Presentation on the topic of lev nikolaevich tolstoy. Presentation on the topic Biography of L.N.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

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Representative of the count's branch of the noble family of Tolstoy, descended from Petrine associate P.A.Tolstoy. The writer had extensive family ties in the world of the highest aristocracy.

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"Happy, happy, irreversible time of childhood! How can I love or cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of pleasure for me ...
Leo Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the Krapivensky district of the Tula province, on the hereditary estate of his mother - Yasnaya Polyana. Was the fourth child in the family. His mother, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old.

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But according to the stories of family members, he had a good idea of ​​"her spiritual appearance": some features of her mother (brilliant education, sensitivity to art, a tendency to reflection. (died early (1837)).

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A distant relative of T. A. Ergolskaya, who had a tremendous influence on Tolstoy, was engaged in raising children: "she taught me the spiritual pleasure of love." Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family legends, the first impressions of the life of a noble estate served as rich material for his works, reflected in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

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Kazan University
When Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, to the house of PI Yushkova, a relative and guardian of the children. In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University, the department of oriental languages ​​of the philosophical faculty. Then he transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for less than two years: the classes did not arouse his keen interest and he passionately devoted himself to secular entertainment.

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In the spring of 1847, having filed a letter of resignation from the university "for health and domestic reasons," Tolstoy left for Yasnaya Polyana with the firm intention to study the entire course of jurisprudence (to pass the exam as an external student), "practical medicine", languages, agriculture, history, geographic statistics, write a thesis and "achieve the highest degree of excellence in music and painting."

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"The stormy life of adolescence"
After a summer in the countryside, disappointed by the unsuccessful experience of managing on new, favorable conditions for serfdom (this attempt is captured in the story "The Landowner's Morning", 1857), in the fall of 1847, Tolstoy left first for Moscow, then for St. Petersburg to take his candidate exams at the university.

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His lifestyle during this period often changed: he spent days preparing and taking exams, then he passionately devoted himself to music, then he intended to start an official career, then he dreamed of joining the Horse Guards regiment as a cadet. Religious moods, reaching asceticism, alternated with carousing, cards, trips to the gypsies.

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In the family he was considered "the most trifling fellow", and he was able to pay off the debts he made then only many years later. However, it was these years that were colored by intense self-analysis and struggle with oneself, which is reflected in the diary that Tolstoy kept throughout his life. It was then that he developed a serious desire to write and the first unfinished art sketches appeared.

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"War and Freedom"
The Caucasian nature and the patriarchal simplicity of Cossack life, which amazed Tolstoy in contrast with the life of the noble circle and with the painful reflection of a person in an educated society, provided material for the autobiographical story "Cossacks" (1852-63). Caucasian impressions were also reflected in the stories "Raid" (1853), "Cutting the Forest" (1855), as well as in the later story "Hadji Murad" (1896-1904, published in 1912).
In 1851, Nikolai's elder brother, an officer in the army, persuaded Tolstoy to go to the Caucasus together. For almost three years, Lev Nikoalaevich Tolstoy lived in a Cossack village on the banks of the Terek, leaving for Kizlyar, Tiflis, Vladikavkaz and participating in hostilities (first voluntarily, then was recruited).

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Returning to Russia, Tolstoy wrote in his diary that he fell in love with this "wild land, in which so strangely and poetically two most opposite things are combined - war and freedom." In the Caucasus, Tolstoy wrote the story "Childhood" and sent it to the journal "Sovremennik" without disclosing his name (published in 1852 under the initials L.N .; together with the later stories "Boyhood", 1852-54, and "Youth", 1855 -57, compiled an autobiographical trilogy). His literary debut immediately brought real recognition to Tolstoy.

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Crimean campaign
In 1854 Leo Tolstoy was assigned to the Danube Army in Bucharest. Boring staff life soon forced him to transfer to the Crimean army, to the besieged Sevastopol, where he commanded a battery on the 4th bastion, showing rare personal courage (awarded the Order of St. Anna and medals).

