two parameters:

    1. Nice appearance. Despite the highly pressed forms, whole leaves should be clearly visible in the cakes and bricks. Color may be slightly uneven. Shu Puer is darker, Sher Puer is light brown with greenish tints. Foreign inclusions and debris are not allowed.
    2. Pleasant specific smell. Pu-erh is called "earth" tea. But the notes of earth and wood should not be dominant. The aroma must have tobacco and nutty notes. The smell of dampness should indicate that storage conditions have been violated. This tea is not of high quality.

    If you are going to cook Pu-erh for the first time, give preference to a good, not the cheapest variety. Otherwise, the excessive coarseness and strength of the taste and the not-so-refined aroma may be off-putting. Pu-erhs come in different packaging. Buy a “nest” or “square” at a time, follow all the preparation rules and find tea to suit your taste. The degree of vigor, freshness, and taste ratings depend on how to brew earthen tea.

    There are special tools for separating a portion of tea for brewing.

    Making tea

    The rule for preparing Pu-erh is 5-15 brews. The rule of use is not to take before bed or on an empty stomach. Water should be taken of the best quality, and at one time brew the amount of tea that will definitely be drunk.

    Preparation of Pu-erh involves the use of special utensils:

    • Large teapot.
    • Gaiwan. Special deep cup with lid. Instead, you can use a special small teapot for Pu-erh with a volume of 150 ml.
    • Strainer. When separating a piece from a large pressed cake, too small pieces and dust will inevitably appear.
    • Chahai. A device that replaces a milk jug. But it is not used for milk, but for uniform mixing of the infusion.
    • Small volume bowls.

    A special feature of the preparation is the soaking of Pu-erh. 10 g per 100 ml of water is enough. It is customary to scrape off the required amount of tea with a knife or break it off with your fingers. Tea is prepared in the following sequence:

    • Soak the dry tea leaves. The required amount is placed in a gaiwan and filled with cold water. Time - 5 minutes. Drain the water. It turns dark, and the tea is ready for further use. The water is no longer used. The tea is considered to be washed.
    • Bring water to a boil in a large kettle and pour into a thermos to maintain the desired temperature. Tea is brewed with 95° water.
    • Pour pu-erh water from a thermos and drain immediately. Wash and warm the cups with drained water and drink. Leave the Pu'er in the gaiwan and cover with a lid. Wait 30 seconds. The steam begins to awaken the tea, it swells slightly and prepares to release its aromas.
    • Fill the tea leaves with a new portion of water. After 5-10 seconds, pour into chahai and immediately into cups. This is the first brew of tea, and tea drinking begins with it.
    • The next brew is shorter by a couple of seconds. It gives an amazing rich hue, a strong taste, and the aroma becomes richer.
    • Each subsequent brew may be longer than the previous one. It depends on the preferences of the guests and the host. Over time, experience will tell you how many times to brew Pu-erh. It depends on the variety and favorite concentration of the brew.

    Properly brewed, this type of tea has a rich bouquet of aromas and is very invigorating.

    Pu-erh, especially well-aged varieties, has unique properties. By changing the brewing time of tea, you achieve lightness, vigor, and stimulation of appetite. A strong concentration of tea leaves quickly tones all body systems and can even cause an intoxicating effect. Pu-erh, thanks to its enzyme composition, can be drunk by people with peptic ulcers. It improves digestion and cleans blood vessels. European doctors even suggested that the low incidence of cancer among the Chinese was achieved due to the frequent consumption of fermented teas.

    Drink Pu-erh, try previously unknown foods and drinks. This expands our understanding of a foreign culture, makes choices richer, and life more interesting.

    Pu-erh tea is not only an exotic drink, it is also healthy and tasty. Many
    are interested in how to brew Puer tea correctly, so that you get a tasty drink and all its properties are fully manifested. In fact, its taste depends on the correct preparation of tea, and if you do not adhere to certain rules, then truly good tea simply will not turn out.

    Along with its taste, which many people enjoy, Pu-erh tea has numerous proven beneficial properties and can improve health and improve a person’s well-being. The medicinal effects of the drink include the following features:

    • U metabolism speeds up, so it is recommended to drink the drink after eating fatty and heavy foods. In addition, you can improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder with its regular use.
    • Blood pressure decreases, since tea has antihypertensive properties.
    • Eliminates bad breath, caries and other dental diseases.
    • Improves skin condition- the skin takes on a healthy appearance.
    • Reduces the risk of cancer cell growth, due to antioxidants.
    • Strengthens immunity.
    • Increases blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of developing
      cardiovascular diseases.
    • Promotes weight loss, as it speeds up metabolic processes.

    Many people consider the main advantage of Pu-erh tea to be its invigorating properties, and therefore it is not recommended to drink it before bed, as it will be difficult to fall asleep. It is best to take the drink in the morning or before a long trip. By the way, Pu-erh contains quite a bit of caffeine, but it invigorates much more than coffee.

