The image of the kabani in the product of the thunderstorm. Essay "Characteristic and image of kabani in the play" Thunderstorm

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Rich Kupach Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is one of the main pillars of the "Dark Kingdom". It is a powerful, cruel, superstitious woman who belongs to deep distrust and even contempt for everything new. In progressive phenomena of their time, she sees only evil, so Kabaniha with such jealousy and protects his own world from their invasion. Because of which her children, despite the many good features, they still grew by morally crushed people who lack the forces for open confrontation to the world of cruelty, cosupiness and despotia. Cabanova simply not realizing that Varbara and Tikhon are already adult people with their thoughts and feelings, continues to treat them as to property. She thinks herself, maybe a little strict, but loving and fair parent: "" After all, the parents and strict lovers come to you, from love you and the wretched, everyone thinks good to teach. "

The gradual destruction of the patriarchal lifestyle, which is already felt even in such provincial cities as Kalinov, hesitates fear. As a clever man, she understands that the times are changing and the younger generation is already changing with more strength to oppose the old orders. But it is not ready to take these changes, and together with fear, her heart is filled with even greater anger. Particularly gets Katerina. "To the legs bow!" - orders Kabaniha Katerina, who says goodbye to her husband. And when Katerina died, she only grumbled: "" I have a lot of worn, I worked. Fully, about her and crying sin. "

The play "Thunderstorm" occupies a special place in the work of the island. In this play, the playwright most brightly outlined the "The World of the Dark Kingdom", the world of self-rigging merchants, the world of ignorance, arbitrariness and despotism, home tyranny.

The action in the play unfolds in a small town on the Volga - Kalinov. Life here, at first glance, is some patriarchal idyll. The city is still drowning in greenery, the Volga opens a "kind of extraordinary", at high shores it is a public garden, where residents of the town are often walking. Life in Kalinov flows quietly and slowly, there are no shocks in it, no exceptional events. News from the big world brings to the town of Feklusha's street, telling the Nadinets of non-residents about people with pesting heads.

However, in reality, not everything is so safely in this small, abandoned Mirka. Idillia this destroys the Kuligin in a conversation with Boris Grigorievich, Wild nephew: "Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In the bureaucratism, sir, you are nothing but the rudeness of poverty from the naked, you will not see ... And who has money, ... he tries the poor to rolling, so that there is even more money on his works even more money. " However, there is no consent between the rich: they will "be engaged in each other", "malicious cracks of Strachit", "ship", "trading underminate." They live all behind the oak goal, behind strong constipation. "And not from thieves they are locked up, and so that people did not see how they eat their home eaten yes, the family is tyranny. And that the tears poured behind these constipation, invisible and unshakable! .. And what, sir, behind these castles debauchery of dark and drunkenness! " - exclaims Kuligin.

One of the richest, influential people in the city is the merchant Savel Prokofievich Wild. Basic features of wild - rudeness, ignorance, flare and nonsense character. "There is also a crossover, as we have Savel Prokofich, look back! For nothing, the person will break through, "says Shapkin about him. The whole life of the wild is based on "curses". Neither cash payments, nor trips to the bazaar - "nothing without interference does nothing." Most of all gets from the wild home and came from Moscow to the nephew Boris.

Savel Prokofievich is misfortune. "... Just screaming for me about money, I will have all the nutrunny," he says Kabanova. Boris came to the uncle in the hope of getting the inheritance, but it was actually in the Kabalon to him. Savel Prokofievich does not pay him a salary, constantly insults and scolds the nephew, reproaciting him in tunnost and tune.

Repeatedly quarrels wild and with Kuligin, local self-taught mechanic. Kuligin is trying to find a reasonable reason for the rudeness of Saveel Prokofievich: "For what, Sudar Savel Prokofievich, an honest person to offend?" What the wilderness is responsible: "The report, or I will give you! I don't give you anything more than you. I want to think so about you, so I think! For others, you are an honest person, and I think you are a robber, that's all ... I say that the robber, and the end. What are you, to sue, what will you be, with me? So you know that you worm. I want to give me, I will want to give up. "

"What a theoretical reasoning can resist where life is based on such principles! The absence of any law, all logic is the law and the logic of this life. This is not anarchy, but something else is much worse ... "," wrote the Dobrolyubs about the wilderness of the wild.

Like most Kalinovans, Savel Prokofievich is irreversally ignorant. When Kuligin asks him to make money on the setting of a bullet, Wildly declares: "Thunderstorms are sent to us in punishment, so that we feel, and you want to be soles and there are ... defend."

