Comparison of Raskolnikova and Sony. Sonechka Marmeladova: characteristic of the heroine of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

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The Rodion Romanovich Romanov's inflicted and drooped student is the central character of the Epochal Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The image of the Sony marmalade is needed to the author to create a moral counterweight of the theory of Skolnikov. Young heroes are in a critical life situation when it is necessary to decide how to live on.

From the very beginning of the squallers, it behaves strangely: he is suspicious and disturbed. In the sinister idea of \u200b\u200bRodion Romanovich, the reader penetrates gradually. It turns out that Raskolnikov is "MONOMAN", that is, a person obsessed with the only idea. His thoughts are reduced to one: by all means he should experience in the case of his theory of fission of people into two "discharge" - on the "highest" and "creatures of trembling." This theory of Raskolnikov describes in the newspaper article "On Crime". According to the article, the "highest" endowed with the right to cross over moral laws and in the name of the great goal to sacrifice any number of "creatures of trembling". The latter splitters consider only material to reproduce their likes. It is these "simple" people need, according to Rodion Romanovich, in biblical commandments and morality. "Higher" is "new lawmakers" for the gray mass. For Raskolnikova, the main example of such a "legislator" is Napoleon Bonaparte. Rodion Romanovich himself is forced to start her path of "higher" from the actions of a completely different scale.

For the first time, we will learn about the Sone and its life circumstances, we first learn from the story of the former Titular adviser to Marmaladov - her father. Alcoholic Semyon Zakharovich Marmaladov stirred together with his wife Katerina Ivanovna and three young children - the wife and children are starving, drinking marmalands. Sonya - his daughter from the first marriage - lives on a removable apartment "on the yellow ticket". Marmaladov explains the Raskolnikov that she decided to go on such an earnings, without preparing the permanent reproaches of a caring stepmother, who called Sonya Darming, which "eats and drinks and is in warmth." In fact, this is meek and unrequited girl. With all the might, she is trying to help seriously sick Katerina Ivanovna, starving summary sisters and brother and even his unbelievable father. Marmaladov tells how he gained and lost his job, drank a new, bought his daughter Mundir, after which she walked to ask her "on the hangover." Sonya did not blame him: "Thirty kopecks carried out, with their own hands, the last, all that was, I saw ... I didn't say anything, I just looked at me."

Raskolnikov with Sonya are on the same plight of life. "The Future Napoleon" lives in the attic in the wretched Camork, which the author describes these words: "It was a tiny nurse, six-length steps, having the most pitiful look with his yellow, dust and everywhere we retarded with walls, and before A little bit of high man became terribly in her, and it seemed that you were about to knock on your head about the ceiling. " Rodion Romanovich reached the extreme feature of poverty, but in this position it is might of a strange grandeur: "It was difficult to more go down and erased; But the Raskolnikov was even nice in his present state of the Spirit. "

Simply exit from the difficult financial situation Rodion Romanovich considers the murder. However, in this decision, it is not money to turn the main role in the bloody criminal, but the insane idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov. First of all, he seeks to test his theory and make sure that he is not a trembling creature. " To do this, it is necessary to "cross" through the corpse and reject universal moral laws.

The victim of this moral experiment was chosen an evil old-term percentage of Alena Ivanovna. Its splitters considers the "login", which he, according to his theory, can crush without any pity. But, having shutting Alena Ivanovna and her step sister Lizaven, Rodion Romanovich suddenly discovers that he can no longer communicate normally with people. He begins to seem to seem all around his act and sophisticatedly mock it. In the novel with a subtle psychologist, it was shown how, under the influence of this erroneous conviction, the splitters begins to play with his "accusers". For example, he deliberately closes the conversation about the murder of an old-year-old worker with a noteworthy, writing of the police office.

