Strange Roman Dubrovsky. Dubrovsky: the history of creating the author of the work Roman Dubrovsky

the main / Cheating wife

Among the unfinished works of the luminaries of the Russian poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Extraordinal for modern Russian prose became the novel "Dubrovsky". It is original due to the combination of problems with a dynamic storyline in society. Work on the work lasted a little more than six months, but it was published only eight years later, in 1841, in the volume of the posthumous essays of Pushkin. There are rumors that, according to the author, the end could have been different, but there are already many generations of readers who are fond of this book, they cannot imagine other developments.

Perception of novel

Roman "Dubrovsky", the author of which is genious in the presentation of all residents of the country, is perceived as quite finished, although it has not received final artistic processing; Some plot episodes remained incredited, the motives of the behavior of heroes are not completely clear, and in the image of the main characters there is no domestic depth. In fact, they are very static, and the reader is forced to independently specify their human traits. Only a detailed study of Chernivikov made it possible to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Dubrovsky". The author gave food to reflement to his followers. A number of hypotheses on the causes of the incompleteness of the novel and its possible continuation were put forward.

Process of writing

Roman "Dubrovsky" Pushkin wrote enthusiastically, and then suddenly cooled to the process and then did not return to work. The possible cause of cooling is the interest in the "Pugacheva History" and the first sketches of the novel about the Pugachevschin. Among the works of Pushkin, this work was simultaneously staged on the way from the "Agenda of Belkin" to the modern socio-psychological novel and step to the historical novel "Captain's Daughter". In the novel, "Dubrovsky" Pushkin is guided by the concepts of brevity, accuracy and simplicity for its work. The main narrative principle was the alternation of compressed copyright characteristics of heroes with the image of concrete scenes with their participation.

The appearance of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel

Very restrained and concise, the work of Pushkin "Dubrovsky" characterizes the life and morals of the local nobility. The author uses accurate analytical prose, trying to be as objective as possible, but remaining a person and giving time from time to time to the actions and releasing ironic remarks.

The novel causes its freshness and originality of the Association with the creations of the Western European and Russian writers of the 18th-first third of the 19th century. Many researchers of Pushkin's creativity think that the impetus to the creation of the novel gave the drama Schiller "Robbers", the comedy of the "Yabeda" cap and many of the accusatory plays about the sales ministers of Russian justice. But in fact, the writer was inspired by the history of the Belarusian nobleman of the Ostrovsky, which Moscow friend P. V. Nastocin told him. The essence of the story is that the landowner illegally took away the estate, after which he became a robber and got into Ostrog.

This story, complemented by the facts of litigation, became the basis of the novel. Thus, the writer sought maximum reliability and even the documentary of the novel. There are evidence of such truthfulness - in the second chapter, almost unchanged the text of the document of the court decisions in the case of one of the landowners who lost its estate is given. Only the names of the heroes of litigation are replaced by fictional - Troceurov and Dubrovsky.

But the author of the book "Dubrovsky" did not limit himself to the judicial chronicle and oral stories about lawlessness, which have long become a typical household phenomenon. Many public and moral problems of the victims of the Higher Instanties were organically fit in the plot. According to Veliky V. Belinsky, the Roman Pushkin "Dubrovsky" is one of the "poetic creations" reflecting Russian society.

"Dubrovsky" - who wrote and what conflicts were based on?

Some time before the start of the work on the novel, namely in February 1832, Alexander Sergeevich was awarded a special presentation from Emperor Nikolai I. It was a meeting of the laws of the Empire in 55 volumes. Such a sign of royal location was to show the poet all the power of the law. In the novel "Dubrovsky" (who wrote him, knows everyone) no longer a romantic pathos inherent in the early creations of the poet. Here the poet demonstrates the influence of laws on the daily life of the nobles, their dependence on power and complete submission. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is that, in fact, in the novel, all laws are replaced by the law of power, wealth and knowledge.

The plot of the novel is developing very dynamically, uniting two different conflict in nature. The first conflict, the main events of which happen in the first volume, is an intraosloral, having a bright social color. It faces neighbors, former colleagues and even long-standing friends. This is a rich landowner, General-Annef in resignation Kirill Petrovich Troceurov and a small nobleman, Lieutenant in retired Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, who wrote a statement to the court about the bold replica of Troecorsky Psary, who humiliated the dignity of Dubrovsky. There was a conflict conflict of the pride of Dubrovsky and Troceryov, which converts to the property conflict with an emphasis on social inequality, which predicted the outcome of litigation. Troekurov helped sales judges and neighbors-false visited.

