Bazarov from Roman Fathers and children. Bazarov - Turgenev

the main / Feelings

Evgeny Bazarov - the main character of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", "Russian Hamlet", an expressant of the new and very strong beliefs of the Intellentic Russia of the middle of the XIX century - a nihist. He denies a high spiritual principle, and with him - poetry, music, love, but preaches knowledge and on its basis - reorganization of the world. Bazarov is a dispenser, a medical student, although he has been about 30 years old. He t. N. "Eternal Student", which in years he learns, all prepared for this activity, but will not start it.

Eugene arrived on vacation with his friend Arkady Kirsanov to him in the estate. The first meeting with Eugene occurs at the station, where Arkady's father meets young men. Portrait of Bazarov at this moment eloquently and immediately gives a careful reader a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero: Red hands - he conducts a lot of biological experiments, hardly engaged in practice; Balahon with brushes - household freedom and neglect to external, besides, poverty, alas. Bazarov says a little arrogant ("lazily"), on his face - an ironic smile of superiority and condescension to everyone.

The first impression is not deceiving: Bazarov really considers everyone who meets with us on the pages of the novel, below itself. They are sentimental - he is practiced and rationalist, they love beautiful words and high-conditional statements, everything is given to everyone - he says the truth and everywhere sees the true cause, often low and "physiological".

All this is especially manifested in disputes with Paul Petrovich Kirsanov - "Russian Englishman", Uncle Arkady. Pavel Petrovich talks about the high spirit of the Russian people, Eugene parries a reminder of uniform, drunkenness, laziness. For Kirsanova, the art of Divinely, and for the Bazarov "Rafael a membrane is not worth a copper", because it is useless in the world, where in some hunger and infection, others have snow-white cuffs and morning coffee. Its resumes Art: "A decent chemist is more useful than a poet for twenty times."

But the conviction of the hero literally collapses the life itself. At the Gubernsky Ball of Bazarov gets acquainted with Anna Odentova - a rich and beautiful widow, which first characterizes in his manner: "There is no similar to other women." It seems to him (Eugene wants so it was) that he has an exclusively carnal attraction, "call of nature". But it turns out that a smart and beautiful woman has become necessary for Bazarov: she wants not only to kiss, but to talk to her, look at her ...

Bazarov turns out to be "infected" with romanticism, the fact that he fiercely denied. Alas, for Odentova Eugene became something like those frogs, which he himself cut for experiments.

Running from feeling, from himself, bazaarov leaves for parents in the village, where the peasants treat. Opening the typhoid corpse, he wounds himself with a scalpel, but does not burn the place of the cut and infect. Soon the bazaars dies.

Characteristic of the hero

The death of the hero is the death of his ideas, beliefs, the death of everything that gave him superiority over others, what he believed so. Life gave Eugene, as if in a fairy tale, three trials in strengthening complexity - a duel, love, death ... He is more precisely, his beliefs (and this is he, for he "did himself") - they can not withstand anyone.

What is a duel, how not to make romanticism, but not a healthy life? And after all, the bazaarov agrees to her - why? After all, this is unfortunate nonsense. But something prevents Eugene to abandon the challenge Paul Petrovich. Probably the honor of which he mocks the same way as over art.

("Bazarov and Odintov", artist warnikov)

Second defeat - love. It rules over the bazaarov, and nothing chemist, a biologist and a nihilist cannot do with her: "Its blood clouded, as soon as he recalled her ... Something else was set in him, which he did not allow ..."

The third defeat is death. After all, she did not come by the will of old age, the case, but almost intentionally: the bazaarov knew perfectly than thicketed a cut from a typhoid corpse. But - not squeezing the wound. Why? Because they managed at this point the lowest of the "romantic" desires - to end all the time, to surrender, recognize their defeat. Eugene suffered from the mucus of the state that the mind and critical calculation was powerless.

The victory of Bazarov is that he has enough mind and the strength to recognize the collapse of his convictions. In this and the greatness of the hero, the tragic image.

The image of the hero in the work

At the end of the novel, we see all the heroes somehow arranged: Odintova married the settlement, happy in Meshchansky Arkady, Pavel Petrovich leaves for Dresden. And only the "passionate, sinful, revolving heart" of Bazarov hid under cold earth, on a rural cemetery, overgrown with grass ...