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Tolstoy was captured by new impressions and literary plans (including going to publish a magazine for soldiers), here he began to write a series of "Sevastopol stories", soon published and had great success (even Alexander II read the essay "Sevastopol in December".
The first works amazed literary critics with the boldness of psychological analysis and a detailed picture of the "dialectic of the soul" (N. G. Chernyshevsky).

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Some ideas that appeared in these years make it possible to guess in the young artillery officer of the late Tolstoy preacher: he dreamed of "founding a new religion" - "the religion of Christ, but purified of faith and mystery, a practical religion."

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In the circle of writers
After the end of the Crimean War, Tolstoy left the army and returned to Russia. Arriving home, the author was very popular on the literary scene of St. Petersburg.

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In November 1855 L. Tolstoy arrived in St. Petersburg and immediately entered the "Contemporary" circle (Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov and others), where he was greeted as "the great hope of Russian literature" (Nekrasov) ...

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"These people are disgusted with me, and I am disgusted with myself."
Tolstoy took part in dinners and readings, in the establishment of the Literary Fund, became involved in disputes and conflicts between writers, but he felt like a stranger in this environment, which he described in detail later in Confessions (1879-82):

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In the fall of 1856, Tolstoy, having retired, left for Yasnaya Polyana, and in 1857, having declared himself an anarchist, he left for Paris. Once there, he lost all his money and was forced to return home to Russia.

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He visited France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany (Swiss impressions are reflected in the story "Lucerne"), in the fall he returned to Moscow, then to Yasnaya Polyana.

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Folk school
Returning to Russia in 1862, Tolstoy published the first of 12 issues of the thematic magazine Yasnaya Polyana. In the same year he married the daughter of a doctor named Sofya Andreevna Bers.

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In 1859, Leo Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in the village, helped to organize more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana, and this occupation so fascinated Tolstoy that in 1860 he went abroad a second time to get acquainted with European schools.

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Tolstoy outlined his own ideas in special articles, arguing that the basis of education should be "the freedom of the student" and the refusal of violence in teaching.
In 1862 he published the pedagogical journal "Yasnaya Polyana" with books for reading as an appendix, which became in Russia the same classic examples of children's and folk literature as those compiled by him in the early 1870s. "Azbuka" and "New Azbuka".

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Fracture (1880s)
The course of the revolution that took place in the mind of Leo Tolstoy was reflected in artistic creation, primarily in the experiences of the heroes, in that spiritual insight that refracts their lives.
These heroes occupy a central place in the stories The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1884-86), The Kreutzer Sonata (1887-89, published in Russia in 1891), Father Sergius (1890-98, published in 1912), the drama A Living Corpse ”(1900, unfinished, published 1911), in the story“ After the Ball ”(1903, published 1911).

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The new outlook of the writer is reflected in the "Confession". In general, he "felt that what he was standing on was broken, that what he was living on was no longer there." The natural result was the thought of suicide: “I, a happy person, hid the lace from myself so as not to hang myself on the bar between the cupboards in my room, where I was alone every day, undressing, and stopped going hunting with a gun, so as not to be tempted too an easy way to rid yourself of life. I myself did not know what I want: I was afraid of life, I strove away from it and, meanwhile, hoped for something else from it, "wrote Tolstoy.

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Lev Nikolaevich was looking for the meaning of life in the study of philosophy, in acquaintance with the results of the exact sciences. He tried to simplify as much as possible, to live a life close to nature and agricultural life.

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Gradually, Tolstoy abandons the whims and conveniences of a rich life (simplification), does a lot of physical labor, dresses in the simplest clothes, becomes a vegetarian, gives his family all his large fortune, and renounces literary property rights.

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On the basis of a sincere striving for moral improvement, the third period of Tolstoy's literary activity was created, a distinctive feature of which is the denial of all established forms of state, social and religious life.

