Analysis of the work of "Oblomov" (I. Goncharov)

the main / Cheating wife

Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is a sign of the 19th century literature, affecting both witness and many philosophical problems, remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. The ideological meaning of the novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal start with obsolete, passive and degrading. In the work, the author reveals these starts in several existential levels, so for a complete understanding of the meaning of the work requires a detailed consideration of each of them.

Public meaning of the novel

In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov, first introduced the concept of "Oblomovshchina" as the generalized name of obsolete patriarchal-obstrive obstacles, personal degradation, and the life of the whole public formation of the Russian branchism, who won't make new public trends and norms. This phenomenon was considering this phenomenon on the example of the main character of the Roman - Oblomov, whose childhood was held in a distant crushing, where everyone lived quietly, little, more than wondering and almost nothing worried about. The Hero's Native Village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of the Russian Old Asian Society - a peculiar hedonistic idyll, "canned paradise", where it is not necessary to learn, work or develop.

Depicting Oblomov as a "excess person", goncharov, unlike Griboedov and Pushkin, who have the characters of this type ahead of society, introduces the hero in the narration of the hero who is lagging behind the society that lives far away. Active, active, educated Wednesday oppresses Oblomov - he is alien to the ideals of the gallery with his work for the sake of labor, even the beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, going to everything from a practical side. Stolz, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, other familiar Oblomov - representatives of the new, "urban" type of personality. They are more practicing than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create a new one - someone honestly working, someone deceiving.

Goncharov condemns the "Oblomeness" with her grave to the past, laziness, apathy and a full spiritual death of the person, when a person in essence becomes a "plant" around the clock lying on the sofa. However, the images of modern, new people of Goncharov also depicts ambiguous - there is no peace of mind and inner poetry, which was at Oblomov (remember that gallets only resting this calm, and already married Olga sadness for something far and afraid to dream , justifying the husband).

At the end of the work of Goncharov does not make a certain conclusion, who is right - practiced gallery or a dreamer of bugs. However, the reader is clear what exactly because of the "Oblomovshchina", as the phenomena of a sharply negative and long ago, "disappeared" Ilya Ilyich. That is why the public sense of Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is the need for continuous development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the world and work on the development of self.

The meaning of the name of the work

The meaning of the name of the novel "Oblomov" is closely connected with the main theme of the work - it was named by the name of the main character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and also conjugately described in the novel by the social phenomenon "Oblomovshchyna". The etymology of the name is interpreted by researchers in different ways. So, the most common version is that the word "brooms" comes from the words "chip", "peeling", "breaking", denoting the state of the spiritual and social character of the landlord of the nobility, when it turned out in the borderline state between the desire to maintain the old traditions and the foundations and necessity To change the requirements of the era, from a creator person becomes a person-practitioner.

In addition, there is a version of the title of title with the Old Slavonic root of "Oblom" - "round", which corresponds to the description of the hero - its "round" appearance and its quiet, calm character "without sharp corners". However, regardless of the interpretation of the name of the work, it indicates the central storyline of the Roman - the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The meaning of the crushing in the novel

From the plot of the novel "Oblomov", the reader from the very beginning will recognize many facts about the crushing, about what this is a great place, as it was easy and good hero and what is important to return there. However, throughout the entire narrative, the event never tolerates us into the village, which makes it in the truth of the mythical, fabulous place. Picturesque nature, gentle hills, a calm river, a hut on the edge of the ravine, which the visitor needs to be asked to become "to the forest with the back, and to him before" to enter the inside, - even in the newspapers about the crushing never mentioned. No passion was worried about the inhabitants of the crushing - they were completely torn off from the world, conducted their boredom and tranquility, arranged on permanent rites.

Childhood Oblomov took place in love, parents constantly indulged Ilya, hidden all his desires. However, Nianny stories, who read him about the mythical heroes and fabulous heroes, had a special impression on Oblomov, who was closely related to the native village with folklore in memory of the hero. For Ilya Ilyich, the crushing is a distant dream, the ideal, comparable, perhaps, with the beautiful ladies of medieval knights, who were angry, who sometimes had never seen. In addition, the village is also a way to escape from reality, a certain semisradant place, where the hero can forget about reality and be yourself - lazy, apathetic, completely calm and renounced from the world.

The meaning of the life of Oblomov in the novel

The whole life of Oblomov is connected only with that distant, quiet and harmonious broom, but the mythical estate exists only in the memoirs and dreams of the hero - the paintings from the past never come to him in the cheerful state, the native village appears in front of him as a distant vision, in its own way, unattainable , like any mythical city. Ilya Ilyich opposes the real perception of his native crushing - he still does not pay the future of the estate, long pulls out the answer to the letter to the letter, and in the dream it seems to not notice the dysfunction of the house - the smoked gate, which has sefed roof, the steasing porch, launched garden. Yes, and he actually doesn't want to go there - the bugs are afraid that he saw the dilapidated, ruined, not having anything to do with his dreams and memories of a crushing, he will lose the last illusions, for which all the forces are enough for the sake of which.

The only thing that Oblom has full happiness - these are dreams and illusions. He is afraid of real life, it is afraid of marriage, which dreamed of many times, is afraid to break himself and become different. Having looked into the old bathrobe and continuing to lie on the bed, he "preserves" himself in the state of "Oblomovshchina" - in general, a robe in the work is a part of that, the mythical world, returning the hero in the state of laziness from the extinction.

The meaning of the Hero's life in the novel of obcomments is reduced to gradual dying - both moral and mental and physical, for the sake of holding their own illusions. The hero does not want to say goodbye to the past that he is ready to sacrifice a full life, the opportunity to feel every moment and find out every feeling for the sake of mythical ideals and dreams.


In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov portrayed a tragic history of human extinction, for whom the illusory past became more important than the multifaceted and excellent real - friendship, love, social well-being. The meaning of the work indicates that it is important not to stop in place, the Tesha itself illusions, but always strive forward, expanding the boundaries of the "Comfort Zone".

