Characteristic Greenieva in the "Captain daughter" Pushkin. Petr Grinev (about childhood and about education) What kind of education and education got Peter Grinev

the main / Cheating wife

One of the central characters of the story "Captain's daughter" - Parents Greenyowa: Father Andrei Petrovich, the premiere Major retired, in his youth served with the column of miniha (a warlord, glorified in wars with Turkey), and Mom Avdota Vasilyevna, a poor nobleman's daughter. Symbirian landowners, owners of 300 shower.

Both are representatives of the most intelligent part of society, people for those times are quite educated, cultural. Favorite father's lesson - reading the court calendar and comments about the read. Mother who lived with his father for many years, "who knew all his shorts and customs," tried to hide the calendar somewhere away. The news about some kind sergeant, and now the general and the order is invariably spoiled by Andrei Petrovich, and he immersed "in thought, not foreshadowed anything good." Thus, Avdota Vasilyevna bold a good location of the spirit of his spouse.

In the family reigned unshakable patriarchal orders. The word of the family of the family was the law, homely stood orders. Mom was fond of needlework, "silently knitted a woolen fufayka," cooked Russian dishes, cooked jam. His beloved son, the only surviving remaining, she gently called Petrush. The boy grew up in an atmosphere of love, care. His redefined former aspirated Savelich, a man deeply devoted to the whole family, competent, smart, nonbeid. At one time by the upbringing of Peter Grineeva, Monsieur Bopre was engaged in Moscow, discharged from Moscow, the former brainy, but the act of the Father Greenwood itself was subsequently erroneous.

Green-elder wanted to see her son by a real officer, warrior. He changes the "Point of Remarks" to the Semenov Regiment, quartered in St. Petersburg, and sends a young man in the wilderness to "powder sniffing." "Let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap ..." Thus, on the formation of the views and character of Peter, the most direct influence was provided by strict father's education, gentle love of the mother, proximity to nature, communication with the fair and intelligent archup of Savelich. At the request of the father, the upbringing of Greenyowa assumed the impulse of high moral and volitional qualities and almost did not concern the development of sciences.

Throughout the lead, parents will not significantly affect the behavior and the world's weight of the Son. So, having learned that Peter participated in a duel, his father will very seriously report him. When there is a need, the Symbir landlords will take to themselves Masha, who remainsless above his head after the capture of the fortress. And they will do it "with the sincere French, which distinguished the people of the old century. They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor sirot. "

On the last pages it is shown how it was hard to survive the Bed sincere in his loyalty to the Empress of the Green Human Family, as the terrible news of the father and mother. "This unexpected strike almost killed my father ...", "nobleman to change your oath, connect with robber, with murderers, with bellied hops!

Shame and Sake our family! " And the mother, as always, seeking to neutralize the attacks of melancholy and despair, "not dare to cry with him and tried to return cheaverness to him, speaking about the infidelity of Molva." Of course, the parents did not believe the navat, they knew their sons better. For the Grneeves, an honor is unthinkable.

The invisible connection of Peter with stepfather house, especially its spiritual, emotional-sensual component, durable, inseparable, reliable. The son does everything to not be given the surnames, to be a worthy heir to carefully stored family traditions and respected in society a man. It is full of it.

Test on the work

To the question of the education of Peter Grenov! You need to tell how it was brought up! And about his arrival in the fortress. Captain's daughter set by the author basely The best answer is

Answer from Kkirill Psarev[newcomer]

Answer from Eergey Klimov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
Great influence on Greenyow from childhood

Answer from speed[newcomer]

Answer from chevron[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Karina Ordati[newcomer]
what the?!

Answer from Evgeny Vorontsov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Vadim Kankin[newcomer]
Peter Grinev, since childhood, was recorded sergeants to the Semenov Regiment. The boy was instructed by a sterefish Savelich for training and education. Savelich taught his diploma. Later, the Frenchman hired a Frenchman in order for he to teach him French, German and other sciences. But learning was not too efficient. Therefore, the Frenchman kicked out, and the boy again gave Savelich. Ros Peter is barefied, chasing pigeons along the roofs, not particularly paying time to the sciences. Nevertheless, the deposits to the sciences in it were still laid. Since Grineh has grown honest and respectable person.

Answer from Lesha Shcherbakov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Yaml Ganiev[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Katya Gerasimova[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man

Answer from shores Zhenya[newcomer]
fuck send the same thing?

Grinyov Peter Andreevich in Wikipedia
Look at the article on Wikipedia about Grinyov Petr Andreevich

The mind, if he is just the mind, the very strap.
The direct price gives him admonition.

