Alexander Sheps - how to get an appointment with a clairvoyant. How to contact participants from the show of the battle of psychics How to write a battle of psychics for the program

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The official website of the TV show The Battle of Psychics allows viewers to write a letter to the editorial office and ask for help if, in their opinion, mystical events have taken place in their family. Many do not believe that the supernatural is near. However, it is not. AND Battle of psychics TNT- the most likely confirmation of this. High psychic abilities allow the participants of the program to provide assistance to people on the air.

The official website of the program Battle of Psychics - write to the editor and get help

In a programme Battle of psychics on TNT TV viewers have the opportunity to watch the investigation of strange, mysterious stories. The heroes of the program are the most ordinary people, in whose lives, as they believe, inexplicable, mysterious events have taken place.

  • If it is impossible to figure it out on their own in confusing situations, viewers turn to the Battle of Psychics program by writing a letter to the editor through the website.
  • The program editors choose the most curious cases, and psychics - participants in the TV project, are sent to the test.
  • The goal is to help people who have witnessed unusual phenomena. Anyone, for example, you, can become the heroes of the program.
  • I will tell you how to ask for help on the official website of the Battle of Psychics program.

Battle of Psychics official site - how to contact the editorial office for help?

Note that participation in the TV Show is free. Any person in whose family and life there are really inexplicable events that do not fit with reality can get into the project with their story. It is clear that the participants of the show cannot go to all comers. There are dozens of applications to the editorial office of the Battle of Psychics on the official website, but only the most interesting of them are selected for the program. The TV project of the Battle of Psychics in our country has the only office site to which an application should be sent to the editor.

How to write to the editor on the site of the Battle of Psychics?

  • To apply to the program, you need to contact the editorial staff of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia).
  • Email [email protected]
  • In addition, the TV project has an official Vkontakte page edition of the Battle of Psychics in Russia. &1

We receive thousands of letters to our address [email protected] and unfortunately, we simply cannot physically answer everyone. But first of all, we pay attention to the most interesting letters with feedback. That's why:

1. Always indicate your city. What if he is close to the route along which the group "Psychics are investigating" will go? Or you live close to Moscow, and then the chances of getting into the program increase even more.

2. Always leave all contact phone numbers with the area code - we first of all respond to those letters, with the authors of which we can quickly contact. Leave your name.

3. In the "Subject" of the letter, do not write "help", "sos", "I beg you" - there are hundreds of such letters a day. If you want your letter to stand out, come up with a really interesting topic.

4. Do not send one letter many times - then your address will automatically fall into "spam", and then no one will ever read your letter.

5. We choose stories on the basis of which we can make a test for psychics. And this often requires photographs, personal belongings, or the scene of an incident. For example, in the case of an accident investigation, we would rather choose the one in which the car was preserved. Therefore, try to indicate such important things that can help psychics.

6. We choose unusual stories. If you write shortly "mysterious death" or "corruption on me" - we will never understand why your story is special. Try to describe in sufficient detail what happened, but without going into small details. Just a couple of paragraphs.

7. In cases where a crime has occurred, we first of all consider applications from direct relatives of the victim. Because we cannot, for example, discuss the death of their child on the air without parental consent. Therefore, ask family members to write or indicate that they will agree to the shooting.

8. If you have a couple of photos to illustrate your story, add them to your letter.

We ask forgiveness in advance from everyone to whom we do not answer. Understand, we are only a few people, and we do not even have time to drop a few lines in response. Very often our no answer does not mean no. This may mean that right now we do not have filming, or your story will be needed for some kind of test in the future. Therefore, we hope for your understanding. And thanks to all our viewers!

We are waiting for your letters to the mail [email protected]

Don't post your stories in the comments!

Battle of Psychics official site - how to ask for help?

I would like to immediately note that participation in the program The fight of extrasensories completely free. Anyone can get into the program with their story. Of course, psychics cannot visit everyone who wants to. Applications to the editorial office are received in dozens and only a few are selected for the program.

The program of the Battle of Psychics in Russia has only one official website on which the application should be sent. Below we have posted a link.