Wilde is a "natural type" of a self-playing. His rudeness, rudeness, mockery of people are based, first of all, on the discarded, unbridled character, stupidity and absence of opposition from other people. And only then on wealth.

It is characteristic that almost no one has a wilderness of active resistance. Although it is not so difficult to subscribe: "Ogrant" unfamiliar hussar "Oguruhal" transported him, does not rob to him and Kabani. "There is no senior over you, so you kouchy", "Marfa Ignatievna straightly declares him. It is characteristic that here she is trying and wild to fit into their vision of the world order. Kabaniha explains the permanent anger, the quick temper of his wild greed, but Savel Prokofievich himself and does not think to deny her conclusions. "To whom your good is not a pity!" - he exclaims.

Much more complex in the play is the image of the Kabani. This is an expressant of the "ideology of the Dark Kingdom", which "has created a whole world of special rules and superstitious customs."

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is a rich landing, a widow, cultivating the order and traditions of ancient. She grind, constantly dissatisfied with others. It gets from her, first of all, home: "She" Eating "the Son Tikhon, reads endless morals of the daughter-in-law, trying to control the behavior of his daughter.

Kabaniha jealously protects all laws and customs of the housework. The wife, in her opinion, should be afraid of her husband, be silent and submissive. Children should read their parents, unquestioning to fulfill all their instructions, follow their advice, respect them. None of these requirements, according to Kabanova, is not fulfilled in her family. Marfa Ignatievna is dissatisfied with the behavior of the son and daughter-in-law: "Do not know anything, no order," she argues alone. Katerina, she assumes that she does not know how to hold a husband "in ancient one" - it became not enough to love him enough. "Another good wife, having made a husband, the hour and a half hundred and a half, lies on the porch ...", "she says daughter-in-law. Tikhon, according to Kabanova, is too soft in handling his wife, not respectfully in due measure towards the mother. "Not so much older is respected," says Marfa Ignatievna, reading the teaching to his son.

Kabaniha Fanatically religious: She constantly remembers God, about sin and reward, in her house there are often awesome. However, the religiosity of Martha Ignatievna is nothing more than the Phariseeship: "Khunzha ... beggars will give up, and homemade at all," Kuligin notes about her. In his faith, Marfa Ignatievna Surova and inexperienced, there is no place for love, mercy, all-promenade. So, at the end of the play, she does not even think about to forgive Katerina her sin. On the contrary, she advises Tikhon's wife "burning into the ground to bury so that she collapsed."

Religion, vintage rituals, Pharisee complaints about their lives, game on sown feelings - Kabanija everything uses to approve their absolute power in the family. And she "achieves His": in a tough, overwhelming atmosphere of home tyranny, the identity of Tikhon is crumbling. "Tikhon loved his wife himself and would be ready to do everything for her; But the oppression, under which he grew, so I was worn out that it could not develop any strong desire to develop. It has a conscience, there is a goodness of good, but he constantly acts against himself and serves as a submissive tool mother, even in his relations to his wife, "writes Dobrolyubov.

Simple, the innovicious Tikhon lost the wholeness of his senses, the opportunity to show the best features of his nature. Family happiness closed for him initially: in the family where he grew up, this happiness was replaced by "Chinese ceremonies." He can't show his love for his wife, and not because "the wife must be afraid of her husband," and because it simply "does not know how" to show his feelings that have been severely suppressed since childhood. All this led Tikhon to a certain emotional deafness: he often does not understand the status of Katerina.

Having deprived the son of any initiative, Kabaniha constantly suppressed his male start and at the same time reproached him in a lack of masculinity. Subconsciously, he seeks to fill this "lack of masculinity" in drinking and rare "gulyankas" "on the will". To realize yourself in some kind of business, Tikhon cannot - probably, Mama does not allow him to dispose of affairs, counting the Son unsuitable for this. Kabanova can only send a son with the instruction, but everything else is under its strict control. It turns out that Tikhon is deprived of his own opinion, and their own feelings. It is characteristic that Martha Ignatievna itself is unhappy with the infantilism of the Son. It slips in its intonations. However, it is likely that it is not aware of its involvement in this.

The life philosophy of Varvara was formed in the Kabanov family. Its rule is simply: "Do what you want, if only Shito, it was." Varvara is far from the religiousness of Katerina, from her poetry, exaltation. She quickly learned to lie and remove. It can be said that both Barbara "learned" the "Chinese ceremony" in his own way, having perceived the essence of them itself. In the heroine, the impedition of feelings, kindness, but her lies are nothing like a reconciliation with Kalinovskaya morality.

