Art features of the work of the history of one city. Idean artistic features of the history of one city

the main / Feelings

The main ideological and artistic features of the work are:

  1. Genre parodits historical chronicles (chronicle). The history of the city of silly begins, as it should be, with the history of the tribes that inhabited the surroundings of the future city. Fools in the parody veneer is compared with Rome, which, on the one hand, helps to recall the fact that Russia is "the third Rome", as well as see the absurdity of the claims of "gibspods" and other tribes on a special historical role.
  2. The abundance of folk words and expressions, especially in the part, where the wandering of future silver is told to the foundation of the city. The so-called "unprecedented" and "nonlapitsa" (a special type of oral folk creativity, see sections dedicated to popular poetry creativity and ancient Russian literature on the essence of the ancient Russian laughter) are used.

    The use of these obviously absurd folk agents (for example, "Volga Tolp was kneeling, the calf was dragged on the bath, ... Then the cancer with a bell ringing was encountered, then the pike from the eggs were driven, then the mosquito for eight miles went to catch, and the mosquito was sitting on the nose "And so on.) Has a double role: firstly, it is also briefly characterized by the effectiveness of the actions of silly, and secondly, it is implicated by the very" nationality ", which included an integral part in the Triad of autocracy-Orthodoxy-nation. Claims for a special historical role (see the previous item) do not allow the silly and compilers of the "chronicle" to see for reality. As a result, stupidity and elementary failure are issued for some kind of valor, national identity.

  1. Power in the city of Sillious is already beginning with all sorts of disgraces, and "Historical times" - from the crunch of the first city holder "Standard!", I.e. with violence. Thus, it turns out that the power is initially vicious and based on arbitrariness.
  2. The appearance of the Greadovskikov draws with the help of grotesca: a high position and the insignificance of those who occupy (combining incompatible) are combined: Lamvrokakis - a running Greek, which traded in the bazaar soap and subsequently sang by clones, "Organic" is not a man at all, but a mechanism, etc. However, the main evil is the fool themselves, who endure all this and thereby generating all new "monstrous modifications of power" (fear and reverence of the authorities, lunizing at the form of a firing Fddychenko, and so on.).
  1. In a piece dedicated to the sulfur-burver, there is an element of negative utopia (antiotopia), which describes the option of a system of society, a barren-regulated to the recent degree. In many ways, the features of totalitarian socialism are predicted: the regulation of public and family life, the creation of camps, the country's militarization, the impoverishment and mass death of people, "reverse rods" and so on.
  2. Scheduled and exemption paths. It occurs "bottom":
    1. The "ungabonde elements" indicate that the urum-burver ordinary idiot and help it understand the silly, that is, to understand, in the essence of the authorities, by the management, and abandon its past stereotype in relation to it.
    2. The whirlwind takes Ugryum-Burchev away (indignation of the people). "History ceases to", that is, the vicious range of this story is breaking - the story that began the cry "Standby!"

Roman M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city".

Confusion, creating history. Genre and composition.

Hard for Russia, the sixties of the 19th century were most fruitful for M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

For ten years (1858 to 1868), excluding two and a half years (from 1862 to 1864), Saltykov served as Vice-Governor in Tver and Ryazan. The public service did not prevent the writer to see the truth and serve it all the years. The writer was a person fair, honest, incorruptible, demanding, principled, struggled with the abuse of officials and landowners, so he did not have a relationship with the "Higher Society".

After all, it was in the northern city of Saltykov defended the peasants, as he saw that there was no action in the province. And the arbitrariness of the police power, completely convinced that it was not for the people, but the people for her.

The "provincial essays" were the first satirical work and prepared the emergence of a satirical novel - the review of the "History of one city".

In 1868, Saltykov-Shchedrin leaves civil service. The accumulated impressions were reflected in this unusual work, sharply different from a number of works of Russian writers created during these years, and Saltykov-Shchedrin himself. The image of the city is silly as an embodiment of an autocably-landlocker originated from the writer still in essays of the early 60s.

In January 1869, Satiri creates the first chapters "Inventory of the Gradnikov", "Organchik", which are printed in the first issue of the "Domestic Notes" magazine. In 1870, Saltykov continues to work on the novel and publishes in the journal "Domestic Notes" in 1-4, 9 rooms. In the same year, the novel was published by a separate publication called the "History of one city".

