Ilya Ilyich Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov": materials for the writing (quotes). Oblomov and "Other" life with a widen wheat

the main / Cheating wife

Roman in four parts

Part one


In a peopic street, in one of the large houses, whose population will be on the whole district city, lay in the morning in bed, at his apartment, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. It was a man of thirty-two-three years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant outfacie, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the facial features. The thought walked in a free bird in the face, fluttered in his eyes, sat down at the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face he was growing even light carelessness. From facial carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even in the folds of the furry. Sometimes the look was poured by an expression as if fatigue or boredom; But neither fatigue, nor boredom could not for a minute, the softness, which was the dominant and main expression, not the face only, and the whole soul; And the soul is so open and clearly shone in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of the head, hands. And superficially observant, a cold person, looking by passion to Oblomov, would say: "Dobryak should be, simplicity!" A man is plump and prettier, looking at him for a long time in his face, he would have walked away in a pleasant meditation, with a smile. The complexion of the face of Ilya Ilyich was neither a ruddy nor dark, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed to be, maybe because the bugs somehow flictenly not in the years: from the lack of movement or air, and maybe And the other. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white, the neck of the neck, small chubby hands, soft shoulders, seemed too uttered for a man. His movements when he was even alarmed, constrained also the softness and not deprived of a kind of grace lazy. If there was a cloud of care on his face, the look was mistaken, folds were folded on his forehead, the game of doubt, sadness, fright; But rarely anxiety, this was frozen in the form of a certain idea, even less often turned into intention. All anxiety was permitted by sigh and silenced in apathy or in the nurse. How the household suit was walking towards the late feathers of his face and to the rampant body! It was a robe from Persian matter, a real oriental bathrobe, without the slightest hint of Europe, without brushes, without a velvet, without a waist, is very elementary, so that both bugs could wrap in it twice. The sleeves, along the unchanging Asian fashion, went from the fingers to the shoulder wider and wider. Although this bathrobe has lost its original freshness and places replaced its primitive, natural gloss to other, acquainted, but still retained the brightness of the eastern paint and tissue strength. The bathrobe had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of unpleasant advantages: it is soft, flexible; The body does not feel it; He, as a obedient slave, is conquered by the self-moving body. Oblomov always walked at home without a tie and without a vest, because he loved the space and enjoy. Shoes on it were long, soft and wide; When he, without looking, lowered his legs from bed to the floor, he certainly got into them immediately. Ilya Ilyich did not have a necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the chance, like someone who was tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state. When he was at home - and he was almost always at home, - he was lying all, and everything was constantly in the same room, where we found it, who served him the bedroom, the office and the reception. He had three more rooms, but he rarely looked there, in the morning, and then not every day, when the man Möl is the office of him, which every day was not done. In those rooms, the furniture closed was covers, the curtains are lowered. The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly cleaned. There was a bureau of a mahogany, two sofas, upholstered silk material, beautiful screen with embroidered in nature in nature birds and fruits. There were silk curtains, carpets, several paintings, bronze, porcelain and many beautiful trifles. But the experienced eye of a person with a clean taste is one round look at everything that was here, it would be read only the desire to observe the Decorum of inevitable decency, just to get rid of them. The brooms had troubled, of course, only about it when she cleaned his office. The refined taste would not be pleasant to these heavy, non-profit chairs of a mahogany, rods. The tail of the same sofa donated down, the glued tree in some places behind. At the same time, paintings and vases, and little things were worn on themselves. The owner himself, however, looked at the decoration of his office so coldly and scattered, as if he asked his eyes: "Who poured here and put it all?" From such a cold view of Oblomov on his own property, and maybe even from a colder opinion on the same subject of his servant, Zakhar, the view of the office, if he inspects everything more closely, hit the neglence and negligence in it. On the walls, near the paintings, it washed in the form of poodle festers, driving dust; Mirrors, instead of reflecting items, could serve whether to write to the dust to record any notes for memory. Carpets were in spots. On the sofa lay a forgotten towel; On the table, a rare morning did not stand the plate with a straw and with a grinding bone, and bread crumbs were not lying on the table. If it were not this plate, but not leaning to bed just a repurchased tube, or the owner himself, lying on it, it would be possible to think that no one lives here - so everything was dreamed, polished and was generally devoid of living traces of human presence . On the shelves, however, lay two or three unfolded books, the newspaper was lying on, the ink was in the Bureau with feathers; But the pages on which books were deployed were covered with dust and wishes; It can be seen that they were thrown for a long time; Numer newspaper was last year, and from the inkwell, if the feather to dip in it, would have broken a frightened fly with a buzz. Ilya Ilyich woke up, against the usual, very early, at eight hours. He is very concerned about something. On his face, he alternately spoke not that fear, not that longing and annoyance. It was seen that his inner struggle was overwhelmed, and the mind was not yet helpful. The fact is that the breakdowns on the day before received from the village, from its headman, a letter of unpleasant content. It is known about what troubles can be written an old age: crumbs, arrears, a decrease in income, etc. Although the headman and in the past and in the third year wrote to his Barina exactly the same letters, but this last letter has worked as much as everyone an unpleasant surprise. Is it easy? I had to think about the means to take any measures. However, it is necessary to give the fairness of the caringness of Ilya Ilyich about their affairs. He, according to the first unpleasant letter, the heads received several years ago began to create a plan for various change and improvements in the order of managing his estate. According to this plan, it was supposed to introduce different new economic, police and other measures. But the plan was still far from all respects, and the ease of the elders repeated annually, encouraged him to activities and, therefore, disrupted peace. Oblomov was aware of the need until the end of the plan take something decisive. He, as soon as he woke up, immediately rummaged, wash and, drunk tea, think well, something to figure out, write down and generally do this business as it should. From half an hour, he was lying all, suffering from this intention, but then he judged that he had time to do it and after tea, and tea could be drunk, as usual, in bed, especially since nothing prevents thinking and lying. So did. After tea, he was already raised from his bed and almost got up; Having looked at the shoes, he even began to lower one leg to them from bed, but immediately picked her again. Half of the tenth broke through, Ilya Ilyich was fixed. - What is me really? He said out loud with annoyance. - We need conscience to know: it's time for the business! Give only the will of yourself and ... - Zakhar! He shouted. In the room, which was separated only by a small corridor from the cabinet Ilya Ilyich, he was heard at first exactly grumble chain dogs, then the knock jumped from somewhere. This Zakhar jumped from a bed, on which she ordantly spent time, sitting immersed in a nap. The room entered an elderly man, in the gray suntuka, with a spherical under his arm, from where the shirt shirt was stuck, in the gray vest, with copper buttons, with bare, like knee, skull and with immense wide and thick Rusi with a spinner It would be three beards. Zakhar did not try to change the image of the image not only to him, but also his costume in which he walked in the village. He sewed a dress from the village exported from the village. Gray Sultuk and the vest liked him and because in this semi-love clothing, he saw a weak memory of the livery, which he wore once, spending the deceased Lords to church or to visit; And the livrey in his memoirs was the only representative of the dignity of the house of broken. No longer reminded the old man of the Barsky wide and deceased life in the wilderness of the village. The oldest gentlemen died, family portraits stayed at home and, tea, lying around somewhere in the attic; Traditions about the old life and importance of the surname, everything is sick or live only in the memory of the few, remaining in the village of the same old men. Therefore, for the Zahar Roads there was a gray suntuk: in it, yes even in some signs that were preserved in the face and manners of the Barina, who reminded his parents, and in his whims, for which he grumbled, and to herself and aloud, but which between Those respected internally as the manifestation of the Bark Will, the Lord, he saw the weak hints of the talked greatness. Without these caps, he somehow did not feel the Barin; Without them, nothing resurrected his youth, the village, which they left for a long time, and legends about this an old house, the only chronicle, led by old servants, nannies, mothers and transmitted from the kind to the genus. The house of Oblomov was once rich and famous on his side, but then, God knows why, all the poor, melted and finally lost imperceptibly between not old noble houses. Only Dried servants of the house were kept and passed to each other the faithful memory of the last, it is extremely expensive, like a shrine. For now, Zakhar loved his gray suntuk so much. Maybe with his barenbards, he trembled because he saw his many old servants as a child with this ancient, aristocratic decoration. Ilya Ilyich, immersed in thought, did not notice Zakhar for a long time. Zakhar stood in front of him silently. Finally he coughed. - What are you? - Ilya Ilyich asked. - After all, were you called? - called? Why was I called - I do not remember! - He answered sipping. - Look for yourself, and I remember. Zakhar left, and Ilya Ilyich continued to lie down and think about the damned letter. Passed from a quarter of an hour. - Well, fully lie! "He said," I need to get up ... And however, let me read again with the attention of the head of the heads, and then I'll get up. - Zakhar! Again the same jump and grumble stronger. Zakhar entered, and the brooms again plunged into thoughtfulness. Zakhar stood two minutes, unallowdly, a little face looking at the barin, and finally went to the doors. - Where are you? - suddenly asked the bug. - You do not say anything, so there is a gift here? - Zakhar stuck, for the lack of another voice, who, according to him, he lost on the hunt with dogs, when he went with the old Barin and when he was blowing as if