Evgeny Onegin and Peter Grinyov are the main characters of the novels "Eugene Onegin" and "Captain's daughter". Both works are written in order to reveal the public ("extra person" in Russia of the 20s of the XIX century) and moral (saving honor and human dignity in different everyday situations, as well as during social upheavals) problems associated with these heroes.

Evgeny Onegin and "Captain's Daughter" are realistic works. In the work of Pushkin, the realistic period is considered since the release of the first chapter "Eugene Onegin" (1824). The essence of the realistic image of the surrounding world successfully formulated F. Engels: Typical characters in typical circumstances, with loyalty of parts (F. Entells Letter to M. Kharkness, April 1888). Thus, the realistic work is built on other artistic principles than, for example, romantic. The romantic writer chooses an outstanding person in heroes, a romantic hero is strong, as it is not afraid to oppose itself to the entire imperfect world. He lives with his passions, despises surrounding society. Such were the heroes of the "southern" poems Pushkin: the Russian captive in the poem "Caucasian captive", Aleo in the "Roma" poem. The most important feature of the romantic hero was mystery: information about his past at best was limited to foggy hints, so many actions of the romantic hero were not motivated.

The realist writer refuses the mysterious halo around the actors, since it is important for realist, an intriguing mysteriousness of the hero is important, but the understanding of modernity through human characters. Pushkin describes the childhood of Evgeny Onegin and Peter Greenyov in a detail, as it shares the views of the enlighteners, which is precisely at an early age the character of a person, its moral principles. In short, the features brought up in man since childhood, determine his fate.

Grinyov and Onegin lived at different times: the first - in the years of the reign of Catherine the second, the other - in the era of Alexander the first. The first hero took place from the poor provincial nobility family, the second belonged to the metropolitan serve nobility.

"Captain's daughter" is "family notes", the first head of the novel begins with the epigraph from the comedy Ya.B.Knyazhnina "Busthan": "But who is his father?" The text of the chapter is how the answer to this question. The life of Petrushi Grineeva - the future of the author of memoirs - externally similar to the life of another famous inexpensive - Fonvizinsky Mitrofan Prostakova. Grinyov lived in a generic village and brought up a fortress uncle from the psares - Savelich (Mitrofan - sermanevoy fortress nurse). This fortress was sober behavior, so the Barskaya child was entrusted. Grinyov learned under his supervision of literacy and could "very well judge the properties of a greyhound male" (I). Later, the father hired a teacher for his son - Frenchman Bopre, who, according to a memoirist, did little on his pupil, as she preferred to drink Russian vodka and run behind the yard girls. Bopres (the former hairdresser) very much resembles the Germans of Mistress (former Kucher), who was supposed to teach Mitrofan to all sciences. Classes with Bopre had a natural result: Young Grinyov seems to have known anything and did not know how to live, "he lived, chasing the pigeons" (I), but did not grow up with Mitrofan Prostakov, but a worthy Russian nobleman. He was not worse than the former Guardsman Schvabrina (Bopre managed to show a few deft attacks to his student), composed the "fair" poems that A.P.Sumenokov praised (IV), that is, a young man was well educated, although in old age when He writes his memoirs to the edification of descendants, good-naturedly ironing over himself, the nobility of the old time.

Onegin was brought up by alien governors, his French teacher used the "Newest Pedagogical Methods": so as the child was not angry, he taught him jokingly, did not bother morality, slightly for pranks ... (1, III) as a result of Onegin got brilliant, but Superficial education and knew everything seemed to be a secular young man: he could completely understand and wrote in French; Easy to the Mazurka danced and bowed at ease ... (1, IV) When after secular entertainment, he wanted to do something serious, it turned out that it was completely deprived of business qualities, that is, could not work hard, to achieve his goal.

Parents of both heroes have been engaged in their sons. Senior Onegin served somewhere "excellent and noble" (1, III). About the moral education of a child in the family of Onegin is not mentioned at all. And here Evgeny lives "for luxury, for the adultery of fashionable" (1, XXIII), for the "feelings of ramp" (I, XXIV). After numerous exercises, he became a major specialist in the "science of the gentle passion" (1, VIII), in other words in the fiber. Senior Grinyov was a landowner and, apparently, he managed his little estate. The harsh Green-Father is not long instructions, and the High Mirror Rules inspires a personal example: noble honor and dignity above all in life; The duty of the nobleman is the service of the state. The younger Grineweev on the orders of his father went to serve in the head of the Belogorsk Fortress, but rather soon the father's rules became convictions of the Son. At the end of the novel after the liberation of Masha Pyotr Andreevich, full of happiness and hopes, could go along with the bride into the parent village, but now he himself remained in the detachment of Zurina, for "felt that the debt of honor demanded his presence in the army of the Empress" (XII). So the spiritual proximity of the Father and Son has imperceptibly increased from blood kinship.