At the same time, the splitters are still able to distract from time to time from their rich inner life and pay attention to what is happening around it. So, he becomes a witness of an accident with a seed Marmaladov - a drunken official falls under the horse. In the scene of confession of the crushed and lively the last minutes of Marmaladov, the author gives the first description of Sofia Semenovna: "Sonya was a small height, years of eighteen, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Having learned about the incident, she resorts to his father in her "working clothes": "Her fence was a penny, but disgraced by street, the taste and rules established in his special world, with bright and shamefully an outstanding goal." Marmaladov dies in her arms. But even after that, Sonya sends younger sister Litten to catch up with Skolnikov, who sacrificed his latest money on the funeral to learn his name and address. Later, she visits "benefactor" and invites him to commemorate his father.

This peaceful event does not do without scandal: Sonya is unjustly accused of stealing. Despite the prosperous outcome of the case, Katerina Ivanovna and children are deprived of the lower - they are expelled with a removable apartment. Now all four are doomed to ambulance. Understanding this, Raskolnikov suggests that it would have done, whether she had power in advance to deprive the life of her slander her. But Sophia Semenovna does not want to answer this question - she chooses submissions to fate: "Why, I can't know God's fishery ... and what you ask what you can not ask? What are such empty questions? How can it happen that this from my decision depended? And who put me here: who live, who does not live? " Material from site.

Despite his beliefs alien to him, the split soul feels in Sona, because they are both rejected. He is looking for her sympathy, because he understands that his theory was insolvent. Now Rodion Romanovich places the perverted pleasure of self-esteem. However, unlike the ideological killer, Sonya is "Dzcher, that the step of evil and consuming, children of someone else's and juvenile betrayed." She has a clear moral landmark - the biblical wisdom of the cleansing suffering. When Raskolnikov tells the marmalade about his crime, she regrets him and, resting on the biblical parable about the resurrection of Lazarus, convinces repentance in the deed. Sonya intends to divide with the splitter of the transformation of a cautious life: she considers himself guilty of violating the biblical commandments and agrees to "suffer" to be cleaned.

An important feature for the characteristics of both characters: the convicts who have served a punishment along with the Raskolnikov are experiencing a burning hatred for him and at the same time very loved by Sonya. Rodion Romanovich says that "walking with the ax" is not a Bar region; He is called a bootiness and even want to kill. Sonya, following his times and for all, established concepts, does not look down to anyone, it treats all people with respect - and the hardships respond to her.

Stasive conclusion from the relationship between this pair of central heroes of the novel: without the vital ideals of Sony, the Raskolnikov path could end only suicide. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky offers the reader not only embodied in the main hero of a crime and punishment. Sony's life leads to repentance and cleansing. Thanks to this, the "continuation of the way" the writer managed to create a holistic, logically completed system of images. A look at what is happening from two substantially different points of view gives action an additional volume and persuasiveness. The great Russian writer managed not only to breathe life in his heroes, but also to bring them to the safe resolution of the most severe collisions. This artistic completion puts the novel "Crime and Punishment" in one row with the greatest novels of world literature.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • raskolnikov and Sophia
  • description of Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov
  • who became Sonya for Rodion Skolnikov
  • raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladov Relationship
  • that Sonya said Raskolnikov at the expense of a crime

The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written by Dostoevsky after the cattle, when the beliefer's beliefs took a religious color. The search for the truth, the impact of the unfair device of the world, the dream of "happiness of mankind" during this period was combined in the nature of the writer with disbelief into the violent alteration of the world. I am convinced that in any device of society it is impossible to avoid evil that evil comes from the soul of man, Dostoevsky rejected the revolutionary path of transformation of society. Raising the question only about the moral improvement of each person, the writer appealed to religion.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladova - Two main novel hero, appearing as two counterflow. Their worldview is the ideological part of the work. Sonya Marmeladova is the moral ideal of Dostoevsky. It brings with them the light of hope, faith, love and sympathy, tenderness and understanding. That is, according to the writer, there must be a person. Sonya personifies the truth of Dostoevsky. For Sony, all people have the same right to life. She firmly convinced that no one could seek happiness, both their own and someone else, by crime. Sin remains a sin, who and in the name of anything to do it.