he was blown as a strong wind in the throat. He wondered around the room and looked all on the side of Oblomov. - Did you walken the legs that you can't stand? You see, I'm concerned - and wait! Did not get together there? Folding a letter that I received yesterday from the old age. Where are you his work? - What is the letter? I did not see any letter, "said Zakhar. - You received him from the postman: dirty like that! - Where would you put it - why should I know? - said Zakhar, patting his hand on the papers and in different things lying on the table. - You never know anything. There, in the basket, see! Or did it not fall for the sofa? Here the back is still not fixed in the sofa; What would you call for a joiner yes to fix? After all, you broke out. You can't think about anything! - I did not break, "Zakhar answered, - she sacred himself; Not a century for her to be: it is necessary to break away someday. Ilya Ilyich did not consider the necessary to prove the opposite. - Found something? He asked only. - Here are some letters. - not those. "Well, there is no more," said Zakhar. - Well, look! - Ilya Ilyaich was looking forward to. - I will get up, I will find. Zakhar went to himself, but only he rested was his hands about the Lena to jump on her, how a hurried cry was heard again: "Zakhar, Zakhar!" - Ah you, Lord! - Ground Zakhar, going back to the office. - What is this torment? At least death came rather! - What do you? - He said, sticking to one hand over the cabinet door and looking at Oblomov, as a sign of non-aggregate, before the party that he had to see the Barina in the invenue, and Barina was visited by only one immense Benhangard, from which, and wait for two Three birds. - Nasal handkerchief, soon! Himself you could guess: you do not see! - Ilya Ilyich said strictly. Zakhar did not find any special displeasure, or surprise at the same time ordered and reproach Barin, finding probably on its part and the other very natural. - And who knows him where the handkerchief? - He grunted, bypassing around the room and feeling every chair, although it was possible to see that nothing lies on the chairs. - Lose all! - He noticed, revolating the door to the living room, to see if there is no way there. - Where? Here are looking for! I have not been there from the third day. Yes rather! - Ilya Ilyich said. - Where is the scarf? No handkerchief! - said Zakhar, ranking his hands and loyading in all angles. "Yes, he," he suddenly got angry, "under you!" Won end sticks. Lie on it yourself, but ask the handkerchief! And, without waiting for a response, Zakhar went Won. Oblomov has become a little embarrassed from his own mishai. He quickly found another reason to make Zakhar guilty. - What is your cleanness everywhere: dust, dirt something, my God! Won, won, look at the corners - do nothing! "I can't do anything ..." Sajhar spoke offended voice, "I try, I don't regret my life!" And the dust is erased and the meter is almost every day ... He pointed to the middle of the floor and on the table on which bugs dined. "Won, Won," he said, "everything is noticed, it is caught, as if in a wedding ... what else? - And what is that? - Interrupted Ilya Ilyich, pointing to the walls and the ceiling. - Is it? Is it? "He pointed out to the towel aligned with yesterday and forgotten, on the table a plate with a chop of bread." "Well, it is probably will remove," said Zakhar condescendingly, taking a plate. - Only it! And dust along the walls, and the web? .. - spoke of the bug, pointing to the walls. - I remove it to holy week: then I clean the image and take a web ... - And books, paintings accelerated? .. - Books and pictures before Christmas: then with an anice all wardrobes will be over. And now when will you take away? You sit all at home. - I sometimes go to the theater yes to visit: here's ... - What kind of cleaning at night! The bugs with reproxity looked at him, shook his head and sighed, and Zakhar was indifferent to the window and sighed too. Barin, it seems, thought: "Well, brother, you're even more bugs than I yourself", and Zakhar almost thought: "Dress! You're just a master of talking wisdom and miserable words, and before dust and before the web and there are no business. " - Do you understand, "said Ilya Ilyich, - What makes mole from dust? I sometimes even see a clop on the wall! - I have a flea! - Zakhar was indifferently recalled. - Is that good? After all, this is a nasty! - noticed bugs. Zakhar grinned into the whole face, so the smile even embraced the eyebrows and burynbards, which from this moved to the sides, and a red spot broke up to the forehead itself. - What am I to blame that there are bugs in the world? He said with naive surprise. - Did I invented them? - It is unclean, - interrupted the bug. - What are you lying everything! - And I did not invent uncleanness. "You have a mouse there run at night - I hear." - And I did not invent mice. This creature is that mice, that cats, that bugs, everywhere there are a lot. - How does others have neither moths nor bugs? At the face of Zahar, injured, or, it is better to say, the late confidence that this does not happen. "I have a lot of everything," he said stubbornly, "you don't look at all the bug, you can't fit into it. And himself, it seems, thought: "Yes, and what kind of sleeping without a cloud?" "You are Meti, choose Corners from the corners - and there will be nothing," she taught the bug. "Remove, and tomorrow I'll get up again," said Zakhar. - It will not be gained, - interrupted the barin, - should not. "Looks like - I know," the servant said. - And he wants, so again to wash. - How is it? Did you switch all the corners every day? - asked Zakhar. - Why is it for life? Better God went to the soul! - Why do others clean? - objected bugs. - Look on the contrary, the adjustment is: to look anyone, and only one girl ... "And where the Germans will take Saru," Zakhar suddenly objected. - You will look, how they live! The whole family whole week bone is gnawing. Surtuk from the shoulders of the Father goes to his son, and with his son again on his father. On his wife and daughters of dresses are short: everyone is torn to themselves legs like a geese ... Where do they take the sarach? They don't have this, as we have, so that in the closets lay a bunch of old, worn out dresses by year, or the whole angle of bread crusts for the winter ... they have nothing in vain: they don't have crackers, but with beer and drink! Zakhar even spilled her teeth, arguing about such a straightened life. - nothing to talk! - Ilya Ilyich objected, you better remove. - Sometimes I would remove, but you yourself do not give, - said Zakhar. - I went myself! Everyone, you see, I interfere. - Of course you; All at home are sitting: how do you become cleaned? Go for a whole day and remove. - That's still invented what - to leave! Look you better to yourself. - Yes right! - insisted Zakhar. "That's, at least today we left, we would have been removed from Anice." And then we will not help you together: you need to hire the women, jumped everything. - e! What are the arrows - women! Go yourself, - Ilya Ilyich said. He was not glad that he called Zakhar to this conversation. He forgot everything that a little touched this delicate item, as not to be wrapped. Oblomov and I would like to be pure, and he would have walked, so that this was done somehow, imperceptibly, of course; And Zakhar always started a litigation, just started to demand the dust sweeping, washing floors, etc. In this case, in this case, it will be to prove the need for a huge freight in the house, knowing very well that one thought about it led him to His Barin. Zakhar left, and brooms plunged into reflections. A few minutes later she struck another half hour. - What is it? - Almost with horror, Ilya Ilyich said. - Eleven o'clock soon, and I have not got up, did not wash it so far? Zakhar, Zakhar! - Oh, you, my God! Well! - heard from the front, and then a famous jump. - Wash ready? - asked the bug. - Ready for a long time! - answered Zakhar. - What do you not get up? - Why don't you tell me what is ready? I would have got up for a long time. Look, I am now coming after you. I need to do, I will write to write. Zakhar left, but in a minute he grogved with the written and grilled notebook and papers. - Here, if you write, so by the way, you can remove and believe the curiors: you need to pay money. - What are the scores? What money? - Ilya Ilyich asked with displeasure. - From the butcher, from the greenberry, from the scratch, from the bread box: all the money is asked. - Only about money and care! - Ilya Ilyich grumbled. - And you do not give the scores, and everyone suddenly? - You're all drove me: tomorrow yes tomorrow ... - Well, so and now it is impossible until tomorrow? - No! They really stick: no longer give a debt. Today is the first number. - Ah! - with longing said brooms. - New concern! Well, what are you going? Put on the table. I will stand up, I'll see and see, "said Ilya Ilyich. - So wash something ready? - Ready! Said Zakhar. - Well, now ... He began, ruster, lifted to bed to get up. "I forgot to tell you," Zakhar began, "the granola manager sent, as you also won, the manager of the janitor: he says that it is certainly necessary to move ... I need an apartment. - Well, what is? If you need, so, of course, we will eat. What do you stick to me? You're talking about it for the third time. - They stick to me too. - Tell me that we will eat. - They say: you already have been talking to a month, they promised, but do not go away; We say the police let me know. - Let them give to know! - said decisively bugs. "We ourselves will move, like warmer will be, three weeks." - Where are the week through three! The manager says that in two weeks workers will come: everyone will break everything ... "Go, says tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ..." - Uh-uh! too agile! See what else! Is it right now? And you do not dare to me and remind about the apartment. I already forbade you once; And you again. Look! - What should I do something? - said Zakhar. - What to do? - That's what he gets off from me! - answered Ilya Ilyich. - He asks me! What is the case? You do not hear me, and there you want, right away, just so as not to move. Can not try for a barina! - Yes, how, Batyushka, Ilya Ilyich, will I dispose of? - He began soft pepper Zakhar. - The house is not mine: how did you not move from someone else's house, if they chase? And my home was, so I would with my great pleasure ... - Can you persuade them somehow. "We say, we live for a long time, payable." "I said," said Zakhar. - Well, what are they? - What! They settled their own: "Move, say, we need to redo the apartment." They want from the doctoral and from this large apartment to do, to the wedding of the Master Son. - Oh, you, my God! - with annoyance said Oblomov. - After all, there are also sort of donkeys that marry! He turned on his back. "You would have written, sir, to the owner," said Zakhar, "so maybe he would not touch you, but first won the apartment to break." Zakhar at the same time showed his hand somewhere right. "Well, how to stand, I will write ... You go to yourself, and I'll think about it." You can't do anything, "he added," I need to bother myself about this rubbish. Zakhar left, and broils began to think. But he was in difficulty, what to think about: Whether the writing of the elders, whether to move to a new apartment, should the abacus be given? He was lost in the riding of everyday worries and lay everything, peeling with her side on his side. Until time, only ripple exclamations were heard: "Oh, my God! Life touches, everywhere pulls out. " It is not known how long he stayed in this indecision, but the bell rang in the front. - Someone came! Said Oblomov, rushing in a bathrobe. - And I have not got up - I worked and only! Who would it be so early? And he, lying, looked at the door with curiosity.