It is characteristic that in the final of the play and Tikhon, and Varbara, everyone in their own way, rebellion against the "Power of Mama". Barbara escapes from the house with Kurashom, Tikhon first openly expresses his opinion, reproaciting mother in the death of his wife.

Dobrolyubov noted that "some critics wanted even in the island to see the singer of wide natur," "the arbitrariness wanted to assign a Russian person as a special, natural quality of his nature - called" Nature's latitude "; Plutship and cunning, too, wanted to legalize in the Russian people under the name of ancesty And the lucavia. "In the play" Thunderstorm "is the Ostrovsky, and the other phenomenon. Arbitration goes" heavy, ugly, lawlessly ", he sees nothing else in it, like self-smuggling. Plutship and cunning turns not to be dismissed, but by vulgarity , recycled side of the samotor.

There is such a crossover like us
Savel Prokofich, look back!
A. N. Ostrovsky
The drama of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" for many years has become a textbook product depicting the "Dark Kingdom", which suppresses the best human feelings and aspirations, trying to make everyone in their gross laws. No freedomoff is unconditional and complete submission of the eldest. The carriers of this "ideology" are wild and kabani. Internally, they are very similar, but some external difference is present in their characters.
Kabaniha Hanez and hypocrite. Under the mask of piety, she, "like a rye iron," will eat his households, completely suppressing the will in them. Kabanih raised a haired son, wants to control each step. She is unpleasant for the idea that Tikhon can independently make decisions without looking at the mother. "I would love you, my friend," she says Tikhon, "I didn't see anyone with my eyes, I didn't hear my ears, which now it was the reverence of parents from children! At least I remembered how much Mother of Diseases from Children tolerate. "
Kabaniha not only degrades children herself, she trains it and Tikhon, forcing to torment his wife. This old woman has everything on suspicion. Do not be so Svirpa, I would not throw Katerina first in the embrace of Boris, and then in the Volga. Wildly just like a "chain" attacked at all. Kudryash, however, I am sure that "... We have few guys on my place, and then we would disappear it to him." This is quite right. Wild does not meet due resistance, therefore suppresses everyone. Behind him, capital is the basis of His greasyness, so he keeps himself. For wild there is one law - money. They defines the "value" of man. Rugan for him is an ordinary condition. They say about him: "So such a crossover, as we have Savel Prokofich, look more. I will cut a person for anything.
Kabaniha and Wild - "Pillars of the Company", spiritual mentors in the city of Kali-Nov. They have established unbearable orders, from which one throws into the Volga, others run where their eyes look, and the third drinks.
Kabaniha is quite confident in her right, she one knows the truth in the last instance. That is why he keeps himself so unceremoniously. She is the enemy to the whole new, young, fresh. "So that's the old one and is displayed. In another house and we do not want to go. And you go out, so they stick, yes, it's more likely. What will be how old people will refine how the light will stand, I do not know. Well, yes, even though it is good that I will not see anything. "
At the wild pathological love for money. In them he sees the basis of his infinite power over people. And for it, all means are good in mining money: he is calculating citizens, "not a single way", he has "thousands are compiled" from underpox kopecks, "he is completely quietly assigned to themselves inheritance of nephews. Wildly not scrupulous in choosing funds.
Under the Gnet of Wild and Babies moan not only their home, but also the whole city. "Thick power" opens to them an unlimited possibility of arbitrariness and self-use. "The absence of any law, all logic is the law and the logic of this life," the Dobrolyubs writes about the life of the city of Kalinov, and therefore any other city of Tsarist Russia.
In the play "Thunderstorm", Ostrovsky gives a truthful picture of the stale atmosphere of the provincial city. The terrifying impression is the reader and the viewer, but why is the drama relevant and 140 years after the creation? Little has changed in the psychology of people. Who is rich, in power, the right, unfortunately, and today.

According to I. A. Goncharova, A. N. Ostrovsky "Lee-Teatura brought a whole library of artistic works as a gift, created his own OSO World for the scene." Amazing the world of the works of the island. He created the characters of large and solid, knew how to emphasize the comic or dramatic properties in them, to draw the attention of the reader at the advantages or defects of their heroes.

Special attention deserves the heroes of the play "Gro-For" - Savel Prokofievich Wild and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova.