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In late autumn 1910, at night, secretly from his family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal doctor D.P. Makovitsky, left Yasnaya Polyana.
Letter to L.N. Tolstoy's wife, left before leaving Yasnaya Polyana. 1910 October 28. Yasnaya Polyana. My departure will grieve you. I am sorry about this, but understand and believe that I could not have done otherwise. My position in the house is becoming, it has become unbearable. Apart from everything else, I can no longer live in those conditions of luxury in which I lived, and I do what old people of my age usually do: they leave worldly life in order to live in solitude and silence in the last days of their life. Please understand this and don't follow me if you find out where I am. Such your arrival will only worsen your and my situation, but will not change my decision. I thank you for your honest 48-year life with me and ask you to forgive me for everything that I was to blame for you, just as I sincerely forgive you for everything that you could be to blame for me. I advise you to make peace with the new position in which my departure puts you, and not to have unkind feelings against me. If you want to tell me what, tell Sasha, she will know where I am and will send me what I need; she cannot say where I am, because I took from her a promise not to tell anyone this. Lev Tolstoy. 28 of October. I instructed Sasha to collect my things and my manuscripts and send them to me. L. T.

The word is a great thing. Great because a word can unite people, a word can separate them, a word can serve love, while a word can serve enmity and hatred. Beware of a word that divides people. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the life and worldview of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy;
  • arouse interest in the personality and work of the author;
  • develop the ability of students to take notes: identify and write down the main thoughts, theses.


  • portrait of L.N. Tolstoy;
  • PowerPoint presentation ( Application);
  • an exhibition of books with the works of L.N. Tolstoy;
  • illustrations for the works of Leo Tolstoy.

"Tolstoy is the greatest and only
genius of modern Europe, the highest
pride of Russia, man, one name
which is a fragrance, a writer
great purity and shrine ... "
A.A. Block

During the classes

I. Introductory speech of the teacher.

This year would mark the 180th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. His works have entered the treasury of world literature: they are studied in schools and universities, they are read by both Russian and foreign readers.

Today you will learn about the fate of this talented person. I hope that this acquaintance will awaken interest in the writer's work and worldview, make it possible to better understand his works, take a fresh look at the works already read.

And I would like to start with the words of A.A. Blok, which are included in the epigraph to our lesson"Tolstoy is the greatest and only genius of modern Europe, the highest pride of Russia, a man whose only name is a fragrance, a writer of great purity and sacredness ..."

II. Registration of the recording of the topic of the lesson and the epigraph in the notebook.

III. Presentation of the biography of Leo Tolstoy - lecture by the teacher. The class makes a short summary of the lecture.

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - a descendant of two noble noble families: Counts Tolstoy and princes Volkonsky (on the maternal side) - was born on August 28 (September 9) in the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Here he lived most of his life, wrote most of his works, including the novels included in the golden fund of world literature: “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”.

"Joyful period of childhood"

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Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old, but according to the stories of family members he had a good idea of ​​"her spiritual appearance": some mother's features (brilliant education, sensitivity to art, a tendency to reflection and even portrait likeness Tolstoy gave Princess Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya ("War and Peace"). Tolstoy's father, a participant in the Patriotic War, remembered by the writer for his good-natured, mocking character, love of reading, for hunting (served as a prototype for Nikolai Rostov), ​​also died early (1837). a distant relative of T. A. Ergolskaya, who had a huge influence on Tolstoy, was studying: “she taught me the spiritual pleasure of love.” Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family legends, the first impressions of the life of a noble estate served as rich material for his works, reflected in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

Kazan University

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When Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, to the house of PI Yushkova, a relative and guardian of the children. In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University, the department of oriental languages ​​of the Philosophy Faculty, then transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for less than two years: his classes did not arouse his keen interest and he passionately devoted himself to secular entertainment. In the spring of 1847, having filed a letter of resignation from the university "for health and domestic reasons," Tolstoy left for Yasnaya Polyana with the firm intention to study the entire course of jurisprudence (to pass the exam as an external student), "practical medicine", languages, agriculture, history, geographic statistics, write a thesis and "achieve the highest degree of excellence in music and painting."

After a summer in the countryside, in the fall of 1847, Tolstoy went first to Moscow, then to Petersburg, to take the candidate's examinations at the university. His lifestyle during this period often changed: he spent days preparing and taking exams, then he passionately devoted himself to music, then he intended to start an official career, then he dreamed of joining the Horse Guards regiment as a cadet. Religious moods, reaching asceticism, alternated with carousing, cards, trips to the gypsies. However, it was these years that were colored by intense self-analysis and struggle with oneself, which is reflected in the diary that Tolstoy kept throughout his life. It was then that he developed a serious desire to write and the first unfinished art sketches appeared.