1. The main character of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov".
2. The question of the meaning of life.
3. Dreamy and Oblomov's activities.
4. Degradation of Ilya Ilyich.

Roman A. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" remains relevant for us. Modern readers despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its creation. The main hero of Roman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov cannot but cause interest. Involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and trying to answer the question of who is such bugs? Was he first of all lazy. Or the problem of the main hero of the novel is much deeper? Did you see any meaning in life? Or was he not intended to think about it? As soon as the work, we get acquainted with the broom, as we understand all the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next looks like the previous one. The days go, not decorated with absolutely nothing. Oblomov leads almost vegetable existence, he is not interested in anything, it is not fond of anything. The main in life becomes a cozy sofa, on which the bugs lie all day. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. In the life of Oblomov there was no shocks that could affect his worldview. No, everything was very safe. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of relatives. And I never had to take care of the bread. Oblomov is comfortable to live, without thinking about nothing, without worrying about. He has absolutely no aspirations and desires. Days and nights are underwinding on the sofa in the same bathrobe from Persian matter. "... Lenja in Ilya Ilyich was neither necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep nor chance. As with the one who is tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state ... "

A person always intended to think about the meaning of life. But even if you consider the question of the meaning of life of the abstract philosophical category, it is impossible not to pronounce that the inaction never did anyone happy. The feeling of completeness of life is possible only in case of constant movement, active search for new impressions. Let a person are not able to change the world or make something significant. But it can make your own life with a brightest and interesting. And not the last role in this is playing everyday life with her affairs and care. Everyday life is not always silent and uninteresting. If desired, everyday affairs can be bright, impressive. But all this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an unlocked, dusty room. Here is dirty and uncomfortable. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, make your life a little more comfortable. Here's how the writer talks about Oblomov's room: "The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly removed ... But an experienced eye of a person with a clean taste is one round look at everything that was here, I would read the desire only to observe DEKORUM inevitable propriety, just to get rid of them ... on the walls, near the paintings, it washed in the form of festoons of the web, driving dust; Mirrors instead of reflecting items, could serve whether to record on them, on dust, some notes for memory ... The carpets were in spots. On the sofa lay a forgotten towel; On the table, a rare morning was not stood not cramped from yesterday's dinner with a straw and with a grinding bone and bread crumbs were not lying. "

The situation that surrounds the main character is sufficiently unpleasant. Oblomov is trying to reproach his servant of Zakhar for a slope. But the servant turns out to be their owner. He talks about dust and dirt: "... what to clean it, if she is cheer again." Zakhar also believes that "bugs and cockroaches did not invenue, they have everyone."

Oblomov has no strength and desire to make her servant bring order in the room. It's impossible to do anything in my native village. But Ilya Ilyich gladly builds plans, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of reorganization in the village. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is not possible to implement them in principle. And of course, it will never be able to carry them out. Dreamability at Oblomov acquires some kind of monstrous scope. He lives by these dreams, refusing to the real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to watch Ilya Ilyich, when he dreams: "The thought walked with a free bird in the face, she flopped in his eyes, sat down at the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face there was a smooth light carelessness. . ".