This novel caused a lot of interpretations and indignations, which forced Saltykov to answer the article by Publicist Suvorin, called the "Historical Satire" printed in the journal "Journal of Europe". Suvorin, not detaining in the depths of the idea and the essence of the artistic peculiarity of the work, accused the writer in mockery over the Russian people and the distortion of the facts of Russian history. After the appearance of this article, the previous interest of the reading public has several UGAS. But this work found its readers: half a century M. Gorky said: "It is necessary to know the history of the city of Studez, is our Russian history and it is impossible to understand the history of Russia in the second half of the 19th century without the help of generous - the true truthful witness of spiritual poverty and instability .. . "

The genre features of the novel "The Story of one city".

Shchedrin has mastered large, and small satirical genres: a novel with an interesting plot and deeply felt images, a fairy tale, a dramatic work, a story, a parody. The writer introduced a satirical chronicle into world literature. An important place in creativity belongs to this novel.

This story - "genuine" the chronicle of the city of Study, the "silly chronicler", an embracing period of time from 1731 to 1825, which "defendedly gone" four silly archivis.

Saltykov-Shchedrin did not follow the historical canvas of Russia's development, but some events, as well as persons historically recognizable, influenced the plot of the novel and the originality of artistic images. The history of one city is not a satire for the past, because the writer was not interested in a purely historical topic: he wrote about real Russia. However, some rulers of the city of Study resemble real rulers: Paul I - in the image of Gyevilov, Nicholas I - in the image of the interception - a barustic; Some of the city holders are identified with state leaders: Benevolensky - with Speransky, Ugryum-Burchheev - with Arakcheev. Especially the connection with the historical material is noticeable in the chapter "The Tale of the Six Graduals". Palace coups after Peter I "were organized" in mostly women, and some of the Empress are guessed in the images of "Zloychid Iratki", "the blessing Clementics", "Tolstomy Schinki of the Bathfish", "Dunky-Tolstopy", "Matrenki-nostrils". Who specifically settled - no matter, because the writer was not interested in specific persons, but their actions, according to which the arbitrariness of the power of the property was carried out.

Talking allegedly about the past Russia, writer,however, spoke about the problems of the modern society to him,about what worried him as an artist and a citizen of his country.

Stylizing the events of a century ago, giving them the features of the 18th century era, Saltykov-Shchedrin acts in different hypostasses: first he behaves from the face of the archivius, compilers of the "silly chronicler", then from the author who performed the function of the publisher and commentator of archival materials.

Satir's writer to the story turned to smooth the inevitable clash with censorship.

Author In this work society connect plots and motifs legends, fairy tales, other folklore works and just available to convey to the reader Antiboocratic ideas in the paintings of the people's life and everyday concerns of Russians.

The "chronicler" opens with "appealing to the reader from the last archivis-chronicle", Stylized under the ancient syllable, in which the writer introduces his readers for its purpose: "Pictitate the deimers of the city units, to the city of stupid from the Russian government at different times set."

Chapter "On the root of the origin of silly" Written as the retelling of the chronicle. The beginning is the imitation of "Word about the regiment of Igor", the listing of historians of the 19th century, which have exactly opposite views on the historical process. Prehistoric times of silly seem ridiculous and unreal, as the actions of the peoples who lived in ancient times are far from the conscious actions.

. In the chapter of the prehistoric "On the root of the origin of the silly"it is narrating about how the ancient people of Golovpov defeated the neighboring tribes of the shipyard, Lukoyedov, Kozobryukhih, etc. But, not knowing what to do, so that there was order, the gangways went to look for the prince. They were not addressed to the same prince, but even the most stupid princes did not want to "water with stupid" and, after having a rod, let them go with the secret. Then they called for a viola-novel gangs, which helped them find the prince. The prince of "Volodya" agreed with them, but he did not go to them, sent a viola-novel instead of himself. The same gangs called the prince of "silly", hence the name of the city.

The fools were people submissive, but the Novotor needed rebellion to pacify them. But soon he was stunned that the prince "sent the wrong slave a loop." But the Novotor "And here it was sure: [...] I did not wait the loop, I was killed by cucumber."

S sent to the prince and more rulers - the Oyoevts, Orlovtsy, Kalyazinz, - but they all turned out to be a thieves. Then the prince "... arrived in a person's own person in silly and crushing:" Standard! ". Historical times began with these words."