    If you bought Pu-erh tea and it smells of mold, then you should not use it to prepare the drink, as this indicates that the product or its quality is spoiled.
    improper storage. In general, this means that you were sold a low-quality product. Conscientious sellers in specialized tea stores protect their reputation and will never sell you such tea. And then don’t believe any excuses about the tastes and specific aromas of Pu-erh tea.

    "The effect of Puer tea"

    Pu-erh tea has recently become very popular because of its “tea intoxication” or also called the “Pu-erh tea effect”. This effect can be achieved due to the content of alkaloids in the drink, which have an effect on the human nervous system. The “Pu-erh effect” should not be confused with alcohol or drug intoxication, which negatively affect human health. Tea intoxication refers to a state when a person can fully concentrate on his thoughts - it was for these properties that people in ancient times took it before meditation.

    Methods for brewing Puer tea

    In order for Pu-erh to be tasty, it must be rinsed well, that is, the first brew of tea must be drained. You can perform this procedure using one of two methods:

    - Rinse the tea leaves with cold water, pour boiling water over the tea leaves, drain the infusion and brew tea for drinking.
    - Pour hot water over Puer leaves, drain the tea 1-2 times and brew it again with boiling water.

    When you brew Pu'er tea, you need to know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to pour dry tea into a heated kettle per 100 ml - 7 g of dry raw materials. In order to feel the real taste of Pu-erh, you need to drink it in its pure form, without adding sugar or milk. However, during a cold, it is allowed to add a little honey to the drink, but only for medicinal purposes.

    pressed puer

    How to brew pressed Pu-erh

    To brew pressed Pu'er, you need to use a different method of preparing the drink. It is worth noting that a product of this shape has large leaves, and therefore the brewing time increases and a little less of the main ingredient is required than the bulk product. To prepare pressed tea, you will need a special Pu-erh knife and an awl. Thanks to these tools, you need to break off a small piece (no more than 7 g) from the tablet and brew tea using the following recipe:

    1. Pour a piece of tea with cool water so that the leaves can open. After 2-3 minutes, drain the water.
    2. Pour boiling water over the opened Puerh leaves no more than 95 degrees.
    3. After 10 seconds, drain the water.
    4. Brew the tea again.

    You can also use boiling water to open the leaves, but in this case it must be drained immediately after the raw materials have been poured.

    How to brew Pu-erh tablets

    There is also Pu'er tea in the form of small tablets that need to be brewed in a different way. Huge selection of them can be found in this store, just scroll through the seller's page and see for yourself.

    How to brew pu-erh in a thermos

    1. Soak two tea tablets in boiling water.
    2. Place tea in a thermos.
    3. Fill with water at a temperature of 95 degrees.
    4. Leave the drink for 2 hours.
    5. Afterwards you can drink the finished drink.

    How to brew pu-erh in a teapot

    If you decide to brew Pu-erh tea just to “pamper” yourself, then it is recommended to brew it in a teapot. How to brew Pu-erh in tablets is very simple:

    1. Soak one tea tablet in boiling water for no more than 10 seconds and drain.
    2. Pour boiling water again and leave for 5 seconds and immediately drain the water.
    3. Now you can brew tea.

    How to brew Pu-erh so that it sticks

    In fact, there are many ways to brew Pu-erh and each is correct in its own way, it all depends on your preferences. But some people drink Pu-erh tea not to enjoy the taste and heal their health. Increasingly, modern youth are drinking the drink in order to get “stuck.” However, it is still better than smoking or drinking alcohol.

    In order for you to receive an effective charge of vigor and energy, it is recommended to brew the tea for a long time and infuse it in order to obtain an infusion of sufficient strength and thickness. But drinking too much of this drink is still not recommended, as it causes harm to the body. Drinking a large amount of strong tea may cause dizziness, nausea and other side effects.

    Where to buy real pu-erh tea?

    In conclusion, I would like to say that any type of Pu-erh tea is not only tasty, but also
    useful for the body. The most important thing is to buy a natural product, and notfake, and brew it correctly. It goes without saying that real pu-erh can be buy only from its manufacturers in China. Who, if not them, knows a lot about this? And considering that pu-erh is not the cheapest pleasure, it is more profitable to buy it at a wholesale price and with free delivery. First, you can buy a small weight - pressed into medals or cubes, then buy loose, large pancakes or bricks.

    If you love Puer tea, it is recommendedacquire special utensils for preparing good, realdrink Even if you didn’t manage to achieve the desired taste the first time, you shouldn’tbe upset, over time you will understand how to brew Pu-erh tea and choose the methods that suit you. There are a lot of varieties of Pu-erh tea, so everyone can find a drink to their liking. We can say with confidence that pu-erh in a beautiful package is ideal as a gift for a man!

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