Test on the work

Frame from the film "A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov "(1979)

Part one

In St. Petersburg, on a pea street, in the same as always, morning, lies in the bed Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a young man of thirty-two years old, not burdened by special occupations. His lying is a certain lifestyle, a kind of protest against the established conventions, because Ilya Ilyich is so hot, philosophically intertily objects to all attempts to raise it from the sofa. This is also servant of him, Zakhar, who does not detect any surprise, no displeasure, - he is used to living just like his barin: how living ...

This morning, visitors come to the breakdown in Oblomov: the first of May, the entire Petersburg light is going to Ekateringof, so trying friends to rake out Ilya Ilyich, to disperse him, forcing him to take part in a secular festive walking. But neither a wolf nor the judge, nor funkina it is possible. With each of them, the bugs are trying to discuss their concerns - a letter from the headman from the crushing and a threatening moving to another apartment; But no one is doing to the anxiety Ilya Ilyich.

But I am ready to engage in the problems of the lazy Barina Micah Andreevich Tarantyev, Countryman Oblomov, the "man of the boyfriend and cunning". Knowing that after the death of the parents of Oblomov remained the only heir to three hundred and fifty souls, Tarantyev was not at all against attaching to a very taverged piece, especially since it is fairly suspected: the headman Oblomov steals and lies much more than it is necessary in reasonable limits. And the bugs are waiting for a friend of his childhood, Andrei Stolz, who is the only one, according to his thoughts, to help him understand the economic difficulties.

At first, having arrived in St. Petersburg, Oblomov somehow tried to join the metropolitan life, but gradually understood the futility of the effort: he was not needed to anyone, nobody turned out to him. So Ilya Ilyich was still on his sofa ... and the Zakhar's unusually devoted to him, Zakhar, who did not stand behind his Barin, were rushing. He intuitively feels who can truly help his Barina, and who, like Michea Andreevich, is just looking for a friend of Oblomov. But from a detailed, with mutual resentments to clarify relations to save can only sleep, in which the barin is immersed, while Zakhar goes down to learn and take the soul with neighboring servants.

Oblomov sees in a sweet dream its last, long-gone life in his native crushing, where there is nothing wild, the grandiose, where everything breathes calmness and serene bed. Here they only eat, sleep, discuss the news, with a big delay that coming in this region; Life flows smoothly, flowing out of autumn in the winter, from spring in the summer to achieve their eternal circles again. Here, fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of Javi. Everything peacefully, quiet, late in this blessed edge - no passion, no concerns are disturbed by the inhabitants of the sleepy crushing, among which the childhood of Ilya Ilyich proceeded. This dream could last, it seems, as a whole eternity, do not be interrupted by the appearance of the long-awaited friend Oblomov, Andrei Ivanovich gallez, about whose arrival joyfully announces his Barina Zakhar ...

Part two

Andrei Stolz grew up in the village of Verkёva, once the former part of the crushing; Here, now his father serves as a manager. Stolz was formed in a person, in many respects unusual, thanks to the double upbringing obtained from the volitional, strong, cold-blooded father-German and Russian mother, a sensitive woman who forgotten from life storms for the piano. The peer of Oblomov, he is the opposite of his friend: "He is increasingly in motion: it will be necessary to send a society to Belgium or England - send it; You need to write some project or adapt a new idea of \u200b\u200bthe point - choose it. Meanwhile, he goes into the light, and reads; When he has time, God is news. "

The first, where to start galleries - pulls out Oblomov from bed and brings to visit different houses. So the new life of Ilya Ilyich begins.

Stolz as if overflowing part of his cycling energy into Oblomov, now the bugs get up in the morning and begins to write, read, be interested in what is happening around, and familiar can not be put together: "Imagine, the bugs moved from the place!" But the bugs did not just move - his whole soul was shocked to the ground: Ilya Ilyich fell in love. Stolz introduced him into the house to Ilyinsky, and a man wakes up in the broom, endowed with nature with unusually strong feelings, "Listening like Olga sings, Ilya Ilyich is experiencing a genuine shock, he finally woke up. But Olga and the gallez, an intimidated experiment on the ever-dreamed Ilyai Ilyich, little of this - it is necessary to awaken it to reasonable activities.

Meanwhile, Zakhar found his happiness - marrying Anice, simple and kind bass, he suddenly realized that he was with dust, and with mud, and with cockroaches should be struggling, and not to put up. In a short time, Anice puts in order the house of Ilya Ilyich, spreading his power not only to the kitchen, as it was intended first, but throughout the house.

But universal awakening lasted for a long time: the first obstacle, moving from the cottage to the city, turned gradually into that huddle, which sues slowly, but steadily Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, which is not adapted to decision-making, to the initiative. Long life in a dream can not immediately end ...

Olga, feeling his power over the broom, too much in it is unable to understand.

Part of the third

Having succumbed to Tarantyev's intrigues at the moment when Stolz left St. Petersburg again, the bugs moved to the apartment, hired by him Mikhei Andreevich, at the Vyborg side.

Do not know how to deal with life, without knowing how to deal with the debts, without knowing the rogues survived, the bugs fall into the house of Augusta Matveyevna, whose brother, Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov, is happy with Mikhey Andreevich, not yielding to him, but rather surpassing The last cunning and cunningness. In the house of Augusta Matveyevna in front of the broom, first imperceptibly, and then more and more clearly, the atmosphere of the native crushing is unfolded, then the most best in the soul, Ilya Ilyich.

Gradually, all the economy of Oblomov passes into the hands of wheat. A simple, frequency woman, she begins to manage the house of Oblomov, preparing to him delicious dishes, selling life, and again the soul of Ilya Ilyich plunges into a sweet dream. Although occasionally peace and serenity of this sleep explode with meetings with Olga Ilinskaya, gradually disappointed in its chosen one. Rumors about the wedding of Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya are already sinking between the servant of two houses - having learned about it, Ilya Ilyich comes to horror: nothing else, in his opinion, is not decided, and people are already transferred from the house to the house talking about what, most likely And it will not happen. "This is all Andrei: He instilled love as an oil messenger, both of us. And what is this life, all the excitement and anxiety! When will be peaceful happiness, peace? " - Plugs, realizing that everything that happens to him is not more than the last convulsions of the living soul, ready for the final, already continuous sleep.