"Inventory Gradnikov" It is a commentary for the subsequent chapters, and, according to biographical data, each ruler of silly left the life of a completely ridiculous reason: one bunks, the other ripped off the dog, the third flew to the head instrument, the fifth tried to understand the Senate Decree and died from Natuga, etc. D. Each image is individual and at the same time typical. Saltykov-Shchedrin is considered to be an innovator in the development of satirical typification methods.

The story of the activities of silly town teams opens the head "Organic", The narrative of the Brudast, the image of which personifies the main features of the bureaucracy, stupidity and limitations. "Ezopovsky language" allows the writer to call Brudasti fool, a boat and an evil dog.

The simplest wooden mechanism, with which the browny shouts its orders - the teams, is an exaggeration, the image of this city holder, as well as the rest is fantasy and hyperbolized. But the actions made by a man with a wooden head, almost no difference from the activities of real people.

"Tale of six Graduals" - This is not only a satire to the reign of crowned persons, but also a parody of numerous works on the historical topic that appeared in the 60s.

Head "News about bobbinets" Contains a hint of Alexander I. Breakov made mandatory consumption of mustard and laurel sheets. But the biography of the Gradualist did not reach contemporaries that could figure out the theory of his rule.

In the chapters "Sollar City" and "Fantastic Traveler»The image of Ferdychenko was removed. Acquaintance with him is happening in the head of the "Hungry City". Disasters take a huge scale, and the people silently tolerate these trials of fate and is not trying to protect their interests. Satira on a man becomes the power of indignation of the author, not tolerating humiliation and oppression of the Russian people. Fires, floods, hunger Everything happened to experience the Russian peasant, who still does not know how to defend his interests.

No less ugly, fantastic is the image of the town-head of the Nogreyev, derived in the chapter "Epoch of dismissal from the war" According to the "Opisi", "he loses its streets paved by the views", that is, he tried to hide the act of his predecessors. The township of Mikhaladze canceled strict discipline, supported the elegance of manner and affectionately.

In joining chapter "Mammon worship and repentance" Some generalizations and results are given. We are talking about the people who lives despite the death fight. "One of the ... serious historical epochs probably experienced stupid to the time described by the chronicler," the writer reports.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin In his novel, the "History of one city" was able to tell the truth about Russian reality, hiding her behind the gloomy paintings of the life of the silly. Present and past connected in this work.

The tragic fate of silver is natural. They live in this inventive, phantasmagoric city, ghostly and real, ridiculous and terrible.

In the relations of the inhabitants of the silly, the writer mixes their social, household, official, professional signs and characteristics. What a silver would be treated, they would have a strong tradition and remnants that need to be overcome for their own future.

The fools live in the outstands, spend the night in the harsh, they are engaged in wild work, they decide their affairs, gathering the world. Peasants, Messenger, merchants, nobles, intellectuals - Social and political nomenclature of silly includes all basic classes, estates, groups and state-administrative forces of Russia.

In the silly, the writer criticizes and commemorates not a specific social group and not the Russian people, but only the "tested history" socially negative features of the social line of behavior. Among the "apparent atoms", which should be eliminated, the writer allocates social and political passivity. This is the main historical sin of Russian life.

And yet there were times when the quiet "Bunks on the knees" was ready to grow into a real riot. You can learn about it from chapters "Hungry City". The city threatened the hungry death. Walker Evseich, "The most ancient in the whole city" did not achieve the truth for the men, although Ferdychenko began three times, but only the old Essaich disappeared from this minute, as if it was not in the world, disappeared without a balance, How only the prospectors of the Russian Earth can disappear. "

The next "prospector", Pakhomych, sent a petition, and the people sat and waited for the result, rejoicing in the soul that he found a person who is ill for everyone. The armed punitive team brought the "order".

The author of the "Stories of the One City" was accused of bringing the role of the people in public life, in the conscious ridicule of the masses. But according to the author, "in the word" people "it is necessary to distinguish two concepts: the people are historical and the people, which is the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocratism. I can really sympathize for the first to be like on your shoulders of warthogs, burder and the like, I can really sympathize. I always sympathized with the second ... "

The conclusion to which the author came in the final lines of his novel is clear and understandable: the population of silly came time to assist meaningless and disassembledness, but, having ceased to be silly, it is necessary to start a new, non-light, life.The writer firmly convinced that the builders will be other people, not silly .

In this way, The main artistic means - grotesque he helps generous to expound social and moral defects of Russian society.