You can get a free consultation of psychics right now.

How to write a letter to the Battle of Psychics?

  • To contact psychics in the program, you need to contact the editorial staff of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia). Email [email protected](Edition of the Battle of Psychics) and [email protected](TNT channel)
  • The program also has a VKONTAKTE page (edition of the Battle of Psychics in Russia.
  • If you want to contact the Ukrainian Battle of Psychics, then you should visit - the official page on the STB website (Ukraine).

Where can I find the contacts of the participants in the Battle of Psychics?

The editors of the program do not give the contacts of the participants of the show The Battle of Psychics, however, on our website, in the profile of psychics, you can find their official pages on social networks and their sites. Using them, you can contact psychics yourself.

If someone's contacts are not on the page, it means that we have not found them yet. As soon as the information becomes available, we will refresh the member's page.

It is not the first year that this fascinating show has attracted millions of people to the screens like a magnet on the TNT channel. "Battle of Psychics" in popularity rating regularly breaks records. The program in which people demonstrate their unique abilities of clairvoyance and magic, thereby helping ordinary people in their troubles and hardships, even for the most inveterate skeptics has turned into something extraordinary and defying logical explanation. However, some still think that in the "Battle of the Psychics" everything is rigged and planned in advance. But, as it turned out, this is not some kind of staging program, but a real show, whose participants solve real human problems.

Mission of the program

Many have already become convinced in practice that magicians, sorcerers and oracles are really capable of unraveling even the most intricate tangle of riddles, as a result of which ordinary people suffer.

One lost a loved one under unclear circumstances, the second is overcome by unpleasant events of the past, the third simply lost faith in himself. And people endowed with unusual abilities have repeatedly proved that they are able to solve such problems. Moreover, they actively cooperate with representatives of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of the most complicated cases. And thanks to the intervention of mediums, things get off the ground.

Naturally, today a huge army of people is interested in the following question: is it possible to get to the "Battle of Psychics" and ask for help from the participants in the show? Yes, there is such a possibility.

Everyone can ask for help

As already mentioned, people often find themselves in difficult life situations. Sometimes even specialists, for example, detectives or doctors, remain powerless in front of their problems. From this, many are seized by panic, despair and depression. What to do in such cases? In this regard, more than ever, the question becomes urgent, is it possible to get to the "Battle of Psychics" to help? The answer to it is in the affirmative, and there is a recommendation according to which one should contact first of all with the editors of the program or with the staff of the TNT TV channel.

Moreover, you can write a letter or send a video message. It should be noted that the second option is considered more effective than the first.

In any case, there are several ways in which people can decide how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help. And if the first did not help, then the second should be used. Let's consider each option separately.


So, if you do not know how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help, then you can contact the editorial office of the program or directly to the TNT channel via e-mail. In the first case, you should send a message to the address [email protected], and in the second - on [email protected] What should you keep in mind if you decide to use this method of appeal? First, be sure to indicate the city where you live and your contact phone number. Secondly, describe in all details the emergency or life situation in which you find yourself.

Also, do not forget to send any documents, photos, videos or things that have a connection with your incident. With their help, mediums will get closer to the solution much faster.

Thirdly, it must be borne in mind that magicians and sorceresses, spending a huge amount of inner strength, do not always help people free of charge, since many of them earn by solving the problems of “mere mortals”. In this regard, be prepared to fork out for a certain amount of money. Please note that only a few can count on free help. Still, there are many suffering, but very few real mediums.

Internet resource

There is another option for solving the problem, how to get to the "Battle of psychics" for help. Everything is very simple. You just need to go to the Internet portal of the program. Here you can contact the editorial staff of the TNT channel. But it should be borne in mind that hundreds of letters are received on the site every day, so the channel's employees are forced to choose those who will be helped. Moreover, the magnitude of the problem when choosing is of secondary importance for them.

But you should not despair if, having learned how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help, you turned to the editors of TNT, and they ignored your letter. In this case, you need to try again.