Sonya Marmaladov and Rodion Raskolnikov exist in completely different worlds. They are like two opposite poles, but cannot exist without each other. In the image of Raskolnikov embodied the idea of \u200b\u200brebellion, in the image of Sony - the idea of \u200b\u200bhumility. But what is the content and rebellion, and humility is the topic of numerous disputes that do not stop and currently.

Sonya - Highlandic, deeply believing woman. She believes in the deep inner meaning of life, she is incomprehensible to the ideas of Raskolnikov on meaninglessness of the entire existing one. She sees in all the predetermination of God, believes that nothing depends on a person. Her truth is God, love, humility. The meaning of life for her lies in the great strength of compassion and sympathy for man.

Raskolnikov is passionately and mercilessly judging the world by the mind of a hot riotrian personality. He disagrees to put up with life injustice, and hence his mental torment and a crime. Although Sonechka, as well as Raskolnikov, emphasizes through itself, she still crosses not as he. She sacrificed himself to others, and not robs, does not kill other people. And the thoughts of the author were embodied about the fact that a person has no right to selfish happiness, he must endure, and through the suffering to achieve true happiness.

According to Dostoevsky, a person must feel responsible not only for his own actions, but also for any evil committed in the world. That is why Sonya feels that she is to blame for a committed crime Raskolnikov, that's why she takes his act so close to his heart and shares his fate.

It is Sona who opens the splitters their terrible secret. Her love revived Rodion, resurrected him to a new life. This resurrection is expressed in the novel symbolically: the Raskolnikov asks Sonya to read from the New Testament the Evangelsk scene of the resurrection of Lazarus and the meaning of the read correlates with him. Touched sympathy of Sony, Rodion for the second time goes to her already as close to a friend, he himself admits to her murder, trying to understand for her, to explain to her why he did it, asks her to leave him in misfortune and receives nothing from her: go On the square, kissing land and repent to all the people. In this Council, Sony reflects the thought of the author himself, seeking to bring his hero to suffering, and through suffering - to the atonement of guilt.

In the image of Sony, the author embodied the best qualities of a person: sacrifice, faith, love and chastity. Being surrounded by a vice forced to sacrifice your dignity, Sonya was able to preserve the purity of the soul and faith in the fact that "there is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering, a person will not be born for happiness: a person deserves his happiness, and always suffering." Sonya, "Breakdown" and ruined his soul, "High Spirit", one "discharge" with Raskolnikov, condemns him for contempt for people and does not accept his "Bunt", his "ax", which, as it seemed to Raskolnik, was raised And in the name of her. The heroine, according to Dostoevsky, embodies the national beginning, Russian element: patience and humility, immense love for man and God. The collision of Raskolnikova and Sony, the worldview of which is opposed to each other, reflects the internal contradictions, disturbing the soul of the writer.

Sonya hopes for God, on a miracle. Raskolnikov is confident that God is not and the miracle will not. Rodion mercilessly reveals the futility of her illusions before son. He tells Sona about the uselessness of her compassion, about the futility of its victims. Not a shameful profession makes a dream with a sinner, but the population of her victim and her feat. Raskolnikov judges Sonya with different weights in their hands than the dominant morality, he judges her from a different point of view than she herself.

The life of life in the last and already a completely hopeless corner, Sonya and in the face of death trying to do something. She, like the splitters, is valid by the law of free choice. But, unlike Rodion, Sonya did not disagree in people, she does not need examples to establish that people by nature are of their kind and deserve light lobes. Only Sonya is able to compassion the Raskolnik, as it does not bother or physical ugliness, neither the urgency of social fate. It penetrates "through the corrosion" in the essence of the human souls, is in no hurry to condemn; It feels that there are some unknown or incomprehensible reasons for the external evil that led to Zlo Raskolnikov and Svidrigaylov.

Sonya internally stands out of money, outside the laws of torping it. As herself, according to his will, she went to the panel, so herself, by his solid and disadvantaged will, she did not put on her hands.