Creating an ironic grotesque "story of one city" Saltykov-Shchedrin expects to call the reader not laughter, but a "bitter feeling" of shame. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is built in the image of a certain hierarchy: a simple people who will not resist the instructions of often stupid rulers, and rulers-tyranov. In the face of a simple people in this story, residents of the city of stupid are in this story, and their oppressors are cityholders. Saltykov-Shchedrin with irony notes that this people need a boss, the one that they will give instructions and keep in the "Help Mittens", otherwise all the people will fall into anarchy.

History of creation

The idea and idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "The history of one city" was formed gradually. In 1867, the writer wrote a fabulous fantastic work "Story about the governor with stuffed head", it subsequently formed the basis of the head "Organic". In 1868, Saltykov-Shchedrin began working on the "history of one city", graduated from 1870. Initially, the author wanted to give a job the name "Silver Chronicler". The novel was published in the Popular Notes magazine at the time.

Plot works

(Illustrations of the creative team of Soviet graphic artists "Kukryniksy")

The story is conducted on behalf of the chronicler. He tells about the inhabitants of the city, which were so stupid that their city was given "stupid". The novel begins the head "On the root of the origin of the silly", in which the history of this people is given. It is described in particular about the breeding tribe, who, after the victory over the neighboring tribes of Lukoyedov, Gucchis, Morzharedov, Kozobryukhi and others decided to find a ruler, because they wanted to bring order in the tribe. Only one prince decided on the board, and he sent a vorah-novel instead of himself. When he was defeated, the prince sent him a loop, but the thief was able to get out of some sense and stabbed himself with cucumber. As you can see, the irony and grotesque get perfectly in the work.

After several unsuccessful candidates for the role of deputy prince appeared in the city personally. Becoming the first ruler, he laid the countdown of the "historical time" of the city. It is said that twenty-two ruler with their achievements ruled the city, but in the "Opsim" listed twenty-one. Apparently, the missing is the founder of the city.

main characters

Each of the city holders performs its task in implementing the idea of \u200b\u200ba writer through Grotesque to show the absurdity of their board. In many types, the features of historical personalities are viewed. For greater recognition, Saltykov-Shchedrin not only described the style of their board, it was ridiculously distorted the surnames, but also gave a taking characteristics pointing to the historical prototype. Some identities of the city holders are images collected from the characteristic features of different persons of the history of the Russian state.

So, the third ruler Ivan Matveyevich Giakanov, famous for the fact that drowned the director of economic issues and introduced taxes of three kopecks per person, was exiled to the Ostrog for an affair with Avdota Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter I.

Brigadier Ivan Matveyevich Baklan, the sixth of the Gardener, was high growth and was proud to be a follower of the Ivan the Terrible line. The reader understands what is meant the bell tower in Moscow. Death The ruler found in the spirit of the same grotesque image that the novel was filled - the brigadier was broken in half during a storm.

For Peter III, in the image of Sergeant Guard Bogdan Bogdanovich, Pfefefence points out this characteristic - "Holstetsky leaving", the style of the rule of the city holder and its outcome - is shifted from the ruler of the ruler for ignorance.

Dementy Varlamovich Brudatiy nusted by the "Organic" for the presence of a mechanism in the head. Held the city in fear because it was a sullen and closed. When trying to take the head of the head of the cityholder to repair to the metropolitan masters, she was thrown into a frightened chercher from the crew. After the board of the organization in the city, chaos reigned for 7 days.

A short period of the well-being of citizens is associated with the name of the Ninth Greadstock, Konstantinovich Seeds. The civilian adviser and innovator, he took up the appearance of the city, began medical and brewing. Tried to open the Academy.

The twelfth Gardener, Vasilisk Semenovich Barodavkin, Vasilisk Semenovich, reminding the reader with the style of the board of Peter I. On the connection of the character with a historical person point out his "glorious cases" - destroyed the shooting and naked settlement, and difficult relationships with the eradication of the people's ignorance - spent four in silly Wars for enlightenment and three - against. Resolutely prepared the city for burning, but suddenly died.

By the origin, the former peasant Onufriy Ivanovich Nognaliv, to the service of the Grador to the top of the furnace, destroyed the streets paved by the former ruler and put the monuments on these resources. The image is written off from Paul I, to which the circumstances of his displacement indicate: dismissed for disagreement with the triumvirate about constitutions.

With the Stat adviser to Eraste Andreyevich, the Studious Bomond was busy with the balas and night collections with the reading of a certain Mr. Lithuania. As in the rule of Alexander I, the city holder was not affected by the people who reached and hungry.