But he was the most honest of them, the most sincere and strong. Its "scale" many times larger, possibilities - more, forces are immeasurable. But such people live a little. Or a lot if they are bored before Arcadia.

(V. Pereov Illustration to Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

The death of Bazarov is the consequence of his false beliefs: he was simply not ready for "blowing" with love and romance. He had no strength to resist what he considered fiction.

Turgenev creates a portrait of another "time hero", over the death of which many readers cry. But the "time heroes" - Onegin, Pechorin, others - always extra and heroes just because they express the imperfection of this time. Bazarov, according to Turgenev, "stands on the eve of the future", he did not come. But it seems that it has not come for such and now and is unknown, whether ...

The beginning of the sixties of the 19th century. Complex, transitional era. It was a turning point, marked by the emergence of a new type of people - allocating. They had no means to exist and were forced to receive education, and then earn their knowledge with their knowledge. The differences walked, as a rule, in natural sciences, were carried away by materialism, and in its lower manifestation, vulgar. Bazarov in "Father and Children" - one of the representatives of the Nihilist Sixties. I. S. Turgenev does not accept his views, proves

The felt of his theory.
Bazarov is a convinced nihist. And, as it turns out, this is not a tribute to a new fashion trend. The hero completely believes in his theory. Carefully thinking and feeling his ideas, he implements them. So who is such a nihlist? The best definition gives Arkady, the student Eugene: "NiHist is a person who does not inclined any authorities that does not accept any principle for faith." But the formation of a new ideology could not do without extremes. Bazarov believes that only natural sciences are able to lead to progress. Therefore, he is mainly engaged in the main chemistry, physics, biology. Conducts experiments with frogs, observes the amoes, collects samples of flora and fauna. But on this his interests and end. The hero thinks the art and other manifestations of the spiritual life of people inhibit movement forward. This, in fact, is different from the true materialists, approve of the primacy of matter and the secondaryness of consciousness. What are there, for example, the reasoning of the Bazarov that "Rafael is not worth a copper," a "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet." Ignorance Hero is not limited to this. Bazarov can not understand the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. It even comes to the fact that he insults him, laughs at his poetry. Nihlist in every way mocks the preferences of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov to the game on the violin and reading poems. The life of such people, in understanding Bazarov, is useless for society. He also denies love and romanticism. During a conversation with the Arkady, the "scientist-materialist" mocks over the speeches of his friend about "mysterious views" and advises him to learn an anatomy of his eyes.
In the past decades, the younger generation learned the features of their characters in Onegin, Pechorins, Rudiny and Chatsky. Pechistan had a will without knowing, Rudini - knowledge without will. "In the market, there is also knowledge and will, thought and things merge into one solid whole." Indeed, bazaars - a man of life, a man of business. He spends the days in labor, in classes. He even has hands from work red, emphasizes Turgenev. Bazarov can not live without noting regularly work to his brain and benefit from it. So, the guest of Arkady, he spends all the time in his laboratory behind the microscope. Of course, such energetic people could make a great contribution to the development of science.
Bazarov - Son of county Lekary, having two ten shower. Therefore, there is little money for the existence of the hero. He is alien to the grace of life. Once in the society of the sophisticated Aristocrat of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova, Bazarov does not cease to undergo him. The hero does not get tired of ironizing his collars, spirits, English clothes. Hate for "Barchuk damned" in Evgeny in the blood. But she is mutual and soon poured into a hot spore. Some wild ideas of Bazarov are found out. Yes, everything denies the hero, everything refutes, seeks to make everything. But what does he want to build in return? Nothing. As the hero says, his task is just to clear the place. And create something new this is no longer his concern. What similarity with barbarians! Destroy Rome is all that they were capable.
But the ideas of Bazarov are not visibility. His theory puts him in a dead end, he becomes her slave. The hero who deny all the feelings suddenly falls in love. Having engulfed his passion punches the gap in his theory. Love for Odian forces Bazarov to look at the world otherwise. And now Evgeny sees that life does not want to fit into the nihilistic scheme. Therefore, the bazaars distinguished his theory, the apostasy sees her weakness as life collapse. All his foundations are crumbling. Gradually, he begins to notice that it makes an unlimited actions for himself. This and participation in the duel, the "knight's duel", which was so violently denied the hero. This is a noble act committed during a duel. Gone to the feeling, Eugene retains his life to his opponent. The internal conflict of Bazarov does not find its permission and eventually leads a disappointed hero to the tragic final.
The inevitable blow of fate overtakes Bazarov - he dies. In the fact that a brave "anatom" and "physiologist" infects from the opening of the corpse, there is something fatal. In the face of death weak, supports supported once bazarov. "Yes, let's try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta! " - Recognizes Eugene. But the hero suddenly shows quality, once he has denied. The death of Bazarov is amazing. Dying, he is not thinking about himself, but about his parents and about Odito. Having loosening control, bazaars becomes better and humane. But this is not a sign of weakness, but a natural manifestation of feelings. And "It serves as energetic evidence of integrity, completeness and natural wealth of nature."
Bazaarova no longer. But life goes on. Those heroes who studied nature understood her beauty, conquered the mysterious forces acting in it, gain happiness in love, in life. And the story continues by them. But the bazaars are not defeated finally. After death, he continues to remember and love. Bazarovs with such knowledge and skills are needed by society. Materialism in their understanding is doomed to death.