Days flow over the day, now Olga, without preparing, herself comes to Ilya Ilyich to the Vyborg side. It comes to make sure: nothing will awaken the breakdown from slow dive into the final dream. Meanwhile, Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov pains the case of Oblomov on the estate, so thoroughly and deeply confronting Ilya Ilyich in his deft frauds, which is unlikely to be able to get out of them the owner of the blissful crushing. And at that moment, Agafia Matveyevna, Kinuta Oblomov, who seemed to be repaired, could not repack anyone. It becomes the last straw in the flour of the resistance of Ilya Ilyich - he gets sick of hot.

Part of fourth

A year after the sickness of Oblomov, life flowed in its measured channel: Seasons were replaced, the Agafia Matveevna Delicious Kushan was prepared for the holidays, baked the pieces of cakes, cooked coffee for him, Ilyin celebrated himself ... and suddenly Agafia Matveyevna realized that he loved Barin. It became predicted to such an extent to him that at the time when Andrei Stolts who had granted to St. Petersburg exposes the dark affairs of Mukhoyarov, Pshenitsyna repels from his brother, who was still very recently read and even was afraid.

I experienced disappointment in the first love, Olga Ilinskaya gradually gets used to the gallery, realizing that her attitude towards him is much larger than just friendship. And Olga meets the offer of the gallets ...

And a few years later, Stolz appears again on the Vyborg side. He finds Ilya Ilyich, who has become "full and natural reflection and expression \u003c...\u003e peace, contentment and serene silence. Looking out, thinking into my life and more and more fond of it, he finally decided that he had no place to go anymore, nothing to look for ... ". Oblomov found his quiet happiness with Agafei Matveyevna, who gave him the son of Andrew. The arrival of the gallery is not disturbing Oblomov: he asks his old friend only not to leave Andrew ...

And five years later, when Oblomova no longer became, the village of Agafa Matveyevna dilapidated, and the first role in it began to play the spouse of the ruined Mukhoyarov, Irina Panteleevna. Andrew has screamed to upbringing gallets. Living the memory of the late Oblomov, Agafia Matveyevna focused all his feelings on his son: "She realized that he had lost and brightened her life, that God had invested his soul into her life and took out again; That the sun was lit in it and fed forever ... "And the high memory forever tied it with Andrei and Olga gallery -" The memory of clean, like a crystal, soul of the dead man. "

And the faithful Zakhar is in the same place, on the Vyborg side, where he lived with his Barin, now asks alms ...


Roman I. A. Goncharova "Oblomov" was published in 1859 in the journal "Patrican Notes" and is considered the top of the entire creativity of the writer. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work appeared in 1849, when the author published in the "literary collection" one of the chapters of the future Roman - Sleep Oblomov. Work on the future masterpiece was often interrupted, ending only in 1858.

Roman "Oblomov" Goncharov is included in the trilogy with two other works of Goncharov - "opening" and "Ordinary History". The work is written according to the traditions of the literary direction. Realism. In the novel, the author brings an important problem for the time of Russian society - "Oblomovshchina", considers the tragedy of an excess person and the problem of a gradual extinction of the person, revealing them in all aspects of the household and mental life of the hero.

main characters

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich "Nobleman, tengee older, lazy, soft man who spends all his time in idleness." The character with a thin poetic soul is inclined to constant dreams that real life replaces.

Zakhar Trofimovich - The faithful servant of Oblomov, who serving him from the Small Years. Very similar to the owner with her laziness.

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich - Oblomov's childhood friend, his peer. A practical, rational and active man who knows what he wants and is constantly developing.

Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna - Beloved Oblomov, smart and tender girl, not deprived of life practicality. Then became the wife of the gallez.

Wentycan Agafya Matveyevna - The hostess of the apartment in which the obcomments lived, economic, but a fireless woman. I sincerely loved Oblomov, who then became his wife.

Other characters

Tarantyev Michae Andreevich - The tricky and mercenary acquaintance of Oblomov.

Mukhoyarov Ivan Matveyevich - Brother Wheat, official, the same cunning and mercenary, like Tarantyev.

Volkov, official Sudybinsky, writer Penkin, Alekseev Ivan Alekseevich - Familiar Oblomov.

Part 1

Chapter 1

The work of "Oblomov" begins with the description of the appearance of Oblomov and its housing - in the Bardak room, which the owner seems to not notice, dirt and dust. As the author tells, a few years ago, Ilya Ilyich received a letter from the headman, that in his native estate - a crushing - it is necessary to clean up, but everything will not dare to go there, but only plans and dreams. After calling after the morning tea of \u200b\u200bmy servant of Zakhara, they discuss the need to move off apartments, since she became needed by the owner of housing.

Chapter 2.

Wolves, Sudybinsky and Penkin come to the breakdown. They all talk about their lives and call somewhere to leave, but the brooms oppose and they leave with anything.

Then, Alekseev comes - an indefinite, non-accurate person, no one can even say that his name is. He calls Oblomov to Ekateringof, but Ilya Ilyich does not want to even get out of bed finally. Oblomov shall be divided with Alexeyev his problem - the letter came from the elder of his estate, in which the broom was reported on serious losses this year (2 thousand), which is why he is very upset.

Chapter 3.

Tarantyev comes. The author says that Alexeyev and Tarantyev entertains Oblomov in its own way. Tarantyev, making a lot of noise, took Oblomov from boredom and motionlessness, Alekseyev was as an obedient listener, who could imperceptibly in the room, until Ilya Ilyich pays attention to him.

Chapter 4.

As with all visitors, the bug is hiding behind the tarantyev's blanket and asks not to fit close, since he came from the cold. Tarantyev offers Ilya Ilyich to move to the apartment to his Kuma, which is located in the Vyborg side. Oblomov consulted with him about the letter of the elders, Tarantyev asks for the Council asking for money and says that most likely the stroke is a fraudster, recommending to change it and write a letter to the governor.