Savel Prokofievich Wild - a merchant, a significant face in the city of Kalinov. Eloquent characteristics give him the heroes of the play. "He is everywhere. It is afraid that, he, he! " - Says about him Kudryash. Wild, in fact, nothing but your own will does not recognize. He has no matter to thoughts and feelings of other people. Write, to humiliate, offend to Saveel Prokofievich should not. With those surrounding, he behaves as if "from the chain was broken," and without that he could not "be shattered." "... you worry," he says Kuligi, well. "I want to eat, I will want to give up."

Wild power is the stronger than the weaker, more discern. So Kudryash, for example, knows how to anticipate a wilderness. "... he is a word, and I am ten; Plus, and go. No, I will not work in front of him, "says Kudryash about his relationship with Ku-Tsom. Other man's man's nephew, Boris. "Dot to him for a sacrifice Boris Grigorich, here he drives him and go," notice those surrounding. Wildly does not bother what Boris is an orphan and that he is closer than uncle he has no one. The merchant is aware that the fate of the nephew in his ru kakh, and uses it. "Engine, scoring ...", - Boris says with Mount Cheving. No less severe merchant and to his employees: "We have no one torture about the sting-Wannier, says the light of it." On someone else's slave labor and deception makes happy wilderness of his co-standing: "... I subscribe to them on some kind of kope ... and I have from this thousand are compiled ...". All, sometimes a look at Wildly, and he is a dispenser, which bends sticks: "After all, I know that we must give, but I can not all good."

Wild - despot and Tyrant in his family, they can't please anyone in his family, "when he offends such a person whom he does not dare to wrap; There is a domestic home! "

Not inferior to the wilderness and boat, rich Kalinovskaya checkout. Kabaniha - Hansha, she does everything "under the guise of piety." Outwardly, it is very diveged. Odo-Nako, as Kuligin notes, Kabaniha "beggars will hang up, and homemade lets at all." The main object of its tyranny is his own son Tikhon. Being an adult, a married man, he is completely in the mercy of the mother, has no own opinion, it is afraid to move to her. Kabaniha "builds" his relationship with his wife, she leads each of his act, every word. Full obedience - all that she wants to see in her son. The powerful Kabaniha does not overtake that under her, a man of a coward, a pitiful, blessing, irresponsible, grew up. You, rushing for a while from under the supervision of the mother, he chips freedom and drinks, because he does not know how to use freedom freedom. "... from your will no step," he says his mother, and "he thinks herself, as if he would break out of them as soon as possible."

Kabaniha is jealous of his son to Snow, constantly popre-king his Katerina, "Eat Eating". "I really see that I have a hindrance," she's ducky. Kabanikha believes that the husband's wife must be afraid, it is to be afraid, and not to love and not respect. In her opinion, the correct exclusion is based on the suppression of one man-century to others, on humiliation, on non-free. In this regard, in this respect, the Scene of the farewell of Katerina with Mu, when all the words of Tikhon, addressed to his wife, is just the repetition of the science of kabani.

If it suffers from Kabani since childhood, Tikhon, then the life of such a dreamy, poetic and solid nature, like Katerina, in the house of the checkpone and in-all becomes unbearable. "Here's what came to-husband, which was signed - anyway," Boris argues about it.

Permanent pressure makes fit-smiling kabani daughter, Varvaru. "Do what you want, if only Shito, it was," she argues.

Giving an assessment to the images of the "hosts of life", N. Good-love shows Wild and Kabanchu by self-director, with their "constant suspicion, tentility and pickyness." According to the critic, "Gro-for" - the most decisive work of the Ostrovsky-th "In this play," mutual relations of self-smuggling and fraud is brought ... to the most tragic consequences ... "

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The literature very often appear images exclusively negative. At the time when it mostly expressed the opinion about the duality of the human soul and nature and the positive and negative aspect of the person, the Master of the Art Word, and the case deliberately give their characters only with bad features, excluding even the slightest manifestations of the positive impact of the hero's activities.

In the play "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky one of these characters is Kabaniha.

Characteristics of the personality of Kabanihi

The full name of the heroine is Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, but in the text it is most often called the boa. Marfa Ignatievna consists of friendly relations with wild, he is also her kum. It is worth noting that such a friendship is not amazing, because both characters are very similar in nature.

Dear readers! On our site you can familiarize yourself with the characteristic of the city of Kalina in the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Kabaniha - wealthy checkout. Her position in society meant tolerant attitude towards others, but in fact the habits are not at all noble. Kabaniha has a solid and unshakable character. She is a cruel and rude woman.