Oblomov is not thinking about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He does not bother with tomorrow, he does not think about any problems and troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movements, new impressions, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people, he has enough full privacy from people and worries.

It must be said that the inner world of Oblomov is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with some people, for example, with a different gallery, Olga Ilinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the completeness of life. And in the depths of the soul, the bugs understand it. He is trying to create imaginary harmony between his inner world and the world external. But it's not so easy to do this. After all, real life comes in contradiction with the world of dreams and dreams. Let the bugs are completely satisfied with its existence. But at the same time he is unhappy, because he replaced the real life with a half face. It is not by chance that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich, bright experiences, feelings and emotions are not familiar to him. The inertness of Oblomov and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know a different life, he is alien to activities, aspirations and activity. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives his illusions. And the only thing that sees in front of me is an unlocked room. The world narrowed for Oblomov to the sizes of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich refuses love, career, family happiness in order to calmly lie on the sofa. In fact, the narrowness of thinking Oblomov becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the benefits of real life. Oblomov's degradation has become quite justified. He does not pay attention to even his own appearance. What for? He is so good. No matter what happened and what will happen. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept so much time and on which the protagonist prefers to remain.

In the life of Oblomov, there is no point. After all, it is impossible to call meaning inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy. Life becomes painful, because a person does not tend to lead a plant existence. The novel "Oblomov" makes readers think about the fact that a person is able to become his enemy himself if decides to replace real life on

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov was born in Simbirsk on June 18, 1812 in a merchant family. His father, Alexander Ivanovich (), a tricky merchant, a bumps and owner of a candle plant, died when Goncharov was 7 years old. After the death of the Father, the mother, Avdota Matveyevna, and his godfather, retired sailor, was engaged in the death of his son, and his godfather, a retired sailor, a representative of the old nobles. Favorite occupation I.A. Goncharova in childhood was reading. Already at that time he met works by M.V. Lomonosova, D.I. Fonvizina, V.I. Zhukovsky, J. Rasin and Zh.-zh. Rousseau. True, he liked the books about travel books and the historical writings Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov was born in Simbirsk on June 18, 1812 in a merchant family. His father, Alexander Ivanovich (), a tricky merchant, a bumps and owner of a candle plant, died when Goncharov was 7 years old. After the death of the Father, the mother, Avdota Matveyevna, and his godfather, retired sailor, was engaged in the death of his son, and his godfather, a retired sailor, a representative of the old nobles. Favorite occupation I.A. Goncharova in childhood was reading. Already at that time he met works by M.V. Lomonosova, D.I. Fonvizina, V.I. Zhukovsky, J. Rasin and Zh.-zh. Rousseau. True, he liked the books about travel books and historical writings.

1. Mother of the writer Avdota Matveyevna Goncharov () Portrait of the work of an unknown artist, the beginning of the 19th century. 2. The house in which I.A. was born Goncharov (before perestroika), photo of Stepanova, 1890

Study and service primary education I.A. Goncharov got at home. In 1822, he entered the Moscow Commercial School, but in 1830, without finishing it, left. From 1831 to 1834 I.A. Goncharov studied at the verbal faculty of Moscow University. By this time, his first literary experiments belong. After graduating from University I.A. Goncharov lived in Simbirsk for some time and served in the office of the governor. In 1835, he moved to Petersburg and settled in the Ministry of Finance for the post of translator. Primary education I.A. Goncharov got at home. In 1822, he entered the Moscow Commercial School, but in 1830, without finishing it, left. From 1831 to 1834 I.A. Goncharov studied at the verbal faculty of Moscow University. By this time, his first literary experiments belong. After graduating from University I.A. Goncharov lived in Simbirsk for some time and served in the office of the governor. In 1835, he moved to Petersburg and settled in the Ministry of Finance for the post of translator.

From 1856 to 1867, - with a slight break, - I.A. Goncharov worked in the censorship committee: at first he was a censor, then became a member of the advice on typography and a member of the Main Directorate for Print Affairs. From 1856 to 1867, - with a slight break, - I.A. Goncharov worked in the censorship committee: at first he was a censor, then became a member of the advice on typography and a member of the Main Directorate for Print Affairs.

In St. Petersburg I.A. Goncharov came close to the literary and artistic circle of the painter N. A. Maikova. He taught Russian literature and the Latin language to his sons - the future criticism of Valerian and Poet Apollo Mikikov. In 1838 and 1839, the romantic poems of Goncharov appeared in the handwritten almanacham, the romantic poems of Goncharov and his first story - "Lyhai and" happy mistake ". In the same Mikovsky circle of Goncharov, two more essays are written - home, comic content: () and Pinginnerka (1842). None of these works by the writer was not published. In 1842, he wrote an essay "Ivan Savich Pzharabrin", printed only six years later. In St. Petersburg I.A. Goncharov came close to the literary and artistic circle of the painter N. A. Maikova. He taught Russian literature and the Latin language to his sons - the future criticism of Valerian and Poet Apollo Mikikov. In 1838 and 1839, the romantic poems of Goncharov appeared in the handwritten almanacham, the romantic poems of Goncharov and his first story - "Lyhai and" happy mistake ". In the same Mikovsky circle of Goncharov, two more essays are written - home, comic content: () and Pinginnerka (1842). None of these works by the writer was not published. In 1842, he wrote an essay "Ivan Savich Pzharabrin", printed only six years later.

Journey in the fall of 1852 I.A. Goncharov goes on a trip to the Russian warship "Pallada" as secretary of the head of the Admiral E. Expedition Putyatina. For two and a half years, he visits England, South Africa, China, Japan. In February 1855 I.A. Goncharov returns to St. Petersburg through Siberia and Zavalzhye. In the fall of 1852, I.A. Goncharov goes on a trip to the Russian warship "Pallada" as secretary of the head of the Admiral E. Expedition Putyatina. For two and a half years, he visits England, South Africa, China, Japan. In February 1855 I.A. Goncharov returns to St. Petersburg through Siberia and Zavalzhye.

Upon returning from the trip, Goncharov entered the service to the St. Petersburg Cancer Committee and again turned to the unfinished novel. "In 1857, the writer tells, I went abroad to Marienbad and wrote almost all three past volumes" Oblomov "for 7 weeks. Roman was printed in the first four books of the Journal of Domestic Notes for 1859 (domestic Notes; Deputy Ed. St. Petersburg., 1859) And had a great success. Upon returning from the Travel, Goncharov entered the service to the St. Petersburg Cancer Committee and again turned to the unfinished novel. "In 1857, the writer tells, I went abroad And there I wrote almost all three last volumes "Oblomov" for 7 weeks. Roman was printed in the first four books of the Journal "Domestic Notes" for 1859 (domestic notes; Deputy Ed. St. Petersburg., 1859) and had a great success.

The last years of life in the e years I.A. Goncharov came as a talented critic. In the articles "Millon Torzani", "Notes on the Personality of Belinsky", "Literary Evening" and others. They reflected his reflection on the relationship between the author and the public, the reader's perception of books. The writer died on September 15, 1891 in St. Petersburg.

In 1849, the head of Oblomov's sleep was appeared in the literary collection (with a subtitle episode from an unfinished novel). This episode, according to Dostoevsky's testimony, read all Russia with admiration. But then the work on the novel went slowly, with big interruptions. "The thing is produced in the head slowly and hard," wrote Goncharov Kravsky. The first part of the "Oblomov" was currently completed by 1850. In 1849, the head of Oblomov's sleep was appeared in the literary collection (with a subtitle episode from an unfinished novel). This episode, according to Dostoevsky's testimony, read all Russia with admiration. But then the work on the novel went slowly, with big interruptions. "The thing is produced in the head slowly and hard," wrote Goncharov Kravsky. The first part of the "Oblomov" was currently completed by 1850.