The second conflict of the novel - family-household. This is a typical everyday situation - marriage in captivity. Masha Troekharova is forced to marry old prince Veresky. The problem of family cureness is widely covered, the question of the right to love independently of public views and prejudices. Also affected the topic of the struggle of love passion and moral debt.

Central characters conflict

In both conflicts, the main figure is Cyril Petrovich Troekurov, who oppresses the Dubrovsky, and his own daughter. The image of the Russian Barin becomes the true embodiment of the self-government and self-government. This is a real despot, which is indifferent to someone else's opinion and other people's desires. He is not so in its fault, but as a result of the social situation. He is rude, spoiled and considerable. It is worth adding the lack of education to these features, and a man of "fervently" and "limited mind" is obtained. The arbitrariness of Trocerys is brightly demonstrated in its handling of homemade, with guests, daughter teachers. The author, however, finds a hero and several noble traits. For example, he feels remorse, experiencing because of the Dubrovsky property taken away from Dubrovsky, and even trying to reconcile and returned.

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky has a reader who sympathizes his sad fate. But the author does not idealize his hero, noting the presence in his character of hot tempering and stubbornness, as well as exposure to minute emotional drops. And envy is familiar to him, and as a manager he does not shine, because he cannot fix the state. The main line of Dubrovsky is the noble pride, which does not allow him to take the patronage of Trocery. Dubrovsky also turns out his own kind of despot and excludes the possibility of the wedding of his son and Masha Trocery, considering it by grace, unworthy nobleman. In court, the hero shows carelessness and disadvantage, relying on the justice of judges. His fate is a demonstration of superiority of lawlessness over honesty.

Vladimir Dubrovsky - righteous feeling or blood revenge?

Dubrovsky's main hero continues his father's fate. The judicial arbitrariness and Samoramic Trocerys literally pushed Vladimir from the native environment in lawlessness. The hero is perceived by a noble robber and honest avenger, as he does not seek to conquer someone else, but wants to return what belongs to him right. This is not a domestic Robin Hood, but a person who has become a case in such circumstances and cannot otherwise. The originality of Dubrovsky's fate is based on everyday circumstances. The author of the novel "Dubrovsky", who wrote art portraits of romantic villains in Evgenia Onegin, was renounced from the heroes with the "world sorrow" in the soul and created his noble robber expressing the open protest to the state that his future takes away. Philosopher S. P. Shevyrev noticed that Dubrovsky's robber is the fruit of public lawlessness, covered by law.

Who is he really?

Not in vain, Alexander Pushkin noted: Dubrovsky, thanks to frequent change of appearance and models of behavior, it becomes similar to other heroes-self-coaching - Frepeva and Pugacheva. In the novel, he appears as a guards officer who is accustomed to a carefree life, as a loving son, as avenger and Ataman Shaki Robbers. He is braveled and cool when he penetrates the house of Trocerys under the guise of a defore teacher, but sentimental and indecisive in the scenes of romantic dates.

Dubrovsky's description is distinguished by default and inexpensive. The reader between the rows can understand that the qualities characterize this personality. Until the 11th chapter, it is not said about the true essence of a calm and a bold defores teacher. Also covered with a haze The existence of Dubrovsky in the piling of the robbers. There are references that the head of the gang is famous for the mind, braveness and generosity. Rumors and the conversion of frightened landowners make a Dubrovsky-robber personality truly legendary. The second volume of the novel, despite the large number of default, gives more information about the feelings of the robber. He is smart and calculating, as well as aware of all events in the house of Trocery, especially about the appearance of Prince Virusky and his matchmaker to Masha. Under the guise of a French teacher, he enters Troekurov for content. Dubrovsky is avenger, but he cannot avenge Troocerov, as it is in love with Masha and will not raise his hand on her family.

A love passion in the hero turns to the thirst for messenger, and Dubrovsky forgives Trocerys.

The main in the second volume becomes the tragedy of the unfulfilled love of the hero, inaccessibility for him is simple family happiness to which he seeks to all the soul. Just before leaving the house of Trocery, it opens Masha and recognizes in his feelings. Masha in confusion. She does not meet mutual recognition, but gives a promise to resort to the help of Dubrovsky in case of need.