Marfa Ignatievna is too conservative, she "stuck" last time and lives with principles and standards for a long time, not realizing that there were no changes in the world and it is no longer possible in the world. She believes that the wisdom of a person is determined by his age - the young people a priori cannot be smart, it is only the prerogative of old people: "You do not condemn older yourself! They know you more. "

Kabaniha is confident that children must be bowed to their parents to their feet, and the husband must "order" his wife all the time. Marfa Ignatievna is very sad, when these norms of behavior are not respected and thinks that this is the problem of the uncompatory of the younger generation: "They don't know anything, no order."

Kabaniha got used to play the public - she tries in the eyes of society to be a virtuous and noble woman, although in fact such is not. Marfa Ignatievna often gives alms to the beggar, but does it not at the destruction of the heart, but in order for everyone to think that she is kind and generous woman.

Kabaniha is a very pious woman, but, apparently, her religiosity is also intact, since, in spite of everything, Kabani does not adhere to the laws of God and often neglects the main rules of behavior in relation to other people.

Family and attitude to native

The complexity of the character is fully manifested in relation to its native people. As part of her family, three people - son, daughter and daughter-in-law. With all them, the Kabani had an extremely contradictory relationship.

All complexities and conflicts in the family associated with the authoritarian nature of the mother, its conservatism and special love for scandals.

We offer thoughtful readers to get acquainted with the characteristics of Katerina in the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Son Kabanihi - Tikhon - at the time of the narration is already an adult man, he could be quite independent, but the mother does not give him the opportunity to do it. A woman always takes his son all the time and tries to control him every step, referring not to the incompetence of Tikhon. As a result

Kabaniha became not just to give advice to his son, but literally live instead of him: "Eat eats, does not give a passage."

Marfa Ignatievna constantly intervenes in the relationship of the son and daughter-in-law and sometimes orders to beat his son's wife, for such an order: "I love her, I'm sorry for my finger to touch it. He broke a little, and then Mama ordered. "

Tikhon, despite his age and belief that such gross actions in relation to his wife are not needed, still unquestioning fulfills the will of the mother.

To the young ride, Katerina, Kabani is not the best attitude - she is always unhappy with her and always find, than to reproach a young girl. The reason for this relationship lies not in the unaffordial relationship of Katerina to the boa, or not in the not fulfillment of their duties from Katerina, but in the habit of Kabani, everyone will command and jealousy arising in relation to the daughter-in-law.

Kabaniha can not accept their son's adulthood, it's a shame that Tikhon prefers his wife, and not his mother.

The daughter of Kabani Barbara is not so straightforward, she has long realized that she will never be able to defend her position: the mother, who, in its essence, was a homely tyrant, simply did not endure anything like this and did not allow any vitality. From this situation, the girl found only one way out - to deceive the mother. Barbara always said that he wanted to hear Marfa Ignatievna, but he did, as she wants: "We have the whole house on that. And I was not a literature, but I learned when I needed. "

Such actions inside the family from the side of the Kabani are the cause of the set of tragedies. The daughter of her barbarian runs out of the house, to never appear here - for the girl Escape became the only salvation from mother's home-friendly. Tikhon and Katerina, who did not even think about how to change their position, and only took the expectant position and silently suffered insults and humiliation from the mother, could not succeed.

Katerina, changing her husband to feel happy, under pressure, morality and shame confesses to his act, and then, but under pressure from the humiliation of the Kabani, ends the life of suicide. Only after the death of Katerina Tikhon found the strength to give a verbal rebuff of the mother and reproach her in unlawful actions in relation to his loved ones: "You wanted it! You! You!". However, due to the softness of the character of Tikhon, it is unlikely to be able to defend its position to the end.

Attitude of those surrounding kabani

Despite all the efforts to convince others that she is a kind and good woman, Marfa Ignatievna did not work. The truth about its smoke character and love for tyranny still leaked and surrounding periodically periodically about it.

The main integrity array of information about the nature of the Kabani is to the statements of Kuligin and Kudryash. Kudryash denounces the duality of her behavior. Marfa Ignatievna lives "to show people" and "Since there is actually." According to Kudryash, the kabani all happens "under the guise of piety."

The same topic is developing in its stories and Kuligin: "Khunzha, sir! The beggars will dwell, but at all the houses.

Thus, thanks to the literary mystification, the reader has the opportunity to see an unusual image consisting exclusively of the negative qualities of the nature. Kabaniha tries to keep the old building with his cardinal actions, which is rapidly collapsed, it does not work with such methods, but at the same time Marfa Ignatievna ruins the fate of his children, which looks extremely sad.

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