Who in Russia live is well thought. The poem "Who in Russia live well

the main / Treason of her husband

Poem "Who in Russia live well?" Negasov himself from the very beginning was estimated as the top of the creative path. In this monumental product, almost all the motives of the poet lyrics sound, it can be said that it was his testament to the subsequent generations of Russian people. However, Nekrasov not only gives a description of the whole of Great Rus and reflects on its future. Like Gogol in his poem "Dead Souls", Nekrasov in "Who in Russia live well?" Pay special attention to the present situation of the people, notes and draws the attention of readers to vices and disadvantages, regrets long-suffering people. The main goal of the author is to understand the life of a simple person, look into his soul. Therefore, "Who lives well in Russia?" - Really folk poem-epic. But what else is it manifested?

Many people speak the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, which becomes clear from the name. The author puts the goal of finding a happy person in all the immense Russia, but in these searches the picture of the everyday life of the entire Russian people appears in front of the reader. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work can be called global.

Nekrasov decided that for the embodiment of this idea most suits the genre of travel. But, unlike the author of the "dead souls", Nekrasov made the main characters whose eyes we see all of Russia, not an official, but a whole group of truly folk heroes - peasants "from the temporary obligations" who live in the "emptitious volost, tolerant ureet." The main characters cannot be given an unequivocal assessment: on the one hand, these are quite real characters, which is emphasized by an indication of their social status, which has really existed in the current Russia. On the other hand, the names of the parish and county are obviously not only fictional, but also generalizing, that is, we have already semi-sucks, semi-rheide characters. The epic motifs are especially noticeable at the beginning of the poem: the heroes "came up at the crossroads of the roads and hood", then "put it home not to grumble," until they find a happy man. The tie, apparently taken from Folklore.

I could not realize my idea to the end of Nekrasov, he died, did not have time to finish the poem. But, although the work remained unfinished, all Russia really appeared in it, his whole people. Of course, the author wanted to show the life of literally all the estates of Russia, from the peasants to the king. It was possible to highlight, in addition to the life of the peasants, life of the clergy and landowners. It would seem that these two classes always oppressed the labor people, but the author is fair; He does not idealize the ass and landowner, however, does not scold them. Descriptions of the life of these heroes harmoniously fit into the overall structure of the work, thanks to them the reader sees Russia through the eyes of other representatives of her people, because, for example, the landowner has its own tragedy: he understands that people are flexible, Patriarchal Rus is crumbling in front of her eyes, burgue, and bad, And good. In addition, with the help of a landowner's image, the author introduces the topic of serfdom, expresses the idea that the Great chain broke out: one end of Barina, another - on the man. "

A special place in the work occupies a generalized image of a peasant woman - Matrena Timofeevna. Nekrasova always worried the bitter fate of the Russian woman, and in his poem he pays a lot of attention to the description of the life of the "Governors". Matrena Net to find joy in his difficult life, but the author more than once emphasizes the horrors and deprivation that the Russian peasants suffer. The description of the fate of Matrena ends with the statement that men "are not started" - to look for happy among women.

We are talking about the individual typical representatives of the people and in the story "On Yakov, the faithful, the cooler approximate," and in the descriptions of the "rural yard". Again and again, the motive of the deprivation, which is subjected to a simple people; The brutal revenge of Yakov to her Mr., the story of the soldier about the war - all this causes the reader not just sympathy and compassion, but a frank pain for innocent people. Interesting and images of Vlas and Klima, although they, in general, are opposed to each other, they have one trouble - an arbitrary, which is creating in Russia, is the trouble of all the people.

Along with the generalized images of Nekrasov, groups of people also describe. First of all, it is, of course, Vakhlaki.

Their play with the conmature is actually nothing but a model of the relationship of peasants with landowner in the era of serfdom. With eagerness of irony and anger, the author describes the self-smugness of the rat. This topic receives and continued. The author specifically describes the life of the peasants to death and after not. The sons of the deceased do not want to give the promised meadows, it is emphasized that after the cancellation of the serfdom of the landowners deceive the peasants, and, unfortunately, this also corresponded to the realities of the life of the people.

The depressing impression makes a description of the life of the yard without a barrina in part "peasant". Here, the easiest people are criticized, Nekrasov makes it clear that the people after all the blacksmith itself of their own happiness and in many of their troubles to blame himself.