A little about what are the criteria for selecting letters. It should be noted that TNT channel staff primarily focus on incidents, after which as much material evidence has been preserved. Naturally, the wider the arsenal of documents or things that can shed light on the mysterious case, the more chances that you will be among the “chosen ones”.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that for editors extraordinary stories are of interest, in which events do not unfold according to a logical scenario. In this regard, if you write a message like: “Someone jinxed me! Help! ”, It is unlikely that such a letter will get into the“ top ten ”.

But there is one more nuance that will come in handy when you have already learned how to get to the "Battle of psychics" for help (TNT). If, for example, it is about the deprivation of life, then the applications received from the direct relatives of the victim are considered on a priority basis, since without their consent it is impossible to perform certain actions, in particular, to discuss the circumstances of the death of the murdered person throughout the country.


Is there an additional way by which you can solve the problem, how to get to the "Battle of psychics" for help for free? Of course, yes. The social network "VKontakte" will help. Here you can go to the official page of the project and leave a message.

The best of the best are ready to serve

Here, in principle, are all the secrets of how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" to help. But it should be noted that a huge number of people prefer to resort to the services of magicians and sorcerers, who directly won a victory in one season or another of the popular project. And to explain this trend is quite simple: they have proven many times that they really have unique psychic abilities.

Samara clairvoyant

For example, before many people were simply haunted by the following question: how to get to the "Battle of psychics" for help from Alexander Sheps? This young man from Samara became the winner of the 14th season of the mystical show. The biography of Alexander is interesting and remarkable. He inherited an unusual gift of a medium from his mother. Already in his youth, relatives began to notice that he could contact the other world. However, before developing psychic abilities in himself, the young man tried several professions. He acted on the theater stage, was engaged in the modeling business, sang songs, created scripts.

He got to the "Battle of Psychics" by accident, because he was late for the competitive selection. But, as they say, winners are not judged. Today he provides real help to those who need it. Do you want a clairvoyant to solve your problem? Then address the question to his manager Ilya Guru with a request marked “For appointment”. Moreover, keep in mind that Sheps does not take money in advance for his work, and also does not provide online consultations. There is also Alexander's official group on the VKontakte network (

The witch from the northern capital

The question of how to get to the “Battle of psychics” for help from Tatyana Larina is also of great relevance.

And although this eccentric seer did not become the winner of the 15th season of the project, thanks to her unique abilities she was able to make it to the finals. She has repeatedly proved on tests that she deserves to be on the list of the strongest. Remarkable is the fact that she got the gift of foresight from her relatives, which she was able to develop by going to Israel.

Another witch from the city on the Neva

Not so long ago, there were many who wanted to know how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help from Victoria Raidos. This owner of the unique gift of unraveling the secrets of the paranormal took first place in the 16th season of the project. She comes from St. Petersburg. Victoria prefers not to tell in detail about her biography. Like ordinary people, she first went to kindergarten, then went to school, entered the university. The witch believes that these stages of development are necessary in the life of every person, since they help to navigate in the real world. But in addition to teaching secular disciplines, Victoria at a young age began to comprehend the basics of the occult sciences.

The girl is a graduate of the school of esotericism and teaches at the local Tarot academy. Raidos also has its own website. On this Internet portal, you can ask a sorceress a personal question, but for this you need to go through a mini-questionnaire online. You can also send Victoria a message by email: [email protected]

