Plushkin. Story Character Dead Soul Who is Plushkin

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"Dead souls," did not even imagine, with what bright personalities would like to meet. In all the variety of characters in the work of the mansion there is a squeak and a feet of Stepan Plushkin. The rest of the rich in literary work is shown static, and this landower has its own history of life.

History of creation

The idea that the work is based on the basis of the work belongs. Once a great Russian writer told Nikolay Gogolo, the history of fraud, which heard during the Chisinau reference. In the Moldavian city of Bender, in recent years they died exclusively people of military ranks, ordinary mortals were in no hurry to the world. A strange phenomenon was explained simply - hundreds of runaway peasants from the center of Russia stretched in Bessarabia in the early 19th century, and during the investigation it turned out that the "passport details" died were assigned to the fugitives.

Gogol found the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genius and, by reflection, invented the plot, in which the main acting person was an enterprising person who has enriched at the expense of the sale of "dead souls" into the guardian council. The idea seemed to him interesting because he opened the opportunity to create an epic work, to show the characters through the paint therapy all Russia, what a writer had long dreamed of.

Work on the poem started in 1835. At that time, the most of the year Nikolai Vasilyevich conducted abroad, trying to forget the scandal that broke out after the performance of the "Auditor" performances. According to the plan, the plot was supposed to take three volumes, and in general, the work was determined as comic, humorous.

However, neither the other was not destined to come true. The poem turned out to be gloomy, exposing all the vices of the country. The manuscript of the second book is the author that I did not start the third. Of course, in Moscow, flatly refused to print literary work, but Kritic Vissarion Belinsky was helped to help the writer, it was overwhelmed before St. Petersburg censors.

The miracle happened - the poem was allowed to publish, only with the condition that the name would acquire a small addition to remove the eyes from raised serious problems: "Chichikov's adventures, or dead souls." In this form in 1842 the poem and went to the reader. The new work of Gogol was again in the epicenter of the scandal, because landlords and officials clearly saw their images in it.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGogol truncated brilliant - first showed the shortcomings of Russian life, then planned to describe the resurrection path of the "dead souls". Part of the researchers associate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poems with the "Divine Comedy": the first volume is "hell", the second - "purgatory", and the third - "paradise".

It is assumed that Plushkin should have transformed from a greedy old man in a wanderer-benefactor, who tries to help the poor in every way. But Nikolay Gogol never managed to convincingly describe the ways of rebirth of people, in which after the burning manuscript confessed himself.

Image and nature

The image of a half-handed landowner in the work is the brightest of everyone who meets on the path of Chichikov's main hero. It was Plushin that the writer gives the most complete characteristic, looking even into the past character. This is a lonely widower who cursed her daughter and losing to his son's lover.

Periodically, the daughter with grandchildren visits the old man, but no help from him does not get - one indifference. Educated and smart in youth, a man over time turned into a "worn ruin", struggling and crumbling with a bad temper, becoming a mixture even for servants.

The product contains a detailed description of the appearance of Plushkin. At home, he walked in a grained bathrobe ("... to which not only was conscientious, but even ashamed"), and he was in a worn, but quite neat surpetuka without a single patch. At the first meeting, Chichikov could not understand who in front of him, a woman or a man: the creature of an indefinite sex was moved around the house, and the buyer of the dead soul accepted him for the key.

The storage of the character is on the verge of marasm. In his possessions 800 serfs, barns are full of rotting food. But Plushkin does not allow its hungry peasants to touch the products, and with the dealers, the disassemble "as a demon", so the merchants stopped coming for the goods. In his own bedroom, a man thoughtfully folds the features and pieces of pieces, and in the corner of one of the rooms, "good", selected on the street.

Life goals are reduced to the accumulation of wealth - this problem often acts as an argument for writing writings on the exam. The value of the image lies in the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich tried to show how painful stupidity kills a bright and strong personality.

Multiply good - Favorite Plushkin's lesson, what is even talking about changing speech. At first, the old squeak meets Chichikova wary, specifying that "visa is not." But, having learned the purpose of the visit, the dissatisfied grumbling is replaced by undisguised joy, and the chief hero of the poem turns into a "father", "benefactor".

In the lexicon, the buyer is a whole dictionary of the swiss words and expressions, from "fools" and "robber" to "devils are sitting" and "channel". The landowner, all his life of the peasants who lived in a circle, spectacle with common words.