Education, together with other circumstances, determined the fate of every young nobleman. The history of love and friendship of both heroys convince that Onegin was brought up by an egoist, and Grinyov is a serious and responsible person, despite his frivolous deeds at the beginning of an independent life: Loses Zurina to the billiards money, gets drunk, orders to go to Burand and almost freezes in the steppe.

Onegin is little worried, besides his own problems and desires. He did not want to look and understand the provincial young lady and passed by great love. An annoying on Lensky because of a trifling, he was deliberately "hung" (5, xxxi) a young poet on the ball, brought the matter to the duel and killed a young man. That is what the life of Onegin is spending. He turned out to be a "external person" with his mind and abilities. In the eighth chapter of the novel, the author reports that the protagonist survived "without a goal, without work to twenty-six years" (8, XII).

Grinyov received from a strict father. Participation take care of the honor of the Small. This moral rule was followed in the most difficult situations (in the scene of the execution of Captain Mironov, in dangerous explanations with Pugachev, who seduces the young officer with high ranks in his troops), in love, in relations with the Swabrine, rival in love and a traitor, Buntovshchikov. Of course, Grinyov is not such a brilliant aristocrat, like Onegin, but he is a more solid, deeper man.

Summing up, let's say that if in the romantic poems Pushkin did not tell anything about the prehistory of the heroes (Caucasian Captive or Aleco), then in realistic works, in detail in detail the family, childhood, the upbringing of the main characters. It is easy to see that Onegin, and in its nature, and because of a random, unsystematic education, was not ready for serious activities, I could not become a friend for anyone, lost love. And Grinyov, thanks to its resistant and generous character, contrary to unsystematic education, follows the chief instruction of the father and adequately comes out of all life tests, no one betrayed and deserving the love of the captain's daughter.

Actions of realistic heroes in adulthood become motivated, thanks to the story about their family and children's years. The lack of mysteriousness in the images of heroes does not harm realistic art. The writer poses itself to the task of explaining the character, behavior, the fate of the hero, and through it the modern world. This is a difficult, but very exciting creative problem.

Childhood and the education of Petrushi did not differ from childhood and the formation of the same as he, provincial noble children: "From the five-year-old age I was given to the hands of a sterelike Savelich, for sober behavior of a complachated uncle. Under his supervision, on the twelfth year, I learned Russian diploma and could very well judge the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the Frenchman hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieur Bopre, who was discharged from Moscow along with the annual margin of wine and olive oil. "
According to the execution of the seventeen years, the father sends Peter to defend Fatherland, serve the Empress. Watching Peter Grinev at this time, it can be said with confidence that the young man is already familiar with the concepts of "honor and nobility": he gives up a holy Tuluptic "Wenty" and gives, instead of dissolving insolvency, the money lost is barely familiar to the officer. In the Belogorsk Fortress, Peter Grinevo is fond of writing poems and falls in love with Masha Mironov. The nobility and the courage of this person manifests itself in an episode with a duel. He believes that it is better to die than leting the Swabron to shut the name of the beloved. With the arrival in the Belogorsk Fortress Pugachev, Grinevo remains himself: he refuses to take the oath of Pugachev on the grounds that he gave the word to serve the Empress, and as a real nobleman, this word cannot disrupt. Having learned that Masha Mironov was captured by the villain of Schvabrina, Grinev, not thinking about the consequences, rushes to her revenue. Peter Grinev, nobleman, honest, noble young man. Like Petrushi Greeneva, nothing specially distinguished from childhood of other children of local five years, the boy was attached to the boy as the uncle of Sava-Lrica - the courtyard person who was "for sober behavior" was rendered. Thanks to Savelich Petrusha, for the twelve years, mastered the diploma and "could very well judge the properties of a greyhound male." The next step in the training was discharged from Moscow "together with the one-year margin of wine and olive oil" the Frenchman Bopre, who was supposed to teach the boy to "all sciences". However, due to the fact that the Frenchman was strongly fond of wine and pre-red floors, Petrusha was granted to himself. Upon reaching the son of seventeen years, the Father, filled with a sense of duty, sends Peter to serve for the benefit of the Motherland. Descriptions of the independent life of Peter Greeneva are deprived of irony. A noble nobleman turned out of his own and simple Russian peasant Peasant Peaceman. Having lost in inexperience in the card, Peter never succumbed to Savelich's persuasion to fall into the legs to the winner with a request to forgive duty. They are headed by honor: I played - give. The young man understands what should be responsible for his actions.