"War and Freedom"

In 1851, Nikolai's elder brother, an officer in the army, persuaded Tolstoy to go to the Caucasus together. For almost three years Tolstoy lived in a Cossack village on the banks of the Terek, leaving for Kizlyar, Tiflis, Vladikavkaz and participating in hostilities (first voluntarily, then he was recruited). The Caucasian nature and the patriarchal simplicity of the Cossack life, which amazed Tolstoy in contrast with the life of the noble circle and with the painful reflection of a person in an educated society, provided material for the autobiographical story "Cossacks" (1852-63). Caucasian impressions were reflected in the stories " Raid " (), "Logging" (), as well as in the late story "Hadji Murad" (1896-1904, published in 1912). Returning to Russia, Tolstoy wrote in his diary that he fell in love with this "wild land, in which so strangely and poetically two very opposite things are combined - war and freedom." In the Caucasus, Tolstoy wrote the story "Childhood" and sent it to the journal "Sovremennik" without disclosing his name (published in under the initials L.N .; together with the later stories "Adolescence", 1852-54, and "Youth", 1855– 57, compiled an autobiographical trilogy). His literary debut immediately brought real recognition to Tolstoy.

In 1854 Tolstoy was assigned to the Danube Army in Bucharest. Boring staff life soon forced him to transfer to the Crimean army, to the besieged Sevastopol, where he commanded a battery on the 4th bastion, showing rare personal courage (awarded the Order of St. Anna and medals). In Crimea, Tolstoy was seized by new impressions and literary plans, here he began to write a cycle of "Sevastopol stories", soon published and had great success (even Alexander II read the essay "Sevastopol in December"). The first works of Tolstoy amazed literary critics with the boldness of psychological analysis and a detailed picture of the "dialectic of the soul" (N. G. Chernyshevsky). Some ideas that appeared in these years make it possible to guess in the young artillery officer of the late Tolstoy preacher: he dreamed of "founding a new religion" - "the religion of Christ, but purified of faith and mystery, a practical religion."

In the circle of writers and abroad

The years of the turning point abruptly changed the personal biography of the writer, turning into a break with the social environment and leading to family discord (the renunciation of private property proclaimed by Tolstoy caused sharp discontent among family members, primarily his wife). The personal drama experienced by Tolstoy was reflected in his diary entries.

In late autumn 1910, at night, secretly from his family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal doctor D.P. Makovitsky, left Yasnaya Polyana. The road turned out to be unbearable for him: on the way, Tolstoy fell ill and had to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station. Here, at the station master's house, he spent the last seven days of his life. All of Russia followed the reports about the health of Tolstoy, who by this time had already acquired world fame not only as a writer, but also as a religious thinker, preacher of a new faith. The funeral of Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana was a nationwide event.

Closing remarks from the teacher:

Leo Tolstoy is a genius artist of words, whose interest in his work not only does not diminish over the years, but, on the contrary, grows. Being in search of truth all his life, he shares his discoveries and experiences in his works. Tolstoy's works can be re-read repeatedly, each time finding more and more new thoughts in them. Therefore, I would like to end this lesson with the words of A. France: “With his life he proclaims sincerity, directness, purposefulness, firmness, calm and constant heroism, he teaches that one must be truthful and one must be strong ... Precisely because he was full of strength , he was always truthful! "

Homework recording.


  1. Mayorova O.E. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Biography.
  2. Materials of the site
  3. Big encyclopedic reference book of the student on literature. - M., 2005

Elena Antipova
Leo Tolstoy presentation

a lion Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, Tula province. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. Tolstoy was orphaned early... His mother died when he was not yet two years old, and at the age of nine he lost his father as well. Guardian of five children Tolstoy became an aunt - Alexandra Osten-Saken. The two older children moved to their aunt in Moscow, while the younger ones remained in Yasnaya Polyana. The most important and dear memories of Leo's early childhood are connected with the family estate. Tolstoy.