New sound acquires the epic topic when describing not quite real folk characters. This is, of course, Savely and Grisha Dobrons. Savely, a representative of Patriarchal Russia, the true "Bogatyr Svyatarussky", which is emphasized with his portrait. Grisha is the bogatyr of a new type. Nekrasov is not profitable in connection with Saveli Ivan Susanin. The time of mighty borates passed, now a turn of smart and selfless fighters, who are ready to save people not only from the invaders, but also from the oppressors.

His fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Cahotku and Siberia.

Grisha is a new folk hero. In his mouth, Nekrasov invests their own ideas, it becomes the carrier of the truth.

You and wretched,

You and abundant,

Mother's Rus!

Grisha is one of the few who looks to the future with hope, he is ready to fight for him, he believes in his homeland.

In the poem "Who lives well in Russia?" Nekrasov showed all his life of the Russian people without embellishment. But this work could not be called the folk epic, if the voice of the author himself sounded in it.

Eat Julia, Yasha,

No milk, -

Where is our cow? -

Eased, my light.

Barin for the rating

Took her home.

Nice to live people

In Rus Saint!

Here is the main idea of \u200b\u200ball the work: there is no happy man in all Russia, the grief reigns everywhere.

"Who lives well in Russia?" - This is the soul mirror of Russia, N.A. Nekrasov continued the tradition of Radishchev and Gogol in the image of the life of ordinary people, brought several interesting images that became the symbols of the Russian people.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Threads of writings on the poem Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasova "Who lives well in Russia" for the lesson of literature in the 10th grade

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The purpose of the lesson: Educational: Check the degree of understanding of the poem. Developing: Continue training to the skills of writing a class essay. Educational: to educate love for classical literature, patriotic feelings.

3 Slide

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The essay themes genre and composition of the poem "Who in Russia live well" the meaning of the name of the poem Irony and Satire in the poem of the motif of time and space in the poem

4 Slide

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Themes 1. How do you understand the happiness of the heroes and the author of the poem? 2. Russian national character in the image of Nekrasov. 3. How does the ass, landowner and king live? 4. Images of fighters for the population 5. An image of the people in the poem 6. The image of Matriol Timofeevna Korchaginina in the poem

5 Slide

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Deployed Working Plan on the topic "The problem of popular happiness in the poem" Who lives well in Russia ": N.A. Nekrasov is a singer of the people. 1 "The people are released, but are the people happy?" 2. a) Beggar, dark, scored Russia (description of the life of the people in the songs, the names of the villages, the provinces, in the landscape). b) the people's concept of happiness: - happiness in understanding Matrena Timofeevna and peasants; - Jama naked. Spontaneousness in understanding the causes of evil and guilt in it "Popular Dorms"; - Conscious ministry of Ermila Girin Interest of Peasants; - Savnelius - Bogatyr Svyatourus, as a new stage of an awakening consciousness, as a reflection of the relics of peasant ratties, rising to the struggle. c) Two possible roads Fortunately: - The road, in which, "huge, to the temptation greedy is a crowd"; Satyric attitude of Nekrasov to such people; - Another - close, the road "honest" is the path of a nice intercessor, a fighter for folk happiness. 3. "Raint is risen - innumerable, the strength will affect the uncomplicable" or "who life is fully in full swing for the struggle for his brother - a man, only he will survive."

6 Slide

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The female share (on the poem of Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia") the keys to the happiness of female ... Abandoned, lost from God himself. N. A. Nekrasov Plan I. Gallery of female images in domestic and foreign literature. II. Happiness of a simple peasant in understanding Nekrasov. 1. Attempting to find happy among simple people. 2. The happiness of the young Matrena Korchaginina. 3. Hell among man's relatives. 4. The tragic death of Demechka. 5. "Governor". III. Admiration of Nekrasov Russian woman.

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3. Who in Russia live well? This question is set by seven wanderers men. This question was also interested in the author of the work "to live well in Russia", Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The answer is his long-term, but also unfinished employment and epic position about the life of the people in the volatile period of cancellation of serfdom.

"People's Thought" in the poem "Who lives well in Russia?". Nekrasov wrote his poem for twenty years, collecting material literally dropped to her all his life. He wanted to show all the social layers of the modern Russia in it, and therefore we see such a long number of characters - from the king to the very poor peasant.

The subject of the work, as can be seen, is already indicated in its very name - this is the problem of finding happiness. But in that and consists of the specificity of Creativity Nekrasov - he showed that, in fact, no social class in Russia cannot be called completely serenely happy.