Plushkin's house resembles a medieval castle, but dyed with time: in the walls of the slit, part of the windows are boarded by boards, so that no one is narrowing the richness hiding in the dwelling. Gogol managed to combine character traits and the image of a hero with his home phrase:

"All this fell into the storerooms, and everything got rot and rush, and he himself turned, finally, in some kind of rushing in humanity."


The work of Gogol was set in the Russian cinema five times. Based on the story also created two cartoons: "Chichikov's adventures. Manilov "and" Chichikov's adventures. Nozdrev.

"Dead Souls" (1909)

In the era of the formation of cinema, Peter Chardynin, to capture the adventures of Chichikova. A dumb short film with a trimmed Gogol plot was filmed in the railway club. And since the experiences in the movies are still just beginning, the tape turned out unsuccessful due to incorrectly selected lighting. Theatrical actor Adolf Georgievsky performed as a miser plush.

"Dead Souls" (1960)

The film-performance on the formulation of Mkat removed the director Leonid Trauberg. A year after the premiere, the picture received a prize of criticism at the festival in Monte Carlo.

Vladimir Belokurov (Chischikov), (Nozdrev), (Box), and even (the modest role of the waiter, did not even get into the titles) in the film. And Plushkin brilliantly played Boris Petker.

"Dead Souls" (1969)

Another television play, who was conceived by the director Alexander Belinsky. According to estimates of the kinomanians, this film is the best of film stations of the unwanted work.

The tape is also involved bright actors of the Soviet Cinema: (Nozdrev), (Manilan), (Chichikov). The role of Plushkin went to Alexander Sokolov.

"Dead Souls" (1984)

The series of five episodes filmed by Mikhail Schweizer was shown on central television.

In the greedy landowner, Leonid Yarmolnik reincarnated - the actor referred to in the Plushkin picture.

  • In the meaning of the character name, the motive of self-denial is laid. Gogol created a paradoxical metaphor: a rosy bun - a symbol of wealth, satiety, joyful content - is opposed to "moldy sugar" for which the paints of life have long been fed.
  • The surname Plushkin became a nominal. This is called unnecessarily crumbling, manic greedy people. In addition, the passion for the storage of old, useless things is the typical behavior of people with a mental disorder, which in medicine the name "Plushkin Syndrome".


"After all, it knows him, maybe he is just a bragging, like all these mothers: Nourvet, Norvet, to talk yes, drink tea, and then leave!"
"The seventh dozen live!"
"Plushkin muttered something through the lips, because there was no teeth."
"If Chikhikov met him, so unfashionable, somewhere in church doors, then probably would give him a copper pen. But it was not a beggar before him, a landowner stood before him. "
"I don't even advise you to know the road to this dog! - said Sobekevich. - apologue to go to some obscene place than to it. "
"But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner! A family man was married, and a neighbor came to have lunch to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise misfortune. "

Plushin characteristic: the hero of the poem is dead souls.

Gallery of the landowners presented in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", the plush is completed. In the scene of dating with Chikchikov, the character of the hero is revealed with all the artistic completeness.

The poem reveals such features of the hero, as grinding, stupidity, confusion, suspicion, and infractiveness. He calls the dead peasants "TUNADETS", grows on Maur, confident that she deceives Barin. Plushkin suspects Mavru in the fact that she "subtebral" his paper. When it turns out that his suspicions are in vain, he begins to grumble, displeased by the dismissed, who gave him Mour. Gogol also emphasizes the stupidity of Plushkin. Finding paper, in order to save it requires "Luchinka" instead of a silent candle. And, having started writing, scorching a string on a string ", sorry that" there will still be a lot of pure space. " The stiffness of the hero acquired hypertrophied features, led his whole house in launching and chaos. In the house of Plushin, everything is covered with dust, in the inkwell he has a "moldy liquid and many flies on the bottom."

Using portrait details, the author exposes his hero's confusion in front of the reader. Motion Gogol gives us a brief portrait sketch of Plushkin. We see how a suddenly "some warm beam" flashed on a wooden face, "a pale reflection of feelings." Using the detailed comparison, the author here compares this phenomenon with the appearance of an imperishing on the surface of the water. But the impression remains instant. Following this, Plushkin's face becomes "still insensitive and still a voyage." Here is emphasized by the humility of the hero, the lack of living life in it. And at the same time, the "pale reflection of feelings" on his face is probably the potential possibility of spiritual revival. It is known that Plushkin is the only landowner who, together with Chichikov, was to become a character of the third volume of the poem, according to Gogol's plan. And no wonder the author gives us the biography of this hero, and in this passage notes that the Plushkin school had buddies.