1. Predicting Petrushi.

2. Insertion of the Father. Service.

3. Relations with Savelich.

4. Love for Masha and enmity with the Swabrine.

5. Pugachev in the fate of Peter Greens. Choosing between life and death, loyalty to the Word.

Only in the wealth of the soul, our wealth;

Everything else is tatting more cams in yourself.

Lukian Samossky

The main character of the story of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" is Peter Grinev, fictional by the author, the image of which, however, embodies many positive features inherent in man and nobleman.

The author of the story shows how the boy grew up in a medium typical of the landlord of the time of that time. His mentors were the yard uncle Savelich and the French Pa Riccher Bopre, who gave himself to the teacher. Even before, he was "he was recorded in the Semenov Regiment Sergeant." It is clear that in such conditions, in which the young man was brought up, he could not get a very deep and thorough formation. He "learned Russian literacy and could very well judge the properties of a greyhound male." Since one of his mentors was a Frenchman, of course, Peter under certain limits studied his teacher's native language. In the parent house, he lived carelessly, not habits seriously think about any problems, and even more so solve important life questions: "I lived a bare-poison, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with the courtyard boys." Father suddenly decides that it is time to change the idle lifestyle of the Son - it's time to change to the service. The young man is delighted, he is already anticipating life in St. Petersburg, full fun and pleasure. However, his father understands that for the personal development of his son, the idle life of the officer Guard will not give anything: "What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and he pulls the strap, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. "

So, all the brilliant hopes of a young man Rushatsya: Instead of St. Petersburg, he departs to Orenburg, and from there he is sent to the Belogorsa fortress. All this causes a despondency in the shower of the young man: "... What was me that I was already a guards sergeant in the mother's womb! Where did it start me? In *** Regiment and in the deaf fortress on the border of Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes! .. "

However, the will of the Father for Peter, as for most young people of that time - the law; You can not argue with her, it can only be confused. Before separation, the father sniffers his son; In a few words of them, they concluded a lot of meaning, he briefly, but Exko talks about what the honor of the nobleman is. Despite his youth and pestlessness inherent to this age, the young man will remember the words of the father and will not change its covenants:

"Service right to whom they swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; do not ask for service; from service do not discharge; And remember the proverb: Take care of the dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod. "

Everywhere Peter is accompanied by the faithful Savelich, who cares about him as his native son. Strange, a little funny and touching relationships associate these two people: a young nobleman and his serf, who raised him. Savelich - not at all persecution of his Mr.; Whenever orders of a young barina seem unreasonable to him, he directly declares this and refuses to fulfill his demands. His guardian is sometimes Petra: "... I wanted to break down on the will and prove that I'm not a child." Losing money to Zurina, he demands that Savelich pays his duty. At the same time, he resembles an old man: "I am your master, and you are my servant." But Petra himself becomes ashamed that he so rudely cost the old man, sincerely tied to him, tirelessly trick about him. In that he himself asks for forgiveness from his servant, his real essence reveals: the ability to recognize his guilt, his sincerity and a good attitude to Savelich. Peter Grine is honest and with himself, and with others: "I could not help but confess that my behavior in the Symbirian restaurant was stupid, and felt guilty to Savelich ... I certainly wanted to reconcile ...".

But the character of Peter Greeneva is revealed not only through relationships with faithful Savelich. His love for Masha turns out to be a real, durable feeling, ready for any test. Protecting her honor from the unworthy hints of Swabrin, he, without hesitation, challenges the experienced duelist. To snatch the girl from the hands of the same Schvabrina, who switched to the side of Pugacheva, Grinev, rushing with life and violating discipline, goes to the enemy camp.

But the true test of hardness of character and loyalty to his oath Grievous is experiencing when Pugacheva's troops capture the Belogorsk Fortress. In a conversation with Pugachev, caution, and the prudence of a young man, but at the same time, and the unshakable determination to be faithful to his word, with his oath: "... to admit the foreman was unable to admit: it seemed to me unforgivable. To call him a deceiver - it was death; And what I was ready under the wisening in the eyes of the whole people and in the first dust of indignation, now it seemed to me useless bragity. "

"I am a natural nobleman; I swore the soreman of Empress: I can't serve, "he honestly admits, despite the fact that his fate at that moment hangs on the hairs. But it is in such situations that in the face of the inevitable choice, in the face of death - and the formation of a human personality occurs, its moral development and is an increase. The hero of Pushkin with honor is the test, and the Grozny Pugachev himself is amazed by his courage and directness: "I execute so to execute so much, to prevent so silent. Go yourself to all four sides and do what you want. "

Finally, the last test of Greeneva was the court and a false accusation of treason. He is threatened by the execution, if he is not justified; But he does not tell everything to keep the favorite girl in a trial. Again in the face of death, he makes his choice: and he is dictated not to selfish care about himself, but love for another person.