Before Sonya, the question of suicide was asked - she thought of him and chose the answer. Suicide, in its position, it would be too selfish exit - it would save it from shame, from torment, it would cause it from a fetid pit. "After all, it's more," the splitters exclaims, "it would be more fair and wisely a lot of heads in the water and descend!" - And what will happen to them? "Sonya asked weakly, she suffered over him, but at the same time, as it were, not at all and not surprised his offer." The measure of will and determination from Sony was higher than Rodion could assume. To resist suicide, she needed more resistance, more support to itself than in order to rush "head into the water." From the water she kept not so much the thought of sin as "about them, their own." Sona Depravit was a pretty death. Humility does not imply suicide. And it shows us all the power of the character of Sony Marmaladova.

Sony nature can be defined in one word - loving. Active love for neighbor, the ability to respond to someone else's pain (especially deeply manifested in the scene recognition of Raskolnikov in murder) make the image of Sony "ideal." It is from the standpoint of this ideal in the novel and a sentence is pronounced. In the image of Sony, the marmalade author presented an example of a comprehensive, long-friendly love concluded in the character of the heroine. This love is not envious, it does not require anything in return, she even some kind of unspoken, because Sonya never talks about her. It overwhelms its entire creature, but never goes out in the form of words, only in the form of actions. This is silent love and it is more beautiful. Even the desperate marmalands bowed to her, even the crazy Katerina Ivanovna falls in front of her NIC, even the eternal debugger of Svidrigaylov respects Sonya for this. Not to mention the Raskolnikov, whom this love saved and healed.

The Heroes of the Roman remains true to their beliefs, despite the fact that the faith is different. But both of them understand that God is one for everyone, and he will indicate the true path to everyone who will feel his intimacy. The author of the novel, by moral quest and reflection, came to the idea that every person who comes to God begins to look at the world in a new way, rethink him. Therefore, in an epilogue when a moral resurrection of Raskolnikova occurs, Dostoevsky says that "a new story begins, the story of a gradual renewal of man, the story of the gradual rebirth of him, a gradual transition from one world to another, dating new, has accommodated completely unknown reality."

Fairly condemning the "Bunth" Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky leaves the victory not behind the strong, smart and proud Raskolnikov, and for Sonya, seeing the highest truth in it: better suffering than violence - suffering cleans. Sonya confesses the moral ideals, which, from the point of view of the writer, the closest to the wide masses: the ideals of humility, all-sucking, silent humility. Nowadays, most likely, Sonya would have become an outcast. And not every splitter in our days will suffer and suffer. But the conscience of the human, the soul of man lived and will always live, while the "world is". This is the great immortal meaning of the most difficult novel created by a genius writer-psychologist.

Materials about the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment."

After the murder committed by him, Sonya Marmeladov played the main female heroine of "Crime and Punishment".

Daughter poor officialShe, to save from famine Machel and children, leads the life of the fallen woman. The horror of his position, his shame, timid, drunk, this girl retained his soul and was distinguished by exceptional love for people and fiery religiosity. The bad, silently, without complaining, carries his sonya his cross, sacrificing all his life, being sakened for loved ones with a heavy shamer.

Sonya Marmeladova. Image of gospel love

This is a bad suffering surprising Skolnikov, he understands the soul of this girl, and she is for him as if the personification of the whole human suffering. Shocked by all tested in the last days, he is in some enthusiastic gust to her legs. "I didn't bow to you," he says, "I bow to the whole suffering to the human senses."

But the inner world of Sony is completely different than those of Skolnikov; It denies a categorically his theory about the right strengths; For her self-concrete, each human life, to which she has a religious attitude, and it can not allow the life of one person to serve as a means for another. She professes the law of Christ love, regret Raskolnikova, for a criminal for her, as well as for a simple people, is unhappy. She cries over him and sends him to accept suffering and redeeming sin, for the highest laws of spiritual life require.