Characterized by the speech of the hero. It predominates the faded expressions ("Thief", "Fraudster", "Rogue"). In the intonations of Plushkin, threats are sounded, he grims, annoyed, emotional. In speech, there are exclamation offers.

Thus, in the poem, the character of the hero appears a multifaceted, potentially interesting for readers and the author. Plushkin from Gogol completes the gallery of Russian landowners, open Manilov. And this order also, according to critics, has a certain meaning. Some researchers believe that the hero is the last degree of moral fall, others, analyzing the intention of Gogol (the poem in three volumes), they say that the most soulless, "dead" job character is Manilov. Plushkin is a man * capable of moral revival. And in this regard, we can talk about the big value of this scene in the development of the entire author's plan.

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  • characteristic Plushkin
  • plushkin characteristic
  • plushkin characteristic of the hero

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"Dead souls" appeared in the literature as an example of manuscripts that are burning. As you know, Gogol - the author of the work - burned the second part of the "dead souls". Despite this, the text firmly arrived in the pages of school programs on literature. Gogol brought many characters in the work: the names of some of them became nominal. For example, the name of Plushkin, about which we will talk below.

Symbolism of the surname

Gogol did not neglect the symbolism in his works. Very often, the names and surnames of the heroes of its works are symbolic. With the help of opposition, the characteristics of the hero or synonymity contribute to the disclosure of certain characteristics of the character.

Basically, the disclosure of symbolism does not require certain knowledge - the answer always lies on the surface. The same trend is observed in the case of a plush.

The word "Plushkin" denotes a person who is distinguished by unusual misfortune and greed. The purpose of his life becomes the accumulation of a certain state (both in the form of finances and in the form of products or raw materials) without a specific purpose.

In other words, he sails to save. The accumulated good, as a rule, does not come true anywhere and is used with minimal consumption.

Such a designation fully corresponds to the description of Plushin.

Appearance and costume

Plushkin is endowed with the poem with feasible features. He has an oblong and unnecessary thin face. Plushkin did not possess distinctive features of the face. Nikolai Vasilyevich argues that his face was not much different from the face of other old people with stuffy persons.

A distinctive feature of the appearance of Plushkin was exormably long chin. The landowner had to cover it with a handkerchief so as not to leave. The image was complemented by small eyes. They did not lose their lively and were like little animals. Plushkin was never shaved, his beard throws not the most attractive way and resembled a scraper for horses.

Plushkin's teeth had no one.

Plushina costume wants to look better. To be honest, it is impossible to call his clothes with a suit - she has so angry and strange look, which resembles ramped ramps. Usually, Plushkin is dressed in an incomprehensible shape of a dress similar to a female hood. His hat was also borrowed from the female wardrobe - it was a classic coast cap.

The condition of the costume was just awful. When Chichikov saw Plushkin for the first time, he could not determine his floor - Plushkin in his behavior and appearance very reminded the key to the key. After the identity of the strange key was established, Chichikov came to the result that Plushkin was not at all like a landowner - if he was near the church, it would be easy to accept him for a beggar.

Plushkin family and his past

Plushkin was not always such a person when he was young, his appearance and character were absolutely not similar to the current.

Several years ago Plushkin was not alone. He was a man, quite happily living in marriage. The wife has definitely positively influenced the landowner. After the birth of children, the life of Plushkin was also pleasantly transformed, but it did not last long - soon his wife died, leaving the plush to three children - two girls and a boy.

Plushkin hardly worried about his wife's loss, it was difficult for him to cope with Handrea, so he was more and more alone from his usual rhythm of life.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls".

Pretty and smoke character contributed to the final break - the eldest daughter and son without a blessing of the father left the father's house. The youngest daughter died some time. The eldest daughter, despite the complex character of the Father, is trying to support relationship with him and even brings him to buy children. With her son, the connection was long lost. How was his fate and whether he was alive - the old man does not know.

Characteristic personality

Plushkin - a man of difficult character. It is likely that certain changes in the development of some qualities have been laid and earlier, but under the influence of family life and personal well-being, they did not acquire such a characteristic appearance.