The topic of "folk suffering" developed by the author in all his work, it is characteristic of works of different years. Recall at least such classic poems like "Troika", "Forgotten Village", "Reflections from the Paradinary Podge", "Railway".

And the culmination of the development of this topic - both in the works of Nekrasov, and in Russian literature, is considered to be the poem "Who lives in Russia is well?". Unfortunately, Nekrasov failed to finish her - he died, leaving the undersized picture of Russia. However, despite this, often the poem is called the epic of people's life, and no wonder: she, despite the incompleteness, still reflects the various sides of the Russian national character quite fully. Russian man, as declared in it, - Bogatyr (Bricklayer Trofim, Savely - "Bogatyr Svyatrus"), but his strength does not find the right, useful application, often leads to unhappiness (so, Trophim relieved, deciding to raise too much cargo; Savelia killed a child). Life credo of any workers - patience and work. An example of this is Matrena Timofeevna, the personification of a severe female share; Even God himself, in the expression of Nekrasov, lost the "keys to happiness of female."

But the Russian man can only tolerate his own, Russian. Self-government of some Fogel (Nemchura) or Pan of Glukhovsky leads to a crime against the law, although justified from the point of view of human justice.

Despite the presence in the poem of such heroes like the hero of Savely, Jaughty Nagya, Yermil Girin, Starosta Vlas, Matrena Timofeevna, as well as seven "lawyers" - heroes, who kept genuine humanity, spiritual nobility, - it is clear that none of them change Nothing in the position of the Russian village. None of them acts in this direction, everyone works and tolerates, achieves success - but changes for the better as personally for them, and for the peasantry in general does not occur.

But the hatefulness of the men to the oppressors-landowners is indicated quite clearly. Nekrasovsky peasant can be clearly and intelligently explained, for which he does not like Barin. But all other social sympathies and antipathy of the peasant are less definite. What, for example, the men did not please the priests, for which their name is "a foal breed"? The brothers of the rules, Ivan and Metrodor, confused about this question: "Not yourself ... We are so ...". Here it is - the truth of the peasant. Children inherit her from parents, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and so on. So, manifests one of the features of Russian folk nature. This is not a personal experience of the Rubin family, but a nationwic line, original, ascending to deep antiquity. The personality in the village should not be allocated, but, on the contrary, be guided by the general rules, the view of the mass. That is, in the Russian people, a strong start, it is best that the "all of the world" is being done; So, not knowing the essence of the case, they chase from the village to the village of Egor Kuszova. What to beat for? It is not known, but "so punished." They are unanimous on the issue of "holopes of the exemplary" - universal contempt of Yakov, the faithful and "suffering" of the gout of the "faithful slave" of Prince Pern.

People's character can not be covered entirely in the same product, and somewhat will not let all its widths. Nekrasov managed to reflect a significant part of the people's consciousness, but he managed to do it only for the entire period of his literary activity. The Russian national character undergoes constant changes, new types are born and die, and therefore the folk life in the image of Nekrasov is only a small (although, giving tribute to the skill of the poet, is quite brightly drawn) a period of development of a folk nature.

The genius of Nekrasov in the image "Thought of People" often forced critics to talk about the nationality of the poet's creativity in general and specifically about the nation of the poem "Who lives well in Russia?" Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the presence of the "thought of people" inevitably guarantees the presence of this quality. Usually, the peoples of one or another work is due to the ratio of the individual creativity of the author and the collective, degree of creative borrowing of motives, images, poetics of people's poetic creativity - in other words, folklore.

Also, the concept of folk art designates the depth of the artistic work, the importance of its ideas and images for the development of public self-consciousness, for the knowledge of the life of the whole nation. As it was noted more than once, Nekrasov touched on very deep questions, social and social, moral and philosophical. He seemed to summarize all the previous authors said, and also brought some of their new ideas, reasoning about the present essence and the future of the future for Russia. He managed to brightly and clearly expose to the reader of the ulcers of the modern society, showed the right and noble, and peasant, and church. After all, the concept of "folk thought", in my opinion, includes not only the meaning of the "People's Spirit", "People's Soul", so reliably drawn Nekrasov in the images of Russian warriors. "Folk Thought" is also the reflection of the author over the future of Russia, the expression of his "thought" about the fate of his people, his regret of his failures and admiration for his advantages.