Chapter 5.

Further, the author talks about the life of Oblomov, in reducing it can be retended like this: Ilya Ilyich lived 12 years in St. Petersburg, being according to the college secretary. After the death of the parents, he became the owner of the estate in the remote province. He was more active, he sought much to achieve a lot, but with age he understood what was standing on the spot. The bug service perceived as a second family, which did not fit the reality, where he needed to hurry and work sometimes even at night. Two more than a year, he served something, but then accidentally did not accidentally send important paper. Without waiting for the punishment from the bomber, he left, sent a medical certificate, where he was prescribed to refuse to go to the service and soon resigned. Ilya Ilyich never fell in love heavily, stopped chatting with friends and dissolved the servants, he was very laid, but the gallery still managed to pull him into people.

Chapter 6.

Oblomov learning considered the punishment. Reading tired him, but poetry fascinated. For him between school and life was a whole abyss. He was easily deceived, he believed everything and everything. For him, it was alien to distant moving: the only trip in his life is from the native estate to Moscow. Conducting life on the couch, he always thinks about something, then planning life, then experiencing emotional moments, presenting yourself to someone from the great people, but all this remains only in thoughts.

Chapter 7.

Characterizing Zahara, the author represents it as a stealless, lazy and clumsy servo and a gossip, which was not averse to drink and walk at the expense of the Barin. Not from the evil happened about Barina gossip, while he sortily loved his special love.

Chapter 8.

The author returns to the main narration. After the departure of Tarantyev, Oblomov lay down and began to think about the development of a plan of his estate, as it will be well resting with friends and wife. He even felt complete happiness. Having gathered with the forces, the brooms finally got on breakfast, deciding to write a letter to the governor, but he turns out awesome and breaks the letter. Zakhar again speaks with Barin about moving so that the breakdowns left for a time from home and the servant could calmly transport things, but Ilya Ilyich opposes, asks Zakhar to settle with the owner's question of moving, so that they could stay in an old apartment. Rassatting with Zakhar and, thinking about his past, the bugs fall asleep.

Chapter 9 Sleep Oblomov

Oblomov dreams of his childhood, quiet and pleasant, which slowly took place in the crushing - almost paradise on earth. Oblomov recalls his mother, her old nanny, other servants, as they were preparing for lunch, baked cakes, as he ran down the grass and how nanny told him tales and retell the myths, and Ilya presented himself with the hero of these myths. Then he dreams of his adolescence - the 13-14th anniversary when he studied in Verlev, in the guest house. There he almost did not learn anything, because the crushing was near, and the monophonic, as a calm river, life was influenced. Ilya recall all his relatives, for whom life was a series of rites and peers - birth, weddings and funerals. The feature of the estate was that there did not like to spend money and were ready because of this to endure any inconvenience - the old sofa stains, a scratched chair. The days were spent in idleness, sitting silently, yawning or leading semi-chassic conversations. Residents of the broom were alien to randomness, changes, troubles. Any question resolved for a long time, and sometimes it was not solved at all, laying off in a long box. Parents understood that Ilya need to learn, would like to see him educated, but since it was not invested in the foundations of the crushing, he was often left on the school days at home, they performed any whim.

Chapters 10-11

While the brooms were sleeping, Zakhar came out into the courtyard to complain about the Barina to other servants, but when they spoke not good about the broom, he woke up ambiguity and he began to praise and Barin and himself.

Returning home, Zakhar tries to wake Oblomov, since he asked him to raise him in the evening, but Ilya Ilyich, stalling on the servant, in every way he tries to sleep further. This scene is very funny of the arrived and standing in the door of the glass.

Part 2

Chapters 1-2.

The second head of the story of "Oblomov" Ivan Goncharov begins with the movement of the fate of Andrei Ivanovich gallez. His father was German, the mother is Russian. Mother saw the ideal of the Barin in Andrei, while his father brought up according to his example, he trained agronomy, drove in factors. From mother, the young man took over the love of books, music, from his father - practicality, the skill is working. He grew up an active and living child - could leave for a few days, then returned to the dirty and frown. His lively childhood gave frequent visits by princes, filled their estate fun and noise. Father, continuing the family tradition, sent the gallery to the university. When Andrei returned after study, the father did not give him to stay in Verlev, sending off the hundreds of rubles to the arms and a horse in St. Petersburg.

Stolz lived strictly and practical, the most afraid of dreams, he did not have idols, while he was strong and attractive physically. He stubbornly and accurately went on the chosen road, everywhere showed perseverance and rational approach. For Andrei Oblomov was not only a school friend, but also a close man with whom it was possible to calm the alarmed soul.

Chapter 3.

The author returns to Oblomov's apartment, where Ilya Ilyich complains gallets on problems in the estate. Andrei Ivanovich advises to open him a school there, but obcomments believes that it is early for men. Mention of Ilya Ilyich and the need to move from the apartment and the lack of money. Stolz does not see the problem in moving and is surprised with how the bugs are mired into laziness. Andrei Ivanovich makes Zakhara bring Ilya clothes to take it into people. Also galler orders the servant to pinch Tarantyev every time, when he comes, as Michei Andreevich constantly asks for Oblomov money and clothes, not going to return them.

Chapter 4.

Stalz week is broken by various societies. Oblons are dissatisfied, complaining about the bustle, the need for a whole day to walk in boots and noise of people. Oblomov says gallery that the ideal of life for him is a crushing, but the questions of Andrei Ivanovich, why he will not leave there, Ilya Ilyich finds many reasons and excuses. Oblomov draws in front of the idyll of life in the crushing, to which a friend tells him that this is not life, but "Oblomovshchyna." Stolz reminds him of the dreams of youth that you need to work, and not spend the days in tannies. They come to the conclusion that the broom should finally go abroad, and then in the village.

Chapters 5-6.