Alexandra Osten-Saken died in 1841, and Thick moved to aunt Pelageya Yushkova in Kazan. Three years after the move, Leo Tolstoy decided to enter the prestigious Imperial Kazan University. However, he did not like studying, he considered exams a formality, and university professors - incompetent. Tolstoy did not even try to get a scientific degree, in Kazan he was more attracted by secular entertainment.

In April 1847, Leo's student life Tolstoy ended... He inherited his part of the estate, including his beloved Yasnaya Polyana, and immediately went home without receiving a higher education. In the family estate Tolstoy I tried to improve my life and start writing. He made his plan education: study languages, history, medicine, mathematics, geography, law, agriculture, natural sciences. However, he soon came to the conclusion that it was easier to make plans than to implement them.

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Conversation for children 5-9 years old: "Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, GBOU School No. 1499 DO No. 7, educator
Description: The event is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age, preschool educators, primary school teachers and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will acquaint children with the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, his work and personal contribution to children's literature.

Target: familiarizing children of senior preschool and primary school age with the world of book culture.
1. to acquaint children with the biography and work of the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy;
2. to introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to literary works; 3. to form emotional responsiveness to a literary work;
4. to instill in children an interest in the book and its characters;
Attributes for games: rope, 2 baskets, dummies of mushrooms, hat or mask - Bear.

Preliminary work:
- Read fairy tales, stories, fables by Leo Tolstoy
- Organize an exhibition of children's drawings based on the works read

Introductory word in verse

Dvoretskaya T.N.
Big soul man
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
The famous writer is talented from God.
A wise teacher with the soul of a teacher.
He was a generator of bold ideas.
He opened the school for peasant children.
Lev Nikolaevich is a great thinker.
Founder, benefactor.
Noble family, count's blood.
He thought about the troubles of ordinary people.
Left behind a legacy
Knowledge has become an encyclopedia.
His works and experience are invaluable capital.
For many generations, it has become the foundation.
Famous writer, and in the 21st century
We are proud to tell you about this person!

Conversation progress:
Leading: Dear guys, today we will meet an amazing person and a great writer.
(Slide number 1)
Under the city of Tula there is a place called Yasnaya Polyana, where the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother, Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. His father, Count Nikolai Ilyich, traced his ancestry to Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy, who served as a voivode under Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
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The little writer spent his childhood years in Yasnaya Polyana. Leo Tolstoy received his primary education at home, he was given lessons by French and German teachers. He lost his parents early. Leo Tolstoy's mother died when he was one and a half years old, and his father died when the boy was nine years old. The orphaned children (three brothers and a sister) were taken in by their aunt, who lived in Kazan. She became the guardian of the children. Lev Tolstoy lived in the city of Kazan for six years.
In 1844 he entered Kazan University. Classes in the program and textbooks weighed him down and, having taught a lesson for 3 years, he decides to leave the institution. Leo Tolstoy left Kazan, for the Caucasus, where his older brother Nikolai Nikolaevich Tolstoy served in the army as an artillery officer.

Young Leo Tolstoy wanted to test himself, whether he was a brave man, and to see with his own eyes what war is. He entered the army, at first he was a cadet, then after passing the exams, he received a junior officer's rank.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy took part in the defense of the city of Sevastopol. He was awarded the Order of St. Anna with the inscription "For Bravery" and medals "For the Defense of Sevastopol.
Russian people have long praised courage, bravery and courage.
Listen to what sayings were composed in Russia:
Where there is courage, there is victory.

Do not lose courage, not a step back.
It is a soldier's business to fight bravely and skillfully.
Those who have not been in battle have never experienced courage.
Now we will check how brave and brave our boys are.
Exit to the center of the hall. The game is played: Tug-of-war.
Leo Tolstoy traveled abroad twice in 1850 and in 1860.
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Returning back to Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate Lev Tolstoy opens a school for serf children. At that time, there was serfdom in the country - this is when all the peasants obeyed and belonged to the landowner. Earlier, even in the cities, there were not many schools, and only children from rich and noble families studied in them. People lived in the villages and they were completely illiterate.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy announced that the school would be free, that there would be no corporal punishment. The fact is that in those days it was customary to punish children, they were beaten with rods (a thin twig) for bad behavior, for a wrong answer, for not learning a lesson, for disobedience.
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At first, the peasants shrugged their shoulders: where have you seen it, to be taught free of charge. People doubted whether such lessons would be useful if they did not whip a mischievous, but lazy child.
In those days, there were many children in peasant families of 10 - 12 people. And they all helped with the housework for their parents.