The main heroine of Roman - Masha Troekharova and her experiences

Seventeen-year-old Masha Troekov beautiful and fresh. She attracts not only Dubrovsky, but also the elderly Dandy Prince Veresky, who wovers it. Masha is too young to even think about marriage. She pulls her to Dubrovsky, who under the mask of the definer strikes the girl with his courage, and under the real name I am interested in her with his unusualness, but even the marriage with him is scared, because it deeply rooted the moral norms about possible marriage with a man of her circle, but not a teacher or robber. But marriage with the prince of Veresky leads a girl in horror. She begs the father not to destroy her, do not deprive life and listen to her. Realizing the futility of his requests, she writes a letter to the prince of Veresky, begging to abandon the wedding, but the letter has a reverse effect, and the wedding is inevitably coming. Despite his youth, Masha turns out to be a decisive girl and in a hopeless situation, she finds the strength to ask for help to the Robber Dubrovsky. She is waiting for help until the last moment, but after it is brought by an eternal fidelity oath, she understands that there is no way out, and when Dubrovsky attacks their carriage in the forest, she refuses to go with him. This shows not only honesty, but also the dedication of the girl, as well as the morality of the robber, who provided it with the right to choose and accepting her choice.

Honest robber Dubrovsky

Pushkin's story, despite his incompleteness, attracts its sincerity and sore problems. The author seems to indicate that finding outside the law does not always talk about natural toughness. But every evil attracts the inevitable retribution. The appearance in the estate of the Dubrovsky people of Trocerys becomes the cause of mass perturbation of the peasants and the manifestation of cruelty on their part. And the night fire in the painting, which was organized by Vladimir Dubrovsky, who did not know anything about the locked messengers of Troceryov, became the foresight of the folk riot.

Why doesn't the novel say?

Roman "Dubrovsky" is the story of Pushkin on the causes of mass unrest, the natural discontent of the peasants, a full-scale war, which is fully depicted in the subsequent works of the author.

Of those who explore the Roman "Dubrovsky", who wrote about the robber his gang? One can only assume that these are former painting, runaway peasants and soldiers. Only at the end of the novel it becomes obvious that the interests of the gang leader and his accomplices do not coincide. There is no partnership inside their group, there are the same boric-humiliated relationships when the servants obey their owner. The last chapter of the novel causes association with the novel "Captain's daughter", where the same songs come around, and the end of the novel brings thoughts about the continuation of this People's War. After the thought is lost for a hero about possible family happiness with Masha, he dismisses his gang and hiding abroad. For goodbye, he tells his accomplices that they are unlikely to return to honest life, but nevertheless after his departure, they are free and robbery stop. The last idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is very pessimistic, as the hero departing abroad is his personal defeat, and the defeat of the whole country in the struggle for freedom, honor and love.

"Dubrovsky" is a story or novel? How did Pushkin define it? And got the best answer

Answer from Natalia [Guru]
Dubrovsky A. S. Pushkin is a novel!
In the 30s of the 19th century, Pushkin worked a lot over critical articles in which he conducted an idea of \u200b\u200brapprochement of Russian literature with reality, with modernity. "Our century is a novel," writes in 1835 and Belinsky. Deciding the essence of the modern Roman, Pushkin wrote in 1830: "In our time, under the word" Roman ", of course, the historical era, developed in the fictional narrative." This formula Pushkin determined not only historical, but also a modern novel in general. The essential feature of the novel of his time Pushkin saw in the principle of historicism. This novel 19 in really deeply different from the ancient novel, which was just lacking an image of life in a consistently historical spirit. The other feature of the novel Pushkin found in the comprehensive image of the life and character of man.
Pushkin in Dubrovsky does not simply state the fact of the ruin of the nobleman. He comprehends this fact as a link in his concept of Russian history, he sees a testimony of the revolutionary impact in private destiny, which provides the process of fragmentation and alienation of the estates to "our old nobility". "There is no terrain of the terrible Element of the rebellion in Europe," the poet wrote two years later (XII, 335). In Dubrovsky, this idea has acquired a constructive value. The incomplete Roman Pushkin became the experience of organic merger of paintings of real reality and an extensive historical idea.
The word "story" has synonyms: story, narration, description, story, tale ... Perhaps Belinsky, saying about "Dubrovsky": "... This story ...", meant: "... Everything This is the story of Dubrovsky ... "Or" ... all this story about Dubrovsky ...: what does not mean: the story "Dubrovsky" or the story "Dubrovsky". But the word "story" after these words Belinsky to "Dubrovsky" It was attached, therefore, "Dubrovsky" name called the story. Also, the Soviet Pushkinists called the story. In my library there are 4th Tom of the PSS A.S. Pushkin in six volumes published in 1932, edited by M.A. Tshevlovsky , P.E. Shyogolev, etc. This 4th volume includes "Eugene Onegin" (Ed. B.V. Tomashevsky), Tale (including and "Dubrovsky", ed. Yu.G. Oxman ) And "Journey to Arzrum" (ed. Yu. Tynyanova). And the introductory article was written by D. BlaHym. I wrote it only to the fact that all these well-known Soviet Pushkinists considered "Dubrovsky" the story, possibly after the words of Belinsky.