In his story, "Captain's daughter" Pushkin showed how gradually the identity of his hero is transformed. From nature, there are many worthy qualities in it, but they achieve genuine disclosures only in life tests, and we see how a frivolous young man, almost a boy, becomes a man, a mature man who can respond to his actions.

Rubber! 11

In this composition discloses the character of Peter Greenyov, becoming him as a person.

Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" was written in the thirties of the nineteenth century. In this work, the author touched on the theme of the moral education of the younger generation. Therefore, as an epigraph to the story, Pushkin took the abbreviated version of the Russian proverb: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." On the example of Peter Andreevich Grineva, the author revealed the formation of a person, manifestation of his best human qualities.

The main character of the story of Peter Grinyov was the son of Military Andrei Petrovich Greenyow, who retired. At five years, Peter was given to the upbringing of Savelich, a fastener uncle. When the boy was twelve years old, the Father hired a Frenchman for him, who was supposed to teach Peter French, German and other sciences. But there was little sense from such a teacher. The Frenchman was "good small, but windy and disturbing," for which he was expelled from the estate. Tom also ended the formation of Peter.

He lived in a cheap, ran with the courtyard boys. So it went up to sixteen years. When he got into the Belogorsk fortress, his life changed cool. Young horse stayed in the past. In the fortress, Grinyov met his love - Masha Mironov, the daughter of Commandant. Of course, there were actions that Peter recalled with shame. This is the money lost to Rotmist's money, rudeness and the Barsquaries in relation to Savelich, who did not want to pay for his debt. His behavior of Peter wanted to prove that he was an adult. But there was a deed that later saved his life. On the way to the fortress, getting lost during the Purgi, Grinyov with Savelich met a random passerby, who brought them to a parlorian yard. In gratitude, Peter gave his peasant his hare Tulup, without thinking about the fact that his kindness will pay to him by a hundredfold.

When the fortress was captured by the Pugachev, Peter presented the most terrible execution, but not a betrayal, it remained faithful to the oath, which he gave the sovereign. But faithful Savelich saved his master, recalling Pugachev about the hare of Tulup. In a conversation with the eye, Pugachev called Peter a man of honor, as he stood to the end for his ideals, distinguished by valor, dignity and loyalty. And Peter Grinyov in a few meetings saw in the ruffer and the villager of the man, managed to evaluate in it a smelter, in love with the will, talent and identity.

He began to understand the doomes of the risks of the peasants, learned to sympathize with them.
Being in a besieged Orenburg, having learned about Bed Masha, he rushed to her aid. Of course, love and debt fought in his heart. As a nobleman and an officer, he appealed for help to the general, but he refused him, leading his arguments. A sense of responsibility, love for Masha pushed him into the mill enemy. Other exit he did not see.

Risks his life, career, noble honor, he saved Masha. And even when he was accused of betrayal, he did not justify himself before the court, not wanting to get into his trouble in Masha. This suggests that a real man was formed from the cheaply. And although Petr Grinev did not commit great feats, he remained faithful to the father's instructions for which the most important values \u200b\u200bwere debt and honor. Despite the fact that the deeds of Peter do not have historical significance, but human exploits committed by him are more important than any significant state events.

Even more writings on the topic: "Character of Peter Greenyov":

Along with other important issues, the Roman "Captain's daughter" puts the problem of upbringing the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism. How does the writer bring the country's true citizens? Pushkin is too smart to give ready-made recipes. In the images of Greenyev and Swabrin, it shows examples of diametrically opposite characters, and the conclusions should do the readers themselves.

The novel was written in the form of Memoirov Peter Andreic Greeneva, where he recalls his youth and meeting with the "Robber Pugachev". Childhood and Youth Greeneva did not differ from the life of other barchat-adolescents, so in the novel about this is stated by Casual, but the Grineal is about the upcoming service in the army in detail, for he dreamed of serving in St. Petersburg, in the guard, hoped for a fun and carefree life. Father identified him another: "What will he learn in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, and it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton. " It was not accepted to argue with the Father, he decides what to do "Petrushe", in his part-time son sounds serious forces, which the son did not even try to challenge.

Father's authority is the basis of the family. For Peter Greens - this is a kind of oath to the loyalty to the family, which he never betrays. Father instructs: "Farewell, Peter. Serve right to whom they swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; do not ask for service; from service do not discharge; And remember the proverb: "Take care of a dream dress, and honor".