Plushkin worried anxiety - his concern and worry have long passed the permissible measure and became some obsessive thought. After the death of his wife and daughter, he finally felt soul - he was alien to the concept of sympathy and love for near.

This trend is observed not only in relation to someone else's relative plan of people, but also to the closest relatives.

The landowner leads a secluded lifestyle, he almost does not communicate with his neighbors, he has no friends. Plushkin likes to spend time alone, it seals the ascetic way of life, the arrival of guests for it is associated with something unpleasant. He does not understand why people travel to each other and consider it a waste of time - during this time interval you can make a lot of useful things.

There are no wishing to make friends with Plushin, it is impossible to find everything - everyone is silent an eccentric old man.

Plushkin lives without a certain goal in life. Because of his stuffiness and petty things, he was able to accumulate significant capital, but does not plan to somehow use the accumulated money and raw materials - Plushin like the accumulation process itself.

Despite significant financial reserves, Plushkin lives very poorly - he is a pity to spend money not only his relatives and loved ones, but also his clothes - his clothes walked for a long time in rags, the house was told, but it seems to improve something plush sees meaning And so everything suits.

Plushkin loves to complain and be down. It seems to him that he has little - and he has no food pleading, and there is no land too little and even the excess Klock of the Seine in the farm does not find. In fact, everything is different - its food reserves are so great that they come into disrepair directly in the repositories.

The second thing in life, which brings pleasure in the life of Plushin, was quarrels and scandals - he is always unhappy and loves to express his discontent in the most unsightly form. Plushkin is too picky man, it is impossible to please.

Plushkin himself does not notice his drawbacks, he believes that in fact, everyone belongs to him with bias and cannot appreciate his kindness and care.

Plushkin estate

As if Plushkin neither registered about his employment, it is worth recognizing that as a landowner Plushkin was not the best and talented.

His great estate is not much different from an abandoned place. The gate, the hedge along the garden was told to the impossibility - in some places the fence fell, no one was in a hurry to close the formed holes.

There were two churches on the territory of his village before, but now they are in running.

Plushkin's house is in a terrible state - probably not repaired for many years. From the street, the house is similar on non-residential - the windows in the estate were skipped, just a few have opened. In some places, the mold appeared, the tree covered with moss.

Inside the house looks no better - the house is always dark and cold. The only room in which the natural light penetrates is a plush room.

The whole house is similar to the garbage dump - Plushkin never throws anything. He thinks that these things can still come in handy.

In Plushkin's office, I also reign chaos and mess. There is a broken chair, which is no longer possible to fix, the clocks that do not go. In the corner of the room there is a dump - which lies in a pile it is difficult to disassemble. From the total heap, the sole of the old shoe and broken stalk shovels.

It seems that the rooms never cleaned - there was a web and dust everywhere. In the writing table, Plushkin also did not have order - the paper was lying there in the ground with garbage.

Attitude towards serf

In the possession of Plushina there is a large number of serfs - about 1000 people. Of course, the concern and adjustment of the work of such a number of people require certain forces and skills. However, it is not necessary to talk about the positive achievements of the activities of Plushin.

With its peasants, Plushkin costs usable and cruel. They are not enough outwardly different from their owner - their clothes are broken, the houses dilapidated, and the people themselves are immensely skinny and hungry. From time to time, someone from the fortress plush is solved on escape, for the life of the fugitive becomes more attractive than a serf plush. Chikchiku Plushkin sells about 200 "dead souls" - this is the number of people who died and escaped from him serfs for several years. Compared to the "dead souls" of the rest of the landowners, the number of peasants sold by Chichikov looks terrific.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Shinel".

Peasant houses look even worse than the estate of the landowner. In the village it is impossible to find a single house with a whole roof - rain and snow freely penetrate the dwelling. There are no windows in the houses too - the holes in the windows are embedded with rags or old clothes.

Plushkin is extremely disapproving about his fortress - in his eyes they are lazy and idlers, but in fact it is a slander - the fortress plush is diligently and honestly work. They sow grain, poured flour, dried fish, make fabrics, make various items from wood, in particular dishes.

According to Plushkina, his fortress the most painted and ineptly - they all do somehow, without diligence, besides, constantly robbing their owner. In fact, everything is not like this: Plushkin suffered so much of his peasants, that they are willing to die from the cold and hunger, but they will not take anything from the warehouse premises of their landowner.