Hello! I don’t know where to start. For several years, events have occurred in the life of my family and the people around us that cannot be called anything other than mysticism. The story is quite long, but there were moments that frankly surprised me and even frightened me a little. Several years ago, my wife and I, and our two daughters came to visit my father-in-law to celebrate his 50th birthday. Celebrated on May 18. On that day, quite late, when most of the guests had left, and the rest were about to leave, there was a quarrel between my father-in-law and his wife Tatyana. This was the second wife; he parted with his first wife (the mother of my wife) after meeting with Tatyana. At that time, Tatyana went for a walk with her father-in-law's godfather down the street. The wife and godfather were gone for a long time, and the father-in-law went to look for them and found them. Accusations of treason fell from the father-in-law and he wanted to immediately kick Tatiana out of the house, but my wife, since my father was not sober, persuaded my father to calm down and sort things out soberly. The next day, we managed to hush up this conflict a little, but some tension in relations remained. After the celebration, we safely went home, to Shkolnoye Village, Simferopol region, and kept in touch by phone.
Exactly two months later, Tatyana called us and said that her father-in-law was bad, he was in a serious condition at the hospital. According to her, before going to the hospital, he was recently bothered by pains (more precisely, burning) in the region of the heart or in the region of the stomach. This time he could not stand it and went to the hospital. At the hospital, he was examined and was not diagnosed with any serious illnesses. The day before, the father-in-law was drinking alcohol and the doctor said that they would give him a drop, clean the blood and everything would be fine. After the dropper was installed, according to the doctors, he had an attack of appendix and was urgently taken to the operation, and after he underwent spinal anesthesia, he suffered clinical death. According to the doctors, the heart started up in less than a minute, but he developed cerebral edema. After the operation, he did not regain consciousness and, according to the doctors' conclusion, fell into a coma, and after he was transported to Simferopol, to the republican clinical hospital, he was diagnosed with a vegetative state. For 10 months, the father-in-law was alive, although it can be called life at a stretch. On May 18, exactly one year after celebrating his 50th birthday, his father-in-law passed away.
At the time when a misfortune happened to the father-in-law (clinical death and coma), something incomprehensible happened. A neighbor, who had previously experienced feelings for her father-in-law and during their first marriage they had an affair with her, became seriously ill (literally went crazy). The doctors could not give her an unambiguous diagnosis. I don’t remember exactly, but about six or seven days after the death of my father-in-law, this neighbor died, and another week later another neighbor died.
While the father-in-law was in the hospital in a vegetative state, the people who worked with him earlier (the father-in-law held the position of the head of the Control and Audit Department of the Black Sea region of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) repeatedly saw him at work (he walked along the corridor, looked into the office and greeted the employees), and they saw him not one at a time, but several people at the same time.
There were a lot of investigations about the fact that there were suspicions of a medical error (incorrectly done anesthesia), but everything was hushed up and it is still not clear what happened. And on the day of the father-in-law's funeral, a small white dog nailed to the house, entered the yard and stayed to live. The dog somehow immediately knew who to bark at, and who was his own in this house. All that happened, I do not understand and really want to figure out how the father-in-law died and whether all the above incidents have something to do with some conspiracies, curses and the like, or is it just a terrible coincidence. I would love to know how it all happened. The fact is that a couple of years before the death of the father-in-law, the wife's mother died of cancer and before her death she really wanted to talk to her ex-husband about something. I really hope that with the help of your program and psychics it will be possible to find out the cause of death and the cause of a series of deaths that occurred in a short period of time in one house.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Sergei.

Do you like the psychic Alexander Sheps and want to get an appointment with him - he will learn how to do this from this article. Note that it is difficult - the number of fans is increasing every day.

In the article:

Alexander Sheps - how to get an appointment

Many are interested in how to get an appointment with Alexander Sheps. This famous and powerful clairvoyant became popular after winning the show "Battle of Psychics". Rumor has it that long queues line up at the reception, and the registration takes place a year in advance, there are many who wish.

Alexander Sheps.

Since many fans were looking for how to contact Alexander, and most of them bothered the winner of the project with the same type of questions, he had to take action. After the fans attacked, he had to give up the phone he called for making an appointment.

Now his personal manager, Olga Armasova, is organizing the receptions of Alexander. Contact her on VKontakte. The magician himself does not answer people - it is impossible to answer everyone. Clients first communicate with the manager, after which she makes an appointment, and they get a consultation.

How to contact Sheps

The psychic's page is on VKontakte. But they contact him through the manager. The clairvoyant, like many others, conducts personal techniques. He does not consult online. The reason is a large number of scammers.

When you need a reception with Sheps, do not become a victim of scammers. The clairvoyant does not take an advance payment for help. He receives payment from clients after the fact. Online consultation - the machinations of fraudsters, they are trying to cash in on the fame of the famous psychic.