Prohhvost, idiot and "Satan" Ugryum-burver wears "talking" surname and "written off" from Count Arakcheev. He finally destroys stupid and decides to build a city in a new place. When attempting to implement such a grand project, the "end of the world" occurred: the sun was alarmed, the earth shook, and the darling was disappeared without a trace. So the story of the "one city" ended.

Analysis of the work

Saltykov-Shchedrin with satire and grotesque puts the goal to reach the human soul. He wants to convince the reader that Christian principles should be based on the human institute. Otherwise, a person's life can be deformed, isorovanny, and at the end can lead to the death of the human soul.

"The history of one city" - the work of an innovative, overcoming the usual framework of art satire. Each image in the novel has pronounced grotesque features, but at the same time recognizable. What gave rise to the squall of criticism against the author. He was accused of "slander" on the people and rulers.

Indeed, the story of silly is largely written off by the chronicle of Nestor, talking about the time of the beginning of Russia - "Tale of Bygone Years." This parallel, the author deliberately stressed that it became apparent to whom he implies under the fools, and that all these city holders are not a flight of fantasy, but the real Russian rulers. At the same time, the author clearly makes it clear that it describes not all human genus, namely Russia, overcoming her story on his satirical way.

However, the purpose of creating the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin did not make a mockery over Russia. The task of the writer began to host society to a critical rethinking of its history to eradicate existing vices. Grotesque plays a huge role in creating an artistic image in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. The main goal of the writer is to show the vices of people who are not coming society.

The writer ridiculed the disgrare of society and was called the "great mockeeper" in a number of such predecessors as Griboedov and Gogol. Reading ironic grotesque, the reader wanted to laugh, but in this laughter there was something ominous - the public "felt like Beach whisching her the same."

In 1780, the "History of one city" Saltykov-Shchedrin is published. It is very difficult at first glance to determine the genre of this work. This is most likely a historical chronicle with elements of fantasy, hyperboles, artistic allegory. This is a brilliant example of socio-political satire, the relevance of which over the years has acquired increasing sharpness and shine.

"He knows his native country better anyone else," wrote about Shchedrine I. S. Turgenev, and it is very noteworthy that these words were caused by "the history of one city". The book begins with the fact that the ancient chronicle, "saying a few words in the praise of his modesty," continues: "It was ... In ancient times, people who are referred to themselves." These most gaps have ruined their lands, collapsed with their neighbors and "risen on the cakes of the bark from the last pine." Then "decided to look for a prince." Thus, they were no longer gaps, but silly, and the city began to be called silly. Actually, the narrative is preceded by the "describe of the city units" in the amount of 21 copies. And the collection of life-owning of silly town managers begins with the Dementia of Valamovich Brudastoy. In his head, he acted a huge mechanism, playing two words-rounds: "Will not suffer" and "once-s-zory". According to Satirik, the type of extremely simplified administrative leader is embodied in Brudasta, arising from the very nature of totalitarianism. The chronicle continues the "tale of six touchers", causing the reader of the reader of the dedication of the favoritism of the era of palace coups in Russia. Amalka Shtokfim overthrew Clementhing De Bourbony and planted it into a cage. Then Nelka Lyakhovskaya overavel the amalco and locked it into one cage with the clementing. The next morning in the cage "nothing but the mindbounds was no longer." So he played the writer's sense of the figurative expression "ready to eat each other." And then there are stories about other city holders, of which one is more disgusting than others. And this is the description of the manner-burver. This is where the despotic nature of absolutism and its "curbing capabilities" are fully revealed. Ugryum-burverism is a brilliant satirical generalization of all modes and traditions based on uniaxiality. But at the city of stupid, it was not that shower, not the tornado and "the former protrusion instantly disappeared, as if melted in the air." The chronicle ends with mysterious words: "History has ceased its course." The whole population of silly unites the thrill, subordination of the bounce "events" of the authorities. The fools are almost always shown by mass: the shaft is filled with silly to the house of the city holder, the whole rush rushing on his knees, the crowds run from the villages, even die together. Sometimes, however, they are growing, even rebellious. But this is a "riot on the lap", with screams of carved, shouts and moans of a distraught hungry crowd, as it was in an indispensable year.