Thus, in the image of Plushin, the qualities of a greedy and a meager person were embodied. Plushkin is not able to experience attachment to people or at least sympathy - it is hostile to all absolutely. He himself considers himself a good owner, but in fact it is self-deception. Plushkin does not care about his fortress, he will make them hunger, undeservesily accuses them in theft and laziness.

Plushkin and portrait of the hero of the "Dead Souls"

Stepana Plushkin, the character of the fictional world of Nicholas Gogol, the author describes the unwinding eloquent. Perhaps the image of Plushkina succeeded in Gogol as well that the name of the hero began to be used outside the literature in order to indicate painful misfortune and greed. According to the text of the "dead souls" it becomes known that Plushkin had once a family: a wife, two daughters and son. However, now the old man remained alone, and the house came to be launched. Plushkin is an image of pathological storage, character traits, the description of which occupied the honorable place on the pages of psychoanalytic literature.

Plushkin family

So, in the young years, the landowner married, children were born in Plushina. During this period, the Hero's estate flourished, and the owner himself was heard with a lean and rich owner. Apparently, over time, once the positive features of Plushkina are hyperbulized beyond recognition, turning rather into negative characteristics. Gogol takes a significant place to describe the gradual degradation of the old man. There were times when Plushkin's neighbors were taught to the landowner to learn the workmanship of the economy and wisdom to take money. Plushkin wore, maybe not new clothes, but slightly worn, but neat. Made in this case testified of herbury, and not about misfortune.

In addition, Plushkin, oddly enough, was distinguished by pleasant exterior features and voice. The hostess - the landlord's spouse - seemed to the woman hospitable, which is called - the hospitable. Daughters with blond curls looked like roses. The son created an impression of an active, living, broken boy. Guests were honored, the children were glad to see new faces in the house. Gogol mentions that the son of Plushkin was particularly friendly: the child loved to kiss everyone who was replaced by the manor's threshold. Plushkin loved the family, cared for children and his wife. For daughters, the landowner hired a companion that lived on the mezzanine in the house.

The death of his wife and the fate of the eldest daughter Plushkin

The number of life of the landowner ends when the hostess of the house is dying. Most of the worries fall on the widow, Stepan. The eldest daughter, Alexander, did not inspire confidence in Plushhina. And it was no coincidence: after some (rather short) time, the girl ran away from the house with the Rothmistrome, with whom he soon married. Plushkin did not like the military and did not complain, because he was convinced: officers are fond of maps, gambling and fraud. With the care of the eldest daughter, the house acquired a characteristic emptiness. Plisheny Plushin has grown into the misfortune.

By text, the reader finds out that Alexandra gave birth to his son and even several times visited his father with a small child. The girls's intentions were represented by purely mercenary: Alexander hoped that the Father would give something daughter, but these of hope were usually in vain. Over time, the girl realized that the romantic dreams of youth about life with an officer in reality was appeared in a less attractive light than were in Gresses. Plushkin, oddly enough, forgave the daughter. Meanwhile, Alexander Stepanovna never reversed, but his father allowed the grave to play with a button - a big generosity for Plushin.

After a time, the eldest daughter again visited the Father - already with two children. Alexandra came with gifts this time: the girl brought the father of the robe, because Plushkin's clothing became similar to rags, as well as treats to tea. Plushkin treated her grandchildren - with warmth: the landowner swam the children on his knees, played with the children. The gifts Stepan accepted, but instead of his daughter suggested nothing. Alexandra left empty hands again.

Reasonal heir to the economy

Plushy's hair saddles. The son has grown up. And so: the heir's heir came time to serve, so Plushkin let go of the French teacher who had previously hired for his son. The companion of Alexandra and the youngest daughter Plushkin The landowner was driven, because the woman, as it turned out, helped the girl in escape with the Rothmistrome. Son, meanwhile, did not go to the central city of the province, and went to the regiment. Later, the young man wrote a letter to his father with a request for money to buy outfit for service in the regiment, but the Plushkin did not give his son a son.

Once Plushkin gets the news from the son: the young man lasted in gambling. It was angry with her father and forced to send his son not money, but sincere fatherly curses. After this incident, Plushkin was not interested in the fate of his son.