Grinemen well learned the father's lesson. He understands well what the lost debt must be paid. On the objections of Savelich, Peter Andreich corresponds to audacity, but the money returns to Zurin. Gifts the Wenty Hare Toulup, that is, according to Savelich, behaves "as a child unreasonable", but, in our opinion, noble.

The service in the fortress for Greenyev is high-level, and after he was carried away by the captain's daughter, even pleasant. A duel with a pinch adds positive hell. He is not some kind of trouble, but a person who has an idea how to handle a sword. And, not a fairness of Swabrin, it is still unknown, as if the duel ended.

An important importance in the formation of the character of Greeneva played his love to Masha Mironova. In love, a person opens to the end. We see that Grinev is not just in love, he is ready to take responsibility for his beloved. And when Masha remains defenseless orphan, Peter Andreevich risks not only his life, but also honor that it is more important for him. He proved it when taking the Belogorsk Fortress, when, without swinging "villain", waited for violence. "Pugachev waved his handkerchief, and a good lieutenant would be sick of his old chief. The queue was behind me. I boldly looked at Pugacheva, getting ready to repeat the response of my generous comrades. "

Grinove never retreated from his father, and when the queue came to respond to Svabrin's slander, Peter Andreich did not even think to justify the name by the machine. From the beginning to the end of the novel, we see a husband, gradually an adheating hero, who holy observes this oath and the Testament of the Father. This character, sometimes youthful, but kind and persistent, causes the readers sympathy. Pride covers for consciousness that there were our ancestors who won many glorious victories.

Reading the novel, not only admire his best heroes, but they want to imitate. In this Pushkin seen the main purpose of the literature.


The main hero of the family-household part of the story is Peter Andreyevich Grinev. The son of the landowner, Grinyow received home education according to the custom of that time - first under the leadership of the uncle Savelich, then the Frenchman Bopre, by the profession of the hairdresser. Greenyowa's father, domineering to the samotor, but honest, alien crop in front of the highest ranks, wanted to see in his son of the real nobleman, as he understood it.

Watching the military service as a duty of a nobleman, the old man Greenyow sends his son not in the guard, and in the army, so that he "pulled the strap," became a disciplined soldier. Saying goodbye to Peter, the old man gave him an instruction in which he expressed his understanding of the service: "Serve it right to whom it swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; Do not ask for service, do not discharge from the service, and remember the proverb: Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod. "

Peter Grinyov seeks to fulfill their father's covenants. During the defense of the Belogorsk Fortress, he behaves like a brave officer, honestly performing his duty. On the offer of Pugacheva, to go to him on the Green House service after a minute oscillation corresponds to a decisive refusal. "My head is in your power," he said Pugachev: "Let me let me go - thanks;" Excuse me - God's judge. " Rightness and sincerity of Grineeva liked Pugachev and placed a generous leader of the rebel people.

However, the debt was not always defeated in the soul of Grineeva. His behavior in Orenburg is determined not a debt of an officer, but a sense of love for Mironova. Having disturbed the military discipline, he is arbitrarily sent to the Belogorsk fortress to save his beloved girl. And only freeing it, moreover, with the help of Pugacheva, he again returns to the army, enhancing the squad Zurin.

Peter Grinyov shares the noble point of view on the peasant uprising. He sees in him "Bunken and merciless", and in Pugacheva - a robber. In the scene, when he requires money from Savelich to pay Zurina's loss, he behaves like a presenter.

But in nature, Grinyov is a mild and kind man. He is fair and recognized himself in his levity. Feeling guilty to Savelich, he asks him for forgiveness, gives the floor to obey his uncle. Grinyov loves Savelich. With the risk for his life, he is trying to rescue Savelich, when he fell into the hands of the Pugachevs of the Berdy Sloboda. Greenithus is trusting and disassembled poorly in people of this type like Schvabrin. Sincere and deep love nourishes Grinyov to Masha. He pulls him to a simple and good family of Mironov.

Despite the noble prejudice against Pugacheva, he sees a smart, brave, generous man, a defender of the poor and orphans. "Why not tell the truth? - He writes Grinyov in his notes." At that moment, strong sympathy attracted me to him. I walked firmly ... save his head ... "

The image of Greenylava is given in development. The features of his character are developing and gradually disclosed in front of the reader. His behavior, in each case psychologically motivated. Of the representatives of the nobility depicted in the story, he is the only positive person, although it remains in his views and beliefs the son of his time and its class.


"Take care of honor" - This covenant is the main thing in the Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". It is he who follows Peter Grinev.