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Original language: Year of writing:

Dubrovsky - unfinished (at least untreated) and not published in the story of A. S. Pushkin (1833), which is a romantic story about Love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Maria Trocery - offspring of two hostile landlords. Many phrases from this novel lived and to our time. Such as "calmly, Masha, I am Dubrovsky." The word "Troceurovna" is often used, which means the rules and orders of which were in Trocerys. (Cruel appeal to the yard, disrespect of important ranks, etc.)

History of creation

A. S. Pushkin did not have the name of the name. Instead of the name it was written "October 21, 1832." The last chapter was written on October 21, 1833. The story is written by a pencil

Plot story

Rich and Honoraous Russian Barin Kirila Petrovich Troshekurov, whose pleasures please treat the neighbors and, with whose behalf of provincial officials, supports friendly relations with their closest neighbor and former companion in the service, poor and independent nobleman Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Troshekurov is distinguished by a cruel and oppressive character, often exposing their guests with cruel jokes, without warning to lock them in a room with a hungry bear.

Due to the audacity of Dubrovsky, there is a quarrel between him and Troekurov, turning into hostility between their neighbors. Troyekurov bribes the provincial court and, using his impunity, is noting his estate in the Dubrovsky. Senior Dubrovsky goes crazy in the courtroom. Junior Dubrovsky, Vladimir, Guards Cornet in St. Petersburg, is forced to leave the service and return to a seriously sick father, who will soon die. The servant of Dubrovsky set fires to a kystermet; Detacherous estate burns along with judicial officials who came to design property. Dubrovsky becomes a robber like Robin Hood, which is terrified on local landlords, who do not touch, however, the estates of Trocery. Dubrovsky bribes the detention of the Frenchman of the Frenchman of the Defforta, assumed to enter the service in the Trocera region's family and under his appearance becomes a governer in the Trookeki family. It is being tested with a bear and shoots his ear. A mutual attachment-love arises between Dubrovsky and the daughter of Trocerys.

Troekurov gives seventeen-year-old Masha married to the old prince Virusky against her will. Vladimir Dubrovsky is trying in vain to prevent this unequal marriage. Having received a conventional sign from Masha, he arrives to save her, however, too late. While following the wedding cortex from the Church to the estate of the Veresky Armed People, Dubrovsky surrounds the Kareti Prince, Dubrovsky speaks Masha, that it is free, but he refuses his help, explaining his refusal by what has already gave an oath. After some time, the provincial authorities are trying to surround Dubrovsky detachment, after which he dismisses the "gang" and hides abroad. Pushkin in drafts preserved the end of the story. Veresky dies, Dubrovsky arrives in Russia under the guise of the Englishman and, with Masha, again connected.


  • Dubrovsky (film) - film director Alexander Ivanovsky, 1935.
  • The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky is the film of the director of the Vysomillava Hykifoch and its 4 serial extended televisia called "Dubrovsky", 1989.

see also

  • Novels A. S. Pushkin


  • Online Viscosity Veligova
  • Alexander White "On Pushkin, Claysthe and Dubrovsky Dubrovsky". "New World", № 11, 2009. P.160.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Chapter I.