"Go now, by the same minute," she says to him, "Become at the crossroads, worship, a kiss first the land that you defiled, and then worship the whole world, all four sides, and tell everyone, out loud: I killed! Then God again send you life. "

However, despite all attempts and spiritual struggle, Raskolnikov cannot understand her attitude towards the crime and even at the catguard leaves, unasonable and not feeling repentance. The closure and pride of the Raskolnikov cause a hostile attitude towards him, meanwhile as they penetrate with love, feeling her mental attitude towards people, and call her: "Mother are our tender, disease."

But the influence of Sony still won the soul of Skolnikov, who survived the full life fracture, which only hoses in the epilogue of the novel. "There is a new story here," says Dostoevsky, the story of the gradual renewal of man, is the story of the gradual rebirth of him - the gradual transition from one world to another, dating new, they have a completely unknown reality. "

Dostoevsky wrote his novel "Crime and Punishment" after the cattle. It was at this time that Fyodor Mikhailovich's belief took a religious color. The impassation of an unfair public device, the search for the truth, the dream of happiness for all of humanity was combined during this period in his character with the unbelief in the fact that the world can be altered forcibly. The writer was convinced that evil could not be avoided with any device of society. He believed that it comes from the human soul. Fyodor Mikhailovich raised the question of the need for moral improvement of all people. Therefore, he decided to turn to religion.

Sonya - ideal writer

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov - two main characters of the work. They are as if two oncoming flows. The ideological part of the "crime and punishment" makes their worldview. Sonechka Marmeladova is a writer. This is a carrier of faith, hopes, sympathy, love, understanding and tenderness. According to Dostoevsky, it should be every person. This girl is an personification of truth. She believed that all people had an equal right to life. The Sonechka Marmaladov was firmly convinced that, by the crime, happiness could not be achieved - neither someone else's nor. Sin always remains a sin. No matter who committed it and in the name of what.

Two Worlds - Marmalade and Skolnikova

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov exist in different worlds. Like the two opposite poles, these heroes cannot do without each other. The idea of \u200b\u200bBunt is embodied in Rodion, while Sonchik Marmeladov personifies humility. This is a deeply believer highly moral girl. She believes that there is a deep inner meaning in life. The ideas of Rodion that everything existing meaninglessly, it is incomprehensible. In all the Sonechka Marmeladov sees the divine predestination. She believes that nothing depends on man. The truth of this heroine is God, humility, love. For her, the meaning of life is a great strength of sympathy and compassion for people.

Raskolnikov is mercilessly and passionately judges the world. He can not put up with injustice. It is from here that its crime and mental torment in the work "Crime and Punishment" stems. Sonechka Marmaladova, like Rodion, also crosses through himself, but it does it at all like a splitter. The heroine is sacrificed to other people, and does not kill them. This author embodied the idea that a person has no right to personal, selfish happiness. It is necessary to study patience. You can achieve true happiness only through suffering.

Why Sonya takes a crime of Rodion close to heart

According to the thought of Fyodor Mikhailovich, a person needs to feel responsibility not only for his actions, but also for any evil, creatible in the world. That is why Sonya feels that in a crime, perfect Rodion, there are her fault. She takes the act of this hero close to the heart and shares his hard fate. Raskolnikov decides to open their terrible secret of this particular heroine. Her love revives him. She resurrects Rodion to a new life.

High internal characteristics of the heroine, attitude to happiness

The image of the Sonia Marmaladova is the embodiment of the best human qualities: love, faith, sacrifice and chastity. Even being surrounded by vices, forced to give sacrificing his own dignity, this girl retains the purity of his soul. She does not lose faith in the fact that there is no happiness in comfort. Sonya says that "man is not born for happiness." It is bought by suffering, it must be deserved. Fallen woman Sonya, who ruined his soul, turns out to be a "High Spirit man." This heroine can be put in one "discharge" with Rodion. However, it condemns the Raskolnikov for contempt for people. His "Bunta" Sonya cannot accept. But the hero seemed that his ax was raised in her name.