The parents of the hero were poor nobles, which in Petrushe did not have the souls, because he was the only child. Even before birth, the hero was recorded in the Semenov Regiment officer.

Petrusha received an unimportant education - under the leadership of Uncle Savelich, "I learned about the twelfth year, I learned Russian diploma and could very well judge about the properties of a greyhound dog." The most interesting occupation of the hero considered "to drive pigeons and playing a leaf with courtyard boys."

But at sixteen years, the fate of Grneev coolly changed. He falls into military service - in the Belogorsk Fortress. Here the hero falls in love with the daughter of the Komentant of the Fortress - Masha Mironov. Here, the Grineal becomes a member of the peasant uprising under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

From the very beginning, the Hero of the novel is distinguished by kindness, pupil, respectful attitude towards people: "Husband and wife were the most respectable people." Peter most appreciates his kind name and honor of other people.

That is why he does not swear to the loyalty to Pugachev: "I am a natural nobleman; I silent the soreman of the Empress: I can not serve. " During communication with him, the hero refers to Pugachev, as a criminal who wants to capture the Holy - state power.

Grineally behaves very worthy, even when it turns out to be under investigation. He keeps quietly, thinks not only about himself, but also about the honest name of Masha: "I calmly looked at Schwabrin, but I did not say a word."

Pushkin shows that, just taking care of his honor, you can get out the winner of all the tests: in the end, Greenv is fully justified, and Schvabrina fairly sentences to the conclusion.

Thus, in the novel of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" Grinevo is a positive hero. He is a "live man", with his advantages and disadvantages (remember how he played in the card or offended Savelich). But in his "glances" this hero always remains on the side of good. That is why the author and we, readers, sympathize with him.

Lesson 2.

Education, the formation of character and views of Petrush Greeneva

Understand : irony, ironic tone.

Vocabulary work : Honor, dignity, provincial, patriarchal, debt, sense of duty.


In this lesson, we will look at the first chapter of the story "Sergeant Guard".

I. . Survey homework.

1. It is necessary to draw the attention of the disciples to the fact that this work is written in the form of memories - notes of Peter Andreyevich Grneev. But the last phrase of the story: "We decided, with the permission of relatives, to publish it particularly, the decent epigraph, to each chapter, and resolving themselves to change some of their own names. Publisher. "

Do we know such a reception at Pushkin? (Yes, students will remember the story of Belkin. So, the narrator - P. A. Grinev, and "Publisher" - A. S. Pushkin himself. "Decent, i.e. suitable", the corresponding epigraphs "Attal" author - A. . Pushkin.)

We will pay attention to the guys to the epigraph, standing immediately after the name - "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda," this is an epigraph to the whole story. And we know that Andrei Petrovich Grinevich Grinevich is fully proverbs, Andrei Petrovich Grinevich: "... serve right to whom they swear: Listen to the bosses, do not chase their caress ... and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor."

What is the honor?

The task. In an intelligent dictionary, determine the meaning of this concept.

2. Answering the question of the possibility of the noble estate of the XV III century, students should recreate the picture of the life and life of the estate of grine.

Interesting the transition from epigraph of the first chapter to the text

"... Who is his father? ..

My father Andrei Petrovich Grinev in his youth served with the column of miniha ... "

Students will notice the epigraph and the opinions of A. P. Grneev about the service in the guard. It is quite obvious, Petrushi is an independent man, lives the "excitement of bile" reads the "Celent Calendar", despises careerism and fahamism. (Recall the material of the previous lesson about the column of miniha. Apparently, Petrushi's father was forced to resign, because he was faithful to his commander.)

The task. Determine the meaning of the words "provincial", "patriarchal" in the sensible dictionary. Prove that the opinion of the father is crucial in the field of grine.

3. A story about rapidness. Pupils must catch the ironic tone of the narrator.

The task. In the sensible dictionary, determine the meaning of the term "irony".

The irony stems in the story about the success of Petrushi in the sciences under the leadership of a sterepiece Savelich, about Monsieur Bopres, who was a hairdresser ... ", then changed another number of professions and, finally, became a teacher, although I didn't really understand the meanings of the word.

4. The last question of the home task of the first day on the "Will" involves retelling, which does not make it difficult for students. Why, recalled this day, the narrator writes about myself: "I left Simbirsk ..." with a restless conscience and silent repentance ... "? Why is grieving ashamed and what is it repent?

It can be concluded that a kind and unlumous young man did, as a true student Monese Bopre. But Petrusha considers his duty to return lost 100 rubles (money for those times is considerable). The honor of the nobleman requires immediate return of debt. Because of this, Grinevit is rude to his educator who categorically refuses to issue money. Zurina duty is returned, but what price! I am ashamed to grievo myself, and the old Savelich cry. My father taught this son.