Life Plushkina after the death of the youngest daughter

The youngest daughter Plushkin, unfortunately, followed the mother and soon died. Plushkin found himself alone with him. Around - wealth, prosperity, property that managed to get on all this time. But this material aspect of life suddenly turned out to be unsuitable and empty, because, besides the old owner, there was no one in the estate. Gogol so writes about plush in this period of life Hero:

Lonely life gave heartable food of misappropriation, which, as you know, has wolf hungry and the more devouring, it becomes insceptible; Human feelings that have not been in it [that is, in Plushin] deep, chamoils every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn ruins ...

Habits Hero "Dead Souls"

Gogol leaves the reader and without describing the habits and appearance of Plushkin. First of all, the writer stops the greed of the character, which reached the maniacal limits:

... he went every day through the streets of his village, looked under his bridges, under the crossbars and all that neither came to him: the old sole, the Babia Rag, the iron nail, the clay shard, - everything dragged to himself and folded into that bunch, which chikhikov I noticed in the corner of the room ... after him there was no need to revenge the street ...

Actually, such a kind of gathering and collecting seemed to be the main occupation of Plushkin. However, on this line of the hero, we will still focus below. As for the appearance of Plushkina, but Stepan's face did not attract any special characteristics. Plushkin looked a thin old man with strongly and far-speaking chin. ATTENTION, perhaps, attracted the miniature eyes of the landowner running there and here. The eyebrows in Plushkin rose quite high above these little eyes, therefore it seemed that the hero was always surprised by something.

More attention Gogol paid a description of the clothes of the hero. Plushkin's outfit, apparently, was so old that it turned out to be impossible to understand which matter of these clothes are sewn. Sedielded floors, a worn robe, four parts of the floors instead of two - so describes the writer of Plushkin's clothing. On the neck, the old man "was conquered" something similar to a dressing or an old torn stocking.

Plushkin's identity description

Gogol focuses on rustling, economic negligence and incredible stupidity of Plushkin. Once this stiffness was thrift, but now this feature has rummaged so much in its pathological form, which began to resemble cruelty. The barns of the landowner are broken from products, but the peasants of the village of Plushkin are starving.

Plushkin village has about a thousand souls (although Sobesevich called another figure - 800 people), which are pulled by the economy of the buyer. Despite the wealth and wealth, Plushkin looked like a beggar. When the chisters first saw the landowner, he thought that if the old man had met him near the Church, then Chichiki would confuse Plushkin with the poor man. The old man has already exceeded sixty. The first impression of Chichikov about the landowner is confused: the age and stiffness changed the hero beyond recognition. So much that Plushkin began to like more on a woman than a man. Upon closer examination, the landlord's face is sloppy and unshaven, the eyes are small and dull, and the skin resembles sandpaper. Plushin's teeth have long grown.

Plushkin's personality brightly characterizes the neighbor's neighborhood by Sobekevich:

... eight hundred souls has, but lives and lies worse than my shepherd ...

Also, the companion calls Plushin by a fraudster, according to which the prison cries, the soul, which forces the peasants to starve. Chichikov believed that Plushkin replaced the virtues of the concept of saving and order.

House description Plushkin

When the chisters first arrive in Plushkin's estate, the eyes of the main character of the "dead souls" are encountered on the oppressive picture of the ruined village. The Plushkina Manor, once, probably, prosperous, now has become like a dilapidated hut, besides the dilapidated:

... some special immanent noticed (chikchik) on all wooden buildings: the log on the outbreak was dark and old; Many roofs were drove as a sieve: Only the bitch remained at the top and the rheri ones in the form of ribs ... The windows on the elections were without glasses, others were shut-up with a rag or zipoon<…> Parties began to turn out the Lordskaya home ... Some strange castle looked like a strange disabled, long, long, long exorbitant ...

The stucco on the walls of the house fell apart, and the walls themselves carried signs of frequent rains and bad weather. Most of the buildings have already covered the eternal disgrace companion - the mold, the greens of which merged with the bushes and the launched vegetation of the old garden, who gradually merged with the field - the same swollen and abandoned.

Interior of the estate of Gogol Hero

Above you could get acquainted with the exterior of the Plushkin House. As for the inner decoration of the estate, there were no less sad things here. The kitchen looked perfectly, and the tube for the firebox and the furnace came into disrepair. In Plushkin's room, the rules is a mess. Chichikov turned out that inside the house did not make a cleaning for a long time, and even more so no floors. In the middle of the Plushkin room, various things piled into a bunch, the items that the villages were picked up during their daily bypass:

There would be no way to say that in the room this room lived a living being, if it did not argue his stay old, a worn hood, lying on the table ...