The words gallets "Now or never" made a big impression on Oblomov and he decided to live differently - made a passport, bought everything you need for a trip to Paris. But Ilya Ilyich did not leave, as Stolz introduced him to Olga Sergeyevna - on one of the evenings, the bugs fell in love with her. Ilya Ilyich began to spend a lot of time with the girl, and soon bought the country opposite the giving of her aunt. In the presence of Olga, Sergeyevna Oblomov felt awkwardly, could not lie to her, but he admired her, listening to his heart as a girl sings. After one of the songs, he without controlling himself exclaimed that love feels. Friendly, Ilya Ilyich ran out of the room.

The bugs vinyl herself for incontinence, but having met with Olga Sergeyevna after, said that it was a momentary passion for music and not true. What a girl assured him, which forgave for the liberty and forgot everything.

Chapter 7.

The changes affected not only Ilya, but also his whole home. Zakhar married Anice - a lively and prompt woman who had changed orders on her way.

While returned from the meeting with Olga Sergeyevna Ilya Ilyich experienced about what had happened, he was invited to dinner to the girl's aunt. Oblomov is tormented by doubts, he compares himself with a gallery, thinks whether Olga does not kill him. However, at the meeting, the girl behaves with him restrained and seriously.

Chapter 8.

All the day, the bugs spent from Aunt Olga - Maria Mikhailovna - Women who knew how to live and manage life. The relationship of aunt with the nephew was their special character, Marya Mikhailovna was an authority for Olga.

After waiting all day, bored with Aunt Olga and Baron Langvagen, the bugs still waited for the girl. Olga Sergeyevna had fun and he asked her to sing, but in her voice he did not hear yesterday's feelings. Frustrated, Ilya Ilyich left home.

Oblomov suffered with a change in Olga, however, the meeting of the girl with Zakhar gave a new chance to Oblomov - Olga Sergeevna sama prescribed a date in the park. Their conversation moved to the topic of unnecessary, useless existence, to which Ilya Ilyich said that his life was as follows, because all the flowers would fall out. They touched upon the question of feelings to each other and the girl divided the love of Oblomov, filing his hand. Walking with her next happy Ilya Ilyich all told himself: "It's all mine! My!".

Chapter 9.

Lovers are happy together. For Olga Sergeyevna, it makes sense in all in the books, in dreams, in every moment. For Oblomov, this time was the time of activity, he lost his previous peace, constantly thinking about Olga, which in all sorts of ways and tricks tried to withdraw him from the state of idleness, forced to read books and ride a visit.

When talking about their feelings, Olga asks Olga, why it does not speak constantly about love for him, to which the girl answers that he loves him with special love, when it sorry for a while, but it hurts for a long time. Talking about his feelings, she relied on his imagination and believed him. There was nothing more than anything else than the image in which he was in love.

Chapter 10.

The next morning there was a change in the broom, he began to think why he had burdensome relations and for which he could love His Olga. Ilya Ilyich does not like that the love of her lazy. As a result, obcomments are decided to write Olga a letter in which he says that their feelings went far, began to influence their life and character. And those "love, love, love", who yesterday told him Olga was wrong - he is not the person about which she dreamed. At the end of the letter, he says goodbye to the girl.

Giving a letter Olga's maid, and knowing that she will walk in the park, he hid in the shade of bushes and decided to wait for her. The girl went and cried - he first saw her tears. Oblomov could not stand it and caught up. The girl is upset and gives him a letter, reproaches that yesterday he needed her "love", and today her "tears" is that in fact he does not love her, and this is just a manifestation of egoism - bugs only The words speak of feelings and sacrifice, but in fact it is not. In front of the broom was an offended woman.

Ilya Ilyich asks Olga Sergeyevna, so that everything was as before, but she refuses. Walking next to her, he understands his mistake, and tells the girl that the letter was not needed. Olga Sergeyevna gradually calms down and says that he saw all his tenderness and love for her in the letter. She has already moved off his resentment and thought how to soften the situation. Asking the letter from the Oblomov, she pressed his hands to her heart and ran away happy home.

Chapters 11-12.

Stolz writes Oblomov, so that he settled business with the village, but the bugs busy with feelings to Olga Sergeyevna pushes problems. Lovers spend a lot of time together, but Ilya Ilyich begins to inhibition that they are met by secret. He says Olga and lovers discuss what they may have to declare officially about their relationship.

Part 3.

Chapters 1-2.

Tarantyev asks for Oblomov money for housing for his Kuma, in which he did not live and trying to reclaim money from Oblomov. But the attitude of Ilya Ilyich changed him, so the man does not get anything.

Joyful that relations with Olga will soon become official, the bugs ride to the girl. But the beloved does not share his dreams and feelings, and it becomes practical. Olga tells him that before saying about their relationship aunt, you need to settle things in the crushing, rebuild the house there, but for now hire accommodation in the city.

Oblomov goes to the apartment that Tarantyev advised him, his things were killed there. I met him Kum Tarantyev - Agafya Matveyevna, who asked to wait for her brother, because herself herself herself. Not wanting to wait, the broom leaves, asking to convey that the apartment he is no longer needed.

Chapter 3.

Relations with Olga become in the opinion of Ilya Ilyich sluggish and tightened, it is increasingly oppressed by uncertainty. Olga persists him to go to settle things with an apartment. He meets with the brother of the hostess and he says that during the time, while his things were in the apartment it was impossible to pass anyone, so Ilya Ilyich should be 800 rubles. Oblons are indignant but then promises to find money. Finding that he had only 300 rubles left he could not remember where the money was crushed over the summer.

Chapter 4.

Oblons still moved to Cuma Tarantyev, a woman worries about his peaceful life, to raise his wife Zakhar Anice. Ilya Ilyich finally sends a letter to the elder. Their meetings with Olga Sergeyevnaya continue, he was even invited to Lie Ilinsky.

In one day, Zakhar asked whether the apartment had found the apartment and would soon be a wedding. Ilya is surprised where the servant can know about relationships with Olga Sergeyevna, to which Zakhar is responsible that the service of Ilyinsky has long been talking about this. Oblons assures Zahar, that this is not true, explaining how it is troublesome and expensive.

Chapters 5-6.