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Bazarov ("Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev) - the Central Character of the Roman. He is a representative of the "Children" generation, which defends the principles of nihilism, involving the denial of generally accepted norms.


Bazarov - a proud man, apparent and self-confident. He is confident in his superiority over the Aristocrat Pavlom Petrovich Kirsanov.

In relation to the people around people, Bazarov behaved unclosed and carelessly. The main character did not have a drop of timidity, he was bold and self-made.

The nature and views of the Bazarov largely became the result of his biography. Eugene is the son of a simple gear and noble, which speaks about the intermediate position of the main character: he does not consider himself a nobleman, but is not a simple man.

Bazarov did not recognize the noble principles, did not like to attend events and the "ceremony", did not like to speak beautifully and never danced. This suggests that the hero did not recognize the idle lifestyle.

Evgeny Vasilyevich is a strong and hardworking person. He is not used to sitting in place, constantly engaged in some kind of business. In total, bazarov has achieved their own efforts.


Consideration of the characteristics of Eugene Bazarov is impossible without considering its nihilistic views on life. The main character denies all generally accepted phenomena: love, nature, art.

Nature, according to the main character of the novel, is a workshop in which the person worker works. Art, as Bazarov notes, unlike science, does not bring any benefit to humanity.

The friendship of the bazaars perceives as a simple partnership. Women the main character calls "Baba", and love explains only the physiological imposition of people to each other.

Bazarov recognizes only the value of science, so connects its lives with natural sciences, in particular with medicine. The main character wants to be a useful society.

Evgeny Bazarov despises the nobility and comes with his representative Pavlom Petrovich Kirsanov to conflict. The bazaars are confident that the aristocrats like Kirsanov have long been dead and dragged Russia down.

Exposing nihilism

In the novel, "fathers and children" show internal changes to Evgenia Vasilyevich Bazarov. A cold person who does not like to talk about his feelings even with himself, began to understand that his theory did not check the life. The denying love, bazaars fell in love, realized that he was a romantic. And the recognition of this fact suggests that Bazarov recognizes the defeat of nihilism. Trying to live in accordance with the principles of nihilism, the bazaarov gradually understands that life is difficult for his beliefs to be true. Before the death of Bazarov, he understands that he is not a giant, which he considered himself, because he dies stupid and ridiculous. It is important for him to say goodbye to one, the love of which he has already admitted.

I.S.Turgenhev possessed amazing intuition. The genius of a writer is that he knew how to listen to Russian life and find the sprouts of the new one, the most relevant. So in the late 50s and early 60s, he saw a new type of hero in Russia, which came to replace the hero-nobleman.

The image of Bazarova as a new hero of Russian literature

Evgeny Bazarov became the first hero in the gallery of such images in the work of the writer.