Several years ago, in one of his places, ancient Russian Barin lived in one of his places, Kirila Petrovich Troceurov. His wealth, noblence and communications gave him a big weight in the provinces where his estate was. The neighbors were glad to please the slightest pleasures; provincial officials trembled at his behalf; Kirila Petrovich took the signs of subrange as a proper tribute; His house was always full of guests, ready to teach his boric idleness, separating noisy, and sometimes the violent envelope. No one daring to give up his invitation or in well-known days not to be with due respect to the village of Pokrovskoye. In home, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of a man uneducated. I am spoiled to all that only surrounded him, he was accustomed to to give a complete will to all the impulse of a fervently inquiries and all the arrogance of a rather limited mind. Despite the extraordinary power of physical abilities, he suffered two times a week from the increment and every night was visiting. In one of the fliges, sixteen maids lived at home, engaged in needlework peculiar to their floor. Windows in the fatel were fenced by a wooden lattice; The doors were locked with castles, from which Kirila Petrovich was kept from Kirila Petrovich. Young closers in the laid clock went into the garden and walked under the supervision of the two old women. From time to time, Kirila Petrovich issued some of them to marry, and the new ones came to their place. He managed with peasants and yard, it was strictly and wayward; Despite the fact, they were committed to him: they vained the wealth and glorus of their Mr. and in turn allowed themselves much in relation to their neighbors, hoping for his strong patronage. The everlasting classes of Trookeecarov consisted of roads around his extensive possessions, in long peaks and leprosy, every day, more than a new acquaintance, who was invented and the victim of which was commonly acquainted; Although the old people did not always have always avoided them with the exception of one Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. This Dubrovsky, retired guards Guard, was his nearest neighbor and owned the semestend souls. Troceurov, who was made in intercourse with people of the highest title, respected Dubrovsky despite his humble state. Once they were comrades in service, and Troekurov knew the impatience and determination of his character from experience. Circumstances separated them for a long time. Dubrovsky with a frustrated state was forced to resign and settle in the rest of his village. Kirila Petrovich, having learned about whether he offered him his patronage, but Dubrovsky thanked him and remained poor and independent. A few years later, Troceurov, the retired General-Annef, came to his place, they deprived and delighted each other. Since then, they have ever been together every day, and Kirila Petrovich, who did not honor anyone with his visit, who came easier in Domishko his old comrade. Being the same age, born in one class, educated the same, they were inevitable in part and in characters and in the inclination. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married love, both soon widdled, both remained a child. Dubrovsky's son was brought up in St. Petersburg, the daughter of Kirila Petrovich grew in the eyes of the parent, and Troekurov often used to the Dubrovsky: "Listen, Brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: if you will be a way in your Volodya, so I will give Masha for him; For nothing that he goes like falcon. " Andrei Gavrilovich smoked his head and answered usually: "No, Kirila Petrovich: My Volodya is not the fiance of Maria Kirilovna. Poor nobleman, what is it, it is better to marry a poor nobility, yes to be glad in the house than to deal with the clerk of the spoiled woman. " Everyone envied the consent to the reigning between the arrogant Trocery and poor neighbor, and the courage of this last was surprised when he at the table in Kirila Petrovich directly expressed his opinion, without worrying about whether it was contrary to the owner's opinions. Some tried to imitate him and get out of the limits of proper obedience, but Kirila Petrovich was soaming them that he was hit by their hunt for those attempts, and Dubrovsky one remained out of the general law. An unexpected case was upset and changed. Once at the beginning of the fall, Kirila Petrovich was going to depart the field. The day before, an order was given to Psaryam and the strive to be ready for five o'clock in the morning. The tent and the kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich had to dare. The owner and guests went to the Crashyard, where more than five hundred hounds and greasy lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kirila Petrovich on her dog. Immediately there was a lazareret for sick dogs, under the supervision of the headquarters of Timoshki, and a branch where noble bitchs were silent and fed their puppies. Kirila Petrovich was proud of sim with a wonderful institution and never missed the case to boast of them in front of his guests, from which everyone looked at him at least twenties. He packed in Crane, surrounded by his guests and accompanied by the Timoshka and the main copies; Stayed before some coneers, asking for the health of the patients, then making comments more or less strict and fair, then looking for familiar dogs and gently talking to them. Guests honored the duty to admire Cyrian Petrovich. One Dubrovsky was silent and frown. He was a hot hunter. His condition allowed him to keep only two hounds and one of the greyhounds; He could not resist some envy at the sight of this magnificent institution. "What are you frowning, brother," Kirila Petrovich asked him, - or do you not like my dog? " "No," he answered severely, "a wonderful dog, hard to live, such as your dogs." One of the psares was offended. "We are on our lives," he said, "thanks to God and Barina do not complain, and that truth is, the truth is, a different and nobleman would not hotherly exchange the estate on any local cape. He was b and date and warmer. " Kirila Petrovich laughed loudly at the bold remarks of his hull, and the guests were walked for him, although they felt that the joke of Psary could take them to them. Dubrovsky turned pale and did not say a word. In this time, it was brought in Lukovka Kiril Petrovich newborns puppies; He took up them, chose himself two, others ordered to drown. Meanwhile, Andrei Gavrilovich disappeared, and no one noticed. Returning to the guests from the psar yard, Kirila Petrovich sat down to dinner and then only, without seeing Dubrovsky, had enough about him. People responded that Andrei Gavrilovich went home. Troshekurov ordered immediately catch it up and turn it away. He did not go to the hunt for hunting without Dubrovsky, an experienced and subtle connoisseur of the dignity and an errorless determiner of all sorts of hunting disputes. The servant, rushed after him, did, as she was sitting at the table, and he reported to his Mr. that, they say, Andrei Gavrilovich did not obey and did not want to grind. Kirila Petrovich, as usual, his heated with liquor, was worn out and the second time he sent the same servant to Andrei Gavrilovich that if he would immediately come to spend the night in Pokrovskoe, then he, Troceurov, would fall back with him. The servant pockered again, Kirila Petrovich rose from the table, let go of the guests and went to sleep. The next day, his first question was: Is Andrei Gavrilovich? Instead of the answer, he filed a letter folded with a triangle; Kirila Petrovich ordered his writer to read it out loud and heard the following:

"My premium sovereign, I still do not intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me a Psary Parampoch with Meal; And there will be my will punish him or pardon, and I endure jokes from your Khopiev does not intend, and they do not squeeze them from you, because I am not a jelly, but an ancient nobleman. For the sim remain submissive

Andrei Dubrovsky. "

According to the current concepts of etiquette, this letter would be very indecent, but it became angry Kirila Petrovich not a strange syllable and location, but only his essence: "How, - Troceurov stuck up, jumped up with Bosa's bed, - to send my people with the obey, he Waves to prevent them, punish! What he really conceived; Does he know who is binding to? Well, I'm his ... He will say with me, finds out what to go to Trocerys! " Kirila Petrovich dressed and drove to her hunt with an ordinary breath, but the hunt failed. During the whole day they saw one of the hare and whether they were spent. Lunch in the Pattoid field was also failed, or at least was not to taste Kirila Petrovich, who nailed the cook, crushed guests and on the return path with everything with his hunt for his hunt for the first to go to the fields of Dubrovsky. Several days have passed, and the female between the two neighbor was not thrown. Andrei Gavrilovich did not return to Pokrovskoye - Kirila Petrovich missed him without him, and his annular expressions were loud in the most offensive expressions, which, thanks to the diligence of the local nobles, reached Dubrovsky fixed and supplemented. A new circumstance destroyed the last hope for reconciliation. Dubrovsky clogged once a small ownership; Approaching the birch grove, he heard the blows of the ax and a minute of a crash of the treasured tree. He hurried to the grove and hit the Pokrovsky men who calm the forest fear. Seeing him, they rushed to run. Dubrovsky, with his Kucher, caught two of them and led them to his courtyard. Three enemy horses got immediately in the prey to the winner. Dubrovsky was completely angry, first of course, people of Trocery, famous robbers, did not dare to stitch within his possessions, knowing his friend's friend with their Mother. Dubrovsky saw that they had now used the rupture, "and decided, contrary to all the concepts of the right of war, to teach their prisoners to the twigs, they stored in his own grove, and horses to go to work, asking for the Barskaya cattle. Rumor about seven incidents came to Kiril Petrovich. He walked out of himself and in the first minute of anger wanted to teach the attack on the kyscente with all his yard (the village of His neighbor was called), to ruin her soot and deposit the landowner himself in his estate. Such feats were not in the dickey. But his thoughts soon adopted another direction. Having touched with heavy steps back and forth along the hall, he looked inadvertently in the window and saw the top three at the gate; The little man in the leather Kartuze and Frisova Schinel came out of the cart and went to the outgun to the crate; Troceurov recognized the meeting of Shabashkin and ordered him to call him. A minute later, Shabashkin was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, having a bow for a bow and with a reverence awaiting his orders. "It's great, like you, you call," Trookeurov told him, "why did you complain?" "I went to the city, Your Excellency," Shabashkin replied, "and I went to Ivan Demyanov to find out if there would be any order from your Excellency. - very by the way I drove, like, you call you; I have a need for you. Drink vodka yes listen. Such affectionate reception is pleasantly amazing the assessor. He refused vodka and began to listen to Kirila Petrovich with all sorts of attention. - I have a neighbor, - Trojeurov said, - Small Publubyan; I want to take his estate, - how do you think about something? - Your Excellency, if there are any documents or ... - Do you need a brother, what documents do you. That's decrees. That's the power to take away the estate without any right. Wait however