This is the final, equally bitter for all the silly. Saltykov-Shchedrin loved to repeat that the Russian man was poor in all respects, and above all the consciousness of his poverty. Bearing in mind this poverty, passivity and humility of a man, Satir with bitterness exclaims from the face of the people: "Trying and cold, hunger, everyone is waiting for: would be better every year: will it be better ... no longer?"

Speaking about the originality of satire in the creativity of Saltykov - Generin, it is necessary to understand that his satirical style, his techniques and methods of the image of the heroes were formed together with ideological and creative formation of the writer's views on the people. A man, vital and spiritually close to the folk masses, grew up in the medium of the people, is constantly facing the problems of the people, - Saltykov-Shchedrin absorbed the People's Spirit, his language, his mood. This allowed him already in his early satirical cycles ("provincial essays", "Pompadura and Pompadurshi", "Tashkent", etc.) very deeply and correctly assess the predatory essence of serfs, nobility and the emerging bourgeoisie and fouls.
It was here that satyrik's weapons began to hurry. N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote about the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin at that time: "In the mass of the people, the name of Shchedrin, when it becomes known there, will always be pronounced with respect and gratitude: he loves this people, he sees a lot of kind, Noble, albeit undeveloped or incorrectly directed instincts in these humble, ingenuous workers. It protects them from various types of talented natures and inflated models, he refers to them without any denial. In the "Bogomolets" there is a magnificent contrast between the sootroprian faith, alive, fresh feelings of commoners and the passing emptiness of the generals of Darya Mikhailovna, or the gady fanfaroneism of the otputyugina. " But in these works, Shchedrin still does not have the entire fullness of the satirical palette: psychological portraits of officials, bribes, bureaucrats, although they are supported by speaking surnames, like this Jptygin - the grimney of the folk, do not carry the seals of the evil accusatory laughter, how the cores are already heroes " Stories of one city. " In general, if the "history of one city" was not such a talented and deep work, which it would be, it would be possible to use as a textbook on forms and methods of satire. There is everything here: Satyrian fiction techniques, unbridled hyperbolization of images, grotesque, Esopovsky language of allegory, parody of various institutions of statehood and political problems.
"Problems of political life are those problems, in the artistic interpretation of which the hyperbole and fantasy are generally included in the artistic interpretation. The sharper political problems affected by satyrik, the more hyperbolic and fantastic it looks "2,224. For example, the stupidity and the limited state officials engaged in the robbery of the people, Saltykov-Shchedrin described before and earlier, but only in the "stories of one city" appears browy with his empty head, in which the organizing was built with two romances "ruin!" And "will not fail!". All contempt, which was only able to express the author to such figures, is expressed in this grotesque image transmitted in the fantastic, allegedly, plan. But the author's hint that such figures are not uncommon in Russian reality, it acts on public opinion much more acute. The image of Brudastoy - fantastic and therefore funny. And laughter is a weapon. An intelligent person he helps to correctly assess the phenomenon or man, and the figures like Brudastom, having learned themselves, are also forced to laugh, but no matter how everyone learned about their empty head. Here, the author, in addition, applies the acceptance of the names of talking surnames to his characters (Brudatsky - a special breed of ferocious shaggy dogs), - and so it turns out the famous Shchedrian character: a stupid, ferocious, with a man-covered soul.
And then you can imagine what will happen to the people given to the authority to such a ruler. "The unheard of activities suddenly began to boil in all ends of the city; Private bailiffs rocked; Quarterly rocked; Bidders forgot what it means to eat, and since then has acquired a detrimental habit of grabbing pieces on the fly. They grabs and catch, sects and waste, describe and sell ... and above all this hill, above all thisual, as if a crick of a bird of prey, the sinister reigns "will not suffer!" 44.20. The characteristic feature of Satira Saltykov-Shchedrin is that he is with a special care, with a large psychologist draws portraits of his heroes, and then these heroes, as it were, on the basis of the portrait drawn by the author, begin to live and act.
All this reminds the theater of dolls, which repeatedly mentioned the author in different periods of life, as in the fairy tale of the "toy business of people": "A lively doll tramples its fifth living person." No wish, the modern writer artist A. I. Lebedev, in his cartoon figure, depicted generrous in the form of a collector of dolls, whom he mercilessly punishes his acute satire to the pages of his books. An example of such living dolls in the "stories of one city" can be called tin soldiers of Bardavkin, who entering the rudge, pouring blood and ferocity, pounce on the houses of the inhabitants of silly and in a few moments destroy them to the ground. The real soldier in the understanding of Saltykov-Shchedrin, as a leaving of the same people, designed to also defend the people from the enemy, cannot and should not oppose the people. Only tin soldiers, dolls are able to forget their roots, carrying pain and destruction to their people 10.19. Still, in the "stories of one city" there is one purely fantastic period. This is the period of the reign of the gendarme officer - Colonel acne (though, in the "Opisi Gradorovniki" he is just a major). But here the Saltykov-Shchedrin remains faithful to his manner: in the fact that an stuffed head had an stuffed head, as and was offended by a certain summitful leader of the nobility, most likely following the pimple of the State Advisor Ivanov, who died in 1819 from Natuchi, intensifying to comprehend Some Senatsky Decree "44.17; In this fact for Saltykov - Shchedrin is nothing unusual.
The author and to the "history of one city" brought images eating each other officials. Envy and satisfaction, right up to palace coups, is so characteristic of the Russian reality that, no matter how hard the author tried to describe the fantastic eating head, polished by the leader of the nobility by vinegar and mustard, - none of the readers remains doubt that It is about the envy, a vague and dirty feeling, pushing a person to the lowestness and even on the killing of the opponent who prevents the occasion of a tallery place 10.21.
Fantasy this period is enclosed in another: how could this happen that at the board that the gendarme is pissed by the city of silly, "was brought to such welfare, which did not imagine the chronicles from its very reason"
Suddenly, the silometers suddenly "wound against the previous twice and three times" 44,107, and pimples looked at this well-being and rejoiced. And it was impossible not to rejoice at him, because the universal abundance was reflected in it. The barns were broken from the offions made in nature; The chests did not contain silver and gold, and the assignments simply were lying on the floor "44,105. The fantasticity of such prosperity of the people just lies in the fact that in the entire history of Russia there was not a single period, when the people lived calmly and richly. Most likely, Saltykov - Generin, with his peculiar sarcasm peculiar to him, depicts the habit of dust in the eye in Russia, to build "Potemkin villages"