The hero-nobleman comes to change the hero

I.S.Turgenev wrote in the article "On" fathers and children ":

In this wonderful person (Bazarov's prototype), it was embodied ... barely norified, another wondered beginning, which then got the name of nihilism. The impression made on me with this person was very strong and at the same time not quite clear.

Childhood Bazarov

We know very little about the hero's childhood. We learn that his grandfather was serf

"My grandfather's grandfather Pakhal",

proudly declares the hero.

The marriage of his parents was not based on love. But, reading in the portraits of Arina Vse. Vasily Ivanovich, we understand that they respect each other, madly love their Eugene, and therefore it can be assumed that everything that was needed to give her son education to raise him, Bazarov's parents did.

Hero's father is a former regimental doctor. Evgeny is engaged in the University of Medicine, it means that Vasily Ivanovich provided some influence on it. In general, about the past of other heroes Turgenev speaks a lot and willingly, but the past of this character we know little. Maybe because not the past determines the essence of the hero, and the present. We know that he is studying at the university, but all the characters of the novel, even the opponents of the hero, are aware that not medicine will become the subject of its future outstanding activities.

Bazarov - Diametroke

And this, perhaps, everything is said. He did a man who did himself. He is a man of business. No wonder Turgenev writes about the point in Maryino:

"Arkady Sibered the Bazarov worked."

Evgeny is primarily a very strong person. All the heroes of the novel feel this new force. His force manifests itself in all his actions: in unfortunate love, in categorical statements, in relation to other people and, of course, in death. No wonder wrote:

"To die as the bazaries died, it means to make a great feat."

The image of Evgeny Bazarov as a man of business

He's kind in his own way. Recall at least the scene of the first meeting of the hero and Arcadia with Fenzka. She, Mother, first of all, notes how calmly the child went to Eugene. Children are very feeling the essence of man. He is a doctor. And this essence of the doctor manifests itself in his image to all:

  • in relation to the inhabitants of Maryina,
  • in how he helps the wounded duel Paul Petrovich,
  • in the fact that he dies, infected at the opening of the typhoid corpse.

Evgeny Gord. His relationship with one, after explanation, cause respect to him. He can be touching with his parents, it is about them he thinks before death (respecting their attitude towards religion, he asks Odintsov to console Arina V. Weison). He rejecting all sorts of feelings is capable of great love. He rejecting all moral norms, in essence, lives in high moral laws. But in everything, where and how hero shows himself, his commitment to the theory of nihilism is reflected.

Bazarov - Nihista

Therefore, Turgenev is extremely interested in those ideas that preach his character. Bazarov calls himself a nihilist, that is, a person who does not recognize anything. In the novel, he preaches the ideas of the positivists of the middle of the nineteenth century, proclaimed primacy of practices over the speculation. Feels in relation to Eugene to the art and influence of aesthetic concept

("Fine what is useful").

The hero rejects first of all that which is not amenable to experienced research.

No feelings, there is physiology. No love, but there is a physical attraction. There is no "mysterious look", there is a crystal, cornea, refraction of light ... and only.

For Bazarova - Practice is the criterion of truth

Practice is the criterion of truth for him. The experiment is the only way to study nature. At the same time, art and beauty turn out to be unnecessary. The practicality of the position in the formation of bazaareas is expressed in his words:

"Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker."

Evgeny Bazarov as a person ideas

This is interesting to the writer, and the reader. But his ideas are fruitless, at the heart of their destruction, it is in this that he sees his destination ("Place to clear up", which reminds the words of the Russian translation of the "International" - "to foundation"). The position of the main character of the novel is unacceptable for Turgenev.

The nature of the nature of the Bazarov is manifested in death scenes

The nature of the character of the Bazarov-man is manifested in the scenes of death. First, death is something that cannot be denyed. So eternal nature argues with human theories. Secondly, the death of Eugene and becomes a person, sensitive, gentle, poetic, courageous. Noteworthy phrase told them before death:

"I need Russia ... no see no need."

So the hero himself answers the eternal question of Russian reality and Russian literature - the question of the hero of time. In the epilogue of the Roman Turgenev, describing the grave of the Bazarov, speaks of the eternity of nature and the vanity of human life.

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