This estate belonged once to us, was purchased from some kind of spikes and was sold by the father of Dubrovsky. Is it possible to complain about this? - wise, your high movement; Probably, this sale is done by lawful order. - Think, brother, look good. - If, for example, your Excellency could neither have a record from your neighbor or bumping, because of which he owns his estate, then of course ... - I understand, yes, I have trouble - he has burned all the papers during a fire. - How, your excellency, paper burned out! Why are you better? - In this case, if you should act according to the laws, and without any doubt, get your perfect pleasure. - Do you think? Well, look. I rely on your diligence, and in gratitude my you can be sure. Shabashkin bowed to almost the land, came out, from the same days it began to bother on a plump case, and, thanks to his progress, exactly two weeks later, Dubrovsky received an invitation from the city to deliver immediately appropriate explanations about his ownership of the village Kistyevko. Andrei Gavrilovich, amazed by an unexpected request, on the same day he wrote a rather rough attitude in response, in which he declared that the village of Kistyevka got him in the death of his parents, that he owns them on the right of the inheritance that Troekurov did not have anything to do it and that every extraneous claim on this property is a Jabed and fraud. The letter of this was made a very pleasant impression in the soul of the meeting of Shabashkin. He saw, firstly, that Dubrovsky knows little a sense in affairs, secondly, that a person is so hot and inconsistent will not be easily delivered at the most disadvantageous position. Andrei Gavrilovich, having considered the consistency requests, saw the need to respond more. He wrote a fairly petty paper, but afterwards the time that was insufficient. The case began to reach. Andrei Gavrilovich worried about him, Andrei Gavrilovich little about him worried, did not have a hunt, neither the opportunity to pour money about himself, and even though he had ever had the first to drive over the selling conscience of the ink tribe, but the idea to file the victim of the Yabeda did not come to his head. On his part, Troceurov cared so little about the winning case to them, "Shabashkin had troubled for him, acting on his behalf, a meager and bribing the judges and intense the cut and indeed all sorts of decrees. Be that as it may, 18 ... years, February 9 days, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the cities in Subscriptions of your pleasure or displeasure. On the same day, Dubrovsky went to the city; On the road overtook him Troceurov. They proudly looked at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a malicious smile on his opponent's face.

Dubrovsky - The most famous robbery novel in Russian, unprocessed for printing (and unfinished) Work A. S. Pushkin. He tells about the love of Vladimir Dubrovsky and Maria Trocery - the descendants of the two enemy landlord families.

History of creation

When creating the novel, Pushkin was repelled from the story of his friend P. V. Nastokina on how he saw in the Ostrog "one Belarusian poor nobleman, according to the surname, Ostrovsky, who had a process with a neighbor for the land, was supplanted from the village and, remaining with the alone peasants , I began to rob, first attained, then others. " During the work on the novel, the surname of the main character was changed to Dubrovsky. The action takes place in the 1820s and covers approximately a year and a half. A similar plot (two neighbors-landowner are friends, however, they become enemies because of a trifle occasion, and one lines from the light of another) was independently used by M. Yu. Lermontov in his youthful non-confused novel Vadim, which was created in the same years.

The name was given to Roman Publishers at the first publication in 1841. In Pushkin manuscript, instead of name, it is worth the start of work on the work: "October 21, 1832". The last chapter dated February 6, 1833.