Roman "Oblomov" Goncharov recalled: "Success exceeded my expectations. And Turgenev once noticed to me briefly: so far there will be at least one Russian until the Oblom will be remembered. " One of the contemporaries, critic A. M. Skabichevsky, testifies: "It was necessary to live at the time to understand what kind of sensation was excited this novel in the public and what a stunning impression he made on the whole society. He as a bomb fell into an intelligent medium just During the most powerful public arousal, three years before the liberation of the peasants, when a crusade was preached in all literature against sleep, inertia and stagnation "Goncharov recalled:" Success exceeded my expectations. And Turgenev once noticed to me briefly: so far there will be at least one Russian until the Oblom will be remembered. " One of the contemporaries, critic A. M. Skabichevsky, testifies: "It was necessary to live at the time to understand what kind of sensation was excited this novel in the public and what a stunning impression he made on the whole society. He as a bomb fell into an intelligent medium just During the most powerful social excitement, three years before the liberation of the peasants, when the crusade against sleep, inertia and stagnation were preached in the entire literature.

Oblons and "Oblomovshchyna" name of the novel "Oblomov" serves the name of the main character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, says that the image of Oblomov is central in the book. Goncharov puts the task to give a volumetric, expressive portrait of the chief hero, show it in various situations, in comparison with other characters, in the relationship of friendship and love. The name of the novel "Oblomov" is the name of the main character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, says that the image of Oblomov is central in the book. Goncharov puts the task to give a volumetric, expressive portrait of the chief hero, show it in various situations, in comparison with other characters, in the relationship of friendship and love.

Defining the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, Goncharov wrote: "I tried to show in" Oblomov ", as what about us, our people turn to ... Kissel," show "The embodiment of sleep, stagnation, still, dead life Interim the day in one day in one Face and in its setting. " Defining the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, Goncharov wrote: "I tried to show in" Oblomov ", as what about us, our people turn to ... Kissel," show "The embodiment of sleep, stagnation, still, dead life Interim the day in one day in one Face and in its setting. "

In the first part of the novel, we see the main character, immersed in sleep and apathy, for which lying on the sofa of his "normal state", and until the very end of the first part, the hero continues to lie on the sofa. Symbol of Len, Sleep, contemplation becomes Oblomov's bathtub, "Real Eastern Robe, without the slightest hint of Europe" (Compare with the European costume of the gallery) "How a home-made Obloma costume to the late feathers of his face and to a rampant body!" In the first part of the novel, we see the main character, immersed in sleep and apathy, for which lying on the sofa of his "normal state", and until the very end of the first part, the hero continues to lie on the sofa. Symbol of Len, Sleep, contemplation becomes Oblomov's bathtub, "Real Eastern Robe, without the slightest hint of Europe" (Compare with the European costume of the gallery) "How a home-made Obloma costume to the late feathers of his face and to a rampant body!"

Oblomov also talks a lot about her owner: This is a kind of "sleepy kingdom", everything is here in the launch, in dust: "If it is not this plate, but not leaning to bed just a repurchased tube, or not the owner lying on it We would think it would be possible to think that no one lives here, so everything was dreamed, it was polished and there was generally devoid of living traces of human presence. " One by one, visitors come to the breakdown and try to "pull out" somewhere: for a walk, visitors ... Goncharov takes five characters, each of which is opposed to a breakdown room Oblomov also talks about her owner: this is a kind of "sleepy kingdom", Everything is here in the launch, in dust: "If it is not this plate, but not leaning to bed just a repurchased tube, or the owner itself, lying on it, it would be possible to think that no one lives here, so everything was dreamed, Polished and generally devoid of living traces of human presence. " One by one, visitors come to the breakdown and try to "pull out" somewhere: for a walk, to visit ... Goncharov displays five characters, each of which is opposed to the breakdown

Although all the characters of the novel call for Oblomov to any activity, their life seems to be a hero of boring, empty and fussy. And indeed, what is filled with the life of these characters? What can they offer instead of the calm, contemplative life of Oblomov? Here the wolves talk about their "activity": "Thank God, I have such a service that it is not necessary to be in office. Only twice a week I will sit yes, I doubted the general, and then you will go with the visits, where I have not been; Well, there ... a new actress, then in Russian, then in the French theater. Here is the Opera, I'm cautioned ... ". Listening to his visitors, Oblomov only rejoices that "he does not have such empty desires and thoughts," that he is not "stuck along the ears," arranging his career as the Sudrinsky, that he is not forced as the writer Penkin "spend the thought, his soul On the little things, to change the beliefs, to trade with the mind and imagination, "but may lie," retaining their human dignity and their own peace. " Although all the characters of the novel call for Oblomov to any activity, their life seems to be a hero of boring, empty and fussy. And indeed, what is filled with the life of these characters? What can they offer instead of the calm, contemplative life of Oblomov? Here the wolves talk about their "activity": "Thank God, I have such a service that it is not necessary to be in office. Only twice a week I will sit yes, I doubted the general, and then you will go with the visits, where I have not been; Well, there ... a new actress, then in Russian, then in the French theater. Here is the Opera, I'm cautioned ... ". Listening to his visitors, Oblomov only rejoices that "he does not have such empty desires and thoughts," that he is not "stuck along the ears," arranging his career as the Sudrinsky, that he is not forced as the writer Penkin "spend the thought, his soul On the little things, to change the beliefs, to trade with the mind and imagination, "but may lie," retaining their human dignity and their own peace. "

Sleep Oblomov: Chapter "Sleep Oblomov" shows the origins of the character of the hero. As a child, Ilyusha Oblomov was a living and inquisitive child. However, the way of life in the estate of broken (in the first place is the food and sleep), as well as the Barskaya education (the boy did not give anything to himself), - forced his "looking for power" to turn inside and lower the head of "Sleep Oblom" shows the origins of the character of the hero. As a child, Ilyusha Oblomov was a living and inquisitive child. However, the way of life in the estate of broken (in the first place is the food and sleep), as well as the Barskaya education (the boy did not give anything to himself), - forced him "looking for the manifestations of power" to turn inside and turn

Olga Olga Olga (Testing Love) Olga First, it seems to be removed from the usual sleep, "wakes up the cheerfulness," the fever of life, strength, activity appears in it. For a while, Oblomov simply not to know: "He gets up at seven hours, reads, wears the books. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. Even paints appeared on it, in the eyes of the shine, something like courage or at least self-confidence. " Olga first, it seems to be removed from the usual sleep, "wakes up cheerfulness," a fever of life, strength, activity appears in it. For a while, Oblomov simply not to know: "He gets up at seven hours, reads, wears the books. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. Even paints appeared on it, in the eyes of the shine, something like courage or at least self-confidence. "

In the last, decisive explanation with Olga (part III, chapter XI), Olga's replica - "Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... die! What disguised you? " - And answers: "Oblastovshchina!" And when the bugs after goodbye with Olga comes home, Zakhar, as it happened, earlier, gives him a bathrobe. In the last, decisive explanation with Olga (part III, chapter XI), Olga's replica - "Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... die! What disguised you? " - And answers: "Oblastovshchina!" And when the bugs after goodbye with Olga comes home, Zakhar, as it happened, earlier, gives him a bathrobe.