Before you is an excellent writing-reasoning for the 10th grade on the topic "Poem Nekrasov" Who lives well in Russia? " - Encyclopedia of folk life. " The essay is designed primarily for graders 10, however, it can be used in other classes.

In this essay, the main topic of the work is analyzed - the life of a simple people in Russia. The writer's writer pays attention to the stylistics of the poem, analyzing those artists who help Nekrasov to achieve poetic accuracy in creating this encyclopedia of people's life.

Overall-reasoning "Poem Nekrasova" Who lives well in Russia? " - Encyclopedia of the people's life "

The poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia?" It is customary to call the Epopea poem. The epic is an artistic work, with a maximum fullness depicting a whole era in the life of the people. In the center of Nekrasovsky work - the image of the collapses of Russia. Nekrasov wrote his poem for twenty years, collecting material for her "According to the word". The poem is extremely widely covered by a folk life. The author wanted to portray all the social strata in it: from the peasant to the king. But, unfortunately, the poem was never over, the death of the poet was prevented. In this way the main theme of the work remained the life of the people, the life of peasants.

With extraordinary brightness and discouragement, this life appears. All adversity and troubles that have to tolerate the people, all this difficulty and the severity of its existence. Despite the reform of 1861, the liberated peasants, they were still in the worst position: without having their land, they got into even greater Kabalu.

This motive of the hungry life of a poor man, whom " tusca-misstate "With a special force sounds in folk songs, which are quite a lot in the work. In an effort to recreate with the full picture of the people's life, Nekrasov also uses all the wealth of folk culture, all the depletion of oral folk creativity.

However, recalling the folk talent of expressive songs, Nekrasov does not soften the paints, showing immediately poverty and rudeness of morals, religious prejudices and drunkenness in the peasant life. The position of the people with marginal discordations is drawn by the names of those places where the peasants of the forearls:

County Terepiorev,

Empty parish

From adjacent villages -

Patch, holes,

Razovova, Znobishhina,

Gorleova, Neelova -

Faithful fault ...

The poem is very brightly depicted by the sleeveless, powerless, hungry life of the people and " happiness Muzitsky, leaning with patches, humpback with cornea ", And" hungry courtyard, abandoned by Barin on the mercy of fate " - all people " estimacy not meant, unsolon baked «.

We face a whole network of bright diverse images: along with inactive hills like Yakov, Gleb, Sidora, Ipat, preserved genuine humanity and spiritual nobility of Matrena Timofeevna, the hero of Savelia, Yakima Nagogi, Ermila Girin, the eloctors of the Vlas, seven sense and others. These best of the peasants in the poem retained the ability to self-sacrifice, each of them has its own task in life, its own reason to "seek the truth", but they all show that the peasant Russia has already awakened, came to life. Already appear people who can say such words with sincerity:

I do not need silver,

Neither gold, and let the Lord

To countrymen mine

And every peasant

Lived freely, fun

All Saint Rus!

For example, in Yakim Nag, a peculiar character of the people's beloved, the peasant righteous is presented. Such naked is able to deeply understand what the power and weakness of the peasant soul is:

Each peasant

Soul that cloud is black

Angry, grazing - and it would be necessary

Thunder thunder

Bloody pouring rain

And all the wine ends!

Yakov Nagya lives the same hardworking, a bench life, like all the peasantry. But, by hanging his recalcitrant moral temper and pull to the sublime (story with pictures), Nekrasov is trying to outline in this image the desire of the peasantry to spiritual life, to show that in the souls of the people it is already brewing a protest against the existing living conditions. But while he is noticeable and does not declare himself.

Noteworthy and Ermil Girin. A competent man, he served as a writer, became famous for the entire district justice, the mind and disinterested dedication to the people. Ermil showed an approximate headman when the people chose him to this position. However, Nekrasov does not make an ideal righteous one. Yermil, spraul his youngest brother, appoints the son of V. Son, and then in the rustling of repentance, almost cums suicide. History Yermila ends sadly. He is imprisoned for his performance during the rebellion. The image of Yermila tells us about the spiritual forces in the Russian people, the wealth of the moral qualities of the peasant.

However, directly in the rebellion, the peasant protest turns into the chapter " Saveliy - Bogatyr Svyatrus". The murder of the German - the opposite, which occurred spontaneously, personifies the large peasant riots, which also arose spontaneously, as the answer to the cruel oppression from the landowners.