2. Find a description of the blizzard: where did it begin how to grow, what turned into?

Z. Find a description of the prize portrait.

4. What is the meaning of sleeping parshos in the future story?

5. How do you understand the meaning of the thieves conversation?

6. How does the Greenaeva Green-made gift characterizes by the leader?

Individual task.

Compare the image of Tarana at the chapter of the "Captain Daughter" with a blizzard from the story "Blizzard" and from the poem "demons".

TURYANSKAYA B. I., Commissioner E. V., Gorokhovskaya L. N., Vinogradova E. A. Literature in grade 8. Lesson at the lesson. - 3rd ed., M.: "Commercial and publishing house" Russian Word - RS ", 2002. - 240 p.

The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path. A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good. The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts. The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness. Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

parenting Peter Grenov! You need to tell how it was brought up! And about his arrival in the fortress. Captain's daughter and got the best answer

Answer from Love Tian [Guru]

Answer from Kkirill Psarev[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Eergey Klimov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
Great influence on Greenyow from childhood

Answer from Kostya Kalarashan[newcomer]

Answer from Lesha.[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Karina Ordati[newcomer]
what the?!

Answer from Evgeny Vorontsov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Vadim Kankin[newcomer]
Peter Grinev, since childhood, was recorded sergeants to the Semenov Regiment. The boy was instructed by a sterefish Savelich for training and education. Savelich taught his diploma. Later, the Frenchman hired a Frenchman in order for he to teach him French, German and other sciences. But learning was not too efficient. Therefore, the Frenchman kicked out, and the boy again gave Savelich. Ros Peter is barefied, chasing pigeons along the roofs, not particularly paying time to the sciences. Nevertheless, the deposits to the sciences in it were still laid. Since Grineh has grown honest and respectable person.

Answer from Lesha Shcherbakov[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Yaml Ganiev[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man.

Answer from Katya Gerasimova[newcomer]
The main character of the story of Peter Andreevich Grinyov since childhood is brought up in the situation of high everyday morality. In Greenwood, as it were, a good, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage and qualities that are inherent in the father. Andrei Petrovich Grinyov negatively relates to light, but dishonest ways to work career at the court. That's why he did not want to send to the service to Petersburg, in the guard, his son Petrushu: "What does he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang up? - says Andrei Petrovich his wife. - No, let it serve in the army, and let the strap Yes, it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, not Shamaton. " In accomplishments, the son of Grinev especially emphasizes the need to comply with the honor: "Service right, who are sworn, listen to the bosses; do not chase their caressing; do not suit the service; do not discharge on the service and remember the proverb: Take care of a dream dress, and honor." This farewell of the Father remains with Grneevoy for life and helps Petrushi do not get rid of the right path.
A loyal servant has great influence on Greenyowa since childhood, but in the same time and friend, Savelich. Savelich considers his duty to serve Petrushe and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his gentlemen is far from slave affiliation. In the orphanage, Petrushi Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the advantages of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Greenwood important advice that Peter Greenyava helped in the future. Such words, for example, brings up the old servant of his ward, Petra Greenyov, who got drunk first and led himself unite: "It seems neither the father, nor grandfather with drunks, there is nothing about Mother ...". So, the Father Greenieva and his faithful servant Savelich brought up in Peter from the very childhood of nobleman, which does not consider it possible to change the oath and move to the side of the enemies, for his good.
The first time Petr Grinev did on credit, returning card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to decline from the calculation. But the nobility took the top. It would seem that such a trifle, but it is from such little things that it starts.
The person of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and unconsumed in communication with others. For example, Petr Grinev, despite Savelich's discontent, thanked the vagabond to the service, giving him a hushy Toulip. This deed in the future saved them both life. This moment seems to say that a person who lives on honor itself, the fate itself keeps. But, of course, it's not about fate, but simply on Earth more people who remember good, rather than evil, means, a man's noble person is greater than the chance of everyday happiness.
Moral tests were expected to Greenwood and in the Belgorod fortress, where he served. There, Peter met the daughter of the head of Mironov. Because of Masha, Peter quarreled with his pet-friendly comrade Schvabrin, who, as it turned out later, woven it, but received a refusal. Not wanting someone to absolutely picked up the good name of Masha, Greenwood causes offenders for a duel. He entered as a real man

Answer from shores Zhenya[newcomer]
fuck send the same thing?

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Education Peter Grenov! You need to tell how it was brought up! And about his arrival in the fortress. Captain's daughter

Answer from 3 response[guru]

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