Olga Sergeyevna appoints a divided date and, putting a veil, secretly from aunt meets with him in the park. Oblons against what she deceives relatives. Olga Sergeyevna offers him tomorrow to open aunt, but the bugs pull out this moment, since he wants to first get a letter from the village. Not wanting to go in the evening and the next day to visit the girl, he passes through the servants, what fell ill.

Chapter 7.

Oblomov spent a week at home, communicating with the hostess and her children. On Sunday, Olga Sergeyevna persuaded to go to the aunt in Smolny, since it was there they agreed to meet with a broom. Baron tells her that in a month she could return to her estate and Olga dreams of how bugs will be delighted when he learns that you can not worry about the fate of the crushing and immediately go to live there.

Olga Sergeyevna came to capture Oblomov, but immediately noticed that he was not sick. The girl reproaches the man that he deceived it and did nothing all this time. Olga makes Obloma go with her and her aunt in the opera. Inspired by the bugs are waiting for this meeting and writing from the village.

Chapters 8,9,10

A letter comes in which the owner of the neighboring estate writes that things in the crushing are bad, there are almost no income and so that the Earth again gave money, the urgent personal presence of the owner. Ilya Ilyich is frustrated that because of this, the wedding will have to push no less than a year.

Oblomov shows a letter to a brother of the owner - Ivan Matveyevich and asks him to advice. He recommends his colleague asleep, so that he went to settle things in the estate instead of Oblomov.
Ivan Matveyevich discusses the "successful deal" with Tarantyev, they consider Oblomov for a fool, which will be able to progress well.

Chapters 11-12.

Oblomov comes with a letter to Olga Sergeyevna and says that he found a person who won't wonders, because they would not have to part. But with the question of the wedding you will have to wait another year, while everything is completely worse. Olga, who hoped that Ilya from day to day will ask her hands from the aunt, fainting from this news. When a girl comes to himself, she accuses Oblomov in his indecision. Olga Sergeyevna tells Ilya Ilyich that he will not wake his life in a year, continuing to torment her. They break up.

Upset breakdowns until late at night walks in unconsciousness around the city. Returning home, he sits motionless for a long time, and in the morning the servants find him in a fever.

Part 4.

Chapter 1

Passed year. Oblomov lived in the same place Agafia Matveyevna. The lighted settled everything in ancient, sent a good revenue for bread. Oblomov was glad that everything was settled and the money appeared without the need for his presence in the estate. Gradually, Mount Ilya was forgotten and he unconsciously fell in love with Matveyevna, who also, without giving himself a report, fell in love with him. The woman in everywhere surrounded the broom to care.

Chapter 2.

At the magnificent festival in the House of Agafa Matveevna Ivanov's Day arrived and galley. Andrei Ivanovich tells Ilya Ilyich that Olga left the aunt abroad, the girl told all the gallets and still could not forget the Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich reproaches Oblomov that he again lives in the "Oblomovka" and is trying to take with him. Ilya Ilyich agrees again, promising later.

Chapter 3.

Ivan Matveyevich and Tarantyev are concerned about the arrival of the gallery, as he can find out that the lifts with the estate was assembled, but they took it to themselves without the knowledge of Oblomov. They decide to blackmail Oblomov in that they allegedly saw that he went to Agafier Matveyevna.

Chapter 4.

The author in the narration is postponed a year ago, when Stolz accidentally met Olga in Paris and her aunt. Noticing in the girl to change, he was disturbed, begins to spend a lot of time with it. It offers her interesting books, says something exciting, rides with them in Switzerland, where he understands what is in love with the girl. Olga herself also feels great sympathy for him, but is experiencing due to the last love experience. Stolz asks to tell about her unhappy love. Having learned all the details and the fact that she was in love with Oblomov, Stolz discarded his experiences and call her married. Olga agrees.

Chapter 5.

After a year and a half after Ivanov of the day and the name of Oblomov, everything was even more dull in his life - he was still stronger and laminated. The brother Agafy Matveyevna believes money for him, so Ilya Ilyich does not even understand why he goes losses. When Ivan Matveyevich married, with money it became quite bad and Agafia Matveyevna, taking care of the broom, even walked his pearls. Oblomov did not notice this, giving a further laziness.

Chapters 6-7

Stolz visits the breakdown. Ilya Ilyich asks him about Olga. Stolz tells him that she was fine and the girl came married for him. Oblomov congratulates it. They sit at the table and bugs begins to tell that now he has little money and Agafier Matveyevna has to be managed, since there is not enough for a servant. Stolz surprised, because he regularly sends money to him. Oblomov talks about the housing borrowed debt. When Stolz is trying to learn from Agafy Matveyevna, the conditions of the loan, she assures that Ilya Ilyich should not.

Stolz draws up the paper, where it is indicated that the bugs should not. Ivan Matveich plans to substitute Oblomov.

Stolz wanted to take a breakdown with himself, but he asked him to leave him just a month. The gallery warns him for a farewell to be careful, since his feelings for the hostess are noticeable.
Oblons quarrel because of deception with Tarantyev, Ilya Ilyich hits him and drives out of the house.

Chapter 8.

For several years, Stolz did not come to St. Petersburg. They lived with Olga Sergeyevna in full happiness and harmony, carrying all the difficulties, coping with sadness and losses. Once, when talking Olga Sergeyevna recalls the broom. Stolz tells the girl that in fact it he presented to her that Oblomov, whom she loved, but not like that Ilya Ilyich is in fact. Olga asks not to leave Oblomov, and when will be in St. Petersburg, bring it to him.

Chapter 9.

In the Vyborg side everything was quiet and calm. After Stolz arranged everything in the Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich had money, the storerooms were broken from the yoke, Agafia Matveren had a closet with outfits. Oblomov in their habit was lying all days on the couch, watching the activities of Agafa Matveyevna, for him it was a continuation of the Oblomovsky life.

However, at one moment, after a dining rest with Oblombov, an apoplexy hit had happened and the doctor said that he had to urgently change the way of life - to move more and observe the diet. Bakes do not adhere to instructions. He is increasingly falling into oblivion.