By the end of the life of the breakdowns finally calmed down, throwing away all the aspirations and impulses, conquering by its nature, and, when once again, Stolz is trying to pull him out of the "dirty life" and the "suffocating atmosphere of stupidity, rudeness," the bugs asked for a forever forget face, with the full consciousness of reason and will. " "Deadly and decisively" reports that Agafia Matveyevna is his wife, and Andrei His Son. By the end of the life of the breakdowns finally calmed down, throwing away all the aspirations and impulses, conquering by its nature, and, when once again, Stolz is trying to pull him out of the "dirty life" and the "suffocating atmosphere of stupidity, rudeness," the bugs asked for a forever forget face, with the full consciousness of reason and will. " "Deadly and decisively" reports that Agafia Matveyevna is his wife, and Andrei His Son.

Check yourself as you think, why, having learned that the brooms are married to Agafier Matveyevna, Stolz retreats from him, feeling that "Cleared the abyss", "the stone wall was erected"? How do you think, having learned that the bugs are married to Agafier Matveyevna, Stolz retreats from him, feeling that "Cleared the abyss", "the stone wall was erected? Because the bums married a simple, uneducated woman, concluded an unequal marriage with a commoner because the brooms married a simple, uneducated woman, concluded an unequal marriage with commoner because the gallery understands: now Oblomov is already not changed and not to shift It is forever connected and will never get out of the swamp, on the square, where there is a healthy, normal life, "because galley understands: Now Oblomov is already not changed and not to move from the place, it is forever connected and will never get out" from swamps, on the square, where there is a healthy, normal life "

Causes of degradation: It is impossible to say that the obcomments are pleased with their "semi-bodily" existence. He wants to rise and start a new life, but the dream remains a dream, despite the efforts of a close friend and a beloved woman. The reasons for the degradation of Oblomov are concluded not only in its character, but also in the Russian society of that time. Representatives of this society, - the Sudybinsky, Volkov, Penkin, create an atmosphere of "false" activities in the novel, which is directed solely on the satisfaction of the vain and mercenary thoughts. In such conditions, an educated, intelligent young man is difficult to express himself, without refusing to his ideals, - therefore, the bugs choose frank inaction and "sleep". It is impossible to say that the obcomments are pleased with their "semi-bodily" existence. He wants to rise and start a new life, but the dream remains a dream, despite the efforts of a close friend and a beloved woman. The reasons for the degradation of Oblomov are concluded not only in its character, but also in the Russian society of that time. Representatives of this society, - the Sudybinsky, Volkov, Penkin, create an atmosphere of "false" activities in the novel, which is directed solely on the satisfaction of the vain and mercenary thoughts. In such conditions, an educated, intelligent young man is difficult to express himself, without refusing to his ideals, - therefore, the bugs choose frank inaction and "sleep".

The death of Oblomov somehow says gallery: somehow the broom says gallery: "I would love and fell asleep ... forever ...". And "Lit and fell asleep ... forever ...". And death comes to him quietly and death comes to him quietly and peacefully, he "rests on the apparent of death, peacefully, he" rests on the apparel of death, like on the bed of sleep. " As on the bed of sleep. " D. S. Merezhkovsky in the article "Eternal satellites. Goncharov "(1890 g) wrote:" The degree of optimism of the writer is best determined by his attitude to death ... Oblomov died instantly, from the apoplexic strike; No one has seen him, he quietly crossed into another world ... A calm look at the death, which he was in antiquity, with ordinary and healthy people. Death only in the evening of life, when the light shadows of the Elisium flies into the eyes and smear them for eternal sleep ... "D. S. Merezhkovsky in the article" Eternal satellites. Goncharov "(1890 g) wrote:" The degree of optimism of the writer is best determined by his attitude to death ... Oblomov died instantly, from the apoplexic strike; No one has seen him, he quietly crossed into another world ... A calm look at the death, which he was in antiquity, with ordinary and healthy people. Death only in the evening of life, when the light shadows of the Elisium flies into the eyes and smear them for eternal sleep ... "

The end of the broomstick of brooms is dying, and the crushing "has tested his age." The patriarchal structure of traditional Russian life collapses, a new era comes to shift, carrying many changes, life in which there is no place to be broken down. And Stolz decides not to inform the broom on what is happening in the crushing: "There is nothing to say that your crushing is not in the wilderness more, that it has reached it that the rays of the sun fell on her! I will not tell you that after four it will be the station of the road that your men will go to work a mound, and then your bread goes to the pier on the cast-iron ... And there ... schools, grades, and then ... ". But the son of Oblomov, Andrei, is already growing in other conditions, he is raised by the gallery, which promises: "He will lead to Andrei, where you could not go ... And we will conduct our youthful dreams with it." Oblomov dies, and the Oblomovka "has talked his own age." The patriarchal structure of traditional Russian life collapses, a new era comes to shift, carrying many changes, life in which there is no place to be broken down. And Stolz decides not to inform the broom on what is happening in the crushing: "There is nothing to say that your crushing is not in the wilderness more, that it has reached it that the rays of the sun fell on her! I will not tell you that after four it will be the station of the road that your men will go to work a mound, and then your bread goes to the pier on the cast-iron ... And there ... schools, grades, and then ... ". But the son of Oblomov, Andrei, is already growing in other conditions, he is raised by the gallery, which promises: "He will lead to Andrei, where you could not go ... And we will conduct our youthful dreams with it."

L.N. Tolstoy wrote in 1859 by A. in Druzhinina: Oblomov The overweight thing, what long ago, there was no long time ago. Tell the Goncharov that I am delighted with Oblomov and reread it again. But more that it will be more pleasant for him that the obcomments have a success not accidental, not with a crackling, but healthy, capital and nevertheless in this public. L.N. Tolstoy wrote in 1859 by A. in Druzhinina: Oblomov The overweight thing, what long ago, there was no long time ago. Tell the Goncharov that I am delighted with Oblomov and reread it again. But more that it will be more pleasant for him that the obcomments have a success not accidental, not with a crackling, but healthy, capital and nevertheless in this public.

Many contemporaries I.A. Goncharova, I willingly identified it with 0 Blomov, especially since A. F. Koni writes in the "memories of writers", "his cargo figure, slow gait and calm, slightly apathetic gaze of beautiful gray eyes gave to it some occasion". The reason for this assumption was partly given by Goncharov himself. M.M.Stasyulevich in his article "Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov" (1891) wrote: "It is usually said that in his own nature there were a lot of ripplers, that therefore he managed the bugs, but it could only seem to those who did not know him Daily life or was fond of the fact that really Goncharov willingly supported in other ideas about his personal similarity with his own brainchild. " So, for example, in a letter to Yu. D. Efremova (20 August Simbirsk) I.A. Goncharov wrote: "Here I finally comprehend the poetry of Lena, and this is the only poetry that I will be faithful to the coffin, if only poverty will make me take for scrap and shovel." Many contemporaries I.A. Goncharova, I willingly identified it with 0 Blomov, especially since A. F. Koni writes in the "memories of writers", "his cargo figure, slow gait and calm, slightly apathetic gaze of beautiful gray eyes gave to it some occasion". The reason for this assumption was partly given by Goncharov himself. M.M.Stasyulevich in his article "Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov" (1891) wrote: "It is usually said that in his own nature there were a lot of ripplers, that therefore he managed the bugs, but it could only seem to those who did not know him Daily life or was fond of the fact that really Goncharov willingly supported in other ideas about his personal similarity with his own brainchild. " So, for example, in a letter to Yu. D. Efremova (20 August Simbirsk) I.A. Goncharov wrote: "Here I finally comprehend the poetry of Lena, and this is the only poetry that I will be faithful to the coffin, if only poverty will make me take for scrap and shovel."