But soon they saw that the school in Yasnaya Polyana was not like any other.
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“If,” wrote Leo Tolstoy, “the lesson is too difficult, the student will lose hope of fulfilling the assigned task, will take care of something else, and will not make any effort; if the lesson is too easy, it will be the same. It is necessary to try so that all the attention of the student can be absorbed by the given lesson. To do this, let the student work in such a way that each lesson feels like a step forward in learning. "
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About the power of knowledge, folk proverbs have survived and survived to this day:
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
It is good to teach the one who listens.
Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Live and learn.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
There is no learning without patience.
Learning literacy is always useful.

(Slide number 7)

In the Tolstoy school, the guys learned to read, write, count, they had lessons in history, science, drawing and singing. Children felt free and fun at school. In the classroom, little students sat down, whoever wanted to: on benches, on tables, on the windowsill, on the floor. Everyone could ask the teacher about anything he wanted, talked to him, consulted with neighbors, looked into their notebooks. The lessons turned into a general interesting conversation, and sometimes into a game. No homework was given.
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During breaks and after classes, Lev Tolstoy told the children something interesting, showed them gymnastic exercises, played games with them, ran a race. In winter, I rode with children on sleds from the mountains, in summer I took them to the river or to the forest for mushrooms and berries.

(Slide number 9)
Come on, guys, and we will play the game: "Mushroom pickers"
Rules: Children are divided into 2 teams, each team has 1 basket. At the signal, the children pick mushrooms.
Condition: you can take only 1 mushroom in your hands.
Music sounds, children pick mushrooms and put them in their common team basket.
The music dies down, a bear comes out into the clearing (starts roaring), the mushroom pickers freeze and do not move. The bear bypasses the mushroom pickers, if the mushroom picker moves, the bear eats it. (The eaten mushroom picker is put on a chair). At the end of the game, the mushrooms in the baskets are counted. The team that has collected the most mushrooms and who has the most mushroom pickers in the team who remain safe and sound wins.
(Slide number 10)
There were few books for children at that time. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy decides to write a book for children. The ABC was published in 1872. In this book, Lev Nikolaevich collected the best fairy tales, fables, proverbs, stories, epics and sayings. Small instructive works make children all over the world sympathize and worry, rejoice and grieve.

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The works written by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy store useful and wise advice, teach you to understand the world around you and the relationship between people.
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The creativity of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a real pantry for children. Children are small and attentive listeners who learn love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness, honesty.
Children are strict judges in literature. It is necessary that the stories for them were written clearly, and entertainingly, and morally ... Simplicity is a huge and elusive virtue.
L.N. Tolstoy.
(Slide number 13)
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a master at inventing different games and fun for children. Here is some of them. Try to guess the kids interesting riddles.
It walks along the sea, but when it reaches the coast, it disappears. (Wave)
In the yard it is a mountain, and in a hut - with water. (Snow)
Bows, bows, comes home - stretches out. (Axe)
Seventy clothes, all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Grandpa is paving the bridge without an ax. (Freezing)
Two mothers have five sons each. (Hands)
Twisted, tied, dancing around the hut. (Broom)
Itself is made of wood, and the head is iron. (Hammer)
Every boy has a closet. (Signet)

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Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote sayings for children.
Where there is a flower, there is honey.
Friend unknown, not good for service.
Help your friend as much as you can.
The bird is red with a feather, and the man is with the mind.
A drop is small, but drop by drop is the sea.
Do not take it in a handful, but take it in a pinch.
Do you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.
Summer gathers, winter eats up.
Know how to take, know how to give.
You can't learn everything right away.
Learning is light, not learning is darkness.
The end is the crown of the work.

Leading: Well, at the end of our event, we invite you to play an outdoor game:
"Golden Gate".