Stolz arrives to the broom, to pick it up with him. Oblomov does not want to leave, but Andrei Ivanovich calls him to visit him, reporting that Olga is waiting for a carriage. Then the bugs say that Agafia Matveyevna is his wife, and the boy Andrei is his son, named after Stolz, so he does not want to leave this apartment. Andrei Ivanovich is designed to leave, saying Olga that now in the apartment Ilya Ilyich, the "Oblomovshchina" fought.

Chapters 10-11

Five years have passed. Three years ago, Oblomov had a blow again and he died quietly. Now in the house holds her brother and his wife. Son Oblomov Andrei Stolz took her to her upbringing. Agafya strongly longing on the broom and on his son, but she does not want to go to the gallets.

One day, walking, Stolz meets Zakhar, beating on the street. Stolz calls him to himself, but a man does not want to leave far from the grave of Oblomov.

To the question of the interlocutor of the gallery, who is such bugs and why he disappeared, Andrei Ivanovich replies - "The reason ... What is the reason! Oblomovshchyna! ".


Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is one of the most detailed and accurate studies of such a Russian phenomenon as a "Oblomovshchyna" - a national trail characterized by the tape, fear of change and dreametiness that replaces real activities. The author deeply analyzes the causes of "Oblomovshchina", seeing them in a clean, tender, unshakful soul of the hero, seeking peace and quietly monotonous happiness, bordering the degradation and stagnation. Of course, a brief retelling "Oblomov" cannot disclose all the issues considered by the author to the reader, so we strongly recommend to evaluate the 17th century masterpieces completely.

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The work of Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharova "Oblomov" was written many years ago, but the problems affected in it remain relevant today. The main character of the novel always caused a great interest from the reader. What is the meaning of the life of Oblomov, who he was such and was actually lazy?

The absurdity of the life of the main character of the work

From the very beginning, the work of Ilya Ilyich appears in front of the reader in a completely absurd situation. He spends every day in his room. Deprived of any impressions. In his life, nothing happens new, there is nothing that would fill it with some sense. One day looks like another. With absolutely nothing getting and not interested, this person can be said, reminds the plant.

The only occupation of Ilya Ilyich is a comfortable and serene lying on the sofa. Since childhood, he is accustomed to the fact that he is constantly careful about him. He never thought about how to ensure his own existence. Always lived on all ready. There was no such case that would disturbed his serene state. It's just comfortable to live.

Inaction does not make a man happy

And this constant lying on the sofa is not caused by some incurable disease or psychological disorder. Not! The terrible thing is that it is the natural state of the main character of the novel. The meaning of the life of Oblomov is imprisoned in a soft courtyard of the sofa and a comfortable Persian coat. Each person has time from time to time to think about the purpose of its own existence. Time comes, and many, looking back, begin to argue: "And what did I do useful, why do I live at all?"

Of course, not everyone is given to minimize the mountains, make any heroic act, but anyone can make his own life and complete impressions. Nobody and never inaction has not yet made happy. Perhaps only to a certain point. But this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov, the history of the life of which is described in the novel of Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, will not be mistaken. It suits him.

Master Character Residence

On the nature of Ilya Ilyich, you can judge from some lines in which the author describes the room where the bugs dwell. Of course, the decoration of the room did not look well. She was decorated gorgeous. Nevertheless, there was no coziness or comfort. Pictures that hung on the walls of the room were framed by the patterns of the web. Mirrors intended to see their reflection in them could be used instead of paper for writing.

The whole room was covered with dust and mud. Somewhere rolled by a randomly abandoned thing, which will be so lying until you need again. On the table - unobedy utensils, crumbs and smashes yesterday's meals. All this does not cause feelings comfort. But Ilya Ilyich does not notice this. Web, dust, dirt and unlocked dishes are the natural satellites of his daily restraint on the sofa.

Dreamhood in the character of Ilya, or as in the village

Often Ilya Ilyich reproaches in the sludge of his own servant, whose name is Zakhar. But he seemed to be adjusted for the nature of the owner, and perhaps himself was originally not accustomed from him, he completely calmly reacts to the uncertainty of the dwelling. According to him, there is no point in removing the room from dust, since she still accumulates there again. So what is the meaning of the life of Oblomov? A man who even his own servant cannot make order. He cannot manage even his life, and the existence of others surrounding him is generally.

Of course, sometimes he dreams of committing something for his village. He is trying to come up with some plans, again - lying on the sofa, in order to reroach a rustic life. But this person is already so torn off from the reality that everyone built by him the dreams remain them. Plans such that their embodiment is almost impossible. All of them have some monstrous scope that does not have anything in common with reality. But the meaning of life in the work of "brooms" is not disclosed only in the description of one character.

The hero opposite

There is another hero in the work, which is trying to awaken Ilya Ilyich from his rest. Andrei Stolz is a man filled with boiling energy and the liveliness of the mind. For no matter what Andrey was taken, he succeeds, and he enjoys it. He is not even thinking, why does this or that matter. According to the character himself, he works for labor.

What is the difference between the meaning of the life of Oblomov and Stolz? Andrey never lies like Ilya Ilyich, without a case. He is always busy with him, he has a huge circle of communication with interesting people. Stolz never sits in one place. He is constantly in the road, getting acquainted with new places and people. But nevertheless does not forget about Ilya Ilyce.

Influence of Andrei on the main character

The monologue of Oblomov about the meaning of life, his judgments about her, are completely opposite to the opinion of the gallery, which becomes the only one who was able to raise Ilya with a soft sofa. Moreover, Andrei tried to even return his comrade to active life. For this, he resorts to some tricks. He introduces him with Olga Ilinskaya. Understanding that pleasant communication with a beautiful woman, perhaps, will awaken in Ilya Ilyce taste to life more diverse than existence in his room.

How does it change under the influence of galley of bugs? The history of his life is now connected with the beautiful Olga. It is even awakened by tender feelings for this woman. He is trying to change, adapt to the world in which Ilinskaya and Stolts live. But his long lying on the sofa, he does not pass without a trace. The meaning of the life of Oblomov, associated with his uncomfortable room, was very deeply rooted in it. It takes for a while, and it begins to deal with Olga relationship. And, of course, the gap of them became inevitable.