Writing on literature on the topic: Artistic peculiarity of the novel "The history of one city"

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  1. The sixtieth years of the last century, difficult for Russia, turned out to be the most fruitful and important for M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. For ten years (from 1858 to 1868), excluding two and a half years (1862-1864), Saltykov served as Vice-Governor in Tver and Ryazan, Chairman of the Kaznaya Read more ......
  2. The creativity of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the Democrat, for which the autoclative-serf system, reigning in Russia, was absolutely unacceptable, had a satirical orientation. The writer outraged the Russian society "slaves and gentlemen", the desirefinition of landowners, the humility of the people, and in all their works he was a decoration of the "ulcers" of society, brutally ridiculed his vices Read more ......
  3. The story M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Story of the One City" is a cycle of stories that are not interconnected by the plot or the same heroes, but united in one work due to the common goal - the satirical image of the modern Saltykov-generous political structure of Russia. "The story of one read more ......
  4. Roman "The Story of one city" (1869-1870) - the work is complex and ambiguous. Immediately after his release, Saltykov-Shchedrin was accused of insulting the Russian people and distortion of domestic history. The author himself claimed: "I do not have a story at all, but the famous order read more ......
  5. Saltykov resorts only to this kind of caricature, which exaggerates the truth as if by means of a magnifying glass, but never perverts its essence. I. S. Turgenev. An indispensable and first means of satire in the "history of one city" is a hyperbolic exaggeration. Satira - Rod read more ......
  6. The history of the city of silly, told by Saltykov-generous, has no less significant finals than all the previous narration. Sad, causing compassion to the Russian people and indignation about the reign of numerous town halls, the book of the Democratic writer was directed against the Russian autocratic despoty, bourgeois hypocritical and predatory, human pestures, Read more ......
  7. Saltykov-Shchedrin is an original writer who occupies a special place in Russian literature. In his work, he showed the social disadvantages of the social structure of Russia, drew a life without embellishment, but not only gave the vault and abuse, but also ridicule them. Saltykov-Shchedrin worked in Read more ......
  8. The main themes of the works of M. E, Saltykov-Shchedrin are the impact of autocracy, the dominant class, as well as the problem of the people. In fairy tales and in the novel "The history of one city" strong folklore traditions. Many fairy tales begin as Russian folk art: "In some kingdom, some state, there was a landowner" Read more ......
Artistic peculiarity of the novel "History of one city"

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