Savely-Bogatyr is the most positive way in the poem. He lives the spirit of the rebellion, hatred for oppressors, but at the same time such humane qualities are preserved, both sincere love, the strength of the spirit, a sense of human dignity, an understanding of life and the ability to deeply empathize the sorrow of others.

It is such heroes, and not meek and submissive were close to Nekrasov. The poet saw that the consciousness of the peasantry was awakened, the stormy protest against oppression was bought. With pain and bitterness, he realized the suffering of the people, but still looked at his future with hope, sometimes in " hold off the spark »Mighty domestic forces:

Rail rises


The strength in it seems uncomplicable.

The peasant theme in the poem is inexhaustible, multifaceted, the main motive of the poem is the motive of the search for peasant happiness. Here you can remember the "happy" peasant Matrey Timofeevna, whose image imagined everything that the Russian female peasant woman could experience and experience. Her huge power of will, with such numerous suffering and deprivation, was peculiar to all Russian women, the most disadvantaged and clogged beings in Russia.

Of course, there are many more interesting images in the poem: " hall of exemplary Yakov faithful "Who managed to take revenge on his Barina; Driving peasants from the head "Last" who are forced to break a comedy in front of the old prince ducky, pretending that there was no cancellation of serfdom, and many other images.

All these images, even episodic, create a mosaic, bright canvas of the poem, echoes each other. Therefore, it is possible, I believe, call Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia?" encyclopedia of folk life. The poet, like an epic artist, sought to the fullness of recreating life, to identifying the variety of folk characters. The poem based on folk material creates the impression of the voices performed for many.

Before proceeding directly to the analysis "Who lives well in Russia," briefly consider the history of the creation of the poem and general information. Posted by the poem "Who in Russia live well" Nikolai Nekrasov. The fact is that in 1861, the serfdom was finally canceled - many long have been waiting for this reform, but after its introduction, unforeseen problems began in society. One of them Nekrasov expressed so if a little paraphrase: Yes, people became free, but did they be happy?

The poem "Who in Russia live well" tells about how life went after the reform. Most literary criticism agree that this work is the top of the creativity of Nekrasov. It may seem that poems are funny, somewhat fabulous, simple and naive, but it is not so. The poem should carefully read and make deep conclusions. And now we turn to the analysis "Who lives well in Russia."

Theme of the Poem and Problems

What is the plot of the poems "who in Russia live well"? "Pulbular Road", and on it there are men - seven people. And they began to argue, to whom to live in Russia. However, the answer is not so simple, so they decide to go on the journey. So the main theme of the poem is determined - Nekrasov widely reveals the life of Russian peasants and other people. Many questions are covered, because men will have to get acquainted with all sorts of - they meet: pop, landowner, beggar, drinker, merchant and many others.

Nekrasov offers the reader to learn about the fair, and about the severity, see how hard it works the poor man and a barin lives on a wide leg, to visit the fun wedding and celebrate the holiday. And all this can be comprehended by making conclusions. But this is not the main thing when we make an analysis "Who lives well in Russia." Let us discuss the briefly moment, why it is impossible to definitely say who the main character of this work.

Who is the main hero of the poem

It seems that everything is simple - seven men who argue and wonder, trying to find the most happy man. In essence, they are the main characters. But, for example, the image of Grisha Dobroblon is brightly highlighted, because this particular character on the plan of Nekrasov reflects the one who will enlighten Russia in the future and the people will save. However, it is also impossible not to mention the form of the people themselves - this is also the main image and a valid person in the work.

For example, reading the "Drunk Night" and "Pier on the whole world" can be seen the unity of people like the people when the fair, haymaking or mass walkings goes. Making the analysis "Who can live in Russia", it can be noted that the individual features of the person do not inherent in seven men, which clearly indicates the design of Nekrasov. Their description is very short, do not allocate from a separate character of their character. In addition, men seek one goals and even reason most often at the same time.

Happiness in the poem becomes the main theme, and each character understands him in his own way. Pop or a landowner are striving to get rich and get honor, a man happiness is another ... but it is important to understand that some heroes believe that their personal happiness is not needed, because it is not uncommon from the happiness of the whole people. What other problems of Nekrasov raises in the poem? He argues about drunkenness, moral decline, sin, the interaction of old and new orders, freedom, Bunte. Separately, we mention the problem of a woman in Russia.

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