Received by Alexander in Moscow. He doesn't travel to cities. And seminars are held in the capital. Sheps does not deal with treatment and health issues in general. In order not to become a victim of deception, follow the events in the official group, on your personal VKontakte page and on the official website.

Feedback on admission

Photo of Sheps with VKotnakte.

Reviews about the admission to Alexander Sheps are positive. People who attended the consultations say that they were in front of a real magician and a clairvoyant.... Despite the colossal queue and considerable periods of time waiting for an appointment with Sheps, people tend to get to him and ask questions. This is also an indicator of the authenticity of the gift of a participant in a television show.

Almost all viewers are convinced that Alexander Sheps is not an actor, but a real psychic. According to reviews in his official group, people do not regret the decision to turn to him for help.

This person carries positive and goodness in himself. Many have changed their lives in a positive way with his help. Alexander helps in solving any problem. Many people write that the appointment takes 20-30 minutes, but this time is enough to get answers.

What to expect from a reception at Alexander Sheps

Instagram photo from Kerro's page.

For those who want to know their own future or find out the answers to important questions, Alexander reads the Tarot or. He will help in matters of personal life, career and any other situations that turned out to be in the past, occur in the present or will happen in the future.

Alexander proposes, conducts runic layouts to diagnose the situation. Layouts are popular for identifying secret enemies and finding a way out of difficult situations. Guessing by fire to determine the magical abilities of the client, his enemies and find out important information for him.

He also helps in the search for missing people. In this matter, he uses a pendulum. When you want to turn to the spirit of the deceased, to get rid of the addicted spirit, or there is another problem that is related to the world of the dead, turn to him.

Alexander makes talismans and amulets. Everyone starts talking in places of power, which he keeps secret. Possible magical artifacts for knowledge, prosperity, success in work or love - Sheps makes each amulet personally, taking into account the needs of clients.

The clairvoyant is trustworthy, he managed to win the hearts of fans of the TV show, he has many reviews from direct clients.

In contact with

Now there are a lot of programs on TV, and "the battle of psychics", and "black and white" and "psychics against detectives" you look at the screen and you wonder how people guess, guess, see. I would like to really get an appointment and contact the participants in the battle of psychics... Tell me how to go out with the heroes of this show and communicate in person? Perhaps you can prompt contacts from a social network, phone numbers, skype to get advice by phone or make an appointment.
I really like Julia Wang, Swami Dashi, Elena Golunova, Alexey Pokhabov, Dmitry Volkhov. Ilona Novoselova, Merlin Kerro, Vitaly Gibert, Alexander Sheps, the winner of the show.

I would also like to know your opinion about such shows.

In contact with


It is impossible to call psychics from the battle to psychics, tk. this is a performance for the spectator. And if you find the contacts or phone numbers of the participants, then the producers will stand behind them, as a rule, the cost of admission to clairvoyants or magicians from this show starts at 25,000 rubles. Therefore, contacting by phone is not so easy.

Good day! All participants in the show voice their pseudonyms and they can be easily found on the Internet. But the shows are filmed strictly according to the script - this must be remembered. All remarks and movements are registered in advance. And unexpected turns of the script, which the director or cameraman would not know about there. And then - who believes, he believes. He who seeks will find. In any case, communication with the participants in the show can be interesting, as well as with the actors and writers. The more communication, the more information.

Hello. All shows related to human destinies, their feelings and emotions, are initially not correct. Souls cannot be put on stream and exposed, and then for someone else to discuss and evaluate it. If a person has been given a gift, why prove it, and so there are enough witnesses of this gift. The show shows just the dark side and here everyone has their own decisions. If you need, you will find.

I think you need to contact and call the transmission of the battle of psychics in order to get the contacts of the heroes and perhaps someone from the clairvoyants will be able to receive you personally.

Since this is a television show and it is not broadcast live, everything really happens according to a written script and you may be disappointed from a meeting of a famous and popular psychic in reality.

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