Collision of Sony and Rodion

According to Fyodor Mikhailovich, this heroine embodies the Russian element, the national beginning: humility and patience, and to man. Collision of Sony and Rodion, their opposite worldviews are a reflection of the internal contradictions of the writer, who worried his soul.

Sonya hopes for a miracle, on God. Rodion is convinced that God is not, and a miracle wait meaningless. This hero reveals the futility of its illusions before the girl. Raskolnikov suggests that her compassion is useless, and its victims are unsuccessful. Not at all because of the shameful profession is a sinner Sonechka Marmaladov. The characteristic of this heroine, given by Raskolnikov during the collision, does not withstand any criticism. He believes that her feat and sacrifices are in vain, but at the end of the work it is this heroine that revives him to life.

Sony's ability to penetrate the human soul

Living in a hopeless position, the girl is trying to take something and in the face of death. She, like Rodion, acts according to the law of free choice. However, unlike him, she did not lose faith in humanity, which notes Dostoevsky. Sonechka Marmeladova - a heroine, which is not needed by examples to understand that people are kind in their nature and deserve the bright lobe. It is she, and only she can compare Rodion, because it is not embarrassed by the uglyness of his social destiny, nor physical ugliness. Sonya Marmeladov penetrates the essence of the soul through her "corrosot". She does not hurry to condemn anyone. The girl understands that incomprehensible or unknown reasons that have led to Zlo Swidrigailov and Skolnikov are always taking place for an external evil.

The attitude of the heroine to suicide

This girl stands outside the laws of the world torping it. She is not interested in money. She is in his own will, wanting to feed your family, went to the panel. And it is precisely in his disadvantaged and hard will, she did not commit suicide. When this question got up before the girl, she thoroughly thought out him and chose the answer. In her position suicide would be an egoistic act. Thanks to him, she would be delivered from torment and shame. Suicide would pull it out of the "fetid pit." However, the thought of the family did not allow her to decide on this step. The measure of determination and will in the marmaladeova is much higher than the rules assumed. In order to abandon suicide, she needed more resistance than in order to make this act.

Depravity for this girl was a pretty death. However, humility excludes suicide. This is revealed all the strength of the nature of this heroine.

Love Sony

If you define in one word in nature of this girl, then the word is loving. Love for her neighbor was active. Sonya knew how to respond to the pain of another person. This was especially manifested in the episode of the recognition of Rodion in the murder. This quality makes her image ideal. The sentence in the novel is pronounced by the author from the standpoint of this ideal. Fedor Dostoevsky in the image of his heroine presented an example of a long-life, comprehensive love. She does not know envy, nothing wants in return. This love can even be called unspoken, because the girl never talks about her. However, this feeling overwhelms it. Only in the form of actions it goes out, but never in the form of words. Silent love becomes only more beautiful. Even the desperate marmalands admires it in front of it.

NIC and crazy Katerina Ivanovna fall before the girl. Even Svidrigaylov, this eternal depressor, respects her Sonya. Not to mention Rodion Raskolnikov. This hero, her love healed and saved.

The author of the work by reflection and moral quest came to the idea that any person who acquires God looks at the world in a new way. He begins to rethink him. That is why in an epilogue when the moral resurrection of Rodion is described, Fyodor Mikhailovich writes that "new history begins." Love Sonchi Marmalade and Skolnikov, described at the end of the work, is the brightest part of the novel.

Immortal meaning of the novel

Dostoevsky, fairly condemning his Rodion for his riot, leaves the victory for Sonya. It is in her he sees the highest truth. The author wants to show that suffering cleans that it is better than violence. Most likely, in our time there would be a rogue Sone Marmeladov. The image in the novel of this heroine is too far from the norms of the behavior adopted in society. And not every Rodion of Raskolnikov will suffer and suffer today. However, until the "world stands," is always alive and the soul of a man and his conscience will live. This is the immortal meaning of the novel of Dostoevsky, who is rightfully considered a great psychologist's writer.

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