Images of the Motherland Vladimir Dubrovsky ("In ten minutes he drove into the Barsky yard ..." And the four of the following proposals in Chapter III of the Roman) were planned to use Pushkin to use in the preface to "Belkin's Hands", appeared in the "History of the village of Guliukhina" ("Finally, the Goryukhinsky grove ; And in ten minutes I drove into the Barsky yard ... "and the next four suggestions) and only then - in the novel" Dubrovsky ".

Plot Romana

Due to the audacity of Trocera Holop, there is a quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov, turning into hostility between neighbors. Troceurov bribes the provincial court and, using his impunity, does his estate of the kysterovyovka in Dubrovsky. Senior Dubrovsky goes crazy in the courtroom. Junior Dubrovsky, Vladimir, Guards Cornet in St. Petersburg, is forced to leave the service and return to a seriously sick father, who will soon die. Dubrovsky set fires to the kysterovoy; Detacherous estate burns along with judicial officials who came to design property. Dubrovsky becomes a robber like Robin Hood, which is terrified on local landlords, who do not touch, however, the estates of Trocery. Dubrovsky captivates the depleting teacher of the Frenchman of the Defforta, assumed to enter the service in the Troyekov family, and under his appearance becomes a governer in the Trookera family. He is tested with a bear, which kills a shot in the ear. Between Dubrovsky and the daughter of Trocery, Masha, love arises.

Troekurov gives seventeen-year-old Masha married to the fifty-year-old prince Virusky against her will. Vladimir Dubrovsky is trying in vain to prevent this unequal marriage. Having received a conventional sign from Masha, he arrives to save her, but too late. While following the wedding tuples from the church in the estate of the Veresky armed men, Dubrovsky surrounds the carriage of the prince. Dubrovsky speaks Masha that she is free, but she refuses his help, explaining his refusal by what he already gave an oath. Masha, Raniv Obrovsky, falls into the hands of the robbers, but Dubrovsky asks them not to touch the groom. Robbers with Dubrovsky return to the forest, where the battle with the relevant terrain of soldiers, victorious for robbers. After that, the government sends the company's company to the capture of Dubrovsky, but he dismisses his accomplices and hides abroad from justice.

Possible continuation

In the Maikov Collection of Chernivikov Pushkin, several sketches of the last, third volume of the novel are preserved. Decryption of a later option:


In literature, the similarities of various situations of Dubrovsky with Western European novels on a similar topic, including the authorship of Walter Scott, are noted. A. Akhmatova put "Dubrovsky" below all other writings of Pushkin, pointing to his compliance with the standard of the "Boulevard" novel of that time:

In general, it is believed that<ушкина> No failure. And yet "Dubrovsky" - the failure of Pushkin. And thank God that he did not finish him. It was a desire to earn a lot, a lot of money to do not think about them anymore. "Oak<ровский>", Ocing.<енный>For that time, there would be a magnificent "fiction".<…> ... Leave whole three lines to list the fact that there is a seductive for the reader.

From the notebook Anna Akhmatova


  • "Dubrovsky, Ataman Robbers" / Dubrowsky, Der Räuber Ataman (Germany) (1921) Director Petr Chardynin
  • "Eagle" (English. The Eagle) is a Hollywood mute film with a strongly modified plot (1925); In the lead role - Rudolf Valentino.
  • Dubrovsky is a film of the Soviet director of Alexander Ivanovsky (1936).
  • "Black Eagle" - the film of the Italian director Riccardo Freda (1946). In the lead role - Rossano Bratzzi.
  • Theater for youth: Dubrovsky / Le Théâtre de La Jeunesse: Doubrovsky (TV) (France) (1961). Producer Alain Bode
  • What good in life / PA "QUÉ ME SIRVE LA VIDA (Mexico) (1961). Director Jaime Salvador (Musical on the novel "Dubrovsky")
  • "The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky" - film director Vyacheslav Nikiforov and his 4-serial extended television called "Dubrovsky" (1989). In the role of Vladimir Dubrovsky - Mikhail Efremov.
  • Dubrovsky is a full-length film and a 5-serial television. The effect of the novel was transferred to modern Russia. Directed by Alexander Vartanov (2014). In the role of Vladimir Dubrovsky - Danil Kozlovsky.


  • Dubrovsky - Opera E. F. Director.
  • The first statement of the Opera Edward The "Dubrovsky" direction was held in St. Petersburg, January 15, 1895, in the Mariinsky Theater, under the authority of the author.

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