In the "Fregate Pallada", Goncharov exclaims: "It can be seen, I am written in the family to be the most lazy and infect the lazy thing all that comes in contact with me." Recall the epilogue "Oblomov": "Two Mr. was walking on wooden sidewalks. One of them was gallery, another his friend, the writer, full, with an apathetic face, thoughtful, as if sleepy eyes." And it turns out that the writer, talking with the gallery, there is no one else, as the author of the novel. But people who knew I.A. Goncharova, never supported this myth. So, M.M. Stasyulevich wrote: "He was a very active and hardworking person, only less similar to Oblomov," the same asserts A.F. Horses: "The main properties of the Oblomov of thoughtful laziness and lazy idleness in Ivan Alexandrovich did not have a trace. The whole mature period of his life he was a big worker. " In the "Fregate Pallada", Goncharov exclaims: "It can be seen, I am written in the family to be the most lazy and infect the lazy thing all that comes in contact with me." Recall the epilogue "Oblomov": "Two Mr. was walking on wooden sidewalks. One of them was gallery, another his friend, the writer, full, with an apathetic face, thoughtful, as if sleepy eyes." And it turns out that the writer, talking with the gallery, there is no one else, as the author of the novel. But people who knew I.A. Goncharova, never supported this myth. So, M.M. Stasyulevich wrote: "He was a very active and hardworking person, only less similar to Oblomov," the same asserts A.F. Horses: "The main properties of the Oblomov of thoughtful laziness and lazy idleness in Ivan Alexandrovich did not have a trace. The whole mature period of his life he was a big worker. "

Criticism about the novel and his hero The image of Oblomov in the novel caused turbulent disputes, critics - contemporaries I.A. Goncharov put forward many different interpretations and estimates of this image. Consider the most famous articles: in the article N.A. Dobrolyubova "What is a breakdown" (1859) Roman is estimated as "a sign of time", and the bugs are called "indigenous", "the people's people" type, "symbolizing laziness, inaction and stagnation of the whole system of relations", symbol of cosup of serfs of Russia. Dobrolyubov rigorously responds about the broom, not wanting to see anything positive and worthy in it: "The vile habit of getting the satisfaction of their desires is not from their own efforts, but from others, developed in it apathetic immobility and revealed it into a pitiful state of moral slavery." According to Criticism, "Oblomovshchina" is the "creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances," and it necessarily puts on a person "an indelible seal of idleness, label and perfect unnecessaryness in the world." The image of Oblomov in the novel caused turbulent disputes, critics - contemporaries I.A. Goncharov put forward many different interpretations and estimates of this image. Consider the most famous articles: in the article N.A. Dobrolyubova "What is a breakdown" (1859) Roman is estimated as "a sign of time", and the bugs are called "indigenous", "the people's people" type, "symbolizing laziness, inaction and stagnation of the whole system of relations", symbol of cosup of serfs of Russia. Dobrolyubov rigorously responds about the broom, not wanting to see anything positive and worthy in it: "The vile habit of getting the satisfaction of their desires is not from their own efforts, but from others, developed in it apathetic immobility and revealed it into a pitiful state of moral slavery." According to Criticism, "Oblomovshchina" is the "creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances," and it necessarily puts on a person "an indelible seal of idleness, label and perfect unnecessaryness in the world."

Criticism about the novel and his hero A.V. Druzhinine in the article "Oblomov. Roman I.A. Goncharova "(1859) gives a completely different assessment of Oblomov, arguing that" Oblomov is kind to all of us and stands in infinite love ... His Creator himself is infertifically loyal ... ". Druzhinin sees in Oblomov first of all the "delicate, loving nature", with "clean, childish affectionate Russian soul": "Child in nature and under the conditions of its development, Ilya Ilyich, largely left the purity and simplicity of the child, the quality of precious in adult man , the qualities that by themselves, in the midst of the greatest practical confusion, often open to us the truth and at times they put an inexperienced, dreamy eccentric and above the prejudice of their century, and above the whole crowd of Deltsov, His others. A.V. Druzhinine in the article "Oblomov. Roman I.A. Goncharova "(1859) gives a completely different assessment of Oblomov, arguing that" Oblomov is kind to all of us and stands in infinite love ... His Creator himself is infertifically loyal ... ". Druzhinin sees in Oblomov first of all the "delicate, loving nature", with "clean, childish affectionate Russian soul": "Child in nature and under the conditions of its development, Ilya Ilyich, largely left the purity and simplicity of the child, the quality of precious in adult man , the qualities that by themselves, in the midst of the greatest practical confusion, often open to us the truth and at times they put an inexperienced, dreamy eccentric and above the prejudice of their century, and above the whole crowd of Deltsov, His others.

Criticism about the novel and his hero D. I. Pisarev, author of the article "Roman I. A. Goncharov Oblomov" (1859), believes that obcomments personifies "mental apathy", which is "one of the essential vices of our Russian life" , the disease that "rolls all the best, human, reasonable movements and feelings." About his attitude to Oblomov Pisarev writes: "It is impossible to sympathize with such personalities, because they are also self and society; It is impossible to despise them certainly too: there are too many true-human, and they themselves suffer too much from the imperfections of their nature. In such personalities, in our opinion, to look like on miserable, but inevitable phenomena of the transitional era; They stand at the turn of two lives: Starus and European, and can not step decisively from one to another. " D. I. Pisarev, author of the article "Roman I. Goncharov Oblomov" (1859), believes that obcomments personifies "mental apathy", which is "one of the essential vices of our Russian life", the disease that "rolls All the best, human, reasonable movements and feelings. " About his attitude to Oblomov Pisarev writes: "It is impossible to sympathize with such personalities, because they are also self and society; It is impossible to despise them certainly too: there are too many true-human, and they themselves suffer too much from the imperfections of their nature. In such personalities, in our opinion, to look like on miserable, but inevitable phenomena of the transitional era; They stand at the turn of two lives: Starus and European, and can not step decisively from one to another. "

Criticism about the novel and his hero I.F. Annensky in the article "Goncharov and his Oblomov" (1892) refuses to determine the Oblomov as a "positive" or "negative" type, and writes: "I read Obloma many times, and the more I thought it was pretty much more prefigured me. The author, in my opinion, portrayed a person to him cute, and this is the foundation of the impression. Then, the more you read in Oblomov, the less annoying and indignant in it love for the sofa and to the bathhouse. " Annena notes that Oblomov loves: "He knows how to inspire love, even adee in Agafier Matveyevna. Remember the end of the novel and the memory of him Zakhar. He, this weak, capricious, inept and raised person, requiring care, he could give happiness to people, because he himself had a heart. " I.F. Annensky in the article "Goncharov and his Oblomov" (1892) refuses to determine the Oblomov as a "positive" or "negative" type, and writes: "I read Obloma many times, and the more I thought it was pretty much more prefigured me. The author, in my opinion, portrayed a person to him cute, and this is the foundation of the impression. Then, the more you read in Oblomov, the less annoying and indignant in it love for the sofa and to the bathhouse. " Annena notes that Oblomov loves: "He knows how to inspire love, even adee in Agafier Matveyevna. Remember the end of the novel and the memory of him Zakhar. He, this weak, capricious, inept and raised person, requiring care, he could give happiness to people, because he himself had a heart. "

Check yourself Read these lines: Read these rows: Walking, reading, Dream Deep, Forest shadow, murmur jets, Sometimes Black and Fresh Fresh Fresh, Jedis, Pretty horse Rule, Lunch is pretty whimsical, a bottle of light wine, solitude, silence ... Walking, Choys, Dream Deep, Forest shadow, jet journery, Sometimes Black and Fresh Fresh Bean and Fresh Fresh, Jondo Stretch Stroller, Lunch is quite whimsical, a bottle of light wine, solitude, silence ... It's not true, life described here, reminds of the one Bakes? What kind of characters of Russian literature of the XIX century are we talking in the above lines? Is it not true, life described here, reminds the one about which dreamed of bugs? What kind of characters of Russian literature of the XIX century are we talking in the above lines?