The cap, like a bathrobe, turned into a mandatory attribute of Plushin, without which it was not necessary, perhaps, no illustration for "dead souls." The fact that Plushkin constantly walked in one, with homemade, clothes, hinted on some soreness of the hero nature.

Manor and Farm Plushina

Gogol describes a Plushkin by a person who in young years all the affairs were captured. Living and dimension - distinctive features of the landlord farm is the one that the hero's neighbors had once watched. The author mentions the liabilities of the landowner's home ownership: here and the mill, and the valleal, cloudy production and spinning. Behind everything, which was listed in the farm, Plushkin watched carefully and tirelessly. Gogol calls the hero of hardworking spider, which was distinguished by lightweight, but at the same time - a distillation, a business grip, experience, wisdom and mind.

Plushkina farming in the period after the death of spouses and child care
When the wife of the Gogol Hero died, all the burden of housekeeping fell on the shoulders of Plushkin. Width is made by the owner more stingy and suspicious, which, however, following the logic of Gogol, characterized all the widows. The keys and minor economic affairs, which switched to the Plushhina after the death of his wife, led to the fact that the hero was vigorous and more restless. Gogol describes changes that occurred in the lifestyle of Plushin's life:

Every year the windows pretended in his house, finally, there were only two<…> Every year it left the type of more and more main parts of the farm, and a small glance turned to his papers and pieces, which he collected in his room; He became an outwardly to the biders who came to pick up the economic works ...

Plushkin completely did not sell the products produced in the estate. The items accumulated and disappeared, gradually coming into disrepair. At the same time, the owner did not change the usual lifestyle of the village, which he owned. For example, the peasants were sustained with such servers and lifestas, weaving fabrics the same amount of fabrics, as in the lifetime of the hostess. But the products produced were in a bunch and not sold. The estate came into disrepair - not from ineptly doing business, but from non-use of things:

... Everything became a rot and river, and he himself (Plushkin) finally turned into some kind of bandwidth in humanity ...

Plushkin classes from the point of view of psychoanalysis?

In the previous quotation, Gogol revealed (albeit partly) the classes of the main character. After Plushkin remained alone, the landowner probably began to fill the hole arising in the shower, things. In fact, for Stepan did not matter what exactly it is for things. The main idea is in the accumulation of things. I remember Erich Fromm in a curious psychoanalytic analysis revealed the essence of accumulation of objects and collectibles. We give reflections to research. According to Fromma, the gathering of objects is a kind of "necrophilia", that is, love or passion for an inanimate subject. However, Fromma's point of view was also favorable: gathering things and exchange of objects, rather, hints at life, because the metabolism in the body, the accumulation and turnover of energy is the main signs of a living being. Collectors, collectors pay attention to "unnecessary" things: the same and Gogol describes that Plushkin collected, accumulated, at first glance, strange, non-functional things:

... it is a demon, not a man; The hay and bread rot, putting and the stogs turned into a clean manure, even throw a cabbage on them, the flour in the basements turned into a stone, and it was necessary to chop her, to the clutches, canvas, homemade matters were terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. He already forgot himself how much he had something, and remembered only, in what place he was in the closet the charter with the rest of some tincture, on which he himself made the mark so that no one would drink it to it, but where he lay a feather Or Surgic ...

The main occupation of Plushkin is gathering. As part of psychoanalysis, this passion or practice was of particular importance. Some psychoanalysts, like Karl Abraham, reduced a passion for accumulating or collecting objects to unrealized sexual activation. Thus, the desire to collect things seemed to be a symbolic surrogate of physiological passion.

However, in the case of Plushina, it seems to us, more adequate is the hypothesis of Martin Boer. The thinker believed that the man sometimes refers to inanimate objects as well as to people endowed with the soul. This designing relationships that the boob calls "I - you". Plushkin felt acute loneliness and lost after the death of his wife and younger girl, the care of the eldest daughter, a kind of betrayal of his son (apparently, that was the hero of the "dead souls" regarded the act of a young man). Thus, with the help of the accumulation of things, Plushkin tried to compensate for the losses that survived.

Of course, Gogol Character can not be called a collector in the full sense of the word. The collector establishes special, almost related, intimate connections. Close people are replaced by things. But those who negligently refers to the collector collection are sometimes perceived as objects, not alive, animated creatures. There is a peculiar confusion. The second consequence of this kind of relationship is the development of the collector traits of miserism, which happened to Plushkin.