Rules of the game: The two leaders join hands and build a "gate" (raise their closed hands up). The rest of the players join hands and begin to lead a round dance, passing under the "gate". The round dance must not be broken! You can't stop!
All the chorus members say the words (chorus)

"Golden Gate, come in, gentlemen:
The first time he says goodbye
The second time is prohibited,
And for the third time we will not let you in! "

When the last phrase sounds, "the gates are closed" - the drivers give up and catch and lock those participants in the round dance who are inside the "gate". Those who are caught also become “gates”. When the "gate" grows to 4 people, you can divide them and make two gates, or you can leave just a giant "gate". If there are few "masters" left in the game, it is advisable to come under the gates by moving with a snake. The game usually goes to the last two uncaught players. They become new leaders, form new gates.
(Slide number 14 and number 15)

Thank you for the attention! Until next time!

Presentation "Biography of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy" designed to be shown to a wide range of viewers. The literature teacher can include the presentation in her class. Children will be able to independently view its content and prepare a report for the lesson. The slide show can also be used for extracurricular activities. The colorfully designed work contributes to a better perception and assimilation of the material. The teacher displays a quote from the writer Students will be able to find out the attitude of the writer himself to certain events in his life. This design of the slides makes it possible to better assimilate the presented material.



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Biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

L.N. TOLSTOY (1828-1910). BIOGRAPHY.

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near Tula, into a noble family. Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana, perhaps, I see more clearly the general laws necessary for my fatherland ... L. TOLSTOY, "Memories in the Country"

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (1790-1830) Mother of Leo Tolstoy. I don't remember my mother at all. I was one and a half years old when she passed away ... everything that I know about her, everything is fine ... L. Tolstoy "Memories"

Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1795-1837) Father of L. Tolstoy. The first place ... takes, although not in terms of influence on me, but in my feeling for him, ... my father. L. Tolstoy "Memories"

In 1851 L. Tolstoy left for the Caucasus and volunteered for the artillery. Finally today I received the order to go to my battery, I am a 4th class fireworks. You will not believe how much it gives me pleasure. L. Tolstoy - T.A. Ergolskaya. January 3, 1852

At the age of twenty-six, I came to Petersburg after the war and became friends with writers. They accepted me as their own ... L. Tolstoy "Confession" Group of writers of the "Sovremennik" magazine. L.N. Tolstoy, D. V. Grigorovich, I. A. Goncharov, I. S. Turgenev, A. V. Druzhinin, A. N. Ostrovsky. From a photograph of 1856.

SOFIA ANDREEVNA BERS In 1862 L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a doctor. The choice was made long ago. Literature-art, pedagogy and family. L. Tolstoy, Diary, October 6, 1863 She is a serious assistant to me. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Fetu. May 15, 1863

L.N. Tolstoy opened 26 public schools, where 9,000 children studied. When I enter the school and see this crowd of ragged, dirty, thin children, with their bright eyes and so often angelic expressions, anxiety comes over me, the horror that I would experience at the sight of people drowning ... I want education for the people ... to save those Pushkins drowning there ... Lomonosovs. And they are teeming in every school. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Tolstoy. December 1874

THICK, THICK! This is ... not a man, but a MAN, JUPITER. Maxim Gorky TOLSTOY is really a huge artist, which have been born for centuries, and his work is crystal clear, light and beautiful. V. G. Korolenko ... There is no person more worthy of the name of genius, more complex, contradictory and beautiful in everything ... A. P. Chekhov


Died TOLSTOY ... But in his inheritance there is something that has not gone into the past, that belongs to the future. Demonstration in St. Petersburg on the death of L. N. Tolstoy. 1910 Leo Tolstoy's grave in Yasnaya Polyana.


FOR MANY YEARS SOUNDS A HARD AND TRUE VOICE THAT COVERED EVERYONE AND EVERYONE; HE TOLD US ABOUT RUSSIAN LIFE ALMOST AS MUCH AS THE REST OF OUR LITERATURE. The historical significance of Tolstoy's work ... is the result of everything that Russian society has experienced for the entire 19th century, and his books will remain for centuries, as a monument to the hard work done by a GENIUS ... M. GORKY

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