Roman Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov" is very instructive.

The lifestyle of Oblomov is a solid routine, and the protagonist does not even try to escape from it on their own. With the help of this character, the author will prove that laziness and indifference ruin the fate of people.

The first meeting

Ivan Goncharov introduces the reader with Ilya Illichi Oblomov from the first pages of the novel. A man lies in his own bed with a detached look. He is trying to force himself to rise, but attempts end to no avail. Promises to get up one hundred and lead to the fact that the day smoothly passes by the evening, and leave the bed is already optional.

Life in a horizontal position

Ilya thinks about the obstigious misfortunes. So a man calls the troubles associated with the activities in the estate, which was delivered from the parents, and the search for a new apartment.

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Orders old Lake Zaharu he gives in bed. Guests, often visited him, Barin takes lying, in the old rodbat.

The former colleagues of Oblomov come. And he does not seem to seem at all from the best side, meeting them vigorous and in beautiful health. Young, beautiful men, he always complains of health.

Disorder in the apartment and in the shower

Rarely coming out of the house. Invitations of acquaintances to visit secular rounds he rejects. Justifies the refusal to poor well-being, barley, drafts and dampness, which is contraindicated.

"When stayed at home - almost always lying, and everything in the same room."

His best friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz compares Oblomov with animals constantly staying in a dark lair.

"Did you pretend to such everyday that you should sleep like a mole in the hole?".

Zakhar reports Andrei, which has long been exposed to the owner's shoes, and the boots are intact.

He wakes up late. Eats and drink tea in bed. Socks helps to wear a lackey. Homemade shoes are standing near the bed to lower the legs easily get into them. Bakes are very lazy. Never pick up. In his room there are mountains of dirty dishes, which a man is difficult to attribute to the kitchen. Since childhood in his family, it was started to sleep during the day. Ilya and now adheres to such a routine.

"After lunch, nothing could break the sleep Oblomov. He usually went down on the sofa on his back. "

Positive changes

After acquaintance with Olga Ilinskaya obgal, changes for the better. It is painted with new feelings. Love gives him strength, inspires.

"He read several books, wrote letters to the village, replaced the elder in his own estate. I did not dinner, and for two weeks it does not know what it means to lie in the afternoon. Gets in seven hours. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. He cheerful, sings. "

Such a state lasted not long. Ilya again begins to capture the past life. He understands that he will not be able to give Olga confidence and strength that the girl is waiting for him.

Life with a widen wheat

Soon he marries the widow Agafier Matveyevna Wentycina, who removes the room in the house at Vyborg Street. A similar type of woman suits him much more than Ilinskaya. Agafya is ready to fulfill all his whims, without requiring anything in return.

"Oblomov, noticing the participation of the hostess in his affairs, proposed, in the form of a joke, take care of his food on himself and save him from the hassle."

Ilya Ilyich dies at the age of forty years. He often compared himself with old cafetan, already unsuitable for good. His sedentary lifestyle led to the fact that his health was so early. A person was given a chance to change his own destiny, but Lena was stronger.

We all sooner or later think about the meaning of life. Despite the depths of this philosophical issue, almost every person gives himself a simple answer, guided by its values. The meaning of human life reflects what is really important for him.

The main hero of Roman Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" first with difficulty causes a sympathy from the reader. He is lackless, deprived of the aspirations ... Special shocks and problems he did not meet in his century, which is guilt of his too caring parents and boric origin. Ilya Ilyich's life flows calmly, and he is too used to it to change anything. With all the inactivity of the bug, it is not empty: he has a lively soul and a rich imagination than he seriously interested Olga Ilinskaya.

What is the meaning of the life of such a person? Oblomov dreams of finding peace, it does not need a vacuum energy of everyday life. His ideal is a calm and measured family life, surrounded by his beloved wife and children. Love is his highest value. That is why love for Olga raised the hero from the sofa. He saw in her what he dreamed about, what was the meaning of his life.

But he found peace, he was not with Olga, but Agafey Pshetitsky. It was Agafya that was able to surround Ilya maternal love and care, as in childhood. Oblomov was able to return to his natural inactive state and to devote himself to his wife and children.

Not everyone is understandable and acceptable ideals Ilya Ilyich. For someone, he will seem lazy and a dicky man. Yes, Oblomov lived a short and invisible life for the world, but he was happy, having lived his last days in a circle of relatives and loved ones. He died, sincerely mourned his beloved wife ...

The lifestyle of Andrei Ivanovich gallets redescocracks with his friend's lifestyle. Andrei does not present his days without constant work. At the same time, throughout the novel, Goncharov does not write about what this hero does it. The meaning of his life is the activity, the implementation of yourself. Like a broom, this ideal was told by the gallery in childhood his parents. Father taught him on his own to seek something to do something.

Despite the huge difference in the worldview, both hero sincerely respect and appreciate each other. And they come correctly, because all people are different and have different ideals, but they are interesting and unique.

What is the sense of life? This is a question that is difficult to find the answer.

Sooner or later, in the life of every person the moment comes when he asks himself, is there a meaning in life. Despite the globality of this rhetorical question, almost every inhabitant of the planet gives himself a simple answer: the meaning of life is that you live. The meaning of life is that life is important.

Roman "Oblomov" wrote Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. The main character of this work has little to be sympathy. He, a person burning life, has no goal. Problems and experiences were rarely met on his life path, which is marina excessive parental careek and noble origin. Ilya life flows measured. Many readers could say that it is empty, but in fact he had a rich inner world. The world of fantasies, beliefs and plans. Earth plans.

Oblomov is eager to find peace and equilibrium. He likes his quiet, imperceptible life. It does not particularly care what is happening around. His goal is calm and dimension. For him, a family was important. Family values \u200b\u200band life, surrounded by loving wife and healthy children. Love for him is the meaning of life. That is why the attraction to Olga makes him wake up. He saw her perfect woman in her.

But "his woman" was not Olga, but Agafia. Only with her he was able to gain peace of mind and felt really happy. Family life, loving wife, children ... In this, he saw the meaning of his life. Banally, tell me. Perhaps, the majority of people on the planet Earth live just such dreams.

Not everyone impress the ideals of Oblomov. Inaction is his main drawback. In his life, almost nothing happens, she stands still, but Oblomov does not oppress it, but moreover, it suits. It did not have fire and thirst for life. It did not have that passion, which is present in people who lead an active lifestyle. The life of Oblomov was short. She was imperceptible and boring, but he was happy in his Mirka, having lived the last days in the circle of people who love him.

When he died, closely mourned his death, grieving about him. Then many years have remembered.

But the lifestyle of the Andei Stolz is the absolute opposite of the Oblomov. Active. Purposeful. Life burst in it. Stolz was a workaholic. He treated her work very much. The meaning of his life was movement. Progress. Goncharov in their work does not clarify the genus of the gallery, but this is not so important. The very fact of his employment already characterizes this hero. This hero is engaged in self-realization and certainly causes sympathy.

Their worldview was different, but both hero sincerely appreciate each other and respect. Their union can be called a real friendship. The uniqueness of their friendship is that, despite the fact that neither different, their friendship was strong and indispensable.

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