The meaning of life and death of Oblomov

The only dream of Ilya Ilyich becomes a desire to find peace. He does not need a kipache energy of everyday life. The world in which he is closed, with his little space seems much more pleasant to him and more comfortable. And the life that Haltz's friend leads, does not attract it. It requires a fuss and movement, and this is unusual for the nature of Oblomov. Finally, the whole kipache energy of Andrei, which is constantly coming to the indifference of Ilya, dried up.

Ilya Ilyich finds his consolation in the house of the widow, the name of which Pshenitsyn. He married her, bugs about life completely stopped worrying and gradually fell into a moral hibernation. Now he is again closed in his favorite bathrobe. Again lies on the sofa. Oblomov leads him to slow fading. The last time Andrei visits his friend under the non-grade Ok Wheat. He sees how his friend dropped, and makes the last attempt to pull him out of the pool. But there is no point in this.

Positive features in the character of the main character

Revealing the meaning of the life and death of Oblomov, it is necessary to mention that Ilya Ilyich is still not a negative hero in this work. There are in its image and quite bright positive features. He is infinitely hospitable and welcoming owner. Despite the constant lying on the sofa, Ilya Ilyich is a very educated person, he appreciates art.

In relations with Olga, it does not show rudeness or intolerance, Galanten and causing. It is very rich, but destroyed excessive care since childhood. At first, you might think that Ilya Ilyich is infinitely happy, but this is only an illusion. Sleep, which replaced the real state.

Oblomov, which turned into a tragedy, seemed to be satisfied with his position. Nevertheless, he understands the worthlessness of its existence. They come to him the moments of awareness of their own inaction. After all, I forbade Ilya gallery to let Olga, I did not want to see the process of his decomposition. There can not be a person formed not to understand how much empty is his life. Only laziness does not give it to change it and make bright and diverse.

We all sooner or later think about the meaning of life. Despite the depths of this philosophical issue, almost every person gives himself a simple answer, guided by its values. The meaning of human life reflects what is really important for him.

The main hero of Roman Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" first with difficulty causes a sympathy from the reader. He is lackless, deprived of the aspirations ... Special shocks and problems he did not meet in his century, which is guilt of his too caring parents and boric origin. Ilya Ilyich's life flows calmly, and he is too used to it to change anything. With all the inactivity of the bug, it is not empty: he has a lively soul and a rich imagination than he seriously interested Olga Ilinskaya.

What is the meaning of the life of such a person? Oblomov dreams of finding peace, it does not need a vacuum energy of everyday life. His ideal is a calm and measured family life, surrounded by his beloved wife and children. Love is his highest value. That is why love for Olga raised the hero from the sofa. He saw in her what he dreamed about, what was the meaning of his life.

But he found peace, he was not with Olga, but Agafey Pshetitsky. It was Agafya that was able to surround Ilya maternal love and care, as in childhood. Oblomov was able to return to his natural inactive state and to devote himself to his wife and children.

Not everyone is understandable and acceptable ideals Ilya Ilyich. For someone, he will seem lazy and a dicky man. Yes, Oblomov lived a short and invisible life for the world, but he was happy, having lived his last days in a circle of relatives and loved ones. He died, sincerely mourned his beloved wife ...

The lifestyle of Andrei Ivanovich gallets redescocracks with his friend's lifestyle. Andrei does not present his days without constant work. At the same time, throughout the novel, Goncharov does not write about what this hero does it. The meaning of his life is the activity, the implementation of yourself. Like a broom, this ideal was told by the gallery in childhood his parents. Father taught him on his own to seek something to do something.

Despite the huge difference in the worldview, both hero sincerely respect and appreciate each other. And they come correctly, because all people are different and have different ideals, but they are interesting and unique.

What is the sense of life? This is a question that is difficult to find the answer.

Sooner or later, in the life of every person the moment comes when he asks himself, is there a meaning in life. Despite the globality of this rhetorical question, almost every inhabitant of the planet gives himself a simple answer: the meaning of life is that you live. The meaning of life is that life is important.

Roman "Oblomov" wrote Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. The main character of this work has little to be sympathy. He, a person burning life, has no goal. Problems and experiences were rarely met on his life path, which is marina excessive parental careek and noble origin. Ilya life flows measured. Many readers could say that it is empty, but in fact he had a rich inner world. The world of fantasies, beliefs and plans. Earth plans.

Oblomov is eager to find peace and equilibrium. He likes his quiet, imperceptible life. It does not particularly care what is happening around. His goal is calm and dimension. For him, a family was important. Family values \u200b\u200band life, surrounded by loving wife and healthy children. Love for him is the meaning of life. That is why the attraction to Olga makes him wake up. He saw her perfect woman in her.

But "his woman" was not Olga, but Agafia. Only with her he was able to gain peace of mind and felt really happy. Family life, loving wife, children ... In this, he saw the meaning of his life. Banally, tell me. Perhaps, the majority of people on the planet Earth live just such dreams.

Not everyone impress the ideals of Oblomov. Inaction is his main drawback. In his life, almost nothing happens, she stands still, but Oblomov does not oppress it, but moreover, it suits. It did not have fire and thirst for life. It did not have that passion, which is present in people who lead an active lifestyle. The life of Oblomov was short. She was imperceptible and boring, but he was happy in his Mirka, having lived the last days in the circle of people who love him.

When he died, closely mourned his death, grieving about him. Then many years have remembered.

But the lifestyle of the Andei Stolz is the absolute opposite of the Oblomov. Active. Purposeful. Life burst in it. Stolz was a workaholic. He treated her work very much. The meaning of his life was movement. Progress. Goncharov in their work does not clarify the genus of the gallery, but this is not so important. The very fact of his employment already characterizes this hero. This hero is engaged in self-realization and certainly causes sympathy.

Their worldview was different, but both hero sincerely appreciate each other and respect. Their union can be called a real friendship. The uniqueness of their friendship is that, despite the fact that neither different, their friendship was strong and indispensable.

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