1. The history of writing the poem "Dead Souls".
2. The main task that N.V. put in front of him Gogol when writing a poem.
3. Stepan Plushkin as one of the representatives of the landlord.
4. Appearance, life and morals Stepan Plushkin.
5. Causes of moral decomposition of the hero.
6. Conclusion.

Famous poem N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls "Was written in 1835. It was during this period that a special popularity in the literature received such a direction as realism, the main goal of which was the truthful and reliable image of reality through the generalization of the typical traits of a person, society and life in general.

Throughout the creative way N.V. Gogol. I was interested in the inner world of man, its development and formation. With its main task when writing the poem "Dead Souls", the writer has set the opportunity to comprehensively show the negative features of the landlord. A vivid example of such a generalization is the image of Stepan Plushkin.

Plushkin appears in the sake not immediately, this is the last landowner to which the visit of Chichikov during his journey. However, for the first time, brief reviews about his lifestyle and the character of Chichikov learns the mimolet during communication with Nozrevy and Sobashievich. As it turned out, Stepan Plushkin is a landowner who is already in sixty, the owner of a large manor and more than a thousand serfs. The hero is distinguished by special misfortune, greed and mania to accumulation, but even such an imparting characteristic did not stop Chichikov and he was being met for acquaintance with him.

Chichikov Hero meets in his estate, which was in decline and devastation. Not exception has become the main house: all rooms in it were locked, except for two, in one of them and ached a hero. It seemed that in this room Plushkin folded everything that he came to his eyes, any trifle, which he later did not use anyway: it was broken things, broken dishes, small pieces, in one word - anyone unnecessary trash.

The appearance of Plushina was the same untidy as his home. It was clear that the clothes had long been unusable, and the hero himself looked clearly older than his years. But it was not always that ... More recently, Stepan Plushkin lived a measured, calm life surrounded by his wife and children in his native estate. Everything changed overnight ... A wife suddenly dies, his daughter marries an officer and runs away from his home, son - goes to serve in the regiment. Loneliness, longing and despair traveled by this man. All that, what seemed to be, his world was held, collapsed. The hero fell in the spirit, but the last drop was the death of his outstand - the youngest daughter. Life was divided into "to" and "after". If Most recently, Plushkin lived only for the sake of the well-being of his family, now now he sees his main goal only in a meaningless filling of warehouses, barns, houses at home, in moral outbuilding itself ... He goes crazy. Emerging every day of misfortune, greed finally broke out a thin and before the stretched thread of relations with children, which as a result were deprived of his blessings and monetary content. This manifests itself a special cruelty of the hero in relation to loved ones. Plushkin loses a human face. After all, it is completely outreach, chikhikov in the first minutes of acquaintance with the hero sees an intimate creature in front of him, which takes for an elderly woman - a key. And only after a few minutes of reflections, he understands that he is still a man.

But why exactly like this: moral exhaustion, collapsed estate, mania to accumulation? It may thus only tried to fill his inner world, its emotional emotion, but this initial passion over time turned into a destructive addiction, which is on the root, from the inside the hero was taken. But he did not have enough love, friendship, compassion and simple human happiness ...

Now it is impossible to say with full confidence, no matter how hero was if he had a favorite family, the opportunity to communicate with children and close people, because Stepana Plushina N.V. Gogol portrayed in this way: the hero that "lives aimlessly life, stabby," being, according to the author of the poem itself, "Spread on humanity." However, in spite of everything in the soul of the hero, they still have those human feelings that were not known to other landowners who have visited Chichiki. First, this is a sense of gratitude. Plushkin is the only one of the heroes, who considered it right to express his gratitude to Chikchiku for the purchase of "dead souls". Secondly, he is not alien to a reverent attitude to the past and to the life that he was not enough now: what an inner inspiration ran through his face with a simple mention of his long-time friend! All this suggests that he was not going out in the soul of the hero of the light of life, he is and he will be warm!

Stepan Plushkin, of course, cause pity. It is this image that makes you think about how it is important to have in the lives of loved ones, who will always be near: and in minutes of joy, and in moments of sadness that will support, reach out and remain nearby. But at the same time it is important to remember that in any situation it is necessary to remain a person and not lose its moral appearance! Need to live, because life is given to everyone to leave behind a memorable mark!

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